`International Bureau
`(51) International Patent C|a-tsifinnlinn 7 =
`I-I04N 5I00
`(11) International Publication Number:
`(43) International Publication Date:
`WO 00124192
`27 April 2000 (2104.00)
`(21) International Application Number:
`(22) International Filing Date:
`22 September 1999 (2209.99)
`Priority Data:
`60! 104,???
`I9 October 1998 (I9.I0.98)
`(71) Applicantffor at! designated States except US): GENERAL IN-
`I01 Totirnament
`Drive, Horsham, PA 19044 (US).
`(72} Inventor; and
`('75) Inventormpplicant [for US only): MEANDZIJA, Btanislav, N.
`[USfUS]; 82'! Coast Boulevard South, Lalolla, CA 9203'?
`(74) Agent: LIPSITZ, Barry, R.; Building No. 8, 755 Main Street,
`Monroe, CT 06468 (US).
`[81] Designated States: AE, AL, AM, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG,
`BR, BY, CA, CH, CN, CU, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, GB,
`GD, GE. GH, GM, HR, HU. ID, IL, IN, IS. JP. KE, KG.
`KP, KR, KZ. LC, LK, LR. LS, LT, LU, LV, MD, MG, MK,
`MN, MW, MX, NO, NZ, PL, PT, RO, RU, SD, SE. SG,
`SI) SK) SI-‘: TJI TM: TR: T1‘: UA: UG9 US! UZ! VNr YI-In
`ZA, ZW, ARIPO patent (GH, GM, KE, LS, MW. SD, SL,
`SZ, TZ, UG, ZW), Eurasian patent (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ,
`MD, RU, TJ, TM), European patent (AT, BE, CH, CY, DE.
`DK, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, IE, IT, LU. MC. NL, PT, SE),
`OAPI patent (BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, GN, GW, ML,
`MR, NE, SN, TD, TG)-
`With international Search t'-‘=’P0P‘f-
`(57) Abstract
`A software architecture framework for the soft set top box. A Set Top software architecture (200. 1000) allows the consideration of
`Set Top application and middleware software functionality (120) independent from the operating system (I I0) and hardware (100). Various
`types of functionality can be supported, such as multiple users, secure controlled access of resources, application download, registration, start,
`stop, and monitoring, resource download, registration, start, stop, and monitoring, and management of audio, video, and data presentations.
`3 I
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`":1 to

`Bosnia and lierzegovina
`Burkina Faso
`Central African Republic
`Cote d'ivoire
`Czech Republic
`Codes used to identify States party to the PCT on the front pages of pamphlets publishing international applications under the ‘PCT.
`United Kingdom
`Democratic ‘People's
`Republic of Korea
`Republic of Korea
`Saint Lucia
`Sri Lanka
`Republic of Moldova
`The. former Yugoslav
`Republic of Macedonia
`New Zcaland
`Russian Federation
`Trinidad and Tobago
`United States of America
`Vie! Nam

`W0 I00.-"Z4192
`This application claims the benefit of U.S.
`Provisional Application No. 60/104,777, filed
`October 19, 1998.
`The present invention provides a software
`architecture framework for the soft set top and
`associates the different architectural components
`with the Opencable Advanced Set Top API
`The current Opencable API classification is
`summarized in section 7 of the detailed description,
`The following acronyms and terms are used:
`- Application Program Interface;
`ATSC - Advanced Television Systems Committee;
`ATM — Asynchronous Transfer Mode;
`CA — Conditional Access;
`CORBA - Comon Object Request Broker Architecture;
`CSLIP — Connectionless Serial Line Interface
`DASE — ATSC T3/S17 Digital TV Application Software
`DAVIC - Digital Audio—Visual Council;
`DC-2 - Digicipher II{tm), digital video standard
`proprietary to General Instrument
`(GI) Corporation;
`DSMCC — Digital Storage Media Command and Control;

`W0 0|J:'2-1192
`DTV — Digital Television;
`DVB — Digital Video Broadcast;
`DVD - Digital Video Disc;
`EPG - Electronic Program Guide;
`FTP — File Transfer Protocol;
`- Graphical User Interface;
`HSSIO ~ High—Speed Serial I/O
`I/O — Input/Output;
`IIOP — Internet Inter Orb Protocol;
`IP — Internet Protocol;
`IPG - Interactive Program Guide;
`IRD - Integrated Receiver Decoder;
`ISO — International Standards Organization;
`JVM ~ Java Virtual Machine;
`MIB — Management Information Base;
`MPEG - Moving Picture Experts Group;
`PSIP - Program and System Information Protocol
`Terrestrial Broadcast and Cable);
`RAM - Random Access Memory;
`~ Remote Method Invocation;
`— Satellite;
`(DVB) Service Information;
`SMPTE — Society of Motion Picture and Television
`SNMP - Simple Network Management Protocol;
`SODA — denotes a security chip proprietary to
`General Instrument Corporation;
`STAMP — Set Top Applications and Middleware
`S-vid - Video connector interface;

`W0 00f24l92
`TCP - Transmission Control Protocol;
`UHF - Ultra High Frequency;
`UML — Unified Modeling Language;
`v.34 — a physical interface standard; and
`xDSL — high—speed Digital Subscriber Loop modem
`A Set Top box, also referred to as an
`Integrated Received Decoder
`(IRD) or a subscriber
`is a device that receives and decodes
`television signals for presentation by a television.
`The signals can be delivered over a satellite,
`through a cable plant, or by means of terrestrial
`broadcast. Modern set tops also support video on
`demand {VOD), pay—per—view,
`interactive shopping,
`electronic commerce, and enable Internet
`connectivity and possibly Internet—based telephony.
`The set top functionality is enabled through
`specialized hardware and software.
`In the past, Set Top software provided
`relatively simple functionality, was small and
`unstructured, and concerned primarily with
`minimizing the required memory capacity and
`processing cycles. However,
`the support of services
`such as data, Internet,
`Internet Telephony, etc.
`poses a new set of problems,
`including secure access
`by multiple users, multiple application management,
`management of resources, decoding, composition,
`coordination and presentation, of audio, video,
`graphics, and other data, etc. Existing Set Top
`software solutions do not solve these problems.

`WO 00324192
`Accordingly, it would be desirable to provide
`Set Top software that can progress in an
`evolutionary process from a relatively simple
`functionality, small, unstructured, memory— and
`processing cycle-Saving software,
`to software that
`has a relatively complex functionality, and is
`larger, structured, and memory— and processing
`cycle-intensive. Preferably,
`the fundamental
`technology underlying the next generation Set Top
`software architecture employs Java(tm}, ActiveX(tm)
`or an equivalent type of component based object~
`oriented technology.
`The technology should allow the consideration
`of Set Top application and middleware software
`functionality independent from the operating system
`and hardware.
`Moreover, it would be desirable to provide an
`apparatus and machinery for support of multiple
`users, secure controlled access of resources,
`application download, registration, start, Stop, and
`resource download, registration, start,
`stop, and monitoring, management of audio, video,
`data presentations, and some additional
`The present invention provides a system having
`the above and other advantages. We refer to this
`technology as the General Instrument "Set Top
`Applications and Middleware Platform (STAMP)".

`W0 00;'24l92
`PCTIUS99;‘2 1983
`The present
`invention provides a software
`architecture framework for the soft set top.
`The Set Top software allows the consideration
`of Set Top application and middleware software
`functionality independent from the operating system
`and hardware.
`The invention can support various type of
`such as multiple users, secure
`controlled access of resources, application
`download, registration, start, stop, and monitoring,
`resource download, registration, start, stop, and
`monitoring, and management of audio, video, and data
`In a particular implementation,
`the invention
`is used to provide a television set-top terminal
`with software.
`The terminal includes a computer
`readable medium having computer program code means,
`and means for executing the computer program code
`means to implement a layered software architecture.
`In the layered software architecture, an application
`layer allows a user to interact with the terminal, a
`middleware layer supports the application layer by
`providing Application Program Interfaces {APIS}, an
`operating system layer supports the middleware
`layer, and a hardware layer supports the operating
`system layer. Additionally,
`the layered software
`architecture allows configuration of a functionality
`of the application layer and the middleware layer
`independently of the operating system layer and the

`W0 00.324192
`PCTIUS9 9:21 983
`hardware layer.
`The layered software architecture includes a
`set top management layer that supports the
`application layer by configuring management services
`of the terminal.
`The management services include at
`least one of application, user,
`resource and
`presentation management.
`The set top management layer may implement a
`state information module to designate states of
`resources of the terminal.
`The state information
`module may be based on the ITU-T X.731 standard.
`The software architecture may further provide
`an application program interface {API} for providing
`a configurable functionality.
`The API may enable
`the terminal to support multiple users, or to secure
`controlled access of resources.
`The API may enable
`the terminal to download, register, start, stop, and
`monitor applications of the applications layer.
`API may also enable the terminal to manage audio,
`video and/or other data presentations.
`The software architecture may also provide one
`or more of: a set top manager, a presentation
`manager, an application manager, a user manager, a
`resource manager, a set top agent, and a program
`view assistant.
`A corresponding method is also presented.

`W0 [I[|:'24l92
`PCTJ'US99;“2I 983
`1 illustrates a set top terminal software
`architecture evolution in accordance with the
`present invention.
`2 illustrates a detailed set top terminal
`software architecture in accordance with the present
`3 illustrates a set top management
`level class diagram in accordance with the present
`FIG. 4 illustrates a set top application
`manager top—level class diagram in accordance with
`the present invention.
`5 illustrates a set top applications
`management relations top-level class diagram in
`accordance with the present invention.
`6 illustrates a set top control
`application top-level class diagram in accordance
`with the present
`7 illustrates a set top user manager top-
`level class diagram in accordance with the present
`8 illustrates a set top resource manager
`top-level class diagram in accordance with the
`present invention.
`9 illustrates a top—level class diagram of
`available set top devices in accordance with the
`present invention.

`WO 00324192
`FIG. 10 illustrates a set top software
`architecture framework in accordance with the

`W0 [|I]!2-1192
`PCTIUS99;‘2I 983
`The present invention provides a software
`architecture framework for the soft set top.
`1 illustrates a set top terminal software
`architecture evolution in accordance with the
`present invention.
`Set Top software is seen as an evolutionary
`process that progresses from relatively simple
`functionality, small, unstructured, memory- and
`processing cycle—saving to relatively complex
`larger, structured, memory and
`processing cycles intensive-
`Javaftm), ActiveX(tm}
`or an equivalent type of component based object-
`oriented technology is seen as the fundamental
`technology underlying next generation Set Top
`software architectures.
`we refer to this technology as the "General
`Instrument Set Top Applications and Middleware
`Platform {STAMP}". This technology allows the
`consideration of Set Top application and middleware
`software functionality independent from the
`operating system and hardware.
`STAMP provides an apparatus and machinery for
`support of multiple users, secure controlled access
`of resources, application download, registration,
`start, stop, and monitoring,
`resource download,
`registration, start, stop, and monitoring,
`management of audio, video, data presentations, and
`some additional functionality. This technology
`allows the consideration of Set Top application and

`WO 00124192
`PCTIUS99)? 1983
`middleware software functionality independent from
`operating system and hardware.
`STAMP is architected based on the Java API
`platform. Therefore,
`its most straightforward STAMP
`realization is using Java.
`1 illustrates the
`Set Top software architecture evolution in a
`simplified form.
`A present architecture includes a
`hardware layer 100, an operating system layer 110,
`and a native applications and middleware layer 120.
`The "native" applications and middleware are
`designed for use with a specific operating system
`and hardware environment.
`In a near-term future
`the applications and middleware layer
`120 evolves to include a combination of proprietary
`applications and middleware 122, and the native
`applications and middleware 120.
`In a long-term
`future architecture,
`the applications and middleware
`layer 120 evolves to include only proprietary
`applications and middleware 122, which are
`independent of the operating system and hardware
`For example, an application such as a
`browser is written to an abstraction layer that is
`independent of the operating system and hardware
`The approach taken in the design of the STAMP
`is to use STAMP components unless it is not feasible
`due to performance or other requirements,
`in which
`case the STAMP components can be replaced with
`native components.
`2 illustrates a detailed set top terminal
`software architecture in accordance with the present

`W0 00;‘2-I192
`The Figure illustrates the layered
`architecture of the STAMP near-term solution.
`The architecture 200 includes a hardware layer
`205, a device driver layer 210, and a real-time
`operating system layer 215. Another layer 222
`includes STAMP interpreter tasks 220, compiled STAMP
`tasks 225, and native application tasks 230.
`A next
`layer 232 includes native APIS 265 and a number of
`including a STAMP components sublayer
`a STAMP application APIS sublayer 255, a
`standards API sublayer 250, encompassing standards
`such as DAVIC, DVB, ATSC, etc-, a STAMP middleware
`APIS sublayer 245, and a sublayer with STAMP
`interpreter tasks 235 and a STAMP compiler 240.
`Next, a STAMP set top management layer 270 is
`then a layer 272 with STAMP applications
`275 and native applications 280. An applet
`285 is also provided.
`The layers within the software architecture
`indicate possible dependency from higher layer to
`lower layer.
`For example, an application will use
`STAMP components 260, which in turn use some
`standard APIs 250, which may run on a STAMP
`interpreter 235 or may be compiled on a STAMP
`compiler 240.
`Generally, each layer is said to support or
`service the layers above it.
`The user interacts with the Set Top through the
`two topmost layers,
`the applet layer 285 and the
`application layers 275, 280. Any type of
`interaction with the set top is through applications

`W0 00.04192
`PCT:'US99f2l 983
`or applets.
`The different layers have been defined
`with the following reasoning:
`The topmost layer Contains processing
`entities which are temporary in nature and run
`within applications, e.g., such as a browser, and
`are downloaded over broadcast channels, over the
`Internet, or are distributed otherwise. Applets run
`within applications, and therefore take advantage of
`the applications‘ resources and can be restricted in
`their capabilities. Applications can be STAMP
`applications or native applications.
`2. Applications are permanent, or at least
`They are the only unit—level application
`processing entities and are part of the basic Set
`Top software distribution or some later upgrade
`through code download or other means.
`On the STAMP
`they'are implemented as lightweight process
`groups (e.g., Java thread groups).
`STAMP Set Top Management controls all Set
`Top resources and multiplexes them between the
`different Set Top applications.
`4. Applications, applets, and management
`components are built out of STAMP component sets
`(e.g., Java Bean Bags}. Different component sets
`are defined for different problem domains, e g.,
`graphics, networking, etc.
`The advantage of using
`component sets is the uniformity of components,
`i.e., it is easier to build a house out of bricks
`than variable size stones.
`STAMP components are built using a variety
`of APIs.
`The topmost API layer in the software

`W0 00.324192
`architecture consists of those APIS that have been
`defined to create suitable abstractions for
`dififerent domains such as conditional access, set
`top management, etc.
`STAMP components can use any
`of the API layers, but
`the preferred API access
`layer is the next lower one, which is the STAMP
`Applications API layer 255.
`STAMP Applications APIs are defined using
`Standard APIs which define industry-wide viable
`abstractions of common Set Top functionalities such
`as MPEG PSI, DVB SI, etc.
`STAMP Application APIs
`can use any of the API layers, but the preferred API
`access layer is the next
`lower one, which is the
`Standard API layer 250.
`Standard APIS are defined using STAMP
`Middleware APIs 245, e.g., Standard Java APIs such
`Personal Java, Java Security API, etc.
`STAMP Middleware APIs execute on an
`interpreter (such as a JVM) or are compiled.
`If STAMP Middleware APIs are interpreted,
`the interpreter executes as a task or a group of
`tasks within the Operating System 215.
`The Operating System 215 controls all the
`Set Top resources and enables interaction between
`the various tasks and resources.
`The Operating System 215 uses Device
`Drivers 210 to control and communicate with a
`variety of devices.
`The bottom layer is the actual hardware-
`Agents are processing units that enable
`functionality on behalf of another entity.

`WO 00224192
`of agents might be a "Management" agent that allows
`the IRD to be remotely managed by some headend
`facility either via MPEG transport, modem, or other
`method. Or,
`a "Personal" agent might act on a
`user's behalf to monitor the user's actions and
`search for material that matches their behaviors
`{e.g., ProgramViewAssistant).
`§1. Execution and Management Framework
`STAMP assumes the following sequence of steps
`after a Set Top is turned on:
`1. After the OS is up and running,
`the STAMP
`Interpreter is started with the GI SetTop Program.
`The GI SetTop Program consists of a single
`infinite loop which initializes and starts the
`processing threads.
`. The first threads started are the
`"management threads", which service all other
`threads. These threads also catch exceptions thrown
`by initialized devices.
`3. Application Threads are started as a
`result of actions by the SetTop Manager Thread
`4. Applets are started by Applications.
`The SetTop Manager Thread Group control
`all tasks on the Set Top,
`inside or outside of the
`The SetTop Manager Thread Group can stop
`the JVM and the Set Top itself.
`The Set Top Management Framework consists of
`the following management entities:

`W0 00.04192
`The Set Top Manager {SetTopManager)
`controls the Set Top
`initiates and starts all
`functions; configures all management services
`including application, user,
`resource, and
`presentation management; closely interacts with the
`presentation manager, which controls the
`presentation of all audio—visual materials;
`configures, starts, stops, and interacts with the
`Set Top Agent which enables remote Set Top
`through the Internet or over the
`transport stream; configures, starts, stops, and
`interacts with the Program View Assistant.
`Presentation Manager ~ consists of three
`types of elements, namely decoders, compositors, and
`presenters; configures all presentable devices
`(video, audio, etc.); controls the decoding of all
`presentable materials; composes all presentable
`materials for audio and/or video presentation;
`presents all presentable materials; possibly
`interacts with event processing and forwarding to
`all registered applications; supports a user
`interface for presentation preferences.
`3. Application Manager - manages the life-
`Cycle of applications including, registration
`(loading) of applications, maintenance of a list of
`applications available, possibly decryption or
`decompression and move to address space, assessment
`of whether application can run based upon its
`execution attributes, start/stop/monitor application
`treads and allotted resources, vehicle for intra-
`application Communication, propagates events to

`W0 0|]f24192
`PCTIU S99!2 1 983
`applications that care (registered); and supports a
`user interface for application management.
`4. User Manager - manages a list of users,
`their preferences, and their access rights with
`regards to set top resources. Verifies
`authorizations / security to enable components to
`Supports a user interface for user
`preferences, user management, and access control
`management of the set top.
`Resource Manager - Provides access to all
`set top resources through a variety of resource
`specific APIS. Manages those resources.
`Supports a
`user interface for resource management.
`Set Top Agent
`— A Java SNMP Agent with a
`MIB that permits fault, configuration, accounting,
`performance, and security management of the Set Top.
`Program View Assistant
`- An intelligent
`agent utilizing forward chaining based on the
`unification algorithm; minimally, it allows the
`association of users with different types of
`presentation materials using the IPG database; it
`Supports an interactive display that can be started
`as an application or assists the user in background
`mode through alerts, operations short cuts, and
`other types of help.
`The figure discussed below is a Unified
`Modeling Language (UML) class diagram depicting the
`class relations between various set top management
`3 illustrates a set top management
`level class diagram in accordance with the present

`W0 0034192
`PCTfUS99!2I 983
`3 uses the Unified Modeling
`Language, developed by Rational Software
`Corporation, USA.
`A class diagram represents the
`static structure of a system, and shows a pattern of
`behaviors that the system exhibits. This is
`accomplished by showing the existence of classes and
`their relationships. Each class is represented by a
`box with three sections.
`The top section lists the
`class name.
`The middle section denotes a list of
`attributes, and the bottom section denotes a list of
`In the figures, only the class names
`are shown for simplicity.
`A solid line between classes denotes an
`A solid line with a white diamond tip
`denotes aggregation by reference, while a black
`diamond tip denotes aggregation by value.
`triangular arrowhead denotes a restricted
`navigation, e.g.,
`of structure.
`inheritance of operation but not
`a number may optionally be shown
`next to a line end that touches a class box to
`indicate the cardinality of the relationship, e.g.,
`"*" denotes "or more", e.g.,
`1 .
`*“ denotes "0 or more".
`.1" denotes an
`aggregation of 0 or 1.
`All management entities consist of processing
`threads (lightweight processes or tasks). All of
`the management processing threads are part of the
`SetTopManager ThreadGroup 305, which is further
`subdivided into the ApplicationManager 310,
`Presentationmanager 315, Usermanager 320,

`W0 0034192
`Resourcemanager 325, and SetTopAgent
`All management entities interface the set top
`management information base (SetTopMIB) 335.
`management entity (MngmtEntity) 355 controls a part
`of the MIB while the SetTopAgent 330 provides
`external access to the MIB (i.e., SNMP, RMI, CORBA,
`IIOP, etc.). MngmtEntity 355 is associated with a
`Thread 360 and a ThreadGroup 365, both from
`The ApplicationManager 310 controls the
`applications registry (AppRegistry) 340,
`presentation manager controls the
`PresentationRegistry 345,
`the user manager controls
`the user registry (UserRegistry) 350, and the
`resource manager controls the resource registry
`(ResourceRegistry) 355.
`The following subsections
`outline the different management entities in more
`Note that the invention enables the application
`of generic state information modules, such as those
`described in the ITU-T X.731 standard, within
`applications, resources, and the set—top MIB. This
`standard is part of the Q3 standard adopted by the
`Telecommunications Management Network (TMN).
`TMN standard was developed by the CCITT {now the
`to provide an architecture to achieve an
`interconnection between various types of management
`systems and telecommunications equipment for the
`exchange of management
`information over standardized

`W0 0|}I2-H92
`interfaces. TM is largely based on OSI management
`standards and includes:
`Principles for TMN (ITU—T M.3010 and M.3020),
`which defines the architecture;
`Generic Network Information model
`Management Services {ITU—T M.3200);
`Management Function (ITU-T M.3400}; and
`Protocol Profiles for Management Interfaces
`{ITU~T (2.811,
`(3.812, Q.7'73).
`It is intended that all networks,
`telecommunications services, and major type of
`equipment may be managed by TMN.
`TMN functions exchange management
`by means of the ITU-T X-700 series {OSI system
`management) standards.
`Each software component
`in a
`TMN layer represents itself and the resources it
`manages to the layer above as a managed object.
`interactions between manager and agent are defined
`by means of CMISE/CMIP.
`The organization of the
`information architecture,
`the MIB, contains managed
`objects for specific technologies that can be
`refined from the general template provided in ITU—T
`the Generic Network Information Model.
`All TMN comunication is based on the Agent-
`Manager paradigm.
`The Q3 interface relies on the
`OSI management model using the OSI Common Management
`Information protocol.
`CMIP is used between Common
`Management Information service Elements (CMISE)
`provide Common Management Information Service

`W0 00f24192
`PCT.-‘U S99!2 I 983
`Applications Management
`The application manager controls a number of
`applications which are all built based on the
`generic applications template which enables the
`monitoring and control by the application manager.
`The application management APIS provide the
`system with application life—cycle and application
`integrity related functions.
`Application Verification and Validation API —
`The application verification and validation API
`provides the system with functions for TED.
`Application Life Cycle API — The application
`life cycle API provides the system with functions
`for loading, starting, pausing, stopping, and
`unloading applications.
`Application Registration API
`— The application
`registration API provides the system with functions
`for registering application version and application
`source information.
`FIG. 4 illustrates a set top application
`manager top~level UML class diagram in accordance
`with the present invention.
`Likevnumbered elements correspond to one
`another in the various figures.
`Here, a Resourceclient class 405 is associated
`with a Genericnpp class 410, which is associated
`with a Modem Proxy class 415, which is associated
`with a ResourceProxy class 420.
`The Resourceclient class 405 and ResourceProxy
`class 420 may be from org.davic.resources.

`W0 0094192
`PCTfUS99l21 983
`GenericApp class 410 may be from
`Generic applications implement resource client
`405 and resource proxy 420 interfaces for all
`resources used by the individual applications 410.
`All applications, although managed by the
`application manager only, have to interact with the
`presentation 315,
`the user 320, and the resource
`manager 325.
`5 contains a UML class diagram
`illustrating these dependencies.
`FIG. 5 illustrates a set top applications
`management relations top-level UML class diagram in
`accordance with the present invention.
`The GeneriCApp class 410 may be associated with
`various classes,
`such as a Download class 505, a
`WatchTV class 510, an Email class 515, a Ticker
`Class 520,
`a WebBrowser class 525, and an EPG class
`530, each of which may be from
`The interaction between the user and all
`management entities is accomplished through the set
`top control application, which, as are all other
`is controlled by the application
`manager 310 through the generic application 410
`6 illustrates a set top control
`application top~level UML class diagram in
`accordance with the present invention.
`The set top control application
`{SetTopControlApp) 605 coordinates the interaction
`between the user through a set top control GUI

`wo oo;z4192
`{SetTopControlGUI} 610, and the different set top
`managers 310, 315, 320 and 325.
`The SetTopControlApp 605 and SetTopControlGUI
`610 may be from gi.settop.applications.
`User Management
`The user profile APIs provide the system with
`user-centric and account-centric functions.
`Billing API
`- The billing API provides the
`system with functions for managing accounts and
`performing account—re1ated transactions.
`Preferences API
`~ The preferences API provides
`the system with functions for managing user—centric
`Favorite Services API - The favorite services
`API p

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