`Parmelee, Steve; Trials
`David H. Holman; Deborah Sterling; Rosato, Michael; Mills, Jad; Gerrard, Sonja
`RE: IPR2016-01529 and -01530
`Thursday, January 11, 2018 10:09:46 AM
`Counsel, Petitioner’s request for withdrawal of the rehearing requests in IPR2016-01529 and IPR2016-
`01530 is granted.
`Andrew Kellogg,
`Supervisory Paralegal
`Patent Trial and Appeal Board
`Direct: 571-272-5366
`From: Parmelee, Steve [mailto:sparmelee@wsgr.com]
`Sent: Wednesday, January 10, 2018 6:30 PM
`To: Trials <Trials@USPTO.GOV>
`Cc: David H. Holman <DHOLMAN@skgf.com>; Deborah Sterling <DSTERLIN@skgf.com>; Rosato,
`Michael <mrosato@wsgr.com>; Mills, Jad <jmills@wsgr.com>; Gerrard, Sonja <sgerrard@wsgr.com>
`Subject: IPR2016-01529 and -01530
`Your Honors,
`Forty Seven, Inc. (Petitioner) filed requests for rehearing in IPR2016-01529 and -01530 in March
`2017. There has been no decision from the Board in either case. Forty Seven requests withdrawal
`of those requests for rehearing, in further view of the filing of IPR2018-00431.
`Although we do not believe a conference call with the Board to discuss this request is necessary, to
`the extent a call is required, the parties are mutually available on Tuesday January 16th: 1:30pm-5pm
`Steven W. Parmelee
`Reg. No. 31,990
`Lead Counsel for Petitioner Forty Seven, Inc.
`Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati
`701 Fifth Avenue, Suite 5100
`Seattle, WA 98104
`206-883-2542 Direct
`sparmelee@wsgr.com | www.wsgr.com
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