`(12) United States Patent
`Kennewick et al.
`(10) Patent No.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 7,693,720 B2
`*Apr. 6, 2010
`References Cited
`4,430,669 A
`2/ 984 Cheung .................... .. 358/122
`liiveiitors: Robert A. Kennewick, Seattle, WA
`(US); David Locke, Redmond, WA
`(US); Michael R. Kennewick, Sr.,
`Bcllevue, WA (US); Michael R.
`Kennewick, J r., Bellevue, WA (U S);
`Richard Kennewick, Woodinville, WA
`(US); Tom Freeman, Mercer Island, WA
`(US); Stephen F. Elston, Seattle, WA
`W0 01/73055
`Lin et 211., "A Distributed Architecture for Cooperative Spoken Dia-
`logue Agents With Coherent Dialogue Smte and History”, ASRU‘99,
`Voiccfiox Technologies, lnc., Kirkland,
`WA (US)
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154(5) by 950 days.
`Primary E.ram1'I7er—Jiimes S Wozniak
`(74) Attorney, Agent, or Fzrm—Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw
`Pimmn LU’
`This patent is subject to a terminal dis-
`Jul_ 15, 2003
`prior publication Data
`Us 2004/0193420-Al
`S911 30: 2004
`Related U-S-APPliCafi0l1 Data
`Provisional application No. 60/395,615, filed on Jul.
`15 2002
`Int’ Cl‘
`GIOL 21/00
`G10L 15/18
`01 0L 13/00
`U.S. Cl.
`................... .. 704/275; 257/270; 257/270.1
`Field of Classification Search ............... .. 704/270,
`704/270.1, 275, 257; 709/202
`See application file for complete search history.
`Mobile systems and methods that overcomes the deficiencies
`of prior art speech—based interfaces for telematics applica-
`tions through the use of a complete speech—based information
`query. retrieval, presentation and local or remote command
`environment. This environment makes significant use of con-
`text, prior information, doinani knovvledge, and user specific
`profile data to achieve a natural environment for one or more
`users making queries or commands in multiple domains.
`Through this integrated approach, a complete speech—based
`natural language query and response environment can be
`creatled. Elie .111}’e11t10tIElC1‘:‘aI€S.
`sltlores afiii usgs extensiyegpgr.
`sona pro e in orina ion or eac user,
`ere y improving ie
`reliability of determining the context and presenting the
`expected results for a particular question or command. The
`invention may organize domain specific behavior and infor-
`mation into agents, that are distributable or iipdateable over a
`wide area network. The invention can be used in dynamic
`environments such as those ofmobilc vehicles to control and
`communicate with both vehicle systems and remote systems
`and devices.
`55 Claims, 6 Drawing Sheets
`15 speeciiunic
`Text to Speech
`Tm» speech
`ceiver Coder
`I if
`Update lvizmger
`Data Network! PSTN Te Network Interface
`Giapliinal User
`Speech Processing System Block Dlagram
`Page 1 of 28
`US 7,693,720 B2
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`US 7,693,720 B2
`This application claims priority from U.S. Provisional
`Patent Application Ser. No. 60/3 95,615 filed Jul. 15, 2002, the
`disclosure of which is hereby incorporated by reference by its
`Thepresent invention relates to the retrieval ofonline infor-
`mation and processing of commands through a speech inter-
`face in a vehicle environment. More specifically, the inven-
`tion is a fully integrated environment allowing mobile users to
`ask natural language speech questions or give natural lan-
`guage commands in a wide range of domains, supporting
`local or remote conunands, making local and network queries
`to obtain information, and presenting results in a natural
`r11a11ner even i11 cases where the question asked or the
`responses received are incomplete, ambiguous or subjective.
`Telematics systems are systems that bring human-com-
`puter interfaces to vehicular environments. Conventional
`computer interfaces use some combination of keyboards,
`keypads, point and click teclmiques and touch screen dis-
`plays. These conventional interface techniques are generally
`not suitable for a vehicular environment, owing to the speed
`of interaction and the inherent danger and distraction. There-
`fore, speech interfaces are being adopted ir1 many telematics
`However, creating a natural language speech interface that
`is suitable for use in the vehicular environment has proved
`difficult. A general—purpose telematics system must accom-
`modate conunands a11d queries from a wide range of domains
`and fror11 many users with diverse preferences a11d needs.
`Further, multiple vehicle occupants may want to use such
`systems, often simultaneously. Finally, most vehicle environ-
`ments are relatively noisy, making accurate speech recogni-
`tion inherently difiicult.
`Human retrieval of both local and network hosted online
`information and processing of commands in a natural manner
`remains a difficult problem in any environment, especially
`onboard vehicles. Cognitive research on human interaction
`shows that a person asking a question or giving a command
`typically relies heavily on context and the domain knowledge
`of the person answering. On the other hand, machine-based
`queries of documents and databases and execution of com— ,
`mands must be highly structured and are not inherently natu-
`ral to the human user. Thus, human questions and commands
`and machine processing of queries are fundamentally incom-
`patible. Yet the ability to allow a person to make natural
`language speech—based queries remains a desirable goal.
`Much work covering multiple methods has been done in
`the fields of natural language processing and speech recog-
`nition. Speech recognition has steadily improved in accuracy
`and today is successfiilly used in a wide range ofapplications.
`Natural language processing has previously been applied to
`the parsing of speech queries. Yet, no system developed pro-
`vides a complete environment for users to make natural lar1-
`guage speech queries or commands and receive natural
`sounding responses in a vehicular environment. There remain
`a number of significant barriers to creation of a complete
`natural language speech—based query and response environ-
`The fact that mo st natural language queries and commands
`are incomplete in their definition is a significant banier to
`natural human query-response interaction. Further, some
`questions can only be interpreted in the context of previous
`questions, knowledge of the domain, or the user’s history of
`interests and preferences. Thus, some natural language ques-
`tions a11d commands may not be easily transformed to
`machine processable form. Compounding this problem,
`many natural language questions may be ambiguous or sub-
`10 jective. In these cases, the formation ofa machine processable
`query and returning of a natural language response is difiicult
`at best.
`Even once a question is asked, parsed and interpreted
`machine processable queries and conunands must be formu-
`lated. Depending on the nature of the question, there may not
`be a simple set of queries returning an adequate response.
`Several queries may need to be initiated and even these que-
`ries may need to be chained or concatenated, to achieve a
`complete result. Further, no single available source may
`include the entire set of results required. Thus multiple que-
`ries, perhaps with several parts, need to be made to multiple
`data sources, which can be both local or on a network. Not all
`of these sources and queries will return useful results or any
`results at all. Ir1 a mobile or vehicular environment, the use of
`wireless conununications compounds the chances that que-
`ries will not complete or return useful results. Useful results
`that are retunied are often embedded in other information,
`and from which they may need to be extracted. For example,
`a few key words or numbers often need to be “scraped” from
`a larger amount ofother information in a text string, table, list,
`page or other information. At the same time, other extraneous
`information such as graphics or pictures needs to be removed
`to process the response in speech. In any case, the multiple
`results must be evaluated and combined to form the best
`possible answer, even in the case where some queries do not
`return useful results or fail entirely. In cases where the ques-
`tion is ambiguous or the result inherently subjective, deter-
`mining the best result to present is a complex process. Finally,
`to maintain a natural
`interaction, responses need to be
`returned rapidly to the user. Managing and evaluating com-
`plex and uncertain queries while maintaining real-time per-
`formance is a significant challenge.
`These and other drawbacks exist in existing systems.
`An object of the invention is to overco111e these and other
`drawbacks of prior speech—based telematic systems.
`According to one aspect of the invention, systems and
`methods are provided that may overcome deficiencies ofprior
`systems through the application of a complete speech—based
`information query, retrieval, presentation and command envi-
`ronment. This enviromnent makes significant use of context,
`prior information, domain knowledge, and user specific pro-
`file data to achieve a natural environment for one or more
`users making queries or commands in multiple domains.
`Through this integrated approach, a speech—based natural
`language query, response and command environment is cre-
`ated. Further, at each step in the process, accommodation may
`be made for full or partial failure and graceful recovery. The
`robustness to partial failure is achieved through the use of
`probabilistic and fuzzy reasoning at several stages of the
`process. This robustness to partial failure promotes the feel-
`ing of a natural response to questions and commands.
`According to another aspect of the invention. a mobile
`interactive natural language speech system (herein “the sys-
`Page 10 of 28
`US 7,693,720 B2
`tem”) is provided that includes a speech unit. The speech unit
`may be incorporated into a vehicle computer device or sys-
`tem, or may be a separate device. If a separate device, the
`speech unit may be comiected to the vehicle computer device
`via a wircd or wirclcss coimcction. In some embodiments, thc
`interactive natural language speech device can be handheld.
`The handheld device may interface witl1 vehicle computers or
`other electronic control systems through wired or wireless
`links. The handheld device can also operate independently of
`the vehicle. The handheld device can be used to remotely
`control the vehicle through a wireless local area connection,
`a wide area wireless connection or through other con1n1ur1i-
`cation links.
`According to another aspcct of the invention, thc system
`may include a stand alone or networked PC attached to a
`vehicle, a standalone or networked fixed computer iii a home
`or oflice, a PDA, wireless phone, or other portable computer
`device, or other computer device or system. For convenience,
`these and other computer alternatives shall be simply referred
`to as a computer. One aspect of the invention includes soft-
`ware that is installed onto tl1e computer, where the software
`includes one or more of the following modules: a speech
`rccognition module for capturing the uscr input; a parscr for
`parsing the input, a text to speech engine module for convert-
`ing text to speech; a network interface for enabling the com-
`puter to interface with one or more networks; a graphical user
`interface module, an event manager for managing events and
`other modules. In some embodiments the event manager is in
`communication with a dictionary and phrases module, a user
`profile module that enables user profiles to be created, modi-
`fied and accessed, a personality module that enables various
`personalities to be created and used, an agent module, an
`update manager and one or more databases. It will be under-
`stood that this software can be distributed in any way between
`a handheld device, a computer attached to a vehicle, a desktop
`computer or a server without altering the function, features,
`scopc, or intent of thc invention.
`According to one aspect of the invention, and regardless of
`the distribution of the functionality, the system may include a
`speech interface device that receives spoken natural language
`queries, commands and/or other utterances from a user, and a
`computer device or system that receives input from the speech
`unit and processes the input (e.g.. retrieves information
`responsive to the query, takes action consistent with the com-
`mand and performs other functions as detailed herein), and
`rcsponds to thc uscr with a natural language spccch rcsponsc.
`According to another aspect ofinvention, the system can be
`interfaced by wired or wireless connections to one or more
`vehicle-related systems. These vehicle-related systems can
`themselves be distributed between electronic controls or .
`computers attached to the vehicle or external to the vehicle.
`Vehicle systems employed can include, electronic control
`systems, entertainment devices, navigation equipment, and
`measurement equipment or
`sensors. External
`cmploycd include those uscd during vchiclc opcration, such
`as, weight sensors, payment systems, emergency assistance
`remote ordering systems, and automated or
`attended customer service functions. Systems 011 the vehicle
`typically communicate with external systems via wireless
`communications networks.
`According to another aspect of the invention, the system
`car1 be deployed in a network of devices using common base
`of agents, data, information, user profiles and histories. Each
`uscr can thcn interact with, and receive thc same services and
`applications at any location equipped with the required device
`on the network. For example, multiple devices on which tl1e
`invention is deployed, and connected to a network, can be
`placed at different locations throughout a home, place of
`business, vehicle or other location. In such a case, the system
`can use tl1e location ofthe particular device addressed by tl1e
`user as part of the context for the questions asked.
`According to some aspects of thc invcntion, domain spc-
`cific behavior and information are organized into agents.
`Agents are executables that receive, process and respond to
`user questions, queries and commands. The agents provide
`convenient and re-distributable packages or modules of func-
`tionality, typically for a specific domain. Agents can be pack-
`ages of executable code, scripts, links to information, data,
`ar1d other data forms, required to provide a specific/package
`of functionality, usually in a specific domain. In other words,
`an agent may include cvcrything that is nccdcd to cxtcnd thc
`functionality of the invention to a new domain. Further,
`agents and their associated data canbe updated remotely over
`a network as new behavior is added or new information
`becomes available. Agents can use system resources and the
`services of other, typically more specialized, agents. Agents
`‘ can be distributed and redistributed in a number of ways
`including on removable storage media, transfer over net-
`works or attached to emails and other messages. An update
`mangcr is uscd to add ncw agents to the system or update
`existing agents.
`The software behavior and data in an agent can either be of
`a general-purpose nature or specific to a domain or area of
`functionality. One or more system agents include general-
`purpose behaviors and data, which provide core or foundation
`services for more specialized domain or system agents.
`Examples of general-purpose functionality include transmit-
`ting and receiving information over data networks, parsing
`text strings, general commands to the interactive natural lan-
`guage telematics speech interface, and other functions. For
`example, a specific system agent may be used to transmit and
`receive information over a particular type of network, and
`may use the services of a more general network agent.
`Domain spccific agents include the bchavior and data
`required for a specific area of functionality. More specialized
`domain agents can use the functionality of more generalized
`domain agents. Areas offunctionality or specific domains are
`broadly divided into two categories, query and response, and
`control. Examples of query and response domains include
`driving directions, travel services, entertainment scheduling,
`ar1d other information, Agents may ir1,
`turn query other
`agents. For example, a fast food ordering agent, may use the
`services of a rcstaurant ordcring agent and payment agcnt,
`which may in turn, use the services of location agent and a
`travel services agent. Control domains include control of
`specific devices on a vehicle. In each case, the agent includes
`or has access to the data and functionality required to control
`the device through the appropriate interfaces. For example, a
`specific domain agent may be used to control the windshield
`wipers or1 a vehicle. In another example, a domain agent for
`controlling the vehicle’ s headlights may use the services of a
`lighting control agcnt, which may use thc services of an
`electrical device control agent. Some domains, and therefore
`agents, may combine aspects of control with query and
`response functionality. For example, a user may wish to listen
`to a particular piece of music. In this case, the domain agent
`will make one or more queries, possibly using the services of
`other agents, to locate a source for the music and retrieve it.
`Next, the domain agent will activate a suitable player for tl1e
`format ofthe mu sic, again possibly using the services ofother
`The invention may provide license management capability
`allowing the sale of agents by third parties to one or more
`users on a one time or subscription basis. In addition, users
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`US 7,693,720 B2
`with particular expertise can create agents, update existing
`agents by adding new behaviors and information and making
`these agents to other users.
`Given the desire for domain specific behavior, user specific
`behavior and domain specific information, the invention may
`allow both users and content providers to extend the system
`capabilities, add data to local data sources, and add references
`to network data sources. To allow coverage of the widest
`possible range of topics and support for the widest range of
`devices, the system may allow third party content developers
`to develop, distribute and sell specialized or domain specific
`system programs and information. Content is created though
`creation of new agents, scripting existing agents, adding new
`data to agents or databases, and adding or modifying Links to
`information sources. Distribution of this information is sen-
`sitive to the user’s interests a11d use history and to their will-
`ingness to pay for it.
`According to another aspect of the invention, the system
`may include mechanisms to allow users themselves to post
`and distribute agents and information in their particular areas
`ofexpertise, to improved system capability. Further, users can
`extend the system a