`Apple Inc. v. VirnetX Inc.
`Page 1 of 9
`21690 '1‘:mE:h Styeet
`Be:‘ke:i<:“y, California 9:910
` angc 'bu1kpurzzlmse cliscoitnis For sahgs prmno'ti<ms, pren;:iLsms, or fundwraisess,
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`arm-:51 {ions ar beak distributorg {mtsicia the U,S.25»., please see the Irmrmtioual
`fiionta tlnformatimx page at the anti 0}“ this book.
`Computer IJasktop- Encycfogsedla, Ninth Edition
`g-Copy 1g§’:%:@ 2001 by The Mc{3taw~Hi1l Caxnpzmies. All righm reserved. Priniazzé ix“? tilt?
`Stams of j&mfl1.i‘:§§o E"${‘t:¥53}:)’{ as 'perm§%md under tine Capyzight Ad of19?§, ma part
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`av reci in 21 database or rrrtrieval 5ystem,'wél}mut the ;:>ri<)r tazritfen permissimw ufithe
`publisher, vuitlx Hm ex'<;"eption t%1atihe1;:E:£Sgram lisfings mayBe euiexied, stared, and
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`1234567890 "DOC DOC 9‘019876§%321
`309$: 1:2!’:1 0-G7~2‘i93[%?~7 anti C?) p /’ I1 Q-§?»219308-S
`paws of
`I§§°3N U-U7-2‘193{3é»9
`BJ!’«1L‘:CEC>I‘s A. Nordin
`Vice Fxeaident 8: Assnciafi.-szs Publisher
`Sifiixif Rogers
`Editorial Directuy:
`Roger Smwaré
`Senior Project fiéitmr
`Pamaka Wadi
`fiinéa Rfledoff, Patzi Medeff
`Compuéer D eziigmars
`Lauren Ivicflarthy, ’§‘ab{tha (Sagan
`Lyssa Wééd, Miahaei Mueller
`Series iiiasign
`Peter F. i-iancik
`{Sewer Design
`Gmg Scot’:
`]<J‘:m Black
`LC Cmmimmbe,
`2.3 gm
`This book was composwci with Corei “J}3NTUl{A””*‘ Pu§1isher.
`Infemnaticm hm; bs:(:11ubtui1n:di1y Osbnrrw ‘MKS raw-H51! mym mzurczs iaeliewad Iolm gfiiiwfie. H(1Wt'V1’r. 1:0-.-asusar :>§'2§’1§
`§t3飧:hi1jryof human v.=r ¥l%cE}‘»&m§€aI emu: by tom’ smarcns, iifisknrmfmccrasv-mi], or K3?§\m“§;‘5:3s1:exr|‘t:f!\-ltG::-w-Hill {ism mt
`g:3arar:|see the m.<'ut'n€.:r, udcqvaaya av L‘:3Ix!]'.t1F.‘ter!R395 :1? any i»“1§m*rxw!ia>n and is rzot_I;v::.]>m,£5i1::lv.~ far any elmrzs en“ zgmiusiens 1::
`EM nrsulis olalaincd fmm we of such iaxfna-maiicm.
`Page 2 of 9
`Page 2 of 9
`Am a;
`1;“. m
`am; -i\
`'3 9
`}::;x;=c’3§3-T- @5195. "'1'
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`(1) A W0?§<:'.iaEin:1 or persona? mmptiiier in 21 ciientfwrver
`exwimnn\enL Seeciierit/server andjiét u!Fm£.
`{2} One and of the: sgxmgtrunz in a mqmm%,£sz,:pp!y relatiomhip
`beiwnen prcgramsfisza X Window and OLE.
`cflent application
`An appiicatitmrammingin asworkssation or
`personalmznputerona network.Seeaim OLE.
`client baseti
`Refers to hardware or software fimé mus in she usaras
`macbéxvs(c1iunlj. Contrast with server based.
`638331 machine
`The term can niso f€§E?3’
`to.n pcrtabla zsamputer thatis ptmggerl into the
`nehvark. Sea cfimi and ciamatfsmmr,
`cEEemt yxigram Safwmze gm runs in the uaefe PC vztiworkmmion.
`emtvmac ,
`.thserver program; W ‘ch resides ina server ‘m
`cllafivfifltvbf Anarchjlesztuxeln which %1§_:us2r‘sI*Cffl1ecfmznt} 13
`Iheraqawtizxgmachima333:1 umserverin tmwpplyingmmziluim,both«if
`whictmm ms;rxI\e::ts3«:1fin :; local areaaxakwtgzic {LAN} nrwédu area netwuxk
`aw-194;. Tln'du{§,l1oul theam.“$305 ma?-aaglg 39905, c}ie::s%J;scxvm' was
`iafmicumpmgzs and zfiainfrnnnes h:vs%€twor1<:x of izcérfimrzgsl c;u;:1§:_11Em’5.
`In djeniffimmr, zhec1iant'-gfimgagw me: marfimarluue filfiiincimérs,Ivlnc,
`éTi:.}i1:3flcanpczfzérunnameor£16f1:hr.e nmfihmifimpmcL‘«3e.’mg.fiflrvara range
`in mgmacityfmml1igh~émi.?°§'.I3an nminfrrimm. Adatabasesmiérmainmim
`fieeciatabaaes and §3 requests{mm firmc1ia1t'1<':'ezmactéalafrm‘21M
`"rt: zzpéafe the dniahezzm an sxpplitmimwver provides mason-.1: imam
`premalng, farlhe ciienm.
`clicnxg/%c:vw§ewIo;:pno:z! s§m£v:2sa
`Eltientjserver Vemua-Ina Wm:
`Became of the 111t,aruet,'.'er.n1s zsaxth
`as “Web 13:35:51" zxmi *’-Weizv mxableci‘ have replncwé fhé éslinnkiaawmf
`‘i>u;a.e:wo1:d,, yet .El”.1_,_$'¢.i1i:'En\/sartser ::1‘c?\iE(rrt1Iré_2 1; crmmgfituaily E313 same.
`lhers.’ 1'-‘Cs ‘a rg-sgfil clients, mini. §'i€YE am {em :11’;fl1()L_iS:I.r1t'.L!; of Ww servers
`llumzghcmt lhe'"{mer:1I:t dehvmfixg Web pages_._Nm:erihu£m, ciimtf
`sewer ig rzaaaally used it) 2%: to “iegacy,” mx-Wgb lmseai system.
`On fim ‘Web, the éiécnt mm l%~u:_b_:juwwr anv3..just1i3;:sz iegacy cliént?
`am-99; can perform iime or a -101 of p;:'>é's2e.-simg: simple si_i:;1:_21ay.ing of
`gages, mare pwrtéassing wilhgmbeaaed szrigatzs :1;€:onsiclc_rab1ta
`przrcémuxg with lava zfpplnls: A I11§r1'1$l€3_.'€:E'bz’£}‘w5ej‘p1i1g~§.m§ provndc ail
`50”” fig “-fl""t P’°wm‘“§°
`IE2 sesxver siée £3? %%\E web is 2: mulriatiet Server amhirecturewfitkx
`irslariinked Web Wfvers, applicarim starvers, da’(B}3>a.£<§{? servers and
`can in servem $22 a a aliczzfian ser1aé*!2
`é‘ 3
`ctiarirt/svarver analyfi
`A person respemihle En: pm'§o:mi:\g;
`zmalyssisand design ofaciiamfsenvez system. Aémowlerdge <3?two~Herand
`$51nrmier cliunlfserver a.rc1“ai3eCfa1resis required‘ Seesysisérm§ri<éE:,t:7: and ciitméfszrmct‘.
` -m———
`c§i(3n1/SBrver arctfitecttrrcs
`An amvirozuraersi. in wi*u'<:h {Em apgrzlicarinu prmmsing is dividmi b€*§I.veeI\ client
`workstaticms nmci servers. It ixnpéies the use uf ~CEes§<t<:p computezs imeruciingwitis flervcrs in at netwozk. in conltm to
`proceamng avcrythzng m a large <3.-ntrai.2.e:.l ma1L1f"s"a1nF!.S»zZ*€ szélendscrvvr.
`. m____WW___m
`bemwe {ha gamr lg; Em.“-ing mm man '5
`iemvw {flak drlwrx, and tin?" client dams al| Una‘
`gzrucessingg. Langtkay searc§'1e:;_<:a:1_I;soig dawn {£19
`“<::?%":;flEfiW§:::3A5;afl‘f’$§*::;:f§§n': {:10
`ea émabasf0vgL:181?;Gg: rl::ht:rds wads
`(3-asraplsiaa‘ fitsiituy Mcyiziapeéia
`Page 3 of 9
`Page 3 of 9
` about each system component,
`An application management suite from BMC that uses agents to report on software activities on all the
`servers within the enterprise. Using the information in ”l<.noWledge modules" (KMS)
`agents detect events, collect information and notify system and network administrators to take corrective action.
`(1) (Private Automatic Exchange) An inhouse intercom system.
`A parallel processing environment standard based on Intel's i860 RISC chip,
`12) (Parallel Architecture Extended)
`UNIX System V and Alliant Computer's parallel and 3-D graphics technologies.
`The data-carrying capacity of some structure. It typically refers to a part of a packet or frame i.n a
`communications system that holds the message data in contrast to the headers, which are considered overhead.
`See Web payment service.
`payment service
`Software distributed for money. Contrast withfreeware.
`FE See Pcwcrfiuilrler.
`(Private Branch exchange) An inhouse telephone switching
`system that interconnects telephone extensions to each other, as well as
`to the outside telephone network. It may include functions such as least
`cost routing for outside calls, call forwarding, conference calling and call
`. Modern l’BXs use a.ll~cligital methods for switching and may
`support both digital terminals and telephones along with analog
`telephones. See WPBX.
`An Early PBX
`This PBX began operation In Bangor. Maine in
`1333. (image courtesy of AT&T.)
`(sound, uamu)
`U0 Ganlrnller
`(hard dlak,
`floppy, serial,
`Sluts thus)
`PC (3) (Printed Circuit) See printed circuit board.
`(2) (Personal Computer) Any laptop or desktop
`computer such as Windows machine or a Macintosh.
`(1) (Personal Computer) A stand-alone laptop or
`desktop computer running Windows (or DOS for earlier
`applications). PC hardware and operating systems are
`primarily governed by Intel and Microsoft respectively.
`The PC is the world's largest computer base.
`PCs are also widely used as clients and servers in a local
`area network (LAN). PC clients predominantly run under
`Windows, but PC servers (X86-based servers) run under
`Windows, NetWa.re or a variation of UNIX such as Linux
`or Unixware. PC servers may use Windows 95/98, but
`Windows NT and 2000 are more likely choices.
`Although there are literally thousands of PC vendors,
`from mom and pop shops to large mail order houses (Dell,
`Gateway, etc.) to the major computer companies (Compaq,
`HP, etc.), and of course IBM, still one of the world’s largest
`PC makers, all PCs use an Intel X86 or compatible CPU.
`After IBM introduced the PC in 1981, the first attempts at
`cloning it were mostly unsuccessful. Except for Cornpacfs first
`PC, from 1982 to 1985, there were a lot of ”almostcornpat‘1ble” PCs. However, as soon as the part of the operating system
`l<nown as the BIOS was successfully cloned and made commercially available, true Compatibles appeared in abundance.
`Before Windows 95, adding another peripheral device to a PC was often an exercise in trial and error. Modifying
`DOS's infamous configuration files (AU”DOEXBC.BAT and CONPIGSYS) caused many a user to give up. Windows 95.
`98 and 2000 added Plug and Play, which means for the most part, you can replace hard disks and display adapters, as
`well as acid a scanner, CD-ROM or other device without difficulty.
`winding its way onto the shelves of retail outlets worldwide. This is a
`The PC has become a commodity item,
`van one fraught with loopholes and inconsistencies.
`testimonial to the power of a computer standard, e
`What's Inside a PC?
`Computer Desktop Encyclopedia
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`persuttal csmputer
`{frazziical fixfraciinn Report Language} 2% §i}l‘G[§I‘E!IY‘;II\1I1§;§a§'E,§§l1Zlge wriéiefi Eisy imary W39 that wmbfmgx sym.1:<
`from several UNZX wriiities and languagm, immdxzced in $87, Perfi is designed kg hanciie a variety of systestu
`administrmor ff.Ir1c:t*i<:-rm and provides ate-mpmvhensive sfrizsg handilng ftniwtimm. It is w ‘::.ic.=ly used in wriiw: Web raeruxzr
`pt0g1‘aTi1S for such tasks as Llt1lOl1'l:7JiZ.‘%'§Jly updating user ztcmxmis and Iwéxasgsdyep pastings, pruc-ueaxeizxg removal requests,
`3j.’r1:;‘l'x1c(JL1i;*.ii\g tldmbaat-.‘s and g::r‘m=n:i|:xg repurisu Perl has also been azinpizéd m. rre:\-UNIX p§a£Em:n1s..St>e 21150 FURL.
`“ ‘
`£1} A soft fmxt lhai is keys in the printer’; mamory until the pri.-ma; ia turned off.
`(2) Same as inienrczéfazsé,
`permanent m-emery
`Same as arm-tzsziatiics nuemory.
`One passibia <:L1mbinalian of il'<:m3 gut of a larger wt of itmns. For exnmpie, with the set of numbers
`1, I2 and 3, Zhere are six posséifle peznwutarions: Ea zi, '13, 31, 23 and 3%»
`fierpén cular rafiordmg
`par seat
`By wufivskuiioxw. See per mm Iiccmfng.
`Sofhvara Iimmixzg based on 11 per um: basis. Fer emmpfie, 21 lfllfiwam Elcense 1-mzansihaz up
`par seat Iieaamirzg
`ts) E00 sgnecifiicaiiyvmsmed users fiave accwea to the pmyam. Per seat iicméireg is administemci 53; providing u.=ser~imm1
`security to {he dérccmry csritaining the program: Ccanizaai with cnncurrerrf Iiécrzsing.
`(1) Tu :1 CRT, Em iime :1 plxaespimz riot ra:::1aina§iium§na!t«.~claft<zr wiag energized. K0711;-pfirsisteuce
`yxczsgyhera reduce flécéznzr, but gerxeraie gixasmlike images that iizxgar on screen far a fraction of 3 second,
`(23 in objeci lecéxnakxgx, the stfsragn of an object on a disk or ofiaer permt.-zmnt storage device‘
`{hm éihat exists {tam sesaion to session‘ 1’e1*sisten§<iata is stored If: :3; fi&ta[1&se1*.mn digfi or tape.
`persistent data
`Centscasf with irmsimé aiam.
`perslstenf link swim: link.
`zaemistent Ohjfifii An object that ssczniinues icy exist after t‘m;:mgra:n that cremasd it has Wem unlmded. A2:
`obiecfs class arté cutrerif state must be saved fer use in aubsequexar sessions. Tn afajacl technology, persistence means
`staring the object For iarcr nae,
`gaersonai agent See ugam.
`personal communicator
`Six: FDA.
`Sytwnymmxs with ”mi<:¥{:»cnn1puter,” "'&es;1<mp c:1:np:m:r," and "iapmp cumpgter,” it ia 1:
`zioszxputer {flat mwes um user in the office or harms. A campiete p<>,:'sr.>nal compuéer system with §;:x:§nix:r can Casi as
`iitfie 39 $"1,i3(}G or as much as $8,000 er rnnre. Size is based rm mainory and disk ::apacity.Speed is Exased on the C913
`that rum it and output qmliiy is Exameri on lhs: éype and resoiuéiuu of its mzmléar and primer,
`The permzml computer world as <i<Jm'1I1€\tt:ri by Ezxfaxasroxva-haw Pm,
`Magsr Suppfiars of Personal Compuixars
`'E’h.22§‘s:2 are éhousands cxfvmxdcars mat maké them, from m£§m';a:.1(i pap shops; to hugv tnszgaazfies smch as_ Ctsmlzaq, HP
`and {EMA The alherxwte personal corngzvuter standard 23 .¥§.ppis:":; Madmmsln, which is zgxaiyi‘ 'mILr.le'-by Appin. r’§.im‘i mu!
`f.".:m1rmdo::u nnre carved out their zmymlive nichau, but Atari reiunxw Ea’) its gczmfisng mats and Commodxzm has since
`closed its dogys.
`'I'hei11v;!u5¥:x°y began in 1339?, when ;%.;:1pI'e2, Radio Sixclck aréé €:€?in1fiC.riO:u
`l'§£s.!;{:t’}{ fifwrsonal Commuters
`i11tmcluce»2i file: first off~thn«sine§f :*omp.uters ns:_cé_2msz::zzt:r prt_5ci_uu§a. ’1‘f1c: first machirnzs used H n 84:33 m%rn~op'rnm=:a:::r.
`with a zIm1<_iin1mzc>I‘ f;«1K czsfizmamnry" and f1c)p;’>;;*'<i§:i3.<.!: fur stemiga. The Appie ii; Mari 5053, aztfi Cuirzmizldore 54 Etggmfle
`p_opular'ho:m: coznputexs, and Appira watt mxccmmful ln culznpaixies after ELM V§§iC‘aicspraadahen§ was hifrutlumé.
`Howwer, the busimeas wtsrid was soon ciaminaieci by ‘SE18 Z80 processor and C1’z".~’vl operaéfiug gysiem, usmi by
`Page 5 of 9
` fiomgstgr Besktup fiscyelogefiia
`Page 5 of 9
`protocol stack
`n .
`protocol stack The hierarchy of protocols used in a communications network. Network architectures desi
`in layers, such as TCP/II’, OS] and SNA, are referred to as stacks. See OSI.
`protocol suite
`Same as protocol stack.
`(1) Creating a demo ofa new systan. Prototyping is essential for clarifying inforrnationIEq1J‘l]_‘g]_-ne
`The design of a system (functionalspecs} must be finalized before the system can bebuilt. While analytically-onentergljm
`people may have a clear picture of requirements, others may not.
`Using fourth-generation languages, systems analysts and users can develop the new system together. Databases ca
`be created and manipulated while the user monitors the progress. Once users see tangible output on screen or papgr n
`they can figure out Whats missing or what the next question might be if this were a production system. Ifprototypkig
`is carefully done, the end result canbe a working system.
`Evenif the final system is reprogrammed in other languages for standardization or machine efficiency, prototyping
`has served to provide specifications for a working system rather than a theoretical one.
`(2) Seefunction prototyping.
`circuits by programming their computersto switchcustomer lines into the appropriatenetworks.
`proxy ‘See proxyserver.
`proxy cache
`A facility in aproxy server thatcaches incomingWeb pageson thehard disk. Ifthenextpage
`requested by a browser is already in the proxy cache, the page is retrieved locally instead of from the Internet. With
`proxy caches, the browsers mustbe configured to use the proxy server. See proxy server, reverse proxy cache, transparent
`cache and Web cache.
`proxy server Also called a ”proxy” or "application level gateway,” it is an application that breaks the connection
`between sender and receiver. Allinput is forwarded out a different port, closing a straight pathbetweentwo networks
`and preventinga hacker from obtaininginternal addresses and details of a private network.
`Proxyservers are available for commonInternetservices; forexample, anHTTPproxyis usedforWebaccess, and
`an SMTPproxy is used for email. Proxies generally employ network address translation (NAT), which presents one
`organization-wide If‘ address to the Internet. It funnels all user requests to the Internet and fans responses back out to
`the appropriate users. Proxies may also cache Web pages, so that the next request can be obtained locally. Proxies are
`only one tool that can be used to build a firewall. See L/lN,firewall, proxy cache and SOCKS server.
`PR/SM (Processor Resource/Systerns Manager} Hardware circuits and microcode built into IBM Systemf390
`mainframes that support logical partitions (LPARS). LPARs allow the running of multiple system images on a single
`processor complex. Each such image has a full complement of CPUS (dedicated or shared), central storage, expanded
`storage and channels. ESCON and FlCON channels may be shared across images using the MIF feature. Pronounced
`“prism,” PR/SM was derived from VM, the IBM operating system that provides multiple system images in software.
`See LPAR, MI? and VM.
`See print screen.
`(1) ('PicoSecond) See space/time.
`(2) (1”S——Personal Services) IBM office automation software for PCs, minis and mainframes, which includes word
`processing, electronic mail and library services.
`(3) (Postscript) See Postscript.
`PS/1 An early IBM home computer series introduced in 1990. The original models featured an integrated monitor
`and ea5y~to—open case, The first PS/1 was a 286 with an ISA bus. See PC.
`. 3'-1‘
`' “
`1 I.
`g l
`1 f
`E’ ’
`g: '
`Computer Desktop Encyclopedia
`Page 6 of 9
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`(Thin Small Outline Package) A very»thin, plastic, rectangular surface mount chip package with gullvwing
`pins on its two short sides. TSOI-‘s are about a third as thick as S0] chips. See gull-wing lead, SOP, SO] and chip package.
`A 24—charu1el group, which makes up one T1 line, See TI.
`(Terminate and Stay Resident) Refers to a program that remains in memory when the user exits it in order
`that it be immediately available at the press of a hotkey. TSRs were popular under DOS to quickly pop up a calendar,
`calculator or other utiiity, because DOS did not have built-in task switching. Standards for writing TSRS were not
`codified early on, and TSRS often conflicted with each other and regular applications. After Windows 3.0, TSRs became
`moot, since any D05 or Windows application could be conveniently task switched in a separate window.
`See ITU.
`(Tree and Tabular Combined Notation} A programming language endorsed by 150 that is used to-write test
`suites for telecommunications systems. TTCN is used for ”black box testing," which means that all interaction to the
`system is via messages, rather than by a user with a mouse. Test suites are built in a hierarchical and modular manner,
`allowing many programmers to be involved in the project. Numerous teiecom vendors use "ITCN for their products, and
`organizations such as the ITU, ATM Forum and ETS], provide TFCN conformancetests for new standards.
`Digispealc for goodbye (”ta ta for now").
`TT font
`See TrueType.
`(1) (Transistor Transistor Logic} A digital circuit composed of bipolar transistors wired in a certain manner.
`TTL logic has been widely used since the early days of digital circuitry. TTL designations may appear on input or
`' output ports of various devices, which indicates a digital circuit in contrast to an analog circuit.
`(2) (Time To Live) A set maximum amount of time a packet is allowed to propagate through the network before it
`is discarded.
`(3) {Through The Lens) Refers to a si.r1gle~lens reflex camera that lets the photographer View the scene through the
`same lens that captures the image.
`T.TUD See T120.
`(TeleTYpewriter protocol) A low-speed asynchronous communications protocol with limited or no
`TTY protocol
`error checking. See reletypewriter.
`See CRT and vacuum tube.
`A laser that can change its frequency over a given range. in time, tunable lasers are expected to be
`tunable laser
`capable of switching frequencies on a pacl<et—by—paci<et basis.
`tuner An electronic part of a radio or TV that locks on to a selected carrier frequency (station, channel) and filters
`out the audio and video signals for amplification and display.
`tunneling Transrrrrtting data-strucnrred in one protocol format within the format of another protocol. Tmmeling
`allows other types of transmission streams to be carried within the prevailing protocol. See IP tunneling and LZTP.
`In relational database management, a record, or row. See relational database.
`A C compiler from Borland used to create a wide variety of commercial products. it is known for its
`Turbo C
`well-designed debugger. Borland's object-oriented versions of C are Turbo C++ and Borland C++.
`The DOS version of this database is written in Turbo C. The Windows version is written in Microsoft C.
`A type of channel coding that uses a convolutional code and a type of Viterbi decoder that outputs a
`turbo code
`continuous value rather than a O or 1. See corrvoiutiomzi code and Viterbi decoder.
`Computer Desktop Encyclopedia
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` 1044
`(Vfllumepixm.) Al'nrefiwdirne:n5iona1pixai.z’§vuxeirepresentsasquafxlifyof3-Drlatajxzszasapixelragrawm
`(Voyem;”_£'1_m1a§::u<:h,lmn,Ymwxkerfia‘!s§fY,'w'ww.%bs:ac§s.cg>m} Ama11uEactt:1?s;:<nf":§_ux::xdcuminandmusic.
`50ftwm‘ethat is:1ram}:aim law:—1‘S“36uxergezofVuyéiraxTt:r;1\:\0l£)gi£:§and'i‘ur%1efim<:l\'$ya1-enxslvnyvsmwasfczundrzd
`<imu.~:ic-rs21é1ted=a1p*gii¢:z1fi.uns‘ Vcyyéira ufilikiesarc;
`tad inlo s4>§_twa':*.e-3'0: MED} aeqummsr ms
`syuzihusizer émti fialer -méw
`d c::1:cI§.._
`1' its W;:1‘9c§.~wirmE:1g Muiwammd line of
`‘mmdlucl wééfia humeroxis snun
`1‘L11‘1ie Beach was fmmdcd in19S%5'&i:-‘Yrxk, PA.antibecame known fca
`2:5; £1f§ei"b%?flc¥1Es from aroumi the world
`high-—I2:1Ll auum§.t.;?sr&$\, Ira ccmsuxmaxbnanclx aria also puprularand are mam
`auch as Maifisn, Momegc and Efiaytonn.
`r::vc::a3i11gfi'z€:%us<:a sevemi mmgmters umie: tight
`r Comp-Hex} an $13M mainframe multip
`VPC {Virlua1Proc:esso
`c.erlt'ra1 mum?!
`VPN (VirtualPr'w2a\eNewark} A1,1rivn1t:nerwor‘:: thatisanrsiiganradw‘.:¥s.i.ua;n1b‘A<:n'n:hvurk.Pnryams,ccummrm
`czmimimwehuflt\t'I’Ns“Um.appear asprévnmmméionnl crh1fv::r[\a§i%mz\1zxuhveziwL2’;liwcusio1‘1fxt::nhmpkxysicallysham
`b&F KTL1!fi§5wills::§h_c:::‘::u$E0rI\L»z'3.\«'l“’Ngezwjuy theauscufilycfitprivateaxemrmrkvia accessmxmoi and encltyptifin,
`w'11$§e1a}dngnaivantugsesis’mecmnomies 0%Maineandbxziitwizxmanagementfacilfiiim oflurgsa.;su‘nliemitwcirks.‘JPNa§*.ava
`is h:ex'§1m{1;£u\:s imeresl in VPNS aver
`%:«mmbuin over )<.'2.‘3,§§witched 56,. is-anus reiayand AIMtmhzrmlogies. '[.‘<>ti:§‘, them
`to the §"m‘L9‘;§a§‘§tt]1re;2.l_e:f1's::u‘»<ra$* a§1nck5.'Y’h£*:‘i}"1”N isdda thanax§r:a=‘iayur._'ofsecmfly, and :1 huge
`growthinVEENweisexpecmszi.E3m'P‘I"1'”P,L211 1.?-’i‘I>‘,.'EJ!-3.«*a.-.1, PVC,
`and fransmrmtfi ELAN’aemicz.
`{he Inlcsmczt, eaggscialiy due
`ours that a phyfii-23.1 pmcessm‘ is: zfixnuxlating.
`V? Iafltr
`i‘-"\rtua1Pmuesscsr min) zm mmzber of viri2&&%§§‘ace5s
`of ma: speed of a vector 0? army processnn
`(Vectors Ye? Scwmi) The messumnmnl
`VR Sea viriami mziiéy.
`VRAM Set: t:€c!s:o1{AIvi»
`LVe1'liw:s.1Redundaracy Check) A3:exrorchackingmethoé matganwaw;and lasts aparityisit foreachbyteof
`fie: ciownluudéng a
`data that ég movefi or transmitted.
`guznge mad on the Web. §a.
`(ViIlu'::.J. Rcafiéiy Mcazlézlingg Language) A 3-D gr;<21pi§ic5}an
`mumm mmns can be "*wa}ked into."
`vmgxn page, its c:u4;3x:xmm mm be viewmi, rmatézi and n1aru’5m1tsted, Si
`was the hams for dweioping
`Inveamr graphics Efihraszy
`Mac viewers,
`vémém Ls launcimifi i:!_o[m Wfihizw {he §“v’s"é§ brcswelclw
`The first Vl?J<s§i;_viaerwr::‘ was Weijfipacvx fmgm BBQ Wfimw Open
`d I?oum~ain'are mixerWizfiows viewms, smgi Whurlwimi smd Voyager are
`‘JRi\rfl..Web17X,Wét1%iV1ew an
`E as ‘virtual memary.
`which use virtual memory lechniqimfi:
`{E (1) (Virma! Storage.) Sam sf minicompuims ém
`m Wang;muoduccd in 29%
`I2) (Vértuai fiwmga) A kmiiy
`r starlng rigta, widely uwd in {BM m:1i1.x.{:2:s1xé~a.
`{Virtual Stmage Access Methaxfi} An1§33.V1{l{§€§€38 method fu
`1iusee.=>§he §+Lrea meihacl for organizing dam
`§>-;erIurs.- saéelilteTerxniznal) Assmexll earxh station farsatuilite transmmsiun ihat handias up to 56
`on. \'SA‘"{‘a {Em hmdiethe}? data raise {up to '1 .5411 Mbiisfsec} we calicd ”‘£SA"fs""
`(Very Smali A
`K‘bi%s/ sec of digitai §re111S1’1\{z>si
`”‘ms::§<<iunr" pmmcnl cm the '\!ME11ur; km! allows ?'\ig,§§~5p>§8(i émnsfer
`(1) (VME Subsystum Bust) éu‘. auxiliary
`‘nhuslwfure the 6r%Jn§§is:1p1v-:menlation ezrrivezti.
`batsmantimfmes. it M15 is:
`hpé d@v駧m2_éd by Zetfifrnforcable mudemtsmud tsxrrestriai
`£21 {Vestlgéal S5:£eB:mé:1)=
`Lransmiamiosw furETFV‘ SeeKVSB.
`Sm DOS/V35.
`Cumgaztar Besi-may Encyclupedia
`Page 8 of 9
`Page 8 of 9
`work Iuneilnn
`bottom 0?" the in basket. Aaitomating workflow sets timers gm: cnsame ihat ciocuments move aiong en? a prescrébed pace and
`Qnm the ayspnwiate pamon pxocesses H mm in §§\e eaxeczozficz,
`_§:1§eg_ré:1ing wwléiaw in-to existing :;ofiwa.re apg§}imLit;m may i‘e:qu.i1‘e exfimsivg mgttmgxramnning, because aétheizgh
`§m;i@m*:&e11t wx:>r§<fIo'.:: software <:a:11mm_<:§t a whuiu application, en wcxkffiaw ay,-xterrx zmm has able; to izwoke irwfiividual
`rt>:.xti':'u»::s within the uppiicmicvm £35 a result; vmudoma of n131>1iqaLi<x%-szjfiwxwm have lemnecl up with xvorkfisw vendors to
`provide (he E![':p1‘\’\]'I1'iEIlP Lntczrfama am? far {hay have dexrelnptéd éiwcir awn wm-kflow capability. Wnrkflcw stand nrds
`cjeveloped by the \Nori~tfl€:w 1VIm1a§;amentCoa1i£'ion (WEQMC) are expected to provide lniempe:'a§::ill£}' between wgrkflow
`anfhvare and tine apnpiicillfizma as wail as between <£i£ferenEwo1'icfmw systems.
`Woriciiow” WWW 2:; seat the sinus: as m-orkgwup nnféwam, cthcrwiac known as g?a:4;m>sre. Wmkflow deais with
`the s'tcp~by~a%e§ prmgses, whereas workgmup systems are sxomscrned with in1'm'ma§i:m sharing and thmadeai
`uEIscuS5i<>m£ aznung uama.
`For an exce.|1arathooi: on the subject ofwnrkflnw writiun by the guru in this field, read The Workflnw Imps:-a-rim by
`’i'1‘;omas M; Kmtlopoulms, published by Van EvE:r»z;1ra1'za;$ Reinhokzi, ISBN {M42-E3E9?5~0.
`Wofifi f§1l16§3¥}¥l
`’§‘hc amount of photcm vnmrgy required ta mum: an a$ec%run to be erniiiasci fmm & maieriai.
`"§’w1:: at man: §‘l'1i[i‘€5i€1.Li2f3§$
`£3123 Ellare files and wtamxca. LANE designed amurzé w<;zr§<gxn::ps pmvlde
`eir:::tmr.i'(: sharing of required ciafm. Iargcnernl, psocluzaisaieségnafi. §::Yt ‘£‘\rcJa‘1:grc)L;g3_».‘;8'=§.:_i11§nt_1l’E‘-_{;_$jfi #0 Si} people, whcmaas
`rlepartnsenéai duvlcessupwri amn'e1‘5af'11u11drud, and
`devicvsza serve sz¢v::m1'ti1eus;:;éd; Sec grcvrzymire and fswrijiuw.
`W0 rkgruugs switch Anelwork switéz de.-si§1edforLAN Fxafficwifiwin an enterprise, CantzmiW“§§’3 méyéwciuss switch.
`working directory see cu mm dfm::éo:3.e.
`Wfirkpiace Shell
`‘Fhn user 1;nt$:;‘fate. in OS/2 intrxfiuxgcai with Versien if}. The Wgmrizgnlace Shefil is axtmsihis: and
`apgxlimfizm céeiw.-Iopers can arse Workplace Sheil ‘libraay ffinetions when dcve10p§x§g_§mg:am5.
`Snrmz as sprwéakm.
`{1} 3%. h§g§L~pe1'Fmmance, singievuaer compmar ussacé £01“ gmphlcs, CAD. CAB.» sizm:.1at€<J.n and Scientific
`apgfiicafionsw It 5% Qargimliy a £flSC—?.:ased wxnpneter i-hat runs lIxtéa:*'iS;;:!¥ta vnriafioll x1fiJN§X¢I*I§w-rxaiijor vendors of
`flwoxkalaticms are §un, RI’, IBM, Compaq: and SG3.1”i¥gh-and Pm§¥:.:m R35 incmaaingiy pruvi_xi€;33w01'k51Atit:vn gerfzyzrzmnce.
`(2) A term‘ma1 or dmktup cemputer in a mtworic. In this contexi, wwi-cstalitmis jam a generic: term for 5 users:
`machine: izzilenl nmchim). Contrasi: with fi£.’I"i?é%!‘ and iaosé.
`{3} in me uelecom industry, a combin-esi teiepiwne am curupuier.
`ieiacvnxmtynicafixanxs cexrtiel‘
`Wefififiom {Wu1'IdCQz31;.§:c.,]ax:§45um, M!-3, wxvw.wccrmmm) A-m:ajmr,in_l£m%x€ir)1':a|
`§ULm<i§€:‘1 in 1983 ns Lung Dfinéasme ‘Discount Servizte {LDD3}, a roseilewi uf a\'-17£5rfI’W.é\'['$ iinus to snmil bxesimases. It-"grew
`by acquiring Hm“, small’ md.Wmm1,,11y, lafgfil, {mg éisiance am.) nr:tv?m‘§'Lir§3' axrgenrmizzutians, including {DB wor1dc.2:m,
`a leading i:1te111a11nn'nlt::xrrier, Wi§TeL a nmjrzr taflecmn carrier, and "M35 £:c3mmLmicarians, an intamaéizzznui piiuxm
`ct:-mpany a(1(l'1‘(icf:t’1sl’]J%)%1?Y:*I1E0f UUNET, a §ér(3£x1§r:e:1l!rLl\:xz\el' provider.
`In ‘;§9’?, §i*€¢:;=\(:!:w::vrl< opernticn-.s cf Armrica €3nIinn and Efmnxpzzfierve hecarne part oTWm‘ir§Cr:m. Iialso nmuyggad
`with l€mo$<_s Fiésm and than acquired M81111 E998 to laeccxma Eizxé MC; Wnr1clCr.nm pownmawe. Whiie WorlctCc:m-may
`have men :2. prestanihnus name Em‘ rafnax modes: begixmingg iz wm vary prt:-phetic, 1:c2r:z1'a1:m fiat: MCI name was {am
`dropped, Eeaving Wm-ldCom ax 311:: rzmse uf the company.
`Worid Wide Wait Wlam mum: have calied ti-se Wain while. waiting paaimtly R3; the next page to dmvnimd. The
`Worid Wide Wallis cnwad by any com1:»im1§inn 9% a slow modem, overfieaded Wfih server at the site yam am accessing
`or any clog its fine ef the muters or switches at .1 nutionai, regionafi <>:lo«::a1"(SF. Set: Interns! gewécs prcrzzakr.
`Weféfi Wififi W85
`An In:emet’ §a<:i,3i1y that links dcummméaimally and remoieky. The Web dncument, Ofwé?
`page, tttlntnials text, graphics, anirrsmécm and viclnns :33 waflas ézyperiext lénks, The-. links in the pagfi let u5e:a;fm’11p
`Same aa spraarishrrat msaugzim.
`Wu I‘¥-(sheet corrspiie
`iiornputer E1esktupEncyc&opafii§
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`Page 9 of 9