`Case No. 2: 13-cv-1059-IRG
`I, Erin Flaucher, do hereby declare that I am Over twenty-one years of age
`and have personal knowledge Of the facts declared herein:
`I am a Paralegal employed by Microsoft Corporation (“Microsoft”)
`located at One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052.
`I have been employed by
`Microsoft since October 2009.
`I make this declaration for the purpose of confirming the business
`records of certain products and authenticating certain documents. The facts set
`forth in this Declaration are based upon information provided to me.
`I am
`competent to testify to all matters stated, and if called upon to do so, I would
`testify to the facts set forth in this Declaration.
`To the best of my knowledge, the Nokia 9110 Communicator (“the
`9110 Product”) was introduced to the public on March 18, 1998 at the CeBIT ‘98
`exhibition in Hannover, Germany. A true and correct copy of a press release dated
`March 18, 1998 is attached to this Declaration as Exhibit A.
`The 9110 Product was first released to the public for sale in January
`of 1999.
`It is my understanding based upon information from the Microsoft
`Mobile Oy Product Lifecycle Capability Organization, which maintains certain
`records on products that as part of the release and sale of the 9110 Product, Nokia
`created a parts package with the designation of 0069108. This 0069108 parts
`package constituted items that were included in the box when a 9110 Product was
`sold and included (among other items): a 9110 Product, a copy of a compact disc
`(CD) with the parts code of 0840003, a copy of the English version of the User’s
`Manual with the parts code of 9357168, a copy of the English Version of the Quick
`Guide with the parts code of 9357169. The 0069108 parts package was approved
`to be added to the sales package by Nokia on January 26, 1998. On June 22, 1999,
`the 9110 Quick Guide with a parts code of 9351912 was added to the parts package
`It is my understanding based upon information from the Microsoft
`Mobile Oy Product Lifecycle Capability Organization, which maintains certain
`records on products that Nokia created another parts package with the designation
`of 0069141 version 1.1 with a description of this package being “Nokia 9110
`Communicator European 3 sales package, EN transceiver, EN user guide and quick
`and accessory guide and Europlug.’
`This 0069141 version 1 parts package
`constituted items that were included in the box when a 9110 Product was sold and
`included (among other items): a 9110 Product; a copy of a compact disc (CD) with
`the parts code of 0840003; a copy of the English version of the User’s Manual with
`the parts code of 9357168, a copy of the English version of the Quick Guide with
`the parts code of 93 57169, and a copy of a disk with the parts code of 00840003.
`The 0069141, version 1.1 parts package was released by Nokia on June 18, 1999.
`Under Nokia’s standard business practices, the items in the 0069141, version 1.1
`parts package would have been provided to purchasers of the 0069141 shortly after
`the release date of the product and available to the public as of that date.
`Exhibit B is a listing for the parts code 0840003 of files that were on
`that CD when it was included in the packages above.
`Exhibit C is a screenshot of the top level directory for the CD with
`parts code 0840003 referenced above. For clarity, Exhibit C shows the following:
`Date Modified
`File folder
`226 KB
`Setup Information
`901 KB
`BMP File
`901 KB
`Text Document
`13 KB
`Configuration sett. ..
`1 KB
`180 KB
`Exhibit D is a copy of the cover for the CD with parts code 0840003
`referenced above.
`Exhibit E is a sales report for the 9110 Product. Exhibit E is a true and
`correct copy of the original report that was retrieved from Microsoft Mobile Oy’s
`databases. Microsoft Mobile Oy is
`an indirect
`subsidiary of Microsoft
`Corporation. Exhibit E is a Microsoft Mobile Oy business record showing units
`distributed to consumers for the 9110 Product sold in 1999.
`Each sales package for the Nokia 9110 product in 1999 that the
`Microsoft Mobile Oy Product Lifecycle Capability Organization has checked at
`my request
`included CD 0840003 except for a sales package which was a
`“replacement” package. Exhibit E shows sales for all parts packages that included
`the 9110 product and includes sales of parts packages 0069108 and 0069141.
`Exhibit E accurately reflects the information kept by Microsoft
`Mobile Oy in the regular course of business and was recorded at or near the time of
`transactions by employees or representatives of the predecessor of Microsoft
`Mobile Oy (which was Nokia Corporation (“Nokia”)) with knowledge.
`It is the
`regular practice of Microsoft Mobile Oy’s business to keep such records, and
`current employees of Microsoft Mobile Oy who were formerly employees of the
`predecessor Nokia Corporation confirmed that it was the regular practice of Nokia
`Corporation’s business to keep such records.
`Issue 2 of the User’s Manual for the Product was included on the CD
`This User’s Manual
`Data\DOCS\MANUALS\USERG\ug_en2.pdf as shown in Exhibit F. As noted on
`its front cover, Issue 2 had the identification of “9357168” on its front cover. A
`true and correct copy of this User’s Manual, as it was on the CD 0840003, is
`attached to this Declaration as Exhibit F.
`The CD 0840003 included a document entitled “Nokia 9110
`Communicator WWW Browser Style Guide.” This Style Guide is in the file
`Data\DOCS\CORP_USE\LM_EN\ BROWSREN.PDF as shown in Exhibit G. A
`true and correct copy of this Style Guide, as it was on the CD 0840003, is attached
`to this Declaration as Exhibit G.
`The CD 0840003 also included a document entitled “PC Suite for
`Nokia 9110 Communicator User’s Guide.” This PC Suite User’s Guide is in the
`file Data\DOCS\PCGUIDES\Suite_en.PDF as shown in Exhibit H. A true and
`correct copy of this PC Suite User’s Guide, as it was on the CD 0840003, is
`attached to this Declaration as Exhibit H.
`The CD 0840003 also included two directories that contained files
`with an extension of .WAV. These directories were Data\WAVSOUND\ and
`Data\91 10__SW\SOUNDS\ as shown in Exhibit B.
`I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States of
`America that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on the __ day of
`November 2014, in the United States of America.
`Erin Flaucher
`List of Exhibits:
`Exhibit A March 18, 1998 Press Release on 9110 Product
`Exhibit B
`List of files on CD for parts code 0840003
`Exhibit C
`screenshot of the directory for 0840003 CD
`Exhibit D Cover for CD 0840003
`Exhibit E
`sales report for the 9110 product
`Exhibit F
`9110 User’s Manual Issue 2 on CD 0840003
`Exhibit G Nokia 9110 Communicator WWW Browser Style Guide on CD
`Exhibit H PC Suite for Nokia 9110 Communicator User’s Guide on CD
`Exhibit A
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`Hm-;2a En‘t.rudL;ce-3 its second grener’atEon com muiwicator -The gtaocketmzed H at-as 2'.-11 IE3 Com municator -sombmes an uiiirnate mobilise uffice \,i.'1I’}’I. a gugem
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`httpi.-"z’r;nmpany.noki;3 com:'env‘newvs.»’press~ reieasevsil Q9:-‘v'I.‘.r;-"1Efinokia—m€rcadua:;as-ii*3~secon«:!~gererattarr~com malnicator-theemcketqggpfiigwkqggg "i ‘§3+,gg*Erguni~c ..
`11/11/2014 Nokia introduces its second generation comm unicator -The pocket-sized Nokia 9110 Comm unicator com bines an ultimate mobile offlce with a superb
`To enhance the functionality and usability with PCs, Nokia has included in the sales package a
`new software, the PC Suite for Nokia 9110 Communicator. This software allows the user to
`transfer information and software between the communicator and computers using
`Windows 95 and Windows NT 1.0 operating systems.
`The need to access data on the move has been one of the key drivers for the industry in
`creating data communication solutions. As wireless services have CVOlV\_d beyond voice,
`value—added services play an increasingly important role not only in business use but also
`personal lifestyle uses with the emergence of electronic banking and commerce, electronic
`postcards and infotainment, for example.
`"No|<ia‘s goal is to offer value—added services through compact, user—friendly devices that
`are not technologically intimidating. The new Nokia 9110 Communicator has an easy-to—use
`design, but features revolutionary applications such as wireless imaging; this shows that
`wireless multimedia is not about the future but about today," notes Mr Vanjoki.
`Wireless imaging and memory extension caoaoilities
`First in the world, the Nokia 9110 Communicator enables wireless image sending and
`receiving. With the application called Digital Camera Connectivity, the user can receive
`pictures via infrared from digital cameras which support the lr—TranP protocol. Photographs
`can be sent over the air for further processing. Pictures can also be attached to mail or fax
`As another industry first, Nokia has selected the Memory Card for extending user data
`memory in the Nokia 9110 Communicator. The Memory Card, about the size of a postage
`stamp, is the world‘s smallest removable data storage card providing memory up to 4 M3.
`http://com pany.nokia.com/en/news/press-releases/1998/03/18/nokia-introduces-its-second-generation-com m unicator-the-pocket-lsiggqigyqwkia)-gg qirgggrgunic. ..
`11/11/2014 Nokia introduces its second generation communicator -The pocket-sized Nokia 9110 Communicator combines an ultimate mobile offlce with a superb
`The Nokia 9110 Communicator will be able to store audio, travel guides, dictionaries, still
`images, software, large directories and documents in the MultiMediaCard. The card,
`developed by SanDisk and Siemens, will be sold as a standard Nokia accessory.
`Superb mobile phone
`The phonc user interfacc of thc Nokia 9110 Communicator is based on the Nokia 6100
`series, making the communicator a phone with the latest features, outstanding audio and
`speech quality and excellent operating times. The phone provides up to 6 hours of talk time
`and the stand by time is up to 200 hours (8 days). With the 'profile' function, the user can
`adjust the phone settings according various situations from meeting to outdoor mode.
`The Nokia 9110 Communicator has a 486 based AMD embedded processor and a GEOS 3.0
`operating system platform. The product is ready for data speed of 14.4 kbit/s, and supports
`several standard e—mail protocols. A total of 12 language versions are available.
`As the industry leader in wireless data, Nokia established a totally new product category by
`introducing the first Nokia 9000 Communicator already two years ago. At present, the Nokia
`Communicators are sold in over 30 markets worldwide.
`Headquartered in Finland, Nokia is a broad—scope telecommunications company supplying
`mobile phones, mobile and fixed telecommunications networks, data communications
`solutions, multimedia terminals and PC monitors. With sales in 130 countries, net sales
`totaled FIM 52.6 billion ($9.8 billion) in 1997. Nokia employs more than 36,000 people
`http://com pany .nokia.com/en/news/press- releases/1998/03/18/nokia-introduces-its-second-generation-com m unicator-the- pockeE§gi|ziegT1pof<i)a;§,1p:Q;%r1f@unic...
`EXHIBIT 1009, PAGE 10
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`EXHIBIT 1009, PAGE 11
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