Research Analysts
`Lee Kalowski
`212 325 9683
`Catherine J. Arnold
`212 538 6225
`Ravi Mehrotra PhD
`212 325 3487
`Ari Jahja
`212 325 0767
`Ronak H. Shah, Pharm.D., CFA
`212 325 9799
`Koon Ching PhD
`212 325 6286
`11 December 2012
`Americas/United States
`Equity Research
`Prostate Cancer
`Implications of Zytiga’s Pre-Chemo Approval
`■ JNJ(cid:146)s Zytiga received pre-chemo approval on December 10th (see our
`note (cid:147)Zytiga pre-chemo approved: still no OS(cid:148)). There was considerable
`speculation as to whether Zytiga would hit OS significance with data updated
`since its presentations at ASCO and ESMO this year. We fully expected
`FDA to approve Zytiga for pre-chemo use even without statistically
`significant OS data, as was indeed the case. Notably, the label does include
`an update to the OS data, but statistical significance was not achieved.
`■ Overall survival looks incrementally worse for Zytiga (cid:150) which is good
`for Xtandi -- though we don(cid:146)t think it changes how the products will be
`used. The OS difference was only 5.2 months, which is lower than what we
`(and probably most) were expecting. This missed significance with a p-value
`of 0.0151 (Exhibit 1). The placebo arm also saw median OS increase to 30
`months, worsening the HR from 0.75 to 0.79. (Exhibit 2). The data is a little
`puzzling, but between the strong OS trend, the robust rPFS data (HR of 0.43
`on a median treatment duration of 14 months) and the robust OS benefit in
`the (cid:147)301(cid:148) trial, we don(cid:146)t think the update changes Zytiga(cid:146)s profile all that
`much or even how it is likely to be used.
`■ The tolerability profile looks similar to what was seen in the (cid:147)301(cid:148) trial.
`As was the case in the (cid:147)301(cid:148) trial, Zytiga is associated with liver function
`abnormalities in the pre-chemo setting, underscoring the importance of
`regular LFT monitoring, as has been outlined in the label (Exhibit 3). Cardiac
`failure was also higher with Zytiga (now 2.1% vs 0.7% on placebo). And, of
`course, with the approval in the pre-chemo setting, Zytiga is tied to longer-
`term use of prednisone (all adverse events from the label are shown in
`Exhibit 4).
`■ The approval now marks the first meaningful entry into the urology
`segment of the prostate cancer market since DNDN(cid:146)s Provenge. As per
`JNJ(cid:146)s Q3 call, about 30% of Zytiga has been in the pre-chemo setting (the
`setting for which Zytiga was just approved), but uptake by urologists has
`been negligible, at least per IMS data. With this approval, we now expect a
`more significant push into the urology segment of the market.
`(bullets continue on next page)
`Suisse does and seeks to do business with companies covered in its research reports. As a result, investors should be aware
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`Client-Driven Solutions, Insights, and Access
`Page 1

`■ While MDVN (OP, TP: $73) is not disclosing how it might change its
`own statistical plan for its pre-chemo (cid:147)PREVAIL(cid:148) trial, the company is
`confirming that it will wait for OS. This is in-line with our expectations and,
`frankly, makes sense, given that (1) Xtandi has a relatively long patent life
`(2) it offers the potential for an OS comparative advantage vs Zytiga,
`especially if that product goes off-patent in around four years and (3) makes
`market entry for downstream competitors all the more challenging. Our best
`guess is that PREVAIL is likely to report out in 2H(cid:146)13 (cid:150) and we expect
`positive results from that trial.
`is positive, National Comprehensive Cancer
`■ Assuming PREVAIL
`Network (NCCN) guidelines likely will put Xtandi ahead of Zytiga. As we
`noted in our email on December 5th ((cid:147)NCCN Prostate Cancer Guidelines
`Updated: Allows for Xtandi Pre-Chemo Use(cid:148)), Xtandi received in the pre-
`chemo setting a category 2a ((cid:147)lower-level evidence(cid:148)), which is the same as
`Zytiga, despite the (cid:147)302(cid:148) data results (both products are category 1 ((cid:147)high-
`level evidence(cid:148)) in the post-chemo setting). Assuming PREVAIL is positive
`on OS, we would expect Xtandi to move to (cid:147)1(cid:148) (cid:150) the same as Provenge (cid:150)
`while Zytiga is likely to remain where it is.
`■ We are not changing our Xtandi forecasts at this time. Between what we
`see as more favorable tolerability and safety, the lack of required prednisone
`and likely better OS data, we continue to believe that Xtandi will capture a
`larger portion of the post and pre-chemo markets (we model 70% market
`share going to Xtandi vs Zytiga). We continue to believe that PREVAIL will
`show a treatment duration of at least the 14 months seen in the Zytiga (cid:147)302(cid:148)
`trial, resulting in upside from current levels.
`■ For DNDN (N, TP: $4), the Zytiga approval marks the imminent entry of
`a competitor in the pre-chemo (urology) setting. But overall, the timing
`and nature of the approval is in-line with our expectations. Last quarter saw
`a substantial decline at the academic setting (-25%) and we don(cid:146)t think this
`approval and label is likely to change that one way or another. We continue
`to believe that Provenge can be used in a niche setting of the mCRPC
`market (cid:150) i.e. very slowly progressing asymptomatic mCRPC patients (cid:150)
`although it remains to be seen what percentage actually fits into this
`category. Crucial for Provenge(cid:146)s future will be for DNDN to finally gain a
`foothold within the community (and especially community urology) setting
`and JNJ(cid:146)s push here won(cid:146)t make it any easier for DNDN. We are not
`changing estimates at this time (cid:150) we forecast flattish revenues in 2013
`overall vs 2012, with some growth thereafter.
`■ For JNJ (N, TP: $71): the Zytiga overall survival data is a slight
`disappointment, however, our (post-2014) Zytiga forecast already implies a
`competitive benefit for Xtandi secondary to not requiring prednisone on
`board. The smaller than expected OS benefit now leaves room for Xtandi to
`have a competitive benefit greater than already projected once PREVAIL
`reads out in 2H(cid:146)13. In-line with this, a key element of our Neutral rating on
`JNJ is predicated on the fact that we expect notable competition to emerge
`for several key therapeutic areas in the next 12 months, keeping the stock
`range bound.
`Page 2

`11 December 2012
`Exhibit 1: OS Data from Label and as Presented at ASCO 2012
`Approved Label
`Data Presented at ASCO - June 2012
`Zytiga (N= 546) Placebo (N=542) Overall Survival
`Zytiga (N= 546) Placebo (N=542)
`Overall Survival
`234 Deaths
`30.1 Median Suvival
`Median Suvival
`Hazard Ratio
`Hazard Ratio
`Source: Company data, Credit Suisse estimates
`Exhibit 2: OS Curves (cid:150) From Label (Updated Data) and at ASCO
`Source: Company data, Credit Suisse estimates
`Exhibit 3: Liver Function Abnormalities From Label
`All Grades
`Grade 3-4 All Grades
`Grade 3-4
`High ALT
`High AST
`Source: Company data, Credit Suisse estimates
`Exhibit 4: Zytiga AEs from Approved Label
`Zytiga - "301"
`All Grades
`Grade 3-4
`Joint Swelling/discomfort
`Muscle Discomfort
`Hot flush
`Urinary tract infection
`Upper respiratory tract
`Urinary frequency
`Chest pain or chest discomfort
`Cardiac failure
`Source: Company data, Credit Suisse estimates
`Joint swelling/discomfort
`Groin pain
`Hot flush
`Upper respiratory tract
`Zytiga - "302"
`All Grades
`Grade 3-4
`Prostate Cancer
`Page 3

`11 December 2012
`Companies Mentioned (Price as of 10-Dec-2012)
`Dendreon Corp. (DNDN.OQ, $5.04, NEUTRAL[V], TP $4.0)
`Johnson & Johnson (JNJ.N, $70.6, NEUTRAL, TP $71.0)
`Medivation (MDVN.OQ, $55.33, OUTPERFORM[V], TP $73.0)
`Disclosure Appendix
`Important Global Disclosures
`Lee Kalowski, Catherine J. Arnold, Ravi Mehrotra PhD, each certify, with respect to the companies or securities that the individual analyzes, that (1)
`the views expressed in this report accurately reflect his or her personal views about all of the subject companies and securities and (2) no part of his
`or her compensation was, is or will be directly or indirectly related to the specific recommendations or views expressed in this report.
`Price and Rating History for Dendreon Corp. (DNDN.OQ)
`Target Price
`Closing Price
`* Asterisk signifies initiation or assumption of coverage.
`U *
`Target Price
`Closing Price DNDN.OQ
`1- May- 11
`1- Sep- 11
`1- Jan- 12
`1- May- 12
`1- Sep- 12
`Price and Rating History for Johnson & Johnson (JNJ.N)
`Closing Price
`* Asterisk signifies initiation or assumption of coverage.
`Target Price
`1- Jan- 10
`Target Price
`Closing Price JNJ.N
`1- Jan- 11
`1- Jan- 12
`Target Price
`Closing Price MDVN.OQ
`Target Price
`Price and Rating History for Medivation (MDVN.OQ)
`Closing Price
`* Asterisk signifies initiation or assumption of coverage.
`O *
`1- Mar- 12
`1- May- 12
`1- Jul- 12
`1- Sep- 12
`1- Nov- 12
`Prostate Cancer
`Page 4

`11 December 2012
`The analyst(s) responsible for preparing this research report received Compensation that is based upon various factors including Credit Suisse’s
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`As of December 10, 2012 Analysts(cid:146) stock rating are defined as follows:
`Outperform (O) : The stock(cid:146)s total return is expected to outperform the relevant benchmark*over the next 12 months.
`Neutral (N) : The stock(cid:146)s total return is expected to be in line with the relevant benchmark* over the next 12 months.
`Underperform (U) : The stock(cid:146)s total return is expected to underperform the relevant benchmark* over the next 12 months.
` *Relevant benchmark by region: As of 10th December 2012, Japanese ratings are based on a stock(cid:146)s total return relative to the analyst’s coverage universe which
`consists of all companies covered by the analyst within the relevant sector, with Outperforms representing the most attractive, Neutrals the less attractive, and
`Underperforms the least attractive investment opportunities. As of 2nd October 2012, U.S. and Canadian as well as European ratings are based on a stock(cid:146)s total
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`Versus universe (%)
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`Of which banking clients (%)
`(54% banking clients)
`(48% banking clients)
`(44% banking clients)
`Price Target: (12 months) for Dendreon Corp. (DNDN.OQ)
`Method: Our $4 target price for DNDN is derived from a discounted cash flow modeled to 2020 using a terminal growth rate of -5% and a discount
`rate of 10%.
`Upside risk to our $4 target price include an accelerating launch trajectory, greater realized cost cutting than we model and successful
`commercialization in the EU; downside risk include: a launch trajectory below our expectations, greater competition than we anticipate and
`a higher cost base than we currently model.
`Prostate Cancer
`Page 5

`11 December 2012
`Price Target: (12 months) for Johnson & Johnson (JNJ.N)
`Method: Our $71 target price for JNJ is based on a Sum-of-the-Parts analysis, using peer averages in related consumer, devices and pharma
`businesses to assign value to each of JNJ’s business units. The combined peer group consists of about 20+ companies. and the analysis
`results in application of a blended multiple of 12.9x JNJ’s 2013 earnings.
`Key upward risks to our $71 target price include more aggressive deal-making or capital deployment by the company, and deterioration of
`macro environment leading to a flight to safety. Downward risks to our target price include conservative use of cash, and an improvement
`in the the macro environment leading to greater appetite for risk.
`Price Target: (12 months) for Medivation (MDVN.OQ)
`Method: Our Price Target of $73 is derived from a discounted cash flow modeled to 2020 followed by a terminal growth up to patent expiry and no
`further cash flows.
`Risks to our $73 target price include delay in or lack of approval in either the post or pre-chemo indication or lower penetration than we
`Please refer to the firm’s disclosure website at for the definitions of abbreviations typically used in the
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`Prostate Cancer
`Page 6

`11 December 2012
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