(12) United States Patent
`Purdy et al.
`(10) Patent No.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 8,323,060 B2
`Dec. 4, 2012
`Inventors: Eric Purdy, Constantia, NY(US); Noah
`Montena, Syracuse, NY (US); Jeremy
`Amidon, Marcellus, NY (US)
`(73) Assignee: John Mezzalingua Associates, Inc., E.
`SYra°“Se= NY (US)
`( * ) Notice:
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term ofthis
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
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`Jun. 14’ 2012
`Prior Publication Data
`US 2012/0270428 A1
`Oct. 25, 2012
`. 11/1994
`2096710 A1
`Digicon AVL Connector. ARRIS Group Inc.
`[online]. 3 pages.
`Related U_s_ Application Data
`(63) Continuation of application No 12/633 792 filed on
`Dec. 8, 2009, now Pat. No. 8,287,320.
`[retrieved on Apr. 22, 2010]. Retrieved from the Internet< URL:
`(60) Provisional application No. 61/180,835, filed on May
`22’ 2009'
`Primary Examiner _ Tuisidas C Patel
`Assistant Examiner — Travis Chambers
`Int Ci
`H01R 11/03
`(52) U.S. Cl.
`...................................... .. 439/792; 439/583
`(58) Field of Classification Search ................ .. 439/792,
`See application file for Complete Search history.
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`(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Schmeiser, Olsen & Watts,
`coaxial cable connector comprising a connector body, a
`post engageable with the connectorbody; anut, rotatable.with
`respect to the post and the connector body, the nut having a
`first end and an opposing second end, wherein the nut
`includes an internal lip; and a continuity member disposed
`within a second end portion ofthe nut and contacting the post
`and the nut, so that the continuity member extends electrical
`grounding continuity through the post and the nut is provided.
`25 Claims, 53 Drawing Sheets
`PPC Exhibit 2028
`Coming v. PPC

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`US 8,323,060 B2
`This continuation application claims the priority benefit of
`U.S. Non-Provisional patent application Ser. No. 12/633,792
`filed on Dec. 8, 2009, and entitled COAXIAL CABLE CON-
`BER, which claims the priority benefit of U.S. Provisional
`Patent Application No. 61/180,835 filed on May 22, 2009,
`The present invention relates to connectors used in coaxial
`cable communication applications, and more specifically to
`coaxial connectors having electrical continuity members that
`extend continuity of an electromagnetic interference shield
`from the cable and through the connector.
`Broadband communications have become an increasingly
`prevalent form of electromagnetic information exchange and
`coaxial cables are common conduits for transmission of
`broadband communications. Coaxial cables are typically
`designed so that an electromagnetic field carrying communi-
`cations signals exists only i11 the space between inner and
`outer coaxial conductors of the cables. This allows coaxial
`cable runs to be installed next to metal objects without the
`power losses that occur in other transmission lines, and pro-
`vides protection ofthe communications signals from external
`electromagnetic interference. Connectors for coaxial cables
`are typically connected onto complementary interface ports
`to electrically integrate coaxial cables to various electronic
`devices and cable communication equipment. Connection is
`often made through rotatable operation of an internally
`threaded nut of the connector about a corresponding exter-
`nally threaded interface port. Fully tightening the threaded
`connection ofthe coaxial cable connector to the interface port
`helps to ensure a ground connection between the connector
`and the corresponding interface port. However, often connec-
`tors are not properly tightened or otherwise installed to the
`interface port and proper electrical mating of the connector
`with the interface port does not occur. Moreover, typical
`component elements and structures of common connectors
`may permit loss of ground and discontinuity of the electro-
`magnetic shielding that is intended to be extended from the
`through the connector, and to the corresponding
`coaxial cable interface port. Hence a need exists for an
`improved connector having structural component elements
`included for ensuring ground continuity between the coaxial
`cable, the connector and its various applicable structures, and
`the coaxial cable connector interface port.
`The invention is directed toward a first aspect of providing
`a coaxial cable connector comprising; a connector body; a
`post engageable with the cormector body, wherein the post
`includes a flange; a nut, axially rotatable with respect to the
`post and the connector body, the nut having a first end and an
`opposing second end, wherein the nut includes an internal lip,
`and wherein a second end portion of the nut corresponds to
`the portion ofthe nut extending from the second end ofthe nut
`to the side of the lip of the nut facing the first end of the nut at
`a point nearest the second end of the nut, and a first end
`portion ofthe nut corresponds to the portion ofthe nut extend-
`ing from the first end of the nut to the same point nearest the
`second end ofthe nut ofthe same side ofthe lip facing the first
`end of the nut; and a continuity member disposed within the
`second end portion of the nut and contacting the post and the
`nut, so that the continuity member extends electrical ground-
`ing continuity through the post and the nut.
`A second aspect ofthe present invention provides a coaxial
`cable connector comprising a connector body; a post engage-
`able with the connector body, wherein the post includes a
`flange; a nut, axially rotatable with respect to the post and the
`connector body, the nut having a first end and an opposing
`second end, wherein the nut includes an internal lip, and
`wherein a second end portion of the nut starts at a side of the
`lip of the nut facing the first end of the nut and extends
`rearward to the second end of the nut; and a continuity mem-
`ber disposed only rearward the start ofthe second end portion
`of the nut and contacting the post and the nut, so that the
`continuity member extends electrical grounding continuity
`through the post and the nut
`A third aspect of the present invention provides a coaxial
`cable connector comprising a connector body; a post oper-
`ably attached to the connector body, the post having a flange;
`a nut axially rotatable with respect to the post and the con-
`nector body, the nut including an inward lip; and an electrical
`continuity member disposed axially rearward of a surface of
`the internal lip of the nut that faces the flange.
`A fourth aspect ofthe present invention provides a method
`of obtaining electrical continuity for a coaxial cable connec-
`tion, the method comprising: providing a coaxial cable con-
`nector including: a connector body; a post operably attached
`to the connector body, the post having a flange; a nut axially
`rotatable with respect to the post and the connector body, the
`nut including an inward lip; and an electrical continuity mem-
`ber disposed axially rearward of a surface ofthe internal lip of
`the nut that faces the flange; securely attaching a coaxial cable
`to the connector so that the grounding sheath of the cable
`electrically contacts the post; extending electrical continuity
`from the post through the continuity member to the nut; and
`fastening the nut to a conductive interface port to complete the
`ground path and obtain electrical continuity in the cable con-
`The foregoing and other features of construction and
`operation of the invention will be more readily understood
`and fully appreciated from the following detailed disclosure,
`taken in conjunction with accompanying drawings.
`FIG. 1 depicts an explodedperspective cut-away view ofan
`embodiment of the elements of an embodiment of a coaxial
`cable connector having an embodiment of an electrical con-
`tinuity member, in accordance with the present invention;
`FIG. 2 depicts a perspective view of an embodiment of the
`electrical continuity member depicted in FIG. 1, in accor-
`dance with the present invention;
`FIG. 3 depicts a perspective view of a variation of t

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