(12) Umted States Patent
`Bence et al.
`(10) Patent No.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 7,479,035 B2
`Jan. 20, 2009
`Inventors: Bruce D. Bence, Glendale, AZ (US);
`Donald A. Burris, Peoria, AZ (US);
`Brian L. Kisling, Phoenix,
`John A_ Kooiman, Peoria, AZ (US);
`William B. Lutz, Glendale, AZ (US);
`William F. McDade, Glendale, AZ (US);
`Thomas D. Miller, Peoria, AZ (US);
`Lee Yung Chuan, Sanchong (TW)
`(73) Assignee: Corning Gilbert Inc., Glendale, AZ
`( * ) Notice:
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154(b) by 32 days.
`(21) Appl.No.: 11/541,903
`Oct. 2, 2006
`(Under 37 CFR 1.47)
`Prior Publication Data
`US 2007/0026734 A1
`Feb. 1, 2007
`Related U.S. Application Data
`(63) Continuation of application No. 11/043,844, filed on
`Jan. 25, 2005, now Pat. No. 7,114,990.
`Int. Cl.
`H01R 9/05
`(52) U.S. Cl.
`.................................................... .. 439/583
`(58) Field of Classification Search ............... .. 439/578,
`439/583, 584, 320, 322, 314
`See application file for complete search history.
`References Cited
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`5/1972 Cripps .................... .. 339/90C
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`Primary Examiner—T C Patel
`Assistant Examiner—Vladimir Imas
`(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Joseph M. Homa; Matthew J.
`A coaxial cable connector includes tubular post, a coupler
`secured over an end of the tubular post for securing the con-
`nector to an appliance, and an outer body secured to the
`tubular post. An electrical grounding path is maintained
`between the coupler and the tubular post whether or not the
`coupler is tightly fastened to the appliance. The electrical
`grounding path is provided by a resilient, electrically-conduc-
`tive grounding member disposed between the tubular post
`and the coupler. Alternatively, the connector includes conduc-
`tive grease at a point where mating portions ofthe tubular post
`and coupler have closely matching dimensions.
`17 Claims, 8 Drawing Sheets
`PPC Exhibit 2012
`Coming v. PPC

`US 7,479,035 B2
`* cited by examiner
`8/1978 Cooper ................. .. 339/143R
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`N 439/573

`U.S. Patent
`Jan. 20, 2009
`Sheet 1 of 8
`US 7,479,035 B2

`U S Patent
`Jan. 20, 2009
`Sheet 2 of 8
`US 7,479,035 B2
`%II.vinU.4IU-HIHUIIn¢nHHuInUIInIIHWI’.j \..."|lI\..II"II|||'lI|||||.|\'7T....\l“..kl\.II..E||||||Il||||.‘\T.

`U.S. Patent
`Jan. 20, 2009
`Sheet 3 of8
`US 7,479,035 B2
`...“I."‘7 'Vr>DD>>>

`U.S. Patent
`Jan. 20, 2009
`Sheet 4 of8
`US 7,479,035 B2
`FIG. 63
`604 603 105 602
`FIG. 6A
`FIG. 5C

`U.S. Patent
`Jan. 20, 2009
`Sheet 5 of8
`US 7,479,035 B2

`U.S. Patent
`Jan. 20, 2009
`Sheet 6 of8
`US 7,479,035 B2

`U.S. Patent
`Jan. 20, 2009
`Sheet 7 of8
`US 7,479,035 B2

`U.S. Patent
`Jan. 20, 2009
`Sheet 8 of8
`US 7,479,035 B2
`F/GT7 1D
`FIG. 11B
`FIG. 11C

`US 7,479,035 B2
`This application claims the benefit of U.S. patent applica-
`tion Ser. No. 11/043,844, filed Jan. 25, 2005, now U.S. Pat.
`No. 7,114,990 the benefit of priority is hereby claimed.
`1. Field of the Invention
`This invention relates generally to electrical connectors,
`and more particularly to coaxial cable connectors capable of
`being connected to a terminal.
`2. Description of the Related Art
`Coaxial cable connectors, such as type F connectors, are
`used to attach coaxial cable to another object or appliance,
`e.g., a television set or VCR having a terminal adapted to
`engage the connector. The terminal of the appliance includes
`an inner conductor and a surrounding outer conductor.
`Coaxial cable includes a center conductor for transmitting
`a signal. The center conductor is surrounded by a dielectric
`material, and the dielectric material is surrounded by an outer
`conductor; this outer conductor may be in the form of a
`conductive foil and/or braided sheath. The outer conductor is
`typically maintained at ground potential to shield the signal
`transmitted by the center conductor from stray noise, and to
`maintain a continuous desired impedance over the signal
`path. The outer conductor is usually surrounded by a plastic
`cable jacket that electrically insulates, and mechanically pro-
`tects, the outer conductor. Prior to installing a coaxial con-
`nector onto an end of the coaxial cable, the end of the coaxial
`cable is typically prepared by stripping off the end portion of
`the jacket to bare the end portion of the outer conductor.
`Similarly, it is common to strip off a portion of the dielectric
`to expose the end portion of the center conductor.
`Coaxial cable connectors of the type known in the trade as
`“F connectors” often include a tubular post designed to slide
`over the dielectric material, and under the outer conductor of
`the coaxial cable, at the prepared end of the coaxial cable. If
`the outer conductor of the cable includes a braided sheath,
`then the exposed braided sheath is usually folded back over
`the cable jacket. The cable jacket and folded-back outer con-
`ductor extend generally around the outside ofthe tubular post
`and are typically received in an outer body of the connector;
`this outer body of the connector is usually fixedly secured to
`the tubular post. A coupler is rotatably secured around the
`tubular post and includes an internally-threaded region for
`engaging external threads formed on the outer conductor of
`the appliance terminal.
`When connecting the end of a coaxial cable to a terminal of
`a television set, equipment box, or other appliance,
`it is
`important to achieve a reliable electrical connection between
`the outer conductor of the coaxial cable and the outer con-
`ductor ofthe appliance terminal. This goal is usually achieved
`by ensuring that the coupler ofthe connector is fully tightened
`over the connection port of the appliance. When fully tight-
`ened, the head of the tubular post of the connector directly
`engages the edge ofthe outer conductor ofthe appliance port,
`thereby making a direct electrical ground connection between
`the outer conductor of the appliance port and the tubular post;
`in turn, the tubular post is engaged with the outer conductor of
`the coaxial cable.
`However, in many cases, it is diflicult for an installer to
`reach the connection ports of the appliance with a wrench,
`and in some instances, it is even diflicult for the installer to
`reach such connection ports with his or her fingers. As a
`result, it can often happen that type F connectors are not fully
`tightened to the appliance port. In such a loose connection
`system, wherein the coupler of the coaxial connector is not
`drawn tightly to the appliance port connector, a gap exists
`between the outer conductor of the appliance port and the
`tubular post of the connector. Unless an alternate ground path
`exists, poor signal quality, and RFI leakage, will result.
`As mentioned above, the coupler is rotatably secured about
`the head of the tubular post. The head of the tubular post
`usually includes an enlarged shoulder, and the coupler typi-
`cally includes an inwardly-directed flange for extending over
`and around the shoulder of the tubular post. In order not to
`interfere with free rotation of the coupler, manufacturers of
`such F-style connectors routinely make the outer diameter of
`the shoulder (at the head ofthe tubular post) of smaller dimen-
`sion than the inner diameter ofthe central bore ofthe coupler.
`Likewise, manufacturers routinely make the inner diameter
`ofthe inwardly-directed flange ofthe coupler oflarger dimen-
`sion than the outer diameter ofthe non- shoulder portion ofthe
`tubular post, again to avoid interference with rotation of the
`coupler relative to the tubular post. In a loose connection
`system, wherein the coupler of the coaxial connector is not
`drawn tightly to the appliance port connector, an alternate
`ground path may fortuitously result from contact between the
`coupler and the tubular post, particularly if the coupler is not
`centered over, and axially aligned with, the tubular post.
`However, this alternate ground path is not stable, and can be
`disrupted as a result ofvibrations, movement ofthe appliance,
`movement of the cable, or the like.
`Alternatively, there are some cases in which such an alter-
`nate ground path is provided by fortuitous contact between
`the coupler and the outer body of the coaxial connector,
`provided that the outer body is formed from conductive mate-
`rial. This alternate ground path is similarly unstable, and may
`be interrupted by relative movement between the appliance
`and the cable, or by vibrations. Moreover, this alternate
`ground path does not exist at all if the outer body of the
`coaxial connector is constructed of non-conductive material.
`Such unstable ground paths can give rise to intermittent fail-
`ures that are costly and time-consuming to diagnose.
`It is therefore an object of the present invention to provide
`a coaxial cable connector for connecting a coaxial cable to a
`connection port of an appliance, the coaxial cable connector
`being of the type that includes a tubular post and a coupler,
`such as a rotatable coupler, which ensures a reliable ground
`connection between the tubular post of the connector and an
`outer conductor of the appliance port, even if the coupler is
`not fully tightened onto the appliance port.
`It is another object of the present invention to provide such
`a coaxial cable connector which maintains a reliable ground
`path between the coupler and the tubular post, at least follow-
`ing installation of such connector onto the end of a coaxial
`It is still another object of the present invention to provide
`such a coaxial connector that can be manufactured economi-
`invention will
`These and other objects of the present
`become more apparent to those skilled in the art as the
`description thereof proceeds.
`Briefly described, the present invention relates to a coaxial
`cable connector comprising a tubular post, a coupler and a
`grounding means for providing an electrically conductive

`US 7,479,035 B2
`path between the post and the coupler. In accordance with a
`preferred embodiment thereof, the present invention relates
`to a coaxial cable connector for coupling a prepared end of a
`coaxial cable to a threaded female equipment port, and
`including a tubular post having a first end adapted to be
`inserted into the prepared end ofthe coaxial cable between the
`dielectric material and the outer conductor thereof. A coupler
`is rotatably secured over the second end of the tubular post,
`and includes a central bore, at least a portion of which is
`threaded for engaging the female equipment port. An outer
`body is secured to the tubular post and extends about the first
`end of the tubular post for receiving the outer conductor, and
`preferably the cable jacket, of the coaxial cable.
`In a preferred embodiment ofthe present invention, a resil-
`ient, electrically-conductive grounding member is disposed
`between the tubular post and the coupler. This grounding
`member engages both the tubular post and the coupler for
`providing an electrically-conductive path therebetween, but
`without restricting rotation of the coupler relative to the tubu-
`lar post.
`For some preferred embodiments, the grounding member
`is generally arcuately shaped to extend around the tubular
`post over an arc of at least 225°, and may extend for a full
`360°. This arcuately shaped grounding member may be in the
`form of a generally circular broken ring, or C-shaped mem-
`ber, as by bending a strip ofmetal wire into an arc. Preferably,
`the grounding member has a shape that is out-of-round, and
`more preferably oblong, rather than circular,
`in order to
`ensure reliable electrical contact with both the coupler and the
`tubular post. In order to retain the grounding member inside
`the coupler, the inner bore of the coupler may include an
`annular recess proximate to the end of the coupler that
`encircles the tubular post; at least portions of the grounding
`member are engaged with the annular recess to prevent the
`grounding member from being axially displaced within the
`As mentioned above, the tubular post may include an
`enlarged shoulder at the head thereof. In one preferred
`embodiment of the present invention, the grounding member
`surrounds the enlarged shoulder of the tubular post, at least
`when the coaxial cable connector is assembled onto the pre-
`pared end of a coaxial cable, whereby at least portions of the
`grounding member engage the outer surface of such enlarged
`In one embodiment of the present invention, the grounding
`member is generally circular and includes a plurality of pro-
`jections extending outwardly therefrom for engaging the cou-
`pler. In another embodiment of the present invention, the
`grounding member is generally circular and includes a plu-
`rality ofproj ections extending inwardly therefrom for engag-
`ing the tubular post.
`In yet another embodiment of the present invention, the
`tubular post includes an enlarged shoulder extending inside
`the coupler, and including a first radial face that faces the
`opposite end ofthe tubular post. The coupler includes a flange
`directed inwardly toward the tubular post;
`this inwardly
`directed flange including a second radial face that faces
`toward the connection port of the appliance to which the
`coaxial cable is to be connected. The grounding member is
`disposed between the first radial face and the second radial
`face. In this embodiment, the grounding member is resilient
`relative to the longitudinal axis of the connector, and is com-
`pressedbetween the first radial face and the second radial face
`to maintain sliding electrical contact between the shoulder of
`the tubular post (via its first radial face) and the flange of the
`coupler (via its second radial face).
`The coaxial connector of the present invention may also
`include a sealing ring seated within the coupler for rotatably
`engaging the body member to form a seal therebetween.
`In an alternate embodiment of the present invention, con-
`ductive grease is substituted for a discrete grounding member.
`In this embodiment, an outer dimension of a portion of the
`tubular post is caused to be commensurate with an inner
`dimension ofan adjacent portion ofthe coupler. While the gap
`between such adjacent portions, coupled with the lubrication
`provided by the conductive grease, is sufficient to permit
`rotation of the coupler relative to the tubular post, the con-
`ductive grease nonetheless functions to maintain reliable
`electrical coupling across such gap.
`The present invention will be described with greater speci-
`ficity and clarity with reference to the following drawings, in
`FIG. 1 is a perspective view of an F connector in accor-
`dance with the preferred embodiment of the invention,
`including a body and a coupling nut;
`FIG. 2 is an exploded view of the F connector of FIG. 1,
`including a preferred embodiment of a grounding member;
`FIG. 2A is an enlarged plan view of the preferred embodi-
`ment of the grounding member of FIG. 2;
`FIG. 3 is a cross-sectional view of the F connector of FIG.
`1 through cut-line 3-3, and a side view of a prepared coaxial
`cable ready to be inserted into a back end of the F connector;
`FIG. 3A is a cross-sectional view of the body of the F
`connector of FIG. 1 through cut-line 3-3;
`FIG. 3B is a cross-sectional view ofa tubular post ofthe F
`connector of FIG. 1, through cut-line 3-3;
`FIG. 3C is a cross-sectional view of the coupling nut ofthe
`F connector of FIG. 1 through cut-line 3-3;
`FIG. 4 is a cross-sectional view of the F connector of FIG.
`1 through cut-line 3-3, and cross-sectional view of the pre-
`pared coaxial cable fully inserted into the back end thereof,
`prior to axial compression of the F connector;
`FIG. 4A is an enlargement of a portion of FIG. 4;
`FIG. 5 is a cross-sectional view of the F connector of FIG.
`1 through cut-line 3-3, and a cross-sectional view of the
`prepared coaxial cable fully inserted into the back end
`thereof, subsequent to axial compression of the F connector;
`FIG. 5A is an enlargement of a portion of FIG. 5;
`FIG. 6 is a partial cross-sectional view of a first alternate
`embodiment ofan F connector having a first alternate ground-
`ing member;
`FIG. 6A is an enlargement of a portion of FIG. 6;
`FIG. 6B is a slightly enlarged side view ofthe first alternate
`grounding member of FIG.6;
`FIG. 6C is a slightly enlargedplan view ofthe first alternate
`grounding member of FIG. 6;
`FIG. 7 is a partial cross-sectional view of a second alternate
`embodiment of an F connector having a second alternate
`grounding member;
`FIG. 7A is an enlargement of a portion of FIG. 7;
`FIG. 7B is a slightly enlarged side view of the second
`alternate grounding member of FIG. 7;
`FIG. 7C is a slightly enlarged plan view of the second
`alternate grounding member of FIG. 7;
`FIG. 8 is a partial cross-sectional view of a third alternate
`embodiment of an F connector having a third alternate
`grounding member;
`FIG. 8A is a slightly enlarged side view of the third alter-
`nate grounding member of FIG. 8;

`US 7,479,035 B2
`FIGS. 8B-8E are slightly enlarged plan Views offour styles
`of the third alternate grounding member of FIG. 8;
`FIG. 9 is a partial cross-sectional View of a fourth alternate
`embodiment of an F connector having one of a fourth alter-
`nate grounding member and a fifth alternate grounding mem-
`FIG. 9A is a slightly enlarged side View of the fourth
`alternate grounding member of FIG. 9;
`FIG. 9B is a slightly enlarged plan View of the fourth
`alternate grounding member of FIG. 9;
`FIG. 9C is a slightly enlarged side View ofthe fifth alternate
`grounding member of FIG. 9;
`FIG. 9D is a slightly enlarged plan View of the fifth alter-
`nate grounding member of FIG. 9;
`FIG. 10 is a partial cross-sectional View of a fifth alternate
`embodiment of an F connector haVing conductiVe grease that
`acts as a grounding member;
`FIG. 11 is a partial cross-sectional View of a front end of a
`sixth alternate embodiment of an F connector haVing a sixth
`alternate grounding member;
`FIG. 11 A is an enlargement of a portion of FIG. 11;
`FIG. 11 B is a side View of the sixth alternate grounding
`member of FIG. 11;
`FIG. 11C is a plan View of the sixth alternate grounding
`member of FIG. 11; and
`FIG. 11D is a perspectiVe View of the sixth alternate
`grounding member of FIG. 11.
`For simplicity and clarity of illustration, the drawing fig-
`ures illustrate the general manner of construction, and
`descriptions and details of well-known features and tech-
`niques are omitted to aVoid unnecessarily obscuring the
`inVention. Furthermore, elements in the drawing figures are
`not necessarily drawn to scale.
`FIG. 1 is a perspectiVe View of an F connector 100 in
`accordance with the preferred embodiment of the inVention.
`The F connector 100 (hereinafter, “connector”) has a longi-
`tudinal axis 101. The connector has a front end 102 and a back
`end 103.
`FIG. 2 is an exploded View of the connector 100. The
`connector 100 includes tubular post 104, a coupling nut 105
`rotatably secured oVer an end 106 of the tubular post for
`securing the connector to an appliance (not shown), and a
`body 108 secured to the tubular post. A shell 107 and a label
`109 are secured to the body 108. Preferably, the body 108 is
`made entirely of acetal plastic. AltematiVely, the body 108 is
`made ofbrass, plated with nickel. The shell 107 adds strength
`to the plastic body 108 and protects the plastic body from
`ultraViolet light. The tubular post 104 is preferably metallic,
`and more preferably, made of brass, with a tin plating; as tin
`is more conductiVe than nickel. The coupling nut 105 is
`preferably metallic, and more preferably, formed from brass,
`plated with nickel or with another non-corrosiVe material.
`In the embodiment shown in the drawings, the coupling nut
`105 is rotatably secured oVer an end 106 of the tubular post
`104 Via a neck 111 of the body 108. AdVantageously, an
`electrical grounding path is constantly maintained between
`the coupling nut 105 and the tubular post 104, including, in
`particular, when the coupling nut 105 of the connector 100 is
`not tightly fastened to the appliance. The electrical grounding
`path is proVided by a resilient, electrically-conductiVe
`grounding member 110 disposed between the tubular post
`104 and the coupling nut 105.
`FIG. 2A is an enlarged plan View of the preferred embodi-
`ment of the grounding member 110. In the preferred embodi-
`ment of the present inVention, the electrically-conductiVe
`grounding member 110 is disposed between the tubular post
`104 and the coupling nut 105. The grounding member 110
`contacts both the tubular post 104 and the coupling nut 105
`for proViding an electrically-conductiVe path therebetween,
`but without restricting rotation of the coupling nut relatiVe to
`the tubular post. A preferred embodiment of the grounding
`member 110 shown in FIG. 2A is a spring member, or circlip,
`disposed between the coupling nut 105 and the tubular post
`104, which establishes a stable ground path between the
`coupling nut and the post, and which is preferably constructed
`of a wire-type material. The grounding member 110 is
`retained in the coupling nut 105 by an armular recess 343 (see
`FIG. 3C) in the coupling nut. The spring action ofthe ground-
`ing member 110 serVes to form a ground path from the cou-
`pling nut 105 to the tubular post 104 while allowing the
`coupling nut 105 to rotate. The grounding member 110 is
`resilient and is generally arcuately shaped. The grounding
`member 110 extends around the tubular post 104 oVer an arc
`of at least 225°, and may extend for a full 360°. The arcuately
`shaped grounding member 110 may be in the form of a
`generally circular broken ring, or C-shaped member, as by
`bending a strip of metal wire into an arc. Preferably, the
`grounding member 110 is a C-shaped metal clip that has an
`arcuate curvature that is non-circular. The grounding member
`110 has a minimum diameter 201 and a maximum diameter
`203. Preferably, the grounding member 110 is made of stain-
`less steel wire that has a wire diameter ofbetween 0.010-inch
`and 0.020-inch; in a preferred embodiment, the wire diameter
`is about 0.016-inch. Stainless steel is a preferred metal for the
`grounding member 110 because it need not be plated for
`corrosion resistance.
`FIG. 3 is a cross-sectional View of the connector 100
`through cut-line 3-3 of FIG. 1, and a side View of a prepared
`coaxial cable 301 ready to be inserted into a back end 103 of
`the connector. The center conductor 302 of the coaxial cable
`301 is surrounded by a dielectric material 303, and the dielec-
`tric material is surrounded by an outer conductor 3 04 that may
`be in the form of a conductiVe foil and/or braided sheath. The
`outer conductor 304 is usually surrounded by a plastic cable
`jacket 305 that electrically insulates, and mechanically pro-
`tects, the outer conductor.
`FIG. 3A is a cross-sectional View of the body 108 of FIG.
`1 through cut-line 3-3. FIG. 3B is a cross-sectional View ofthe
`tubular post 104 of FIG. 1 through cut-line 3-3. FIG. 3C is a
`cross-sectional View ofthe coupling nut 105 ofFIG. 1 through
`cut-line 3-3. Referring now to FIGS. 3, 3A, 3B and 3C, the
`body 108 has a lip 310 at a front end ofthe body. The lip 310
`has an outer diameter 311 and an inner diameter 312. The
`coupling nut 105 is rotatably secured about a head 330 at the
`front end of the tubular post 104. The head 330 of the tubular
`post 104 usually includes an enlarged shoulder 332. The
`coupling nut 105 typically includes an inwardly-directed
`flange 340 that extends oVer and around the shoulder 332 of
`the tubular post 104. In order to retain the grounding member
`110 inside the coupling nut 105, the inner, or central, bore 342
`of the coupling nut 105 may include an annular recess 343
`that is proximate to the end of the coupling nut that encircles
`the tubular post 104. At least portions of the grounding mem-
`ber 110 are engaged with the armular recess 343 to preVent the
`grounding member from being axially displaced within the
`coupling nut 105. The tubular post 104 may include an
`enlarged shoulder 332 at the head 330 thereof. The shoulder
`332 has a first radial face 333 that faces the back end of the
`tubular post 104. In one preferred embodiment of the present

`US 7,479,035 B2
`invention, the grounding member 110 surrounds the enlarged
`shoulder 332 of the tubular post 104, at least when the con-
`nector 100 is assembled onto the prepared end of a coaxial
`cable 301. At least portions of the grounding member 110
`contact the outer surface 334 of such enlarged shoulder 332.
`The coupling nut 105 has an inwardly-directed flange near
`the back end of the coupling nut. The coupling nut 105 has an
`inner diameter 341 at a back end of the coupling nut. In order
`to retain the back end ofthe coupling nut 105 on the front end
`of the body 108, the inner diameter 341 of the coupling nut
`has a dimension less than the outer diameter of the lip 310 of
`the body 108. In order not to interfere with free rotation of the
`coupling nut 105, the outer diameter 336 of the shoulder 332
`(at the head 330 of the tubular post 104) is of smaller dimen-
`sion than the inner diameter 344 of the central bore of the
`coupling nut 105. Likewise, the inner diameter 341 of the
`inwardly-directed flange 340 of the coupling nut 105 is of
`larger dimension than the outer diameter 337 of the non-
`shoulder portion 338 of the tubular post 104, again to avoid
`interference with rotation of the coupling nut 105 relative to
`the tubular post.
`FIG. 4 is a cross-sectional View of the connector 100
`through cut-line 3-3, and cross-sectional View ofthe prepared
`coaxial cable 301 fully inserted into the back end 103 thereof,
`prior to axial compression of the connector. FIG. 4A is an
`enlargement of a portion of FIG. 4. Referring now to FIGS. 4
`and 4A,
`the resilient, electrically-conductive grounding
`member 110 is shown disposed between the tubular post 104
`and the coupling nut 105. The grounding member 110 is
`disposed in the armular recess 343 that encircles the tubular
`post 104.
`FIG. 5 is a cross-sectional View of the connector 100
`through cut-line 3-3, and a cross-sectional View of the pre-
`pared coaxial cable 301 fully inserted into the back end 103
`thereof, subsequent to axial compression of the connector.
`FIG. 5A is an enlargement of a portion of FIG. 5. Referring
`now to FIGS. 5 and 5A, as a result of axial compression by a
`standard compression tool (not shown), the tubular post 104
`slides (to the right in the drawings) relative to the other com-
`ponents of the connector 100 and relative to the cable 301,
`such that the shoulder 332 of the tubular post is radially
`inward ofthe grounding member 110. At least a portion ofthe
`grounding member 110 engages the coupling nut 105 at the
`annular recess 343 of the coupling nut, and at least another
`portion of the grounding member engages tubular post 104 at
`the shoulder 332 ofthe tubular post. The tubular post 104 is in
`electrical contact with the outer conductor 304 of the cable
`301 along the back portion of the tubular post, and the cou-
`pling nut 105 may engage the outer conductor of an appliance
`port (not shown). Therefore, when the connector 100 is fas-
`tened to an appliance port, there is maintained an electrical
`grounding path between the outer conductor 304 of the cable
`301 and the outer conductor of the appliance port, whether or
`not the coupling nut 105 ofthe connector is tightly fastened to
`the appliance port.
`FIG. 6 is a partial cross-sectional View of a first alternate
`embodiment of a connector 600 having a first alternate
`grounding member 601 (see FIGS. 6A-6C), shown subse-
`quent to axial compression. FIG. 6A is an enlargement of a
`portion ofthe first alternate embodiment ofthe connector 600
`showing a portion of the first alternate grounding member
`601. FIG. 6B is a slightly enlarged side View of the first
`alternate grounding member 601. FIG. 6C is a slightly
`enlarged plan View of the first alternate grounding member
`601. Referring now to FIGS. 6, 6A, 6B and 6C, the first
`alternate grounding member 601 is a spring finger grounding
`member retained between the coupling nut 105 and the tubu-
`lar post 104. The first alternate grounding member 601 is
`constructed of a thin cross section of material such beryllium
`copper. The first alternate groundin

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