`(12) United States Patent
`Locket et al.
`(10) Patent No.:
`(45; Date of Patent:
`US 8,457,476 B2
`*Jun. 4, 2013
`( “‘ )
`Inventors: David Locket. Los Gatos, CA (US):
`Kurtis G. Heaton. Plcasanton. CA (US):
`James M. Barton. Alviso. CA (US);
`Jean Sway Kao. (.“uper1ino. (“A (US):
`Ching Tong Chow. Los Altos. CA (US):
`Roderick James Melnnis. Milpitas. (‘A
`(US); Andrew Martin Goodman.
`Portola Valley. (TA (U S)
`’I‘iVo Ine., Alviso, (TA (US)
`Subject to any disclaimer. the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. l54[|3} by 964 days.
`This patent is subject to a terminal dis-
`Appl. No.: 121498.335
`Jul. 6, 2009
`Prior Publication Data
`References Cited
`U.S. I-’A'l‘liN'l‘ l)()C.'UMlEN'l‘S
`3.805.990 A
`I2-51953 Towlcr
`3.632.363 A
`S.’ [972 I-lull
`2 I37 745
`I 139045
`7.-" I998
`U .S. District Court in the Eastern District oi"l‘e:ias. Marshall Divi-
`I-'E».r.*'zon Scrv."r-e Corp. and l"c-r.r'z0i: Co.vpom.'r'.oii Re-som‘ms
`Group LLC, ."mrr1It'dr‘.'y (.‘on.'en.'r'ow.s'.
`iii-‘b Inc. v. P'e:1':o.-v (..‘o.v)mmm‘—
`Ii.=r.'.. Case No. 2:U9—cv—25')'. 44 pages. Apr. 20I0.
`Pririiarji’ E.\'am:'.r1er — Robert (Ihevalier
`(74) Am.-rne_i:. Agent, or Firm — Hickman Palenno Truong
`Becker Iiingharn Wong l.l.l’: Kirk I). Wong
`US 2009i’0269024 Al
`Oct. 29. 2009
`Related U.S. Application Data
`Continuation of application No. 091935.426, filed on
`Aug. 22. 2001. now Pat. No. 7.558.472. which is a
`continuation-in-part of application No. 09f827.029.
`filed on Apr. 5. 2()0l. now abandoned. which is a
`continuation of application No. 09! 126,071. filed on
`Jul. 30. 1998. now Pat. No. 6.233.389.
`Provisional application No. 60f226.856. filed on Aug.
`22. 2000.
`Int. Cl.
`HOJN 5/9.)‘ 7
`H04.’\’ 5./84
`U.S. Cl.
`Field of (flassilieatitln Search
`3861330. 332. 334, 338. 353. 355,
`A multimedia signal processing system utilizes an easily
`t11an.ipulatcd. low-cost storage and display system that allows
`the user to view a television program and instantly review
`previous scenes within the program. The invention also
`allows the user to store selected programs while sirnulta-
`neously watching or reviewing another. A versatile system
`architecture enables providing the invention in multiple con~
`figurations. each adapted to receive input signals from a dif-
`l'erent source. At the highest level. the system includes an
`input section and an output section. Across all conI'1gurations_.
`the output section remains substantially the same. while the
`input section varies according to the signal
`type and the
`source. Tlius. several configurations are provided. each one
`requiring only minor system board modifications. The system
`architecture thus simplifies the design and nlanufacturing
`challenge presented by prodtncing units to serve different
`niarkets. such as digital satellite. digital cable and analog
`See application tile for complete search history.
`14 Claims, 23 Drawing Sheets

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`Officc Action 1'€C£1\-"Cd
`1n Ltttopean application No. 070251368-
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`Claims as ofI\ov. 18, 2011 In European application No. 07025136.
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`Intellectual Property Library. _ “51.'.r'1ct31 Vs. D.t‘(?(21'?It1’01".1(.§’ LLC'".
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`Chtncsc Office Action received 111 Application No. 2005800416459
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`Current Claims o1‘(“.h1nese Application No. 2005800416459 dated
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`Exhibit A1 to AT&T‘s and Microsoft Corporation’s invalidity Con-
`tentions: Claim Chart of US. Patent No. 6.233.389 in \«'1L‘M-1 of US.
`Patent No. 5.5 57.724 to Sampal. 23 pages, May 2 l. 2010.
`Fxhibil A2 to AT&T’s and Microsoft C0rporatio11’s Invalidity Cun-
`tentions: Claim Chan of US. Patent No. 6.233.389 in view of US.
`P:1len11\'o.6.169.843. 6 pages. May 21. 2010.
`Exhibit A3 to AT&T’s and Microsoft Corporation’s Invalidity Con-
`tcntions: Claim Chan ofU.S. Patent No. 6.233.389 in View of U.S.
`Paten1No.6.181.706. 5 pages. May 21. 2010.
`Exhibit A4 to AT&T’s and Microsoft Co oration’s Invalidi Con-
`terltions: Claim Chart of'U.S. Patent No.rg.233.389 in viewt6’fU.S.
`Patent No. 7.272.298 to Lang. 11 pages. May 2 l. 2010.
`Exhibit A5 to ;(1'&'I"s and Microsoft Corporatior1’s Invalidity Con-
`tcntions: Claim Chart of US. Patent No. 6,233,389 in view of U.S.
`Paten1No.6.209.041. 140 pages. May 21, 2010.
`110111111 A6 to A'1‘&'1"s and Microsoft Corpo1'ation‘s invalidity Con-
`lcntionsz Claim Chart ofU s. Patent No. 5 233 3891:: view of US.
`Paten1No 6 172 712 137 iaages May 21 2010
`Exhibit A7 to AT8z'1"s and Microsoft Corporatior1’s invalidity Con-
`1E|'ll|l'Jl'lSl CIEUITI C1101‘! OfU.S. P51113111. N0. 5.233.389 lI'l VIEW OfGl'3-
`ham "lhomason. 1.-P0594241. 136 pages. May 21, 2010.
`lfxhibit A8 to A'1‘&'I"s and Microsoft Corporation's Invalidity Con-
`lentions: Claim Chart ofU.S. Paten1No.6.233.389 in view o1'U.S.
`Patent No. 5.822.493. 161 pages. May 21. 2010.

`US 8,457,476 B2
`Page 5
`Exhibit A9 to AT&T‘s and Microsoft Corporation’s Invalidity Con-
`tentions: Claim Chart of'l.l.S. Patent No. 6.233.389 in view of U.S.
`Patent No. 6.490.000. 134 pages. May 21. 20 I0.
`Exhibit A10 to AT&'l"s and Microsofi Corporation’s Invalidity Con-
`tentions: Claim Chart ofU.S. Patent No. 6,233,389 in view of C.
`Hanna et al.. Demultiplexer IC for MPEG2 Transport Streams. 138
`pages. May 21. 2010.
`Exhibit Al I to A'I‘&T‘s and Microsoft Corporations Invalidity Con-
`tentions: Claim Chan of U.S. Patent .\To. 6.233.389 in view of Robert
`Johnson, a Digital Television Sequence Store, 148 pages. May 21.
`Exhibit A12 to AT&T’s and Microsoft Corporatiorfs Invalidity Con-
`tentions: Claim Chan 0f'l.l.S. Patent No. 6.233.389 in View of‘[.".S.
`Patent No. 5.721.815 to Ottesen. 18 pages. May 21, 2010.
`lixhibit A13 to A'l'&'l"s and Microsoft Corporation’s Invalidity Con-
`tentions: Claim Cha.i1 of'U.S. Patent No. 6.233.389 in view of U.S.
`Patent No. 6.018.612 to Thomason. et al. and further in view ofU.S.
`Patent No. 5.949.948 to Krause et al.. 7 pages. May 2 I. 2010.
`Exhibit A14 to AT&T’s and Microsoft Corporal ion’s Invalidity Con-
`tentions: Claim Chart of US. Patent No. 6.233.389 in view of U.S.
`Patent No. 6.018.612. and Further
`in view 01' U.S. Patent No.
`5.477.263 and US. Patent No. 6.t69.843. 11 pages. May 21. 2010.
`l3xhibitAl5 to A'I'&’l"s and Microsoft Corporations Invalidity Con-
`tentions: Claim Chart of U.S. Patent No. 6.233.389 in view of
`“Strea.mObjects: Dynamically-Segmented Scalable Media Over the
`Internet" by Steven Niemczyk. 17 pages. May 21. 2010.
`Exhibit A16 to AT&T‘s and Microsofi Corporalion’s Invalidity Con-
`tentions: Claim Chart of U.S. Patent No. 6.233.389 in View of “A
`Programming System for the Dynamic Manipulation of Temporally
`Sensitive Data" by Christopher J. Lindblad. 16 pages. May 21. 2010.
`Exhibit A17 to AT&T’s and Microsoft Corporation’s Invalidity Con-
`tentions: Claim Chart ot‘U.S. Patent No. 6.233.389 in view of
`Architecture for Networked Multimedia" by Jonathan C. Soo. 12
`pages. May 21. 2010.
`Exhibit A18 to AT&T‘s and Microsoft Corp-oration’s Invalidity Con-
`tentions: Claim Chart of U.S. Patent No. 6.233.389 in view of
`“Design of a Storage and Retrieval Model for Multimedia Data" by
`Ruihong Wang. 1 1 pages. May 21. 2010.
`Exhibit A19 to AT&T’s and Microsoft Corp-oration’s Invalidity Con-
`tentions: Claim Char1 ot‘U.S. Patent No. 6.233.389 in view of U.S.
`Patent No. 6.304.714 to Krause et al.. 7 pages. May 21.2010.
`Exhibit A20 to AT&T‘s and Microsofi Corporation’s Invalidity Con-
`tentions: Claim Chart ofU.S. Patent No. 6.233.389 in view ot'L'.S.
`Patent No. 5.990.881. 6 pages. May 21.2010.
`Exhibit A21 to AI'&'l"s and Microsoft Corporation's Invalidity Con-
`tentions: Claim Chart ofU.S. Patent No. 6.233.389 i.rr View of U.S.
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