Scott R. Serels, M.D.
`Patent Owner
`Case IPR2016 -00286
`Patent No. 8,822,438 B2
`Videotaped deposition of SCOTT R. SERELS,
`M.D. taken at the offices of Hilton Garden Inn, 560
`Main Avenue, Norwalk, Connecticut, before Clifford
`Edwards, LSR, Connecticut License No. SHR.407, a
`Professional. Shorthand Reporter and Notary Public,
`in and for the State of Connecticut on January 21,
`2017, at 9:02 a.m.
`877.370.3377 ph 1 917.591.5672 fax
`Golkow Technologies,__ -Inc.
`Page 1 (1)
`Wockhardt v. Janssen IPR2016-01582


`Scott R. Serels, M.D.
`Page 2
`Page 4
`will now swear in the witness and we may
`5 residing at 12 Elmcrest Terrace, Norwalk,
`6 Connecticut 06850, having first been duly sworn,
`7 deposed and testified as follows:
`Q Good morning.
`A Good morning.
`Sir, let me put before you a document
`15 that bears exhibit Amerigen 1095.
`And let me ask you whether you recognize
`17 that as your reply declaration in the present IPR
`18 proceeding?
`I do.
`Q Now, is that your signature on the first
`21 page?
`It is.
`Q When did you actually sign it?
`A The date says January 16.
`Page 5
`5 12 Roszel Road, Suite C104
`Princeton, NJ 08540
`6 609.731.3668
`10 1501 K STREET, NW
`Washington, DC 20005
`11 202.736.8060
`Page 3
`THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Good morning. We
`2 are now on the record. My name is Kevin
`3 Marth. I'm the legal videographer today
`4 representing Golkow Technologies.
`Today's date is January 21, 2017 and
`the time is approximately 9:01 a.m. The
`7 video deposition today is being held in
`8 Norwalk, Connecticut in the matter of
`9 Amerigen Pharmaceuticals Limited,
`10 Argentum Pharmaceuticals LLC vs Janssen
`11 Oncology, Inc. for the United States
`12 Patent and Trademark Office before the
`13 patent trial and appeal board. Our
`14 deponent today is Dr. Scott Serels.
`At this time, would counsel please
`16 identify themselves for the record.
`MR. ZEGGER: Paul Zegger with Sidley
`18 Austin for the patent owner Janssen
`19 Oncology, Inc.
`MR. CASIERI: Chris Casieri of
`21 McNeely, Hare & War representing the
`22 petitioner.
`24 reporter today is Mr. Cliff Edwards who
`Is that when you signed?
`I believe that was when I signed.
`Q That was this past Monday?
`A Correct.
`Q You signed a previous declaration in this
`6 IPR back in December of 2015; do you recall that?
`I -- I do recall signing something
`8 previously.
`Q And do you recall having your deposition
`10 taken back in August of last year?
`A Yes.
`Q Could you turn to paragraph four of your
`13 declaration, the reply declaration?
`A Yes.
`Q Are you there?
`I am.
`Q And does that list the materials that you
`18 were asked to review for your reply declaration?
`A Yes.
`Q Okay. In particular, it's the expert
`21 reports of Dr. Chodak, Dr. Auchus and Dr. Velltura?
`A Correct.
`Q And also the Amerigen expert declarations
`24 Dr. Doran and Dr. Rutain (phonetic)?
`Golkow Technologies, Inc.
`Page 2 (2 - 5)


`Scott R. Serels, M.D.
`Page 6
`A Correct.
`Q Did you look at any other expert
`3 declarations?
`A Not that I recall.
`Q Okay. Do you recall being provided the
`patent owner's response brief?
`A Not in specifics, but yes.
`Q Well, is that something you reviewed?
`I did, yes.
`Q You didn't review -- is there any reason
`why that's not listed in your list of materials
`considered in paragraph four?
`I think this is something that perhaps
`was reviewed before this document was completed, so
`it wasn't included.
`I'm sorry, do you know when the patent
`owner's response was dated?
`I don't. I don't recall.
`Q Okay. That was a brief back in October
`of 2016? I'm just trying to find out whether you
`recall being provided with that document?
`I believe I was, but I don't recall the
`document specifically.
`Q Okay. Were you provided a -- an expert
`Page 8
`Doctor, could I can you to scooch
`your microphone up --
`THE WITNESS: Oh, absolutely.
`THE VIDEOGRAPHER: -- just a little
`THE WITNESS: Absolutely.
`THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Thank you, sir.
`In any event, you weren't, for purposes
`12 of your reply declaration, asked to respond to
`13 Dr. Rettig?
`A Correct.
`Q Now, in paragraph six of your reply
`16 declaration, you discuss a definition of a person of
`17 ordinary skill in the art or a PHOSITA, for short?
`A Correct.
`Q And do you agree that a PHOSITA is a
`20 urologist or oncologist with access to
`21 endocrinologist to the extent needed?
`I agree.
`Q And do you agree that a urologist is
`24 generally not an expert in endocrinology?
`Page 7
`Page 9
`1 declaration of a Dr. Rettig?
`A Dr. Rettig? Yes, I do believe I saw a
`3 document from Dr. Rettig.
`Q Okay. Is there any reason why that
`s wasn't listed in your list of materials considered
`in paragraph four of your reply declaration?
`I thought these were most specific to the
`s declaration.
`Q Okay. Do you know who Dr. Rettig is?
`I believe he's a physician, urologist.
`11 But, again, I don't recall the specifics of his
`12 report.
`Q Okay. Were you asked to review it
`14 specifically?
`I've seen -- you know, I've a lot of
`16 different papers and different, you know, reports
`17 pertaining to this case. So I recognize the name,
`16 but I don't recognize the -- or remember the -- or
`19 recall the specifics of what he was describing.
`Q Did you know that he's a medical
`21 oncologist?
`I knew he was a physician. I wasn't sure
`23 exactly what his title was.
`Q Okay..
`A Correct.
`MR. CASIERI: Object to form.
`Q And do you agree that an oncologist is
`5 generally not an expert in endocrinology?
`MR. CASIERI: Object to form.
`A Correct.
`Q Are you an expert in oncology -- in
`10 endocrinology?
`A No.
`Q Prior to your work in connection with
`13 this case, had you ever heard of a condition called
`14 CYP17 deficiency?
`A Yes.
`Q And that was prior to your work in
`17 connection with this case?
`A Correct.
`Q But in terms of your own work, if you
`20 have the need of expertise in endocrinology, you
`21 would consult a physician that has some expertise in
`22 that area; correct?
`Q Now, at the time of your initial
`Golkow Technologies, Inc.
`Page 3 (6 - 9)


`Page 12
`it says on the front page.
`Q Okay. Does that refresh any recollection
`that you have as to when you were first provided the
`4 Vidal paper?
`A You know, I've seen so many papers, I
`6 don't recall exactly when. But if that's when he
`7 downloaded it, I -- I really just don't know. I
`8 mean whether his downloading pertains to when I saw
`9 the paper, I just don't know.
`Q Okay; No, I'm just trying to find out
`11 how many hours or days before you signed your reply
`12 declaration on January 16th, you had the Vidal
`13 paper?
`Scott R. Serels, M.D.
`Page 10
`1 declaration, you did not fully consider the various
`2 mechanisms by which ketoconazole was known to
`inhibit adrenal steroid synthesis beyond inhibiting
`4 CYP17 enzyme synthesis; correct?
`MR. CASIERI: Object to form.
`A Correct.
`Q Okay. And particularly, you were
`9 focusing on one particular mechanism of action; is
`10 that right?
`A As it pertained to abiraterone, which was
`12 the compound that we were most interested in.
`Q You agree that ketoconazole has
`14 mechanisms of action other than inhibiting CYP17
`15 enzyme synthesis?
`I do agree.
`MR. CASIERI: Object to form.
`Q Now, in defending the approach that you
`20 took in this case, you cite to an article authored
`21 by a Vidal and a Dr. De bono; is that right?
`A Correct.
`Q Let me show you Amerigen Exhibit 1147.
`And is this the article that you relied
`I'm not sure.
`MR. CASIERI: Object to form.
`Q All right. You cite a portion of the
`la Vidal paper in your reply declaration, paragraph
`19 nine; is that right?
`I'm sorry, paragraph eight?
`A Correct.
`Q Now, is there any indication in the
`23 portion that you cite indicating that ketoconazole
`is a CYP17 inhibitor?
`Page 11
`Page 13
`A Sorry. Can you repeat the --
`Is there any portion of the Vidal paper
`4 that you cite that indicates that ketoconazole is a
`5 CYP17 inhibitor?
`A Yes. I couldn't exactly find it for you,
`7 but yes.
`I think that, you know, the purpose was
`9 that it was describing similarities between it and
`to the compound that we are most concerned with,
`11 abiraterone, in terms of its mechanism of action,
`12 inhibiting the adrenal gland.
`Q Okay. In -- well, let's take it step by
`14 step here.
`A Uh -huh.
`Q Could you look at paragraph eight of your
`17 reply declaration?
`Q Are you there?
`I am.
`Q Okay. And the portion that you cite from
`22 the Vidal paper states that both ketoconazole and
`23 abiraterone acetate as treating prostate cancer by
`24 inhibiting adrenal androgen synthesis. And then you
`1 upon?
`A Yes.
`Q When did you first see it?
`A This article? I couldn't specifically
`5 say.
`Q All right. Do you see at the bottom of
`7 the cover page there is a notation, "Download by
`8 Mr. William Hare." And there's a date, "January 12,
`9 2017."
`Do you see that?
`I don't.
`It's on the bottom of the first page?
`Q The very first page.
`I do.
`Q Do you have an understanding as to
`whether Mr. William Hare is Amerigen's counsel in
`the present IPR?
`I know -- I know Mr. Hare.
`A He is.
`Q Okay. And do you see that this indicates
`that this particular paper by Vidal was downloaded
`by Mr. Hare on January 12th --
`A Yes.
`-- 2017?
`A That's what it -- correct. That's what
`Golkow Technologies, Inc.
`Page 4 (10 - 13)


`Scott R. Serels, M.D.
`Page 14
`1 quote from Vidal "Through the inhibition of key
`2 enzymes in the adrenal steroid biosynthesis pathways
`3 with agents such as ketoconazole or the CYP17
`4 inhibitor, abiraterone acetate."
`Do you see that?
`I do.
`In the quoted portion that you take from
`8 Vidal, is there any indication that ketoconazole is
`9 a CYP17 inhibitor?
`A Yes. To my recollection, yes.
`Q Well, either the quoted material refers
`to ketoconazole as a --
`A Uh -huh'.
`-- CYP17 inhibitor or it doesn't.
`A Correct.
`Q Okay. Now, that's referring to
`abiraterone acetate as a CYP17 inhibitor; correct?
`A Correct.
`Q Okay. But it doesn't state that
`ketoconazole is a CYP17 inhibitor.
`MR. CASIERI: Object to form.
`A You are saying that quote doesn't? I
`Page 16
`something being a CYP17 inhibitor is referring to
`the abiraterone acetate not ketoconazole.
`MR. CASIERI: Object to form.
`I think it's subject to interpretation.
`Q Well, do you see any express statement in
`the Vidal paper referring to ketoconazole as a CYP17
`It's -- it's more a descriptive of
`adrenal inhibition. I'd have to reread the article
`to be certain if there's anything specifically
`saying, CYP17.
`Q Okay. Well, I don't want you to --
`A Yup.
`-- to guess. If you could take some time
`looking at the Vidal article --
`-- that you cite and if you could let us
`know whether you find any express statement in that
`article that ketoconazole is a CYP17 inhibitor?
`A Yeah. I think -- you know, I think what
`you quoted what I quoted on page eight of the
`article is the inference that ketoconazole inhibits
`Page 15
`1 mean, it's subject to interpretation.
`And, you know, ketoconazole affects the
`3 adrenal production, the adrenal glands production
`4 and CYP17 inhibitors is one of the functions of the
`5 adrenal gland.
`Q Well, my question doesn't go to whether
`8 ketoconazole --
`A Yup.
`-- is a CYP17 inhibitor.
`Q My question goes to whether Vidal --
`A Yes.
`-- that publication is referring to
`ketoconazole as a CYP17 inhibitor.
`Do you understand?
`I -- I do. It's a subtle difference.
`And I think, you know, that it seems to be fairly
`clear from the article that ketoconazole can inhibit
`the adrenal gland which would encompass the CYP17
`enzymes. So my inference would be that, yes, it
`22 does suggest that ketoconazole would inhibit the
`23 CYPI7.
`Q Okay. But the only specific reference to
`Page 17
`adrenal steroid biosynthesis. And it compares it to
`abiraterone in terms of being a CYP1 7 inhibitor.
`And I think that's where that quote comes from, the
`specific line within page eight which describes it
`as being this inhibitor of biosynthesis and it
`compares it to abiraterone.
`Q Okay. So is there any express statement
`in the Vidal paper that ketoconazole is a CYP17
`MR. CASIERI: Object to form.
`A Yeah. Other than the quote that states
`it comparing it to the other CYP 17 inhibitor, there
`isn't. But that's where the quote comes from, their
`direct description.
`Q Now, could you look at paragraph nine of
`your declaration?
`A Sure.
`Q And there you refer to a rebuttal opinion
`of Dr. Doran?
`A Uh -huh.
`That's Amerigen's expert?
`Uh -huh.
`Now, Dr. Doran's field is endocrinology.
`Golkow Technologies, Inc.
`Page 5 (14 - 17)


`Scott R. Serels, M.D.
`Page 18
`Is that right?
`A Uh -huh. That's correct.
`Q And I think you said you are not an
`A That's correct.
`Q And that's not your field?
`MR. CASIERI: Object to form.
`Q That's not your field?
`A Correct.
`So the views that you are expressing in
`paragraph nine of your rebuttal report are those of
`Dr. Doran's, not independent views that you came up
`Is that right?
`A Well, I think it's a combination. I
`think, you know, that paragraph specifically talks
`18 about abiraterone and the impact it would have on
`19 ACTH and adrenal function, which is something I do
`20 understand. I think his depth of knowledge, being
`21 an endocrinologist, is going to be -- he's going to
`22 have a greater breadth of knowledge in that
`23 particular area.
`So in that respect you would defer to
`Page 20
`1 conclusion that he stated in a paper that he had
`2 with Gerber?
`A Correct.
`Q And you quote from that. And you state
`that according to Dr. Chodak, the conclusion in that
`6 Gerber paper stated, "There appears to be a small
`7 subgroup of patients who will derive significant
`a benefit from the combination of ketoconazole and
`9 glucocorticoid replacement therapy."
`Is that right?
`A Correct.
`Q Now, you compare that conclusion with
`13 some of the statements that Dr. Chodak made
`14 subsequently?
`A Correct.
`Q And one of the comparisons that you did
`17 appears in paragraph 14 of your report where you
`1e compare Dr. Chodak's 1990 conclusion with that of in
`19 a 1992 response to a letter?
`MR. CASIERI: Object to form.
`A Correct.
`Q And you quote from the 1992 statement.
`Page 19
`Page 21
`Dr. Doran on issues of endocrinology?
`MR. CASIERI: Object to form.
`A Any -- yeah. Any detailed issues of
`endocrinology, absolutely.
`Q Now, could you turn to section four of
`your reply declaration?
`I'm getting there.
`Okay. I'm here.
`Q Okay. In that section, you talk about
`some of Dr. Chodak's papers.
`Is that right?
`A Section four is --
`Q I'm sorry. Section three.
`A Section three. Okay.
`Q I misspoke. Section three starting on
`page seven --
`A Yes.
`Q -- of your reply declaration?
`A Yes.
`Q And there you talk about some of
`Dr. Chodak's publications?
`A Correct. That would be --
`Q In paragraph 11, you remark about the
`I do.
`Q And the quote in the 1992 statement
`3 states, "The observations by others as
`4 well as our own findings suggest that more
`9 investigation with ketoconazole or its analog
`6 appears to be warranted since the drug does not --
`7 does appear to have some clinical benefit in these
`a patients, in addition to its effect on serum PSA."
`Is that what you are relying upon?
`MR. CASIER!: Object to form.
`A Yes.
`Q Now, in the 1992 response letter that you
`14 rely upon, Dr. Chodak states that there is "some
`15 clinical benefit to using ketoconazole."
`A Ketoconazole and prednisone, correct.
`Q Well, does he say anything about
`19 prednisone in the 1992 response letter?
`A Well, the article is based on using
`21 ketoconazole and prednisone.
`Q Okay.
`So if he's commenting in the article,
`it's the two in combination.
`Golkow Technologies, Inc.
`Page 6 (18 - 21)


`Scott R. Serels, M.D.
`Page 22
`Page 24
`A Well -- but I think the context of where
`2 it occurs makes some sense in this situation.
`Q No, I have to ask you -- I have to ask
`4 you to answer the questions that' I'm posing.
`MR. CASIERI: He is answering your
`MR. ZEGGER: I'm asking whether the
`language was the same or not.
`MR. CASIERI: What language?
`MR. ZEGGER: And that was all.
`MR. CASIERI: He's answering your
`MR. ZEGGER: The words,
`significant --
`Q Sir- -
`MR. CASIERI: If you don't like the
`answer, that doesn't mean you can
`interrupt him.
`Sir, the words "significant benefit" do
`22 not appear in his 1992 response letter.
`I think it's gets confusing because he
`Q Okay. But he didn't say anything
`2 specifically in 1992 about prednisone; right?
`MR. CASIERI: Object to form.
`A He's just commented on his original
`Q Okay. And on commenting on the original
`8 conclusions, he's saying in 1992 that there was some
`9 clinical benefit to using ketoconazole.
`MR. CASIERI: Object to form.
`A Yes.
`Q Okay. So he's backing away from the
`15 original language, where in 1990 he's said there was
`16 a significant benefit.
`MR. CASIERI: Object to form.
`I think he's really reinforcing what he
`20 found in 1990.
`Q Well, the language he's using in 1992 is
`23 not the same language that he used in his original
`24 1990 paper.
`Page 23
`MR. CASIERI: Object to form.
`A You know, I think very few people use the
`4 same language when they are asked the same question
`s at different times, but what he he's saying is the
`6 same.
`Q All right.
`A He's supporting his conclusions. The
`to original article, if I may digress, was by Chodak
`11 and Gerber in 1990. And in that article, he did a
`12 study comparing or looking at patients treated with
`13 prednisone and ketoconazole in the treatment of
`14 prostate cancer. And his conclusions were that the
`15 two, in combination, were beneficial to patients
`16 being treated for prostate cancer.
`There was, in 1992 --
`Q Well, sir, I'm just asking you to
`i9 compare- -
`I understand.
`A No.
`-- the language --
`I understand.
`-- significant benefit to some benefit in
`the two --
`Page 25
`1 writes an article, and then someone makes a letter
`to the editor inquiring about the article where the
`3 author is allowed to describe his findings, and he
`4 can either support them or discount them.
`In this case, his statements although
`they are not identical, are supportive of his
`7 original conclusion.
`Q Okay. The words "significant benefit" do
`9 not appear in his 1992 letter.
`MR. CASIERI: Object to form.
`I think it's ir- -- I mean, personally I
`13 think -- all I can say for you as a physician who
`14 reads the literature, that when I read his rebuttal
`to the letter to the editor, he seems to imply that
`16 he strongly supports what he's done in his original
`17 research.
`Q Okay. And he's reiterating in 1992 that
`20 there still needs to be more investigation.
`A Correct.
`Q Okay. In fact, in 2004 he continues to
`24 say there needs to be more investigation.
`Golkow Technologies, Inc.
`Page 7 (22 - 25)


`Page 28
`Scott R. Serels, M.D.
`Page 26
`(Reporter's Note: No exhibits marked.)
`MR. CASIERI: Object to form.
`A Yes.
`So 14 years after Chodak's original 1990
`article, he's still saying to the scientific
`community, We need more investigations.
`MR. CASIERI: Object to form.
`A Yeah. I think in general, when you look
`11 at prostate cancer, we need more investigations for
`12 most things that we do. And yes, this is certainly
`13 one of those things that we do that needs to, as
`14 everything else, until we have a perfect solution to
`15 prostate cancer, we should investigate everything as 15
`16 thoroughly as we can.
`Q Okay. And in the 2004 article of Chodak,
`19 he doesn't say that there's a significant benefit to
`20 ketoconazole.
`MR. CASIERI: Object to form.
`A He doesn't use those exact terms.
`MR. ZEGGER: Okay. No further
`Page 27
`MR. CASIERI: That's it?
`MR. ZEGGER: Yeah.
`MR. CASIERI: No questions.
`MR. ZEGGER: Okay.
`THE VIDEOGRAPHER: This concludes
`the deposition. We are going off the
`record at 9:25 a.m.
`(Thereupon, the deposition was
`concluded at 9:26 a.m.)
`Page 29
`I hereby certify. that I am a Notary Public,
`in and for the State of Connecticut, duly
`4 commissioned and qualified to administer oaths.
`I further certify that the deponent named in
`6 the foregoing deposition was by me duly sworn, and
`7 thereupon testified as appears in the foregoing
`8 deposition; that said deposition was taken by me
`9 stenographically in the presence of counsel and
`10 reduced to typewriting under my direction, and the
`11 foregoing is a true and accurate transcript of the
`12 testimony.
`I further certify that I am neither of
`14 counsel nor attorney to either of the parties to
`15 said suit, nor am I an employee of either party to
`16 said suit, nor of either counsel in said suit, nor
`17 am I interested in the outcome of said cause.
`Witness my hand and seal as Notary Public
`day of
`19 this
`Clifford Edwards
`Notary Public
`24 My commission expires: 9/30/2021
`Golkow Technologies, Inc.
`Page 8 (26 - 29)


`Scott R. Serels, M.D.
`Page 30
`Page 31
`, do
`5 hereby certify that I have read the
`foregoing pages, and that the same is
`7 a correct transcription of the answers
`8 given by me to the questions therein
`9 propounded, except for the corrections or
`10 changes in form or substance, if any,
`11 noted in the attached Errata Sheet.
`18 Subscribed and sworn
`to before me this
`day of
`20 My commission expires:
`22 Notary Public
`, 20
`Golkow Technologies, Inc.
`Page 9 (30 - 31)

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