
`Patent Owner
`Case IPR2016-016131
`Patent 9,044,056 B2
`Patent Trial and Appeal Board
`U.S. Patent & Trademark Office
`P.O. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
`1 Proceeding IPR2016-00802 has been consolidated with this proceeding.


`..... 1 
`..... 2 
`- i -
`INTRODDUCTION ..................................................
`  PO’s Motion faails to fulfi
`ll its duty oof candor aand good ffaith,
`by omittiing materiaal prior art of record oof which PPO had nottice ...........
`..... 3 
` material pprior
`1.  TThe proseccution histoory of the
`’056 Patennt contains
`..... 4 
`aart referen
`ces not disscussed or
`even menttioned by PPO ............
`2.  RRelated prroceedings
`children oof the ’056
`ccontains mmaterial prior art referrences commpletely ig
`nored by PPO . 5 
`3.  PPO fails too disclose iits own pattents descrribing key ffeatures off the
`..... 6 
`’056 Patennt ................................................
`4.  PPO knew oof other priior art at thhe time of
`the ’056 PPatent, whicch
`..... 7 
`PPO now tr
`ies to claimm ...............................
`  PO’s Motion faails to respoond to grouunds of unnpatentabillity ............
`..... 8 
`  PO’s Motion arrgues distinnctions oveer the priorr art whichh are not
`..... 8 
`supportedd by the litteral language of the
`claims .....
`  PO’s Motion faails to provvide construuction for
`new subjeect matter i
`... 11 
`the propoosed Substiitute Claimms ..............................
`““commonlly transmittted” (in Teerm 24.6) .
`... 11 
`ARE UNNPATENTAABLE UNNDER 35 UU.S.C. §1122 ................................
`... 12 
`  The tterms of thhe proposedd Substitutte Claims aare indefinnite ............
`... 13 
`“a last wir
`e electricallly conneccted to a lasst light elemment
`assembly oof the pluraality of ligght elementt assembliees at a firstt end
`and electriically connnected to thhe second wwire of thee first wirinng
`... 13 
`harness at a second eend” (Termm [23.13]) .
`“first and ssecond electrical connnectors of f the secondd electricall
`... 15 
`connector”” (Term 244.4) ............................
`... 16 


`  Propoosed Substtitute Claimm 21 is unppatentable
`ordover priorr art of reco
` - ii -
`OD a b c d
`f g
`... 17 
`1.  MMotivationn to Combiine .............................
`2.  PPO’s Motiion fails to show pateentability oover Millerr in view oof
`Otto and Juumo, and ffurther in vview of MccLeish or FFallosi or
`... 23 
`Daniels ......................................................
`[21.P]] A lightedd artificial ttree, compprising: .......................
`... 23 
`[21.1]] A power cord confiigured to reeceive elecctrical powwer
`from an externaal power soource and tto transmit
`power to tthe
`lighteed artificiall tree, .........................
`... 23 
`[21.2--4] [These claim termms are subsstantially iddentical too
`those under reviiew from thhe originall Petition] ..................
`... 23 
`the electriical
`[21.5]] and incluuding an eleectrical terrminal set,
`terminnal set inclluding a firrst electriccal terminal positioneed in
`line wwith the cenntral verticcal axis, [[aand ]]a seccond electriical
`... 24 
`terminnal, and a tthird electrrical terminnal; ............................
`of the
`[21.6]] Wherein two of thee electrical
`electrrical terminnal set are iin electricaal connectiion with thhe
`first liight string and configgured to traansmit powwer to the f
`light sstring, andd another ellectrical te
`rminal of tthe electriccal
`terminnal set, othher than thee two electtrical termiinals in
` is in electtrical
`electrrical connection with
`the first liight string,
`... 28 
`conneection withh the powerr cord; ......
`identical tto
`[21.7--13] [These claim terrms are subbstantially
`those under reviiew from thhe originall Petition] ..................
`... 29 
`[21.144] such thaat the first eelectrical tterminal off the first
`electrrical connector is elecctrically coonnected too the first
`electrrical terminnal of the ssecond elecctrical connnector, andd the
`seconnd electricaal terminal
`of the firstt electricall connectorr is
`electrrically connnected to thhe second
`electrical tterminal off the
`seconnd electricaal connectoor, and the
`third electtrical termiinal
`of thee first electtrical conneector is eleectrically cconnected tto
`the thhird electriccal terminaal of the seecond electtrical
`... 29 
`conneector. ..........................................
`  Propoosed Substtitute Claimm 22 is unppatentable
`over priorr art of recoord


`n to Combiine .............................
`1.  MMotivation
`... 31 
`in view off
`2.  PPO’s Motiion fails to show pateentability oover Hicks
`... 36 
`Otto, and ffurther in vview of MccLeish or FFallosi or DDaniels .....
`[22.P]] A lightedd artificial ttree, compprising: .......................
`... 36 
`[22.1]] A power cord confiigured to reeceive elecctrical powwer
`from an externaal power soource and tto transmit
`power to tthe
`lighteed artificiall tree, .........................
`... 36 
`[22.2--4,6] [Thesse claim teerms are id
`entical to tthose undeer
`... 37 
`revieww from thee original PPetition] ....
`[22.5]] Wherein the first ellectrical terrminal of tthe second
`erminal off the
`electrrical connector and thhe second eelectrical t
`seconnd electricaal connectoor are in eleectrical connnection wwith
`the ligght string aand configuured to traansmit powwer to the liight
`stringg, and the thhird electriical terminnal of the s
`electricallly connect
`electrrical connector is connfigured to
`with tthe power ccord throuugh the thirrd electricaal terminal
`... 37 
`the firrst electrical connect
`or; ...........
`  Propoosed Substtitute Claimm 23 is unppatentable
`over priorr art of recoord
`... 38 
`1.  MMotivationn to Combiine .............................
`2.  PPO’s Motiion fails to show pateentability oover Millerr in view oof
`Seghers, annd further in view off McLeish
`or Falossi
`or Danielss .. 43 
`[23.P]] A lightedd artificial ttree, compprising: .......................
`... 43 
`[23.1]] A power cord confiigured to reeceive elecctrical powwer
`to transmit ource and tal power sofrom an externa
`power to tthe
`lighteed artificiall tree, the ppower cordd includingg a first powwer
`... 43 
`wire aand a seconnd power wwire .........
`[23.2--6] [These claim termms are idenntical to thoose under
`revieww from thee original PPetition] ....
`[23.7]] Includingg a first eleectrical termminal set, tthe first
`electrrical terminnal set incluuding a firrst electricaal terminall,
`[[and ]]a secondd electricall terminal,
`and a thirdd electricall
`terminnal, wherein two of tthe electriccal terminaals of the
`electrrical terminnal set are iin electricaal connectiion with thhe
`first liight string and configgured to traansmit powwer to the f
`light sstring, andd another ellectrical te
`rminal of tthe electriccal
`O a b c d
`... 43 
` - iii -
`a b
`c d


`terminnal set, othher than thee two electtrical termiinals in
` in electriccal
`electrrical connection with
`the first liight string,
`conneection withh one of thee first powwer wire or
`the secondd
`... 44 
`powerr wire of thhe power ccord; and ..
`[23.8]] A first wiiring harneess positionned at leasst in part
`withinn the first ttrunk bodyy and compprising a firrst wire, a
`seconnd wire, andd a third wwire, the firrst wire eleectrically
`conneected to thee first electtrical termiinal and thhe second wwire
`electrrically connnected to thhe second
`electrical tterminal, thhe
`third wwire electrrically connnected to tthe third te
`rminal andd
`conneected to thee one of th
`e first powwer wire orr the secondd
`powerr wire of thhe power ccord; .........
`... 45 
`[23.9--13] [These claim terrms are ideentical to thhose underr
`revieww from thee original PPetition] ....
`... 46 
`  Propoosed Substtitute Claimm 24 is unppatentable
`over priorr art of recoord
`... 46 
`1.  MMotivationn to Combiine .............................
`2.  PPO’s Motiion fails to show pateentability oover Millerr in view oof
`... 49 
`Loomis ....
`[24.P--5] [These
`claim termms are idenntical to thoose under
`revieww from thee original PPetition] ....
`... 49 
`ight string
`[24.6]] Wherein power trannsmitted too the first l
`transmitteed through
`the seecond lightt string is ccommonly
`electrrical hub off the seconnd tree porttion, such tthat the
`electrrical hub prrovides powwer to bothh the first
`light stringg
`... 49 
`and thhe second llight stringg; ..............
`identical tto those unnder revieww
`[24.7]] [This claiim term is
`from tthe originaal Petition]] ...............
`... 50 
`CONCLUUSION .......................................................
`... 50 
`L a b
` - iv -


`Date (unless
`otherwise not-
`May 8, 2012
`(filing date)
`No. 3
`USPN 9,044,056 to Chen (the ’056 Patent)
`(Patent under Inter Partes Review)
`File History for USPN 9,044,056
`Patent Owner’s Preliminary Response
`from IPR2014-01263
`Decision on Institution from
`Type of
`Prior Art
`35 U.S.C.)
`2 For the Board’s convenience, this Updated Table of Petitioner’s Exhibits
`includes all references cited in this Reply and in the related Opposition to Motion
`to Amend. Accordingly, the Table of Exhibits in the Reply and Opposition are
`3 For ease of review, Petitioner adopts the following citation convention for
`this Reply and the accompanying Opposition to Motion to Amend (and their relat-
`ed Declarations). U.S. patent references, English-language foreign references, and
`the concurrently filed Declaration are cited by the reference’s internal column:line,
`page:line, or ¶number (not stamped pagination). Foreign-language patent refer-
`ences/translations and supporting papers (file history, Prior IPR papers, definitions,
`C.V.) are cited by stamped pagination number.
` - v -


`No. 3
`Date (unless
`otherwise not-
`Type of
`Prior Art
`35 U.S.C.)
`Declaration of Mike Wood in Support of
`Petition for Inter Partes Review of
`the ’056 Patent
`USPN 4,020,201 to Miller (Miller)
`Apr. 26, 1977
`§ 102(b)
`US 2007/0230174 to Hicks et al. (Hicks) Oct. 4, 2007
`§ 102(b)
`DE 84 36 328.2 to Otto (Otto)
`(with German version; English translation;
`and Translation Certification of Wheatleigh
`Dunham per 37 C.F.R. § 42.63(b))
`FR 1,215,214 to Jumo (Jumo)
`(with French version; English translation;
`and Translation Certification of Donald
`W. Hanley per 37 C.F.R. § 42.63(b))
`Apr. 4, 1985
`§ 102(b)
`Apr. 15, 1960
`§ 102(b)
`USPN 7,066,739 to McLeish (McLeish)
`June 27, 2006
`§ 102(b)
`USPN 1,974,472 to Seghers (Seghers)
`Sept. 25, 1934
`§ 102(b)
`USPN 6,752,512 to Pan (Pan)
`June 22, 2004
`§ 102(b)
`USPN 7,132,139 to Yang (Yang)
`Nov. 7, 2006
`§ 102(b)
`USPN 2,563,713 to Frei et al. (Frei)
`Aug. 7, 1951
`§ 102(b)
`USPN 735,010 to Zahl (Zahl)
`July 28, 1903
`§ 102(b)
`USPN 1,495,695 to Karr (Karr)
`May 27, 1924
`§ 102(b)
`USPN 1,656,148 to Harris (Harris)
`Jan. 10, 1928
`§ 102(b)
`USPN 2,188,529 to Corina (Corina)
`Jan. 30, 1940
`§ 102(b)
`USPN 2,857,506 to Minteer (Minteer)
`Oct. 21, 1958
`§ 102(b)
` - vi -


`No. 3
`Date (unless
`otherwise not-
`Type of
`Prior Art
`35 U.S.C.)
`Apr. 28, 1964
`§ 102(b)
`USPN 3,131,112 to Abramson (Abram-
`USPN 3,970,834 to Smith (Smith)
`July 20, 1976
`§ 102(b)
`USPN 3,985,924 to Pritza (Pritza)
`Oct. 12, 1976
`§ 102(b)
`USPN 4,072,857 to DeVicaris (DeVicaris) Feb. 7, 1978
`§ 102(b)
`US 2007/0253191 to Chin et al. (Chin)
`Nov. 1, 2007
`§ 102(b)
`1025 WO 96/26661 to Lala (Lala)
`Sept. 6, 1996
`§ 102(b)
`USPN 5,776,559 to Woolford (Woolford)
`July 7, 1998
`§ 102(b)
`USPN 8,053,042 to Loomis (Loomis)
`July 14, 2009
`claimed priori-
`ty date)
`§ 102(e)
`USPN 3,521,216 to Tolegian (Tolegian)
`July 21, 1970
`§ 102(b)
`US 2010/0099287 to Colburn et al. (Col-
`US 2010/0159713 to Nishihira et al.
`USPN 3,107,966 to Bonhomme
`(Bonhomme 966)
`USPN 3,470,527 to Bonhomme
`(Bonhomme 527)
`Oct. 2, 2008
`claimed priori-
`ty date)
`Dec. 19, 2008
`claimed priori-
`ty date)
`§ 102(a) §
`§ 102(a)
`§ 102(e)
`Oct. 22, 1963
`§ 102(b)
`Sept. 30, 1969
`§ 102(b)
` - vii -


`No. 3
`Date (unless
`otherwise not-
`June 15, 1971
`Type of
`Prior Art
`35 U.S.C.)
`§ 102(b)
`USPN 3,585,564 to Skjervoll (Skjervoll)
`USPN 5,091,834 to Kao et al. (Kao834)
`Feb. 25, 1992
`§ 102(b)
`USPN 5,409,403 to Falossi et al. (Falossi) Apr. 25, 1995
`§ 102(b)
`EP 1,049,206 to Nania et al. (Nania)
`Nov. 2, 2000
`§ 102(b)
`USPN 7,207,844 to Peng (Peng)
`Apr. 24, 2007
`§ 102(b)
`USPN 438,310 to Edison (Edison)
`Oct. 14, 1890
`§ 102(b)
`USPN 7,311,566 to Dent (Dent)
`Dec. 25, 2007
`§ 102(b)
`GB 2 169 198 to Fung (Fung)
`July 9, 1986
`§ 102(b)
`USPN 8,454,186 to Chen (’186 Patent)
`USPN 8,454,187 to Chen (’187 Patent)
`Wire harness, Wiley Electrical and Elec-
`tronics Engineering Dictionary (1st ed.
`Wiring harness, Wiley Electrical and
`Electronics Engineering Dictionary
`(1st ed. 2004)
`Curriculum Vitae of Mike Wood
`Electrical, Wiley Electrical and Electron-
`ics Engineering Dictionary (1st ed. 2004) N/A
`Hub, Wiley Electrical and Electronics En-
`gineering Dictionary (1st ed. 2004)
` - viii -


`No. 3
`Date (unless
`otherwise not-
`Type of
`Prior Art
`35 U.S.C.)
`Terminal block, Wiley Electrical and Elec-
`tronics Engineering Dictionary (1st ed.
`IPR2015-00802 Declaration of Mike
`Wood in Support of Petition for Inter
`Partes Review of the ’056 Patent
`Non-Infringement Contentions of the ’056
`Patent for Group I Trees, Willis Elec. Co.
`v. Polygroup Ltd. (MCO), No. 0:15-cv-
`03443-DWF-SER (D. Minn. Aug. 28,
`Non-Infringement Contentions of the ’056
`Patent for Group II Trees, Willis Elec. Co.
`v. Polygroup Ltd. (MCO), No. 0:15-cv-
`03443-DWF-SER (D. Minn. Aug. 28,
`Non-Infringement Contentions of the ’056
`Patent for Group III Trees, Willis Elec.
`Co. v. Polygroup Ltd. (MCO), No. 0:15-
`cv-03443-DWF-SER (D. Minn. Aug. 28,
`Trademark Assignment Information from
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, As-
`signing QUICK SET trademarks from
`General Foam Plastics Corp. to Polygroup
`(executed on Jan. 18, 2011, and recorded
`at Reel 004456, Frame 0389)
`Willis Elec. Co., Ltd. v. Polygroup Macau
`Ltd. (BVI), IPR2017-00309, Paper 1 (filed
`Nov. 21, 2016).
`Declaration of Ricky Tong
` - ix -


`No. 3
`Default Protective Order
`Polygroup Ltd. (MCO) v. Willis Elec. Co.,
`Ltd., IPR2016-00800, -00801, -00802, Pa-
`per 28 (filed Jan. 13, 2017).
`Willis Elec. Co., Ltd. v. Polygroup Macau
`Ltd. (BVI), IPR2017- 00309, Paper 1 (filed
`Nov. 21, 2016).
`Polygroup Ltd. (MCO) v. Willis Elec. Co.,
`Ltd., IPR2016-00800, -00801, -00802, Pa-
`per 21 (filed Dec. 6, 2016).
`Correspondence Authorizing Willis to File
`its Second Motion for Additional Discov-
`ery (dated Apr. 13, 2017)
`Letter from Willis to Home Depot Accus-
`ing Polygroup of Infringement (dated Oct.
`8, 2014)
`Intentionally Left Blank
`Declaration of Mike Wood in Support of
`Petitioner’s Reply Brief in Inter Partes
`Review IPR2016-01613.
`Declaration of Mike Wood in Support of
`Petitioner’s Opposition to PO’s Motion to
`Amend in Inter Partes Review IPR2016-
`Intentionally Left Blank
`Date (unless
`otherwise not-
`Type of
`Prior Art
`35 U.S.C.)
` - x -


`No. 3
`Date (unless
`otherwise not-
`Type of
`Prior Art
`35 U.S.C.)
`Deposition Transcript of Stuart Brown
`from Aug. 9, 2017(CONFIDENTIAL).
`Deposition Transcript of Johnny Chen
`from Aug. 1, 2017(CONFIDENTIAL).
`Deposition Transcript of Mike Sugar from
`July 18, 2017(CONFIDENTIAL).
`Intentionally Left Blank
`Deposition Transcript of Winston Tan
`from Aug. 1, 2017(CONFIDENTIAL).
`Intentionally Left Blank
`Lighted or Lit, WEBSTER’S NINTH NEW
`Lighted or Lit, WEBSTER’S NEW RIVER-
`DICTIONARY (5th ed. 2002).
`TIONARY (2001).
`TIONARY (5th ed. 2002).
`TIONARY (5th ed. 2002).
` - xi -


`No. 3
`ARY (3d ed. 2000).
`TIONARY (3d ed. 2008).
`ARY (3d ed. 2000).
`Intentionally Left Blank
`Intentionally Left Blank
`TIONARY (3d ed. 2008).
`Intentionally Left Blank
`Date (unless
`otherwise not-
`Type of
`Prior Art
`35 U.S.C.)
`U.S. Patent No. 6,056,427 to Kao
`May 2, 2000
`§ 102(b)
` - xii -


`No. 3
`U.S. Patent No. 7,055,981 to Yao
`U.S. Patent No. 6,951,405 to Yao
`Date (unless
`otherwise not-
`Type of
`Prior Art
`35 U.S.C.)
`June 6, 2006
`§ 102(b)
`Oct. 4, 2005
`§ 102(b)
`U.S. Patent No. 8,936,379 to Chen
`(the ’379 Patent)
`File History for U.S. Patent No. 8,936,379 N/A
`USPN 3,193,636 to Daniels (Daniels)
`Jul. 6, 1965
`§ 102(b)
`Intentionally Left Blank
`U.S. Patent No. 4,546,417 to Watts
`Oct. 8, 1985
`§ 102(b)
`U.S. Patent No. 5,054,622 to Lee (Lee)
`Oct. 8, 1991
`§ 102(b)
`U.S. Patent Application Publication
`No. 2010/0072747 to Krize (Krize)
`U.S. Patent Application Publication
`No. 2010/0000065 to Cheng (Cheng)
`Mar. 25, 2010
`§ 102(b)
`Jan. 7, 2010
`§ 102(b)
`U.S. Patent Application Publication No.
`2008/0149791 to Bradley (Bradley)
`June 26, 2008
`§ 102(b)
`U.S. Patent No. 7,731,383 to Myer (Myer) June 8, 2010
`§ 102(b)
`U.S. Patent Application Publication No.
`2009/0040750 to Myer (Myer)
`U.S. Patent No. 6,514,581 to Gregory
`Feb. 12, 2009
`§ 102(b)
`Feb. 4, 2003
`§ 102(b)
` - xiii -


`Date (unless
`otherwise not-
`Type of
`Prior Art
`35 U.S.C.)
`Jan. 29, 1985
`§ 102(b)
`March 10,
`No. 3
`U.S. Patent No. 4,496,615 to Huang
`Intentionally Left Blank
`File History for USPN 8,454,186
`USPN 8,974,072 to Chen (’072 Patent)
`Declaration of Johnny Chen in Support of
`Patent Owner’s Response in Inter Partes
`Review IPR2016-01610 (CONFIDEN-
` - xiv -


`Petitioner Polygroup Ltd. (MCO) (Petitioner) hereby opposes the Motion to
`Amend, Paper 53 (Mot.), filed by Patent Owner Willis Electric Co., Ltd. (PO).
`PO filed a Motion to Amend that seeks to Substitute Claims 21-24 in place
`of canceled Claims 1, 5, 11, and 18, respectively, of U.S. Patent No. 9,044,056 (the
`’056 Patent). Claim 24 adds “second electrical connectors of the second electrical
`connector”—a term indefinite on its face. Claim 23 is also indefinite, failing to
`specify which “ends” connect a “last wire” with other wires of a wiring harness.
`Claim 23 also simply muddies the water in an attempt to avoid prior art that
`nonetheless would read on any reasonable construction of Claim 23. As the
`evidence here shows, none of these limitations, and none of the Substitute Claims,
`adds anything patentable to the current independent claims of the ’056 Patent.
`PO also fails to demonstrate the patentability of the proposed Substitute
`Claims over known material prior art, including Miller, Otto, Jumo, Hicks, Seghers
`and McLeish. PO alleges a lack of motivation to combine Miller, Otto, and Jumo
`(or Daniels or Falossi), but falls short. PO’s arguments are misdirected at intended
`use and behavior of its products, rather than the actual the scope of the proposed
`Substitute Claims. PO’s argument all the while ignores key teachings of the prior
`art used to render the claims obvious. In this way, PO has not shown Claims 21-24


`to be patentable over the prior art.
`Because PO fails to set forth a prima facie case for the relief requested or
`satisfy its burden of proof, its motion should be denied in its entirety.
`In a motion to amend, the Patent Owner, as the moving party, bears the
`burden of proof to demonstrate patentability of its proposed Substitute Claims over
`the prior art, and, thus, entitlement to add these claims to its patent. Idle Free Sys.,
`Inc. v. Bergstrom, Inc., IPR2012-00027, Paper 26, at 7 (P.T.A.B. June 11, 2013);
`Microsoft Corp. v. Proxyconn, Inc., 789 F.3d 1292, 1304-06 (Fed. Cir. 2015). As
`the Board stated in Idle Free:
`The burden is not on the Petitioner to show unpatentability, but on the
`patent owner to show patentable distinction over the prior art of
`record and also prior art known to the patent owner. Some
`representation should be made about the specific technical disclosure
`of the closest prior art known to the patent owner, and not just a
`conclusory remark that no prior art known to the patent owner renders
`obvious the proposed Substitute Claims. Idle Free, Paper 26, at 7.
`As Petitioner demonstrates herein, PO has not satisfied its burden to show
`that it is entitled to the amendments that it seeks. In its Motion, PO fails to meet
`essential requirements necessary in order for the PTAB even to consider the
`substance of the proposed Substitute Claims. Failing to meet the duty of candor
`and good faith of 37 C.F.R. §42.6, and failing to respond to the Petition’s


`challengges, under 37 C.F.R.
`his Motion § 42.121(aa)(2)(i), th
`Inn addition,, PO critically fails tto provide
`is defectivve at its outtset.
`claim connstructions
`for new cclaim
`terms, ccontrary too PTAB preecedent. JDJDS Uniphaase Corp.
`v. Fiber, LLLC, IPR2
`00318, PPaper 45, aat 47 (P.T.A.B. Dec. 5, 2014) ((citing Idlee Free, Papper 26, at 7
`even thouugh PO wwas free too add any
`term to iits claims,, PO
`continues to raisee argumentts in its MMotion for
`claim limiitations noot found inn the
`literal l
`anguage oof the claimms. Mot.
`2-3, 21-222; infra Paart II.C. FFor at leastt the
`above reeasons, POO’s Motionn should bee denied inn its entiretyy.
`by ommitting disscussion oof materiall prior artt of recordd of whichh PO
`PO ffails its bu
`rden undeer the dutyy of candoor and goood faith
`had nnotice
`PPO has thee burden to establishh a “patenntable distiinction [off the amennded
`claim] oover the prrior art of rrecord andd also prioor art knowwn to the ppatent ownner.”
`Idle Freee, Paper 226 at 7 (emmphasis addded); 37
`C.F.R. §422.20(c). KKnown prioor art
`includess material
`prior art thhat PO shoould have mmade of reccord in thee proceedinng to
`fulfill its duty off candor aand good ffaith. MassterImage
`5-00040, PPaper 42, aat 3 (P.T.AA.B. July 115, 2015)
`3D, Inc. vv. RealD
`(precedenttial). “Prioor art
`of recorrd” refers
`to any material art:: (a) in thee prosecuttion of thee patent; (bb) of
`asserted inn Groundss on whichh the
`in any othher proceedding beforee the
`record iin the currrent proceeeding, inclluding art
`Board ddid not insttitute revieew; and (c)) of record
`Office iinvolving tthe patent. Id. Whilee there is nno requiremment that aa patent owwner


`analyze expressly every individual reference cited during prosecution of the
`challenged patent, PO must at least group prior art references together according to
`their particular teachings to meet its duty of candor and good faith. Shinn Fu Co. of
`Am., Inc. v. Tire Hanger Corp., IPR2015-00208, Paper 24, at 8 (P.T.A.B. April 22,
`2016). PO fails to even meet this lenient standard.
`The prosecution history of the ’056 Patent contains material
`prior art references not discussed or even mentioned by PO
`Despite the reduced requirement set forth in Shinn Fu, PO has not fulfilled
`its duty. Specifically, PO merely states that “no references were asserted against
`[the issued original] claims” of the ’056 Patent. Mot. 18, 27, 29, 30. This statement
`alone is correct to the extent that the Office did not establish any grounds of
`rejection of the original claims, but PO materially omits the fact that the Examiner
`who allowed the original claims saw fit to cite six prior art references as context
`for his detailed Reasons for Allowance submitted with two Notices of
`Allowability. Ex. 1002, 4-5, 8-26, 36-43, 554-560.
`Of the six references cited by the Examiner, four of those references were
`not otherwise made of record in this proceeding,4 namely U.S. Pub. Applications:
`4 One such reference, U.S. Pub. App. 2012/0236546 to Chen, was a pre-grant
`publication of U.S. Pat. No. 8,454,187, subject to the related PTAB proceedings of
`IPR2016-00801, 01611, and 01612.


`2003/0198048 to Frederick, 2003/0206412 to Gordon, 2004/0090770 to Primeau,
`2006/0164834 to Kao. Each of these relates to decorative lighting products like
`those described or claimed in the ’056 Patent.
`PO knew of these material prior art teachings relating to its claims. PO
`should have addressed them its patentability analysis of the proposed Substitute
`Claims. Not only were these not addressed, PO failed to disclose these material
`prior-art references to the Board, constituting an obvious omission of “material art
`in the prosecution of the patent” and a clear violation of PO’s duty of candor
`required by 37 C.F.R. §42.11. Therefore, on this deficiency alone, for having failed
`to address all of the material prior art of record, the Motion to Amend should be
`denied in its entirety.
`Related proceedings involving children of the ’056 Patent
`contain material prior art references completely ignored by PO
`With respect to the last prong of MasterImage, PO has further failed to put
`Petitioner and the Board on notice as to “any material art of record in any other
`proceeding before the Office involving the patent.” MasterImage, Paper 42, at 3.
`Specifically, the ’056 Patent is a basis of priority claims for three other patent
`applications filed by PO: U.S. Pat. Appl. Ser. Nos. 14/725,972, 15/350,707, and
`15/596,421. The first of these has issued as U.S. Pat. No. 9,526,286, with the same
`material prior art cited as in the prosecution history of the ’056 Patent. The second
`application has been published and is still pending, currently rejected, also citing


`art made of record in the related IPR proceedings. The third application is still
`pending and is not yet published. Therefore, Petitioner does not have access to any
`new material art that may have been cited in this PTO proceeding involving the
`’056 Patent. PO is silent with regard to the record of this application.
`Even if the 15/350,707 application by itself were to introduce no new
`material art of record, PO’s failure to disclose the pending application’s prior art
`imposes an undue burden on Petitioner and on the Board to determine the scope of
`material art of record. And thus further supports the conclusion that PO has failed
`to fulfill its duty of candor and good faith to present material art of which

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