`Fred E. Marsh, Jr.
`March 1981
`Computer Operations Branch
`Technical Information Center
`Oak Ridge, Tennessee
`OlSl KlbUIIV4\ \If H·US ~TIS UNUMif::n-
`APPLE EX. 1047
`Page 1

`This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an
`agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States
`Government nor any agency Thereof, nor any of their employees,
`makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal
`liability or
`the accuracy, completeness, or
`usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process
`disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately
`owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product,
`process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or
`otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement,
`recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government or any
`agency thereof. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein
`do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States
`Government or any agency thereof.
`APPLE EX. 1047
`Page 2

`Portions of this document may be illegible in
`electronic image products. Images are produced
`from the best available original document.
`APPLE EX. 1047
`Page 3

`"This book was prepared as an acc.ount of work sponsored by an agency of the United
`States Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor any
`of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or
`responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus,
`product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned
`rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade
`name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not necessarily constitute or imply its
`endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government or any agency
`thereof. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or
`reflect those of the United States Government or any agency thereof."
`Available from the National Technical Information Service, U.S. Department of
`Commerce, Springfield, Virginia 22161.
`Price: Printed Copy A02
`Microfiche AOl
`Printed in tne United State' of America
`USOOE Technical Information Center, Ook Ridge, hnnenee
`APPLE EX. 1047
`Page 4

`Distribution Category UC-32
`Fr~~ E. Marsh, Jr., <:hi~f
`Computer Operations ar~nch
`. •
`' •
`presented at the
`Sj~th Annual C~rfer~nce
`of the
`E~st T enness~e Chapter
`Associ~lion of ~~cor~s Managers and A~ministra~~rs, !!"!c.
`M,~rch ~7, 1 ,81
`• •
`.... • v
`~ -
`~ i
`APPLE EX. 1047
`Page 5

`Laser Systems
`Grooved Capacitance Systems
`Grooveless Capacitance Systems
`SYSTEMS . . . . . . . . . . . . .
`Decoding of the Length and Spacing of the Pits
`Path of the Laser Beam
`Electronic Controls
`Formats and Corresponding Featt¥es of the Videodisc
`Vidoodisc Applications
`. · ·.
`. · ~
`· ·
`Optical Digital Disc Applications
`Performance and Reliability
`Future Application and Technology Developments
`APPLE EX. 1047
`Page 6

`The development and application of videodiscs is one of several technologies that will
`have a profound impact on our society. It is one of the first major areas of modern
`consumer electronics in which the United States has assumed a dominant role.
`The problems associated with determining a simple classification of videodisc systems
`are reflections of an infant industry greatly influenced by at least one-half dozen major·u. S.
`firms striving to capture a portion of a new potentially multibillion-dollar consum'er market.
`In som~ instances old competitors are joining forces through marketing agreements and
`licenses to manufacture players and/or discs. Variations in both players and discs are the
`results of firms developing patentable concepts in order to participate in this new field.
`Although videodisc systems have been classified several ways, three groupings 1 based on
`the nature of reading and recording appear most appropriate.
`A. Reflective
`• Consumer usage
`• Industrial usage
`B. Transmissive
`• Industrial usage
`C. Optical Digital Disc
`• Industrial usage
`These systems use a laser which is reflected or, in some cases, transmitted through the
`disc. The laser systems are ideal for storage and for playing pictures and sound. With the
`exception of one model, the resolution is not sufficient for storage of text. Both industrial
`players costing between $3,000 and $4,000 and consumer players ranging in price from
`$695 to $895 are available.
`The consumer player, such as Magnavision produced by Magnavox Consumer Electronics
`Company, is comparable in picture quality to videotape. The sound achieved by this unit
`has the quality of stereo. All consumer optical videodisc players use discs manufactured by
`Disco Vision Associates which is owned by International Business Machines (IBM) and Music
`Corporation of America (MCA). U.S. Pioneer has marketing agreements to sell another
`consumer model.

`APPLE EX. 1047
`Page 7

`Industrial players differ from consumer models in control features,· such as micro(cid:173)
`processors and software to satisfy additional application needs. The Sony industrial model,
`to be introduced in 1981, will use the same disc but has a moving laser read head that reads
`the fixed disc. Toshiba 2 will market an industrial version developed by SRI International.
`The Toshiba DF-2000 optical disc memory may be one of the first image-document filing
`models to use a videodisc technology. It stores images in binary FM form, not data in digital
`form. The optical digital disc developed by North American Philips is a laser .reflective type
`of memory which stores bits as laser pits in representing images or digitized data. The
`density of the stored information of text images depends only on the reading density of the
`scanning equipment. The optical digital discs that contain images of document pages or
`digjtized data are not the result of a manufacturing process: The discs must be written by a
`Radio Corporation of America (RCA), Zenith, and Columbia Broadcasting System
`(CBS) appear to be the dominating forces 1 •3 in this area of videodisc technology. In the
`grooved capacitance systems, a small diamond stylus rides in a groove to play more than one
`hour. The stylus picks up electrical information rather than the. vibrations produced by
`physical variations in the grooves of the disc. RCA has announced a grooved videodisc
`player called Selecta Vision which will cost $500. to $600 or about one-half the price of
`RCA's cheapest videotape player.
`In December 1981, Japan Victor Company (JVC),joined by General Electric Company
`(GE), and Britain's Thorn EMI Ltd., will introduce a very high density (VHD) grooveless
`capacitance system in which electrical information is selected from a conductive plastic disc.
`One advantage of JVC's capacitance system is that a stylus does not touch the disc resulting
`in minimal wear and a long disc life.
`Two variations of the laser systems will be compared. One of these, .. the optical
`videodiscs--consumer and industrial systems, uses the Disco Vision disc and is the only
`laser-produced consumer disc on the market which appears to fit a need for the mass
`distribution of certain films and tutorial type of educational programs. The other, the
`optical digital videodisc system, incorporates the only technology which offers the density
`for storage and retrieval and the reliability necessary for both digital and image storage.
`The consumer and industrial versions of the optical videodisc (reflective laser) offer the
`users a more convenient and cheaper method to distribute films and provide a more
`effective and cheaper means of training. The programs or "films," including both words and
`pictures, are read by a low-intensity laser beam. The player has the appearance of a typical
`phonograph turntable which has a cable that is attached to the VHF connector of a typical
`TV set. Players range in price from $695 to $895, and the discs retail from $10 to $30 .
`. In the optical videodisc system, such programs as movies or educational training films
`are recorded with a high-intensity laser which etches pits in an optimally heat-conducting
`material such as tellurium. These pits represent an analog FM signal encoded by variances in
`the laser pit lengths and spacings. The master is used in an injection mold to produce mirror
`images of the recording on plastic. The etched or pitted side is coated with a thin layer of
`aluminum to reflect a laser beam which is focused through the plastic. A protective coating
`APPLE EX. 1047
`Page 8

`of plastic is layered over the aluminum. This side and another similarly produced side are
`sandwiched together. The two protective coatings are bonded together so that a six-layer
`disc is formed. The disc is placed on a player and read by a laser that is directed from
`underneath the disc as illustrated in Fig. 1 (Ref. 4). A low-intensity laser beam is used to
`read. through the plastic from below the pits formed earlier in the injection mold process.
`Because the beam is directed from the opposite side of the impression of the pits, the
`reading laser beam follows the same path as the laser beam which was used to create the
`pits. The lasE>.r is focused on the image of the original master surface. When the beam enters
`a pit, the reflected light travels an additional one-half :wavelength' of light and undergoes a
`90-degree phase shift. As a result, the reflected light is not as bright. Another 90-degree
`phase shift is made when the end of the pit is passed for a total of 180 degrees. This causes
`the reflected beam to be bright again. The reflected beam is directed at photodiodes which
`are used for reading and controlling the direction of the beam.
`[iii,;:-::·i&iH~-~~N'H~;, ;;!:~{ ;j:{;i':;;~~~it:~\;i:,:;'~i:of'::i:{i;i$}f,\Mi,~llii0:;1tl1l~i'~S]
`Fig. 1 Cross section of one side of videodisc. 4
`The output of the photodiodes is processed to generate a video signal adequate for input
`to a commercially available TV set. Both the spacing and length of the pits are used to
`. construct this signal. This 8.1 MHz video signal is modulated to include two FM sound signal
`channels at 2.3 and 2.8 MHz as shown in Fig. 2 (RPf. 4).
`APPLE EX. 1047
`Page 9

`00 0000 00000
`Fig. 2 Disc encoding of the information. 4
`The reflected laser beam must .follow most of the path of the incident beam in order to
`have adequate control. The path of the beam is illustrated in Fig. 3. fu the Magnavision
`player manufactured by Magnavox, the vertically polarized red laser beam passes through a
`glass grating which separates the beam into six beams. Three of the six beams are used. The
`beam in the center reads the tracks on the videodisc; the other beams are necessary for
`radial tracking. The beams are focused by a spot lens so that the light will fill the objective
`lens. Mter being reflected by two stationary mirrors, the beam goes through an optical
`divider or prism. The prism bends light of different polarity in different directions. Next the
`vertically polarized incident light passes through a polarity converter, and the beam becomes·
`circularly polarized. The laser beam is then reflected by radial and tangential mirrors used
`for tracking. Next it passes through an objective lens used to focus the beam on the disc.
`APPLE EX. 1047
`Page 10

`From the disc the beam is reflected in the opposite direction and travels in an opposite
`circularly polarized direction from the incident light. As the reflected beam goes through
`the polarity converter, it becomes horizontally polarized and takes a course different from
`the incident light back to the photodiodes.
`Fig. 3 Path of laser ·beam.4
`The servomechanism to control the focus consists of a coil that covers the lens and a
`permanent magnet in close proximity to the coil. The amount of current and its polarity
`cause the magnet to move the objective lens up or down.
`Magnavox4 describes four diodes labeled as A, B, C, and D. The shape of the light is
`determined by comparing the photodiode pairs A,B and C,D. Different elliptical beam
`shapes. on the photodiode indicate that the disc is either too far away or too close. The
`image of a circular shape indicates that the beam is in focus.
`Tangential tracking stabilizes the velocity of light moving along the track of the pits
`being read. This movement compensates for variations in turntable motor speed and warped
`discs. The error voltage used to correct tangential errors is applied to a servocoil which
`moves the tangential mirror causing the. beam in the path of the track to increase or decrease
`momentarily the speed of the laser beam along the track. The error voltage is obtained from
`signal processing electronics.
`An rpm error voltage is derived also fro·m signal processing electronics. This voltage
`originates from the horizontal scan rate and is proportional to errors in the turntable motor
`speed. The voltage is applied to a servomotor to controi the turntable motor speed. The
`control is less sensitive than the tangential tracking control.
`APPLE EX. 1047
`Page 11

`· Two photodiodes are used for radial tracking. The two adjacent or lateral beams are
`directed at the E and F photodiodes shown in Fig. 4. When the track is off-center, pits are
`sensed either by the E or F photodiodes. As a result, the radial voltage error, E minus F, is
`used to move the radial mirror causing the beam to go back on the track.
`1 ·-----Jr-~ TRACK OF LASER.
`Fig. 4 Projections of laser beams on photodiodes.
`Each disc has a center hole for the spindle and a label area. Close to the label are 1200
`lead-in tracks, and 600 lead-out tracks are around the outmost edge. 4 Disco Visl.on
`videodiscs are available in standard and extended play.
`APPLE EX. 1047
`Page 12

`The standard discs play for 30 min on each side. The motor speed is 1800 rpm or 30 Hz.
`Each rotation of the disc displays one TV frame. Two scans are made as one disc rotation
`occurs. Each scan of the TV screen displays information from the upper left position to the
`lower right position. As the raster directs the beam in the TV in a horizontal fashion, a new
`line is displayed. Each scan generates a different set of lines. One complete scan is made as
`the laser reaches the vertical blanking area of the videodisc. In the standard play the centers
`of the vertical blanking areas for all tracks are 180 degrees apart. The blanking area is used
`to synchronize, to turn off the raster beam while the raster is traveling from the lower right
`position of the TV screen to the upper left position, to store chapter and page numbers for
`control purposes, and for timing needed to jump tracks as in freeze frame, reverse play, fast
`forward, still picture, and slow motion forward.
`The extended discs play for one hour on each side. The lengths of the fields are constant.
`To ensure that a constant amount of information is read, the motor speed varies from 900
`to 1800 rpm. Because of the varying locations of the vertical blanking areas, special modes
`of operation are not possible.
`Such consumer videodisc players as the Pioneer and Magnavox laser players, the RCA
`grooved players, and the JVC grooveless capacitance players were primarily designed for
`movies and music. These videodiscs are marketed through a distribution system similar to
`that of records. In addition to these conventional markets, the videodisc systems will
`compete with commercial TV and cable TV.
`The most
`ini10vative use of the videodisc incorporates a keyboard control, a
`microprocessor, and the videodisc player. With this configuration the user has a virtual video
`data base at his disposal. Both IBM5 and General Motors 1 (GM) have developed such
`systems for internal use. General Motors uses its system to aid salesmen in determining the
`availability and use of certain features on automobile models. The disc contains a menu
`, which points to frame numbers of particular model features. The salesman keys in the frame
`.number and immediately views a program on that feature. GM has placed 10,200 such
`players among its 13,500 dealers. Nearly all of its 28 one-hour discs are interactive. The
`reason GM selected a videodisc system over video tape was its capability of instant access.
`Ford Motor Company will replace its videotape with videodiscs in 1987 for the same reason
`and additional capabilities such as freeze-framing.
`The General System Division of IBM has developed a similar concept which it says is an
`alternative to conventional classroom instruction. The student may progress at his own rate
`and may concentrate on areas of interest or areas which require additional study to
`comprehend. Each student works in a soundproof room. A booklet is given to the student
`which contains instructions and examples and is programmed for effective study. The
`student is directed to use a terminal or a video station. He does not have to contend with
`distractions or the self-consciousness some students experience during classroom instruction.
`One advantage of this system is that the student studies smaller quantities of material, skips
`over some material, and immediately applies the acquired knowledge by turning to a
`terminal which is linked to the subject being studied.
`North American Philips6 has developed a bit-oriented optical digital disc. The concept is
`based on technology developed by North American Philips for the home entertainment
`system. Philips developed the Direct Read After Write (DRAW) system for its optical digital
`disc. Data are read immediately after they are written. If a discrepancy occurs, data are
`written in anot~er area. The optical digital disc uses the videodisc to store digital data and
`APPLE EX. 1047
`Page 13

`the full text image. At this time, however, no computer manufacturer is known to have
`integrated an optical digital disc with its systems. Within one to two y~s a major
`manufacturer may offer such a memory device as an item in its line of computer equipment.
`The recording format chosen for the optical digital disc uses one recorded pit for each
`bit of information. This assignment or encoding is significantly less than that used in the
`consumer videodisc system which represents about 6 bits in the burning of one pit.
`However, information encoded on the consumer unit is represented in FM form suitable for
`TV input. As a result there is a loss in resolution, and the image of a page of text with
`continuous tone photographs cannot be represented in the consumer videodisc system.
`At present, optical digital units can be purchased under contract from Philips. These
`units can store 2 x 10 1 0 bits of information. Philips has demonstrated disc capacities of
`2 x 101 1 bits in a laboratory environment and projects another tenfold increase in storage
`in a few years by using smaller pits, smaller track spacing, better encoding, and a higher
`density of bits represented by each pit. A higher intensity laser is necessary to obtain smaller
`pits. The laser must heat the tellurium high enough to form a crater and turn off in a shorter
`time frame.
`In the optical digital disc, a Philips Air Sandwich was developed. Two discs, each layered
`with a film of tellurium on the inner side, are separated by inner and outer circular spacers.
`The void or cavity between the discs and spacers protects the tellurium from buildup of
`gases during recording. The 1.1-mm plastic discs on the outer sides of the two tellurium
`films provide protection from the environment. A cross section of the optical digital disc
`appears in Fig. 5.
`Fig. 5 Philips Air Sandwich. 6
`In determining the feasibility of using the optical digital disc vs. microfiche for image
`processing, the costs for the media are overwhelmingly in favor of optical digital disc
`technology. One fiche contains 107 bits of information compared to 2 X 101 0 bits in the
`optical digital disc. Two thousand fiche at $0.20 each 7 or $400 are required to match the
`capacity of one $10-<>ptical digital disc. As the recording density of the optical digital disc
`increases to 2 x 10 1 1 and 2 x 10 1 2
`, the feasibility of using the optical digital disc
`significantly increases. However the fiche processing and reading units are minimal in cost as
`compared with $150,000 for the basic optical digital disc read/write ·player or $20,000 for
`the read only player. In cases where the distribution is made to large organizations and not
`to individuals, the economics may be in favor of the optical digital disc system.
`APPLE EX. 1047
`Page 14

`Storage of the magnetic disk variety appears to be the next logical storage media to
`compare with optical digital disc storage. Most magnetic disk drives have an average access
`time of . about 30 ms, considerably less than the 500-ms average access time and the
`projected 100-ms average access time of the optical digital disc.
`A cost comparison between magnetic disk and optical digital disc storage is presented in
`Table 1.
`device, No.
`Thousands of
`dollars per
`10 gigabytes
`Magnetic Disks8
`Optical Digital Discs
`1. Read Unit (.1)
`?· Read/Write Unit (1)
`3. Read/Write Units (2)
`and Read Units (5)
`In the development of retrieval applications for use with the optical digital disc, both
`primary and secondary directories (or inverted files) could be structured on magnetic disks
`with the data to be searched located on the optical digital disc (see Fig. 6). In this way data
`in the directories, including search points oro indexes which are subject to change, could be
`modified by regenerating the information on erasable: 'magnetic disks. The searchable data
`would be permanently stored on the optical digital disc. Should this archival searchable data
`need augmentation, updates could be made by writing additional data representing the
`changes in another sector. The sector address of the additional data would be referenced in
`new directories.

`• TOTAL- 15,200 BITS
`Fig. 6 Retrieval strategy for disc/disk structure relationships.
`APPLE EX. 1047
`Page 15

`.The Technical Information Center (TIC) maintains a large collection of bibliographic
`items on energy documents. The bibliographic data contain three data streams: indexing,
`descriptive cataloging, and abstracts. All data are maintained in TIC's Energy Data Base
`(EDB) from which a· 200- to 300-page abstract journal, Energy Research Abstracts, is
`produced semimonthly. Also, monthly update publications are prepared through a similar
`computer extraction from EDB. The monthly publications include Energy Conservation
`Update, Fossil Energy Update, Fusion Energy Update, Geothermal Energy Update, Solar
`Energy Update, Synthetic Fuels Update, Current Energy Patents, and Energy Abstracts for
`Policy Analysis.
`TIC stores bibliographic data on-line for as long as one year to provide information for
`indexes and for special searches and bibliographies. The total storage
`requirement for the bibliographic data on 1.4 million documents of energy literature in the
`EDB is shown in Table 2.
`disk blocks
`No. of
`It is possible for the more than 803,000,000 characters to reside on one side of an
`optical digital disc with almost 400,000,000 characters of storage available for directories as
`inverted files of the data, special work files, and file changes. This information on optical
`digital discs could be made available to the present recipients of magnetic tapes containing
`semimonthly collections of this information. The discs containing all of the · EDB
`bibliographic data would be disseminated annually to the users who could continue to
`receive semimonthly EDB tapes through the National Technical Information Service.
`The use of the optical digital disc as a storage mechanism in image processing provides
`some advantageous options to consider for future systems design. Significant portions,
`possibly the full text of EDB literature, G'Ould be contained on discs interfaced to TIC's
`computer systems. In order to display pictures found in literature, it would be necessary to
`handle continuous tone photographs. At least 300 dots or lines per inch would need to be
`stored to contain sufficient data for pictures and illustrations.
`To determine the effectiveness of the optical digital disc in image processing, use the
`following formula to calculate the storage required to represent one page (P) with
`continuous tone photographs.
`P = bits/page = B bits/horizontal line inches
`x H horizontal inches
`x B horizontal lines/vertical line inches
`x V vertical inches= B2 x H x V or HVB2 bits/page
`APPLE EX. 1047
`Page 16

`whereV = 9
`B= 300
`Then P = (300) 2 x 6 x 9.= 4.860 x 10 6 bits/page.
`A convenient formula is
`p = (. B2) 2
`~ = (H1 V1) (Br)
`H2 V 2 B~ or 2
`where v 1 = v2
`H 1 = H 2
`For example:
`If P 1 = 4.860 x 106 bits/page and
`B1 = 300 and
`B2 = 600
`P2 = (~~~) 2
`x 4.860 x 106 bits/page
`= 19.440 x 106 or 19,440,000 bits/page
`Thus by doubling the image density, the required storage is quadrupled.
`With a density of 300 dots or lines/inch and the area of a 6- x 9-inch page representing
`close to the actual space needed to be scanned, the capacity of both sides of an optical
`digital disc (C) is
`C =
`2 x 10 1 0 bits/disc
`4.860 x 106 bits/page
`4,115 pages/disc
`Current storage capacity and projections of future capacities are presented in Table 3.
`Capacities of 2 x 1011 bits/disc have been demonstrated in the laboratory, and future
`capacities of 2 x 101 2 bits/disc have been projected. An optical digital disc pack of 10 discs
`and a jukebox version6 of 1,000 discs can easily be envisioned in the foreseeable future.
`Description of disc development
`Full-text pages
`Current storage
`Demonstrated in laboratory
`Projected capacity
`Optical digital disc pack ( 10 discs)
`Optical digital disc jukebox (1,000 discs)
`2 X 10 10
`2 X 10 11
`2 X 1012
`2 X 10 13
`2 X 101 5
`·4.12 X 108
`It is possible for the optical digital disc jukebox to contain all the EDB literature which
`has been cataloged, abstracted, and indexed by TIC. With the assumption of 100 pages per
`document, it would be necessary to store 1.4 x 108 page images for 1.4 million documents.*
`This amount of data would use approximately one-third the capacity of the optical digital
`disc jukebox of 1 ,000 discs.
`*Also includes documents which w.ere indexed in Nuclear Science Abstracts.
`APPLE EX. 1047
`Page 17

`As has been indicated, it is not possible to record information on a videodisc as
`conveniently as on a videotape or cassette. The laser videodisc system possesses a higher
`quality video plus stereo sound. In fact the laser system may be used to play pulse coded
`modulation (pcm) stereo records with a better dynamic range and a high signal-to-noise
`Both the videodisc and the optical digital disc contain information layers in an
`atmosphere-free environment. Grease and dirt from handling will not obstruct the correct
`reading of the pits by the laser unless the surface of the protective plastic is opaque. The
`beam is directed through the grease, dirt, and plastic and is focused on the recording surface.
`Also, head crashes with laser systems are not possible because the read head is far enough
`away from the disc to prevent contact. This consideration and the 10-year archival life ·of
`the optical digital disc provide, interesting opportunities for new storage applications of both
`digitized data and image information. Head crashes and alignment problems may more than
`offset a theoretical error rate of 1 bit out of 10 1 0 bits for the optical digital disc 6 as
`compared with 1 bit out of 101 2 bits for magnetic disks9 in application design work.
`The optical digital disc error rate of 100 times that of magnetic disks may be a crucial
`factor in using the optical digital disc to store digital data of certain applications. However,
`this error rate may not present a problem for storing image information. An error rate of 1
`out of 101 0 bits (one dot of possibly 5,000,000 dots on one page of over 2000 pages)
`would be a misrepresentation.
`Such laser videodisc systems as the Magnavox Magnavision and the U.S. Pioneer Laser
`Disc will continue to provide opportunities for certain large organizations to disseminate
`special films and educational programs both effectively and economically. As public
`acceptance of these systems increases, technology will be available to provide advertised disc
`programs to selected small segments of the population at costs less than commercial or
`cable TV.
`Future systems consisting of consumer disc players, keyboards, microcomputers,
`memories, and TV monitors will place an interactive video data base in the hands of users.
`The retrieval capabilities of these systems to incorporate inverted filing approaches and new
`programming techniques will open new doors for future applications development.
`With expected advances in reliability through new approaches in coding development for
`error detection, the optical digital disc may become a frequent substitute for Computer On
`Thomson-CSF and RCA have demonstrated the optical digital disc for the TV industry
`when access time is critical and the manipulation of videotapes is a significant burden. 1
`In the field of medicine, the optical digital disc may be a substitute for X-rays by storing
`the digital image and also by storing tomograp

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