`George C. Kenney
`Philips Laboratories
`Briarcliff Manor, N.Y. 10510
`Fig. 1
`Consumer Optical Videodisc System.
`The entertainment function of the
`Philips and MCA Optical Videodisc System
`(Fig.l) has been established by numerous
`public demonstrations, r2y3l4t
`and var-
`ious authors,6'7'8.
`The freeze frame and
`random access capabilities of this opti-
`cal system enables extremely effective
`storage of special purpose information.
`Cw*uWd P_m. _mId Ausut 2U, 1a76
`Examples of such special purpose applica-
`tions employing the Philips consumer
`player include digital Read-Only-Memories,
`X-Ray and document storage, and a talking
`Before describing these special purpose
`applications, a brief description of the
`optical videodisc system is necessary.
`APPLE EX. 1048
`Page 1

`T:lNs- RFtoT.V.
`Fig. 2 Recording and Playback process.
`The optical videodisc system shown in
`figure 2 begins with a rotating master disc
`and a modulated laser light beam. The light
`beam is focused to a micron size spot on
`the surface of the master disc. The disc's
`surface, which is coated with a light sen(cid:173)
`sitive layer, is exposed to the modulated
`and focused laser beam. The result is a
`recording of pits in the sensitive layer
`which maps the light modulation. The light
`is modulated by an electrical signal com(cid:173)
`posed of video and audio information.
`Following a procedure similar to that
`used to produce audio long play records, a
`nickel stamper copy is prepared from the
`master disc. Plastic discs are then repli(cid:173)
`cated from the stamper. The plastic discs
`are coated with a reflective aluminum
`layer to facilitate optical readback.
`The replicated discs are read on the
`videodisc player by means of a low-power
`laser beam. The light from a small ReNe
`laser is focused onto the information
`surface of the disc. The reflected light
`is modulated by the pits on the disc's
`surface and focused onto a photodiode.
`The electrical output of the photodiode
`is a faithful mapping of the pits which
`are in turn a mapping of the modulated
`light and the original recorded signal.
`After appropriate processing, the play(cid:173)
`back signal is ready for display on a nor(cid:173)
`mal television set. One or both of two
`audio channels can be played through the
`TV's normal audio system.
`APPLE EX. 1048
`Page 2

`Since the disc rotates at 1800 rpm,
`each rotation represents one full TV frame.
`The pits form a spiral with 54,000 revolu(cid:173)
`tions called •tracks'. Through the use of
`a servo tracking mirror, the focused laser
`beam can be controlled to follow the
`spiral tracks to produce moving pictures
`or to follow one particular track over and
`over again to produce a still picture.
`Each frame has a unique digitally encoded
`address number which can be used for search(cid:173)
`and-locate random access operations. The
`entire surface of 54,000 frames can be
`scanned and in a few seconds display any
`pre-selected frame. Since the opti-
`cal system is contactless, there is no
`wear of the record or player during play(cid:173)
`back, thus allowing continuous display of
`a still frame indefinitely. These unique
`features of rapid random access and
`freeze frame display allow other modes
`than simple linear playback and open up
`a great potential in many non-entertain(cid:173)
`ment areas.
`If the cost, performance, and con(cid:173)
`venience benefits of the videodisc sys(cid:173)
`tem are to be transferred to special
`purpose applications, then one simple
`rule must be rigidly followed: adherence
`to the format employed by the consumer
`record/playback chain (Fig. 3).
`Fig. 3
`Technique for storing special purpose (S.P.)
`information on the videodisc.
`APPLE EX. 1048
`Page 3

`This format is intimately
`tied to the NTSC television standard and
`may not directly accommodate much of the
`special purpose information which the user
`may wish to store. Formatting the inform(cid:173)
`ation to insure compatibility with the NTSC
`standard and rearrangement of the informa(cid:173)
`tion on playback is the most significant
`technical problem facing the special pur(cid:173)
`pose user. However, once the user's special
`purpose information has been formatted by
`an appropriate "info/video interface unit•
`it is compatible with the NTSC standard.
`The beginning of the record-playback chain
`is the video tape recorder which would nor(cid:173)
`mally be at the user's site. The recorded
`tape is then sent to a videodisc manufac(cid:173)
`turing center such as MCA, Torrance,
`California, or N.V.Philips in Europe.
`From the tape, a master disc is
`recorded, stampers made, and plastic
`replicas produced. The replica discs
`and the original tape are returned to the
`user. The replica discs are playable on
`the consumer videodisc player, because
`they do indeed conform to the specified
`format. The economic benefits of adher(cid:173)
`ing to the format are that MCA9 will re(cid:173)
`cord a master disc and produce a stamper
`of the special purpose information for
`under $1000, the same price as for a large(cid:173)
`volume entertainment disc. Replicated
`copies would be supplied by MCA for under
`$1.00 each. Therefore, the cost of a low(cid:173)
`volume run of say 200 discs would cost the
`user less than $6.00 each. Secondly, the
`user will be able to read the special pur(cid:173)
`pose disc on a readily available player.
`Abandoning the TV format with the result
`that mastering cannot be done on a nor-
`mal mastering facility and the discs are
`unplayable on the consumer player, means
`that the user must be prepared to do his
`own mastering, replication, and playback.
`3.58 MHZ
`--1...-1----52.45 p. I ___ .....,. ....---11..- 4. 761£1
`14-------- 63.56p.s ----------~ ..
`Fig. 4
`NTSC color video signal.
`APPLE EX. 1048
`Page 4

`Assuming that the reader now is suffi(cid:173)
`ciently impressed with the importance of
`adherence to the specified format, it is
`now best to examine the real business at
`hand - arranging the user's information
`to be compatible with the NTSC television
`signal. The waveform in Fig. 4 is that of
`a standard NTSC color video signal. The
`picture information is interrupted by syn(cid:173)
`chronization signals every picture line or
`63.5 ps. The useful video information is
`present for only 52.45 ps per line. It is
`in that time slot that the user can insert
`his information. The choice of signal for(cid:173)
`mat is only limited by the bandwidth
`(4.2 MHz) of the channel. The recorder
`interface unit must insert the user's in(cid:173)
`formation in a discontinuous manner between
`the normal television synchronization
`pulses. If the user's information is con(cid:173)
`tinuous, then buffering of 11.11 ps or
`greater will be required by the interface.
`The same buffering requirement is needed
`at playback interfacing and additional
`features such as error detection and cor(cid:173)
`rection, signal conditioning, timing con(cid:173)
`trol, and signal routing may be necessary.
`The extent and complexity of the interface
`boxes will depend on the user's special
`The remainder of the paper discusses three
`examples of special purpose applications
`and the specific interfacing techniques re(cid:173)
`quired for each case. These examples have
`not yet been implemented and are only in(cid:173)
`tended to illustrate the general principles
`of special purpose applications.
`The videodisc contains 54,000 tracks of
`information with each track representing
`one frame of video. One frame of video
`contains 495 horizontal lines usable for
`data. An NRZ data rate of 7.16 Mbits/sec
`will yield a total of 375 stored bits per
`line (Fig. 4). The total bits per track
`may now be calculated as the product of
`375 bits per line times 495 lines or
`185,625 bits/track. Utilizing all 54,000
`trtaks yields a total storage capacity of
`10 bits per disc.
`The choice of a 7,16 M/bits data rate
`is optimum in view of two fortuitous char(cid:173)
`acteristics of the NTSC television standard
`and the optical videodisc system. First,
`the timebase stability and the amplitude
`and phase response of the system at the
`video color frequency of 3.58 MHz are ex(cid:173)
`cellent, and second, the color burst syn(cid:173)
`chronization signal is suitable for deriving
`a highly accurate data clock.
`The timing errors from line to line are
`corrected by the videodisc player to less
`than 10 ns. This effectively eliminates
`timing variations as a source of errors
`during playback.
`Figure 5 is a diagram example of a video(cid:173)
`to-data playback interface unit. The data
`and synchronization signals are first ex(cid:173)
`tracted from the video signal. The raw data
`is then examined for errors and corrected.
`The clock is regenerated by phase locking
`to the NTSC color burst synchronization sig(cid:173)
`nal. The data can then be converted from
`serial to parallel if required and subse(cid:173)
`quently fed to an output buffer to await
`loading into a data bus. A logic controller
`is also included to check the disc's status
`such as speed, track location, etc.
`Access to given data locations is accom(cid:173)
`plished by providing data address to the
`interface unit. From this data address,
`the video disc player is directed to the
`appropriate track and verifies the track ad(cid:173)
`dress on the incoming video signal. This
`random track accessing technique is accom(cid:173)
`plished by using the digitally recorded track
`address, a feature on all optical videodiscs.
`The read operation of the data from the
`videodisc can be similar to that of a mag(cid:173)
`netic disc. Every track of data can be ad(cid:173)
`dressed with an appropriate code, and a
`servo mechanism will move the optical read(cid:173)
`back head to the appropriate position. A
`tracking mirror insures that the beam re(cid:173)
`mains centered on the track. With the fo(cid:173)
`cusing arm stationary, the tracking mirror
`allows for the addressing of 100 tracks.
`Thus, a very fast access time (60 ps per
`track) results when the addressed track is
`within the beam deflection range of the
`APPLE EX. 1048
`Page 5

`VIDEO 1 ....
`,. .
`t D
`BUFFER ~ r-
`Fiq. 5 Video-to-data playback interface unit.
`APPLE EX. 1048
`Page 6

`mirror and no movement of the readback/
`head is required. It is important to note
`th't a band of 100 tracks contains 1.85 x
`10 bits, roughly equivalent to the capa(cid:173)
`city of the typical magnetic disc machine.
`The average mirror access time for one band
`of 100 tracks will be approximately 3 ms.
`The controller will compare the desired
`track address with the current track ad(cid:173)
`dress and initiate head or mirror movement
`as required. The worse-case track access
`time requiring head and mirror movement
`will be about 10 seconds.
`The archival characteristics of the optical
`videodisc are expected to be considerably
`better than erasable media, particularly
`magnetic tape. With proper storage at room
`temperatures, the integrity of the disc's
`surface and the shape of the information
`pits are expected to be maintained for long(cid:173)
`er than ten years.
`In summary, employing the optical video(cid:173)
`disc system as a read-only-memory has the
`potential for a digital system with the fol(cid:173)
`lowing unique properties:
`Storage capacity of 1olO bits, 1250
`million bytes.
`Corrected error rate <lo-9 •
`S4,000 tracks of 1.8S x 10S bits each.
`7.16 Mbit/sec data rate.
`Local track access time of 60 ~s/track.
`Average track access time S seconds.
`Cost per bit lo-5 cents.
`There are many applications where it is
`desirable to store documents with resolu(cid:173)
`tion requirements exceeding the capability
`of the NTSC television system. The normal
`NTSC frame is capable of displaying 420
`horizontal picture elements, pixels, and
`4 7 S vertical pixels, for a total of 2. 0 x
`loS pixels per frame. An average picture
`postcard contains about 2.0 x 10S pixels.
`Documents requiring more than 2. 0 x lOS
`pixels will consume more than one TV frame
`and require appropriate interface electron(cid:173)
`ics. The job of the interface is to arrange
`the document pixels into the appropriate
`number of TV frames for recording and then
`to reassemble the document on playback.
`The typewritten page (8~" x 11") re(cid:173)
`quires about 1.6 x 106 pixels or eight
`normal TV frames. A 2000 line, photograph,
`map,or x-ray picture will require 4 x 106
`pixels or about 20 frames. Various other
`cases can be cited each requiring a special
`number of TV frames, however the 2000-
`line-resolution ex~ples appear frequently
`and will be used for illustration.
`The simplest multiframe recording tech(cid:173)
`nique is to divide the document into a
`matrix of postcard sized sub-pictures.
`Each sub-picture can be scanned individual(cid:173)
`ly and recorded as a TV frame. Additional(cid:173)
`ly it may be desirable to record various
`plan or over views of the entire document
`and its quadrants on single TV frames for
`easy indexing during playback. This
`matrixing technique is by far the simplest
`method of recording documents exceeding
`2 x 10S pixels, and the interface elec(cid:173)
`tronics will therefore be less complicated
`and less expensive than more involved
`In order to avoid losing details
`at the edge of each sub-picture, the matrix
`should be divided such that each sub-picture
`overlaps its four neighbors.
`The disadvantage of the matrix technique
`occurs when reconstructing the entire doc(cid:173)
`ument from the sub-documents. Reconstruc(cid:173)
`tion could be done photographically from
`transparancies of each sub-picture, but
`artifacts at the matrix boundries will be
`difficult to avoid. Only with extremely
`good x-y linearity of the TV scanner and by
`careful choosing of the scan lines for cor(cid:173)
`relation from sub-picture to sub-picture,
`can boundary artifacts be minimized. With
`excellent linearity and correct sub-picture
`to sub-picture scanning, it would also be
`possible to display the entire picture on
`a high resolution monitor. A scan conver(cid:173)
`sion storage device is additionally neces(cid:173)
`sary for a flicker-free display.
`APPLE EX. 1048
`Page 7

`A second technique of high resolution
`document storage which nearly elminates
`boundary artifacts and allows a full reso(cid:173)
`lution display, is the scan conversion
`method shown in Pig. 6. Here the high
`resolution document is scanned more slow(cid:173)
`ly than normal TV rates such that each
`line contains the desired number of pixels.
`In this example of a 2000 line document,
`the scan lines are 317.8 ].Is long or exact(cid:173)
`ly five times the normal TV horizontal
`scan. With 2000 lines required for ver(cid:173)
`tical resolution, the total frame time is
`0.64 seconds or 19 times longer than the
`normal NTSC TV frame.
`If each 317.8
`scan line is subdivided into five equal
`parts or sub-lines, a-b, b-e, c-d, d-e
`and e-f, each of 52 us and extra synchron(cid:173)
`izing pulses of 11 added at each sub(cid:173)
`line, then each sub-line conforms to the
`NTSC standard. The last four sub-lines
`must be delayed a precise amount before
`sync insertion, this is accomplished by
`a variable delay line under appropriate
`logic control. By grouping the sub-lines
`into sub-frames of 525 lines each, we are
`able to conform to the N'l'SC standard and
`use the videodisc chain to record each
`document with 19 normal TV frames.
`Upon playback, the reverse procedure
`reconstructs the document from the 19
`sub-frames • The extra syncs are removed
`and the sub-lines are recombined by con(cid:173)
`trolling the variable delay line. The
`2000 line x 2000 line picture frame is now
`ready for display on a high resolution
`monitor using a scan conversion storage
`, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,
`..._..---•VARIABLE..,_;.:.;..r...;.~ VIDEOTAPE
`a b c d
`525 LINE N.T.S.C.
`Fig. 6
`Scan conversion method.
`APPLE EX. 1048
`Page 8

`Another special purpose application of
`the optical videodisc system is to extend
`the audio information associated with each
`video still frame. Such a
`'talking ency•
`clopedia' can extend the user's interface
`time to tens of hours for both entertain(cid:173)
`ment and educational applications.
`There are many schemes which can allow
`an increased audio playing time per frame .•
`However, we will only consider those which
`adhere to the specified format and do not
`require alteration of the normal consumer
`player. It is also evident that a re(cid:173)
`quirement of about 10 seconds of audio
`per video frame is a desirable goal. One
`attractive scheme to extend the audio play(cid:173)
`ing time is to devote a fraction of the
`tracks exclusively to audio information.
`For example, if alternate tracks are en(cid:173)
`coded with time compressed audio of 10kHz
`bandwidth, the program duration per track
`is about 10 seconds. Such a disc would
`contA~n 27,000 full color video still
`frames and a total of 75 hours audio cam(cid:173)
`The Encyclopedia Britannica Macropedia
`contains 8000 illustrations and 4200 en(cid:173)
`tries with an average length of 3214 words
`each. Assuming a commentary at 300 words
`per minute, or 50 words per ten-second
`picture, a total of 1,350,000 words per
`disc is possible. At this density the en(cid:173)
`tire text of the Macropedia could be con(cid:173)
`tained in commentary on 10 such discs.
`Such a volume of 10 discs would addition(cid:173)
`ally have a capacity of 270,000 full color TV
`frames and 750 hours viewing time.
`The fabrication of a talking encyclo(cid:173)
`pedia disc requires special processing of
`the audio tracks for an overall time com(cid:173)
`pression of 300. The audio tracks must be
`formatted to conform to the NTSC standard.
`Figures 7 and 8 are block diagrams illus(cid:173)
`trating the recording and playback of a
`talking encyclopedia disc.
`OR ceo
`Fig. 7 Recording of a talking encyclopedia disc.
`APPLE EX. 1048
`Page 9

`Fig. 8
`Playback of a talking encyclopedia disc.
`The audio commentary is first limited
`to 10 kHz bandwidth and then time com-
`pressed by a factor of 420.
`Time com-
`pression can be achieved by recording the
`10 kHz audio in real time on a special
`magnetic disc at extremely low speed
`(4.3 rpm) for 10 seconds, then replaying
`at the normal 1800 rpm speed.
`The result-
`ing compressed audio will have a band-
`width of 4.2MHz.
`After insertion of NTSC
`synchronizing signals, the effective
`compression is 300 to 1.
`The compressed
`audio is now compatible with the NTSC video
`The video frame associated with the
`audio coentary is selected from either
`a slide scanner, film frame scanner, or
`video tape.
`The still video frame is
`then interleaved with the compressed audio
`frames such that the video and compressed
`audio frames alternate.
`This interleaved
`format is fully NTSC compatible and can
`be recorded on video tape and used as a
`program source at the beginning of the
`videodisc chain.
`On playback the still frame mode of the
`videodisc player is controlled such that
`the entire audio frame track is read into
`a frame storage device (e.g. magnetic disc)
`for one disc rotation time (33 ms).
`reading the audio track the controller
`directs the player to play the related
`adjacent video track
`continuously for 10
`While displaying the video on
`the TV monitor, the compressed audio track
`is processed for time expansion.
`APPLE EX. 1048
`Page 10

`register is filled with the 4.2 MHz com(cid:173)
`pressed audio and readout at a 10 kHz
`normal audio rate. The size of the CCD
`register must be at least long enough to
`hold normal 10 kHz audio for one disc ro(cid:173)
`tation time of 33 ms. Such a CCD register
`should have about 1000 stages and a clock
`rate of 12. 6 MHz. After 10 seconds of de(cid:173)
`compressing the audio track and simulta(cid:173)
`neously displaying the video track, the
`process is repeated for the next pair of
`video and audio tracks. If required, this
`sequence can be repeated 27, 000 times re(cid:173)
`sulting in 75 hours of continuous viewing
`and cOJIIIlelltary. Additionally, it is pos(cid:173)
`sible to intermix the still pictures with
`sections of normal motion pictures and
`audio, of course at the reduction of total
`viewing time.
`These three examples have been chosen
`to illustrate the important function and
`structure of the interface electronics
`required for special purpose applications
`of the Philips and MCA Optical Videodisc
`System. There are certainly many other
`applications of this videodisc system -
`the majority of which are as yet unima.gined.
`A few examples1~clude interactive catalog
`sales devices,
`intyoarrive programmed ed(cid:173)
`ucational terminals,
`special government
`uses and record banks for medical, finan(cid:173)
`cial, insurance, inventory and credit pur(cid:173)
`poses. The possibilities of combining
`digital, high-resolution document and
`compressed audio storage along with
`normal video stills and motion pictures,
`seem endless. It is expected that special
`purpose applications will proceed in many
`fields based on the economies offered by
`the consumer product. It is also possible
`that more demanding professional appli(cid:173)
`cations will require a non-compatible
`optical player and format for system
`optimization where cost is not a primary
`consideration. As with most radically
`new technologies, many of the important
`applications will come from future users
`in solving their special information
`storage problems.
`1. Press conference demonstration, N.V.
`Philips Research Labs, Eindhoven,
`the Netherlands, Sept. 1972
`2. Public demonstration, MCA Disco Vision,
`Los Angeles, CA., Dec. 1972
`3. Philips demonstration, Radio and TV
`show, Berlin, Oct., 1973
`4. Philips demonstration, Tokyo and
`Osaka, July, 1974
`5. Joint Philips and MCA demonstrations,
`N.Y.C., March 1975 and Chicago, June,
`6. K. Compaan and P. Kramer, The Philips
`'VLP' System, Philips Tech Rev. 33,
`No. 7, 1973
`7. K. Broadbent, "A Review of the MCA
`Disco Vision System", J.SMPTE 83,
`July 74
`8. P.W.Bogels, "System Coding Parameters,
`Mechanics and Electromechanics of the
`Reflective Videodisc Player", IEEE
`Cons\DIIer Elect. Group, Nov. 1976
`9. Kent Broadbent, MCA Disco Vision,
`Torrance, CA.
`10. R. L. Hunt, "Special Applications
`Market for the Optical Videodisc",
`IGC Conference, July 11-13, 1976
`11. J.L.Bennion and E.W.Schneider,
`•Interactive Videodisc Systems for
`Education", J.SMPTE 84, Dec.l975
`APPLE EX. 1048
`Page 11

`George Kenney has been with Philips Labor(cid:173)
`atories, a division of North American
`Philips, since 1970, He currently serves
`as Senior Project Leader for optical disc
`recorders. Previously he did research
`on the NTSC version of the Philips Videodisc
`system and the Philips video cassette color
`tape recorder. Prior to Philips, Mr. Kenney
`was Project Manager for Ardis Inc., was
`co-founder of Digital Measurement Corp.,
`and a staff engineer at Hewlett Packard Co.
`Mr. Kenney has many publications and patents
`to his credit and is a member of Tau Beta Pi,
`Eta Kappa Nu and Pi Lambda Phi. He received
`his B.S. in Electronic Engineering from
`Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and his
`M.S. in E.E. from Stanford University.
`APPLE EX. 1048
`Page 12

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