`Sector: Diversified
`Market Weight
`Company Note
`Curr. Prior
`Q1 (Mar.)
`$1.56 A
`Q2 (June)
`Q3 (Sep.)
`Q4 (Dec.)
`Source: Company Data, Wells Fargo Securities, LLC estimates, and Reuters
`NA = Not Available, NC = No Change, NE = No Estimate, NM = Not Meaningful
`V = Volatile,
` = Company is on the Priority Stock List
`EPS excludes amortization expense.
`2014 excludes $0.42 of amortization.
`2015 excludes $0.32 of amortization.
`Price (06/29/2015)
`52-Week Range:
`Shares Outstanding: (MM)
`Market Cap.: (MM)
`S&P 500:
`Avg. Daily Vol.:
`LT Debt: (MM)
`LT Debt/Total Cap.:
`3-5 Yr. Est. Growth Rate:
`CY 2015 Est. P/C. EPS-to-Growth:
`Last Reporting Date:
`Before Open
`Source: Company Data, Wells Fargo Securities, LLC estimates, and Reuters
`Larry Biegelsen, Senior Analyst
`(212) 214-8015
`Lei Huang, Associate Analyst
`(212) 214-8039
`Craig W. Bijou, Senior Analyst
`(212) 214-8038
`June 29, 2015
`Equity Research
`Johnson & Johnson
`JNJ: Xtandi Continued Lead Zytiga In Overall Share In May
` Summary: We reviewed May 2015 data from AlphaImpactRx (formerly
`Symphony Health) survey and IMS for JNJ’s Zytiga and competing prostate
`cancer drugs. May was the first-time in this survey that competitor Xtandi led
`Zytiga in overall, pre-chemo and post-chemo market shares among sample
`oncologists. Specifically, Zytiga’s overall share among sample oncologists fell
`250bps to 29% from April to May, remaining behind Xtandi’s more modest share
`decline of 40bps to 31% over the same period. Zytiga TRx (total prescription)
`volume decline accelerated to high-single digit from low- to mid-single digit
`decline earlier in the year while NRx (new prescription) volume continued to fall
`in the low-double digits. Among sample urologists, Xtandi also moved ahead of
`Zytiga with 26% share vs. Zytiga’s 23% share for the rolling three-months through
`May. While Zytiga’s label was updated in March to include positive OS (overall
`survival) benefit data in the pre-chemo population, the enhancement does not
`appear to be adding a boost to the franchise. While we expect price increases and
`greater OUS (outside of the U.S.) penetration to drive Zytiga growth in 2015, we
`expect the growth to remain modest due to increased competition. We model
`Zytiga sales of $1.1B (+8%) in the U.S. and $2.3B (+11%) globally in 2015. In
`terms of life cycle management, JNJ is studying ARN-509, which may have
`broader spectrum of disease activity, in Phase 3 studies as both monotherapy and
`in combination therapy with Zytiga. The drug could be launched as early as 2018.
` Xtandi led Zytiga in overall, pre-chemo and post-chemo market shares
`in May. Zytiga’s share among sample oncologists in the overall CRPC (castration
`resistant prostate cancer) market fell by 250bps to 29% in May (Figure 1). This
`compares to JNJ’s estimate of Q1 overall U.S. CRPC market share of 30.3%, down
`1.2 points sequentially due to increased competition. Key competitor Xtandi’s
`overall share fell by 40bps to 31% in May, staying ahead of Zytiga for the second
`consecutive month. DNDN/VRX’s Provenge share fell by about 100bps to 3%
`while Bayer/Algeta’s Xofigo share rose by 100bps to nearly 5%. In the pre-chemo
`segment, Zytiga’s share fell to below 35% in May from 39% in April, for the first-
`time trailing Xtandi whose share fell to 35% in May from 36% in April (Figure 3).
`In the post-chemo segment, Zytiga share rose to 21% in May from 19% in April,
`while Xtandi share rose 70bps to over 34% during the same period. Over the past
`year, the increasing use of Zytiga and Xtandi in the pre-chemo segment has
`pushed Taxotere into a market leading position in the post-chemo prostate
`market with roughly one-third market share (Figure 4). Both Zytiga and Xtandi
`usage in pre-chemo stood at 70% or higher in May (Figure 5). During the six
`months through May, Zytiga’s usage as first-line therapy was 67%, which was still
`far ahead of Xtandi’s 43% first-line use (Figure 6).
` Continued on the following page.
`Valuation Range: $128.00 to $130.00
`Our valuation range of $128-$130 implies about 20x our 2016E cash EPS of $6.47
`and is mainly based on a sum-of-the-parts analysis. Risks include delays to pipeline
`products, additional product recalls and unexpected deterioration in the industry.
`Investment Thesis:
`We believe that JNJ is positioned for solid growth, driven by strength of its
`pharmaceuticals business, recovery
`in the consumer segment and market
`stabilization coupled with share gain in MD&D.
`Please see page 10 for rating definitions, important disclosures
`and required analyst certifications
`All estimates/forecasts are as of 06/29/15 unless otherwise stated.
`Wells Fargo Securities, LLC does and seeks to do business with companies
`covered in its research reports. As a result, investors should be aware that
`the firm may have a conflict of interest that could affect the objectivity of the
`report and investors should consider this report as only a single factor in
`making their investment decision.
`Page 1

`Medical Technology
`Continued from the previous page.
`Zytiga share among sample urologists dipped while Xtandi moved ahead. Urologists are key
`prescribers in the pre-chemo segment of the market. On a rolling 3-month basis through May, Zytiga held
`a 23% market share, down from 26% in April while Xtandi moved ahead from 21% in April to 26% in May
`(Figure 2). However, hormone therapy (ADT or androgen deprivation therapy) remained the clear market
`leader among the sample urologists, with Lupron Depot holding 54% rolling 3-month share (vs. 58%
`average share a year ago). Casodex’s rolling 3-month share was largely steady around 16%. The key caveat
`we highlight here is the small sample size of on average 50 urologists each month compared to about 150
`oncologists in the survey. As such, AlphaImpactRx provides the urologist share data on a rolling 3-months
`basis while the oncologist data are shown monthly.
`Zytiga new prescription (NRx) volume decline largely holding steady while TRx volume
`decline accelerated. Weekly Zytiga Rx volume continued to decline in the US (Figure 7-8), with TRx
`volume decline accelerating somewhat in the recent weeks despite an enhanced label that includes OS
`benefit. For the 4-week period ended 6/12/15, Zytiga TRx totaled 8,378, -10% yr/yr, while 4-week NRx
`totaled 2,415, down 14% yr/yr. Given the competition, we expect to see continued dampening in Zytiga Rx
` No discernable impact from recent Zytiga label enhancement. At the end of March, FDA
`approved adding overall survival (OS) benefit from the COU-AA-302 study in pre-chemo prostate cancer
`patients in the Zytiga label while the data was also published in the February 2015 issue of The Lancet
`Oncology. The data showed that Zytiga plus prednisone provides a statistically significant OS benefit vs.
`prednisone alone (median OS 34.7 vs. 30.3 months; p=0.0033). Previously, MDVN had touted Xtandi as
`the only new prostate cancer drug with significant OS and rPFS benefit. However, the label enhancement
`does not appear to be having a meaningful impact in driving Zytiga share or demand volume.
`ARN-509 remains attractive long-term growth opportunity. Long term, we continue to see ARN-
`509, currently in Phase 3 development as monotherapy and combination therapy with Zytiga, as an
`important growth driver with approval/launch possible in 2018. ARN-509 is a second-generation
`androgen receptor signaling inhibitor with a mechanism of action that may be complimentary to current
`therapies like Zytiga and Xtandi. The compound represents the next leg of growth potential in JNJ’s
`prostate cancer franchise with potentially broader utility and a longer patent life. We understand that the
`issued US composition of matter of patent expires in 2028 (before extension) while the EU patent goes out
`to 2027. Although these two Phase 3 studies are expected to complete in December 2016 and December
`2018, we understand that the studies include opportunities for interim looks that may allow for early
`termination of the studies on exceptional data (or safety concerns). We assume that ARN-509 reaches the
`market in 2018 and our model includes risk-adjusted sales of $200MM in 2018 and $475MM in 2019.
` We assume modest Zytiga sales growth in 2015. Zytiga was one of JNJ’s best new drug launches
`with global sales totaling $2.2B or 26% ex-FX growth in 2014, its fourth year on the market. Q1 2015 US
`Zytiga sales of $253MM represented nearly 11% yr/yr growth, a deceleration from growth of 21% in Q4
`and 30% in full year 2014. Q1 represented only the second time that US Zytiga sales fell sequentially (first
`time was in 4Q12 and reflected adjustments related to the start of a patient assistance program). OUS
`Zytiga sales of $303MM represented 26% ex-FX growth, down modestly from +30% in Q4 and +36% in
`full year 2014. According to JNJ, the U.S. prostate cancer market grew 12.5% in Q1, vs. +15% in Q4 and
`+11% in the first 9 months of 2014. Zytiga held 30% share in Q1, down 1.2 points Q/Q due to increased
`competition, largely from Xtandi approval in the pre-chemo segment in late 2014. OUS Zytiga growth was
`driven by additional country launches with the drug now approved in over 95 countries. We expect that
`overall market growth, further pre-chemo penetration, price increase (JNJ has taken 7-8% price increase
`per year the last 3 years) and additional OUS uptake to drive 2015 Zytiga growth, albeit at a more modest
`pace. We model 2015 Zytiga sales of $2.3B or 11% ex-FX growth WW and $1.1B or 8% growth in the US.
`Our market model (Figure 9) reflects aggregate results for primarily newer agents approved for CRPC (i.e.
`excludes Lupron Depot, Taxotere, etc).
`Caveats about AlphaImpactRx survey: 1) Small physician sample size; 2) post-chemo represents
`50%+ of the survey market even though there are 2-3x as many pre-chemo patients--likely due to
`concentration of oncologists in the survey, who prescribe more for post-chemo; 3) inclusion of supportive
`care products likely understates brand share; 4) overall share trend may show small discrepancy (+/- 1%)
`to the pre- and post-chemo share trends due to inclusion of “unknown” chemo status patients in the
`overall population.
`Page 2

`Johnson & Johnson
`Figure 1. Overall Monthly CRPC Market Shares Among Sample ONCOLOGISTS (May 2015)
`Source: AlphaImpactRx’s BrandImpact.
`Figure 2. Overall Monthly CRPC Market Shares Among Sample UROLOGISTS (May 2015)
`Source: AlphaImpactRx’s BrandImpact.
`Page 3

`Medical Technology
`Figure 3. Monthly Chemo-Naïve CRPC Mkt Share Among Sample ONCOLOGISTS (May 2015)
`Source: AlphaImpactRx’s BrandImpact.
`Note that Zytiga was approved for pre-chemo naïve use in September 2014.
`Figure 4. Monthly Post-Chemo CRPC Market Shares Among Sample ONCOLOGISTS (May 2015)
` Source: AlphaImpactRx’s BrandImpact.
`Page 4

`Johnson & Johnson
`Figure 5. Growing Usage in Pre-Chemo CRPC Market Among Sample ONCOLOGISTS
`Source: AlphaImpactRx’s BrandImpact.
`Page 5

`Medical Technology
`Figure 6. CRPC Line of Therapy By Brand Among Sample ONCOLOGISTS
`R6M May 2015
`R4M January 2013
`Source for both charts: AlphaImpactRx’s BrandImpact
`Page 6

`Johnson & Johnson
`Figure 7. Weekly TRx and NRx Uptake of Zytiga
`Prescriptions (Rx)
`Source: IMS Health Incorporated, National Prescription Audit; Wells Fargo Securities, LLC
`Figure 8. Four-Week Growth Run Rate of Zytiga Rx Demand
`4-week Y/Y Rx growth
`4-week ended
`Source: IMS Health Incorporated, National Prescription Audit; Wells Fargo Securities, LLC
`Any analysis is independently arrived at by Wells Fargo Securities, LLC, on the basis of the data and other
`information, and IMS is not responsible for any reliance by recipients on either the data or any analyses
`Page 7

`Medical Technology
`Q1'14A Q2'14A Q3'14A Q4'14A
`Figure 9. Global Prostate Cancer Market (Newer Agents)
`($ in millions)Approved Indications
`Q1'13A Q2'13A Q3'13A Q4'13A
`JNJ's Zytiga
`WW Rev
`US Rev
`OUS Rev
`Pre-Chemo (Dec-12); Post-Chemo (Apr-11)
`Pre- and Post-Chemo
`Astella/MDVN's Xtandi (a)
`WW Rev
`US Rev
`OUS Rev
`Post-Chemo (Aug-12); Pre-Chemo (Sep-14)
`Post-Chemo (Jun-13); Pre-Chemo (Dec-14)
`DNDN's Provenge (b)
`WW Rev
`US Rev
`OUS Rev
`Pre-Chemo (Apr-10)
`Pre-Chemo (Sep-13)
`Sanofi's Jevtana
`WW Rev
`US Rev
`OUS Rev
`Post-Chemo (Jun-10)
`Post-Chemo (Mar-10)
`Bayer's Xofigo (c)
`WW Rev
`US Rev
`OUS Rev
`Symptomatic bone metastases (May-13)
`Symptomatic bone metastases (Nov-13)
`Total Sales
`WW Rev
`US Rev
`OUS Rev
`Y/Y Growth
`WW Rev
`US Rev
`OUS Rev
`Total Sales ex-Provenge
`WW Rev
`US Rev
`OUS Rev
`63% 47%
`53% 42%
`77% 53%
`70% 51%
`64% 48%
`77% 53%
`Y/Y Growth ex-Provenge
`WW Rev
`US Rev
`OUS Rev
`Source: Company reports, Wells Fargo Securities, LLC
`(a) Xtandi 1Q13 sales include $4.4M favorable gross-to-net adjustment relating to prior quarters, 3Q13 sales include $7M of distributor inventory increase and 4Q14 included a favorable gross-
`(b) Provenge sales in 4Q12 include $3.8M favorable adjustment to chargeback reserve. Pro forma sales were $82M. Provenge assets acquired by VRX in Feb-2015 and is no longer reported.
`(c) Xofigo 4Q14 sales affected by temporary product shortage.
`Page 8

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