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`SONY EXHIBIT 1016 - 0001

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`~~rn~~nd~~~)~~ purs~~~~n~ to 5 ~J.$.(~. S~2a(rn}.
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`the V~~Jr~d ~nt-eH.:at:tuai }':">rop~~rty Or9.:~~nt:~~~tion, pursoa~r:·~ to ifH~ F:=-~~t~~nt (~:QtJperath:~~·~. 'frt=::;:~ty.
`l~. n~~t:.Grd ~n th~~: &~..-~s-t~H1·~ (~f r~-cord~~ fn~~y· t.~~$ ct~sc~c~$-::.~d: ;:.~~( c~ rout~ne u~~~$ ~ ttJ ~snotf~.::;~r f~:·~:~en~l
`~§gen~:~i fnr purpo~-~$S of N;;.~tton~~ S·ecur~t~l n~~/~~·\ov {3t5 tJti~C~. -~a·~} and fot· .n$.r"~:~~-t~v~~ pursuant to
`th~~ ~\torn~c En~~t~~Y .Act (-42 tJ~S.(~~ ~~if){(~)}.
`,.o., P~}~:::nni fn:.H)·~ thh.~ ~~y~<t~~rn o~~ r~~::tJn:k~ ftH~)·' b~~~ (H~ck~t~~~d ~ e~1 a rr>uth~~~ u~;~:;: to l1··~~~
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`c~:~ntjuet~~d by c;:s:-~\ ~~~$ p~~ft o·f that a~J.::.~ncy~~:; r~~sp:o·n~ib~Et~··· h) n~G~)n·uy~~~nd knp:n:~v~~rn-~~nts in
`n~Gi:~rd~ ~Yt~H~:a~~~~n·~i~nt pr~~Gtl..,:::e~~ and proqrarnt~: ur~·d~~r *~u~J1{~r~ty· ~::& 44 t~,S~(~. 2904 ~~nd 2908.
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`i\ n.~c~:~r-::.i frofn H'"~ks sy~~t~~rn ~)~= n:~C()tt~:::~ rn;:ry be d~~~:;k:.::~;~~d~ ~$.Sa rot~t~n£~ ~~~s.::.~, to~ F~~~~~r~~;{
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`SONY EXHIBIT 1016 - 0002

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`pt~r~;u~~nt to ~N~ :y~q~J~t~rn~~nt~~ of th~~ .,~\ct_ p~~~.:~~~~~ b$ ~~~~~"~%t~d H:~~t ( .. ; ) the q:~~~n~~r~~ ~HJt~1t~6!y !~:;.: the
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`SONY EXHIBIT 1016 - 0004

`"Agreement") !s made on the Effective Date between the following parties:
`C. Earl \'\'oo!fork, an individual, located in Pasadena, CA (US) 91107, and is the
`inventor of the technology described in US Patent No. 7,412,294 (hereinafter
`One-E-Way, Inc, is a corporation organized under the laws of Delaware, and located
`at P.O. Box 70848, Pasadena, CA (US) 91107-9998 (hereinafter, "Corporation"}.
`A. Inventor owns all rights, title, and interesting certain Intellectual Property
`and Transferred Know-how (as defined below}.
`B. Inventor has agreed to sell and/or transfer any and all of his and any and all
`of its affiliates' or agents' right, title, and/or interest in the Intellectual
`Property and Transferred Know-how (as defined below) to Corporation, and
`C, The Corporation has agreed to purchase and accept the same for the
`Consideration (as defined below).
`NOW, IT IS AGREED as follows:
`Definitions and Interpretation
`1.1 Intellectual Property means any and all technologies described and
`pertaining to US Patent No. 7,412,294, and any other foreign or domestic (U.S.}
`Patent Applications filed in the past (including U.S. Patent Application No.
`12/144,729, currently pending] or in the future, relating to U.S. Patent No.
`7.412,294 and U.S. Patent Application No. 12/144,729 andfor the wireless digital
`audio system described therein.
`1.2 Transferred Know-how means any and all reports, processes, formulae,
`drawings, designs, technical information, forms, diagrams, demonstrations,
`presentations, and any and ali communication related materials related to the
`fntellectual Property as defined in Section 1.1.
`13 Effective Date means the date in which this Agreement is affixed with
`both parties' signatures.
`1.4 Person means any natural person, partnership, corporation, trust,
`association, limited liability company, or other legally recognized entity.
`In this Agreement:
`2.1 The headings are inserted for convenience only and shall not affect the
`construction of this Agreement;
`SONY EXHIBIT 1016 - 0005

`2.2 A reference to seH or purchase includes a reference to procure the sale of
`or procure the purchase of or procure the transfer of, as the case may be; and
`2.3 General words introduced by the word "other" shaH not be given a
`restrictive meaning by reason of the fact that they are preceded by words indicating
`a particular class of act, matter, or thing, nor by the fact that they are followed by
`particubr exarnples intended to be embraced by the general words.
`3.1 Effective as of the date signed, Inventor hereby seHs andfor transfers and
`the Corporation hereby purchases andfor accepts any and all of inventor's and any
`of all of his affiliates' or agents' right, tit!e, and/or interest in the Intellectual
`Property and Transferred Know-how, but for the reservations made in the Section
`3.2 The Consideration for the sale andjor transfer in the paragraph above
`shall include:
`3.2.1 One doHar ($1.00) and other good and valuable consideration.
`3.2.2 The Corporation shall provide Inventor and his affiliates or
`agents a perpetual non-exclusive license for the use an enjoyment for internal
`application of products, derivative products, and/or support services related to the
`intellectual Property and Transferred Know-how.
`3.2.3 The Corporation reserves for Inventor and his affiliates and
`agents the pmver and authority to conduct research and publish documents relating
`to the intellectual Property, and otherwise conduct related activity that does not
`negatively affect, to a reasonable person standard, the Corporation's or its affiliates'
`or agents' interests or objectives.
`3.2.4 The Corporation acknowledges and will perpetually continue to
`acknowledge and publicize Inventor as the creator of the Intellectual Property.
`3.2.5 The Corporation reserves for Inventor a right of first refusal
`concerning any resale of the Intellectual Property.
`3.2.6 Netther Inventor nor any of his current or future affiliates or
`agents v;Hl compete with the Corporation in any manner detrimental to the
`Corporation's or its affiliates' or agents' interests or objectives concerning the
`de\relopment, expansion, and/or sale of products or services related to the
`intellectual Property,
`3.2. 7 If any sales tax, value added tax, or other transfer tax is property
`chargeable in respect of the sale and purchase, the Corporation shall pay to the
`Inventor the amount of such tax in addition to and at the same time as the
`Consideration. The Inventor wHl issue to the Corporation a proper tax invoice in
`respect thereof.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1016 - 0006

`3.2B The Corporation hereby acknowledges that the Inventor makes
`no representation or warranty to the Corporation under this Agreement, either
`express or implied or othenvise, with respect to the Intellectual Property and any
`confidential information delivered, including but not limited to matters of accuracy,
`completeness, performance_, non-infringement of third party rights, merchantability,
`or fitness for a particular purpose, as that the above sale and/or transfer, the
`delivery of said Intellectual Property or Transferred Know-how, and any and all
`delivery of confidential information is made to the company on an "as is" basis.
`4.1 Inventor and the Corporation each represents and warrants to the other
`4.1.1 Corporation is organized, vaiidly existing, and in good standing
`under the ia\"v'S of the country or state in which it is incorporated;
`4.1.2 Corporation's execution and delivery of this Agreement, and the
`performance of its obligations under this Agreement, have been duly authorized by
`all necessary corporate action on Corporation's part, and Corporation has fuH
`corporate power. right, and authority to enter into this Agreement, to conduct the
`purchase pursuant to this Agreement, and to perform its obligations hereunder, and
`Inventor also has all power, right and authority to enter into this Agreement and to
`conduct the sale pursuant to this agreement and perform the obligations hereunder;
`4.1.3 Neither the execution nor delivery of this Agreement by it, nor
`the performance by it of any of its obligations under this Agreement .. violates any
`applicable hv,.,: or regulation of any country, state, or other governmental unit, or
`Corporation's Artides or Certificates of Incorporation or Bylaws or other charter
`documents, or constitutes a violation of, or a breach or default under .. any agreement
`or instrument or judgment or order of any court or governmental authority .. to
`which it is a party or to which it is subject or to which any of the Intellectual
`Property or Transferred Knm1v-how is subject;
`4.1.4 This Agreement is a valid and binding obligation of Corporation
`and Inventor, enforceable against either in accordance with its terms, except as such
`enforceabiHty may be Hmited by equitable principles or by bankruptcy or other laws
`affecting creditors' rights generally; and
`4.1.5 No consent, approval, order, or authorization of any person,
`entity, court, or governmental authority is required on its part in connection with
`the execution and delivery of this Agreement or the performance by it of its
`obhganons hereunder.
`4.2 Inventor represents and warrants to the Corporation that:
`4.2.1 He has title to the Intellectual Property and Transferred Know(cid:173)
`how in the form in vvhich it is delivered to the Corporation.:
`SONY EXHIBIT 1016 - 0007

`4.2,2 The Intellectual Property and Transferred Know-how is valid
`and existing in full force and effect;
`4.2.3 The Intel1ectual Property and Transferred Know-how is not
`subject to any proceeding or outstanding decree, order, judgment, settlement, or
`other similar agreement or stipulation that restricts in any manner the use, transfer,
`or !icensing thereof by the Corporation or that affect the validity, use, or
`enforceability of the Intellectual Propert<;;
`4.2,4 No claim or allegation has been made by any person that the
`Intellectual Property infringes upon any United States issued patent, trade secret, or
`copyright of such person; and
`4.25 Inventor knows of no claim by any person that the I nteilectual
`Property and/or Transferred Know-how infringes upon any person's patent,
`copyright, trademark, trade secret, or any other intellectual property of such person,
`or of any applicable !a1N or regulation.
`5.1 The sale and/or purchase of the InteHectual Property and Transferred
`Know-hmv shall be completed, and legal title and ovvnership in respect of the
`Intellectual Property and Transferred Know-how shaH be deemed to pass to the
`Corporation, in each case, as of the Effective Date.
`5.2 Inventor shall:
`5.2,1 Cause to be delivered or made available to the Corporation such
`c:dditional documents as the Corporation may reasonably require to complete the
`sale and/ or purchase of the InteHectual Property and Transferred Know-how; and
`5.2.2 Do such other things reasonably necessary to give full effect to
`this Agreement
`5.3 Corporation shall:
`5.3.1 Timely pay or cause to be paid the Consideration in cash to the
`Inventor in the manner as Inventor may direct;
`5.3.2 Cause to be delivered to made available to Inventor such
`additional documents as Inventor may reasonably require to complete the sale
`and .for purchase of the Jm:ellectual Property; and
`5.33 Do such other things reasonably necessary to give full effect to
`this i-\greement~
`6,1 The Corporation grants to Inventor and his affiliates or agents a
`perpetual, royalty-free, non-exclusive license to use all Intellectual Property and
`SONY EXHIBIT 1016 - 0008

`Transferred Kno•A·-how that has a relation or application to the business of the
`inventor and that does not negatively affect, to a reasonable person standard, the
`Corporation's or its affHiates' or agents' interests or objectives.
`7.1 This agreement sets for the entire understanding and agreement among
`the parties as to matters covered herein and therein and supersedes any prior
`understanding, agreement .. or statement, written or oraL of intent among the parties
`with respect to the subject matter hereof.
`8.1 This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of
`wh;ch shall be deemed to be an original and all of which together shaH be deemed to
`be one and the same instrument
`9.1 No '.\•aiver shaH be deemed to have been made by any party of any of its
`rights under this Agreement unless the same is in writing and is signed on its behalf
`by an authorized signatory, Any such waiver shall constitute a waiver only with
`respect to the specific matter described in such writing and shall in no way impair
`the rights of the party granting such •.vaiver in any other respect or at any other
`time, To be binding, any amendment of this Agreement must be effected by an
`instrument in writing signed by the parties,
`10.1 Ail notices, demands, instructions, \Vaivers, consents, or other
`communications to be provided pursuant to this Agreement shall be in writing, shall
`be effective upon receipt, and shaH be sent by hand, facsimile, air courier, or
`certified or registered maH, return receipt requested, as follows, or as to such other
`address as a party may specify by notice from time to time in writing to the other
`party in the rnanner specified in this section.
`If to the Co·rporation:
`One~E-\Vay, Inc.
`P,O, Box 70848
`Pasadena, CA 91107-9998
`[f to the Inventor
`C. Earl Woolfork
`500 Santa Paula Ave.
`Pasadena, CA 91107
`SONY EXHIBIT 1016 - 0009

`11.1 lnve:ntor and the Corporation shall each pay its own costs, charges, and
`expenses lncurred in connection with the preparation and implementation of this
`Agreement and the transactions contemplated by it,
`Irrevocably agrees that any legal action or proceeding against it arising out ofthis
`Agreement or the transactions contemplated hereby shaH be brought only in the
`State of California, in Los Angeles County. Neither party appoints, acknowledges, or
`empowers any third party or agent, other than that listed above, to receive for and
`on its O\Vn behalf service of process in the State of California in any such action or
`proceeding and irrevocably consents to the service of process outside the territorial
`;urisdiction of said courts in any such action or proceeding by mailing copies thereof
`by registered United States mail, postage prepaid, to its address as specified in or
`pursuant to that enumerated above, Any service made on any such agent or its
`successor shaH be effective vvhen delivered regardless of whether notice thereofls
`grven to the affected party. If any person or firm designated as agent hereunder
`shaH no longer serve as agent of such party to receive service of process in the State
`of California, the part_.v so affected shaH be obligated promptly to appoint a successor
`to so serve; and unless and until such successor is appointed and the other parties
`notified of the same in writing, service upon the iast designated agent shall be good
`and effective. inventor and the Corporation both hereby agree to at all times
`maintain an agent to receive service of process in the State of California pursuant to
`this Section.
`12.2 The foregoing provisions of this Section shaH not affect, limit, or
`prevent the parties fmm serving process in any other manner permitted by law.
`12.3 Each party irrevocably waives any objection to the venue of the courts
`designated in Section 11.1, \·Vhether on the basis offorum non conveniens or

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