
`Patent Owner
`Case IPR2016-01582
`U.S. Patent No. 8,822,438
`EVIDENCE UNDER 37 U.S.C. § 42.64(b)(1)


`U.S. Patent No. 8,822,438
`Petitioner Wockhardt Bio AG objects under the Federal Rules of Evidence
`(“FRE”) and 37 C.F.R. § 42.64(b)(1) to the admissibility of the following evidence
`submitted by Patent Owner, Janssen Oncology, Inc., with its Patent Owner
`Response filed on March 17, 2017. These objections are made within 5 business
`days from the March 17, 2017 service of the Patent Owner Response. Petitioner
`serves Patent Owner with these objections to provide notice to Patent Owner that
`Petitioner may move to exclude the challenged exhibits under 37 C.F.R. §
`42.64(c), unless Patent Owner cures the defects identified herein.
`Exhibit 2015
`Exhibit 2015 purports to be the Declaration of Marc B. Garnik, M.D.,
`previously submitted in Mylan Pharms. Inc. v. Janssen Oncology, Inc., IPR2016-
`01332. To the extent Patent Owner relies on the contents of this document for the
`truth of the matter asserted, Petitioner objects to such contents as inadmissible
`hearsay under FRE 801 and 802 that does not fall under any exceptions, including
`those of FRE 803, 804, 805 or 807. Petitioner further objects to Exhibit 2015 under
`FRE 403 because the declaration has been filed in a proceeding to which Petitioner
`is not a party and has had no opportunity to cross-examine the witness in this
`proceeding to assess the basis or correctness of the opinions offered. Moreover,
`Patent Owner has refused to provide Dr. Garnick for deposition in this proceeding.


`Exhibit 2016
`U.S. Patent No. 8,822,438
`Exhibit 2016 purports to be the deposition transcript of Marc B. Garnick,
`M.D. that took place on February 16, 2017 in Mylan Pharms. Inc. v. Janssen
`Oncology, Inc., IPR2016-01332. To the extent Patent Owner relies on the contents
`of this document for the truth of the matter asserted, Petitioner objects to such
`contents as inadmissible hearsay under FRE 801 and 802 that does not fall under
`any exceptions, including those of FRE 803, 804, 805 or 807. Petitioner further
`objects to Exhibit 2016 under FRE 403 because the deposition transcript has been
`filed in a proceeding to which Petitioner is not a party and has had no opportunity
`to cross-examine the witness in this proceeding to assess the basis or correctness of
`the opinions offered. Moreover, Patent Owner has refused to provide Dr. Garnick
`for deposition in this proceeding.
`Exhibit 2017
`Exhibit 2017 purports to be the Declaration of Scott R. Serels, M.D.,
`previously submitted in Amerigen Pharms. Ltd. v. Janssen Oncology, Inc.,
`IPR2016-00286. To the extent Patent Owner relies on the contents of this
`document for the truth of the matter asserted, Petitioner objects to such contents as
`inadmissible hearsay under FRE 801 and 802 that does not fall under any
`exceptions, including those of FRE 803, 804, 805 or 807. Petitioner further objects
`to Exhibit 2017 under FRE 403 because the declaration has been filed in a


`U.S. Patent No. 8,822,438
`proceeding to which Petitioner is not a party and has had no opportunity to cross-
`examine the witness in this proceeding to assess the basis or correctness of the
`opinions offered. Moreover, Patent Owner has refused to provide Dr. Serels for
`deposition in this proceeding.
`Exhibit 2018
`Exhibit 2018 purports to be the deposition transcript of Scott R. Serels, M.D.
`that took place on January 21, 2017 in Amerigen Pharms. Ltd. v. Janssen
`Oncology, Inc., IPR2016-00286. To the extent Patent Owner relies on the contents
`of this document for the truth of the matter asserted, Petitioner objects to such
`contents as inadmissible hearsay under FRE 801 and 802 that does not fall under
`any exceptions, including those of FRE 803, 804, 805 or 807. Petitioner further
`objects to Exhibit 2018 under FRE 403 because the deposition transcript has been
`filed in a proceeding to which Petitioner is not a party and has had no opportunity
`to cross-examine the witness in this proceeding to assess the basis or correctness of
`the opinions offered. Moreover, Patent Owner has refused to provide Dr. Serels for
`deposition in this proceeding.
`Exhibit 2019
`Exhibit 2019 purports to be the Declaration of Scott R. Serels, M.D.,
`previously submitted in Amerigen Pharms. Ltd. v. Janssen Oncology, Inc.,


`U.S. Patent No. 8,822,438
`IPR2016-00286. To the extent Patent Owner relies on the contents of this
`document for the truth of the matter asserted, Petitioner objects to such contents as
`inadmissible hearsay under FRE 801 and 802 that does not fall under any
`exceptions, including those of FRE 803, 804, 805 or 807. Petitioner further objects
`to Exhibit 2019 under FRE 403 because the declaration has been filed in a
`proceeding to which Petitioner is not a party and has had no opportunity to cross-
`examine the witness in this proceeding to assess the basis or correctness of the
`opinions offered. Moreover, Patent Owner has refused to provide Dr. Serels for
`deposition in this proceeding.
`Exhibit 2020
`Exhibit 2020 purports to be the deposition transcript of Scott R. Serels, M.D.
`that took place on August 22, 2016 in Amerigen Pharms. Ltd. v. Janssen Oncology,
`Inc., IPR2016-00286. To the extent Patent Owner relies on the contents of this
`document for the truth of the matter asserted, Petitioner objects to such contents as
`inadmissible hearsay under FRE 801 and 802 that does not fall under any
`exceptions, including those of FRE 803, 804, 805 or 807. Petitioner further objects
`to Exhibit 2020 under FRE 403 because the deposition transcript has been filed in
`a proceeding to which Petitioner is not a party and has had no opportunity to cross-
`examine the witness in this proceeding to assess the basis or correctness of the
`opinions offered. Moreover, Patent Owner has refused to provide Dr. Serels for


`deposition in this proceeding.
`Exhibit 2026
`U.S. Patent No. 8,822,438
`Exhibit 2026 purports to be an excerpt from REMINGTON: THE SCIENCE AND
`PRACTICE OF PHARMACY (Alfonso R. Gennaro ed., 20th ed. 2000). Petitioner
`objects to Exhibit 2026 under FRE 106 because the document is incomplete and
`includes only a select portion of a larger document that in fairness should be
`considered along with this document.
`Exhibit 2030
`Exhibit 2030 purports to be a letter from Waun Ki Hong, M.D., Deputy
`Editor of Clinical Cancer Research, to Ian Judson at CRC Centre for Cancer
`Therapeutics, dated May 12, 2003. To the extent Patent Owner relies on the
`contents of this document for the truth of the matter asserted, Petitioner objects to
`such contents as inadmissible hearsay under FRE 801 and 802 that does not fall
`under any exceptions, including those of FRE 803, 804, 805 or 807.
`Exhibit 2038
`Exhibit 2038 is the declaration of Matthew B. Rettig, M.D. To the extent
`Patent Owner relies on the exhibits cited therein for the truth of the matter asserted,
`Petitioner objects to such contents as inadmissible hearsay under FRE 801 and 802.
`Further, Petitioner objects to Dr. Rettig’s Declaration because there has not been


`U.S. Patent No. 8,822,438
`an adequate showing that his testimony is the product of reliable facts or data and
`there is no indication that the testimony will help the Board understand the
`evidence or determine a fact in issue. FRE 401, 403, 702. In addition, portions of
`Dr. Rettig’s Declaration also mischaracterize the evidence and testimony of record.
`See, e.g., ¶¶ 38, 39, 45, 47, 50, 54, 56, 73-106, 109-119, 123-133, 147-165, 172-
`188, 195, 199-203, 206-223, 226-231, and 246. They are therefore misleading and
`confusing to the issues at trial. FRE 403. Additionally, Petitioner objects to Dr.
`Rettig’s Declaration to the extent it relies on Exhibits 2030, 2044, 2058, 2063, and
`2118, each of which is objected to herein.
`Exhibit 2040
`Exhibit 2040 is the declaration of Richard Auchus, M.D., Ph.D. To the
`extent Patent Owner relies on the exhibits cited therein for the truth of the matter
`asserted, Petitioner objects to such contents as inadmissible hearsay under FRE
`801 and 802. Further, Petitioner objects to Dr. Auchus’ Declaration because there
`has not been an adequate showing that his testimony is the product of reliable facts
`or data and there is no indication that the testimony will help the Board understand
`the evidence or determine a fact in issue. FRE 401, 403, 702. In addition, portions
`of Dr. Auchus’ Declaration also mischaracterize the evidence and testimony of
`record. See, e.g., ¶¶ 18-37, 39-43, 45, 49, and 54-59. They are therefore misleading
`and confusing to the issues at trial. FRE 403.


`Exhibit 2044
`U.S. Patent No. 8,822,438
`Exhibit 2044 is the declaration of Christopher A. Vellturo, Ph.D. To the
`extent Patent Owner relies on the exhibits cited therein for the truth of the matter
`asserted, Petitioner objects to such contents as inadmissible hearsay under FRE
`801 and 802. Further, Petitioner objects to Dr. Vellturo’s Declaration because there
`has not been an adequate showing that his testimony is the product of reliable facts
`or data and there is no indication that the testimony will help the Board understand
`the evidence or determine a fact in issue. FRE 401, 403, 702. In addition, portions
`of Dr. Vellturo’s Declaration also mischaracterize the evidence and testimony of
`record. See, e.g., ¶¶ 7, 8, 20-25, 27, 34-51, 61, and 68. They are therefore
`misleading and confusing to the issues at trial. FRE 403. Petitioner objects to
`Appendices B-E, attached to Dr. Vellturo’s declaration under FRE 1006 because
`they are improper summaries that fail to provide their underlying information.
`Additionally, Petitioner objects to Dr. Vellturo’s Declaration to the extent it relies
`on Exhibits 2016, 2020, 2038, 2092, 2093, 2095, 2096, 2134, and 2135, each of
`which is objected to herein.
`Exhibit 2058
` Exhibit 2058 purports to be chapters from CONCEPTS IN MEDICAL
`PHYSIOLOGY (Julian Seifter et al. eds, edition and publication date unknown).


`U.S. Patent No. 8,822,438
`Petitioner objects to Exhibit 2058 under FRE 1002 because the excerpts from
`Chapter 37 are not in color and cannot be discerned, and therefore it is not the
`original of the reference from which it was created. Petitioner further objects to
`Exhibit 2058 under FRE 1006 for being incomplete and under FRE 901 and 902
`for lacking authentication because it lacks the bibliographic information from
`which Petitioner can discern the authenticity of Exhibit 1006, as well as its date of
`publication. Petitioner also objects to Exhibit 2058 because Exhibit 2058 is not a
`“duplicate” as defined by FRE 1001(e) insofar as the exhibit is not “a copy. . .
`which accurately reproduces the original.” Thus, under FRE 1003, Exhibit 2058 is
`inadmissible because it is not a “duplicate.”
`Exhibit 2063
`Exhibit 2063 purports to be an article from the Journal of Clinical Oncology
`by Small, E.J., et al., entitled “Antiandrogen Withdrawal Alone or in Combination
`With Ketoconazole in Androgen-Independent Prostate Cancer Patients: A Phase III
`Trial (CALGB 9583).” Petitioner objects to Exhibit 2063 because it is incomplete.
`Patent Owner did not submit the “Appendix” referred to on page 1032 of Exhibit
`2063. Therefore Exhibit 2063 is not a “duplicate” as defined by 1001(e) insofar as
`the exhibit is not “a counterpart … that accurately reproduces the original.” Thus,
`under FRE 1003, Exhibit 2063 is inadmissible because it is not a duplicate.


`Exhibit 2092
`U.S. Patent No. 8,822,438
`Exhibit 2092 purports to be a presentation prepared on behalf of Janssen and
`entitled “Understanding Zytiga Users ‘Urologist Success’ Qualitative Research.”
`Petitioner objects to this document as not properly authenticated under FRE 901
`because Patent Owner fails to provide any evidence indicating the origin of this
`document, nor does it provide sufficient information regarding its authenticity.
`Further, Exhibit 2092 is not self-authenticating under FRE 902. To the extent
`Patent Owner relies on the contents of this document for the truth of the matter
`asserted, Petitioner objects to such contents as inadmissible hearsay under FRE
`801 and 802 that does not fall under any exceptions, including those of FRE 803,
`804, 805 or 807.
`To the extent Patent Owner relies on the contents of this document to prove
`the content of the original document, Petitioner objects to this document as not
`being an original document under FRE 1002, an authentic duplicate under FRE
`1003, or a document that falls under any exception to the original-document
`requirement, including those of FRE 1004.
`Exhibit 2093
`Exhibit 2093 purports to be a presentation prepared by Janssen and entitled
`“Patient Affordability 11.6.2013.” Petitioner objects to this document as not


`U.S. Patent No. 8,822,438
`properly authenticated under FRE 901 because Patent Owner fails to provide any
`evidence indicating the origin of this document, nor does it provide sufficient
`information regarding its authenticity. Further, Exhibit 2093 is not self-
`authenticating under FRE 902. To the extent Patent Owner relies on the contents of
`this document for the truth of the matter asserted, Petitioner objects to such
`contents as inadmissible hearsay under FRE 801 and 802 that does not fall under
`any exceptions, including those of FRE 803, 804, 805 or 807
`To the extent Patent Owner relies on the contents of this document to prove
`the content of the original document, Petitioner objects to this document as not
`being an original document under FRE 1002, an authentic duplicate under FRE
`1003, or a document that falls under any exception to the original-document
`requirement, including those of FRE 1004.
`Exhibit 2095
`Exhibit 2095 purports to be a summary of data from IBM Explorys.
`Petitioner objects to this document as not properly authenticated under FRE 901
`because Patent Owner fails to provide any evidence indicating the origin of this
`document, nor does it provide sufficient information regarding its authenticity.
`Further, Exhibit 2095 is not self-authenticating under FRE 902. To the extent
`Patent Owner relies on the contents of this document for the truth of the matter
`asserted, Petitioner objects to such contents as inadmissible hearsay under FRE


`U.S. Patent No. 8,822,438
`801 and 802 that does not fall under any exceptions, including those of FRE 803,
`804, 805 or 807.
`Petitioner also objects to Exhibit 2095 under FRE 1006 because no original
`data supposedly provided by IBM Explorys has been produced. Facially, it appears
`to be attorney-work product. As such Exhibit 2095 is inadmissible because it is an
`improper summary that fails to provide its underlying information.
`Exhibit 2096
`Exhibit 2096 purports to be a summary of data from IMS IPS Audit.
`Petitioner objects to this document as not properly authenticated under FRE 901
`because Patent Owner fails to provide any evidence indicating the origin of this
`document, nor does it provide sufficient information regarding its authenticity.
`Further, Exhibit 2096 is not self-authenticating under FRE 902. To the extent
`Patent Owner relies on the contents of this document for the truth of the matter
`asserted, Petitioner objects to such contents as inadmissible hearsay under FRE
`801 and 802 that does not fall under any exceptions, including those of FRE 803,
`804, 805 or 807
`Petitioner also objects to Exhibit 2096 under FRE 1006 because no original
`data supposedly provided by IMS IPS Audit has been produced. Facially, it
`appears to be attorney-work product. As such Exhibit 2096 is inadmissible because
`it is an improper summary that fails to provide its underlying information.


`Exhibit 2118
`U.S. Patent No. 8,822,438
`Exhibit 2118 purports to be the Declaration of Johann S. de Bono, filed in
`BTG Int’l Ltd. v. Actavis Labs. FL, Inc., Case No. 15-cv-5909 (D.N.J.). To the
`extent Patent Owner relies on the contents of this document for the truth of the
`matter asserted, Petitioner objects to such contents as inadmissible hearsay under
`FRE 801 and 802 that does not fall under any exceptions, including those of FRE
`803, 804, 805 or 807. Petitioner further objects to Exhibit 2118 under FRE 403
`because Petitioner has had no opportunity to cross-examine the witness in this
`proceeding to assess the basis or correctness of the opinions offered. Moreover,
`Patent Owner has not offered to provide Mr. de Bono for deposition in this
`Petitioner objects to Exhibit 2118 because it is incomplete. Patent Owner did
`not submit Exhibits A-F referred to in Exhibit 2118. Therefore Exhibit 2118 is not
`a “duplicate” as defined by 1001(e) insofar as the exhibit is not “a counterpart …
`that accurately reproduces the original.” Thus, under FRE 1003, Exhibit 2118 is
`inadmissible because it is not a duplicate.
`Exhibit 2124
`Exhibit 2016 purports to be the deposition transcript of Mark J. Ratain, M.D.
`that took place on January 23, 2017 in Amerigen Pharms. Ltd. v. Janssen


`U.S. Patent No. 8,822,438
`Oncology, Inc., IPR2016-00286. To the extent Patent Owner relies on the contents
`of this document for the truth of the matter asserted, Petitioner objects to such
`contents as inadmissible hearsay under FRE 801 and 802 that does not fall under
`any exceptions, including those of FRE 803, 804, 805 or 807. Petitioner further
`objects to Exhibit 2124 under FRE 403 because the deposition transcript has been
`filed in a proceeding to which Petitioner is not a party and has had no opportunity
`to cross-examine the witness in this proceeding to assess the basis or correctness of
`the opinions offered. Moreover, Patent Owner has refused to provide Dr. Ratain for
`deposition in this proceeding.
`Exhibit 2125
`Exhibit 2016 purports to be the deposition transcript of Richard Dorin, M.D.
`that took place on January 19, 2017 in Amerigen Pharms. Ltd. v. Janssen
`Oncology, Inc., IPR2016-00286. To the extent Patent Owner relies on the contents
`of this document for the truth of the matter asserted, Petitioner objects to such
`contents as inadmissible hearsay under FRE 801 and 802 that does not fall under
`any exceptions, including those of FRE 803, 804, 805 or 807. Petitioner further
`objects to Exhibit 2125 under FRE 403 because the deposition transcript has been
`filed in a proceeding to which Petitioner is not a party and has had no opportunity
`to cross-examine the witness in this proceeding to assess the basis or correctness of
`the opinions offered. Moreover, Patent Owner has refused to provide Dr. Dorin for


`deposition in this proceeding.
`Exhibit 2128
`U.S. Patent No. 8,822,438
`Exhibit 2018 purports to be the deposition transcript of Ivan T. Hofmann,
`CPA/CFF, CLP that took place on February 7, 2017 in Mylan Pharms. Inc. v.
`Janssen Oncology, Inc., IPR2016-01332. To the extent Patent Owner relies on the
`contents of this document for the truth of the matter asserted, Petitioner objects to
`such contents as inadmissible hearsay under FRE 801 and 802 that does not fall
`under any exceptions, including those of FRE 803, 804, 805 or 807. Petitioner
`further objects to Exhibit 2128 under FRE 403 because the deposition transcript
`has been filed in a proceeding to which Petitioner is not a party and has had no
`opportunity to cross-examine the witness in this proceeding to assess the basis or
`correctness of the opinions offered. Moreover, Patent Owner has refused to provide
`Mr. Hoffman for deposition in this proceeding.
`Exhibit 2130
`Exhibit 2130 purports to be a conference poster, entitled “Duration of
`Therapy For Oral Treatments in Patients With Metastatic Castration Resistant
`Prostate Cancer.” Petitioner objects to this document as not properly authenticated
`under FRE 901 because Patent Owner fails to provide any evidence indicating the
`origin of this document, nor does it provide sufficient information regarding its


`U.S. Patent No. 8,822,438
`authenticity. Further, Exhibit 2092 is not self-authenticating under FRE 902. To
`the extent Patent Owner relies on the contents of this document for the truth of the
`matter asserted, Petitioner objects to such contents as inadmissible hearsay under
`FRE 801 and 802 that does not fall under any exceptions, including those of FRE
`803, 804, 805 or 807.
`To the extent Patent Owner relies on the contents of this document to prove
`the content of the original document, Petitioner objects to this document as not
`being an original document under FRE 1002, an authentic duplicate under FRE
`1003, or a document that falls under any exception to the original-document
`requirement, including those of FRE 1004.
`Exhibit 2134
`Exhibit 2134 purports to be a summary of Zytiga® Market Share Data.
`Petitioner objects to this document as not properly authenticated under FRE 901
`because Patent Owner fails to provide any evidence indicating the origin of this
`document, nor does it provide sufficient information regarding its authenticity.
`Further, Exhibit 2134 is not self-authenticating under FRE 902. To the extent
`Patent Owner relies on the contents of this document for the truth of the matter
`asserted, Petitioner objects to such contents as inadmissible hearsay under FRE
`801 and 802 that does not fall under any exceptions, including those of FRE 803,
`804, 805 or 807


`U.S. Patent No. 8,822,438
`Petitioner also objects to Exhibit 2134 under FRE 1006 as inadmissible
`because it is an improper summary that fails to provide its underlying information.
`Facially, it appears to be attorney-work product.
`Exhibit 2135
`Exhibit 2135 purports to be a summary of Truven Commercial and Medicare
`Data. Petitioner objects to this document as not properly authenticated under FRE
`901 because Patent Owner fails to provide any evidence indicating the origin of
`this document, nor does it provide sufficient information regarding its authenticity.
`Further, Exhibit 2134 is not self-authenticating under FRE 902. To the extent
`Patent Owner relies on the contents of this document for the truth of the matter
`asserted, Petitioner objects to such contents as inadmissible hearsay under FRE
`801 and 802 that does not fall under any exceptions, including those of FRE 803,
`804, 805 or 807
`Petitioner also objects to Exhibit 2135 under FRE 1006 as inadmissible
`because it is an improper summary that fails to provide its underlying information.
`Exhibit 2153
`Exhibit 2153 purports to be the Declaration of Ivan T. Hofmann, CPA/CFF,
`CLP, previously submitted in Mylan Pharms. Inc. v. Janssen Oncology, Inc.,
`IPR2016-01332. To the extent Patent Owner relies on the contents of this


`U.S. Patent No. 8,822,438
`document for the truth of the matter asserted, Petitioner objects to such contents as
`inadmissible hearsay under FRE 801 and 802 that does not fall under any
`exceptions, including those of FRE 803, 804, 805 or 807. Petitioner further objects
`to Exhibit 2153 under FRE 403 because the declaration has been filed in a
`proceeding to which Petitioner is not a party and has had no opportunity to cross-
`examine the witness in this proceeding to assess the basis or correctness of the
`opinions offered. Moreover, Patent Owner has refused to provide Mr. Hofmann for
`Respectfully submitted,
`deposition in this proceeding.
`Date: March 24, 2017
`1100 New York Avenue, N.W.
`Washington, DC 20005
`(202) 371-2600
` f
`Christopher M. Gallo
`Registration No. 70,291
`Attorney for Petitioner


`U.S. Patent No. 8,822,438
`The undersigned hereby certifies that the above-captioned “Petitioner’s
`Objections to Patent Owner’s Evidence Under 37 U.S.C. § 42.64(b)(1)” was served
`in its entirety on March 24, 2017, upon the following parties via email:
`Dianne B. Elderkin:
`Barbara L. Mullin:
`Ruben H. Munoz:
`David. T. Pritikin:
`Bindu Donovan:
`Paul J. Zegger:
`Todd L. Krause:
`Anthony C. Tridico:
`Jennifer H. Roscetti:
`Date: March 24, 2017
`1100 New York Avenue, N.W.
`Washington, DC 20005
`(202) 371-2600
` f
`Christopher M. Gallo
`Registration No. 70,291
`Attorney for Petitioner

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