`SONY EXHIBIT 1002 - 0251
`SONY EXHIBIT 1002 - 0251

`W’ASHfNGTGl‘=l, RC.
`Before the Honorable Thomas B. Fender
`Adnilnlstrattve Law judge
`In the Matter of
`j V
`j _“_
`_ “Y
`1 H
`Clglli l. Alht W lRl:.L.l;;E>:a‘ .l.‘ll:-._/-‘tl)€=lf.-
`l. 5‘
`Respondents BhieAiit ‘Wireless, lnc. and BlneA.nt ‘ Pty. Ltd. (collectively,
`“Bl,tt6Ant”:} hereby respond to the Cornplaint filed by 0ne—E—‘Way, lnc. (“Coniplainant” or
`“One—E5Way”) on Deeeniber 8, 2014, in the above-captioned investigation and to the Notice of
`lnvestigation issued by the United States lnternational Trade Conirnission (“the Con'irr1ission”) as
`published in the Federal Register on January 13, 2015. (80 Fed. Reg.
`BlaeAnt denies that it has engaged in acts of unfair competition in violation of Section
`337 by irnporting, selling for importation, and,/or selling after irnportation into the United States
`any product that infringes literally and? or under the doctrine of equivalents, directly, indirectly,
`by contribution andfor by inducement, any claim of U.S. Patent No. 7,865,258 (“the ’258
`patent”) and United States Patent No. 8, l3 l,39l_ {the 391 patent) { “patents-in—snit”).
`l3lneArit denies that the claims of the ’258 and ‘E391 patents are valid and enforceable.
`Except as specifically adrnitted herein, Bl’neAn1‘ denies all of the allegations of the
`l3l.neAnt has not had sufficient time and opportunity to collec.t and review all of the
`l,flfO1'D]£ilLl()U, that may be relevant and necessary to respond to the matters raised in One—l3—‘s7Vay"s
`Complaint. To the extent that any allegations of the Complaint refer to or rely upon information
`not previously supplied to BhieArit, Blne.Ant is wit.ho11t information stiffi.cie.rit to admit or deny
`such allegations, and therefore denies the sanie.
`l\xloreo\/er, BlueArit also reserves the right to
`take fnrther positions and raise additional defenses as rnay become apparent as a result. of
`additional. inforrnation discovered subsequent to filing this Response.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1002 - 0252
`SONY EXHIBIT 1002 - 0252

`The numbered Paragraphs herein correspond to and respond to the numbered Paragraphs
`set forth in the Complaint.
`Bluefitnt admits that On.e-E—VVay requested that the United States lnternational
`Trade Commission commence an investigation pursuant to Section 337 of the Tariff Act of 1930,
`as amended, 19 U.S.C. §l337, and that One—E-—W'ay seeks a remedy for what it contends is the
`unlawful importation or articles covered by the patents—in—suit. Bl.ue.Ant denies that it has
`engaged in acts of unfair cornpctition in violation of Section 337 by importing, selling for
`importation, and! or selling within the United States after importation any articles covered by the
`patents—in—suit. Bluefitnt denies that the patents—in—suit are in.frin.ged, valid or enforceable.
`Blfl-f_’.AI11‘ lacks sufficient knowledge or information on which to admit or deny t.he remaining
`allegations of Paragraph l and, on that basis, denies them. Except as expressly admitted,
`Bluefitnt denies each and every allegation of Paragraph l of the Complaint.
`Blfl-f_’.AI11‘ admits that. documents purporting t.o be certified copies of the patents—in—
` are attached to the Complaint as Exliihits 1 and 2, but lacks ltnowledge or information
`sufficient to form a helief regarding l:";—One—§Vay’s allegation that Exhibits l and '2 are true and
`correct copies of the patents—in—suit. BlueAnt admits that documents purporting to he cert.ificd
`copies of assignments of the patents—in—suit are attached to the complaint as EXl1ll‘tll'S 3 and 4, hut
`lacls:_s knowledge or information. sufficient to form a helief regarding E.—One-§Vay’s allegation that
`l3xhibi’ts 3 and 4 are true and correct. copies of assignrnents of the patents—in—suit. Bluezlint
`denies that it unlawfully imports, sells for importation, andf or sells after importation articles that
`infringe any claim of the patents—in-suit, directly or indirectly. Bl.ue.Ant denies that it infringes
`(directly or indirectly) claims 3, 4, 8,
`ll} and ll of the ’258 patent.. BlueAnt denies that. it
`infringes {directly or indirectly) claims 3 and 4 of the 391 patent. To the extent such allegations
`are contained in Paragraph 2, l3lueAnt denies the patents—in—suit are valid or enforceable. Except
`1 For purposes of clarity and ease of reference, Blue.A.n.t responds to the Complaint using the
`same format and tit.les used by One-l3—W'ay. Nonet.heless, the use of this format and these t.itles
`should. not he construed as an admission on BlueAnt.’s part to any of the facts and? or allegations
`SONY EXHIBIT 1002 - 0253

`as expressly admitted, Blueritnt denies each and every allegation of Paragraph 2 of the
`BlueAnt admits that One—E—W'ay narned Sony Corporation, Sony Corporation of
`America, Sony Electronics, lnc., Sennheiser Electronic Gnfihll & Co. KG, Sennheiser El.€Cl.1"()1‘JlC
`Corporation, l3ltieAnt ‘Wireless Pty, Ltd, BlueAnt Vlfireless, lnc., Creative Technology Ltd,
`Creative Labs, lnc., Beats Electronics, LLC, Beats Electronics lnternational Ltd., lawhoiie, lne.,
`Neteorn S which does business as Jabra (collectively, “Respondents”) as Respondents
`in this lnvestigation. BlueAnt denies that it has engaged in unfair acts in violation of Section 337
`thorough the unlawful importation, sale for irnportation, and for sale after importation of certain
`wireless audio devices covered by one or more clairns of the paten.ts—in—suit. To the extent such
`allegations are contained in Paragraph 3, BlllCAflf denies the patents-in-suit are valid or
`enforceable. BltieAnt lacks sufficient lrnowledge of information on which to admit or deny the
`remaining allegations of Paragraph 3 and, on that basis, denies thern. Except as expressly
`admitted, BlueAnt denies each and every allegation of Paragraph 3 ofthe Coinplaint.
`On inforrnation and belief, BlueAnt d.enies the allegations of Paragraph 4.
`Blneritnt admits that On.e-E—VVay seeks a limited exclusion order and a cease and
`desist. order, but denies that C!ne—E.-‘Way is entitled to any such relief. BlueAnt denies the
`remaining allegations of Paragraph 5.
`ll ..
`Blfl-f.’.AI11‘ lacks sufficient lenowledge or information on which to admit or deny the
`allegations of Paragraph 6 and, on that basis, denies thein.
`Sonar Son ’ Anieriea and Sonv E-leetr-nnles
`The allegations of Paragraph '7’ are not directed to Blireiitnt and therefore no
`answer is required. To the extent an answer is required, l3lueAnt lacks snfl’ici.en.t knowledge or
`inforrnation on which to admit or deny such allegations and, on that basis, denies them.
`The allegations of Paragraph 8 are not directed to BlueAnt and therefore no
`answer is required. To the extent an answer is required, BlueAnt lacks sufficient l<;_n_owledge or
`information on which t.o admit or deny such allegations and, on that basis, denies thern.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1002 - 0254
`SONY EXHIBIT 1002 - 0254

`The allegations of Paragraph 9 are not directed to l3lueAnt and thereliore no
`answer is required, To the extent an answer is required, BlueAnt laelis sufficient lenowledge or
`information on which to admit or deny such allegations and, on that basis, denies thein.
`The allegations of Paragraph l0 are not directed to BlueAnt and therefore no
`answer is required. To the extent an answer is required, BlueAnt lacks sufficient. knowledge or
`inforrnation on which to admit or deny such allegations and, on that basis, denies theni.
`The allegations of Paragraph 11 are not directed to Bluerfitnt and therefore no
`answer is required. To the extent an answer is required, l3lueAnt lacks snlfieient knowledge or
`inl’orrnation on which to admit or deny such allegations and, on that basis, denies tl’t€1'l,“l.
`The allegations of Paragraph l2 are not directed to BlueAnt and theretc_ire no
`answer is required. To the extent an answer is required, BlueAnt lacl<:s sufficient linowledge or
`I-.l”1l“Oit'?t')Tl£ilLl()t‘l, on which to adniit or deny such allegations and, on that basis, denies thern.
`The allegations of Paragraph 13 are not directed to Bluerfitnt and therefore no
`answer is required. To the extent an answer is required, l3lueAnt lacks snlfieient knowledge or
`inl’orrnation on which to admit or deny such allegations and, on that basis, denies then].
`Blnerfxnt Wireless Pty. Ltd. adrnits that it is organized under the laws of Australia.
`expressly admitted, BlueAnt denies each and every allegation ol‘ Paragraph 14 of the
`BlueAnt ‘Wireless, lne. adrnits it is a subsidiary ol BlueAnt ‘Wireless Pty., Ltd, that
`it is a California Corporation and that it had, at one time, a place ol business at l25 §7Vacl(er
`Drive, Suite 300, in Chicago, Illinois 6()6tl6. BlneAnt. ‘Wireless, lne. denies that it currently has a
`place of business at that location. Except as expressly adrnitted, BlueAnt denies each and every
`allegation oi‘ Paragraph l5 of the Complaint.
`The allegations of Paragraph l6 are not directed to BlueAnt and therefore no
`answer is required. To the extent an answer is required, BlueAnt laclis sul’li.cient lmowledge or
`information on which to admit or deny such allegations and, on that basis, denies thern.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1002 - 0255
`SONY EXHIBIT 1002 - 0255

`The allegations of Paragraph ’l,’,7' are not directed to Bl.ueAnt and therefore no
`answer is required. To the extent an answer is required, BlueAnt‘ laelrs sntTieie.nt knowledge or
`inforrnation on which to adniit or deny such allegations and, on that basis, denies thern.
`The allegations of Paragraph l8 are not directed to BlueAnt and therefore no
`answer is required. To the extent an answer is required, BlueAnt lacks sufficient. knowledge or
`inforrnation on which to admit or deny such allegations and, on that basis, denies thern.
`The allegations of Paragraph 19 are not directed to Bill‘?/.LAl._I1t and therefore no
`answer is required. To the extent an answer is required, l3lueAnt lacks sufficient knowledge or
`inl’orrnation on which to adrnit or deny such allegations and, on that basis, denies ll’t€1'l,“t.
`The allegations of Paragraph 20 are not directed to BlueAnt and therefore no
`answer is required- To the extent an answer is required, BlueAnt lacks sufficient knowledge or
`inlornfration. on which to adniit or deny such allegations and, on that basis, denies them.
`The allegations of Paragraph 21 are not directed to Bill‘?/.LAl._I1t and therefore no
`answer is required. To the extent an answer is required, l3lueAnt lacks sufficient knowledge or
`inl’orrn,ation on which to admit or deny such allegations and, on that basis, denies then].
`5 awbune
`The allegations of Paragraph 22 are not directed to Blu.eAnt and therefore no
`answer is required. To the extent an answer is required, l3lueAnt lacks sufl’ici.ent knowledge or
`inforrnation on which to admit or deny such allegations and, on that basis, denies theni.
`The allegations of Paragraph 23 are not directed to BlueAnt and therefore no
`answer is required. To the extent an answer is required, BlueAnt lacks sufficient. knowledge or
`inforrnation on which to admit or deny such allegations and, on that basis, denies thern.
`To the extent the allegations of Paragraph 24 are not directed at BlueAnt, no
`answer is required, but to the extent an answer is required, Eluezlint lacks sufficient knowledge or
`information on which to admit or deny any such allegations and, on that basis, denies theni.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1002 - 0256
`SONY EXHIBIT 1002 - 0256

`Blnefitnt denies that any of its products infringe or have infringed any valid and enforceable
`Asserted Claim of the Asseited Patents. Except as expressly admitted. BlueAnt denies each and
`every allegation of Paragraph 24 of the Complaint.
`The allegations of Paragraph 25 are not directed to BlueAnt and therefore no
`answer is required. To the extent an answer is required, BlneAnt admits that the prosecution
`history on its face supports C=n.e—E—‘Way’s contention that the ’39l Patents issues frorn U .8.
`Patent Application No.
`l2.r‘94l_l,747, which appears t.o be a continuation application of U Patent
`Application No. l2f570,343, which issued as the ’258 Patent. The public record on its face
`shows that both patents claim priority to U .52‘. Patent Application No. l0/tl‘27,39l, filed December
`21, 20t'_ll but BlneAnt lacks sufficient knowledge or information on which to admit. or deny One-
`E-VVay’s right to the alleged priority date and, on that basis. denies that allegation.
`l_acls:_s sufficient knowledge or information on which to admit or deny the remaining allegations of
`Paragraph 25 and, on that basis, denies them.
` as expressly atlniitted, Bltiezlint denies each
`allegation of Paragraph 25 of the Complaint.
`The ’253 Patent
`ion of the Patent an
`.3 ed Qwners
`Bliieriint admits that the ’258 patent is entitled. “‘Wireless Digital Audio Jfiystein.”
`Blnefitnt admits that the ’258 patent states on its face that it issued on January 4, 20}. l. Blnefitnt
`admits t.he °2:38 patent states on its face t.hat the inventor is C. Earl Wcolforlt, but BlneAnt lacks
`sufficient knowledge or information on which to admit or deny that C. Earl ‘Wooll"oi‘l<: is the true
`and sole inventor and, on that basis, denies that allegation. BlaeAn.t lacks sufficient lmowledge
`or information on which to admit or deny the remaining allegations of Paragraph 2:3} and, on that
`basis, denies them.
`l3lueAnt .‘:it.ll’i‘ll.l'.S that what purport to he certified copies of the of the prosecution
`history of the “.258 patent and copies of reference tlocnnients mentioned in the prosecution
`history are included as Appendices A and B to the Complaint. BlneAnt lacks sufficient
`lgnowledge or inforrnation on which to admit or deny the remaining allegations of Paragraph 27
`and, on that. basis, denies them.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1002 - 0257
`SONY EXHIBIT 1002 - 0257

`One-E-=W’a ’s Non-Techriieal ljlescrition of the Patented lrirention
`Bl’tt-EAI11‘ disagrees with One—E§Way’s characterization of the technology, and
`therefore denies the allegations of Paragraph 28. To the extent Paragraph 28 Yflftlit-ES allegations
`regarding the alleged inVen_tion and the scope of the elairns, BlueAnt denies such allegations.
`BltreAnt’s responses are not int.ended to interpret the meaning or scope of the claims in the “E258
`patent. BlueAnt denies the remaining allegations of Paragraph 28.
`The allegations of Paragraph 29 are not directed to Bl.ueAnt and therefore no
`answer is required, To the extent an answer is required, BlueAnt disagrees with One—E3Way’s
`Cl1Et1‘ttCl.£'f1‘lZi:tl.l011 of the technology, and therefore denies the allegations of Paragraph 29. To the
`extent Paragraph 29 makes allegations regarding the alleged invention and the scope of the
`claims, BlueAr1t denies such allegations. Bluejitnt’ s responses are not intended to interpret the
`rneaning or scope of the claims in the "258 patent.
`l3lueAnt denies the remaining allegations of
`Paragraph 29.
`The ‘$91 Patent
`ldeiitificatioii of the Patent arid Alle ed Qwrierslii h 7 Dire-E»'Wa ‘
`Blueritnt denies that the ’39l patent is entitled °‘loVi.reless Digital Audio Systeni.”
`Bl’tt-EAI11‘ admits that. the ’39.l patent states on its face that it. issued on March 6, 2.012 and appears
`to he a continuation of the earlier patent application that issued as the ’258 patent. Blu.eAiit
`admits the ’39l patent states on its face that the inventor is C. Earl lVooll’orl<, but l3lueAnt lacks
`sufficient. ltnowledge or information on which to admit or deny that. C. Earl Vfoolforlt is the true
`and sole inventor and, on that basis, denies that allegation.
`l3lueAnt lacks sufficient lenowletlge
`or information on which to admit or deny the remaining allegations of Paragraph 30 and, on that
`hasis, denies them.
`Blue-.Ant admits that What purport to be certified copies of the of the prosecution
`history of the ’39l patent and copies of reference documents rnentioried in the prosecution
`history are included as Appendices C and D to the Cornplain’t.
`l3lueAnt lael~:s sufficient
`knowledge or information on which to admit or deny the remaining allegations of Paragraph Bl
`and, on that hasis, denies them.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1002 - 0258
`SONY EXHIBIT 1002 - 0258

`One-E-=W’a ’s l\'ori-Technical ljleserition of the Patented lnrention
`Bl’tt-EAI11‘ disagrees with One—E—‘Way’s characterization of the technology, and
`therefore denies the allegations of Paragraph 32. To the extent Paragraph 32 inahes allegations
`regarding the alleged invention and the scope of the elairns, BlueAnt denies such allegatioiis.
`BlueAnt’s responses are not intended to interpret the meaning or scope of the claims in the 1391
`l3lu.eAnt denies the reinaining allegations of Paragraph 32.
`The allegations of Paragraph 33 are not directed to Bl.ueAnt and therefore no
`answer is required. To the extent an answer is require.d, BlueAnt disagrees with One—E3Way’s
`characterizjation of the technology, and therefore denies the allegations of Paragraph 33. To the
`extent Paragraph 33 makes allegations regarding the alleged invention and the scope of the
`claims, BlueAnt denies such allegations. BlueAnt’ s responses are not intended to interpret the
`rneaning or scope of the elainis in the ’39l patent.
`l3lueAnt denies the remaining allegations of
`Paragraph 33.
`The allegations of Paragraph 34 are not directed to l3lueAn,t and therefore no
`answer is required. To the extent an answer is required, l3lueAnt lacks sufficient. knowledge or
`inforination on which to admit or deny such allegations and, on that hasis, denies theni.
`The allegations of Paragraph 35 are not directed to Bl.ueAnt and therefore no
`answer is required. To the extent an answer is require.d, BlueAnt laelrs sufficient lénowledge or
`inforniation on which to adnnt or deny such allegations and, on that basis. denies thein.
`The allegations of Paragraph
`are not directed to l3lueAn,t and therefore no
`answer is required. To the extent an answer is required, l3lueAnt lacks sufficient. knowledge or
`inforination on which to admit or deny such allegations and, on that hasis, denies theni.
`The allegations of Paragraph 37 are not directed to Bl.ueAnt and therefore no
`answer is required. To the extent an answer is require.d, BlueAnt laelrs sufficient lénowledge or
`inforniation on which to adnnt or deny such allegations and, on that basis. denies thein.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1002 - 0259
`SONY EXHIBIT 1002 - 0259

`The allegations of Paragraph 38 are not directed to Bl.ueAnt and therefore no
`answer is required. To the ext.ent an answer is required, BlueAnt lacks sufficient knowledge or
`information on which to adniit or deny such allegations and, on that basis, denies them.
`The al,legati.oris of Paragraph 39 are not directed to BlueAn.t and therefore no
`answer is required. To the extent an answer is required, BlueAnt lacks sufficient. knowledge or
`information on which to admit or deny such allegations and, on that basis, denies then].
`The allegations of Paragraph 40 are not directed to Bl.ueAnt and therefore no
`answer is required. To the ext.ent an answer is required, BlueAnt lacks sufficient knowledge or
`information on which to adniit or deny such allegations and, on that basis, denies them.
`€}n.e—l?,'-‘Wav’s A,l_leatlans For Sennhelser and Sennlielser America
`The allegations of Paragraph 4l are not directed to BlueAnt and therefore no
`answer is required. To the extent an answer is required, BlueAnt lacks sufficient knowledge. or
`information. on which to admit or deny such allegations and, on that basis, denies them.
`The allegations of Paragraph 42 are not directed to Bluei/lint and therefore no
`answer is required. To the extent an answer is required, l3lueAnt lacks sufficient knowledge or
`inform,ati_on on which to admit or deny such allegations and, on that basis, denies then].
`The allegations of Paragraph 43 are not directed to BlueAnt and therefore no
`answer is required. To the extent an answer is required, BlueAnt lacks sufficient knowledge. or
`information. on which to admit or deny such allegations and, on that basis, denies them.
`The allegations of Paragraph 44 are not directed to Bluei/lint and therefore no
`answer is required. To the extent an answer is required, l3lueAnt lacks sufficient knowledge or
`inform,ati_on on which to admit or deny such allegations and, on that basis, denies then].
`The allegations of Paragraph 45 are not directed to BlueAnt and therefore no
`answer is required. To the extent an answer is required, BlueAnt lacks sufficient knowledge. or
`information. on which to admit or deny such allegations and, on that basis, denies them.
`The allegations of Paragraph 46 are not directed to Bluei/lint and therefore no
`answer is required. To the extent an answer is required, l3lueAnt lacks sufficient knowledge or
`inform,ati_on on which to admit or deny such allegations and, on that basis, denies then].
`SONY EXHIBIT 1002 - 0260
`SONY EXHIBIT 1002 - 0260

`The allegations of Paragraph 47 are not directed to Bl.ueAnt and therefore no
`answer is required. To the extent an answer is required, BlueAnt lacks sufficient lcnowledge or
`information on which to admit or deny such allegations and, on that basis, denies them.
`{}n.e-E—'Wav’s A_l_leat_lons For Blucfitnt and Blueiin t-=US
`BlllCAfll denies that it rnanufactnres, rnarlcets, sells for iinportation, imports, and
`for sells after importation into the United States products that infringe, either directly or
`indirectly, any valid and enl‘orceabl_e A sserted Claim ol‘ the patents—in—suit. Bl.ue.Ant denies. the
`remaining allegations of Paragraph 48.
`Blur-:Ant admits that Oiie—E.—W'ay has identified BlueAnt products sold under the
`names Ribbon, PUl\/IP, Q2, Q3, Tl, Connect and Endure
`Acc used Products, but denies that
`any BlueAnt product infringes any valid and enforceable asserted claim of the patents-in-suit.
`Blur-:Ant admits that Exhibit ll includes images of the Pump, Q3, Ribbon and Tl products.
`Paragraph 49 contains legal argument for which no answer
`required. Blueritnt denies any
`remaining allegations of Paragraph 49.
`Blur-:Ant admits that its products are manufactured, assembled and! or packaged.
`outside the United States.
`l3lueAnt admits that One—E—”Way has identified Bluefitnt products as
`Accused Products, but denies that BlueAnt imports, sells for irnpcrtation, or sells alter
`importation any products that infringe any Valid and enforceable Asserted Claim of the patents-
`l?3lueAnt l_ack_s sullicient knowledge or inliorrnation on which to admit or deny the
`remaining allegations of Paragraph 50 and, on that basis, denies them.
`Blur-:Ant denies that it infringes, directly or indirectly, any valid and enforceable
`claim of the ’39l patent. Blueritnt admits that Exhibit l2 to the Cornplaint contains a chart
`purporting to cornpare claims 391 patent to BlueAnt accused products, but denies that such chart
`is accurate and denies the allegations in the chart. Blu.eAnt denies any remaining allegations of
`BlneAnt denies that it infringes, directly or indirectly, any valid and enforceable
`any claim of the ’258 and “B91 patents. BlueAnt admits that Exliibit l3 to the Complaint
`contains a chart purporting to compare claims of the patents—in—suit to the l3lueAnt accused
`SONY EXHIBIT 1002 - 0261
`SONY EXHIBIT 1002 - 0261

`products, but denies that such chart is accurate and denies the allegations in the chart.
`denies any remaining allegations of Paragraph 52.
`Paragraph 53 contains legal argurnent and conclusions; therefore, no answer is
`required. To the extent an answer is required, Bl ueAnt denies all allegations of Paragraph 53.
`Paragraph 54 contains legal argument and conclusions; therefore, no answer is
`required. To the extent an answer is required, BlueAnt denies all allegations of Paragraph 54.
`One—E~’Wa"s Alleations For Creative and Creative Lahs
`The allegations of Paragraph 55 are not direet.ed to Bluerltnt and therefore no
`answer is required. To the extent an answer is required, l3lueAnt lacks sufficient knowledge or
`inlorrnation on which to admit or deny such allegations and, on that hasis, denies thein.
`The allegations of Paragraph 56 are not directed to BlueAnt and therefore no
`answer is required- To the extent an answer is required, BlueAnt lacks sufficient knowledge or
`I-,l”1llO1'l')Tt£ilLl()t‘l, on which to udrnit or deny such allegations and, on that basis, denies them.
`The allegations of Paragraph 57 are not direet.ed to Bluerltnt and therefore no
`answer is required. To the extent an answer is required, l3lueAnt lacks sufficient knowledge or
`inforrnation on which to admit or deny such allegations and, on that basis, denies thein.
`The allegations of Paragraph 58 are not directed to BlueAnt and therefore no
`answer is required. To the extent an answer is required, BlueAnt lacks sufficient knowledge or
`I-,l”1llO1'l')Tt£ilLl()t‘l, on which to udrnit or deny such allegations and, on that basis, denies them.
`The allegations of Paragraph 59 are not direet.ed to Bluerltnt and therefore no
`answer is required. To the extent an answer is required, l3lueAnt lacks sufficient knowledge or
`inforrnation on which to admit or deny such allegations and, on that basis, denies thein.
`The allegations of Paragraph 60 are not directed to BlueAnt and therefore no
`answer is required- To the extent an answer is required, BlueAnt lacks sufficient l<:nowledge or
`I-,l”1llO1'l')Tt£ilLl()t‘l, on which to udrnit or deny such allegations and, on that basis, denies them.
`The allegations of Paragraph 61 are not direet.ed to Bluerltnt and therefore no
`answer is required. To the extent an answer is required, l3lueAnt lacks sufficient knowledge or
`inforrnation on which to admit or deny such allegations and, on that basis, denies thein.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1002 - 0262
`SONY EXHIBIT 1002 - 0262

`One-E~’Wa"s Alleatlons For Beats and Beats Treland
`The allegations of Paragraph 62 are not directed to Bluertnt and therefore no
`answer is required. To the extent an answer is required, l3lueAnt lacks sufficient knowledge or
`inforrnation on which to admit or deny such allegations and, on that basis, denies them.
`The allegations of Paragraph 63 are not directed to BlueAnt and therefore no
`answer is required. To the extent an answer is required, BlueAnt lacks sufficient knowledge or
`l,I1ft)tD]£itl()U, on which to adniit or deny such allegations and, on that basis, denies them.
`The allegations of Paragraph 64- are not directed to Bluertnt and therefore no
`answer is required. To the extent an answer is required, l3lueAnt lacks sufficient knowledge or
`inforrn,ati,on on which to adrnit or deny sueh allegations and, on that hasis, denies thern.
`The allegations of Paragraph 65 are not directed to BlueAnt and therefore no
`answer is required To the extent an answer is required, BlueAnt lacks sufficient knowledge or
`l,I1ft)tD]£itl()U, on which to adniit or deny such allegations and, on that basis, denies them.
`The allegations of Paragraph 66 are not directed to Bluertnt and therefore no
`answer is required. To the extent an answer is required, l3lueAnt lacks sufficient knowledge or
`inforrnation on which to admit or deny such allegations and, on that basis, denies them.
`The allegations of Paragraph 67 are not directed to BlueAnt and therefore no
`answer is required. To the extent an answer is required, BlueAnt lacks sufficient knowledge or
`l,I1ft)tD]£itl()U, on which to adniit or deny such allegations and, on that basis, denies them.
`The allegations of Paragraph 68 are not directed to Bluertnt and therefore no
`answer is required. To the extent an answer is required, l3lueAnt lacks sufficient knowledge or
`inforrnation on which to admit or deny such allegations and, on that basis, denies them.
`The allegations of Paragraph 69 are not directed to BlueAnt and therefore no
`answer is required. To the extent an answer is required, l3lueAnt lacks sufficient knowledge or
`inforrnation on which to admit or deny such allegations and, on that basis, denies them.
`The allegations of Paragraph 70 are not directed to BlueAnt and therefore no
`answer is required. To the extent an answer is required, BlueAnt laclis sufficient knowledge or
`information on which to admit or deny such allegations and, on that basis, denies thern.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1002 - 0263
`SONY EXHIBIT 1002 - 0263

`The allegations of Paragraph ’7l are not directed to Bl,ueAnt and therefore no
`answer is required, To the extent an answer is required, BlueAnt lacks sufficient lrnowledge or
`inforrnation on which to adniit or deny such allegations and, on that basis, denies thern.
`The allegati,oris of Paragraph '72 are not directed to BlueAn,t and therefore no
`answer is required. To the extent an answer is required, BlueAnt lacks sufficient. knowledge or
`inforrnation on which to admit or deny such allegations and, on that basis, denies thern.
`The allegations of Paragraph 73 are not directed to Bl,ueAnt and therefore no
`answer is required, To the extent an answer is required, BlueAnt lacks sufficient lrnowledge or
`inforrnation on which to adniit or deny such allegations and, on that basis, denies thern.
`The allegations of Paragraph 74 are not directed to l%lueAnt and therefore no
`answer is required. To the extent an answer is required, BlueAnt lacks sufficient. knowledge or
`inforrnation on which to admit or deny such allegations and, on that basis, denies thern.
`The allegations of Paragraph 75 are not directed to Bl,ueAnt and therefore no
`answer is required, To the extent an answer is required, BlueAnt lacks sufficient lrnowledge or
`inforrnation on which to adniit or deny such allegations and, on that basis, denies thern.
`{}n,e-E-'Wav’s A_l_leat_lons For abra
`The allegations of Paragraph 76 are not direete.d to BlueAnt and therefore no
`answer is required, To the extent an answer is required, BlueAnt lacks sufficient l<:nowledge or
`l,I1fO1'D,‘l£ilLl()t‘l, on which to adniit or deny saeh allegations and, on that basis, denies them.
`The allegations of Paragraph 77 are not directed to Bill‘?/.LAl._I1t and therefore no
`answer is required. To the extent an answer is required, l3lueAnt lacks sufficient knowledge or
`inforrnation on which to admit or deny such allegations and, on that basis, denies then].
`The allegations of Paragraph 78 are not direete.d to BlueAnt and therefore no
`answer is required, To the extent an answer is required, BlueAnt lacks sufficient l<:nowledge or
`l,I1fO1'D,‘l£ilLl()t‘l, on which to adniit or deny saeh allegations and, on that basis, denies them.
`The allegations of Paragraph 79 are not directed to Bill‘?/.LAl._I1t and therefore no
`answer is required. To the extent an answer is required, l3lueAnt lacks sufficient knowledge or
`inforrnation on which to admit or deny such allegations and, on that basis, denies then].
`SONY EXHIBIT 1002 - 0264
`SONY EXHIBIT 1002 - 0264

`The allegations of Paragraph 80 are not directed to Bl.ueAnt and therefore no
`answer is required. To the extent an answer is required, BlueAnt lacks sufficient lsmowledge or
`information on which to admit or deny such allegations and, on that basis, denies them.
`The allegati.oris of Paragraph 8l are not directed to BlueAn,t and therefore no
`answer is required. To the extent an answer is required, BlueAnt lacks sufficient. knowledge or
`information on which to admit or deny such allegations and, on that basis, denies them.
`The allegations of Paragraph 82 are not directed to Bl.ueAnt and therefore no
`answer is required. To the extent an answer is required, BlueAnt lacks sufficient lsmowledge or
`information on which to admit or deny such allegations and, on that basis, denies them.
` . ‘UR
`The allegations

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