`Date of Deposit: August 22, 2000
`Ihereby certify that this paper or fee is being deposited with the United States Postal Service "Express Mail Post
`Office to Addressee" sejce under 37 CFR 1.10 on the date indicated above and is addressed to the Assistant
`Assistant Commissioner for Patents
`Attorney Docket No. TIVOO057PR
`Provisional Application Cover Sheet
`Washington, D.C. 20231
`This is a request for filing a PROVISIONAL APPLICATION FOR PATENT under 37 CFR 1.53(b)(2).
`First Name
`and Either State or Forei u n Count
`Middle Initial
`Residence Cl
`Last Name
`A Poniatowski
`K rie
`Woodside, Califomia
`S deman
`Van Stam
`Sunn ale, Califomia
`Additional inventors are being named on separately numbered sheets attached hereto.
`Menlo Park, California
`Cuertino, Califomia
`Los Gatos, Califomia
`Los Gatos, Califomia
`San Jose, California
`Livermore, California
`Palo Alto, California
`Title of the Invention
`Corres ondence Address
`Michael A. Glenn
`3475 Edison Way, Suite L
`Menlo Park, CA 94025
`Telephone No. (650) 474-8400
`Enclosed A lication Parts
`check all that al
`Number of Pages
`(X) Small Entity Statement - Business
`(X) Specification
`and Drawing(s)
`) Other (specify)
`$75.00 for Small Entity
`$150 for Large Entity
`Filin -
`Fee and Method of Pa ment
`The Commissioner is authorized to charge the filing fee of $75.00 and any additional fees or credit any
`overpayment to Deposit Account No. 50-1240 (Order No. TlVOO057PR). A copy is enclosed for this
`Respectfully Submitted,
`9‘ ’
`Reg. No. 30,176
`Customer No. 22862»
`Approved for use throu h 09/30/2000. OMB 065 -0031
`PTO/SB/10 £1-99)
`Patent and Trademark Office; U.S.
`Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of infomiation unless it displays a valid OMB control number,
`(37 CFR 1.9(r) & 1.27(c))--SMALL BUSINESS CONCERN
`Docket Number (Optional)
`Applicant, Patentee, or Identifier: Goodma” et 3''
`Application or Patent No.:
`Filedorlssued: Herewith
`Title: Wishlist
`I hereby state that I am
`the owner of the small business concern identified below:
`an official of the small business concern empowered to act on behalf of the concern identified below:
`13 CFR Part 121 for purposes of paying reduced fees to the United States Patent and Trademark Office. Questions relat o
`to size standards for a small business concern may be directed to: Small Business Administration, Size Standards Sta
`409 Third Street. SW, Washington, DC 20416.
`I hereby state that rights under contract or law have been conveyed to and remain with the small business conce
`identified above with regard to the invention described in:
`W the specification filed herewith with title as listed above.
`E the application identified above.
`ID the patent identified above.
`under 37 CFR 1.9(d), or a nonprofit organization under 37 CFR 1.9(e).
`Each person, concern, or organization having any rights in the invention is listed below:
`Cl no such person, concern, or organization exists.
`E each such person, concern, or organization is listed below.
`Separate statements are required from each named persorconcern or organization having rights to the invention
`stating their status as small entities. (37 CFR 1.27)
`in this application or patent, notification of any change in status resulting in loss o
`I acknowledge the duty to file,
`entitlement to small entity status prior to paying, or at the time of paying, the earliest of the issue fee or any maintenan
`fee due after the date on which status as a small entity is no longer appropriate. (37 CFR 1.28(b))
`James M- Ba”°”
`Burden Hour Statement: This form is estimated to take 0.2 hours to complete. Time will vary depending upon the needs of the individual case. Any
`comments on the amount of time cu are re uired to complete this form should be sent to the Chief Information Officer, Patent and Trademark Office,
`Washington. DC 20231. D0 N0 SEND F ES OR COMPLETED FORMS TO THIS ADDRESS. SEND TO: Assistant Commissioner for Patents,
`Washington, DC 20231,
`~ ’%mima%mJ* W
`y« ,
`W « ~kwww»\,wovMr5w&.e»4
` mmmnsmu9mwooomumfima8_>mo
`WishList VI Design
`Spec Status
`Last modified: Jun 27, 2000 10:11 am
`Current Owner: Lynn Cherny
`(Previous Contributors: Jennifer Rode & Ann Sydeman )
`Software platform: 2.0
`Hardware platform: Combo and Standalone
`Percentage Complete: 99%
`Engineering Contact: Alan Waterman
`The WishList features enables TiVo to find shows that meet a set of user defined criteria. The user may define multiple
`WishLists, and optionally, get a season pass to each WishList. The following describes the major functions of WishLists:
`- Auto-record - the user may auto—record programs matching the WishList
`~ Multiple WishLists
`- Continuous Search — TiVo is always reading the latest program guide data to find matching programs
`Immediate Search — the user may request to see all upcoming showings in a WishList
`- Complex Searches — a search may include the following elements: A genre and (actor, director, or keywords). Note that
`there may be multiple keywords that are ANDed together.
`User Tasks
`Create a new WishList
`. Edit an existing WishList
`Delete a WishList
`."'P9°'°." Auto-record with recording options
`See the results of a WishList
`77Vo Confidential and Proprietary DO NOT COPY
`1 5
`Recording Options may be set for the WishList auto-record choice. Some of the options have different defaults than
`regular season passes. See the Recording Options specification.
`A WishList Auto—recording can be prioritized relative to all other Season Passes. By default new WishLists are
`prioritized lowest.
`When editing a WishList, items on the To Do list might be removed. If items on the To Do list are there for other reasons
`(part of another WishList, an explicit, a season pass) then those items should not be deleted. As a hidden feature, the user can
`upgrade a show to an explicit by saving it longer.
`Explicit recordings on the To Do list don’t get Season Pass or WishList auto-record icons because canceling the SP does
`not and should not cancel the explicit recording.
`When editing a WishList or deleting a WishList, items in Now Playing should not be deleted if they are no longer part of
`the WishList.
`Existing WishLists can be accessed in these ways:
`- Search using WishLists screen
`- You can select a show that is planned for recording as a result of a WishList. At the bottom of the Find Actions
`screen is a link to View WishList. If the show is part of multiple WishLists, then you first go to the Choose
`WishList screen.
`- If there are no upcoming shows for a WishList and you are auto-recording that WishList, you can find the
`WishList at the bottom of the To Do list.
`If you are auto-recording a WishList, you can access the WishList from the Season Pass Manager screen.
`PPVs (with the exception of shows in the sports category) are not recorded by WishList auto-recording requests. If you
`are auto-recording a WishList, and the WishList finds a PPV, that PPV will not record automatically, unless the PPV
`genre is SPORTS. (This is because a viewer may have paid for a large sports PPV package and expect a WishList to find
`it all).
`The scheduler will not record a prograrn/episode that is in Now Playing again. Nor will it schedule two recordings for the
`same program/episode. However, if the user or TiVo has deleted the program, it might be recorded again. We can
`anticipate that this behavior will be a negative for WishList auto-recording.
`CLEAR goes to the Cancel WishList, except from Choose Actor/Director/Keyword screens. On these screen CLEAR
`deletes all text in the type in box. If a user hits CLEAR and then exits the screen the text should remain so as to not create
`a blank WishList.
`TiVo Confidential and Proprietary DO NOT COPY
`Search using wishusts _ No wishusts
`- Access from Pick Programs To Record. See Tog—Ievel Menus
`- Create new WishList goes to the beginning of the create/edit
`Search Using WishLists
`Use Wistiusts to tell ‘Five to find all programs that match the
`WiehList's criteria.
`- Use Actor Wishtjsts to find programs featuring an
`actorlgiiest/host and Director WishLists for those by
`a particular director
`Keyword Wishbsts can contain a set of kayvvorcb
`that are in either the title or description at a
`progam, Keywords can also be actors‘ or directors‘
`Category Onty WishLists find programs in a
`This section of this page will not print diagrams. I am
`giving up on debugging it. See next page.
`77Vo Confidential and Proprietary DO NOT COPY
`1 7
`Search using WishLists - WishLists created
`Search Using WishLists
`O Cooking/‘Alice Waters‘
`Speilberg, Steven
`View all upcoming WishList Programs
`All Upcoming Programs
`73 matches were found (showing first 20 for each
`Young and Inno.
`. 5/20
`10 45pm 9 KQED
`WishList" Comed
`000 am 21 KJVT >
`10 00 am
`10 00 am
`1000 am
`10 00 am
`Lame Show
`Lame Show
`Lairie Show
`Create new WishList
`Create WishList
`WishLists help you find upcoming programs Actor,
`Director, and Category Only WishLists let you set up
`simple searches Using Keywords WishList . you may set
`up searches with multiple elements
`E ‘ Actor WishList
`Director WishList
`Category Only WishList
`Keywords WishList
`All of the WishLists that the user created are listed in
`alphabetical order with WishList icon in front of the ones set to
`Pressing CLEAR on a highlighted WishList goes to the Delete
`Confirmation screen (as in Now Showing)
`RIGHT or SELECT on View all upcoming WishList programs
`goes to View all upcoming WishList programs screen
`RIGHT or SELECT on Create new WishList goes to Create
`LEFT goes back to Pick Programs to Record
`Channel UP/DOWN are required for scrolling a long list of
`SELECT/RIGHT on a WishList name goes to the WishList
`<Type> Auto-recording Scheduled or WishList No Auto-
`recording screens.
`SELECT/RIGHT on a show leads to Find Actions for the
`LEFI‘ goes to Search Using Wishlists.
`Channel up and down scroll the page.
`Show matches from WishList in the order they appear on the
`WishList list. Cut off at 200.
`Only show WishLists that return results in the listing.
`Each WishList shows a max of 20 results in this view.
`If no results match for any WishList, show the same "None
`found" messaging as on WishList View Upcoming page.
`Show special "Please Wait" badge on top of this screen while
`searching the list of WishLists. Text to say "Searching...
`<newline> 3 of 50 WishLists" with a progress bar below it.
`Create Actor WishList goes to the Actor/Actress/Guest/Host
`Create Director WishList goes to the Director picker
`Create Category Only WishList goes to the top-level category
`Create Keywords WishList goes to the keyword picker
`LEFT goes to the Search using WishList screen.
`TiVo Confidential and Proprietary DO NOT COPY
`' screen Titlesi
`- When Creating a New WishList (entered screen from
`Choose Category)-"Done Creating WishList"
`° After Editing a WiShList- "Done Editing WishList"
`0 If entering after choosing a preexisting WishList via Search
`using WishLists - WishLists Have Been Created then the
`text is dynamic- and displays VVishList type (Actor
`WishList, Director WishList, Keyword WishLists)
`- Help text is dynamic to reinforce what type of WishList was
`0 Access this screen from Search using WishLists, the Season
`Pass Prioritizer, the bottom of the To Do list, or from yii
`WishList action on the Find Actions screen for a program that
`is part of a WishList, or from the Choose WishList screen if a
`program is part of multiple WishLists.
`0 Done creating WishList and LEFT on the Done Creating
`WishList screen go to Search Using WishLists, WishLists
`created screen.
`- LEFT / OK, don’t do anything goes back to the screen from
`where the user came.
`If the user has chosen Edit this WishList has changed an
`element of the WishList and then LEFTs back to the WishList
`Screen or proceeds to the end of the Workflow, change the
`wording of the bottom action to be Done editing WishList.
`- LEFT arrow off this screen uses "delay and select
`behavior, selecting the bottom menu item.
`- Auto-record WishList programs and Options work the same as
`Find Actions. Only show this option if no auto-recording has
`been scheduled. If viewer picks Autorecord, the scheduler
`checks if there are too many season passes already and if so
`displays the Too Many Season Passes screen described in
`Find Actions spec.
`- View upcoming showings goes to the Episode Picker screen.
`(If you have selected View U comin Showin s, then LEFT
`from the Episode Picker returns to WishList Screen. RIGHTI
`SELECT goes to the details of that show.)
`- Edit this WishList goes to the beginning of the create/edit
`workflow, and the exact text changes based on WishList type
`- Edit Actor WishList
`- Edit Director WishList
`- Edit Keyword WishList
`. Edit Category WishList
`. 0eS to Cancel Autorecording
`Only show this option if aWishList auto-recording has been
`- Delete WishList goes to a DeleteWishList confirmation screen
`WishList Screen -Done Creating/Editing
`Done <Creating> WishList
`This <Actor> WishList trnds prograrrs that match:
`Cooking/'aIrce 8. some other stuff that takes up space‘
`Delete this WishList
`Done creating WishList
`WishList Screen - Auto-recording scheduled
`This Wrshusttinds programs that match.
`Ck ‘I
`0° W me some 0 er 5 U
`es up space
`'9 Programs on this WishList will be automatically
`Don.‘ aumecord programs
`<Edit this WIshLIst>
`Delete this WishList
`WishList screen, No Auto—recording
`gtildkidlgs/E1;-|i:tefldr1‘::rFii:?)if1:‘fsirdEflfttrnzitigkes up space‘
`Programs that match this WishList will notbe
`automatically recorded.
`Ok, don't change anything
`Delete this WishList
`'l7Vo Confidential and Proprietary DO NOT COPY
`1 9
`Creating WishLists/Editing WishLists Interaction Details
`confirmation for Aut°_Rec°,-ding wishust
`- SELECTILEFT/RIGHT go to WishList, Auto-recording
`WishList Confirmation
`Programs that match this WishList will be automatically
`added to your To Do Us!
`Press SELECT to continue
`cancei create warning
`STOP Creating W|ShLlS'[?
`Are you sure that you want to stopcreating this WishList’?
`Your partial Wishl-istwill be deleted
`Continue creating WishList
`Stop creating WishList
`The user can get to this screen by pressing any remote button
`which takes the user out of the create WishList workflow (bail
`buttons like LiveTV/TiVo/DTV).
`Stop creating WishList goes to the appropriate context.
`Continue creating WishList goes back to the creation screen
`that the user was just on.
`This dialog on1y_appears if the user h.as gone as far in the
`workflow as typing part of an actor/director or keyword (2
`TiVo Confidential and Proprietary DO NOT COPY
`Delete WishList (not don’t autoqecord)
`Delete WishList
`Are you sure that you want to delete the Cooking/'alice
`waters‘ W ishust '9
`<Al| upcoming programs that match this WishList will be
`removed from the To Do List >
`- Yes, delete this WishList goes to the appropriate context:
`Search using WishList.s, Season Pass Manager, or the
`originating context for the Find Actions screen. It is the
`default highlighted choice.
`~ No don’t delete this WishList goes to the WishList Screen
`° Show conditional text if Auto Recordings were scheduled too
`F Yes, delete this WishList
`Cancel Auto-recording (but not deleting WishList)
`' This SW55“ aPPeaT5 fmm the WishList Screens Auto‘
`recording Scheduled.
`~ SELECT/LEFT/RIGHT goes to WishList Screen, No Auto-
`recording Scheduled.
`Cancellation Confirmed
`All upcoming programs that match this WishList will be
`removed from the To Do List.
`77Vo Confidential and Proprietary DO NOT COPY
`0 Combo Box - The APG supports Core categories and All
`Category Picker - from Create WishList
`categories. Display All categories, core and non-core.
`- The top category should be highlighted for new WishLists.
`0 When editing a WishList, the category for that WishList should
`be checked and scrolled into view when the user arrives at this
`- SELECT/RIGHT arrow goes to the Sub-category Picker
`- LEFT goes to the Create New WishList screen.
`- Change the title and explanatory text if coming from Create
`WishList vs. the Actor/Director/Keyword Pickers
`Category Only WishList
`<Category> has <n> sub-categories Press SELECT to
`Category Picker - from after creating Actor/Direc-
`0 Top line of Choose Category screen reads:
`- Actor: <Last name, First Narne>
`- Director: <Last name, First Name>
`Choose Category
`<Actor>. <Wrl|rams, RobIn>
`You can narrow your search by specrtying a category.
`0 Keywords: <keyword>
`- LEFT takes you to the Choose Actor, Choose Director or
`Choose Keywords screen depending on where you came from
`Audio and Video Productron
`TiVo Confidential and Proprietary DO NOT COPY
` Sub-category Picker after Choose Category
`- Use this screen whenever a sub-category needs to be specified
`(with minor modification for Category Only, see last bullet).
`DTV reserves the right to add more depth to the category
`choices, if this occurs this screen should also be used for sub-
`sub categories etc. All category choices that have been made
`shall be displayed:
`- Category: movies
`- Category: movies/children
`- Category: movies/children/animated/ducks (if needed the
`middle part shall be elapsed out movies/child.../ducks)
`- When editing a WishList, the sub-category for that WishList
`should be checked and scrolled into view when the user arrives
`at this screen.
`Choose Sub-Category
`<Aclor>: <Wi||iams, Flobin>
`Category: <Sports>
`SELECT/RIGHT from the bottom—most category goes to the
`Confirmation Screen
`° Top line of Choose Sub-Category screen (for all WishList
`types other than Category Only) reads:
`- Actor: <Last name, First Name>
`- Director: <Last name, First Name>
`- Keywords: <keyword>
`- Don’t show this line if this is a Category only WishList.
`fivo Confidential and Proprietary DO NOT COPY
`Only one name may be chosen.
`Searches are performed by last name first
`The user must enter a comma to separate a last name from a
`first name. If the user enters multiple names without a comma,
`the software will assume that is a multi—part last name.
`In the actor index spaces will match hyphens. The user must
`enter a space to match hyphens.
`In the actor index all other punctuation is stripped. The user
`must not enter a space to match it.
`Partial names will not match. User must enter a full last name.
`User may enter a name that is not in the list.
`Right hand side contains list of actors, actresses, guest starts,
`and hosts. Use the complete list of people, not just the people
`that are in programs in the next two weeks of program data.
`Search for the specified person in the actor index and the
`keyword index.
`LEFT off the screen goes to the Create New WishList screen.
`RIGHT arrow off the edge of the keyboard goes to the list or to
`the Press SELECT to continue wiener
`SELECTIRIGHT arrow from the list or wiener goes to the
`Add Category screen
`If editing the WishList pre-populate the text entry with the
`current actor’s name and highlight the actor in the actor list.
`Once there is no actor match, the help text appears and the
`right-most wiener is contains the new actor name. If a user
`continues to add characters both wieners update.
`Pick Actor
`Choose Actor by Last Name
`Enter the actors Last Name.
`- Use the arrows to nova around the letter
`- Press SELECT on the F15! few letters of the
`actors narm.
`- Press RIGHT arrow to go to the ist of
`- Press SELECT to choose an actor
`You may enter a rarra not in TiVo‘s list
`Use the form:
`Last Name, first Name
`Pick Actor - matches an item in the list
`Choose Actor by Last Name
`A Ford, Harrison
`V Mlcholson, Jack
`Ryan. Meg
`Sega], Steven
`Thurman. Uma
`uvw x
`Y2 . 1
`23 4 5
`67 a 9
`Pick Actor - no match in the list
`Choose Actor by Last Name
`press SELECT.
`Either this actor does not
`appear In any upcoming
`programs, or the name is
`It you would still like to enter
`this actor, use RIGHT to
`TiVo Confidential and Proprietary DO NOT COPY
`pick Director
`0 Same U1 guidelines as above
`0 If editing the WishList pre-populate the text entry with the
`current director’s name and highlight the director in the actor
`Choose Director by Last Nam
`Enter the directofs Last Name
`- Use the arrows to rmve around the letter
`- Press SELECT on the first tew letters of
`the directors narm.
`- Press RIGHT arrow to go to the list 0!
`- Press SELECTIO choose an director.
`You may enter a name not in TiVo's list
`Use the form:
`Last Name, Ftrst Name
`pick keywords _ initiai state
`Press SELECT on
`-the letters to spell out keywords
`-sPio adda space
`-DEL to delete a single letter
`'°‘-'*‘° "°'°‘“" "‘° "°Y“'°“‘5
`Pick keywords - Two or more letters typed
`0 The user may enter as many characters as fit on the screen.
`- For the first release, we will not support scrolling of the text
`- Keywords are separated by spaces.
`- Keywords should be searched for in the keyword, actor, and
`director indexes.
`- The user may surround a set of words with quotation marks to
`specify an exact phrase.
`- The keywords and phrases are AND'ed together.
`- PAUSE adds a double quotation (") mark.
`- CLR deletes all the keywords
`- DEL deletes the last letter
`- The help text should be visible until two letters are typed at
`which show the Pick Keywords-- Two or more letters screen
`0 If possible, make the weiner surrounding "Done creating
`Keywords WishList" visible but black, until highlighted.
`Choose Keywords
`is niyiligited and then press SELECT.
`Done creating keywords
`When finished entering keyworrk, press RIGHT
`until ‘Done creatmg keyword WishList"
`‘l7Vo Confidential and Proprietary DO NOT COPY
`Naming A WishList
`WishList names are derived from the elements in the WishList. The WishList name appears on the Season Pass Manager
`screen, Search using WishList, and Choose WishList.
`The names are formulated as follows:
`- WishList: <category>/<list of directors>/</list of actors>/keywords. A slash should go between each element
`- The categories should show only the leaf category.
`- The directors and actors should be written as follows: Last name, First name. The names should be capitalized.
`- The keywords should have single quotation marks around them and be written in lower case.
`0 WishList: Sports - user picked the category sports
`- WishList: Speilberg, Steven
`0 WishList: "fire fighting"
`- WishList: Movie/Speilberg, Steven
`Graphic Design
`1 . Bug 10063 - On Choose Actor/Director/Keyword screens CLEAR deletes all text in the type in box. If a user hits CLEAR
`and then exits the screen they should get an error message telling them they can not create an empty WishList
`2. The option to View all umoming WishList programs may not be doable for 2.0 as spec’ed. It may not include the WishList
`names before each section of programs returned. If this aggregation screen doesn’t get in at all, the functionality of this
`feature is significantly reduced.
`TiVo Confidential and Proprietary DO NOT COPY
`Proposal submitted by
`Dave lockette lockette@tivo.com
`Andy Goodman aggodman@tivo.com
`Jean kao
`Title of the proposal
`Multi channel system independent media processor
`Disclosure external to TiVo:
`Invention have been built into Teralogic 810/ 820 device.
`The design has been disclosed to Teralogic during technical discussion. Also
`the high
`level description code (i.e. verilog HTL) is stored in Teralogic's computer.
`Invention also have been disclosed to Hughes Network system corp.
`Related invention proposals, patents
`TiVo media processor, (note: I will refer it as such. It should be replaced
`whatever official patent name we call it)
`Current media processor work great with one media stream and has to be at the
`data path of the media stream it is processing. The new processor is intended to
`flexibly add to an system with existing complicated hardware. With this
`the tivo media processor is small hardware addition, either as an block to a
`developing device or as a new device to a system. This proposal enable an way
`enhance an audio video system with tivo media technology.
`The design contains five major blocks: system interface, media stream
`media stream processor core, mutil channel state engine, media identification
`The system interface is the only one that is system dependent. The system
`provide a connection or window for media process to observed the system bus.
`system interface also provide a way the send back media processed result, as
`well as a programming interface. The system interface is a passive slave client
`on a bus
`without interface with data transfer on the bus. The system data is sent to
`block with