(12) United States Patent
`(10) Patent N0.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 7,753,705 B2
`Jul. 13, 2010
`................ .. 439/277
`4,173,385 A * 11/1979 Fenn et al.
`4,290,663 A *
`9/1981 Fowler et al.
`4,531,805 A *
`7/1985 Werth .......... ..
`4;l987 Stulllsa
`...................... .. 277 392
`2 1989 Ne er
`12/2001 Rodrigues
`6/2002 Bruce ....................... .. 439/609
`5/2004 Montena et al.
`4/2005 Montena
`8/2005 Holland
`7/2006 Montena ................... .. 439/578
`8/2006 Montena
`8/2006 Purdy
`11/2006 Montena
`1/2007 Montena ................... .. 439/584
`1/2002 Rodrigues et al.
`7 2005 Montena ................... .. 439 578
`5/2006 Matthews ................. .. 439/578
`8/2006 Montena
`456555534 A :
`Inventor: Noah Montena, Syracuse,NY(US)
`4,807,891 A
`<7» E1 2:23:31; 1.
`CU )
`6,331,123 B1
`6,406,330 B2*
`( * ) Notice:
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term ofthis
`6,733,336 B1
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`6,884,113 B1
`USC. 15403) by 0 days
`6,929,508 B1
`7,070,447 B1*
`7,086,897 B2
`7,097,499 B1
`7,131,868 B2
`7,156,696 B1*
`2002/0013088 A1*
`2005 0148236 A1
`2006/0110977 A1 *
`2006/0172571 A1
`(21) Appl. No.: 12/140,573
`Jun. 17, 2008
`prior publication Data
`US 2008/0248689 A1
`Oct. 9, 2008
`Related U.S. Application Data
`(63) Continuation of application No. 11/553,115, filed on
`Oct. 26, 2006, now abandoned.
`Int CL
`H01R 13/52
`(52) U.s. Cl.
`.................................................... .. 439/277
`Of Classification Search ............... ..
`439/271, 583, 584, 578, 322
`See applleallell file fel eelllplele Sealell lll5l0l'Y~
`References Cited
`5/1965 Atkins ...................... .. 439/584
`3,184,706 A *
`5/1967 Forney, Jr.
`................ .. 439/322
`3,321,732 A *
`8/1967 Hyslop
`3,336,563 A
`6/1969 Kelly ....................... .. 439/610
`3,448,430 A *
`3,537,065 A * 10/1970 Winston
`2/1972 Hutteretal.
`.............. .. 439/322
`3,646,502 A *
`3,706,958 A
`12/1972 Blanchenot
`............... .. 439/584
`3,744,011 A *
`7/1973 Blanchenot
`3,781,762 A * 12/1973 Quackenbush ............ .. 439/322
`,t d b
`y examiner
`ci e
`firlmary Iifamllwr*1)‘/l]l1Cl(113.‘el.CIZarr0ll
`sszstant xammer— a imir mas
`(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Melissa Bitting
`The present inventien ineerperates a flexible Seal into a
`cal coaxial cable connector. The seal comprises a flexible
`brim, a transition band, and a tubular insert with an insert
`chamber defined within the seal. In a first embodiment the
`flexible brim is angled away from the insert chamber, and in
`a second embodiment the flexible brim is angled inward
`toward the insert chamber. A flange end of the seal makes a
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`the nut of a connector is partially tightened, and becomes
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`is properly tightened. The present invention allows the con-
`He°?0Ft0Il1al<eauH1f0ITnRF 5681011813011 W611 Wltharange
`10 Claims, 4 Drawing sheets
`PPC Exhibit 2011
`Coming v. PPC

`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 13, 2010
`Sheet 1 014
`US 7,753,705 B2

`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 13, 2010
`Sheet 2 of4
`US 7,753,705 B2
`N -

`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 13 2010
`Sheet3 0f4

`U.S. Patent

`US 7,753,705 B2
`This application is a continuation of and claims priority
`from my U.S. application Ser. No. 11/553,115 filed Oct. 26,
`2006 now abandoned and entitled FLEXIBLE RF SEAL
`herein by reference.
`The invention relates to cormectors for coaxial cables used
`in CATV applications, and more specifically to the structure
`for providing solid mechanical and electrical connections
`between a cable port and connector face.
`CATV systems continue to be plagued with service quality
`problems resulting from loose connections. For the most part,
`these connectors are loose because they were not installed to
`the proper torque, which can occur for a number of reasons
`from laziness, a lacking of training, and improper use of/in-
`adequate tools. An improperly installed connector will result
`in poor signals, because there are gaps between the devices,
`resulting in a leak of radio frequency (“RF”) signal.
`As an example, a cable port is used to transfer an RF signal
`to a coaxial cable that transmits the signal to video equipment,
`such as a television. The coaxial cable has, attached to its
`terminal end, a female cable connector, which is used to
`house the cable and assist its connection to a cable port. The
`connector contains a nut that engages the cable port and
`advances the connector with a coaxial cable to the port. In this
`instance, the cable connector nut is used to hold two mating
`surfaces, the cable port and the cable connector housing the
`coaxial cable. If these two surfaces are not tightly connected,
`a gap will exist creating a loss in RF signal, resulting in lower
`quality cable signal.
`Improvements on coaxial cable connectors have been pro-
`posed to deal with such a problem. An example of such an
`improvement on a connector is described in U.S. Pat. No.
`6,716,062 (Palinkas, et al.), the disclosure of which is herein
`incorporated by reference. In this patent, a spring element is
`incorporated to a traditional coaxial cable connector, under a
`nut element and beneath the flange portion of a post member.
`The spring biases the connector face towards a port after the
`nut is rotated around the connector a certain number of times.
`While this device is effective, it requires time and cost in the
`manufacturing process of the connector.
`Therefore, it is desired in the art to have a flexible device
`that can be used with existing connectors to prevent RF signal
`Furthermore, it is desired in the art to have a connector
`capable of making a tight mechanical and electrical connec-
`The present invention incorporates a flexible RF seal into
`the ground face of a typical connector. A flange end ofthe seal
`makes a compliant contract between the port and connector
`faces, as in the above example, when the nut is partially
`tightened, and becomes sandwiched firmly between the
`ground surfaces when the nut is properly tightened. This
`allows the connector to make a uniform RF seal on a port even
`with a range of tightening torques.
`The present invention incorporates a flexible RF seal which
`can be fitted into a coaxial cable connector, which decreases
`the amount of RF leakage produced by that coaxial connector
`when in place. The flexible RF seal is a simple device made of
`a conductive and resilient material having three regions: a
`flexible brim, a transition band for maintaining the flex of the
`resilient brim, and a tubular insert. Further, there is defined
`within the seal an insert chamber. In its first embodiment, the
`flexible brim is angled outward away from the insert chamber.
`In the second embodiment, the flexible brim is angled inward
`towards the insert chamber.
`Moreover, the invention relates to a coaxial cable connec-
`tor for mounting on a RF port comprising: a post member
`having a flange end and a stem having a substantially cylin-
`drical bore therethrough; a nut having at one end inner thread-
`ing and at the other end a flange to engage the flange end ofthe
`post; a body member; a compression ring; and flexible means
`for providing a uniform electrical connection between the
`post and the RF port.
`The invention, also, relates to a method for making a con-
`nector for mounting on the terminal end of a coaxial cable.
`The method ofmaking a connector for mounting on a RF port
`comprising: providing a post having a flange end and a stem
`having a substantially cylindrical bore therethrough; a nut
`having at one end inner threading and at the other end a flange;
`a body member; a compression ring, and a flexible RF seal
`having a flexible brim, a transition band, and a tubular insert;
`attaching the post to the flanged end of the nut to engage the
`flange end of the post; attaching the body member to the stem
`of the post; attaching the compression ring to the body mem-
`ber; and attaching the flexible RF seal to the post.
`Furthermore, the invention relates to a method for making
`a uniform RF seal between a RF port and a coaxial cable
`comprising: providing a connector comprising a nut, a post,
`body member, a compression ring; a flexible RF seal com-
`prising a flexible brim, a transition band, and a tubular insert;
`a coaxial cable; and a RF port; attaching the flexible RF seal
`to the connector; attaching the connector to a terminal end of
`a coaxial cable; and connecting the coaxial cable with the
`connector and flexible RF seal to a RF port.
`An advantage of the present invention is that the flexible
`RF seal provides a tight connection between a cable port and
`the connector face, when there is a gap between the faces due
`to improper installation. Thus, the RF seal can provide at the
`least a contact between the port and the connector to prevent
`RF signal leakage, and if properly installed firmly com-
`pressed between the port and the connector.
`A further advantage of the present invention is that the
`invention provides an easy to install, highly reliable solution
`to providing an electronic connection that provides an effec-
`tive RF seal. The device thereby saves time and cost in the
`manufacturing process. Alternatively, connectors that may
`already be in use can be retrofitted with the device for pro-
`viding a uniform RF seal.
`FIG. 1A is a cross-sectional view ofthe first embodiment of
`the. flexible RF seal of the present invention;
`FIG. 1B is an isometric view ofthe first embodiment ofthe
`flexible RF seal of the present invention;
`FIG. 2A is a cross-sectional view of the second embodi-
`ment of the flexible RF seal of the present invention.
`FIG. 2B is an isometric view of the second embodiment of
`the flexible RF seal of the present invention;

`US 7,753,705 B2
`FIG. 3 shows a cross-section ofthe coaxial cable connector
`with the first embodiment ofthe flexible RF seal ofthe present
`FIG. 4 shows a cross-section ofthe coaxial cable connector
`with the second embodiment of the flexible RF seal of the
`present invention;
`Corresponding reference characters indicate correspond-
`ing parts throughout the several views. The examples set out
`herein illustrate two embodiments ofthe invention but should
`not be construed as limiting the scope of the invention in any
`Referring to FIGS. 1A and 1B, the present invention is a
`sealing element for coaxial cable connector. More specifi-
`the sealing element is designed to ensure a solid
`mechanical and electrical connection between a coaxial
`cable, connector and part, and thereby termed a flexible radio
`frequency (“RF”) seal 10. There are three regions that define
`the flexible RF seal 10. First, there is a flexible or resilient
`brim 12 that
`is flexible for ensuring a tight connection
`between a connector and a cable port (not shown) to which it
`is coupled. Second, there is a transitional band 14, and the
`band 14 transitions to a tubular insert portion 16. The flexible
`RF seal 10 also has an insert chamber 18 defined within the
`seal 10.
`The flexible brim 12 is a flange end that, when inserted into
`a coaxial cable connector, in its first embodiment, sits above
`a post member, as will be shown and described in greater
`detail below. The flexible brim 12, in this position, can be
`pressed against a coaxial port causing the flexible brim 12 to
`be compressed and bent so that it creates a tight connection
`between the connector and port. In the first embodiment ofthe
`flexible RF seal 10, the flexible brim 12, because of the inner
`geometries of the coaxial cable connector, is angled, so that it
`can sit within the connector and seal the connector face to the
`cable port. Preferably, the flexible brim 12 is seventy-degrees
`(70°) from the horizontal. The flexible brim 12 is shaped such
`that the flexible brim 12 is angled away from an insert cham-
`ber 18.
`The next region ofthe flexible RF seal 10 is the transitional
`band 14. Due to the shape of cable connectors in general and
`the positioning of the flexible RF seal within the connector,
`there is a band 14 that transitions the flexible brim 12 to the
`tubular insert portion 16. As shown in FIGS. 1A and 1B, the
`transitionband 14 is a flat, inclined portion on the inside ofthe
`seal 10. The transition band 14 assists in the flexibility of the
`seal 10, in that as a transition portion it allows the flexible
`brim 12 to further bend or create a greater angle of distance
`once the flexible brim 12 is engaged by a coaxial port on one
`end and further compressed by a post member of a connector
`on its other end.
`The last region of the flexible RF seal is the tubular insert
`portion 16. The tubular insert portion 16 is below the transi-
`tion band 14. The tubular insert portion 16 is cylindrical in
`shape and depending on its embodiment can be used to sit on
`the inside or outside of a post within a coaxial cable connec-
`tor. Defined within the tubular insert portion 16 is an insert
`chamber 18. The tubular insert portion 16, in the first embodi-
`ment of the flexible RF seal 10, sits within a post member of
`a cable connector (as shown in FIG. 3). As a result, the insert
`chamber 18 assists in housing a coaxial cable on which the
`cable connector is placed.
`Referring to FIGS. 2A and 2B, there is a second embodi-
`ment of the flexible RE seal, denoted by a reference numeral
`20. The flexible RF seal 20 has the same three regions as the
`first embodiment: a flexible brim 12, a transition band 14, and
`a tubular insert 16. Further, defined within the flexible RF seal
`20, as with the first embodiment 10, is an insert chamber 18.
`The flexible RF seal 20 of this second embodiment has a
`different shape that the first embodiment 10. The shapes are
`different because the seal 20 is configured to sit inside a post
`member. The flexible brim 12 is spaced such that the brim 12
`is angled inward towards the insert chamber 18. Moreover,
`the tubular insert 16 of the flexible RF seal 20 may generally
`be larger in diameter than the seal 10 because it is configured
`to sit outside of a post member ofthe coaxial cable connector.
`The flexible RF seal 10, 20 can be made of any suitable
`material which can assist in providing a tight, solid connec-
`tion between the surfaces of a coaxial cable connector and a
`cable port. Suitable materials can include metals such as
`beryllium copper, spring steel, and phosphor bronze, which
`are all resilient and allow for flexibility. Further, while the
`flexible RF seals 10, 20 are shown in with a solid, smooth
`surface, the seal can have a construction where there are
`fingered elements, or may further have a wavy construction.
`In FIGS. 3 and 4, there is shown a conventional coaxial
`cable connector 100 that is placed on the terminal end of a
`coaxial cable (not shown). The connector 100 has six ele-
`ments. First, there is a nut 30 on the terminal end of the
`connector 100 with a coaxial cable (not shown) to a cable port
`(not shown). The nut 30 rotates freely around a post 40, so that
`it can advance the connector 100 and coaxial cable housed
`within it to a cable port. The nut 30 is interconnected to the
`post 40 under the flange end 44 of the post 40, whereby there
`is a nut groove 46 created between the post 40 and a body
`member 60. Specifically, the nut groove 46 is under the flange
`end 44 of the post 40 and above body flange end 62. The
`corresponding nut flange 34 that fits within the nut groove 46
`and allows the nut 20 to freely rotate about the connector 100.
`The post 40 has a cylindrical bore defined through it to house
`a coaxial cable.
`Further, between the nut 30 and the body member 60 is a
`coupling element 90, such as an O-ring to provide a solid
`connection between these elements. The body member 60 is
`also connected to the post 40 through a largerbody groove 48,
`in which the body flange 62 fits. Defined between the body
`member 60 and the post 40 is a coaxial cable material space
`80. A coaxial cable is typically made from several compo-
`nents. Working from the inside to the outside, the inner mo st
`part of a cable is a central conductor surrounded by an inner
`dielectric layer which is covered by a layer of aluminum.
`Above the aluminum layer is a braided metal layer, and the
`entire cable is then housed in another dielectric material.
`There is a lower separator member 50 of post 40 used to
`separate the coaxial cable between its aluminum layer and
`braided metallic layer, so that the outer dielectric layer and
`braided metal layer enter the coaxial cable material space 80,
`and the aluminum layer, inner dielectric layer, and central
`conductor layer sit in the cylindrical bore ofthe post 40.At the
`very end ofthe connector 100 is a compression ring 70 which
`assists in attaching the connector 100 to the terminal end of a
`coaxial cable.
`Referring now to FIG. 3, there is shown a first embodiment
`of the invention coupled to a conventional coaxial cable con-
`nector 100. The post 40 has a lip 42 on which the flexible RF
`seal 10 sits, The tubular insert 16 sits within the post 40, such
`that the insert chamber 18 assists in creating a continuous
`cylindrical bore within which a portion of a coaxial cable (not
`shown) would be housed. The flexible brim 12 sits above the
`flange end 44 ofthe post 40, but is not flush with the flange end
`44. The flexible brim 12 is not flush with the flange end 44 so

`US 7,753,705 B2
`that it can conform to shapes of a cable port (not shown) and
`the connector 100, and to a greater extent the cable housed
`within the connector, as sometimes there can be gaps between
`the cable port and the innerportions ofthe connector 100 with
`a cable. As mentioned above, the flexible brim 12 can be, if
`necessary, pushed backward so that the angle from the hori-
`zontal increases from its manufactured positioning. More-
`over, the flexible brim 12 can be deformed to ensure a tight
`connection between the post 40 and the cable port.
`Referring to FIG. 4, there is shown a second embodiment
`ofthe seal 20. The seal 20 sits on the outside of the flange end
`44 of the post 40. In this position, the seal 20 sits between the
`nut 30, above the nut flange 34 and the outside of the flange
`end 44 of the post 40. The flexible brim 12 sits above the
`flange end 44, but is not flush with the flange end 44 so that it
`can adapt to the shape ofboth a cable port (not shown) and the
`connector 100 with a coaxial cable (not shown) housed within
`it. In this embodiment, the post 40 does not require a lip 42, as
`was shown in FIG. 3 with the seal 10. Once the connector 100
`engages a cable port and is advanced to have an inner con-
`ductor of a cable enter the port, the seal 20 can be deformed to
`a position necessary to fill gaps or tightly connect the con-
`nector 100 to the port.
`While the invention has been described with reference to
`particular embodiments, it will be understood by those skilled
`in the art that various changes may be made and equivalents
`may be substituted for elements thereof without departing
`from the scope of the invention. In addition, many modifica-
`tions may be made to adapt a particular situation or material
`to the teachings of the invention without departing from the
`scope of the invention.
`Therefore, it is intended that the invention not be limited to
`the particular embodiments disclosed as the best mode con-
`templated for carrying out this invention, but that the inven-
`tion will include all embodiments failing within the scope and
`spirit of the appended claims.
`I claim:
`1. A coaxial cable connector for mounting on a RF port
`a body member having an internal passageway defined
`along a longitudinal axis of the body member;
`a post member having a flange end and a substantially
`cylindrical bore therethrough, the post member partially
`disposed within the internal passageway;
`a nut having a first nut end with inner threading and a
`second nut end with a flange to engage the flange end of
`the post; and,
`a flexible RF seal comprising: a tubular insert at one end; a
`flexible brim at an opposing end; and, a transition band
`between the tubular insert and the flexible brim, wherein
`the tubular insert is configured to engage the flange end
`of the post and the transition band is configured to angle
`the flexible brim inward toward the longitudinal axis,
`whereby tightening the connector to the port causes the
`port to deform the flexible brim against the flange end of
`the post.
`2. The connector of claim 1 further comprising:
`a compression ring attached to an end of the body member.
`3. The method ofmaking a connector for mounting on a RF
`port comprising:
`providing a body member having an internal passageway
`defined along a longitudinal axis; a post member par-
`tially disposed within the internal passageway, the post
`member having a flange end and a substantially cylin-
`drical bore therethrough; a nut having a first nut end with
`inner threading and a second nut end with a flange to
`engage the flange end of the post; a compression ring
`configured to engage an end of the body member; and, a
`flexible RF seal comprising: a tubular insert at one end;
`a flexible brim at an opposing end; and, a transition band
`between the tubular insert and the flexible brim, wherein
`the tubular insert is configured to engage the flange end
`of the post and the transition band is configured to angle
`the flexible brim inward toward the longitudinal axis, the
`method comprising:
`engaging the flange end ofthe nut with the flange end ofthe
`attaching the body member to the post;
`attaching the compression ring to the body member;
`attaching the flexible RF seal to the post;
`engaging the tubular insert with the flange end of the post;
`tightening the connector to the port to cause the port to
`deform the flexible brim against the flange end of the
`4. The method of claim 3 wherein the flexible RF seal is
`made from a resilient material.
`5. The method of claim 4 wherein the resilient material is a
`metal composition.
`6. A coaxial cable connector for mounting on a RF port
`a body member having a first body member end and a
`second body member end, the body member having
`defined therein an internal passageway;
`a post member having a flange end and a substantially
`cylindrical bore therethrough, the post member partially
`disposed within the internal passageway;
`a nut having a first nut end with inner threading and a
`second nut end with a flange to engage the flange end of
`the post;
`a flexible RF seal comprising: a tubular insert at one end; a
`flexible brim at an opposing end; and, a transition band
`between the tubular insert and the flexible brim, wherein
`the tubular insert is placed within the post.
`7. The connector of claim 6 further comprising:
`a compression ring attached to an end of the body member.
`8. The method ofmaking a connector for mounting on a RF
`port comprising:
`providing a body member having an internal passageway
`defined along a longitudinal axis; a post member par-
`tially disposed within the internal passageway, the post
`member having a flange end and a substantially cylin-
`drical bore therethrough; a nut having a first nut end with
`inner threading and a second nut end with a flange to
`engage the flange end of the post; a compression ring
`configured to engage an end of the body member; and, a
`flexible RF seal comprising: a tubular insert at one end;
`a flexible brim at an opposing end; and, a transition band
`between the tubular insert and the flexible brim, wherein
`the tubular insert is placed within the post, the method
`engaging the flange end ofthe nut with the flange end ofthe
`attaching the body member to the post;
`attaching the compression ring to the body member;
`attaching the flexible RF seal to the post;
`placing the tubular insert within the post; and,
`tightening the connector to the port to cause the port to
`deform the flexible brim against the flange end of the
`9. The method of claim 8 wherein the flexible RF seal is
`made from a resilient material.
`10. The method of claim 9 wherein the resilient material is
`a metal composition.

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