I, John Moring, hereby declare:
`I have personal knowledge of the facts set forth herein, and if called as a witness in a legal proceeding
`in the United States, or elsewhere, could and would testify competently thereto. All statements made herein on
`my personal knowledge are true, and those statements made on information and belief are believed to be true.
`I have been asked to address and offer opinions on the technology claimed in U.S. Patent No.
`9,282,396 (“the ’396 patent”).
`I am being compensated at my customary hourly rate for the time spent on developing, forming, and
`expressing the facts and opinions in this declaration. I have no personal interest in the ultimate outcome of any
`related proceedings.
`I. Expert background
`I earned my Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering in 1981 from the University of
`Cincinnati, with specialization in computers and communications. I earned my Master of Science degree in
`Electrical Engineering in 1983 from the University of Southern California (as a Hughes Fellow), with
`specialization in communications and signal processing. I have worked in the field continuously since 1981.
`In the early 1980s, I developed and simulated algorithms for advanced portable military wireless
`networks at Hughes Aircraft. In the late 1980s, I developed and fielded Internet hardware and applications for
`military use while at TRW. In the early 1990s, I developed standards and products for dynamic management of
`satellite communication systems at Titan Linkabit. In the mid-1990s, I contributed to the first cellular Internet
`products, and related projects at Pacific Communication Sciences, Inc.
`Since 1997 I have consulted in the field full time. Projects are too numerous to list, but include working
`with wireless location technologies from the late 1990s, including designing and overseeing some of the first
`field trials of handset location technologies (including GPS) for cellular carriers, and contributing to the
`standards that described operation of that equipment. I have worked a number of projects involving Bluetooth
`Moring Declaration
`page 1
`SONY EXHIBIT 1012 - 0001

`technology, notably consulting to the Bluetooth Special Interest Group continuously from 2000 through 2007. In
`this role I supported the qualification and testing efforts and reviewed the specifications released in this period.
`My current projects include authoring standards for, and otherwise supporting development of, wireless
`communications for future intelligent highway deployments.
`I have taught communications courses for the University of Wisconsin-Madison and the University of
`California-San Diego. I have presented at major technical conferences and contributed to texts in the field. I
`have thirteen US patents granted in my name, with others pending in the US and internationally. Please see
`Attachment 1 for a complete CV.
`II. Materials considered
`In the course of developing this declaration, I examined the following materials.
` Appl. No.: 10/027,391 (“2001 application”) as originally filed, published as Pub. No. US 2003/0118196
`A1 (“the ’196 publication”)
` Appl. No.: 10/648,012 (“2003 application”) as originally filed
` Appl. No.: 13/775,754 as originally filed, issued as U.S. Patent No. 9,282,396 (“the ’396 patent”)
` Order No. 12 Construing Terms of the Asserted Patents, Inv. No. 337-TA-943, July 24, 2015 (“ITC
`claim constructions”)
`III. Level of Ordinary Skill in the Art
`The order containing the ITC claim constructions includes a ruling that a person of ordinary skill in the
`art would have a Bachelor of Science degree in electrical engineering or a related field, and around two years
`of experience in the design or implementation of wireless communications systems, or the equivalent, or six
`years of experience in the design or implementation of wireless communications systems, or the equivalent. My
`education and experience levels exceed these criteria, and did so throughout the time of the applications.
`Moring Declaration
`page 2
`SONY EXHIBIT 1012 - 0002

`Through my career, I have associated with hundreds – perhaps thousands - of engineers meeting these
`criteria, including co-workers and colleagues, students and clients, and am very familiar with the level of
`knowledge of those meeting this standard.
`IV. Term constructions
`In my analysis I used the ITC claim constructions for certain terms as stated in Order No. 12:
`“reduced intersymbol interference coding”
`(cl. 1, 2, 6, 9, 14, 16)
`“configured for independent code division
`multiple access (CDMA) communication
`(cl. 1, 2, 6, 9, 14, 16)
`“unique user code” / “unique user code bit
`(cl. 1, 2, 6, 9, 14, 16)
`“coding that reduces intersymbol interference”
`“configured for code division multiple access (CDMA)
`communication operation performed independent of any
`central control”
`“fixed code (bit sequence) specifically associated with one
`user of a device(s)”
`“direct conversion module”
`(cl. 1, 2, 6, 9, 14, 16)
`V. Technical background
`“a module for converting radio frequency to baseband or
`very near baseband in a single frequency conversion without
`an intermediate frequency”
`In support of the discussions in subsequent sections, here I provide some background on relevant
`terms and technologies.
`“Direct conversion”
`A radio system’s general purpose is to deliver information from a transmitter to a receiver over the air,
`using electromagnetic radio-frequency (RF) energy. The transmitter takes the original information (e.g., a digital
`packet representing text or audio) and overlays it on a radio “carrier” wave at a much higher frequency, a
`process known as modulation. The resulting modulated radio signal is then sent over the air through the
`Moring Declaration
`page 3
`SONY EXHIBIT 1012 - 0003

`transmitter antenna. The original information signal, before modulation, is known as a “baseband” signal, since
`the frequency “band” it occupies is near zero (in units of Hertz, or cycles per second).
`A radio receiver’s general purpose is to convert electromagnetic radio frequency energy, sensed by the
`receive antenna, into a signal from which the original information can be extracted. In doing so, it must separate
`the original baseband signal from the RF carrier. There are multiple solutions to achieving this objective. One
`class of solutions involves multiple stages of conversion (“heterodyne”), where the signal is first transformed to
`an intermediate frequency (IF), and then to baseband. Another class of solutions is direct conversion
`(“homodyne”), where no intermediate frequency is used. (Note that in either case, the RF carrier is removed, as
`the desired information is in the baseband signal.) A design tradeoff between these two approaches is that the
`direct conversion approach requires less circuitry, but higher precision and therefore more costly components,
`compared to the multi-stage conversion approach.
`See Figure 1 through Figure 3 below for illustrations of conversions at the transmitter and the two
`classes of receiver described. (I produced each of the figures in this declaration to help illustrate the technical
`topics under discussion.)
`Figure 1: Conversion at the transmitter
`Figure 2: Direct conversion at the receiver
`Moring Declaration
`page 4
`SONY EXHIBIT 1012 - 0004

`Figure 3: Multi-stage conversion at the receiver
`“Reduced intersymbol interference coding” and “lowering signal detection error through
`reduced intersymbol interference coding”
`Discussion of “intersymbol interference”
`Intersymbol interference (ISI) refers to a phenomenon where a radio signal interferes with itself,
`causing problems for the receiver. (“Symbol” refers to one modulation unit in the information-carrying signal,
`used to represent one or more bits.) One symbol, shifted in time as described below, can interfere with
`neighboring symbols. A situation where this can occur is when multiple versions of the transmitted signal arrive
`at the receiver antenna at different times via different paths.
`Consider the illustrated example in Figure 4 below. Because of blockage, there is no direct path from
`transmitter T to receiver R. However, the transmitted signal may take two reflected paths, resulting in two
`versions of the signal, S1 and S2, arriving at the receiver. Because of the path length differences, S2 will arrive
`slightly later in time than S1. When S1 and S2 arrive at a single receive antenna, the receiver can not easily
`distinguish between them, as it detects only the sum of the two signals.
`Moring Declaration
`page 5
`SONY EXHIBIT 1012 - 0005

`Figure 4: Multiple signal paths from transmitter to receiver
`Now consider Figure 5. A rectangular waveform is used for simplicity; the effects are similar for any
`waveform. In this extreme example, where each symbol represents one bit of information, S2 is delayed exactly
`one-half symbol’s duration relative to S1, and both versions of the signal arrive at the receiver with identical
`power. We see that the receiver, sensing the combined signal S1+S2, loses much of the information in the
`original transmitted signal. (Another term for signal delay is phase shift.) The first half of Symbol 1 arrives
`unaffected. However, the second half of Symbol 1 is completely cancelled out when S1 and S2 are summed
`over that time duration. This first half of Symbol 2 is actually reinforced by the summing. However, the second
`half of Symbol 2 is again cancelled out, as is the whole of Symbol 3. This extreme case is useful for illustration;
`luckily, real-world intersymbol interference is seldom this severe! In situations where the time offsets and power
`Moring Declaration
`page 6
`SONY EXHIBIT 1012 - 0006

`levels are more random, the resulting distorted combined signal may still cause the receiver to fail to correctly
`interpret received symbols.
`Symbol 1
`Symbol 2
`Symbol 3
`Symbol 1
`Symbol 2
`Symbol 3
`Symbol 1
`Symbol 2
`Symbol 3
`Symbol 1
`Symbol 2
`Symbol 3
`Figure 5: Intersymbol interference example
`Consider a second illustration of ISI in Figure 6 below. We again represent signals as rectangular
`waves for simplicity. We now have three signal paths, S1, S2, and S3, each with a delay of a fraction of a
`symbol. In this case, we don’t see the signal cancellation observed in the previous example, but we do see a
`“smearing” of the symbol shapes, as different versions of the symbols are received over time. The resulting
`received signal S1+S2+S3 is more difficult for the receiver to interpret, and more likely to result in errors.
`Moring Declaration
`page 7
`SONY EXHIBIT 1012 - 0007

`Symbol 1
`Symbol 2
`Symbol 3
`Symbol 1
`Symbol 2
`Symbol 3
`Figure 6: Intersymbol interference example 2
`The above examples illustrate ISI caused by a time-dispersion of the signal due to multi-path
`reflections. ISI may also be caused by other phenomena, including non-linearity in the radio channel or
`Moring Declaration
`page 8
`SONY EXHIBIT 1012 - 0008

`Discussion of “coding”
`There are numerous types of codes and coding used in communications. One relevant class of coding
`is error correction coding. As the name implies, these codes help recover from problems that would otherwise
`cause a receiver to miss, or incorrectly interpret, information intended for it by the transmitter. The original
`information bits are supplemented and/or modified in a specific manner that can be interpreted by the receiver
`and used to recover lost information. A simple, inefficient error correcting code might repeat each bit of
`information three times, so that if at least two of the bits are received correctly, the original information is
`Convolutional encoding is a common subcategory of error-correction encoding, where redundancy is
`added to allow a receiver to correctly interpret bits that would otherwise be received in error. While
`convolutional encoding/decoding, mentioned in the 2003 application, mitigates bit errors, it does not mitigate
`signal detection errors as described in V.B.3.
`Discussion of “signal detection error”
`Before a radio receiver can interpret the information in a received signal, it must detect that there is
`valid information to be interpreted. A receiver’s antenna is continuously sensing energy from its surroundings,
`and it can be a challenge to differentiate between a valid signal and random noise (or another spurious signal).
`Typically, system designers use some easily-recognizable sequence, sometimes called a preamble, to indicate
`the beginning of a transmission. In the success scenario, this allows receivers to detect and synchronize to that
`preamble before the actual user information arrives. In a second scenario, the receiver fails to recognize the
`preamble and thus fails to process the following information of interest. In a third scenario, the receiver
`incorrectly interprets the background noise at some point in time as an instance of the preamble signal, and
`tries to extract usable information from the noise that follows, potentially delivering nonsense bits to its user (or
`perhaps missing a subsequent valid transmission while it was trying to interpret the spurious one). These last
`Moring Declaration
`page 9
`SONY EXHIBIT 1012 - 0009

`two scenarios represent signal detection errors. These are distinct from bit errors, where the signal is properly
`detected, but some of the information is lost or interpreted incorrectly.
`“Differential phase shift keying (DPSK)”
`Phase shift keying is one of three general classes of modulation. Modulation is the process of
`overlaying baseband information (perhaps in the form of a digital packet consisting of a collection of ones and
`zeros) onto an RF carrier wave as mentioned in V.A. Changes (modulations) are made to the carrier wave to
`represent the data in the baseband signal. Other primary classes of modulation are amplitude modulation (AM)
`and frequency modulation (FM).
`In AM, the power of the RF signal is adjusted, where for example a momentary higher power
`represents a “one” and a momentary lower power represents a “zero.”
`In FM, the frequency of the RF signal is adjusted, where for example a momentary higher frequency
`represents a “one” and a momentary lower frequency represents a “zero.”
`Phase shift keying modulates the shape of the RF carrier wave. For example, a carrier wave
`momentarily reversed in polarity could represent a “one” while no reversal, or shift, could represent a “zero.”
`“Differential” phase shift keying indicates one of multiple rules for how bit values are indicated by specific phase
`Examples of digital amplitude and phase shift keying are illustrated in Figure 7 below. Information bit
`changes occur on the dotted lines, with the resulting changes in the modulated signal shown for amplitude and
`phase modulation. In this amplitude-modulated example, a value “one” is indicated by a higher power level and
`a “zero” is indicated by a lower power level. In this phase-modulated example, a value “1” is indicated by a 180
`degree shift in the signal, i.e., a reversal in polarity. A “0” is indicated in this example by no phase shift. Other
`phase modulation schemes would result different modulated signals.
`Moring Declaration
`page 10
`SONY EXHIBIT 1012 - 0010

`Unmodulated carrier wave
`Amplitude-modulated wave
`Phase-modulated wave
`Figure 7: Modulation examples
`Moring Declaration
`page 11
`SONY EXHIBIT 1012 - 0011

`VI. Continuity
`In this section I consider several claim elements found in the ’396 patent claims and determine whether
`they are also found, either expressly or inherently, in the 2003 application. The terms are listed here and
`discussed individually in following subsections.
`“Direct conversion module”
`“Reduced intersymbol interference coding” and “lowering signal detection error through reduced
`intersymbol interference coding”
`“Differential phase shift keying” (DPSK)
`The ’396 patent includes 17 claims, six of them independent (numbers 1, 2, 6, 9, 14, 16). Each claim
`includes one or more of the terms under consideration, as summarized in the table below.
`Dependence “Direct conversion
`Moring Declaration
`page 12
`“Reduced intersymbol
`interference coding”
`SONY EXHIBIT 1012 - 0012

`“Direct conversion module”
`Please see section V.A for a general discussion of direct conversion.
`“Direct conversion module” in the ’396 patent claims
`Claim 1 of the ’396 patent incorporates “a direct conversion module configured to capture packets and
`the correct bit sequence.” The other independent claims (2, 6, 9, 14, 16) include similar language as shown in
`the table following (with emphasis added).
`Relevant Excerpt
`said digital audio headphone comprising:
`a direct conversion module configured to capture packets and the correct bit
`sequence embedded in the received spread spectrum signal….
`A wireless digital audio headphone comprising:
`a direct conversion module configured to capture packets and the correct bit
`sequence within the packets….
`said portable digital audio headphone spread spectrum receiver comprising;
`a direct conversion module configured to capture packets and the correct bit
`sequence within the packets....
`said mobile digital audio spread spectrum receiver comprising;
`a direct conversion module configured to capture packets and the correct bit
`sequence within the packets….
`said digital audio spread spectrum receiver comprising;
`a direct conversion module configured to capture packets and the correct bit
`sequence within the packets….
`said digital audio spread spectrum headphone comprising;
`a direct conversion module configured to capture packets and the correct bit
`sequence within the packets….
`“Direct conversion module” in the 2003 application
` “Direct conversion module” does not appear in the 2003 application, nor does anything resembling it.
`The 2003 application includes a generic “receiver” 50, with no indication of what conversion methodology it
`employs. There is a statement that “The FAWM system converts the audio music signal that may be supplied
`by the source, into a digital signal. This conversion takes place in the small battery powered transmitter that
`Moring Declaration
`page 13
`SONY EXHIBIT 1012 - 0013

`connects to the headphone jack of the source.” However, this is a conversion of an audio signal to a digital
`signal at the transmitter, rather than converting the RF signal at the receiver.
`“Direct conversion module” is not inherent in the specification, as there are multiple options for receiver
`design as described above. Nothing in the specification of the 2003 application would lead one skilled in the art
`to associate direct conversion or a “direct conversion module” with the system specified.
`“Reduced intersymbol interference coding” and “lowering signal detection error through
`reduced intersymbol interference coding”
`Please see section V.B for a general discussion of intersymbol interference.
`“Reduced intersymbol interference coding” in the ’396 patent claims
`This term appears in each independent claim of the ’396 patent, as shown in the table following
`(emphasis added). In each claim, the “reduced intersymbol interference coding” element is associated with
`“lowering signal detection error.”
`Relevant Excerpt
`an encoder operative to encode said original audio signal representation to reduce
`intersymbol interference and lowering signal detection error of said audio signal
`representation respective to said digital audio headphone and said digital audio spread
`spectrum transmitter; and
`… said digital audio headphone comprising:
`a direct conversion module configured to capture packets and the correct bit
`sequence embedded in the received spread spectrum signal and lowering signal detection
`error through reduced intersymbol interference coding respective of said digital audio
`headphone and said portable digital audio spread spectrum transmitter, the captured
`packets corresponding to the unique user code bit sequence;
`a digital demodulator configured for independent CDMA communication operation;
`a decoder operative to decode the applied reduced intersymbol interference coding
`of said original audio signal representation; ….
`Moring Declaration
`page 14
`SONY EXHIBIT 1012 - 0014

`a direct conversion module configured to capture packets and the correct bit
`sequence within the packets and lowering signal detection error through reduced
`intersymbol interference coding of said audio signal representation respective to said
`headphone spread spectrum receiver and said mobile digital audio spread spectrum
`transmitter, …
`a decoder operative to decode reduced intersymbol interference coding of said
`audio signal representation;….
`an encoder operative to encode said audio signal representation to reduce
`intersymbol interference and lowering signal detection error of said audio signal
`representation respective to headphone spread spectrum receiver and mobile
`digital audio spread spectrum transmitter; and
`…, said portable digital audio headphone spread spectrum receiver
`a direct conversion module configured to capture packets and the correct bit
`sequence within the packets and lowering signal detection error through reduced
`intersymbol interference coding of said audio representation signal respective to
`said headphone and mobile said digital audio spread spectrum transmitter
`operatively coupled to said audio player, said packets embedded in the received
`spread spectrum signal, the captured packets corresponding to the unique user
`a digital demodulator configured for independent CDMA communication
`a decoder operative to decode the applied reduced intersymbol interference
`coding of said audio signal representation;….
`an encoder operative to encode said audio signal representation to reduce
`intersymbol interference and lowering signal detection error of said audio signal
`representation respective to mobile spread spectrum receiver and mobile digital
`audio spread spectrum transmitter;
`…, said mobile digital audio spread spectrum receiver comprising;
`a direct conversion module configured to capture packets and the correct bit
`sequence within the packets and lowering signal detection error through reduced
`intersymbol interference coding of said audio representation signal respective to
`said mobile digital audio spread spectrum receiver and said mobile digital audio
`transmitter operatively coupled to said audio player, said packets embedded in the
`received spread spectrum signal, the captured packets corresponding to the unique
`user code;
`a digital demodulator configured for independent CDMA communication
`a decoder operative to decode the applied reduced intersymbol interference
`coding of said audio signal representation;….
`Moring Declaration
`page 15
`SONY EXHIBIT 1012 - 0015

`a direct conversion module configured to capture packets and the correct bit
`sequence within the packets and lowering signal detection error through reduced
`intersymbol interference coding of said audio representation signal respective to mobile
`said digital audio spread spectrum receiver and said mobile digital audio spread spectrum
`transmitter, said packets embedded in a received spread spectrum signal, the captured
`packets corresponding to the unique user code;
`a digital demodulator configured for independent code division multiple access
`communication operation;
` decoder operative to decode reduced intersymbol interference coding of said
`audio signal representation;….
`a direct conversion module configured to capture packets and the correct bit
`sequence within the packets and lowering signal detection error through reduced
`intersymbol interference coding of said audio representation signal respective to said
`spread spectrum headphone and said mobile digital audio spread spectrum transmitter,
`said packets embedded in a received spread spectrum signal, the captured packets
`corresponding to the unique user code;
`a digital demodulator configured for independent code division multiple access
`communication operation;
`a decoder operative to decode reduced intersymbol interference coding of said
`audio signal representation;….
`“Reduced intersymbol interference coding” in the 2003 application
`There is no mention of “reduced intersymbol interference coding” in the 2003 application. In fact, there
`is no mention of intersymbol interference or any means to reduce it or its effects. Neither is there mention of
`“lowering signal detection error” nor anything about “signal detection.”
`There is mention of “interference from any other receiver 50 user” [0011] and “interference from other
`users” [0021]. These are obviously distinct from ISI, which does not involve interference among users. There
`are several mentions of “noise” (including “channel noise” [0009], “noise, which includes other FAWM users”
`[0013], and “additive noise” [0014]). None of these imply ISI.
`There is mention of convolutional encoding and interleaving [0009] “to reduce the effects of channel
`noise.” And a statement [0019] that:
`“the fuzzy logic detector used in the battery powered headset receiver 50 greatly reduces
`the unique user code bit error probability. The fuzzy logic detector technique, combined
`Moring Declaration
`page 16
`SONY EXHIBIT 1012 - 0016

`with convolutional error detection and correction techniques, may enable the FAWM
`system 10 to operate in most any environment.”
`Nothing indicates that these techniques target any “reduced intersymbol interference coding” or “lowering signal
`detection error.”
`“Manchester encoding/decoding” is mentioned [0014] in the 2003 application, but this refers to a
`method for representing bit information and does not involve any system performance enhancement.
`In summary, the claim elements “reduced intersymbol interference coding” and “lowering signal
`detection error through reduced intersymbol interference coding” are not found, expressly or inherently, in the
`2003 application.
` “Differential phase shift keying (DPSK)”
`Please see section V.C for a general discussion of DPSK.
` “DPSK” in the ’396 patent claims
`Each dependent claim in the ’396 patent includes the limitation of “differential phase shift keying
`(DPSK),” as does independent claim 9, as shown in the table following (emphasis added).
`Relevant Excerpt
`said portable digital audio spread spectrum transmitter comprising a differential phase shift
`keying (DPSK) implementation and a digital modulator implementation for spread spectrum
`said digital audio headphone comprising a differential phase shift keying (DPSK)
`implementation and a digital demodulator implementation for spread spectrum reception
`said portable digital audio headphone spread spectrum receiver comprising a differential
`phase shift keying (DPSK) implementation and a digital demodulator implementation for
`spread spectrum reception
`said digital audio spread spectrum transmitter comprising a differential phase shift keying
`(DPSK) implementation and a digital modulator implementation for spread spectrum
`Moring Declaration
`page 17
`SONY EXHIBIT 1012 - 0017

`said portable digital audio headphone spread spectrum receiver comprising a differential
`phase shift keying (DPSK) implementation and a digital demodulator implementation for
`spread spectrum reception
`a digital modulator configured for independent CDMA communication operation and a
`differential phase shift keying (DPSK) modulator to modulate said audio signal representation
`the digital modulator implementation is communicable with a differential phase shift keying
`(DPSK) implementation and wherein said DPSK modulates said audio signal representation
`the digital demodulator implementation is communicable with a differential phase shift keying
`(DPSK) implementation and wherein said DPSK demodulates said audio signal representation
`said digital audio spread spectrum transmitter comprising a differential phase shift keying
`(DPSK) implementation and a digital modulator implementation for spread spectrum
`said portable digital audio spread spectrum receiver comprising a differential phase shift
`keying (DPSK) implementation and a digital demodulator implementation for spread spectrum
`the wireless digital audio spread spectrum receiver comprising a differential phase shift keying
`(DPSK) implementation and a digital demodulator implementation for spread spectrum
`the wireless digital audio spread spectrum headphone comprising a differential phase shift
`keying (DPSK) implementation and a digital demodulator implementation for spread spectrum
`“DPSK” in the 2003 application
`There is no mention of differential phase shift keying, DPSK, or any specific modulation technique in
`the 2003 application.
`There is a mention of “digital modulated signal” [0009], [0010], “spread spectrum modulation” [0009],
`and “creating a spread spectrum signal using a shift register generator to modulate a unique user code” [claim
`4]. None of these imply DPSK. Digital modulation is a broad category that includes many types of modulation,
`including many types of phase modulation, including DPSK. Spread spectrum modulation may employ DPSK,
`or any one of many other types of modulation.
`Moring Declaration
`page 18
`SONY EXHIBIT 1012 - 0018

`As a point of reference, IEEE Std 802.11-2003 (published in 2003), which is the basis for the popular
`(spread spectrum) Wi-Fi technology, specifies multiple forms of modulation, including binary phase shift keying
`(BPSK), differential binary phase shift keying (DBPSK), quadrature phase shift keying (QPSK), Gaussian
`frequency shift keying (GFSK), pulse position modulation (PPM), complementary code keying (CCK), and
`quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM).
`Nothing in the specification of the 2003 application would lead one skilled in the art to associate
`“differential phase shift keying” or “DPSK” with the system specified. DPSK is neither expressly included in the
`2003 application nor is it inherent in the 2003 application.
`VII. The ’196 Publication
`In this section I consider two concepts found in the ’396 patent claims, relative to the ’196 publication:
` Packet
` DPSK receiver/demodulator
`“Packet” in the ’396 patent claims
`A claim term “packet” or “packet format” is found in each of the independent claims of the ’396 patent,
`as shown in the table below (emphasis added).
`Relevant Excerpt
`a portable digital audio spread spectrum transmitter configured to couple to said
`portable audio source and transmitting a unique user code bit sequence with said original
`audio signal representation in packet format, said digital audio spread spectrum
`transmitter comprising:
`an encoder operative to encode said original audio signal representation to reduce
`intersymbol interference and lowering signal detection error of said audio signal

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