Attorney Docket No.: 37307-0006IP1
`Hermann Ruckerbauer
`In re Patent of:
`US Patent No.:
`August 20, 2002
`Issue Date:
`Appl. Serial No.: 09/900,626
`§ 371 (c)(1) Date: July 6, 2001
`Attorney Docket No.: 37307-0006IP1
`Mail Stop Patent Board
`Patent Trial and Appeal Board
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
`P.O. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
`I, Vivek Subramanian, declare as follows:
`I am making this declaration at the request of the Real Party in Interest
`(Kingston Technology Company, Inc.) in the matter of Inter Partes Review of U.S.
`Patent No. 6,438,057 (the “ʼ057 Patent”).
`I am being compensated for my work. My compensation does not depend
`on the outcome of this proceeding.
`I have been asked to consider whether certain references disclose or render
`obvious the claims of the ʼ057 Patent, either alone or in combination with each

`I have been advised that a patent claim may be invalid as obvious if the
`Attorney Docket No.: 37307-0006IP1
`differences between the subject matter patented and the prior art are such that the
`subject matter as a whole would have been obvious at the time of the invention to a
`person having ordinary skill in the art. I have also been advised that several factual
`inquiries underlie a determination of obviousness. These inquiries include the
`scope and content of the prior art, the level of ordinary skill in the field of the
`invention, the differences between the claimed invention and the prior art, and any
`objective evidence of non-obviousness.
`I have been advised that objective evidence of non-obviousness directly
`attributable to the claimed invention, known as “secondary considerations of non-
`obviousness,” may include commercial success, satisfaction of a long-felt but
`unsolved need, failure of others, copying, skepticism or disbelief before the
`invention, and unexpected results. I am not aware of any such objective evidence
`of non-obviousness that is directly attributable to the subject matter claimed in the
`ʼ057 Patent at this time.
`In addition, I have been advised that the law requires a “common sense”
`approach of examining whether the claimed invention is obvious to a person skilled
`in the art. For example, I have been advised that combining familiar elements
`according to known methods is likely to be obvious when it does no more than
`yield predictable results. I have further been advised that this is especially true in

`instances where there are a limited numbers of possible solutions to technical
`Attorney Docket No.: 37307-0006IP1
`problems or challenges.
`I have been informed that all claims of the ʼ057 Patent are subject to this
`inter partes review.
`II. Materials Reviewed
`In forming the opinions I express below, I considered my own knowledge of
`the art in addition to at least the references below:
`a. The ʼ057 Patent
`b. The File History of the ʼ057 patent (“ʼ057 file history”)
`c. U.S. Patent 5,784,328 to Irrinki (“Irrinki”)
`d. U.S. Patent 3,851,316 to Kodama (“Kodama”)
`e. U.S. Patent 4,970,497 to Broadwater (“Broadwater”)
`f. Computer Organization and Design by Patterson and Hennessy
`(Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc., 1994)
`g. U.S. Patent 5,278,796 to Tillinghast (“Tillinghast”)
`h. U.S. Patent 6,134,167 to Atkinson (“Atkinson”)
`i. U.S. Patent 5,229,970 to Lee (“Lee ’970”)
`j. Japanese Patent 63-304499 to NEC Corporation (“JPS 499”)
`k. “Low Power Self Refresh Mode DRAM with Temperature
`Detecting Circuit,” by Kagenishi (“Kagenishi paper”)
`l. U.S. Patent 6,134,667 to Suzuki (“Suzuki”)
`m. U.S. Patent 3,812,717 to Miller (“Miller”)
`n. U.S. Patent 5,680,359 to Jeong (“Jeong”)

`Attorney Docket No.: 37307-0006IP1
`III. Qualifications
`I summarize my relevant knowledge and experience below. My Curriculum
`Vitae contains additional information and is attached as Exhibit 1017.
`10. I received a B.S. in electrical engineering from Louisiana State University in
`1994, an M.S. in electrical engineering from Stanford University in 1996, and a
`Ph.D. in electrical engineering from Stanford University in 1998.
`11. I co-founded Matrix Semiconductor, Inc. in 1998 to develop high density
`memory technology.
`12. I have been teaching in the Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences
`Department at the University of California, Berkeley since 2000. I was an
`Assistant Professor from 2000 to 2005, an Associate Professor from 2005 to 2011,
`and a Professor from 2011 to the present.
`13. I have been an adjunct professor at the Sunchon National University in
`Sunchon, Korea since 2009, leading research in printed electronics.
`14. I have been an independent consultant in the semiconductor industry since
`2000, focusing on memory technology, flexible electronics, and RFID technology.
`15. I have published more than 200 technical papers in journals and at

`16. I am a named inventor on over 40 U.S. patents, many of which are in the
`Attorney Docket No.: 37307-0006IP1
`field of memory design.
`IV. Person of Ordinary Skill in the Art and State of The Art
`17. In my opinion, a person of ordinary skill in the art as of the time of the ʼ057
`Patent would have a Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering and 2-5 years of
`experience working in the field of semiconductor memory design. I believe this to
`be a reasonable statement of the level of ordinary skill in the art for the patent and
`claims at issue. I also believe that I was one of ordinary skill in the art through my
`education and work experience during the time that I was in University.
`18. The opinions that I provide in this declaration are consistent with the
`knowledge and experience of one of ordinary skill in the art at the priority date of
`the ʼ057 Patent.
`19. At the time of the ʼ057 Patent’s priority date, those of ordinary skill in the
`art recognized that temperature and the refresh timing rate of a DRAM memory are
`related. Power could be saved by increasing or decreasing the refresh rate of
`DRAM based on the temperature. Ex. 1003 at 2:65-3:3; Ex. 1013 at 1; see also
`Ex. 1004, Ex. 1016
`20. It was also well known that the temperature of the DRAM array could be
`detected by placing a temperature sensor on the DRAM semiconductor die itself
`(i.e., on-chip). Ex. 1003 at 3:21-30.

`21. At the time of the ʼ057 Patent’s priority date, those of ordinary skill in the
`Attorney Docket No.: 37307-0006IP1
`art recognized that on-chip temperature sensors could use external circuitry to send
`the temperature of the DRAM array to external components. Ex. 1011 generally
`and at 4:19-26.
`22. The ability for a circuit to detect a temperature and then output the
`temperature is simply a digital thermometer, which is something that has been
`around since at least the 1970’s.
`23. At the time of the ʼ057 patent’s priority date, it was well known in the art
`that DRAM memory could be packaged with an on-board temperature sensor,
`which could be used by the DRAM array to vary the refresh rate. Ex. 1010 at
`24. It was also known that on-chip temperature readings could be sent off a chip
`for external use. Ex. 1011 generally and at 4:19-26.
`V. Overview of the ʼ057 Patent
`25. The ʼ057 Patent relates to a DRAM refresh timing adjustment device,
`system, and method. Ex. 1001 at Abstract.
`26. The specification discloses that, “[p]referably, the DRAM array is refreshed
`at a rate that varies in response to the signal.” Ex. 1001 at 2:31-32. Additionally,
`the DRAM array and the temperature sensor are disposed in a semiconductor
`package, “the package including at least one connection pin 117 operable to

`provide the signal on line 116 to external circuitry, such as the refresh unit.” Id. at
`Attorney Docket No.: 37307-0006IP1
`4:49-53. In accordance with the alleged invention, “the DRAM array 112,
`temperature sensor 110, and the refresh unit 104” can be “integrated in the same
`27. semiconductor package such that external circuitry is not required to perform
`the refresh function.” Id. at 4:53-57.
`28. As demonstrated in Figure 2 (depicted below), the relationship between the
`temperature of the DRAM array and the preferred refresh rate of the DRAM array
`is a linear function, and while it may not always be linear, the relationship “will
`exhibit a positive slope.” Ex. 1001 at Fig. 2, 3:66-4:6. The alleged invention uses
`this known relationship “to reduce power consumption of the DRAM array (and
`any associated circuitry) and improve overall system bandwidth.” Id. at 4:7-10.

`29. The alleged invention prefers that the temperature sensor is a diode, but
`Attorney Docket No.: 37307-0006IP1
`“various other temperature sensing devices and techniques may be employed, such
`as the use of one or more thermocouples, thermistors, etc.” Ex. 1001 at 5:32-36.
`VI. Prior Art References
`30. I have been advised, and my understanding is, that U.S. Patent 6,134,167 to
`Atkinson (“Atkinson”) is eligible to serve as prior art for the ʼ057 Patent under 35
`U.S.C. § 102(a) and §102(e). Atkinson was filed on June 4, 1998 and was issued
`October 17, 2000. See Ex. 1010. Based on my review of the ʼ057 Patent file
`history, Atkinson was not cited by the USPTO or considered by the Examiner
`during prosecution of the ʼ057 Patent. See Ex. 1008.
`31. I have been advised, and my understanding is, that U.S. Patent 4,970,497 to
`Broadwater (“Broadwater”) is eligible to serve as prior art for the ʼ057 Patent
`under 35 U.S.C. § 102(a) and § 102(b). Broadwater was filed in November 1989
`and issued November 13, 1990. Ex. 1006. Based on my review of the ʼ057 Patent
`file history, Broadwater was not cited by the USPTO or considered by the
`Examiner during prosecution of the ʼ057 Patent. See Ex. 1008.
`32. I have been advised, and my understanding is, that U.S. Patent 5,278,796 to
`Tillinghast (“Tillinghast”) is eligible to serve as prior art for the ʼ057 Patent under

`35 U.S.C. § 102(a) and § 102(b). Tillinghast was filed April 12, 1991 and issued
`Attorney Docket No.: 37307-0006IP1
`January 11, 1994. Ex. 1009. Based on my review of the ʼ057 Patent file history,
`Tillinghast was cited by the Examiner during prosecution of the ʼ057 Patent, but
`not in connection with Broadwater. See Ex. 1008.
`33. I have been advised, and my understanding is, that U.S. Patent 3,851,316 to
`Kodama (“Kodama”) is eligible to serve as prior art for the ʼ057 Patent under 35
`U.S.C. § 102(a) and § 102(b). Kodama was filed April 13, 1973 and issued
`November 26, 1974. Ex. 1004. Based on my review of the ʼ057 Patent file
`history, Kodama was not cited by the USPTO or considered by the Examiner
`during prosecution of the ʼ057 Patent. See Ex. 1008.
`Lee ʼ970
`34. I have been advised, and my understanding is, that U.S. Patent 5,299,970 to
`Lee (“Lee ʼ970”) is eligible to serve as prior art for the ʼ057 Patent under 35
`U.S.C. § 102(a) and § 102(b). Lee ʼ970 was filed April 15, 1991 and issued July
`20, 1993. Ex. 1011. Based on my review of the ʼ057 Patent file history, Lee ʼ970
`was not cited by the USPTO or considered by the Examiner during prosecution of
`the ʼ057 Patent. See Ex. 1008.
`JPS 499
`35. I have been advised, and my understanding is, that Japanese Patent JPS 63-
`304499 to NEC Corporation (“JPS 499”) is eligible to serve as prior art for the

`ʼ057 patent under 35 U.S.C. § 102(a) and § 102(b). JPS 499 issued December 12,
`Attorney Docket No.: 37307-0006IP1
`1988. Ex. 1012. Based on my review of the ʼ057 patent file history, JPS 499 was
`not cited by the USPTO or considered by the Examiner during prosecution of the
`ʼ057 patent. See Ex. 1008.
`Kagenishi Paper
`36. I have been advised, and my understanding is, that the paper “Low Power
`Self Refresh Mode DRAM with Temperature Detecting Circuit,” by Kagenishi
`(“Kagenishi paper”) is eligible to serve as prior art for the ʼ057 patent. Kagenishi
`paper published May 19, 1993. Ex. 1013. Based on my review of the ʼ057 patent
`file history, Kagenishi paper was not cited by the USPTO or considered by the
`Examiner during prosecution of the ʼ057 patent. See Ex. 1008.
`37. I have been advised, and my understanding is, that U.S. Pat. 5,680,359 to
`Jeong (“Jeong,” Ex. 1016) is eligible to serve as prior art for the ʼ057 patent.
`Jeong was filed March 21, 1996, has a priority date of March 24, 1995 and was
`issued October 21, 1997. Ex. 1016. Based on my review of the ʼ057 patent file
`history, Jeong was not cited by the USPTO or considered by the Examiner during
`prosecution of the ʼ057 patent. See Ex. 1008.
`VII. Certain References Disclose And/Or Render Obvious All Claims of the
`ʼ057 Patent
`A. Atkinson Renders Obvious All Elements of Claims 1-17 of the
`ʼ057 Patent

`38. Atkinson teaches a method and apparatus for reducing “battery drain without
`Attorney Docket No.: 37307-0006IP1
`incurring a substantial penalty in user time or computer resources.” Ex. 1010 at
`5:47-48. “The refresh logic provides a periodic refresh signal having a frequency
`that may be varied according to the temperature of the memory device.” Id. at 5:63-
`65. Atkinson uses, as one example, a temperature sensor that is a thermistor
`coupled to a capacitor and an invertor. Id. at 7:35-36. “[T]he invertor provides a
`refresh signal that continuously decreases as the memory temperature decreases and
`continuously increases as the memory temperature increases.” Id. at 7:41-44.
`39. Atkinson also discloses a “temperature-sensitive frequency generator []
`incorporated into main memory, resulting in a self-refreshing memory device[,]”
`illustrated in Figure 9, where “main memory” “preferably comprises DRAM
`circuitry[.]” Ex. 1010 at Fig. 9, 7:46-48, 23:32-34, 24:22-25.
` Claim 1
`a. An apparatus, comprising:
`40. Atkinson discloses an apparatus, namely a main memory with a temperature
`sensor. See Claim 1 limitations set forth below.
`b. a semiconductor package including at least one
`connection pin;
`41. Atkinson discloses a semiconductor package, as one of ordinary skill in the
`art would know that SDRAM and Rambus DRAM are packaged semiconductor

`chips. Ex. 1010 at 8:65-9:5. Additionally, in describing DRAM operation,
`Attorney Docket No.: 37307-0006IP1
`Atkinson points one of ordinary skill in the art to Computer Organization and
`Design by Patterson and Hennessy (Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc., 1994) (Ex.
`1007), which illustrates DRAM packaged chips. See Ex. 1010 at 4:31-35.
`42. The packaged memory of Atkinson includes at least one connection pin, as
`Atkinson discloses that main memory 106 is connected to a memory bus 110. Ex.
`1010 at 12:4-7; see also id. at 23:32-37 (main memory 906). One of ordinary skill
`in the art would appreciate that the connections to the memory bus 110 would
`include at least one connection pin, or it would be obvious to have at least one
`connection pin.
`c. at least one dynamic random access memory
`(DRAM) array disposed within the package; and
`43. Atkinson disclose a package that contains at least one DRAM array. Ex.
`1010 at Figs. 1, 4A, 5, 7-9, 5:57-62, 8:62-9:15. In Atkinson, the package is a
`computer system where the main memory 106 includes an array of memory
`devices such as DRAM. See id. at 8:37-9:15.
`d. at least one temperature sensor in thermal
`communication with the DRAM array, operable to
`produce a signal indicative of a temperature of the
`DRAM array,

`44. Atkinson discloses a temperature sensor that is in thermal communication
`Attorney Docket No.: 37307-0006IP1
`with the DRAM array, operable to produce a signal indicative of the temperature
`of the DRAM array. Atkinson discloses several variants that satisfy this element.
`First, Figure 8 (depicted below) depicts a refresh generator 850 that includes a
`Thermistor 800. Ex. 1010 at Fig. 8, 22:39-67. Atkinson describes, “as the
`thermistor [800] resistance R increases in response to a decrease in memory
`temperature, the resulting decrease in the time constant value 1/RC lowers the
`frequency of the refresh signal.” Id. at 22:52-62. Therefore, the refresh signal
`produced by the refresh generator is indicative of the memory temperature (i.e., the
`DRAM array temperature) where a decrease in memory temperature decreases the
`frequency of the refresh signal. Id.
`45. Atkinson also discloses that the thermistor 800 “is integrated within main
`memory 906 and thus directly senses the temperature of the memory device.” Ex.

`1010 at 24:1-26. This embodiment uses main memory 906, but Atkinson explains
`Attorney Docket No.: 37307-0006IP1
`that “[m]ain memory 906 represents an alternative embodiment of main memory
`106 that preferably comprises DRAM circuitry, although main memory 906 may
`also represent a single inline memory module 35 (SIMM), dual inline memory
`module (DIM), or other circuit card containing memory devices.” Ex. 1010 at
`23:32-37. Thus, the temperature sensor (element 800) of Atkinson is in thermal
`communication with the DRAM array (main memory 906) of Atkinson.
`46. Atkinson also discloses an embodiment where an off-the-shelf temperature
`sensor is used. Ex. 1010 at 23:5-19 (“[A] voltage controlled oscillator combined
`with a temperature sensor could replace the refresh generator 850 in FIG. 8. An
`example of a suitable temperature sensor is the series BR11 Thermobead
`manufactured by Thermometric AB[.]”). In this embodiment, “the temperature
`sensor couples to main memory 106, providing a voltage to the VCO that
`represents the main memory temperature. In response, the VCO produces the
`refresh signal at the proper frequency for refreshing main memory 106.” Id.; see
`also id. at Abstract, 6:51-62, 7:46-48. The refresh logic uses the temperature
`sensor to assert the refresh signal based on the memory temperature. Id. at 6:46-
`coupled to the at least one connection pin such that
`the signal may be provided to external circuitry,

`47. Atkinson discloses that “the temperature sensor couples to main memory
`Attorney Docket No.: 37307-0006IP1
`106, providing a voltage to the VCO that represents the main memory
`temperature.” Ex. 1010 at Fig. 8, 23:15-17. The refresh signal (which as shown
`above indicates temperature of the memory) is provided to the Bridge Logic Unit
`104. Id. at Fig. 8, 22:39-23:3. While the on-chip embodiment of Atkinson is not
`described as providing the temperature indicative signal to any external circuitry,
`such a modification would be obvious to one of ordinary skill in the art. As
`Atkinson notes, “the embodiments of the invention described above enable a
`computer system to consume a minimum quantity of power during suspended
`operation by lowering the memory refresh rate in response to decreases in
`operating temperature.” Id. at 24:40-45.
` One of ordinary skill in the art would understand that the temperature of the
`DRAM can affect the overall temperature of a computer, and it is desirable for the
`system or an outside sensor to be aware of the temperature for thermal
`management reasons. For example, it may be desirable to communicate the
`DRAM temperature externally to a fan or other cooling system to enable
`engagement of that fan or cooling system at higher memory temperature. See Ex.
`1014 (U.S. Patent 3,812,717 to Miller) at Abstract.
`49. One of ordinary skill in the art would be motivated to make the signal
`indicative of memory temperature external on a connection pin, at least to enable

`its use in a cooling regime, such as the one set forth in Ex. 1014 (Miller). It would
`Attorney Docket No.: 37307-0006IP1
`also be desirable to make the temperature indicative signal external via a
`connection pin, to enable throttling of power to reduce heat as well as to monitor
`and track the memory temperature for diagnostic purposes—all well-known
`aspects of the art prior to the ʼ057 Patent. See generally Ex. 1006 (Broadwater).
`f. wherein the DRAM array is refreshed at a rate that
`decreases as the temperature of the DRAM array
`decreases and that increases as the temperature of
`the DRAM array increases.
`50. Atkinson discloses a DRAM array where, if the temperature of the main
`memory drops, the temperature sensor responds by “asserting the select signal,
`causing the refresh logic [] to reduce the rate of the refresh signal.” Ex. 1010 at
`22:2-7; see also id. at Abstract, Figs. 7-9, 13:13-15. Atkinson describes that “the
`inverter provides a refresh signal that continuously decreases as the memory
`temperature decreases and continuously increases as the memory temperature
`increases.” Id. at 7:41-44.
`51. Atkinson also discloses the refresh generator generating a periodic refresh
`signal having a frequency proportional to 1/RC where R is the resistance of the
`thermistor and C is the capacitance of the capacitor. Ex. 1010 at 24:3-11. The
`refresh frequency decreases approximately in proportion to the decrease in the
`temperature of DRAM. Id. at 24:14-17. It follows that the refresh frequency
`would conversely increase approximately in proportion to the increase in

`temperature of DRAM. See id. at Figs. 4B, 6. Atkinson points out that the greatest
`Attorney Docket No.: 37307-0006IP1
`power savings can be achieved by monitoring the temperature of main memory
`and keeping the refresh rate as close as possible to the curve of Figure 6 (depicted
`below). Id. at 20:53-56.
`2. Claim 2
`a. The apparatus of claim 1, wherein the at least one
`temperature sensor includes at least one diode
`having a forward voltage drop that varies as a
`function of the temperature of the DRAM array,
`and the signal corresponds to the forward voltage
`drop of the at least one diode.

`52. The ʼ057 Patent includes a diode as one type of temperature sensing devices.
`Attorney Docket No.: 37307-0006IP1
`Ex. 1001 at 2:42-45. Like the ʼ057 Patent, Atkinson explains that “[i]t should be
`noted that numerous other devices and methods exist for determining the
`temperature of main memory 106, such as a thermocouple or temperature sensing
`integrated circuit.” Ex. 1010 at 22:21-24.
`53. Those of ordinary skill at the time of the filing of the ʼ057 Patent would
`know that one example of finite alternate types of integrated circuit for detecting
`temperature is a diode having a forward voltage drop that varies as a function of
`temperature. For example, Miller from 1974 describes a semiconductor diode
`“temperature measuring apparatus” in which “[t]he temperature reading is made by
`measurement of the forward voltage drop across the diode.” Ex. 1015 at Abstract.
`There is nothing inventive about using this known type of temperature sensor, and
`it would be obvious for a person of ordinary skill to have selected a diode.
`Atkinson even notes, “[n]umerous variations and modifications will become
`apparent to those skilled in the art once the above disclosure is fully
`appreciated”—making the use of well-known type of temperature sensor all the
`more obvious. See Ex. 1010 at 24:63-65.
`3. Claim 3
`a. The apparatus of claim 1, wherein the at least one
`temperature sensor is taken from the group
`consisting of thermocouples and thermistors.

`54. Atkinson discloses an apparatus where “the temperature is estimated directly
`Attorney Docket No.: 37307-0006IP1
`using a thermistor or other temperature sensor, and the refresh rate is adjusted
`accordingly.” Ex. 1010 at 24:60-62.
`55. It is generally known that the resistance of a thermistor falls as the
`temperature rises. Thus, as the temperature of main memory drops, the
`temperature of the thermistor also drops. In response to the drop, the resistance of
`thermistor increases in a known manner. This relationship is approximately linear.
`The voltage on the comparator noninverting input terminal is inversely
`proportional to the resistance of thermistor, and the noninverting input terminal
`receives an increasing voltage as the temperature of main memory decreases. Id. at
`21:38-48. See also claim 1 above.
`4. Claim 4
`a. The apparatus of claim 1, wherein the at least one
`temperature sensor includes a diode having a
`forward voltage drop that varies as a function of the
`temperature of the DRAM array; the at least one
`connection pin includes a first pin coupled to an
`anode of the diode and a second pin coupled to a
`cathode of the diode; and the signal corresponds to a
`potential voltage between the first and second pins.
`56. As set forth above in regard to claim 2, it would be obvious to modify
`Atkinson to use the forward voltage drop across a diode to detect the temperature
`of the main memory 106 or 906. Claim 4 simply recites one of a finite number of
`ways in which a two-pole device, such as a diode, can be connected. Given that

`the claim recites “first pin” and “second pin,” the diode temperature sensor would
`Attorney Docket No.: 37307-0006IP1
`necessarily be connected to a first pin and a second pin if it were operational
`because, while the anode and the cathode of a diode could be connected to the
`same pin, that configuration would be electrically nonsensical as there would be
`the same potential on both side of the diode and thus, no voltage drop possible.
`Moreover, in such a diode configuration, the signal between the first pin and the
`second pin would necessarily be the forward voltage drop of the diode, which
`claim 4 defines as the signal. As such, and as with claim 2, it would be obvious to
`one of ordinary skill in the art to modify Atkinson to use a diode configuration as
`recited in claim 4, which is essentially the same as the obvious variant in claim 2.
`5. Claim 5
`a. The apparatus of claim 1, wherein the at least one
`temperature sensor is taken from the group
`consisting of thermocouples and thermistors.
`57. Claim 5 is identical to claim 3. See analysis under claim 3 above.
`6. Claim 6
`a. The apparatus of claim 1, further comprising a
`refresh unit operable to refresh the DRAM array at
`a rate that varies in response to the signal.
`58. Atkinson discloses an embodiment where the temperature sensing refresh
`generator senses the temperature of the main memory, and “the refresh frequency

`decreases in proportion to the decrease in the temperature.” Ex. 1010 at 24:15-23;
`Attorney Docket No.: 37307-0006IP1
`see also claim 1 above.
`7. Claim 7
`a. The apparatus of claim 6, wherein the refresh unit
`includes a refresh timing unit operable to establish
`the rate at which the DRAM array is refreshed in
`response to the signal.
`59. As set forth above, Atkinson discloses that “a voltage controlled oscillator
`combined with a temperature sensor could replace the refresh generator 850 in
`FIG. 8.” Ex. 1010 at 23:8-10. In this claim, the temperature sensor generates the
`signal that is sent to the voltage controller oscillator (i.e., the refresh timing unit),
`which “in response…produces the refresh signal at the proper frequency for
`refreshing main memory 106.” Id. at 23:17-20.
`60. Each of the other embodiments set forth above with regard to claim 1
`similarly include a refresh generator 850 or 950 (i.e., the claimed “refresh timing
`unit”). The refresh generator 850 or 950 provides a refresh signal that closely
`follows the temperature/frequency response of curve 600, which is based on
`receiving a temperature indicative signal from the thermistor 800. Id. at 22:38-67.

`Attorney Docket No.: 37307-0006IP1
`8. Claim 8
`a. The apparatus of claim 7, wherein the refresh
`timing unit is operable to decrease the rate at which
`the DRAM array is refreshed as the signal indicates
`that the temperature of the DRAM array decreases.
`61. Atkinson discloses an apparatus where, “[a]s the thermistor resistance R
`increases in response to a decrease in memory temperature, the resulting decrease
`in the time constant value 1/RC lowers the frequency of the refresh signal. The
`frequency of the refresh signal in this embodiment continuously reduces as
`temperature decreases, rather than in discrete steps as in prior embodiments.” Ex.
`1010 at 22:52-65. The result is to decrease the rate at which the DRAM array is
`refreshed as the signal indicates that the temperature of the DRAM array decreases.
`9. Claim 9
`a. The apparatus of claim 7, wherein the refresh
`timing unit is operable to increase the rate at which
`the DRAM array is refreshed as the signal indicates
`that the temperature of the DRAM array increases.
`62. As shown in regard to claim 8 above, Atkinson’s response to temperature
`change is mathematical based on 1/RC, where R is the resistance through the
`thermistor 800. Ex. 1010 at 22:39-65. Therefore, in Atkinson, when the
`temperature increases, the minimum refresh frequency increases. See id.
`10. Claim 10
`a. The apparatus of claim 7, wherein the at least one
`temperature sensor includes at least one diode
`having a forward voltage drop that varies as a

`Attorney Docket No.: 37307-0006IP1
`function of the temperature of the DRAM array,
`and the signal corresponds to the forward voltage
`drop of the at least one diode.
`63. See claims 2 and 4 above.
`11. Claim 11
`a. The apparatus of claim 10, wherein the refresh unit
`is operable to sense the forward voltage drop of the
`diode to determine the temperature of the DRAM
`64. See claims 2 and 4 above.
`12. Claim 12
`a. The apparatus of claim 6, wherein the DRAM array,
`the at least one temperature sensor, and the refresh
`unit are integrated in a semiconductor package.
`65. Atkinson discloses an apparatus wherein “[t]he temperature-sensing refresh
`generator is contained entirely within main memory.” Ex. 1010 at 24:22-23. One
`version of this embodiment includes I/O controller, bridge logic unit, and main
`memory. Id. at 23:30-32. Main memory “preferably comprises DRAM circuitry,”
`which includes memory storage logic, switch, and a refresh generator with a
`thermistor, inverter, and capacitor. Id. at 23:30-40; see also id. at Fig. 9 (depicted
`below). This allows incorporation of this invention into any computer system by
`simply substituting the memory modules. Id. at 24:23-25.

`Attorney Docket No.: 37307-0006IP1
`13. Claim 13
`a. A dynamic random access memory (DRAM) chipset,
`66. See analysis for claim 1.b and 1.c above.
`b. at least one DRAM chip including
`67. See analysis for claim 1.b and 1.c above.
`c. a DRAM array and
`68. See analysis for claim 1.b and 1.c above.
`d. at least one temperature sensor in thermal
`communication with the DRAM array,

`69. See analysis for claim 1.d above.
`Attorney Docket No.: 37307-0006IP1
`the at least one temperature sensor being operable
`to produce a signal indicative of a temperature of
`the DRAM array,
`70. See analysis for claim 1.e above.
`the DRAM chip including at least one connection
`pin operable to provide the signal to external
`circuitry; and
`71. See analysis for claim 1.f above.
`g. at least one refresh chip operable to refresh the
`DRAM array at a rate that varies in response to the
`72. See analysis for claim 1.g above. Atkinson discloses a configuration where
`the refresh logic is included, as a separate component of the computer system or
`inside a bridge logic device, and can be used with any type of dynamic random
`access memory. See Ex. 1010 at 24:47-52.
`h. wherein the refresh chip is operable to
`decrease the rate at which the DRAM array
`is refreshed as the signal indicates that the
`temperature of the DRAM array decreases;

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