`E EE E g
`E i E?I5zI
`E E: a EEE:EE2 §
`prostate cancer progresses :30 aruirogen independence,
`develops various ‘pathways’ allowing for gmwth in the
`absence of besmstemne. Fm‘ wcampie, cells may increase the
`synthesis of androgen receptors, aflowing them in flourish
`with very low Ieveis of tzesfnstzarmae. Thix is known as the
`‘hypersensitive pathway‘, In the ‘pronzaiscuous pathway‘, the
`androgen receptmt mamas and is activated by a. broad range
`sxf mixer circulatfing‘ steroids. The ancimgen remeptaor
`imcfive nnlees phczsphorylaimi. In me ‘outlaw gaiihway‘, the:
`ailnwing for
`constitutive receptor acfivafion,
`In cantrast, a ‘bypass
`pathway‘ allows fer ca-II survivai in tire absence of aYt'£§rt1g&n\
`recepmr activation, afiowirxg.-céfls in avnid apoptmfifi in an
`antimncirogen environment {4}.
`Eackground to: the treatment of AIPC
`If-Gaviews by Yagoda 32: ?etryIak {5} and Raghavan at al [iii
`Aaccurateaiy gwartragréd the availabfe cytotoxfic agents as
`ineiferziive in treafing AEPC. Ciinicai
`trials: evaluating’
`antixmstycfiraesg alkylatixzgagfintfi.
`based agents and tnpoisvmcmse ixthibimrs were
`{5,6}; Dvaarali response rates of 8.7% were noted in 2:3 ciinicafi
`triais conducted between 198'.?_and 1991. The imoad range of
`xeporced response rates ami
`the lack of stanéaxdizeé
`objective mpmzm confcsszmied
`reviewers; wfm
`dwzriiaefi fie chexnoflmeragaezxizic Ianciscagxe as ’-cham‘ £5}.
`the 983% xesptmse was a;:<:ey!:Fed_ as fine
`standard, mdpoizzbwiaen’ measuring the
`0:? new
`chenmtiiterapeutk: agents. A 1999 mrmsensus .wnfe_xex1_<:e
`clefimd a partial
`in ;a cziinizzai {Tia} as: 3; :mim'xm:n_t;
`FSA xiecline of at least 50% cmxfirmed by 3 aeccmd PEA
`vaéue 9% aimilar levek 4 or more weeks mar in the abseme
`xaf ckinicai at mdiographic eviiience of disease: pragxassinn
`during this time pericd {V}. Tifm is what is tygnicaiiy meant
`by a ‘’PSA respanse‘ and
`used 33 a measure cf
`demonstrable agtiviiy in phase {I clinical
`Qiinicak treatment with taxanes
`Doeetaxel {Taxotere} is a mfiynflwfic ifixaxte. which
`disnzfpisz nonnai miwsis iay binciing to 8«€u}m‘iin
`prexnznmg micmmbukz disasaembly. This event: leads in an
`arrest in tiias ceii cy<:1e»a:Hhe 62M phase and, uiitimabeiy,
`apopinsis. Varinus prcwapophotic meeharfisxns of dczcemxei,
`inastivatiorz of Bela by phasphcryiafinn;
`inductizéon of p53 anei overcoming mukiémg resisiarxze have
`aim been praposed [41 Znitiai phase 21 clinical triais wiflx
`aacetaxei revealed meme encxmraging respume rates than
`any previous agent in AIPC and led in two large phase 311
`trials, bath ofwhisch were rvapimed its 200$
`The progression to androgen inciependencre is Lrauitifatztotial,
`when prosizabe camzer is arxdzogenr-serusiiive, hesmsterme
`is enzymaticaiiy ccznveriued
`dihydmwsmsmmne (DHT’}, which experts its influence in the
`nucleus and activates genes involved in cell growth. A9
`Docefaxe! plus estramusiine versus mitoxantrone
`plus predniscme
`Southwest Oncology Group
`The randamizzed clinical
`(SW06) 9916 trial, compared docetaxe} and ‘esimmustine
`(D/B) with ndmxantmne ami gyrednisone {M/P), in. the
`Wockhardt v. Janssen lPR2016-01582
`"Current chemotherapeutic‘ approaches for androgen-«independent prostate
`Jon A Rumohr & Sam 8 Chang*
`Vanderbik University Medical Center
`fiepartznam of Urologic Surgery
`A-1302 Medial Center Nod}:
`TN 37232«27I35
`Emaiiz sam.::txang@vanderbi!
`‘Tao whcem oorrespcmtkencs should be addressed
`{mmmi Optician In Inwstigatimtal Drugs 2606 ‘2'(8):529v5$_3
`@‘The‘l’I'mmsr.m 3u+rpofation ISSN 14?2-#372
`the current state of cizematlzerapgg for
`This review aiesczfiifyes
`- andragewéraaiepenxient prosizete saucer. Lzmdrwzrk ciirticzzl trials,
`i1zc¥miing’TAX 32.7, a rczmiomfzed trial earzsgvrzrfzzg dacelmel mu!
`preénisatze wit}: mitoramfrmae emu’ pzredztismte, and SW06 993 (3;
`:2 nmdomized cfiniaai trial cbmpm-iszg daeetaxzi and estrzzirzzzsttizre
`‘with méfoxrmtrame
`and predyzisme,
`are reviewed. Nomi
`combination tizmzpies,
`involving mane adnziniséered with
`compazmds such as crzlcéfraf maxi
`t¥z::a}z‘:£amide, newafr cytafoxic
`agents, ma;-fine therapies, rzmi targeieni yszuaialiiiemajve aziso -demifed‘
`This reviezxr mainlyfamses an agents with act.£vit_a; in phase £3,/III
`itfirzicfzzi .£rz‘zz£5.
`hormone-refrachary, n:tetasta&, prostate carwer,
`Adenocaminoma of the pmstahe: isthe meat camnxonsolid
`hxmur in {ES males, and is saccmsi ozniy tn lung carwer as a.
`cause» of cmcerdeafli. In 2365, pmstate Carma: accamzifié for
`an estimabaci 33% of cancer cases; and 16% ofszancer deaths.
`in the US {I}. fimapy directed at presxzmalaiy locaskized
`disease is succeasfui fin the majarity of cases, whether by
`operative megam’ or tatdiasiimx.
`treatment invofvirxg
`radical proshatectomy, pmgnession ram at five ané tan years
`are estimates! in E25222 and 25%, ramprectixseiy, as measured by
`prostate-sgzeacifitx anifigen, {RA} Ieveis {2}. As with: any
`metastatic maiiignancy,
`therapy for nor:-Iocaiizeé éisease
`iifeaimzettt. Uxtfii
`surgical castration was the only tenable
`avaifabie to men with meuastafic promae cancer; The
`method of atndmge-.n deprivation dams back in 1941, when
`Huggins 8:: Hodges repezted the efficacy of castzraticrxyartci
`estmgens in the treatxnent of advanced pmstathe carncer [i-3:}.
`the efficacy of andsogetz deprivation is
`iixniteci by the grogressiozx in androgexviridepezmdent
`prostate cancer (A3322). in men with meeastatic pmsbate
`cancer, this progression typically occurs within 12 to 18
`in amedian .surviva_1_of. two mfiuteeymrs.
`Wockhardt v. Janssen IPR2016-01582


` §
`& 1
`side-effect pmfile
`mitomntrone ami pneénjsong [1{)u}. The US Focd and Drug
`Admirifstratéun (FDA)
`regimen shortly
`thereafter for the tteafment of AIFC.
`Rafe of estramustine in MP6
`«Results fram the SWOG 9916 and TAX 32’? smciies defined
`the take of estramuafine in the treatment: of MPG, and
`aifered the maatxnent paraciigm for this cancer type £116}. In
`comparable patient gmpulations, a similar efficacy (48 to 59%
`PSA naspcmsa) was observed for patients veceiving
`estramustfine and dcscetaxei (SWOG 9916) and preénismre
`and docetaawi {TAX 327}. E-Iuwever, the boxzfctity profiles in
`the we sziinicai i:ria}s differed sig1if1‘<:an‘fiy’. In axe TAX 32?’
`study, none of $19 patients reported grade 3 nmxsea and
`"vomiting, compared with a 20% inciéexme in flu: SWCJG 9916
`estraxnustine am. Addétianaiiy, no patients in fix: TAX ‘323?
`study suffered grade 3 or higher cardiovamular or clotting
`advarse events, while a 15% fincidence was noted in €he~
`complicaiinns o£ estrazmxstim ‘aximfinisttatiorc. because of its.
`estwgém cement
`{4}. Thus,
`estraxxmstfiime, Wham
`aximinisfizerred witit ziocetaxel, dew not appear to offer
`incneased efficacy over prednisane and iiocetaxel, and is
`cardimrascuiax toavzicities. Therefore,
`it .appe_a*r.s
`that the
`aziminisfiration of estraxxtiastizle§x docretaxel for AIPC 53
`atxmvarranted, and poss;ib13r‘hatmfu1.
`Bacetaxe! as aqimranf therapy
`'I'.hfi' benefits of adjuvant chexxtoiimrapy observed ix; 11:88:52 and
`gzmossatecirsmy. fiomnyxmmwcmmy patémha {xi «-4 177) witfz a high
`of prasinile cancer
`reoeiveé daceiaxek {S5
`mgfmi’) on xiays L 3 and 1540f a 28-day cycie. Docefawei was
`weii tnierahed; howexrean the
`mzhcomsas {sf this study
`are penéing. ‘me YAX 3501 study is a phase m, ranclczmized,
`controlled trial tampering obsezrvafixm, androgen ifeprfivation
`therapy (ADT) and AEDT/doaetaxel in the ‘adjuvant sa-tfing.
`I3nrolhne:nt for {this clinical ~tria£
`in Jane 2005. Those
`93:59.-£115 wlm prngrm in the abaewatitntz gimp wafi be
`raridonfimed to either ADI‘ c:rADT/doceta3;3eL The resxxlts saf the
`.;;a:iz’a1ts, should &w ralesof-both hcmnmxai therapy
`other taxarm eambinalion Maia
`After the eneautaging results from invesiigafiutts of the
`effect of singhzaagent docetagxel. in the ‘FAX. 32‘? smdy,
`interest has turned in
`cnmbirxaiion the-zapfy
`pmmccla The combination of cakitrinl or tiixaiidomide -with
`flocetaxel has generated considerable interest; Calcitrioi, the
`most active metabolite of vitamin D; decreases prostate
`—ca:'xVer szell pmliferaticm and
`thiegcybamxicity of
`taxanes ’mdepc-zndent of Bel-2 113]. Based on encouragmg
`phase II trials data, the Anciiogenvltxdeperudent Prostate
`Cancer Study cf Cakitxiol Enhancing Taxotem: (
`txfial was
`This rmmdomizaed, piacebe-szontroiied
`was designed to evaluate the
`of high-;
`536 Current Opirzian in lmesflgationat Drugs 2006 Vof ‘F No 6
`treatment of axivance-<1 refractory prostafae cancer £80}. The
`My’? arm was imslucied bases? on previmzs demmstrations
`of a pafiiative benefit, alflwugh this was without any
`observable aurvival benefit. In a prior stuéy conducted by
`Tannock ea’: at, pain refief and a decline in average analgesic:
`consumption were gfaaher in 1::atients receiving M/P than
`prednisone alone {Qt}. In the SW06 9916 study, 770 men
`with progressive AJPC receiveci one of two treatments, each
`given in 3~week cycles: estramustine {280 mg three times
`ciaily) an days “I. to §, fiooemxei (68 mg/m2} on day 2, and
`deecamathaaona (60 mg)
`in three divided doses before‘:
`éoceiaxei; Of mibaxanfrcne (12 mg] 1113) on flay I pius
`pxeazinisaxte (35 mg twice ziaiiy} Median survival rates in am
`13/E and 311/? groups were 17.5 and 15.6 months,
`respectively (3) m 0.01). PS1’: re$pon$.e (59 Versus 23%) and
`me objective mspcnse rains: in patients with known scoff tissue
`disease (17 versus 11%) watt: also sigrxificantly greater in the
`13/13 arm E800}. However, the D./E gmup had a *.;baiistica1Iy'
`significant higher rate of graée 3 or 4 netfitropenic fevers (5
`versus 2%}, carniiovastrular wants {I5 versus 7%); nausea
`anti vomifing (26 vezsus 5%}, meiaboiia: cirbhzrbannes (6
`versus 1%) and neurolopkr events (:7 versus 2%). ’I'Emre was
`:25 obsemsxf difference in grade 3 er greater
`between the treatment groups £8--}. Aiéxough me mefiian
`survival benefit was uréy 2 months,_ this study set a new
`smndaré far firm efficacy of chemotherapeutic agents in
`bacetaxet plus prednfsone versus mitaxantrone
`pius prednisone
`TAX 327 was a muiti-instit-utionaf, 'pr0spectiVe,:. randomized
`ciinical trial comparixtg ducetaxei and pmedrnisene witft
`miimanixozne. and prednisamz {1fluL In tifia trial, 1986 men
`prednisane (5 mg twice ciaily) and were
`randcxxxly xawiguzd to three txwunent graxzps: mifoxamzrcme
`(12 mg/m2) wary 3 weeks, docseiaxei (75 zxkgfmfij every 3
`weeks or ziocyetasxeri (38 mg/ml) weeidy for 5 sf every 6
`weeks. ‘Overall survivai was the prfmzxxy endpoint. There
`was no s'mfiS>‘:f:ca:EEy significani differexzce in flue weekiy
`docetaxei group, but a difference was abserved .511 me '3»
`week am compared with mitoxantrone (18.9 versus 16
`m:mths;_p * 0.009}. £’aiz1,raecI21ction.frequerm:y, as a secandaty
`endpoint, was oniy significantly reduced in the fiwweek
`docemxel arm when, mmparexfi with miinxantmna (35 versus
`22%; p 3 £3.61). The madizm tiuraiion of pain reductierm was
`thesame across 33 gwups at 35 to 5.6 _mcniE1a. Time was of
`PSA response {45 in 48%; y < 0.001) were significantly
`greater in patients
`dacetaxei comparesd with
`mibaxantrone, xegardiess of
`the éosing schedule. An
`ixnpmvement in quality-cf-iife was more Ziitefy in patienis
`1-eceiving tiocetaxel cempared with mimxantrcme (2241:: 23%
`versus 13%; p <1 0.01). The weekly doceizixei sszheéule was
`irrcludeci -in debenznine whether a reduced dose adaxixxisttred
`weekly woulci resnit in fewer aciverség events or improved
`ouitomes; however, this effectwas not
`wt in the data.
`adverse event mine in tire Ewweék doeemxel mm was
`2.6%. ccvznparecl wftit 29% when administeresi weekfy.
`‘significanéiy more adverse-evenis occurred in than dcxtetaxel
`treaunent amas than with mimxantrone (29%), In summazy;
`an every Swweek regimext onf docefaxei (75 mgfmz} with
`yrednisone (5 mg} twice éaily was superim ms weekiy doseci


`Currant cherncthorapeutic approacrm for AIPC Rumohr & Chang 531
`dose calxzitrioi combined wifiz aiocetaxek Fatienis with AIPC
`(xx == 25$) were rmxiomized 2:0 receive either placebo and
`docetaxel, or a capsuia forxxxxxiaiabn of caicihrinl (DN-101
`{Novacea Inc), 45 gzg wally {mm weekiy} and ziocetaxel
`Docemxei was aciministamd accozssiirzg to the 3(}~mg/m?
`weekly ciose scheéule ciescrihezi in the TAX 327 shsdy,
`rather than the every-3-week regime. The primary endpoint
`of this study was PSA tespcmse. Interim restzfits of this study
`havebemmyortad inabstractform [14},PSAvesponsewiti1in&
`months was 58% for patienis
`ccsmpared with 49% for iiwse receiving pfaeebo/docetaxel;
`hmzaevezc, fizis was mi: :1
`difiference {p =-'~
`0.16). In pafienfs with measurabfie disease, a trend inward
`improvved ebjevctive response rate was :‘iol1a~d(28 vetsus 20%; p '2'
`. 0.05). Serious aclverse events were less caomman in the DN40
`trial is pendi:ng.-
`ciavlafis of meondaxy
`p &w sunrival
`evakzixting docemeei
`are acumreniziy
`gzlomhination with agems
`iriierfere with tumor
`xxeovascularizatiorm ’§“ha_ii:ioxni:ie is a potent
`antiwangiagenic pmper&s, as evidenced by ‘$19 stxmteci limb
`growth. in exgased fietuw. A rancicmizeci, ‘phase
`triai of docefzzxel pins tiza3id‘onu‘deV versus single-agem:
`dmemxel has been repozdaed E15]. f1‘£ShIdy,; 75 patienm
`with AIPC were randomized to receive doeewxel
`mgfx:§§ , or thalidomide (2012! mg) riaify pins daoeraxei (30
`mg/m2}. ’I’he« PSA response was 317% in the docetaxel aione
`arm and 53% in the combinatiun arm, although this did not
`reach statisiicai
`~“» 9.32). Hawezver,
`response rates did satisfy criteria far further evaluation. The
`?E8~month survival rate was 42.9 and 68.2% far the docehaxel
`aionet ami aombinatinn amxs,
`respectiveiy (33 = 0.11).
`Although the absenned respcmse did not reach sisaiisticai
`ixxspmvememt W35 demmnstratneé in all
`euhtome measures: PSA respanse,
`progzsesaion ('I'I3?} and ovarafi survival. Only a amall
`number af patients ware included in this study and it was
`xtof designad in evaltzatae overaii survival; fherefme, Iarget,
`ramlomizexi clinical iariais are
`ta batmr evaluate
`the efficacy of this regimen: in patients with A{PC‘.
`Future treatment modatities
`Cytotoxic agents
`Sat:-apiatzén (CJPC Biobecia AG; Figure 1) is a third~generatior1
`oral pIatinum(IV) complex anticancer’ agent. with clixmically
`demonstrated antifiumor activiiy {I6}. On the basis of
`promising phase II clinical trials dam, the Satrapiafiin and
`,F1'ednisone_Agains€ Refractory Cancer (SPARC)
`irtitiahed in 2003, and expanded in 200% in inciude seveml
`more ‘European sites. SFARC is a muliicenier, randomized,
`dauble-biind, phase Lit
`study designed to _evaluate
`satrapfatin as a se<:a‘nd«1f1ne ch_emo£herapyL in patimis with
`metnstatiac AH-‘C that have faiieeni previous
`civetnoiherapy [WE Curzentiy there are no appmved agents
`for me secancblixxa meaimmt of homommfimwry gsrosbaie
`carnceac, anti the US FDA has
`acceierated appmvai.
`‘status to satmplatin in the SPARC cffnicai triai, which is
`curremty ongoing.
`figure 1. The structure of sat-apmin.
`Epothilanes are microtubuie inhihitoxs with an acfion
`similar to that ef taxama-s‘ but with 11:12 addeé advantage at
`activity in taxanewesistant tumors.
`epoflzflonéfi analog
`ixabapiloxua {BMS~247550, Brisi2aI~Myers Squibb; Figure 2)
`has '&2mmxstrahed rziirticai .activity in a phase flclinical
`{I8}. PSA response was observed in 21 outaf the 44 .patiez:ts
`ixahepilcne. and in 31 out cf five 45 patietits
`’receiving bcabepficné pf£;s.e5tramv$ti11€
`phosphate {:8},
`Phase II and IE ciixtfcal
`stwcmre affixabepilone.
` lxdhgpiiann
`(Bduéot-Myam Squisb}
`As camtzer isincreasitxgly beingxzieweci, atvleastin part, as a
`breakdown of immune system sursreillamse, researvgiisers are
`séseking ways in
`rsf tfhe
`system. Thus, mmn‘r,va;:<:?xxe. ‘therapy is a promising am: af
`GVAX (Cel1,Genafesys Inc} is a vaccine in wi1x’:c':h_ ixmdiabed
`patient-derived. pmstafne cancer cefis are tranaduoed in
`izififa with gmnniocyteemacmphage coiorsyrsiimuiating
`factsor. The raise of this vaccina is ts rearuzit and, samnzam
`peripherai Road mosnoctytes and m_acm;:shages.- -against
`malignant cfelis. A {ahase III ciinical triai camparirzg {W-AX
`with eiocetaxel plus’ pmdnisone is undenvay. Adciitional
`eambiziafion studies at". diocetaxel and GVAX are alsnbeing
`Pmvenge (APC-8915; Dendreon Corp) has been designed tn
`‘help the heady develop an ixmmme response Iifio prosmfie
`=cancer‘_ cells. Auba1ogaus—.anh]gen-presentirig cells (APCS) are
`loaded with K‘ fusion pmtefn combizting a prostate-specific
`pfotaein and a molecule specificaiky targeting an ABC surface
`receptor. Results {mm a. phase II clinical
`triai are
`emzonragixxg, with teportsof amedism »!:ime.t;:s progjnsssimx-of
`118 tiays. ‘One paiiierxt with AL¥l"C Emmi‘ a decrease in P523
`from 221 ngfmi to uzadetaectable levels, which
` k for four years {I9}. A ramiomizzed, phase III
`aria: it patients with asymptomatic, ~meIas&tx',e: AIFC
`underway, in which 275 patfimts wili be -randomized. to
`Pmvenge or
`AFCs I2(}vr}i.


`in earnest. Ezwoumgmg ‘response ram have been Qhtaireed
`from landmarl-2 clinical
`trials evaluating doceiaxei
`combinatian with estramustine O? predrxisona, and results
`from these studies have influenceci
`future treatment
`regimens for AEPC. Promising’ chemotherapeutic agenm,
`emerging tumor vaccines,
`targeted therapy‘, and naval
`combination ‘regimes are all under active investigation,
`These studies will hopefully play a role both in current
`investigaticmal therapy ami as a bridge to f-utxxre modalities.
`my Ustqml
`Hull SSW, Rabcba:‘«lF,AbbasF.Wxeeier1'M.Ka1:anM\lVL$cat$na$7‘£‘:
`Game: contra with radiate}
`alum in 1,426!)
`rmmecufifva patients. J Um: (2902) 45712 1% '£}:.‘:x28-554.
`E-magma C, Hcsdgess CV: Smdiaa on pruatatlc canur. i: Tins want of
`castratznn, of B8fl‘095|'5x and androgen lnjaozttlam on serum
`In matsstatic carcinoma at the pmstate. Gama-r Res
`(1941) 22(4):232»24<3.
`- Tlrisi was like Mginal study to describe androgen demvation for pmstaie
`cancer wmment, and was" the ‘sfading point‘ fur any discussion misting to
`ehsmottmapy Par emnocsmimma aims mam. The hormenal sensitivity to
`amvgmwam pniastats cancer is: demmsfmzed via castrasian, astragan, at
`'arx:Inn§ch wninfstrailoa.
`4%. P@m,%mm:Mwmnmywmmc« A
`nswamhegins. C32 Carzcard (230 (2005) 55{5):3GO~318.
`Yagotiaah, Parylak D:
`G§:x‘:er(1m'1=) 7’l(3 Sup;£};$0M«’¥ 108.
`Raghayan O. Kxaczwana B, Javle M»; Evamnglswtaglass :3‘! eytatoxic
`chemothamxy far-aszwammd prostate earnest. Ears} Cancer (193?)
`Bubley¥3J,¢3ardwc:iM, Dal1sJ£V\€I1mso¢1N.§3a£laIiD.Sisgu*xt;ar;;e:»a.n;F”ngg
`.W1:g fieidlin 8. Hslabé 3y Bades G3 I-iu3s§t_1_M a £1:
`fesporm §u£§aaxmfiorphaac#aifrica:riedaim~’xh~ngamIrsda;suider&
`swkhggrmtp. JG511 Oncd{3000}‘17(11);3$8’t.-3487.
`Petndak G93 Tangén Gilt, Hussaln MK, Lara PN Jr, Jones 1%, T:-win
`Maiaurch PA,Bat:yDgMoinpom-c,KcmM,EanwnN§CaiaA
`B-bciiaxwl and oatmrnuafim cnmpatod with
`{W34} 3s1{15;:1s1a~152o,
`» ihéspapefnmsuzfix $WD(§ 9915$££<$§!£'#&K.f§¥, which‘: damdlda
`medém sums»: advantage :2? 2 mamas with dacetaxefiéesafl mmmmwapy
`varsus mtéaxenlmna in natiants with metasiaeic Ame.
`‘ranncxzk if’. Osoba £3, Smarter MR. Ernst 13$‘ Navitte AJ, Moore Mi,
`Arrrsitaee GR, Wlson .13, Vmnar FM, Cappln CM, Murpfiy KC:
`Qhemamarapy vvtth mttoxzmtmne plus medmaoru or pradnlmm
`slam fut aymptaznatlc
`prontsta cancer: A
`csmadim tanaamlzad trial with gmlilaim amt paints, J 611:’: ’om:aI
`(1996) 1§{_&);'i?.$-$~173§.
`c Wis paper repeated-a paiifamre barrel?! far mistxxsmwm chemomerapjn
`Oacmazses in repwted new and an8l'9;0S5€ news more mtad in me
`arm. ‘ma initiaf dbedaxalrrxfais iacludec! a mmramme am:
`based on We slady;
`'ranaoak!F.&!éxatR,Bvaay\M?,.§iarfiJ. Pmarxsisgh, 0313 xx. award
`3* Theodnre Chdameaflfl, ‘farm £. Rnsamfsamté. ant nceetaxai
`pmmiwm or mmmmiroue plus
`» aarusmbecamsr. N£:agIJMed(2i.w4) 3B1{15};15e2»15*£2.
`1-I Tha.7.#.x32?stc1dydnc{ibadin mkmpadmnmwwmwpmmramalral
`andimpmvadratesafresponssin temasanain, 39mmPSA zmimséquazryv .
`omit: fir decetaxei sac! pmdaigsam
`wiah mkbxarsmma plus
`adminéétréiioa and bacame the sraadmrorcm.
`M6,!-!man<:G,Ke1hrW<, Sartaro, smi;i1.xA.Jit3o1:ieayof:lmloylc
`m emmhmMPC.
`532 Current Opiniert in irwestigafionaé Drugs 2606 Vol ‘P No 6
`Onyvaxwl’ {0ny1Ia.x Ltd) is a cell vaccine composed of izhree
`iarradiabacl aiiogenseitz cell
`Cells from gmimary and
`metasmlic (iisease are fixtluded in tftis vaccirxe, and
`t11eor»2b‘x:aI1y, the broad range cxf antigens will improve its
`efficacy and help avoid resistance. Base.-cf an encouraging
`phase Ii clinical. trials data in AIPC patients, a phase III trial
`is to be initiated {4].
`Targeted fhsrapies
`Targeted fherapy refers to the ixzliibition sf specific signal
`transduction molecules that are important for cell gmssrth.
`Vascular endothelial gmwfifi factor {VECK3 wad endcsflieifn-"1
`{E}:‘~1)axeh~aiarge1stExatarebeingeval1xateé ianclirxkiaitriak.
`3. mnnoclonal anfibody £2122:
`Besvaszizxzmab (Avastin)
`targets VEGP, binding and inactivaizirag
`neutralizing its primary prcn-—angi0g€:n&sis¥3ffeci3. The effect
`of hevacizumab in comixinafion with do-mtaxel and.
`estranmaxstine (CALGB 90096) was
`evajuatedv in ’79
`pixtierltzs "With AIPC. Of this patient set, 32 had measurable.
`disease, ‘with nine (53%) of éhese cfentonstrafirlg a partial
`msxponse. Furthermare, a >» 59% daclitxe £1 PSA levels was
`noted :En.é5% of 20 evaluable patients {£1}. CAJLBG 90413215 2::
`ranclomizeci, ghase BI.
`mrrmfiy axitiruing
`paiiettts with AIZPC. The trig? wifi éampate fizae effect {if
`combining hesvaszimmah with dncemxel plus
`witft doceimml gins prednisone an overall mmzival I22}.
`mediafim. of esfmblast growth and fuxwflmh
`the El’-
`pathway‘ my iharefutt:
`iziléxzlc the vale of
`ostmblasfs, which play a pathalogical role in ‘bone
`in AIPCI I23}. Atriase:1€axi(Xinla§';
`is an Grail}?
`séletzfiwz ETA ¥W.¢9k:>r
`which has ~dem».:mstrate§ activity in clixzzécai
`tra'a1s:V{24;2.5§. A
`aaclztzizzjstratim ozfatrmxian {it} mg po) wifit gaplaceivo ix} 943
`Wiéx AEFC (M00 244), Wifh 3 prm1axy'
`is umiemay :20-3‘ TB
`the effect of
`comparing atrmtisun
`glacvbowntromd, phase. 131
`in mmbimtion with dooemmfiplus pvrednisone with Eidcefaxel
`plmmed (S‘¢\c’0G'S$)é_i21).
`trial has been
`apprczved but ia notyetmmdmway [2134
`Figure 3. “ma stmcnf atrasema. >
`Afixer ‘decades wifihout significant ‘progress inltlm lzreahnent
`cf A3’.‘£’.C, xzew and
`therapim are bgiug flevelnped


`currmt'ehanmmarapeut1c appmachao for A190 Rumour & Chang 533
`on we rugta-¢iaa:.:ocamd pmma cancer:
`chemoflwzspy, Oncoiagist (2005) 1¢3(Sup;fl 2}_:18«22.
`20. Clinical mm‘: Nauanaa Cancer tnarzswte. Bemesda, MD, usa game).
`I-ie:*shbe:§erPA, Ya V533; Modzabavssiei Rhsfiaegs‘ NJ}. Johmm CS, Tmm
`DE; caiaitrfat (1
`amnmw activity in vans and Ir: viva and aacfierasas %xai~
`indvaoti apoplnsia, C813 CaocerRas{2w”¥) 7.(w;:1o4a~1es¢,
`Beam. RyanC1N.VarmarFM2Pett‘yi&ci3P, Cfmta G, Ruaihezhw,
`Henna“ Wfm, Shi KN, Craig.-mama 5: lnmtim mm from ASGFENY:
`A doubta-txlimdsad randomized may of I.’2fl—1 61 (Isgh-dose: cascitrlofi
`(Amy. J Czin Onto?
`e For upétcadafe infwmatian mgamting mgoing cafinicai 16913 in endrugezb
`independent prostate camsr,
`the Maéionel Cancer irmitwe clinical zriais
`website ailows fix bmaa er focusedchernotfrsmpemic agent seamfzes.
`ashamuafimtfi) In hqrmme mfractorypmsmte mm: (3396):
`Lnlfil results of GALGB MGM. P:-ac Am Soc Cfin OM63 (2£X£3)
`Giinicai 11134 details: fez finely GALGB anaoi: Greenebaum Cancer
`Gamer, Baxtimcsre. M9. usa (21:05),
`Qahut Um (Bailey J§.,‘~Adan PM, Liu Y", Fedmim KM, Steinberg SM,
`Wright! J.§,.£_-"‘ammH, chem CC. Jones E, Writer CE stat: Raxsuomfzad
`phase It klai at dotmaxe! mus thalidpmida in andtagaw
`ladependam prostate esotcsng. wt Once! (2054) 2211 3):2532~2539A
`Neficm .33,» Hadicéarl SP, Game 0.3, Raddi AH. Ftantasinsi S.
`MA,» simans M m af'm5$att:a§tn3~$ in the
`pafizcphyxtotogy of mafimixfic aeimnctaminurna of the prnstnta. Nat
`M9d{’é995) 1(a;;w~aa9.
`1;, Janus "I3, Lo3‘&hy~°1‘W. Humerinmmse
`zonnenbesg 8, .
`RA, isaacsm JD, Carr RA. vnast E: imam idwwwwm stuzwof
`the Misty and . pharmncokmafiu al
`An mdottxaiial‘
`antagnrfisfi fnr‘jr.af_rwmy prostaise cancer. Cain
`(2003) 9(a};:29s5-2a72.
`.3. Vogemms NJ‘ Zomenberg» BR,
`Garducd MA. Padley HJ. Breul
`£3aiiani?'i}l:g--8ct1uIman~CC, flflbifisi AA. Humericskhtyuse
`rm $cismiuJ,L, Nam J13: Effect of sntiotheflrm
`with acriasentm on tuamr
`In men with humane»
`refracmry'prootmsv camer: A ramiomlzed. piano 3!,
`eonttalled trial. J Gift? 01190? (2003) §1{4):3?‘9-8,89‘
`swmbarg CN:v8auapmi‘n inwwwwfi¢
`pramwu camzaer. BJU int-(20033) 9${7):9S0‘-994.
`ON, Wnelan Ff, Haihaxingtm J, Paludtowska 8', Sim PH‘
`Vakemans K, Van Ems F’. Thendam G. i<anai:£'n§.€>, Oliver T, Labunoirxl
`D, Bebuis Mgzmo A, Collette Lzvfor the 6ani!mtinaryfTrac2‘ Gmupnf
`the EORTC: Phase 3!! trial of aatmpiatin, an ova! -yéviatimms was
`pradnisona vs; grodniapnb zit;-me
`proatam szanoar. oncdopy {2oo5).a2(;}:2»9.
`Gaiskymb, srrsan 5.1, on M. Céhen 1.-Siraiih DC,t‘:omas An. assume
`=L, Curiey 1', aamcmz A, ‘sober at. Kelly WK:
`ran:£_c1fiEaed*;xh;s& it met sxjitm
`gsmwasso; whiter vs-about ammztsflafi
`{Z005} 28{’A"):’§4$3§~’¢646.
`3m:h>PA,, Gmglxanfiatx, GastinawIJA_.Jems¥.h, i<_z¢zAr”J$.v~Ky§st1’iz.}\A?,
`RL; ivatorze Fm
`6 E.v..ig.
`"I Ii...“ ..
`Ix . “m..I V.
`«iambic wnlxwton at
`German 1% {mass it triai. Prosiata €200-$3 8&{3):2§?¢2fln$.

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