`Inflation Adjustment
`Present Value Factor
`Present Value of Worldwide Sales
`Notes and sources:
`Monetary values are in millions of $U.S.
`[A] Nominal worldwide sales figures are from Exhibit 1036.
`[B] to [C] = 1 / (CPI for specified year (row) / CPI for specified year (column)) from Exhibit 1049.
`[D] to [E] Calculated from month and day of Toviaz approval (October 31) for 2008 and patent priority (May 12) for 1998.
`The discount rate used is 10.5% based on:
`Grabowski, Henry and Ronald Hansen, "Briefing Cost of Developing a New Drug," Tufts Center for the Study of Drug Development, 11/18/2014, at 20.
`[F] = [A] × [B] × [D].
`[G] = [A] × [C] × [E].
`Petitioner Torrent Pharmaceuticals Limited - Exhibit 1046 - Page 1