`Detrol LA
`Ditropan XL
`Generic oxybutynin
`Market share
`Market share
`Market share
`Market share
`Market share
`Market share
`Market share
`Market share
`Market share
`Notes and sources
`Prescriptions are in thousands Sales are in millions of $U S
`[A] Cowen and Company, "Therapeutic Categories Outlook," 10/2001, at 301
`[B] Cowen and Company, "Therapeutic Categories Outlook," 10/2002, at 366
`[C] Cowen and Company, "Therapeutic Categories Outlook," 10/2003, at 434
`[D] Cowen and Company, "Therapeutic Categories Outlook," 3/2004, at 522
`[E] Cowen and Company, "Therapeutic Categories Outlook," 10/2005, at 664
`[F] Cowen and Company, "Therapeutic Categories Outlook," 10/2006, at 804
`[G] Cowen and Company, "Therapeutic Categories Outlook," 10/2007, at 1020
`[H] Cowen and Company, "Therapeutic Categories Outlook," 9/2008, at 1155
`Petitioner Mylan Pharmaceuticals Inc. - Exhibit 1039 - Page 1
`Petitioner Torrent Pharmaceuticals Limited - Exhibit 1039 - Page 1