`Elasco v. Checkers
`U.S. Patent No. 7,943,851
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`SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 585,540, dated June 29, 1897.
`Application filed January 11,1897. Serial No. 618,818.
`(Ho model.)
`portion A, the latter being adapted to receive
`the hose.
`0 represents the removable head-rail ex~ 55
`tendingbetween the side pieces on, and serves
`to close the top of the U—shaped openings.
`The said removable head - rai l is provided with
`downwardly-extending curved fingers c c.
`The latter are adapted to embrace the solid 6o
`portion of the jumper between the openings
`B B and serve to prevent lateral displace-
`ment of the rem ovahle head—1-ail. The face
`of said rail is slightly beveled at its one end,
`as shown at c’, and is adapted to fit a corre-
`sponding bevcled portion (:3 of the body por-
`tion. The other extremity of the removable
`head—rai1 is provided with aperturecl lugs (33,
`which are likewise placed on each side of the
`body portion, the said body portion being cor-
`respondingly aperturecl to correspond with
`the apertures in the lugs. A pin (1 through
`the lugs and aperture of the solid portion
`serves to hold the head-rail firmly in posi~
`To aZZ whom it may concern:
`Be it known that I, Jcm: H. SPANGLER, a
`citizen of the United States of America, resid-
`ing at Pittsbuig, in the county of Allegheny
`and State of Pennsylvania, have invented cer-
`tain new and useful Improvements in Hose-
`Bridges, of which the following is a specifica-
`tion, reference being had therein to the ac-
`companying drawings.
`This invention relates to certain new and
`useful iinprovennents in hose-b ridges, and re-
`lates more particularly to that class known
`as “jumpers” or “crossovers.”
`The invention has for its object to provide
`new and novel means whereby one or several
`lines of hose may be laid across tracks with-
`out interfering with the traliic or the running
`of the ears.
`The invention has for its further object the
`construction of a l1cse~bridge that may be
`easily placed in position on the rails and read»
`ily removed when desired.
`A still further object of my invention is
`to construct a hose-bridge of the above-re-
`ferrcd-to class that will be extra mcly simple
`in construction, strong, durable, and com-
`paratively iiiexpensive to inanufacture.
`Vfiith the above and other objects in view
`the invention finally consists in the novel
`construction, combination, and arr-angerncnt
`of parts to be hereinafter more particularly
`described, and spcciflcall_v pointed out in the
`In describing the invention in detail refer-
`ence is had to the accompanying drawings,
`forming a part of this specification, wherein
`like letters of reference indicate silnilar parts
`throughout the several views, in v.'hich—
`Figure 1 is a side elevation of my improved
`hose~bridge. Fig. 2 is a vertical sectional
`view taken on the line so so of Fig. 1. Fig. 3
`is a similar view taken on the line 3,: y of Fit“.
`1. Fig. 4: is a longitudinal sectional view
`taken on the line 3 2 of Fig. 1. Fig. 5 is a
`perspective view of one end of the brace.
`Fig. 6 is an end view of the removable head-
`The inner and outer faces of the body por-
`tion are provided with outwardly-extending
`apertured lugs D D, which are cast integral
`with the same and are designed toreceive the
`bolts E E. The lower extremity of said bolts
`carry jaws e e, forming a clamp to engage the
`underneath face of the head of the rail. The
`upper end of said bolts are screw-threaded
`and are adapted to receive nuts 3' e’. The
`body portion of the juniper is _ apertnred for 85
`the reception of a yoke F, -which embraces
`the bolts E E and carries an interiorly—screw-
`threaded collar f, adapted to receive the
`screw-threaded boltf’. By this means the de-
`vice is sec urely clamped to the rail. Guides G
`G, having guideways gg, are cast on the inner
`faccs of the body portions of the jumper. A.
`brace I-I, carrying a square head la. on each
`end thereof, is so formed as to snugly fit the
`guideways, serving to brace both sections to-
`gether. Onc or more of such braces may be
`employed in this construction.
`Particular attention is called to the peculiar
`construction of the removable head—rail and
`In the drawings, A represents the body por-
`down wardly-extending c urved fingers, for the
`ticn of the jumper, said portion having in-
`latter may be placed in position or re moved,
`clined sides c o.
`as shown in dotted lines in Fig. 1, in such
`The reference-letters B B denote the U-
`a manner so as to clear the U—shaped open-
`shaped openings extending through the body _ ings containing the hose.
`It will be seen
` age 2 O, 3
`Page 2 of 3
`that a decided advantage is gained by such
`construction. Attention is also directed to
`the fact that various changes may be made
`in the details of construction of the jumper
`wit-liout departing from the general spirit of
`my i11Ve]ll3l0Il.
`I-Iaving fully described my invention, what
`Iclairn as new, and desire to secure by Letters
`Patent-, is-
`1. A hose-bridge, consisting of a body por-
`tion having inclined ends, and provided with
`openings, in combination with a removable
`head-rail carrying downwardly-ex tending 1’in~
`gers, yokes embracing adjust-able clamping-
`bolts, to hold the bridge from displacement,
`substantially as shown and described.
`53. A I1ose—bridge, consisting of a body por-
`tion having inclined ends, said body portion
`being provided with openings, in combination
`with a removable 1iead- rail carrying down-
`wardly-'extending fingers arranged between
`said openings and embracing said body por-
`tion, siibstalitially as described.
`3. A hose-bridge consisting of a body por-
`tion having inclined ends, said body portion
`being provided with U—shaped openings in
`combination with a removable head-rail hav-
`ing a beveled end, a correspondingly-bew
`eled end of the body portion, said removable
`liead-rail carrying fingers fitting between the
`said U -shaped openings of the body portion,
`substantially as described.
`4. A hose-bridge consisting of a body por-
`tion having inclined ends, said body portion
`being provided with openings, a removable
`head-rail carrying downwardly-extendin g fin-
`gers, in combination with lugs arranged on
`the inner face of the body portion, bolts carry-
`ing jaws clampingtlic underneath side of the
`rail-head, and a yoke embracing said bolts,
`all parts being arranged siibstantially as
`shown and described.
`In testimony whereof I aflix my signature
`in presence of two witnesses.
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