`(12) United States Patent
`Locket et al.
`(10) Patent No.:
`(45; Date of Patent:
`US 7,558,472 B2
`Jul. 7, 2009
`Inventors: David I.-ticket, Los Gatos, CA (US):
`Kurtis G. Ileaton. Pleasanton, CA (US);
`James M. Barton. Los (iatos. CA (US):
`Jean Swey Kao. Cupertino. CA (US):
`(Thing Tong Chow. Fremont. CA (US);
`Roderiek James Melnnis. Milpits. (‘A
`(US); Andrew Martin Goodman.
`Menlo Park, CA (US)
`'l'iVo Inc.. Alviso. CA (US)
`Subject to any disclaimer. the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.s.(:. t54{b)by 1623 days.
`Appl. No .: 093935.426
`Aug. 22.. 2001
`Prior Publication Data
`US 2()O2a"(}037l6()_*\l
`Mar. 28, 2002
`Related U.S. Application Data
`Contitniation-in-part of application No. 093827.029.
`filed on Apr. 5. 200}.
`Provisional application No. 60t'226.856. filed on Aug.
`22. 2000.
`Int. (21.
`H04N 7/00
`H04N 5/00
`H04N 7/26
`386K125: 386K124: 386.005
`U.S. (I1.
`Field ofClassifieation Search
`386r’l09_. 111, 112. 83. 96.124
`See application tile for complete search history.
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`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 7, 2009
`Sheet] of 23
`US 7,558,472 B2

`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 7, 2009
`Sheet 2 of 23
`US 7,558,472 B2
`; Module
`FIG. 2

`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 7,2009
`Sheet 3 of 23
`US 7,558,472 B2

`U.S. Patent
`Sheet 4 of 23
`US 7,553,472 B2
`video buffer
`uudio buffer
`private data buffer
`event buffer
`FIG. 4
`time stamp
`FIG. 5

`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 7, 2009
`Sheet 5 of 23
`US 7,558,472 B2
`A Log I ccli
`Type = I-FRAME
`Media Switch
`Trans loted t

`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 7, 2009
`Sheet 6 of 23
`US 7,558,472 B2
`encoder audio
`on- so reen
` 703
`FIG. 7

`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 7,2009
`Sheet 7 of 23
`US 7,558,472 B2
`encode r
`hard disk

`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 7, 2009
`Sheet 8 of 23
`US 7,558,472 B2
`FIG. 9

`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 7,2009
`Sheet 9 of 23
`US 7,558,472 B2

`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 7, 2009
`Sheet 10 of 23
`US 7,558,472 B2

`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 7, 2009
`Sheet 11 of 23
`US 7,558,472 B2
`NTSC Field Sequence
`VBI {";,VBl Line 21 (FCC Mandated)
`5* ice“ Eamasnz i‘
`C1 C1
`X e
`on Girls
`Region K
`Services (EDS) data (e.g.,
`Time of day, V—chip)
`-i Two characters per odd field
` .3 Circular Buffer
`Recognizer state machine
`Sto rt capture ,
`Stop capture ,
`Phrase seen ,
`Separate into
` words
`Wordi StateA
`Ward2 StateB ---_..
`Word3 StateC
`7205 -\
`Words added to a special
`in the fI'xed—size
`PES buffer.
`FIG. 12
`Next Unparsed
`Next Empty Position

`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 7, 2009
`Sheet 12 of 23
`US 7,558,472 B2
`st reams
`st reams
`FIG. 13

`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 7, 2009
`Sheet 13 of 23
`US 7,553,472 B2
`I I
`I400 \
`1403 :
`FIG. 14

`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 7, 2009
`Sheet 14 of 23
`US 7,558,472 B2
`1403 1501
`32 64MB
`" : CVBS(2)
`Host Bridge. > Aud-L(2)
`Men’: Controller,
`t omux,
`A/V Decoder
`‘ Card(s)
`——————— .
`L ____ __!
`Ts 1|:
`- in
`h '
`f518—” 9’
`GPIO Manager
`FIG. 15

`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 7, 2009
`Sheet 15 of 23
`US 7,558,472 B2
`Stand Alone Analog Fron’: End
`FR out III)! RF M
`CV35 :
`A/V Encoder
`I. _____________________________ __
`I I I I I I
`I I I I I
`FIG. 76
`Sotolite Front End

`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 7, 2009
`Sheet 16 of 23
`US 7,558,472 B2
`I I I I I I I l I I I I I I l
`Cable Combo
`Input Front End
`QAM/BT — oocszs
`QPSK - mvxc

`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 7, 2009
`Sheet 17 of 23
`US 7,558,472 B2
`Stand Alone Analog Front End
`FIG. 79A

`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 7, 2009
`Sheet 13 of 23
`US 7,558,472 B2
`200 MHZ
`PCI System Bus
`TS SeeFig.
`Mam Controller,
`Xpori DMUX,
`A,/V Decoder
`FIG. 19B

`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 7, 2009
`Sheet 19 of 23
`US 7,558,472 B2
`I I I I I I
`Sotolite Front End
`FIG. 20A

`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 7, 2009
`Sheet 20 of 23
`US 7,558,472 B2
`200 MHZ
`Mem Controller,
`Xport DMUX,
`PCI System Bus
`A/V Decoder SeeF1lg.20A
`GPIO Nov Cluster
`[DE yp
`GP 1 O
`RS252 I
`FIG. 20B

`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 7, 2009
`Sheet 21 of 23
`US 7,558,472 B2
`£ 1401C
`Cclbie Combo
`Input Front End
`Dual MPEG
`125 A/V Encoder
`FIG. 21A

`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 7, 2009
`Sheet 22 of 23
`US 7,558,472 B2
`200 MHZ
`32-54MBI ‘W’
`Host Bridge,
`Mem Controller,
`t DMUX.
`A/V Decoder

`I’ Aud—L(2)
`_ :-—§r;c:r_t_
`PCI System Bus
`i_ ____ __iiLink
`Nov Cluster
`FIG. 21B

`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 7,2009
`Sheet 23 of 23
`US 7,558,472 B2

`US 2558.472 B2
`microprocessor from the high video data rates, thereby reduc-
`ing the microprocessor and system requirements. which are at
`a premium.
`SUMMARY OF TI-llzi lNV'l9}N'l‘]ON
`This application is a Continuation—in—part of U.S. patent
`application Ser. No. 09r‘827.029, filed on Apr. 5. 2001. and
`claims benefit of U .S. Provisional Patent Application Ser. No.
`601226.856, filed on Aug. 22. 2000. U.S. patent application
`Ser. No. 09r‘827_.029 is a Continuation of U.S. Pat. No. 6.233,
`389, Filed on Jul. 30. 1998.
`1. Technical Field
`The invention relates to the time shifting of television
`broadcast signals. More particularly. the invention relates to
`the real time capture. storage. and display of television broad-
`cast Signals.
`2. Description of the Prior Art
`The Video Cassette Recorder (VCR) has changed the lives
`of television ('I‘V’] viewers throughout the world. The VCR
`has offered viewers the flexibility to timr.~s11ifi’I'V programs
`to match their lifestyles.
`The viewer stores TV programs onto magnetic tape using
`the VCR. The VCR gives the viewer the ability to play.
`rewind. fast—forward and pause the stored program material.
`These functions enable the viewer to pause the program play-
`back whenever he desires. fast forward through unwanted
`program material or commercials. and to replay favorite
`scenes. However. a VCR cannot both capture and play back
`information at the same time.
`One approach to solving this problem is to use several
`VCRs. For example, iftwo video tape recorders are available,
`it might be possible to Ping—Pong between the two. in this
`case, tl1e first recorder is started at tl1e beginning of the pro-
`gram of interest. If the viewer wishes to rewind the broadcast.
`the second recorder begins recording, while the lirst recorder
`is halted. rewound to the appropriate place, and playback
`initiated. However. at least a third video tape recorder is
`required if the viewer wishes to fast forward to some point in
`titne after the initial rewind was requested. In this case. the
`third recorder starts recording the broadcast stream while the
`second is halted and rewound to the appropriate position.
`Continuing this exercise. one can quickly see that the equip-
`ment becomes unwieldy. unreliable. expensive. and hard to
`operate. while never supporting all desired functions. In addi-
`tion, tapes are of finite length, and may potentially end at
`inconvenient times, drastically lowering the value ofthe solu-
`The use of digital computer systems to solve this problem
`has been suggested. U.S. Pat. No. 5.3".-'1 .551 issued to Logan
`et al.. on Dec. 6. I994. teaches a method for concurrent video
`recording and playback. It presents a microprocessor con-
`trolled broadcast and playback device. Said device com-
`presses and stores video data onto a hard disk. However, this
`approach is dillicult to implement because the processor
`requirements for keeping up with the high video rates makes
`the device expensive and problematic. The microprocessor
`must be extremely fast to keep up with the incoming and
`outgoing video data.
`It would be advantageous to provide a multimedia signal
`processing system that gives the user the ability to simulta-
`neously record and play back TV broadcast programs. It
`would further be advantageous to provide a multimedia signal
`processing system that utilizes an approach that decouples the
`The invention provides a multimedia signal processing
`system. The invention utilizes an easily manipulated. low co st
`multimedia storage and display system that allows the user to
`view a television broadcast program with the option of
`instantly reviewing previous scenes within the program. In
`addition. the invention allows the user to store selected tele-
`vision broadcast programs while the user is simultaneously
`watching or reviewing another program
`A preferred embodiment of the invention accepts televi-
`sion [’]'V) input streams in a multitude of forms. for example.
`analog forms such as National Television Standards Commit-
`tee (NTSC) or PAL broadcast. and digital fonns such as
`Digital Satellite System (D538). Digital Broadcast Services
`(DB5). or Advanced Television Standards Comrnittee
`(ATSC). Analog TV streams are converted to an Moving
`Pictures Experts Group (MPEG) formatted stream for ii1ter—
`nal transfer and manipulation. while pre-formatted MPEG
`streams are extracted from the digital TV signal and presented
`in a similar format to encoded analog streams.
`The invention parses the resulting MP1-3G stream and sepa-
`rates it into its video and audio components. lt then stores the
`components into temporary buffers. Events are recorded that
`indicate the type of component that has been found. where it
`is located, and when it occurred. The program logic is notified
`that an event has occurred and the data is extracted from the
`The pars er and event bu ffer decouple the CPU from having
`to parse the MPEG stream and front the real time nature ofthe
`data streams. This decoupling allows for slower CPU and bus
`speeds. which translates to lower system costs.
`The video and audio components are stored on a storage
`device. When the program is requested for display. the video
`and audio components are extracted from the storage device
`and reassembled into an MPEG stream. The MPEU stream is
`sent to a decoder. The decoder converts the MP1-Ki stream into
`TV output signals and delivers the TV output signals to a TV
`User control commands are accepted and sent through the
`system. These commands affect the flow of said MPEG
`stream and allow the user to view stored programs with at
`least the following functions: reverse. fast forward. play,
`pause. index. fastfslow reverse play. and fastfslow play.
`Furthermore. the invention incorporates a versatile system
`architecture that makes it possible to provide the invention in
`a variety of configurations. each adapted to receive input
`signals from a different source. At the highest level, the sys-
`tem board comprises an input section and art output section, in

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