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`Wockhardt v. Janssen IPR2016-01582


`Principles and PractiCe of
`A v E
`Kenneth L. Becker
`John P. Bilezikian
`William]. Bremner
`Wellington Hung
`C. Ronald Kahn
`D. Lynn Loriaux
`Eric S. Nylén
`Robert W. Rebar
`Gary L. Robertson
`Richard H. Snider, Jr.
`Leonard Wartofsky
`With 330 Contributors
`V A Wolters Kluwer Company
`Philadelphia - Baltimore - New York - London
`Buenos Aires ' Hong Kong - Sydney - Tokyo


`Acquisitions Editor: Lisa MCAlli'ster
`Lh‘z‘clopiiiciitril Editor: Anne Snyder
`Supervising Editor: Mary Ann McLaughlin
`Production Editor: Shannon Garza, Silverchair Science + Comnninications
`1‘.IiiiziitizctiiriiieManager: Colin Warnocl;
`Cover Designer: Joan Greenfield
`Coiiiiiositor: Silverchair Science 4- Communications
`Printer: World Color/Rand McNally
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`ernment employees are not covered by the abovementioned copyright.
`Printed in the USA
`Library of Congress Cataloging-in-l’ublication Data
`Principles and practice of endocrinology and metabolism / editor, Kenneth [ Becker .
`associate editors, John P. Bilezikian
`[et al.].--3rd ed.
`P‘ ,‘ cm.
`Includes bibliographical references and index.
`ISBN 07817-17505
`1. Endocrinology. 2. Endocrine glai'ids-ADiseases. 3. Metabolism--Disorders. l. Becker,
`Kenneth L.
`{DNLM1 l. Endocrine Diseases. 2. Metabolic Diseases. WK 100 P957 2000]
`RCr’H/‘i .l’h7 2000
`h l (Mr—dd l
`Care {we been taken to confirm the accuracy of the information presented and to
`rally accepted practices. However, the authors, editors, and publisher are
`describe gene
`not regpmhfiale for errors or omissions or for any consequences from application of the
`information in this bool; and make no warranty, expressed or implied, with respect to
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`the currency,
`a particular situation remains the professional responsibilitv of
`of this information in
`the practitioner.
`The authors, editors, and PUbli>lwr have exerted everv effort to ensure that drug
`selection and dosage set forth in this text are in accordance with current recommenda—
`tions and practice at the time of publication. However, in view of ongoing research
`changes in government regulations, and the constant flow of information relating to
`drug therapy and drug reactions, the reader is urged to check the package insert for each
`drug for any change in indications and dosage and for added warnings and precautions.
`lhis is particularly important when the recommended agent is a new or infrequently
`employed drug.
`Administrmgh}Ehrlicdlical dc\ lgth lprcscnted in this publication have lood and Drug
`I )ccarance or united use in restricted research settings. It is the
`rcsponsi ‘1 it} of health care providers to ascertain the FDA status of each drug or device
`planned for use in their clinical practice.


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`C H A P T E R 7 8
`This chapter examines the risks associated with the use of glu-
`cocorticoids and of mineralocorticoids for various illnesses, and
`provides guidelines for the administration of these commonly
`prescribed substances.


`FIGURE 78-1. The structures of
`commonly used glucocorticoids.
`In the depiction of cortisol, the
`21 carbon atoms of the glucocor-
`ticoid skeleton are indicated by
`numbers and the four rings are
`designated by letters. The arrows
`indicate the structural differ-
`ences between cortisol and each
`of the other molecules.
`Axelrod L. Glucocorticoid ther-
`apy. Medicine [Baltimore] 1976;
`55:39, and Axelrod L. Glucocor-
`In: Kelley WN, Harris
`ED Jr, Ruddy S, Sledge CB, eds.
`Textbook of rheumatology, 4th
`ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders,
`I __
`circulation is in the range of 80 to 115'm1nutes. The Tm? of
`other commonly used agents are cortisone, 0.5 hours, pled-
`nisone, 3.4 to 3.8 hours; prednisolone, 2.1 to 3.5 hours; methyl-
`Pl‘ednisolone, 1.3 to 3.1 hours,- and dexamethasone 1.8 to 4.7
`and dexamethasone have comparable
`hourslm I’rednisolone
`s clearly more potent.
`circulating Tms, but dexamethasone ‘
`t' YT
`Similarly, the correlation between the c1rcu a 1m,
`1/2 0 a b u
`cocorticoid and its duration ofactioa is poor. The many alctjtgis of
`glucocorticoids do not have an equal duration, anc tic ura-
`tion of action ma be a function of the dose.
`The duration if ACTH suppression Is not sunply a function
`of the level of antiinflammatory activity, 138981159 Val‘mtlonf 111
`the duration of ACTH suppressionnare achleved by'dosesnof
`glucocorticoids with comparable antnnflammatorYFCIII’lt}? 4‘9
`duration of ACTH suppression produced by an mt 1"“ ua ta 11'

`cocort1c01d, however, probably is dose relate
`TABLE 78-1.
`Commonly Used Glucocorticoids
`Duration of Action"
`Dose (mg)
`Cortisol (hydrocortisonc)
`arter G. Corticosteroids. NY
`”The classification by duration ofaction is timid 0“ H
`» Cortisol is arbitrarily
`H‘L‘ n-latiu.
`State] Med 1966;66:827.
`pothcy «
`’The values given for glucocorticmd
`’\t 1050‘- ('IOSL‘ to or within the basal
`assigned a value of 1.
`iMineralocorticoid effects are dose rCIdIL‘ .
`:lreffect may be detectable.
`physiologic range for glucocorticoid actn'ity, no huf\,1pdicim’iH‘lltimmcl 197655239;
`(Data from Axelrod L. Glucocorticoid them?” n iblatt DI’ eds. Handbook OI drug
`Axelrod L. Adrenal (-()rtic()§ICT(IiL{5' In: Miller Rlx, (virtU 1 \xelmd L. Cilucocorticoids.
`therapy. New York: Iilsevier North-I lolland. 1‘)792m)",‘.m,tlt
`)k Uf rheumatology, 4th ed,
`In: Kelley WN, I IarristDJr, Ruddy S, Sledge CB, eds, Iext KM
`Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 19932779.)
`Figure 78-1 indicates the structures of several commonly used
`glucocorticoids.L2 Cortisol (In/drawrtisoae) is the principal circu-
`lating glucocorticoid in humans.
`Glucocorticoid activity requires a hydroxyl group at carbon
`11 of the steroid molecule. Cortisone and prednisone are 11-
`keto compounds. Consequently, they lack glucocorticoid activ-
`ity until they are converted in vivo to cortisol and prednisolone,
`the corresponding 11-hydroxyl compounds.“ This conversion
`occurs predominantly in the liver. Thus, topical application of
`cortisone is ineffective in the treatment of dermatologic dis-
`eases that respond to topical application of cortisol." Similarly,
`the antiinflammatory action of cortisone delivered by intraartic-
`ular injection is minimal compared with the effect of cortisol
`administered in the same manner.3 Cortisone and prednisone
`are used only for systemic therapy. All glucocorticoid prepara-
`tions marketed for topical or local use are 11-hydroxyl com-
`pounds, which obviates the need for biotransformation.
`The important differences among the systemically used gluco~
`Corticoid compounds are duration of action, relative glucocorti-
`coid potency, and relative mineralocorticoid potency (Table
`78-1)?2 The commonly used glucocorticoids are classified as
`intc’riMediate—acting, and long-acting on the basis of
`the duration of corticotropin (ACTH) suppression after a single
`dose, equivalent in antiinflammatory activity to 50 mg of pred-
`nlsone (Table 78-1).; The relative potencies of the glucocor-
`t1cords correlate with their affinities
`the intracellular
`glucocorticoid receptor.“ The observed potency of a glucocorti-
`c01d, however, is determined not only by the intrinsic biologic
`potency, but also by the duration of action.” Consequently, the
`relative potency of two glucocorticoids varies as a function of
`the time interval between the administration of the two steroids
`and the determination of the potency. In particular, failure to
`account for the duration of action may lead to a marked under-
`estimation of the potency of dexamethasone.7
`The correlation between the circulating half—life (Tl/2) of a glu-
`cocorticoid and its potency is weak. The T1 /2 of cortisol in the


`In short, the slight differences in the circulating T1/25 of the glu-
`Cocorticoids contrast with their marked differences in potency and
`duration of ACTH suppression. Thus, the duration of action of a
`glllcocorticoid is not determined by its presence in the Circulation.
`This is consistent with the mechanism of action of sterOid hor-
`mones. A steroid molecule binds to a specific intracellular receptor
`protein (see Chap. 4). This steroid-receptor complex modifies tple
`Process of transcription by which RNA is transcribed from t .e
`DNA template. This process alters the rate of synthesis of specific
`Proteins. The steroid thereby modifies the phenotypic expression
`0f the genetic information. Thus, the glucocorticoid continues to act
`inSide the cell after it has disappeared from the Circulation. More-
`over, the events initiated by the glucocortICOid may continue to
`occur, or a product of these events (such as a spec1f1c protein) may
`be present after the disappearance of the glucocorticoid.
`Normally, a person's plasma cortisol level is much lower after
`the oral administration of cortisone than after an equal dose of
`cortisol.9 Consequently, although oral cortisone mfay be ad:-
`quate replacement therapy in chronic adrenal insuf ic1ency,1
`oral form of this agent should not be used when larger, pliar
`inacologic effects are sought. Comparable plasma pre niso one
`leVels are achieved in normal persons after equivalent. ora
`dOses of prednisone and prednisolone.” After the administra-
`tiofi 0f either of these corticosteroids, however, there is vyIidfi
`variation in individual prednisolope concentrations, w 1C
`ma refl
`i it
`in absor tion.
`lyn cofiffa::lt:tlflfe ilriarked ri§es that follow the intramuscular
`inlection of hydrocortisone, plasma'cortisol levels rise little pr
`“0t at all after an intramuscular injection of cortisone aceta e.
`When it is given intramuscularly, cortisone acetate does;31not pro-
`Vide adequate plasma cortisol levels and offers npl a var; age
`over hydrocortisone delivered by the same route.
`Te exp arc?
`tiOn for the failure of intramuscular cortisone acetate to prov1 e
`adeqllate plasma cortisol levels is unknown: It may reflect polor
`abSOFPtion from the Site of injection. Alternatively, intlramuscu ar
`cortisone acetate, which reaches the liver throqjgl} tiesycstlelrrg:
`circulation, may be metabolically inactivated e1 ore '1‘
`COrlVerted to cortisol in the liver, in contrast to ora cortisone ace
`tate, Which reaches the liver through the portal Circulation.
`ations occur in the capacity of
`ns circadian fluctu
`In “0
`ortin) to bind cortisol and
`rmal huma
`corticosteroid-binding globulin (transc
`prednisolone. Patients who have been treated With prednisone
`for a prolonged period have no diurnal variation in thle blndlrlig
`capacity of corticosteroid-binding globulin for cortiso. or prefi—
`nisolone, and both capacities are reduced in comparison W111
`normal persons. Thus, long—term glucocorticmd therapyfpot onhy
`alters the endogenous secretion of sterOIds, but also aT1e'CtS t e
`transport of some glucocorticoids in the Circulation.
`115 .rgay
`explain why the disappearance of prednisolone is more rzpi m
`t1‘03e persons who have previously received glucocorticm s,
`Plasma cortisol levels are normal in patients with hepatic disease.
`Although the clearance of cortisol is reduced in patiepts w1t its;
`the hypothalamic-pituitary—adrenal (HIA)
`mechanism remains intact. Consequently, the decrease
`ra te‘ o1
`metabolism is accompanied by decreased synthesis of cor iso
`see Cha .205.
`( The canverlion of prednisone to prednisolone is impaired in
`patients with active liver disease.11 This is largely offset by a
`decreased rate of elimination of prednisolone from the plasma
`in these patients.11 In patients with liver disease, the plasma
`availability of prednisolone is quite variable after oral doses of
`Ch. 78: Corticosteroid Therapy
`either prednisone or prednisolone.12 This is further complicated
`by the lower percentage of plasma prednisolone that is bound
`to protein in patients with active liver disease; the unbound
`fraction is inversely related to the serum albumin concentra—
`tion. An increased frequency of prednisone side effects is
`observed at low serum albumin levels.12 Both these findings
`may reflect impaired hepatic function. Because the impairment
`of conversion of prednisone to prednisolone is quantitatively
`in the presence of liver disease and is offset by a
`decreased rate of clearance of prednisolone, and because of the
`marked variability in plasma prednisolone levels after the
`administration of either corticosteroid, there is no clear man-
`date to use prednisolone rather than prednisone in patients
`with active liver disease or cirrhosis.8 If prednisone or pred-
`nisolone is used, however, a somewhat lower than usual dose
`should be given if the serum albumin level is low.8
`When hypoalbuminemia is caused by the nephrotic syndrome,
`the fraction of prednisolone that is protein bound is decreased.
`The unbound fraction is inversely related to the serum albumin
`concentration. The unbound prednisolone concentration remains
`normal, however.l3l14 Because the pharmacologic effect is deter-
`mined by the unbound concentration, altered prednisolone
`kinetics do not explain the increased frequency of predniso-
`lone-related side effects in these patients.
`The bioavailability of prednisolone after an oral dose of pred-
`nisone is reduced in patients with hyperthyroidism because of
`decreased absorption of prednisone and increased hepatic
`clearance of prednisolone.”
`Glucocorticoid therapy is well tolerated in pregnancy.16 Gluco-
`corticoids cross the placenta, but there is no compelling evi-
`dence that this produces clinically significant HPA suppression
`or Cushing syndrome in neonates,16 although subnormal
`responsiveness to exogenous ACTH may occur. Similarly, there
`is no evidence that glucocorticoids increase the incidence of
`congenital defects in humans.16 Glucocorticoids do appear to
`decrease the birth weight of full—term infants; the long-term
`consequences of this are unknown. Because the concentrations
`of prednisone and prednisolone in breast milk are. low, the
`administration of these drugs to the mother of a nursmg infant
`is unlikely to produce deleterious effects in the infant.
`and methylprednisolone
`of prednisolone
`decreases with age.17/15 Despite the higher prednisolone levels
`seen in elderly subjects compared with young subiects after com-
`parable doses, endogenous plasma cortisol levels are suppressed
`to a lesser extent in the elderly.17 These findings may be associ-
`ated with an increased incidence of side effects and suggest the
`need to use smaller doses in the elderly than in young patients.
`The concomitant use of medications can alter the effectiveness
`of glucocorticoids; the reverse also is true.‘9
`The metabolism of glucocorticoids is accelerated by substances
`that induce hepatic microsomal enzyme activity, such as pheny-


`toin, barbiturates, and rifampin. The administration of these medi-
`cations can increase the corticosteroid requirements of patients
`with adrenal insufficiency or lead to deterioration in the condi-
`tions of patients whose underlying disorders are well controlled
`by glucocorticoid therapy. These substances should be avoided in
`patients receiving corticosteroids. Diazepam does not alter the
`metabolism of glucocorticoids and is preferable to barbiturates in
`this setting. If drugs that induce hepatic microsomal enzyme activ-
`ity must be used in patients taking corticosteroids, an increase in
`the required dose of corticosteroids should be anticipated.
`Conversely, ketoconazole increases the bioavailability of large
`doses of prednisolone (0.8 mg/kg) because of inhibition of hepatic
`microsomal enzyme activity.20 Oral contraceptive use decreases
`the clearance of prednisone and increases its bioavailability.21
`The bioavailability of prednisone is decreased by antacids in
`doses comparable to those used clinically.22 The bioavailability
`of prednisolone is not
`impaired by sucralfate, HZ-receptor
`blockade, or cholestyramine.
`The concurrent administration of a glucocorticoid and a salicy-
`late may reduce the serum salicylate level. Conversely, reduc-
`tion of the corticosteroid dose during the administration of a
`fixed dose of salicylate may lead to a higher and possibly toxic
`serum salicylate level. This interaction may reflect the induc-
`tion of salicylate metabolism by glucocorticoids.”
`Glucocorticoids may increase the required dose of insulin or
`oral hypoglycemic agents, antihypertensive drugs, or glaucoma
`medications. They also may alter the required dose of sedative-
`hypnotic or antidepressant therapy. Digitalis toxicity can result
`from hypokalemia caused by glucocorticoids, as from hypo-
`kalemia of any cause. Glucocorticoids can reverse the neuro‘
`muscular blockade induced by pancuronium.
`Cushing syndrome (see Chap. 75) is a life»threatening disorder.
`The 5-year mortality was higher than 50% at the beginning of the
`era of glucocorticoid and ACTH therapy.“ Infection and cardio-
`vascular complications were frequent causes of death. High-dose
`exogenous glucocorticoid therapy is similarly hazardous.
`Table 78—2 summarizes the important questions to consider
`before initiating glucocorticoid therapy?‘ These questions enable
`the physician to assess the potential risks that must be weighed
`against the possible benefits of treatment. The more severe the
`underlying disorder, the more readily can systemic glucocorti-
`coid therapy be justified. Thus, corticosteroids are commonly
`used in patients with severe forms of systemic lupus erythemato-
`sus, sarcoidosis, active vasculitis, asthma, chronic active hepatitis,
`transplantation rejection, pemphigus, or diseases of comparable
`severitv. Generally,
`systemic corticosteroids should not be
`administered to patients with mild rheumatoid arthritis or mild
`bronchial asthma; such patients should receive more conserva-
`tive therapy first. Although these patients may experience symp-
`tomatic relief from glucocorticoids,
`it may prove difficult 'to
`withdraw the drugs. Consequently,
`they may unnecessarily
`exPerience Cushing syndrome and Hl’A suppression.
`The anticipated duration of glucocorticoid therapy is another
`critical issue. The use of glucocorticoids for 1 to 2 weeks for a
`condition such as poison ivy or allergic rhinitis is unlikely to be
`assoc1ated with serious side effects in the absence of a contraindi-
`cation. An exception to this rule is a corticosteroid-induced psy-
`chosis. This complication may occur after only a few days of
`high-dose glucocorticoid therapy, even in patients with no previ-
`ous history of psychiatric disease (see Chap. 201)?“27 Because the
`risk of so many complications is related to the dose and duration
`TABLE 78-2.
`Considerations before the Use of Glucocorticoids as
`Pharmacologic Agents
`How serious is the underlying disorder?
`How long will therapy be required?
`What is the anticipated effective corticosteroid dose?
`Is the patient predisposed to any of the potential hazards of glucocorti-
`coid therapy?
`Diabetes mellitus
`Peptic ulcer, gastritis, or esophagitis
`Tuberculosis or other chronic infections
`Hypertension and cardiowiscular disease
`Psychological difficulties
`Which glucocorticoid preparation should be used?
`Have other modes of tlierapv been used to minimize the glucocorticoid
`dosage and to minimize the side effects of glucocorticoid therapy?
`Is an alternate-day regimen indicated?
`(Modified from Thorn GW. Clinical considerations in the use of corticosteroids.
`N Eiigl] Med 1966; 227-1775.)W
`of therapy, the smallest possible dose should be prescribed for
`the shortest possible period. If hypoalbuminemia is present, the
`dose should be reduced. If long-term treatment is indicated, the
`use of an alternate-day schedule should be conSidered.
`A local corticosteroid preparation should be used whenever pos-
`sible because systemic effects are minimal when these substances
`are administered correctly. Examples include topical therapy-m
`dermatologic disorders, corticosteroid aerosols in bronchial
`asthma and allergic rhinitis, and corticoster01d enemas in ulcer-
`ative proctitis. Systemic absorption of Inhaled glucocorticolds
`leading to Cushing syndrome and HI’A suppreSSion is a rare
`occurrence when these agents are administered correctly at pre-
`scribed doses.”29 The intraarticular injection ()f‘COI‘hCOSterOldS
`may be of value in carefully selected patients if strict aseptic tech—
`niques are used an

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