Page 1
` ----------------------------------X
` Petitioners,
` vs.
` Patent Owner.
` Case IPR2016-00286
` Patent No. 8,822,438 B2
` ----------------------------------X
` New York, New York
` Thursday, December 15, 2016
` 9:15 a.m.
` Reported by:
` Jennifer Ocampo-Guzman, CRR, CLR
` JOB NO. 17732
`Amerigen Exhibit 1188
`Amerigen v. Janssen IPR2016-00286
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`Page 2
` December 15, 2016
` 9:15 a.m.
` Deposition of RICHARD AUCHUS,
` M.D., Ph.D., held at the offices of
` Sidley Austin, LLP, 787 Seventh Avenue,
` New York, New York, pursuant to notice,
` before Jennifer Ocampo-Guzman, a
` Certified Real-Time Shorthand Reporter
` and Notary Public of the State of New
` York.
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`Page 3
` A P P E A R A N C E S:
` Attorneys for Petitioner
` 12 Roszel Road, Suite C104
` Princeton, New Jersey 08540
` (347) 400-1154
` Attorneys for Patent Owner
` 787 Seventh Avenue
` New York, New York 10019
` (212) 839-5300
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`Page 4
` APPEARANCES (Continued):
` Attorneys for BTG
` 16 Old Bailey
` London EC4M 7EG
` United Kingdom
` +44 (0)20 7864 2800
` TIM TRACY (Johnson & Johnson)
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`Page 5
` R I C H A R D J. A U C H U S, called as
` a witness, having been duly sworn, was
` examined and testified as follows:
` Q. Good morning, doctor. My name is
` Gabriela Materassi and I represent petitioner
` Amerigen Pharmaceuticals Ltd. in this
` proceeding.
` My first question for you is, do
` you understand why you're here today?
` A. Yes, I do.
` Q. And what is your understanding of
` why you're here today?
` MS. DONOVAN: And I will just
` caution the witness not to disclose any
` attorney/client privileged
` communications. You may answer the
` question generally.
` A. To discuss my declaration.
` Q. Very good. So first exhibit that I
` am going to hand has been, will be marked AMG
` 1082?
` (AMG Exhibit 1082, Petitioners'
` Notice of Deposition of Richard Auchus,
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` M.D., Ph.D., marked for identification,
` this date.)
` Q. Just handing that to you, sir.
` Q. You can take a look at AMG-1082 and
` confirm for me whether or not this is your
` deposition notice for this deposition today.
` A. Yes.
` Q. Now, you've already alluded to your
` declaration, so in connection with this
` proceeding before the Patent Board of Trials
` and Appeals, you submitted a declaration
` regarding the validity of U.S. Patent number
` 8,822,438; is that correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And so we're going to hand you AMG
` 1001, previously marked AMG 1001, and I'm
` going to ask you to confirm whether or not
` this is the patent that you were asked to
` submit a declaration with respect to.
` A. Sorry, you said that you are
` handing me AMG, so you are marking this --
` Q. Okay. So here is what we are going
` to be doing. AMG 1001 that number is down
` here.
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` A. Irrespective of what is up here.
` Q. Here is the number of the patent.
` A. Correct.
` Q. So what I asked, I hope, was to
` confirm whether or not this document, which
` has been labeled previously Amerigen 1001, is
` the patent that you submitted a declaration
` in connection with.
` A. So it appears to be a copy of the
` patent, yes.
` Q. Okay. Very good.
` MS. DONOVAN: If I may just
` interject, the witness has been provided
` with Janssen Exhibit 2040 which is a
` copy of his declaration. And you're
` welcome to look at it, if you wish to,
` to confirm it's the same as what has
` been submitted, but I can represent to
` you that it is.
` MS. MATERASSI: But you can
` represent to us that that is a copy of
` the declaration, so we can proceed on
` the basis of your representation.
` Q. So for purposes of this proceeding
` today, is it okay with you and will you
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`Page 8
` understand what I'm referencing to, if I use
` the abbreviation "the '438 patent" when I
` refer to the patent at issue in this
` proceeding?
` A. Yes, that's fine.
` Q. Okay. Very good.
` So for today, I'm going to ask you
` some questions today in connection with your
` written testimony on behalf of the patent
` owner in this proceeding, and what I'm going
` to be doing in particular is I'm going to be
` cross-examining you regarding your written
` testimony in this case.
` So first let me go over briefly the
` ground rules for the deposition. Maybe my
` first question before I do that is to ask you
` whether you've ever been deposed before in
` any proceeding.
` A. No, I have not.
` Q. Okay, so I will go slowly.
` Do you understand, sir, doctor,
` that when you answer my questions, your
` answer must be full, complete and truthful,
` because you are under oath?
` A. Yes, I do.
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` Q. Do you understand that you are to
` respond to my questions, regardless of your
` counsel's stated objection, unless your
` counsel expressly instructs you not to
` respond?
` A. Yes, I do.
` Q. Okay. Now if for any reason you do
` not understand a question, and that may
` happen more than once, do you understand that
` you should raise the issue of your lack of
` understanding before answering that question?
` A. Yes, I do.
` Q. Okay. Please let me know whether
` you need to take a break, and we will try to
` accommodate you as soon as possible. The
` only request that petitioner makes from our
` end is, if we are in the middle of a question
` and you have not responded to that question,
` if you can respond to the question before we
` go on to the break.
` Is that all right with you?
` A. I understand that, yes.
` Q. Okay. Doctor, can you state your
` full name for the record, please?
` A. Richard Joseph Auchus.
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` Q. Can you state for the record your
` residential address?
` A. I life at 525 Green Road in Ann
` Arbor, Michigan.
` Q. Very nice place.
` Dr. Auchus, can you tell me if you
` are on any medication today that might affect
` your testimony?
` A. No.
` Q. Are you suffering from any malady
` that might affect your testimony today?
` A. No.
` Q. Do you understand that you are not
` to confer or consult with your counsel
` regarding any questions that I will ask you
` or any of your responses to any questions
` that I will ask you today, during any time in
` which you have a break from the deposition?
` A. Yes, I do.
` Q. Okay. Am I correct that you are
` here on behalf of Janssen?
` A. Yes, I am.
` Q. Can we agree to use the shorthand
` Janssen, when referring to the patent owner
` in this proceeding?
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` A. Yes.
` Q. Can you identify your counsel for
` me?
` A. My counsel is sitting to my left.
` Q. Okay. And that's --
` A. Bindu Donovan.
` MS. DONOVAN: I will state for the
` record my name is Bindu Donovan. I'm
` with Sidley Austin. Also with me today
` is Ms. Monsen, who is also with Sidley
` Austin, Alyssa Monsen, and we're here on
` behalf of Janssen in this proceeding.
` Q. How long after you were first
` approached, doctor, by Janssen did you agree
` to testify on behalf of Janssen in this
` proceeding?
` MS. DONOVAN: Object to the form of
` the question.
` A. I do not recall.
` Q. Okay. Do you recall when you were
` first approached by Janssen about anything in
` connection with this proceeding?
` A. Not exactly.
` Q. Okay.
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` A. Yeah, it was at least a year ago, I
` can tell you that much.
` Q. Okay. Doctor, are you being
` compensated for your testimony in this
` proceeding?
` A. Yes, I am.
` Q. Can you describe the terms of your
` compensation?
` A. So paragraph 2, my declaration,
` says I'm being compensated at a customary
` rate of $350 per hour.
` Q. And is that the rate that you are
` being compensated at?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Have you ever served as an expert
` witness in any other proceeding?
` A. Yes, yes.
` Q. Okay. Can you describe briefly the
` nature of those proceedings in which you
` served as an expert testimony -- an expert
` witness?
` A. So one of these was a court martial
` when I was in the military, regarding a
` doping case; and the other was a binding
` arbitration, also about a doping case.
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` Q. How long were you in the military,
`Page 13
` doctor?
` A. Four years.
` Q. Which branch?
` A. Air force.
` Q. So was my father-in-law, similar
` track.
` With respect to your deposition
` here today, how much time did you spend
` preparing for today's deposition?
` MS. DONOVAN: And I'll caution the
` witness not to disclose any specific
` attorney/client privileged
` communications. You may answer the
` question very generally.
` A. I would have to add up. I can't
` really give you an exact answer without
` taking some time to make an estimate.
` Q. So let me ask you, was it more than
` 10 hours?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Was it more than 20?
` A. Probably, yes, but -- yes, close to
` --
` Q. More than 30?
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` A. Probably not.
` Q. So is it fair to say between 20 and
` 30 hours?
` A. I think that's a good
` approximation.
` Q. Okay. How much of that between 20
` and 30 hours approximately of time that you,
` that you spent preparing for today's
` deposition did you spend preparing on your
` own?
` A. Maybe a quarter of that time.
` Q. Okay. So the remaining
` three-quarters of the time, roughly, was with
` counsel?
` MS. DONOVAN: Object to form.
` A. Most, so some of that time was with
` counsel, yes.
` Q. So if we can go back, and if I can
` ask you again, just to clarify for the
` record, from that between 20 and 30 hours
` that you testified earlier, approximately,
` you spent preparing for today's deposition,
` approximately how many hours, I guess, did
` you spend preparing for today's deposition on
` your own?
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` A. So I will make an estimate of about
`Page 15
` eight hours.
` Q. Okay.
` Did you speak with or consult with
` anyone at Janssen, in the course of preparing
` for your deposition today?
` MS. DONOVAN: I object to the form
` of the question, and I also caution the
` witness not to disclose any
` attorney/client privileged
` communications.
` You may answer the question
` generally.
` A. Can you restate that, please?
` Q. Yes. Did you speak with or consult
` with anyone at Janssen, in the course of
` preparing for your deposition today?
` MS. DONOVAN: I object to the form
` of the question.
` A. I don't recall. I honestly am not
` sure the, connection to some of the other
` parties. I did not seek out any people from
` Janssen, let's put it that way.
` Q. Okay. That's a slightly different
` answer to my question.
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` Did anyone from Janssen seek you
`Page 16
` out?
` A. No.
` Q. Did you and someone or anyone at
` Janssen communicate regarding your deposition
` today, before your deposition today?
` MS. DONOVAN: I object to the form
` of the question.
` A. So, okay, if they did, I didn't
` know that they were associated with Janssen.
` So I'm not aware of somebody from Janssen
` seeking me out.
` Q. What about someone from BTG, are
` you aware or did you speak with or consult
` with anyone from BTG?
` A. So what is BTG?
` Q. So BTG is one of the real parties,
` one of the real parties in terms of the
` patent owner. And I guess from your response
` you don't know who BTG is --
` A. No, no.
` Q. -- so it's unlikely that you
` knowingly consulted or spoke with anyone from
` the BTG.
` What about Cougar, did you speak
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`Page 17
` with anyone from Cougar?
` MS. DONOVAN: I object to the form
` of the question. And just, Gabriela,
` for the record, are you asking in the
` context of preparation for his
` deposition?
` Q. So this is all in the context of
` the preparation for today's deposition.
` MS. DONOVAN: So again I caution
` the witness to not disclose any
` attorney/client privileged
` communications you may answer the
` question generally, if you understand
` it.
` And maybe, Gabriela, if you could
` just repeat the question.
` MS. MATERASSI: Here's the thing,
` counselor. If Dr. Auchus does not
` understand the question, I would prefer,
` strongly prefer that Dr. Auchus himself
` let me know that he does not understand
` the question.
` A. So it is my understanding that
` Cougar doesn't exist anymore. And I may be
` incorrect about that, and I don't understand
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`Page 18
` how I could consult with someone from a
` company that no longer exists.
` Q. What became of Cougar, if you snow?
` MS. DONOVAN: Object to the form of
` the question.
` A. My understanding it was acquired.
` Q. So by Johnson & Johnson, correct?
` A. Correct.
` Q. Did you speak with or consult with
` anyone at Johnson & Johnson --
` A. No.
` Q. -- in the course of preparing for
` your deposition today?
` A. No.
` Q. Can you generally describe what, if
` any, documents you reviewed before coming to
` this deposition?
` MS. DONOVAN: I object to the form
` of the question, and I also object on
` the grounds of the attorney/client
` privilege.
` MS. MATERASSI: So here is an
` issue, Ms. Donovan. There is a
` veritable mountain of case law that
` supports the position that we
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`Page 19
` petitioners are taking in this
` deposition, and all the preceding
` depositions, that questions with respect
` to what categories of documents the
` witness consulted and even in particular
` which documents the witness consulted
` are not attorney work product. And so
` we can cite several cases and we can
` take this up separately with the board.
` For today, we very, very strongly
` feel the case law is unequivocal as to
` whether or not Dr. Auchus can respond to
` what categories of documents he
` reviewed. If you feel differently, we
` can certainly approach the board about
` that right now.
` MS. DONOVAN: Ms. Materassi, I'm
` going to preserve and maintain my
` objection.
` Let me explain to you what we are
` willing to do here, and I actually
` disagree with you. His preparation for
` this deposition is subject to the
` attorney/client privilege, the documents
` --
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`Page 20
` MS. MATERASSI: Here is the
` problem --
` MS. DONOVAN: I don't want to argue
` with you. Let me finish my objection.
` Let me finish my objection.
` MS. MATERASSI: We will take this
` up before the board.
` MS. DONOVAN: I told you we are
` going to figure out a procedure, okay?
` Now let me finish my objection. Let me
` make my objection.
` MS. MATERASSI: How long is your
` objection going to be, counselor?
` MS. DONOVAN: It's going to be as
` long as yours, so let me finish my
` objection. Okay.
` Now we believe that his preparation
` is subject to the attorney/client
` privilege. You may put a document in
` front of him and ask him if he had seen
` it before, and he will answer yes or no.
` But other than that, I am not going to
` let you ask any questions about what
` happened and what documents he was shown
` during the course of his preparation,
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`Page 21
` okay.
` Q. Well, here is the question that I
` can ask you -- and we are going to see if
` counselor has an unusual and perhaps unique
` interpretation of attorney work product.
` Did you independently review any
` documents, including any literature, in the
` course of preparing for your deposition?
` MS. DONOVAN: You may answer that
` yes or no.
` Q. Independently of counsel.
` A. No.
` Q. So all of the documents that you
` reviewed in preparation for your deposition
` today were documents that you reviewed
` because counsel selected them and showed them
` to you for your review; is that correct?
` MS. DONOVAN: Object to the form of
` the question. I caution the witness not
` to disclose privileged communications.
` Q. You can answer the question,
` doctor.
` MS. DONOVAN: You can answer
` generally, doctor.
` A. Some of those documents I had known
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`Page 22
` about previously and --
` Q. So my question wasn't that. My
` question was, in the course of preparing for
` your deposition today, did -- were all of the
` documents that you reviewed documents that
` were selected and provided to you for your
` review by counsel?
` A. I would say yes.
` Q. Did you review testimony from any
` of the other witnesses for Janssen in this
` proceeding?
` A. No.
` Q. Did you review the testimony of Dr.
` Scott Serels?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Did you review any of the
` references cited by Dr. Serels in his
` deposition -- in his declaration, rather?
` A. Yes.
` Q. So separate question is, did you
` review Dr. McDuff's declaration?
` A. No.
` Q. Do you know who Dr. McDuff is?
` A. No.
` Q. Do you have any notes with you here
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`Page 23
` today?
` A. No.
` Q. And I think you said before you had
` never been deposed before, correct?
` A. Correct.
` Q. Have you ever testified at trial?
` A. Minor trials, traffic violations.
` Q. But not in your capacity as an
` expert?
` A. No.
` Q. Have you ever been involved in a
` case outside of this that involved an opinion
` pertaining to the validity of a patent claim?
` A. No.
` Q. Can you go over briefly your
` educational background, doctor?
` A. So undergraduate in chemistry at
` MIT; MD and Ph.D. in pharmacology at
` Washington University; internal medicine
` residency training at the University of Iowa;
` and then fellowship training at Wilford Hall
` U.S.A.F. Medical Center in the University of
` Texas, San Antonio. And then I did
` postdoctoral work at the University of
` California, San Francisco.
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` Q. What did you receive your Ph.D. in?
`Page 24
` A. Pharmacology.
` Q. What was your thesis or
` dissertation topic for your Ph.D.?
` A. It was making and studying
` inhibitors of estrogen biosynthesis.
` Q. Dr. Auchus, have you participated
` any phase I clinical trials?
` MS. DONOVAN: I object to the form
` of the question.
` A. How -- I would ask you to explain
` what "participation" means.
` Q. Have you participated as a clinical
` investigator --
` A. Yes.
` MS. DONOVAN: Just allow me to
` object.
` Q. -- in phase I trials?
` MS. DONOVAN: I object to the form
` of the question.
` You may answer.
` A. Yes, I have.
` Q. Do you understand what the term
` "clinical investigator" means, in the context
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`Page 25
` of phase I clinical trials?
` A. I interpret that as enrolling
` patients and being responsible for the
` conduct of the trial.
` Q. So that's very good. That was the
` meaning I had in mind as well.
` So if I can ask you, have you ever
` participated as a clinical investigator in
` any phase I trials of abiraterone?
` A. Yes, I have.
` Q. Can you describe briefly which
` trials you participated as a clinical
` investigate for abiraterone?
` A. So it was a study of patients with
` 21-hydroxylase deficiency, and it was a
` six-dose dose escalation phase I trial.
` Q. And we will get into this in a
` little more detail, I promise you, in a
` little bit. But 21-hydroxylase deficiency,
` is that a form of what is generally referred
` as congenital adrenal hyperplasia?
` A. Yes, it is.
` Q. Had you ever participated in any
` phase II clinical trials, as a clinical
` investigator?
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` MS. DONOVAN: I object to the form
`Page 26
` of the question.
` You may answer.
` A. Yes, I have.
` Q. Okay. Can you describe which drugs
` you have participated as a clinical -- excuse
` me, as a clinical investigator in a phase II
` trial?
` A. So that would be a drug called
` ATR-101, which is also for 21-hydroxylase
` deficiency.
` Q. Any others?
` A. I think that's the only one that's
` phase II.
` Q. And what about with respect to
` phase III, have you ever participated as a
` clinical investigator in any phase III
` trials?
` MS. DONOVAN: Object to the form of
` the question.
` A. Yes, I have.
` Q. Can you describe which drugs were
` involved in those phase III trials that you
` participated in as a clinical investigator?
` MS. DONOVAN: Object to form.
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`Page 27
` A. So one was mifepristone for
` Cushing's disease. Then there was a
` pasireotide, P-A-S-I-R-O -- sorry, excuse me.
` P-A-S-I-R-E-O-T-I-D-E, for both Cushing's
` disease and acromegaly.
` There is osilodrostat, O-S-O -- no,
` sorry. O-S-I-L-O-D-R-O-S-T-A-T, for
` Cushing's Disease. Levoketoconazole for
` Cushing's Disease, and that's it.
` Q. Is Cushing's Disease, what is
` Cushing's Disease? I'm sorry, I'll ask you
` that.
` A. It is a condition where a patient
` makes too much cortisol.
` Q. Doctor, do you have an
` understanding of what the objectives
` generally of a phase I clinical trial are?
` MS. DONOVAN: I object to the form
` of the question. And outside the scope
` of the direct testimony and declaration.
` A. I have a general understanding.
` Q. And what is your general
` understanding of what those objectives of a
` phase I clinical trial are?
` A. To determine dose-limiting
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`Page 28
` toxicity.
` Q. Anything else?
` A. That's the major objective that I'm
` aware of. People do try to add other things,
` but that's the major, by definition, the
` major objective.
` Q. Now, with respect to phase II
` trials, do you have an understanding of what
` the objectives generally of a phase II
` clinical trial are?
` MS. DONOVAN: Object to the form of
` the question.
` A. I'm -- I do have a general
` understanding, yes.
` Q. Okay. What is that general
` understanding of what the objective of a
` phase II clinical trial is?
` A. To demonstrate efficacy.
` Q. Now, with respect to phase III
` clinical trials, do you have an understanding
` of the objectives generally of a phase III
` clinical trial?
` MS. DONOVAN: Objection to form.
` A. Yes, I do.
` Q. Okay. Can you explain what your
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`Page 29
` understanding is of the objectives generally
` of a phase III clinical trial?
` MS. DONOVAN: Same objection.
` A. So I would say in three words,
` safety, efficacy and registration.
` Q. And so can you explain what you
` mean by "registration"?
` A. To obtain FDA approval.
` Q. And I think you testified earlier
` that you have worked as a clinical
` investigator in phase III clinical trials,
` correct?
` A. Correct.
` Q. So for the drugs that were involved
` in those phase III clinical trials where you
` participated as a clinical investigator, do
` you know whether or not those drugs
` ultimately received approval from FDA for any
` indication?
` A. Yes, they did.
` Q. Which drugs received approval from
` the FDA?
` A. Mifepristone and pasireotide.
` Q. What was the approved indication
` for mif --
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` A. Mifepristone.
` Q. Yes.
` A. For treatment of Cushing's Disease
` with glucose intolerance or diabetes.
` Q. Was that drug approved alone or in
` combination with another drug agent?
` A. It was approved alone.
` Q. And with respect to the second
` drug --
` A. Pasireotide?
` Q. Yes.
` -- what was the approved
` indication?
` A. There's two indications. One is
` for Cushing's disease, and the other is for
` acromegaly.
` Q. And again, was that drug approved
` alone or in combination with another drug
` agent for these indications?
` A. These were approved alone.
` Q. And you testified earlier that the,
` that you did participate as a clinical
` investigator in at least one clinical trial
` for abiraterone, correct?
` MS. DONOVAN: Object to the form of
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`Page 31
` the question.
` Q. So the patients in that clinical
` trial that you participated in for
` abiraterone were not patients with prostate
` cancer, correct?
` A. That's correct.
` Q. Were they male?
` A. No, they were not.
` Q. They were female by default, I
` guess.
` A. Depends if you're asking sex or
` gender.
` Q. Exactly. I knew you were going to
` say that, speaking to a specialist.
` So you have your own copy, counsel
` has represented you have your own copy of the
` declaration that you had s

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