`First edition
`Information technology — Coding of
`moving pictures and associated audio for
`digital storage media at up to about
`1,5 Mbitls -
`Part 1:
`Techno/ogies de l'information —— Codage de /‘image animée et du son
`associé pour /es supports de stockage numérique jusqu’a environ
`1,5 Mbit/s -
`Partie 7: Systémes
`PAGE 1 OF 60
`ISO/IEC 11172~1:1993(E)
`Reference number
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`ISO/IEC 11172-1: 1993 (E)
`Foreword ................................................................................................. ..i ii
`Introduction ............................................................................................. ..iv
`Section 1: General ...................................................................................... ..l
`Scope ............................................................................................. ..l
`Normative references .......................................................................... .. 1
`Section 2: Technical elements ........................................................................ ..3
`Definitions ...................................................................................... ..3
`Symbols and abbreviations ................................................................ .. 1 l
`2.3 Method of describing bit stream syntax ................................................. .. 13
`Requirements .................................................................................. .. 15
`Description of the system coding layer .................................................. .. 29
`List of patent holders ........................................................................ ..50
`© ISO/IEC 1993
`All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by
`any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without
`permission in writing from the publisher.
`ISO/IEC Copyright Office - Case Postale 56 - CHl2ll Geneve 20 - Switzerland
`Printed in Switzerland.
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`ISO/IEC 11172-1: 1993 (E)
`ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the Inter-
`national Electrotechnical Commission) form the specialized system for
`worldwide standardization. National bodies that are members of ISO or
`IEC participate in the development of
`International Standards through
`technical committees established by the respective organization to deal
`with particular fields of technical activity.
`ISO and IEC technical com-
`mittees collaborate in fields of mutual interest. Other international organ-
`izations, governmental and non—governmental,
`in liaison with ISO and IEC,
`also take part in the work.
`In the field of information technology, ISO and IEC have established a joint
`technical committee, ISO/IEC JTC 1. Draft International Standards adopted
`by the joint technical committee are circulated to national bodies for vot-
`ing. Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least
`75 % of the national bodies casting a vote.
`International Standard ISO/IEC 11172-1 was prepared by Joint Technical
`Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1, Information technology. Sub-Committee SC 29,
`Coded representation of audio, picture, multimedia and hypermedia infor-
`ISO/IEC 11172 consists of the following parts, under the general title In-
`formation technology — Coding of moving pictures and associated audio
`for digital storage media at up to about 1,5 Mbit/s:
`— Part 7: Systems
`—— Part2: Video
`—— Part 3: Audio
`— Part 4.’ Compliance testing
`Annexes A and B of this part of ISO/IEC 11172 are for information only.
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`ISO/IEC 11172-1: 1993 (E)
`Note -- Readers interested in an overview of the MPEG Systems layer should read this Introduction and then
`proceed to annex A, before returning to the clauses 1 and 2. Since the system target decoder concept is
`referred to throughout both the normative and informative clauses of this part of ISO/IEC 11172, it may
`also be useful to refer to clause 2.4, and particularly 2.4.2, where the system target decoder is described.
`The systems specification addresses the problem of combining one or more data streams from the video and
`audio parts of this Intemational Standard with timing information to form a single stream. Once combined
`into a single stream, the data are in a form well suited to digital storage or transmission. The syntactical
`and semantic rules imposed by this systems specification enable synchronized playback without overflow or
`underflow of decoder buffers under a wide range of stream retrieval or receipt conditions. The scope of
`syntactical and semantic rules set forth in the systems specification differ: the syntactical rules apply to
`systems layer coding only, and do not extend to the compression layer coding of the video and audio
`specifications; by contrast, the semantic rules apply to the combined stream in its entirety.
`The systems specification does not specify the architecture or implementation of encoder or decoders.
`However, bitstream properties do impose functional and perfonnance requirements on encoders and decoders.
`For instance, encoders must meet minimum clock tolerance requirements. Notwithstanding this and other
`requirements, a considerable degree of freedom exists in the design and irnpletnentation of encoders and
`A prototypical audio/video decoder system is depicted in figure 1 to illustrate the function of an ISO/IEC
`11172 decoder. The architecture is not unique -- System Decoder functions including decoder timing control
`might equally well be distributed among elementary stream decoders and the Medium Specific Decoder -- but
`this figure is useful for discussion. The prototypical decoder design does not imply any normative
`requirement for the design of an ISO/IEC 11172 decoder. Indeed non-audio/video data is also allowed, but
`not shown.
`I’ "'
`"'" "'
`“T30/'fEc1'T72" _ _
`Audio \
` I
`Figure 1
`-- Prototypical ISO/IEC 11172 decoder
`The prototypical ISO/IEC 11172 decoder shown in figure 1 is composed of System, Video, and Audio
`decoders conforming to Parts 1, 2, and 3, respectively, of ISO/IEC 11172. In this decoder the multiplexed
`coded representation of one or more audio and/or video streams is assumed to be stored on a digital storage
`medium ODSM), or network, in some medium-specific format. The medium specific fonnat is not governed
`by this International Standard, nor is the medium-specific decoding part of the prototypical ISO/IEC 11172
`The prototypical decoder accepts as input an ISO/IEC 11172 multiplexed stream and relies on a System
`Decoder to extract timing information from the stream. The System Decoder demultiplexes the stream, and
`the elementary streams so produced serve as inputs to Video and Audio decoders, whose outputs are decoded
`video and audio signals. Included in the design, but not shown in the figure, is the flow of timing
`information among the System Decoder, the Video and Audio Decoders, and the Medium Specific Decoder.
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`ISO/IEC m72—1: 1993 (E)
`The Video and Audio Decoders are synchronized with each other and with the DSM using this timing
`ISO/IEC 11 172 multiplexed streams are constructed in two layers: a system layer and a compression layer.
`The input stream to the System Decoder has a system layer wrapped about a compression layer. Input
`streams to the Video and Audio decoders have only the compression layer.
`Operations performed by the System Decoder either apply to the entire ISO/IEC 11172 multiplexed stream
`("multiplex-wide operations"), or to individual elementary streams ("stream-specific operations"). The
`ISO/IEC 11172 system layer is divided into two sub—layers, one for multiplex-wide operations (the pack
`layer), and one for stream-specific operations (the packet layer).
`0.1 Multiplex-wide operations (pack layer)
`Multiplex—wide operations include the coordination of data retrieval off the DSM, the adjustment of clocks,
`and the management of buffers. The tasks are intimately related. If the rate of data delivery off the DSM is
`controllable, then DSM delivery may be adjusted so that decoder buffers neither overflow nor underflow;
`but if the DSM rate is not controllable, then elementary stream decoders must slave their timing to the
`DSM to avoid overflow or underflow.
`ISO/IEC 11172 multiplexed streams are composed of packs whose headers facilitate the above tasks. Pack
`headers specify intended times at which each byte is to enter the system decoder from the DSM, and this
`target arrival schedule serves as a reference for clock correction and buffer management. The schedule need
`not be followed exactly by decoders, but they must compensate for deviations about it.
`An additional multiplex-wide operation is a decoder's ability to establish what resources are required to
`decode an ISO/IEC 11172 multiplexed stream. The first pack of each ISO/IEC 11172 multiplexed stream
`conveys parameters to assist decoders in this task. Included, for example, are the stream's maximum data
`rate and the highest number of simultaneous video channels.
`Individual stream operations (packet
`The principal strezun-specific operations are 1) demultiplexing, and 2) synchronizing playback of multiple
`elementary streams. These topics are discussed next.
`0.2.1 Demultiplexing
`On encoding, lSO/IEC 11172 multiplexed streams are formed by multiplexing elementary streams.
`Elementary streams may include private, reserved, and padding streams in addition to ISO/IEC 11172 audio
`and video streams. The streams are temporally subdivided into packets, and the packets are serialized. A
`packet contains coded bytes from one and only one elementary strezun.
`Both fixed and variable packet lengths are allowed subject to constraints in and in 2.4.5 and 2.4.6.
`011 decoding, demultiplexing is required to reconstitute elementary strezuns from the ISO/IEC 11172
`multiplexed stream. This is made possible by strearn_id codes in packet headers.
`0.2.2 Synchronization
`Synchronization among multiple streams is effected with presentation time stamps in the ISO/IEC 11172
`multiplexed stream. The time stamps are in units of 90kHz. Playback of N streams is synchronized by
`adjusting the playback of all streams to a master time base rather than by adjusting the playback of one
`strezun to match that of another. The master time base may be one of the N decoders‘ clocks, the DSM or
`channel clock, or it may be some external clock.
`Because presentation time—stamps apply to the decoding of individual elementary streams, they reside in the
`packet layer. End—to-end synchronization occurs when encoders record tirne-stamps at capture time, when
`the time stamps propagate with associated coded data to decoders, and when decoders use those timestamps
`to schedule presentations.
`Synchronization is also possible with DSM timing time stzunps in the multiplexed data stream.
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`ISO/IEC 11172-1: 1993 (E)
`(:3 ISO/IEC
`0.2.3 Relation to compression layer
`It is independent in
`The packet layer is independent of the compression layer in some senses, but not in all.
`the sense that packets need not start at compression layer start codes, as defined in parts 2 and 3. For
`example, a video packet may start at any byte in the video stream. However,
`time stamps encoded in
`packet headers apply to presentation times of compression layer constructs (namely, presentation units).
`System reference decoder
`Part 1 of ISO/IEC 11172 employs a "system target decoder," (STD) to provide a formalism for timing and
`buffering relationships. Because the STD is parameterized in terms of fields defined in ISO/IEC 11172 (for
`example, buffer sizes) each ISO/IEC 11172 multiplexed stream leads to its own parameterization of the
`STD. It is up to encoders to ensure that bitstreams they produce will play in normal speed, forward play on
`corresponding STDs. Physical decoders may assume that a stream plays properly on its STD; the physical
`decoder must compensate for ways in which its design differs from that of the STD.
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`ISO/IEC 11172-1: 1993 (E)
`Information technology — Coding of moving
`pictures and associated audio for digital storage
`media at up to about 1,5 Mbit/s ——-
`Part 1:
`Section 1: General
`1.1 Scope
`This part of ISO/IEC 11172 specifies the system layer of the coding. It was developed principally to
`support the combination of the video and audio coding methods defined in ISO/IEC 11172—?. and ISO/IEC
`11172-3. The system layer supports five basic functions:
`a) the synchronization of multiple compressed streams on playback,
`b) the interleaving of multiple compressed streams into a single stream,
`c) the initialization of buffering for playback start up,
`(1) continuous buffer management, and
`e) time identification.
`An ISO/IEC 11172 multiplexed bit stream is constructed in two layers: the outennost layer is the system
`layer, and the innermost is the compression layer. The system layer provides the functions necessary for
`using one or more compressed data streams in a system. The video and audio parts of this specification
`define the compression coding layer for audio and video data. Coding of other types of data is not defined by
`the specification, but is supported by the system layer provided that the other types of data adhere to the
`constraints defined in clause 2.4.
`1.2 Normative references
`The following International Standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute
`provisions of this part of lSO/IEC 11172. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All
`standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this part of ISO 11172 are encouraged
`to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards indicated below.
`Members of IEC and ISO maintain registers of currently valid International Standards.
`ISO/IEC 11172-2:1993 Information technology - Coding of moving pictures and associated audio for digital
`storage media at up to about 1,5 Mbit/s — Part 2: Video.
`ISO/IEC 11172-321993 Information technology - Coding of moving pictures and associated audio for digital
`storage media at up to about 1,5 Mbit/s - Part 3 Audio.
`CCIR Recorrunendation 601-2 Encoding parameters of digital television for studios.
`CCIR Report 624-4 Characteristics of systems for monochrome and colour television.
`CCIR Reconunendation 648 Recording of audio signals.
`CCIR Report 955—2 Sound broadcasting by satellite for portable and mobile receivers, including Annex IV
`Summary description of Advanced Digital System /1.
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`ISO/IEC 11172-1: 1993 (E)
`CCITI‘ Recommendation J .17 Pre~emphasis used on Sound-Programme Circuits.
`IEEE Draft Standard P1180/D2 1990 Specification for the implementation of 8x 8 inverse discrete cosine
`IEC publication 908:1987 CD Digital Audio System.
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`ISO/IEC 11172-1: 1993 (E)
`Section 2: Technical elements
`2.1 Definitions
`For the purposes of ISO/IEC 11172, the following definitions apply. If specific to a part, this is noted in
`square brackets.
`2.1.1 ac coefficient [video]: Any DCT coefficient for which the frequency in one or both dimensions
`is non—zero.
`In the case of compressed audio an access unit is an audio access unit.
`2.1.2 access unit [system]:
`the case of compressed video an access unit is the coded representation of a picture.
`2.1.3 adaptive segmentation [audio]: A subdivision of the digital representation of an audio signal
`in variable segments of time.
`2.1.4 adaptive bit allocation [audio]: The assignment of bits to subbands in a time and frequency
`varying fashion according to a psychoacoustic model.
`2.1.5 adaptive noise allocation [audio]: The assignment of coding noise to frequency bands in a
`time and frequency varying fashion according to a psychoacoustic model.
`2.1.6 alias [audio]: Mirrored signal component resulting from sub—Nyquist sampling.
`2.1.7 analysis filterbank [audio]: Filterbank in the encoder that transforms a broadband PCM audio
`signal into a set of subsampled subband samples.
`2.1.8 audio access unit [audio]: For Layers I and II an audio access unit is defined as the smallest
`part of the encoded bitstream which can be decoded by itself, where decoded means "fully reconstructed
`sound". For Layer III an audio access unit is part of the bitstream that is decodable with the use of
`previously acquired main infonnation.
`2.1.9 audio buffer [audio]: A buffer in the system target decoder for storage of compressed audio data.
`2.1.10 audio sequence [audio]: A non-interrupted series of audio frames in which the following
`parameters are not changed:
`- ID
`- Layer
`- Sampling Frequency
`- For Layer 1 and II: Bitrate index
`2.1.11 backward motion vector [video]: A motion vector that is used for motion compensation
`from a reference picture at a later time in display order.
`2.1.12 Bark [audio]: Unit of critical band rate. The Bark scale is a non-linear mapping of the frequency
`scale over the audio range closely corresponding with the frequency selectivity of the human ear across the
`2.1.13 bidirectionally predictive-coded picture; B-picture [video]: A picture that is coded
`using motion compensated prediction from a past and/or future reference picture.
`2.1.14 bitrate: The rate at which the compressed bitstream is delivered from the storage medium to the
`input of a decoder.
`2.1.15 block companding [audio]: Normalizing of the digital representation of an audio signal
`within a certain time period.
`2.1.16 block [video]: An 8-row by 8—column orthogonal block of pels.
`2.1.17 bound [audio]: The lowest subband in which intensity stereo coding is used.
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`ISO/IEC 11172-1: 1993 (E)
`2.1.18 byte aligned: A bit in a coded bitstrearn is byte-aligned if its position is a multiple of 8—bits
`from the first bit in the stream.
`2.1.19 byte: Sequence of 8~bits.
`2.1.20 channel: A digital medium that stores or transports an ISO/IEC 11172 stream.
`2.1.21 channel [audio]: The left and right channels of a stereo signal
`2.1.22 chrominance (component) [video]: A matrix, block or single pel representing one of the
`two colour difference signals related to the primary colours in the manner defined in CCIR Rec 601. The
`symbols used for the colour difference signals are Cr and Ch.
`2.1.23 coded audio bitstream [audio]: A coded representation of an audio signal as specified in
`ISO/IEC 11172-3.
`2.1.24 coded video bitstream [video]: A coded representation of a series of one or more pictures as
`specified in ISO/IEC 11172-2.
`2.1.25 coded order [video]: The order in which the pictures are stored and decoded. This order is not
`necessarily the same as the display order.
`2.1.26 coded representation: A data element as represented in its encoded form.
`2.1.27 coding parameters [video]: The set of user—definable parameters that characterize a coded video
`bitstream. Bitstreams are characterised by coding parameters. Decoders are characterised by the bitstreams
`that they are capable of decoding.
`2.1.28 component [video]: A matrix, block or single pel from one of the three matrices (luminance
`and two chrominance) that make up a picture.
`2.1.29 compression: Reduction in the number of bits used to represent an item of data.
`2.1.30 constant bitrate coded video [video]: A compressed video bitstrearn with a constant
`average bitrate.
`2.1.31 constant bitrate: Operation where the bitrate is constant from start to finish of the compressed
`2.1.32 constrained parameters [video]: The values of the set of coding parameters defined in
` of ISO/IEC 11172-2.
`2.1.33 constrained system parameter stream (CSPS) [system]: An ISO/IEC 11172
`multiplexed stream for which the constraints defined in 2.4.6 of this part of ISO/IEC 11172 apply.
`2.1.34 CRC: Cyclic redundancy code.
`2.1.35 critical band rate [audio]: Psychoacoustic function of frequency. At a given audible
`frequency it is proportional to the number of critical bands below that frequency. The units of the critical
`band rate scale are Barks.
`2.1.36 critical band [audio]: Psychoacoustic measure in the spectral domain which corresponds to the
`frequency selectivity of the human ear. This selectivity is expressed in Bark.
`2.1.37 data element: An item of data as represented before encoding and after decoding.
`2.1.38 dc-coefficient [video]: The DCT coefficient for which the frequency is zero in both
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`ISO/IEC 11172-1: 1993 (E)
`2.1.39 dc-coded picture; D-picture [video]: A picture that is coded using only information from
`itself. Of the DCT coefficients in the coded representation, only the dc—coefficients are present.
`2.1.40 DCT coefficient: The amplitude of a specific cosine basis function.
`2.1.41 decoded stream: The decoded reconstruction of a compressed bitstream.
`2.1.42 decoder input buffer [video]: The first-in first-out
`buffering verifier.
`(FIFO) buffer specified in the video
`2.1.43 decoder input rate [video]: The data rate specified in the video buffering verifier and encoded
`in the coded video bitstream.
`2.1.44 decoder: An embodiment of a decoding process.
`2.1.45 decoding (process): The process defined in ISO/IEC 11172 that reads an input coded bitstream
`and produces decoded pictures or audio samples.
`2.1.46 decoding time-stamp; DTS [system]: A field that may be present in a packet header that
`indicates the time that an access unit is decoded in the system target decoder.
`2.1.47 de-emphasis [audio]: Filtering applied to 2m audio signal after storage or transmission to undo
`a linear distortion due to emphasis.
`2.1.48 dequantization [video]: The process of rescaling the quantized DCT coefficients after their
`representation in the bitstream has been decoded and before they are presented to the inverse DCT.
`2.1.49 digital storage media; DSM: A digital storage or transmission device or system.
`2.1.50 discrete cosine transform; DCT [video]: Either the forward discrete cosine transform or the
`inverse discrete cosine transform. The DCT is an invertible, discrete orthogonal transfonnation. The
`inverse DCT is defined in annex A of ISO/IEC 11172-2.
`2.1.51 display order [video]: The order in which the decoded pictures should be displayed. Normally
`this is the same order in which they were presented at the input of the encoder.
`2.1.52 dual channel mode [audio]: A mode, where two audio channels with independent programme
`contents (e.g. bilingual) are encoded within one bitstream. The coding process is the same as for the stereo
`2.1.53 editing: The process by which one or more compressed bitstreams are manipulated to produce a
`new compressed bitstream. Conforming edited bitstreams must meet the requirements defined in ISO/IEC
`2.1.54 elementary stream [system]: A generic term for one of the coded video, coded audio or other
`coded bitstreams.
`2.1.55 emphasis [audio]: Filtering applied to an audio signal before storage or transmission to
`improve the signal~to—noise ratio at high frequencies.
`2.1.56 encoder: An embodiment of an encoding process.
`2.1.57 encoding (process): A process, not specified in ISO/IEC 11172, that reads a stream of input
`pictures or audio samples and produces a valid coded bitstream as defined in ISO/IEC 11172.
`2.1.58 entropy coding: Variable length lossless coding of the digital representation of a signal to
`reduce redundancy.
`2.1.59 fast forward playback [video]: The process of displaying a sequence, or parts of a sequence,
`of pictures in display-order faster than real—ti1ne.
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`ISO/IEC 11172-1: 1993 (E)
`2.1.60 FFT: Fast Fourier Transfonnation. A fast algorithm for performing a discrete Fourier transform
`(an orthogonal transform).
`2.1.61 filterbank [audio]: A set of band-pass filters covering the entire audio frequency range.
`2.1.62 fixed segmentation [audio]: A subdivision of the digital representation of an audio signal
`into fixed segments of time.
`2.1.63 forbidden: The term "forbidden" when used in the clauses defining the coded bitstream indicates
`that the value shall never be used. This is usually to avoid emulation of start codes.
`2.1.64 forced updating [video]: The process by which macroblocks are intra-coded from time-to-time
`to ensure that mismatch errors between the inverse DCT processes in encoders and decoders cannot build up
`2.1.65 forward motion vector [video]: A motion vector that is used for motion compensation from
`a reference picture at an earlier time in display order.
`2.1.66 frame [audio]: A part of the audio signal that corresponds to audio PCM samples from an
`Audio Access Unit.
`2.1.67 free format [audio]: Any bitrate other than the defined bitrates that is less than the maximum
`valid bitrate for each layer.
`2.1.68 future reference picture [video]: The future reference picture is the reference picture that
`occurs at a later time than the current picture in display order.
`2.1.69 granules [Layer II] [audio]: The set of 3 consecutive subband samples from all 32 subbands
`that are considered together before quantization. They correspond to 96 PCM samples.
`2.1.70 granules [Layer III] [audio]: 576 frequency lines that carry their own side information.
`2.1.71 group of pictures [video]: A series of one or more coded pictures intended to assist random
`access. The group of pictures is one of the layers in the coding syntax defined in ISO/IEC 11172-2.
`2.1.72 Hann window [audio]: A time function applied sample-by-sample to a block of audio samples
`before Fourier transformation.
`2.1.73 Huffman coding: A specific method for entropy coding.
`2.1.74 hybrid filterbank [audio]: A serial combination of subband filterbank and MDCT.
`2.1.75 IMDCT [audio]: Inverse Modified Discrete Cosine Transform.
`2.1.76 intensity stereo [audio]: A method of exploiting stereo irrelevance or redundancy in
`stereophonic audio programmes based on retaining at high frequencies only the energy envelope of the right
`and left channels.
`2.1.77 interlace [video]: The property of conventional television pictures where alternating lines of
`the picture represent different instances in time.
`2.1.78 intra coding [video]: Coding of a macroblock or picture that uses information only from that
`macroblock or picture.
`2.1.79 intra-coded picture; I-picture [video]: A picture coded using information only from itself.
`2.1.80 ISO/IEC 11172 (multiplexed) stream [system]: A bitstream composed of zero or more
`elementary streams combined in the manner defined in this part of ISO/IEC 11172.
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`ISO/IEC 11172-1: 1993 (E)
`2.1.81 joint stereo coding [audio]: Any method that exploits stereophonic irrelevance or
`stereophonic redundancy.
`2.1.82 joint stereo mode [audio]: A mode of the audio coding algorithm using joint stereo coding.
`2.1.83 layer [audio]: One of the levels in the coding hierarchy of the audio system defined in ISO/IEC
`2.1.84 layer [video and systems]: One of the levels in the data hierarchy of the video and system
`specifications defined in this part of ISO/IEC 11172 and ISO/IEC 11172-2.
`2.1.85 luminance (component) [video]: A matrix, block or single pel representing a monochrome
`representation of the signal and related to the primary colours in the manner defined in CCIR Rec 601. The
`symbol used for luminance is Y.
`2.1.86 macroblock [video]: The four 8 by 8 blocks of luminance data and the two corresponding 8 by
`8 blocks of chrominance data coming from a 16 by 16 section of the luminance component of the picture.
`Macroblock is sometimes used to refer to the pel data and sometimes to the coded representation of the pel
`values and other data elements defined in the macroblock layer of the syntax defined in ISO/IEC 11172-2.
`The usage is clear from the context.
`2.1.87 mapping [audio]: Conversion of an audio signal from time to frequency domain by subband
`filtering and/or by MDCT.
`2.1.88 masking [audio]: A property of the human auditory system by which an audio signal cannot be
`perceived in the presence of another audio signal .
`2.1.89 masking threshold [audio]: A function in frequency and time below which an audio signal
`cannot be perceived by the human auditory system.
`2.1.90 MDCT [audio]: Modified Discrete Cosine Transfonn.
`2.1.91 motion compensation [video]: The use of motion vectors to improve the efficiency of the
`prediction of pel values. The prediction uses motion vectors to provide offsets into the past and/or future
`reference pictures containing previously decoded pel values that are used to form the prediction error signal.
`2.1.92 motion estimation [video]: The process of estimating motion vectors during the encoding
`2.1.93 motion vector [video]: A two-dimensional vector used for motion compensation that provides
`an offset from the coordinate position in the current picture to the coordinates in a reference picture.
`2.1.94 MS stereo [audio]: A method of exploiting stereo irrelevance or redundancy in stereophonic
`audio progranunes based on coding the sum and difference signal instead of the left and right channels.
`2.1.95 non-intra coding [video]: Coding of a macroblock or picture that uses information both from
`itself and from macroblocks and pictures occurring at other times.
`2.1.96 non-tonal component [audio]: A noise—like component of an audio signal.
`2.1.97 Nyquist sampling: Sampling at or above twice the maximum bandwidth of a signal.
`2.1.98 pack [system]: A pack consists of a pack header followed by one or more packets.
`in the system coding syntax described in this part of ISO/IEC 11172.
`It is a layer
`2.1.99 packet data [system]: Contiguous bytes of data from an elementary stream present in a packet.
`2.1.100 packet header [system]: The data structure used to convey infonnation about the elementary
`stream data contained in the packet data.
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`ISO/IEC 111724: 1993 (E)
`2.1.101 packet [system]: A packet consists of a header followed by a number of contiguous bytes
`from an elementary data stream. It is a layer in the system coding syntax described in this part of ISO/IEC
`2.1.102 padding [audio]: A method to adjust the average length in time of an audio frame to the
`duration of the corresponding PCM samples, by conditionally adding a slot to the audio frame.
`2.1.103 past reference picture [video]: The past reference picture is the reference picture that occurs
`at an earlier time than the current picture in display order.
`2.1.104 pel aspect ratio [video]: The ratio of the nominal vertical height of pel on the display to its
`nominal horizontal width.
`2.1.105 pel [video]: Picture element.
`2.1.106 picture period [video]: The reciprocal of the picture rate.
`2.1.107 picture rate [video]: The nominal rate at which pictures should be output from the decoding
`2.1.108 picture [video]: Source, coded or reconstructed image data. A source or reconstructed picture
`consists of three rectangular matrices of 8-bit numbers representing the luminance and two chrominance
`signals. The Picture layer is one of the layers in the coding syntax defined in ISO/IEC 11172-2. Note that
`the term "picture" is always used in ISO/IEC 11172 in preference to the terms field or fnune.
`2.1.109 polyphase filterbank [audio]: A set of equal bandwidth filters with special phase
`interrelationships, allowing for an efficient implementation of the filterbank.
`2.1.110 prediction [video]: The use of a predictor to provide an estimate of the pel value or data
`element curr

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