`s3t tuEu{poceuJeLld puP sctlou tloceuleL{d
`oL.ll Jol onrp Mou e .uBtu ut outpoloilol lo
`l{1rnrlceJono Joppplq fueurJn lo luotuleoll
`'d'rdql/'l-IYd ''I'raunrog :O'd 6rN$'I'IVH'8'.rHvr5 'S'hl'I I 'riINNIug'N
`gNOSSlsIusvC 'f puP
`' o7o s dd 11' gy ur4o td 2 T Dt rDw n)q d' {3 o 1o corutorq 4 ytctutl 3 lo ruaw n d a qi
`' pun"1 to l'o11 d s o 11 {1t s t a uu 2' tB o 1o cotutotq 4 loctutl 3 lo ruawu o d a q,
`' Lulot4yrots' gy uqo td p T otrDlurDq d' Ltlstwaqcor g 1on1cnt1g to tuatulnda g,
`puo' olos dd p' gy uqo td p T Dl rowrDtl d' fu lstwaq 3 yt crt(Touoot g lo uou ca g,
`'sruauqo)DutrDqd puD s)rtnarDwrzt1do1g lo uorst^te'{coutnq4lo ruawttodaq,
`uapaws.' o1os dd1' tlts nuu 2 o1os dd I
`pue 'scrtueu,{poceuuuqd 'scrlauDlocuruJsqd eq1 euruuelep 01 sem fpnls slql Jo IUIB eqJ 'lJBJlsqv
`frepuoces V'sreelunlo^ fqtpeq ur sesop snouelerlur pu€
`IBJo ey8uts SurmolloJ eulporellot;o f1a;es
`'Z'0 Jo sesop lero e13ur5 'ecuepq ssuru euruuelep pue selqoqeleru .{reuun roluur ,(grluepl ol sB,{\ tuIB
`epu ,(qtpeq 11 o1 ua,,rr8 erem (lps ete$mt aqt se) eulporeUot Jo 3- 8'Zt pue't 9'Z'E'9'I'8'0 't'0
`pue sreelunlo^ eql Jo g ol peJelsrurupe erea (3ru gZ't pue t9'0) sesop snouenerlul o1r\J 'sJeelunlol
`eurpoJelloJ 'slcefqns 9 ur eurpoJellot-(Jy1) 3ur ggo esop Iero e18urs e JaUB perpnls sB^\ ecuBleq ssetu
`'(q y'O + 6'0 uorleJluecuoc turues 4eed o1 erurt) uorlerlsrurupe pro 8uvrro1o; peqJosqe ,(lprdur su,tr
`uorlnqrJlsrpJo eunlo^ eq3-'ob1Lol 0I uro4 Sur8uer'elq?IJe^ ,(g8rq sem fllpqule,reotq elnlosqu eql
`'3ffi1 7g'g ol €Z'O uro4 pe8uer ecueJ€elc crurels,{s pw 8VI 9'I 01 6'0 uror; pe8uer elels-,(puals te
`pue r.usqoq?leru ssed-1srr; qSrq peltqqxe eulporelloJ 'Ll t - Z p eJII-JIuq Ieuluual e ut petlnseJ IIcIq^\
`Jo elnor ;o luepuedepul 'uorle1,$I1eep puu uorl€prxo
`:perJrluepr ererrr s,(uznqled crloqeleu c:0:edeq 7
`eJe,r selrloquler.u elrg 'euun ur pe8ueqcun peleJcxe se,Lr punoduoc luered eql Jo obl > 'uollpJlslulurp€
`Jo uorleJcxe oql 'eurporellof(Jtl) Jo uorleJlsrurupe Iero 3umo11og 'euun uI pelJlluepl(1prnyrru1s
`pes€ercep eurpoJellol '.{lelrlcedser 'obg't + I I pue ob1'V + LL set seceJ pue euun olur flr,ttlcuotpur
`g'ZI ret1a uorsrl Jo lurodreeu pue '3ut V'g reg€ elBJ ilBeq peseercur '?ut Z'E rege uoIlBAIIes pelelntulls
`tceJrp e Jo >Icel eq1 '8ur 8'ZI Jo esop e rege seIlFcIJJIp uolllJntcltu pegoder slcelqns g;o xrg '3ur
`pe1se33ns uorlelrles pelelnrurls uo slceJJe pu€ suorl?Iuecuoc urrues eulpoJeqol uearrrleq drqsuotleler
`'(s)elqoqeleu e,lr1ce,(lecfoloceuueqd ;o ecueserd eql
`"tuoonr"-'"nrlcu - sreelun1o,r. ,{qtpeq - ecueleq sselu - sclleul>locBuu€qd - aurporellol :sproal ,{ay
`-Jnlsrp olur pepl^Ip eq ,{uru uorlunlcttu Jo srepJoslc
`Jo uo4cunJ 8ur,$dure eql ro uollcunJ e8erols eql Jo secwq
`secrreqJnlsrp;o suroldrufs uIBITI eql 'reppelq freuun eql
`-uocut pue ',{cue8rn '.{cuanber; eJe uollcunJ a8erols eq1;o
`lBql e^erleq ol suosBeJ eJB eJeql uetu uI 'ecueull
`qlr^\ pelurcosse suorlceJluoc sB IIel( se suollceJluoc Jepp€lq
`crurJecsnru ,(q ,{lureru pelerpeu eru ,tt,r.tlcure^o Jeppulq
`'uoseor srql rod '[9661 uossrepuy] uortepurrls roldecer
`' L66I 'U prdy u.uo; pest,t er ut peldaccu :966I 'Zl leqrueto(l pe^receg
`'.(8o1oceuuuq4 1€JrurlJ Jo luetuuedeq'euufrg'p':q ol ecuepuodselro3
`'uepe^\S'epsddn 7 g 1 91- g' gy uqofdn ? €Irulrrreqd
`-ep Jo lueruleer JoJ pesn ueuo eJB s8rup cluuecsnlullue
`'r(lrrrrlcere,ro rosn-rl
`-eue sB qcns 'spunoduoc unluoluure ,fteu-re1en|
`-ruor ere 'eprtuoJq eurleqluedord pue eplluoJq urnruord
`esaql'.{lrzr.rlcerelo Jeppulq Jo luoruteer1 eql ut pesn,(potu
`ueq.^A uollcunJ reppelq uo slceJJe pelueuncop e,r.eq s8rup
`-uV pue uelsurn '086I 'Ie le s€^IBIg]
`.{lpreluered ue,r,r8
`lereqdrred'rea,emoH'|LL6I uossrep
`-pe cruu€csnurrlue
`'qlnou,{rp se qcns slceJJe esJe^
`'srs,{1ered uorl€poluruocce
`eseql Jo sseue^IlcoJJe eql pelIuII e,req urprec,tqcel pue
`rood;o esnuceq .ftesseceu uego sr uorlerll esoq 'slua8e
`8ur.r,ro11o3 uorlerru^ IenpIAlpuuelur q8rq pue,{lqrqepuneorq
`'IB te Ipapun5] uorlerlsrururpu IBro
`'[ 1961 'p 1e eso1 '€t6I
`.{pueunc st '8rup peluauncop IIea e sI qcrq.Lr'uru,$nq,(xg
`Jo lueruleeJl eql ur ecroqc Jo 8rup eql eq ol peJeplsuoc
`Petitioner Torrent Pharmaceuticals Limited - Exhibit 1007 - Page 1
`Brynne, Stahl, Hall4n et al.
`patients with bladder overactivity [Yarker et al. 1995]. The
`utility of this agent is restricted by a high incidence of
`adverse effects, such as dryness of the mouth [Cardozo et
`al. 19871.
`No currently available therapeutic agent has a selec-
`tive action on the muscarinic receptors of the bladder. A
`drug with a high antimuscarinic potency and a more blad-
`der-selective action is therefore desired. Preclinical data
`have shown that tolterodine ((R)-N,N-diisopropyl-3-(2-
`hydroxy-5-methylphenyl)-3-phenylpropanamine) exerts a
`high antimuscarinic potency in guinea pig and human
`detrusor muscle [Naerger et al. 7995, Nilvebrant et al'
`19941.It has also been shown that tolterodine displays a
`favorable tissue selectivity for the urinary bladder over
`salivary glands in the anesthetized cat [Gillberg et al.
`Preliminary studies in healthy volunteers suggest that
`tolterodine bxerts a marked inhibitory effect on micturition
`fStahl et al. 1995]. The objective ofthe present study was
`to determine the pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics,
`and safety of tolterodine following single oral and intrave-
`nous (i.v.) doses in healthy volunteers. A secondary aim
`was to identify major urinary metabolites of tolterodine
`following oral administration and to quantify urinaryfecal
`excretion (mass balance).
`Subjects, material and methods
`Study drugs
`Tolterodine is a weak base (pKa 9.9) with an oc-
`tanol/phosphate buffer partition coefficient (log D) at room
`temperature of 1.8 at pH 7.3 (data on file lPharmacia &
`Upjohn ABI). For the purposes of this study, tolterodine
`(as the tarlrate salt) was prepared as water solutions (150
`ml) for use in dose escalation studies while a solution of
`1laC)-tolterodine (labelled in the u-posirion, 957o radio-
`chemical purity), together with unlabelled tolterodine, was
`prepared for determination of mass balance. Oral solutions
`of tolterodine were prepared by the Pharmacy, Lund Uni-
`versity Hospital, Sweden, while i.v. solutions of
`tolterodine were prepared by Pharmacia and Upjohn AB,
`Stockholm, Sweden.
`A total of 23 male Caucasian volunteers were in-
`cluded in the 3 parts ofthe study (oral dose escalation, i.v.
`administration, and mass balance determination). All vol-
`unteers were judged to be healthy by clinical examination,
`electrocardiography, and evaluation of laboratory parame-
`ters prior to study enrolment. Seventeen volunteers partici-
`pated in the oral dose escalation studies. Their mean (+
`standard deviation, SD) demographic characteristics were:
`age 28 + 7 years, body weight 77 ! 10 kg, and height 1.8 I
`I 0.04 m. Eight of these subjects subsequently received
`tolterodine i.v., while 6 additional volunteers received
`(14C)-tolterodine orally for determination of mass balance.
`The mean (t SD) demographic characteristics of these 6
`volunteers were: age 45 + 6 years, body weight 15 X 4kg,
`and height 1.80 I 0.06 m. Each participant provided in-
`formed written consent and the study protocol was ap-
`proved by the Ethics Committee of the University of Lund,
`Study design
`The subjects fasted ovemight (from l0 p.m.) before
`drug administration and they abstained from food until a
`standardized lunch was given (4 h after drug administra-
`tion). No other drugs were allowed for 2 weeks prior to and
`48 h after each administration. In addition, smoking and
`the consumption of alcohol and caffeine-containing bever-
`ages were restricted prior to and for 48 h after drug intake.
`In the dose escalation part of the study, tolterodine
`was given as a single oral dose of 0.2,0.4,0.8, 1.6, 3.2,6.4,
`or 12.8 mg. Two subjects per dose were included in the
`lower dose interval (0.2 - 1.6 mg), while 8 subjects re-
`ceived 3.2, 6.4 and 12.8 mg, respectively. Blood samples
`( l0 ml) were drawn into Vacutainer tubes without additives
`prior to and at 0.33, 0.66, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, and 24 h after drug
`administration. After coagulation at room temperature for
`approximately 0.5 - I h the blood samples were centrifuged
`(1,000 g for 10 min). Serum was immediately separated,
`fuozen, and stored at -20o C pending analysis. Urine was
`collected quantitatively O - 24 h and 24 - 48 h after
`tolterodine dosage. Heart rate and blood pressure (supine)
`were simultaneously recorded by an automatic, noninva-
`sive, digital blood pressure meter (UA-751 , A and D Com-
`pany Ltd, Japan). Nearpoint of vision was determined
`using a RAF nearpoint rule (Clement Clarke Ltd., UK).
`Stimulated salivation was measured with a slightly modi-
`fied method used by Dollery et al. fl9761. The subjects
`chewed I tablet of paraffin (Orion Diagnostica, Espoo,
`Finland) altemately on the left and right side of the mouth
`for 5 min. All saliva was carefully collected in a plastic cup
`and weighed in order to calculate salivation flow (g/5 min).
`Measurement of heart rate, blood pressure, nearpoint of
`vision and stimulated salivation were performed prior to
`and at 0.25, 0.15, 1.25, 1.15,2.25,2.15,3.25,3.75, 4.15,
`5.25, 5.7 5, 6.25, 6 ;7 5, 1 .25, and 7 ;7 5 h after the administra-
`tion oftolterodine.
`Eight ofthe 17 subjects included in the dose escalation
`also received tolterodine i.v. Two subjects received a 5-min
`infusion of tolterodine 0.64 mg while all 8 subjects re-
`ceived an i.v. infusion of tolterodine 1.28 mg over 10 min.
`Blood samples (10 ml) were drawn prior to and immedi-
`ately after the infusion, and at 0.33, 0.66, 1, 2,3, 4,6,8,
`and 24 h after completion of the infusion. Quantitative
`collection of urine and measurement of heart rate, blood
`Petitioner Torrent Pharmaceuticals Limited - Exhibit 1007 - Page 2
`Qd puo xd aulporalloJ
`uorlelrles pelelnurls pue 'uorsrl go lurodrueu 'ernsserd
`'e^oqe peqrJcsep w peuuo3.red ererrr
`ssetu eql ur pepnlcu ere,tr slcelqns 9 l€uorlrppu uV
`3u E e18urs B pe^receJ lcelqns qceg 'uorp8rlselur ecu€luq
`seldues I€red
`'eurporetlol-(Jrr) Jo esop pro (r3rl 911)
`s,(ep 1 roJ sle^relu q, VZ q fler'r1e1r1uenb petcelloc ere^\
`- 8V'gV - VZ'VZ- 8 '8 - t'y - g s1e,ue1ur eqt ur euun pu€
`8rup rege Lt B9t - WI pue' WI - OU' 0U - 96'96 - Z L' ZL
`-gpuepr roJ pesn (qVZ - g) seldues euFl l 'uorl€Jtsrururpe
`- S'€ Hd o1 pelsnlpe erelrr selqoqeleru eurporellolJo uortec
`tuelerd ot prce crqJocse W S'0 ul tOSzH I tr Z qll,\\ 0't
`seldruus pceJ pue euun 'runJes IIV 'sessecoJd erlrleprxo
`'srs.{1eue tpun 3 "02-N
`uezo4 perols ere,^a
`-eJ eJel( sluala esJelpe pegoder r(lsnoeuuluods 1y
`peuruuelep urc8u ere.Lr sreleurered '{.ro1uroqe1
`pue pepJoc
`'pue ,{pn1s le sreolunlol IIe roJ
`atnpato.td 1ot!I[|DuV
`eJeA\ euun puB unJes ur suorlBJluecuoc eurpoJelloJ
`',(rleurorlceds sseur/,{qderSoletuorr{c se8 Sursn peuruuelep
`,(ruurrn 'pJupuels Ieruelur eql sB enSoluuu pelerelnep e qlr,tr
`3urmo11o; passesse oslu eJe,rr eurpoJellol Jo suorl€Jluecuoc
`re8uuqeog) esepruorncnlS-d Wt^ seldures Jo uorteqncur
`-puets Ieruelul sll pue eurporelloJ '(.{ueuueg 'urrequuepl
`purcrpep Jo tueruuudeq eqt ,(q pezrseqlu,{s eJea pJs
`-e,rs 'ruloq>lcols 'gV uqofdn pue urJuuuurl4',{4srrueq3
`pesrls{le Jo lurz- I ruo4 pelceJlxe ere,Lr se1,(pue eqJ 'uep
`6 : 1) reqte 1,(q1erp/euelued pr g olur eldures (lt * t t Hd)
`ur 'sseufrp o1 eseqd cruu8ro eql Jo uorlurodu.r,e .regy '(,t/,r
`0g qlll\ pezrle^rrep se,r enprser eql 'ue8orilu Jo ruuers e
`'(epnueleceorongrrl-(1,(ps1'(qteurur)-srq-O'N) VCJSS Ili
`urunloc,{repdec zclys pesnJ e uo pelerrlce se,t uorleredeg
`Sursn '(urd Eg'g 'ruur ZZ'0 - ur gZ 'Z ro 1 er11n 411)
`qlr. a peuuoJJed se,Lr uorlcele6l'Suruure:3ord ernleredruel
`pelmeg) rolcelep e^rtceles sseru qSIN IL6g to 0t6g dH ue
`ere,r L8E 4w pve ZBE zlur suor eqJ '(ygn 'p-ru1ce4
`slr pue eurporellol;o Suuolruotu uor-e13urs roJ pesncoJ
`perederd selrnc pmpu€ls',{le,r.r1cedser'prepuels
`er.IJ 'VFd 0g - g'0 e8uer eqt urqil.r,r rdeurl eJe^\ rurues ur
`JoJ uorlerJe^ .{eprelur eqJ 'll3rl S'0 sB,^A uortcetep Jo tlu4l
`sezvr /8ri Z'LV - 6'l e8uer uorle4uocuoc orp uI ourporollol
`'oblllpuu 00I ueealeq peue,r.{Serncce eqtpve obL>
`peruroped ereztr,fi r,,r.rlceorpeJ lulol Jo sluetueJnseenl
`ererrr seldureS 'eurrn prm uorlnlos IsJo eql 3o slonbrle ur
`,$1,r.r1ceorper pue (VSn 'pre1ce4) ploC eunlln qtr,^A petnlp
`eueque3) ,ftteurortceds uouellrlurcs pmbq ,{q pernseeu
`pazrueSoruoq arez'r seldrues pceg '(ygn '00S2 UJ pJDIO?d
`ere,tr slonbrle pue Qq8re,u IBceJ eql setu11 t - g) relem ur
`Iepo4 rezrpxo eldueg prelce4) pelsnquoJ prre perrp
`flluenbesqns se,tr flr,rrlceolpe5 '(VSn 'tgE
`ur perns€eru
`-eilrlurcs pmbl ,(q (ygn 'pre1ce4) rongeu;e4,/qrosoqreJ
`',(rleuorlceds uorl
`elrlJeqruv uo pelceJlxe eJea selrloqeleur freuun
`Iou€qleu qtr^\ peuonlpuoo 'urru 08I x tI) Z-CVX
`-eJ Jepun peleJluecuoc pue 'lou€qleru qlr. a petnle '(re1e,u
`-uoIlcBU ere,4A selrloqeleu luereJJrp eq;'ernsserd pecnp
`,{qderSoleruorqc prnbq esuqd-pesre.r.er e,rrlerederd,{q pele
`8IJ {ed e,top ud 9 qll.^.\ pe>lced urunloc 1e6 der4 e uo
`ere,tr se1,(yuuu eqJ' (V Sn'yy,q'e;odrp6 srep16) selcrged
`eAIloBoIpBJ eql puu relel\ ur luerper8 loueqleu e qlr.^A petnle
`e^rlceorped 'palPJluecuoc puB pelcelloc eJe,4A suorlce4
`-pesreleJ pcrfpue uB uo perJund requn; erea suorlre4
`pFbII SVd-llrC fq pez(letrc .{11eurg pue urunloc eseqd
`-e1eu pele8nluocun',ftleurorlceds sseru/qderSoleruoJqc
`-erSoleruorqc su8 fq pez[1uue puu pete1,(ps ere,^d, selrloq
`'uorluSruor lcudrur uor1cele q1,l .{rleurorlceds sseurT,(qd
`srsQouo r4oq
`ereq,Lr ldecxe 'cs + u?etu se pesserdxe er€ ulep ilv
`-sn peuuoJJed su,Lr srs,(pue plueugedurocuoN'polecrpur
`-BJlsrulrupu rulnJs€^er1xe nJ (Z'V uorsre,r) urpo5134 3ur
`erll ropun BerB eqJ '[9961 sluullnsuo3 I€Jrtsrtets] uort
`.reeuq ,{q peurelqo se,lt, elJnc eurl-uorleluecuoc turues
`qty( [286i relued pu€ 1ppqlD] uorteurxordde leprozederl
`elep pelrrperd 1se1 eql Surpr,r.rp fq flrur;ur o1 uorlulodurlxe
`qVZ - Z eqt ruo4 pe,nFep) z1 'edols luuruuel eqr .{q lurod
`-qe eleldruoc Sununssu '(S/fC) ecuereelJ prg '(p.tre1ur
`-ce pelepclec ere,\\ (Z/It) oJrf-Jleq IeuruJet pue 'uorldros
`'[9661 rezol pue puel,4d,oU] spoqleur pJepuels o1 Surproc
`Iepou pnueuodxerq e 'srs,(pue uorsserSer oql uI
`[7961 rerue4 pue rpleqrg] (Z prrc t suorlenbe)
`pellrJ s€.t\
`ur) elep uorlerluecuoc rurues IpJo pup ',t'r o1 ,{lsnoeu€llnturs
`Jo eleurlse Jelleq B le8 ol puu Iepou eql ezrlrqels ol ropro
`[",-" (,'.."-') fJ=,'ft= "''
`k) . [,r-"
`1#*,",, " L#]?"r*a;= "',
`eql seuoceq puu uorsnJur eql Surrnp 1 sr e ereq,^A
`eql Jo uouessec reue (uorsn;ur;o uorlernp) Jull luelsuoc
`roJ pepnlcw eq ol pepoou (8rtt) erult-8e1 e 'flereueg
`1see1 pelq8rem ,(q epp eqt ol peurJ se,r Iepou eqJ '€tup
`'cpcrcll rolcug Surlq8re,r eql Sursn uorsser8er se:enbs
`Jo (AJ) uorl€u€l
`Jo luercrJJeoc eqf teqt seunsse qcrq,{
`eqJ 'luelsuoc se,4d sluerueJnseeu uorleluecuoc eql uo JoIIe
`erJelrJJ IeJeAes o1 lcedser qll.lA eperu se,r Iepou Jo ecroqc
`plueuruedxe 01 slepotu eql Jo trJ Jo sseupooS eql ssosse ol
`'uorlJunJ alrlceiqo eqt :slYrolloJ se eJea BrJeluo esoql'plep
`;o uorsrcerd eql pus'spnprser eqt;o lold eqlJo renecs eql
`elels-,{puels lB uollnqulsrp Jo eunlo^ eq1 '.releurered qcee
`oJII-JI€q uorldrosqe'(13) ecuereelc ruluos cruelsfs'(Ssn)
`(fUl$ eturl eoueprsor u€oru pue (g) ,{111rqe1re,reorq'(ezllt)
`Petitioner Torrent Pharmaceuticals Limited - Exhibit 1007 - Page 3
`Brynne, Stahl, Hall4n et al,
`TableI pertinentkineticestimatesobtainedaftersimultaneousfitoforaldata(3.2,6.4,arfi12.8mg)andinfusiondata(1.28mg)afteradministration
`of tolterodine to healthy volunteers.
`C*u* (pgA)
`t *(h)
`F (Vo)
`Vss G/kg)
`cL (l/h&e)
`MRr (h)
`trpp G)
`cLlF (l/h/kg)c
`CY (Va)
`cv (sa)
`12.8 ms (n = 5)
`cv (qo)
`<0.7 - 13
`0.7 - 1.0
`23 -74
`0.9 - 1.6
`2.9 - 6.7
`2.4 - 52
`0.38 - 3.1
`2.5 - l7
`0.7 - 1.5
`1.1 - 1.6
`0.23 - 0.47
`2.8 -7.0
`2.3 -5.3
`0.56 - 5.4
`6.8 - 54
`o.3 -2.0
`1.1 - 1.4
`0.32 - 0.52 18
`2.7 - 4
`2.t - 2.9
`\ 0.71 - 4.8
`tmu = time to Cmu, F = bioavailability, Vs5 = volume of distribution at steady-state, CL = systemic semm clearance, MRT
`mean residence time,
`trpp = elimination half-life, cLA = oral clearance, cv = coefficient of variation
`Fig. I Serum concentration time
`profiles of tolterodine after 6.4 mg
`oral (panel A) and 1.28 mg intrave-
`nous (panel B) single-dose admini-
`stration of tolterodine to 8 healthy
`were estimated according to standard equations [Gibaldi
`and Perrier 19821.
`Radioactivity in urine and feces was deterrnined quan-
`titatively and described as a function of time.
`AII subiects complied with the study protocol and
`completed the trial. Since only 2 subjects per dose level
`were included for the lower oral doses of 0.2 - 1.6 mg this
`presentation will emphasize the pharmacokinetics and
`pharmacodynamics after tolterodine doses of 3.2,6.4' and
`12.8 mg (8 volunteers per group).
`Pharmacokinetic parameters from the noncompart-
`mental analysis and the simultaneous fit to oral and i.v. data
`are presented in Table 1 and serum concentration time
`profiles after 6.4 mg oral and 1.28 mg i.v. administration
`in Figure 1. Tolterodine was rapidly absorbed at all dose
`levels, time to peak serum levels (tmax) following oral
`administration was 0.8 - 1.1 h. A proportional increase in
`mean peak serum concentration (Cma*) (6.2 - 25 Fg/l) was
`observed at doses of 3.2 - 12.8 mg. CLiF showed high
`interindividual variability (range 0.38 - 5.4 Uh/r;g without
`any obvious dose relationship. Mean 1172 was constant (2.5
`- 3.0 h) with increasing dose. After a mean thg of 0.3 t 0.3
`h, tolterodine was absorbed withal'/;aof 0.4 + 0.3 h. The
`initial distribution phase was rapid (1.1tz11 < 0.33 h).
`Bioavailability exhibited high variability between indi-
`viduals, ranging from 10 to 74%o,while V55 and CL ranged
`from 0.9 to l.6lkg and from 0.23 to 052lhkg, respec-
`tively. On the basis of these results, MRT and elimination
`half-life (trlzp) were estimated to be 3 - 7 h and 2 - 3 h,
`respectively. Renal excretion of unchanged tolterodine was
`< l7o duringthe first 48 h and was independent of dose and
`route of administration. Similarresults were obtained when
`urine samples were incubated with B-glucuronidase prior
`to analysis.
`Petitioner Torrent Pharmaceuticals Limited - Exhibit 1007 - Page 4
`cld puD xd autporaqoJ
`-oqeteu freurrn per;Duepl Z'3ll
`go esop pro 8ur g e13urs e rege salq
`-un1ol dqlpeq w eutporeqo1-(30,)
`pue) setlloqBletu IIV
`se perJpuepl osle ere^\ (eulporellol
`-(Jor) Jo uoPlsod eq1 'sePruomcnlS
`eqt u! (*) peluclpur sr 3uq1eqe1
`'elnJelour eulpoJellol
`astloqqaw puD aJuDlDq ssDw
`Io obS'Z+V6'uorle4srunupe 8rup uro4 s,(ep 1uqtt16
`-loceJ se,4d peJelslurrupe fll,rrlceotper;o lunorue plol eql
`-cedser'secoJ pue eulrn uI obg'E+ LIplur- obO'V+ 27)pale
`pelercxe serrr (o63'9 aP7) fltnlceorper 6qt;o lsoyq'(,{1e16
`'q tz ulqll^\ seceJ plrs euun uI
`ur perJrluepl sellloqBlelu eulporellol Jo seJnlcn4s erlJ
`q8noqllv '7 ern8rg ut u.{\oqs ere seldulus euun q VZ- 0 eql
`-eq peu?^ sellloqelelu 3I{l Jo suollurluecuoc e^Ilsler eql
`prru (€AD elqoqulelu prce cq,(xoqrec eq1 'slcefqns ueel$
`-uoc ere.{\ (qn1) etqoqetetu plc? cq,(xoqrec pelelAlpep aql
`-eue saldues ile ur sellToq€letu
`lueuluoperd eql ,(1luelsts
`Jo obLI + 08 JoJ pelunocc? sellloqsle(u 7, J€nq eql 'pez,(I
`+ 6Z'q\l'obO'VI + IS 'BAI) f1,r'rlceorper ^{reuFn 1e1o1
`pelunoccs eJe/|,qrrrrlceorpet 1o o5gT?urulslueJ eqJ' Qt"o' g
`sll qtp\ 3uo1e (e1) elfloqeletu pe1e1.(xorpfq eqt .{q rol
`pep1,(4uep'eulporellol 1cu1ur'(q11) ru-ro; pep1,t41eep
`-urus Ieced 'seleSnluoc epruorncnlS 4eql pue eulpoJellol
`uorlueleJ relrtuls qlr.tr sellToqeleru roleru 7 peurcluoc seld
`qtrm lued ou ellqa 'sellloqeteuI qAI pue €AI eql ol selull
`eurporellol lcelul Jo leql o1 Sutpuodseuoc eurll uollueler B
`'pe^Jesqo se.t\
`uo 3ru 8'ZI pue 'V'9 'Z'E eulporellot Jo speJJe eI{J
`-€Arles pelelnurls puu 'uoISIA Jo lurodreeu 'eler u€eq uuatu
`qlr^\ pelplcosse sE^\ eulpoJello;'g ern8rC ur u.&\oqs eJe uoll
`qcrq,^A Jo lesuo eql'e13r il€eq uI eseercur luepuedep-esop e
`- g'I punoJu lceJJe I€uIxBIu 01 erull qltn prder ,{ptu; se.u
`ur pe^Jesqo elBJ u€eq uI eseeJcul un{uIXBIu eq.L 'q 8'I
`g + 6I ss,r\ 3.u 8'Zt eulpoJallol pe^Iecer oLIl( sreelunlo^
`Jo sesop lE pepeJJ€
`lou set\ uoISI^ Jo lurod:ee51 'uru/spoq
`-uu^ Ienpr^rpuuelul elqereplsuoc q8noqtp '?ut V'9 pue Z'E
`urru ZEJo eseeJcul uaelu?'lserluoc uI'lueredde su,$ flrTrqe
`luersuel e Surmolog '3* 8'Zt Jo esop €
`le palJesqo s€A\
`llnseJ E se ,{lqeqord tsoru) uo4e,il1es pelslnIulls uI es?orJul
`-nlos IBJo re11rq f11q31ys eql pue 'Fu 009 'e>IBluI relu^\ Jo
`er{J 'pelJesqo su,{a l*rog fw,rqes uI eseercep prder e '(uo4
`€' I UqUA\ peUIBllE sB/!\,^(\ou,{re,'rt1es ur esueJJep umIuIxBLu
`tsotule ue 8ur 8'ZI rc pue uollsrslulrup€ 3rup rege q 8'I -
`Petitioner Torrent Pharmaceuticals Limited - Exhibit 1007 - Page 5
`Brynne, Stahl, Hall4n et al.
`Flg. 3 Mean (t SEM) heart rate
`(panel A), nearpoint of vision (panel
`B) and stimulated salivation (panel
`C) time profiles after single oral
`doses of tolterodine 3.2 mg (trian-
`gles),6.4 mg (squares) and 12.8 mg
`(circles) in healthy volunteers (8
`subjects in each dose group).
`complete inhibition of stimulated salivation was achieved.
`No clinically significant changes in either systolic or dia-
`stolic blood pressure were seen in any subject.
`C o nc e ntr ation-r e sp ons e r e lations hip
`The heart rate and salivation responses paralleled the
`tolterodine serum concentration time curves, peak re-
`sponses were observed around tmax &Ild declined with the
`elimination of tolterodine. There was a slight delay be-
`tween serum concentrations and heart rate response, but no
`apparent hysteresis for the effect on stimulated salivation.
`In Figure 4 the relationship between effects on heart rate
`and stimulated salivation versus serum concentrations of
`tolterodine has therefore been illustrated by a logJinear
`regression line (slope 2.5 (based on salivation data)). The
`Figure illustrates the lack of selectivity between the 2
`measured effects. However, a considerable difference in
`the maximal degree of the responses was seen. Maximal
`changes in heart rate and stimulated salivation observed
`after 12.8 mg were about+30Vo md-90Vo, respectively, of
`the pre-dose value. Figure 5 shows the salivary response
`versus serum concentrations after oral and i.v. administra-
`tion of tolterodine. Although comparable serum tolterodine
`concentrations were achieved after oral and i.v. administra-
`tion, only small decreases in stimulated salivation were
`observed after i.v. infusion compared with the oral route.
`Figures 4 and5 are based on observation up to 4 hours after
`Petitioner Torrent Pharmaceuticals Limited - Exhibit 1007 - Page 6
`od puo xd aulporalloJ
`. Vt
`rr v
`99Go!, € oL 3.
`I osg
`(ilOrl) uolerpecuoc urrues
`(s1oqru,(s pellrJ) uonp^rtps pue (qoqru,(s uedo) e1e: geeq weyl p'?tg
`sesop pro e18urs rolJ€ eurpoJellolJo uolelueJuor {urues sns:el esuodse:
`leql eloN '(selilrr) 3ru g'71 pue (serenbs) 3ru y 9 '(se13uura) 3u 7'g go
`'pennuo uoeq seq Surproco: uortelrps urur gI oql
`eql Surrnp pegoder eJea sluele esJelpe eJeles oN
`'(lluenber; lsour eq; '.{pn1s
`eJe,^A sluele esre^ps pegoder
`' ?tu g' Zt'slce lqns L'Srrr V' g' slce lqns g' ?vt Z' ) qlnoru,(rp
`g'7 1'nefqns t'?ut V' I serllnJrJJrp uorlunlcnu'(slcelqns g
`g '8ur 8'ZI) uorluporuruocce peqJntsrp '(slcelqns 9 '3ur
`-qns 7 '3ur g'71) suelqord purtselurorlse8 puu (slcefqns
`reue q 9I o1 dn ro; pelsrsred serllnJrJJrp uorlrnlcrl4l'(slcel
`sno^reu IBIuec o51 '8ru 8'ZI eurporellol Jo uorlur1srurtup€
`ur se8ueqc luecr;ru8rs ,{1pcru11c ro slcoJJo esrolpe uels.(s
`',{pn1s eqt Suunp pelou eJelvr sreleurersd froleroqel
`;o .{1r1qepe,,'eorq elnlosqu eqt turltt Surpug eq1
`(olrVL ot 0I ruo4 Sur8uu:) elq€rru^
`,{g8rq surn eurpoJellol
`sezlr Snrp eql lBrll Jeqlre pe,^ or{s esop Jo luapuedepur pue
`o1 pelqns s€^\ eurporellol wql ro 'paqJosqu fleleldruocur
`ue,tr8 eql Io obLL ecurs 'uorleururqe crurels,(serd
`sr uorlfuosqe pro qSrq B 'euun ur peloJcxa se,ld esop elrl
`Y?ruJ pu€ prdur sem eurpoJellolJo uorldrosqe eq1'pe11drur
`3urlse38ns uorlersrurupe Snrp yo rI I u1qll.,tA peqceeJ sB.^
`'eurlsolur llsurs eql ur ,{1ureu permcco uorld:osqe eql legl
`eql Jo uorlces srql q8norql eurl lrsuer e8erele eq1 eJurs
`eqJ '[996I '1e 1e serrreq] q € punoru sr lcu1 IeurlselurorlseS
`selucrpw (ZS't C 3o1) eurporellot roJ tuerrrJJeoc uorlrued
`-ueru pcrSolorq ssoJce ,(ppuer ssed pm 8rup eql tzql
`eq ol ruedde lou plp leql ssecord B 'seueJq
`ecurs 'elq€Jnl€s
`elep eseqt '.Ilere^O '(t etqeD luelsuoc peumureJ diTJ
`-rJe^ pue elrsuelxe seoSrepun eurporellol rcW petseSSns
`fu6rl) uorge.lluocuoc uInJaS
`Jo uorp.DueJuoJ rrnues sns.re,L esuodseJ uorlulrl€s uee1,1 g 3lg
`pelpy) 3ur 7'9'(sey8uuurpelp3) 3ru Z'EJo sosop Iero o18urs:ege eurpo:eqo1
`gz I Jo uorsnJur ',r'r e18urs e rsge pue (selrrb pellrJ) 8ru g'zt pue (serenbs
`IBJo urru-gI eql teql eloN'sreetrm1o,t,{qtpeq ur (seycnc uedo) 8ru
`'penrruo ueeq seq 8up:ocer uon
`eleldruocur ueql reqlur 'rusrloq€leru ssed-1srrg crledeq eyqe
`> Jo nzlq e qU.,rA petnqrrlsrp ,(yprder s€,rvr eurporelloJ
`6'0 ruo4 pe8uer SsA'(uru S punoJ€ sesec tsoru ur) unu 97
`,(1elr1e1er eqlqlr.ry\ tuerueer8e le.reue8 ur sl qc1{r!\ '3VI 9'I ol
`eseq;'punoduoc eqlJo scrlsuelrereqc crlqdodrl elerepour
`ur peur€rueJ punodruoc luered eql Jo obg > teqt fldrur etep
`eurpoJellol l€r{l pue 'elels-fp?els lB uorlulncrrc cruelsf s eq1
`'seueJqueu enssrl selerleued
`arqt lo ob1L 'eurpore11o1-(Jy1) Jo uortelsrunupe roUV
`fpeerp ,{lieuer peleJcxe se,tr flr,rrlceorpeJ Jo esop lelol
`Jo rusrloqeletu eql rcqt ,uoqs s8urpur; eseqJ 'q VZ urrlttw
`eurporellol So dzltl 'ssecord prdur ,(yrre; e se,^a eurporellol
`7 q8norql se^\ rusqoqeleu ,fierurrd oqJ 'q t - Z sew
`rolpue dnorS 1,(q1eu-g eqt go uorlzprxo :s.(unqled tuereggrp
`-etu prc€ cr1,{c,{xoqruc o.4A1 eqJ '(1 ern8rg) uone1,{4pep-111
`o699 tptr-utrxordde ro; pelunocce 'qAI pue eAI '.setqoqel
`'euun ur peJeloceJ flr,rrlceorpur eq1 ;o
`ol tZ'0 uror; pe8uur eurpoJellol Jo ecueJuelc cnuels,(g
`s€^\ esop perelsrurupe eqt lo obI > 'reAe.4AoH 'AilWt ZS'O
`-pe Jo elnoJ;o e,Lrlcedseur 'euun ur peStreqcun peleJcxe
`-rJru8rs elnqrluoc lou plp uorlorcxo ,fuelllg 'uorlz4sruru
`s?^\ 8rup eql ecurs eurporellol Jo uorlEurrurle eql ol .{lluec
`-oq leql polseSSns sSurpurJ eseqJ'seceJ ur olq€lcolep
`lBrll pu? uorlEurrurle Jo elnor uretu eql sr usqoqsleru ciled
`€ Sururnssv 'eleldtuoc lsorup sr eurporellol Jo rusrloqeleu
`crledeq e pue ,{lrun Jo orl€J uorleJluecuoc IUrues
`: poolq
`Jo uortcsrtxe crlsdaq eql 'urufi 9'I Jo ,4doll poolq
`eql 'Je^eaoH 'ob\, - 0z Jo eSuuJ eql ur s31v\ eurpoJellol
`Petitioner Torrent Pharmaceuticals Limited - Exhibit 1007 - Page 7
`Brynne, Stahl, Hall4n et al.
`estimated bioavailability (10 - 707o) cleatly suggested
`variable first-pass elimination, which may reflect differ-
`ences between subjects with respect to metabolic capacity.
`The systemic clearance of subject 1 6 (0.23 lkkg was thus
`notably lower than the overall average, and h2p of
`tolterodine in this subject was considerably longer (5'3 h).
`This dissimilarity was probably due to differences in he-
`patic metabolic capacity. Recently, Stahl et al. [1995]
`reported a subject with atr2gof 15 h following a single 6.4
`mg oral dose of tolterodine. The metabolic phenotype of
`this subject was subsequently characterized, using
`mephenytoin and debrisoquine - two probe drugs that are
`well established for determination of the polymorphically
`distributed cytochromes P450 2Cl9 and P450 2D6
`(CYP2CI9 and CYP2D6) [Bertilsson 1995]. The subject
`was classified as an extensive metabolizer of mephenytoin
`and a poor metabolizer of debrisoquine, which indicates
`that CYP2D6 may be involved in the metabolic clearance
`of tolterodine.
`Since it is difficult to obtain consecutive response
`measurements on the bladder over time, we assessed
`known antimuscarinic effects - such as increases in heart
`rate and nearpoint of vision and decrease in stimulated
`salivation - in order to characterize the pharmacological
`effects of tolterodine. While the absence of a placebo group
`in this study limited the interpretation of the effects of
`tolterodine, overall trends could be observed. At a dose of
`12.8 mg the maximum increase in heart rate was 20
`beats/min and an almost total inhibition of stimulated
`salivation occurred. Both responses were superimposable
`and suggest that the concentrations of tolterodine at an
`approximate half maximal response, on heart rate and
`salivation, were about 6 - 8 pg/I. The differences in mag-
`nitude might indicate that muscarinic M: receptors in
`glands are more sensitive to blockade than Mz receptors in
`the heart. However, there was an overlap between the
`serum concentrations where the respective responses oc-
`curred, which is in agreement with preclinical findings that
`did not demonstrate selectivity for a single muscarinic
`receptor subtype [Nilvebrant et al. 19961.
`Data from a urodynamic study in healthy volunteers
`by Stahl et al. [1995] showed that a single 6.4 mg oral dose
`of tolterodine exerts a powedul inhibitory effect on mic-
`turition, both subjectively and objectively. The reported
`rapid onset of an effect on the bladder is in agreement with
`the pharmacokinetic data in this study. Stahl and colleagues
`concluded that a dose of 6.4 mg would be too high for use
`in a future patient population. No effect on accommodation
`for nearvision was found at the dose used by Stahl et al.,
`while at a dose of 3.2 mg no apparent effect on hearl rute
`and only a slight inhibition of stimulated salivation was
`found. In contrast to the salivary response, the effect of
`tolterodine on urodynamic parameters did not change
`markedly between 1 and 5 h after drug administration
`lStahl et al. 1995]. The cause of the relatively longer
`duration of the bladder response is at present unclear.
`However, data from preclinical studies in the anesthetized
`cat have shown a more shallow dose-response relationship
`for effect on the bladder compared with effect on salivation
`[Gillberg et al. 1994]. If there is a similar dose-response
`relationship in man this might be associated with the sub-
`jective reports of persistent micturition difficulties for up
`to 16 h after drug administration in this study.
`There was a large discrepancy between the observed
`effect and tolterodine serum concentrations after oral and
`i.v. administration. This was evident for decreased saliva-
`tion as well as increased heart rate. This suggested a major
`contribution from an active metabolite(s) besides the phar-
`macological activity of tolterodine. Since the salivation
`response profile closely followed the tolterodine serum
`concentration time curve it seems likel! that the pharma-
`cokinetics of the active metabolite(s) is formation rate-lim-
`ited. The effect on salivation might have a pharmacody-
`namic ICso value at metabolite concentrations correspond-
`ing to 6 - 8 pgA ofparent tolterodine after oral dosage (but
`not after i.v. administration).
`The incidence of adverse effects was less frequent at
`lower doses and typical antimuscarinic adverse effects
`were clearly dose-related up to 12.8 mg. In view of the
`adverse events profile, clinical laboratory and vital signs
`data, tolterodine was judged to be well tolerated at all dose
`levels up to 12.8 mg.
`We thank Dr. Karl-Erik Andersson and Dr. Bengt Sparf for their
`valuable contributions to the development of these initial human phatma-
`cological studies. We are grateful to R.N. Gertrud Lundquistforher skilful
`Andersson K-E 1993 The pharmacology of lower urinary tract smooth
`muscles and penile erectile tissues. Pharmacol Rev 45: 253-308
`B ertil ss on Z 1995 GeographicaVinterracial differences in polymorphic
`drug oxidation - Current state of knowledge of cytochromes P450
`(CYP) 2D6 and2Cl9. Clin Pharmacokinet29: 192-209
`B laiv as J G, Labib KB, M ic halik J, Zay e d AAH 7980 Cystometric re sponse
`to prophanteline in detrusor hyperreflexia: therapeutic implications.
`I Urol 124: 259-262
`Cardozo LD, Cooper D, Versi E 1981 Oxybutynin chloride in the man-
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