Springfield, Massachusetts, USA.
`PMC Exhibit 2212
`Apple v. PMC
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`PMC Exhibit 2212
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 2


`Uniate o unison
`the same time: smut rlwrotisi v
`more at LiNlo‘i] (1833): a Christian of a church adherin to an Eastern
`rite and disci
`line but submittin t to papal authority
`niate adj
`unl-nx-i-al \.yii-né-'ak-sé-ol\ adj ca. 1855)
`l 2 having only one axts
`: of or relating to only one axts
`uniream-er-al \ vii-nt-kam-(n-)r:>l\ adj [imi— + LL camera room. chant-
`ber + E -al
`more at CHAMBER] (1853) : having or conststtng of a
`single legislative chamber — uni-cam-er-al-ly \-E\ adv
`uni-ceI-lu-lar \.yii-nt-'sel-ya-lor\ adj (1858) : haxing or consisting of a
`single cell
`uni-corn \'yi.i-na-.ko(:)rtt\ ll [ME uitiwrite. fr. OF. fr LL uiticortti's. fr
`1., having oiie horn. fr. “111- + cornu horn — more at HORN] (13c) : a
`mythical animal generally depicted with the body and head of a horse.
`the hind legs of a stag. the tail of a lion. and a smgle horn in the middle
`of the forehead
`uni-c -cle \' '\ It [uni + -cycle (as in tricy-
`(1869) : any of various vehicles that hate a
`single wheel and are propelled usu. by pedals or
`applied draft 7 uni-cy‘clist \\ it
`nal also -'di- adj (1883) ~ ONE-DIMENSIONAL i uni-
`di-men-sion-a -i-ty \-,m
`ha-'nal-at-E\ n
`uni-di-rce-tion-al \.y"
`a-‘rek-shnnl. -di-. -shan-‘l\
`adj (1883)
`l :
`involving, functioning. moving. or
`responswe in a single direction
`2 : not subject to
`change or rctersal of direction
`Iy \-é\ adv
`unidirectional current it (1883): DIRECI’(L RRFNl
`uni-facto-rhal \.yi‘t-ni-fak-'tor-e 1. -'ior-\ adj (1933)
`: relgtting to or controlled by a single gene ’~ disor-
`unifi-ea-tion \.)'ii<na-fa-'ka-shan\ It (1851) :
`the act.
`process. or result of unifying :
`the state of being
`uni-fi-lar \,y'ii-ni-'li-lar\ adj (1856) : liming or involtittg use of only one
`thread. wire, or fiber
`uni-fn-li-ate \-'f6-lé-at\ adj (1849)
`1 :
`liming only one leaf
`2 : L'NttFt
`uni-fo-li-n-late \-'fo-lé-o-.lz'tt\ adj. of a leaf (ca. 1864) : compound but
`having otin a single leaflet and distinguishable from a simple leaf by
`the basal joint
`sformi's -form] (1540)
`: having a ways the same form. manner. or
`luni-form \'yi.i-na-,form\ adj [MF ltlllIIOrfnU. fr. L iuiiformiv, fr. uiii- +
`degree : not varying or variable
`2 : of the same form with others
`: conforming to one rule or mode : CONSUNANT 3 : presenting an
`unvaried appearance of surface. pattern. or color (~ red brick houses)
`4 2 consistent
`in conduct or opinion (~ interpretation of laws)
`: relating to or being convergence of a series whose terms are functions
`in such manner that the absolute value of the difference between the
`sum of the first It terms of the series and the sum of all terms can be
`made arbitrarily small for all values of the domain of the functions by
`choosing the nth term sufficiently far along in the series 7 uni-form-ly
`\'yii-na-.form-lé, yii-na-'\ adv
`uni-form-ness \‘yii-no-,form-nos\ n
`luniform vi (1681)
`1 :
`to bring into uniformity 2: to cloihc with a
`Juniform I1 (1748) : dress of a distinctive design or fashion worn by
`members of a particular group attd serving as a means of identification;
`broadly: distinctive or characteristic clothing
`Uniform (ca. 1956)
`- a communications code word for the letter ii
`uni-for-mi-tar-i-an \.yii-n:i-.ft')r-ma-‘ter-é-an\ it (1840)
`l : an adherent
`of the doctrine of uniformitarianism 2: an advocate of uniformity i
`uniformitarian adj
`uni-for-mi-tar-i-an-tsm \-E-a-.niz-am\
`it (1865) : a geological doctrine
`that existing processes acting in the same manner as at present are
`sufficient to account for all geological changes
`uni-for-mi-ty \.yi.i-no—'for-mat-é\ n. pl -ties (15c)
`l :
`the quality or state
`of being uniform 2: an instance of uniformity
`uni-fy \'\ vi -fied; -fy-ing [LL uitt'ficarc. fr. L ltllf-
`jicure -f ']
`(1502) :
`to make into a unit or a coherent whole: LNITE— uni-fi-able
`\-,fi-a-bsl \ adj
`- u
`fi-er \\ it
`uni-lat~er-al \Iyti-ni-'l-
`-a-ral. -'la-tral\ adj (1802)
`a : done or under-
`taken by one person or party b : of, relating to, or affecting one side
`engagement by which an express obligation to do or orbear is imposed
`of a subject : ONE-SIDED c : constituting or relating to a contract or
`on only one party 2
`a : having parts arranged on one side (3 ~ ra-
`b : occurring on. performed on, or affecting one side of the
`body or one of its parts ’.,~ cxophthalmos) 3: L'NlLlNEAL 4: having
`only one side i uni-lat-er-al-ly \-E\ adv
`uni-lin-eal \-'lin-é-;tl\ adj (1952) :
`tracing descent
`through either the
`maternal or paternal line only
`uni-lin-ear \.y‘ti-ni-'lin-E-ar\ adj (1926) : deteloping in or involvtng a
`series of stages usu. from the primitive to the more advanced (a ~
`cultural sequence)
`uni-lin-gual \,yii-ni-'li -§(y9-)wal\ adj [tiiti— + L Ii'rigua tongue. language
`— more at iONGt'E] (1 66): composed in or using one language only
`un-il-lwsioned \.a '
`-zhand,.an-’l-\ od‘(1926): free fromilluswn
`uni-loc-u-lar \ yti-tii
`k-ya-lor\ adj (1753 : containing a single cavity
`unuimag-in-able \,an-a-'maj-(a-)na-bal\ adj (ca. 1611) : not
`or comprehensible r
`un-imttg-in-ably \-ble\ adv
`un-im-peach-able \.an-im-'pé-cha-bal\ adj
`: not
`: not to be called in question : not liable to accusation :
`lun-int-proveii \-'prli\d\ a j. abs (1602) : not rcprovcd or admonished
`ABLE. in AMELESS — un-imJJeaeh-ably \-blé\ adv
`lunimproved adj (1665) :
`ttot improved as
`a : not tilled. built on. or
`otherwise improved for use (~ land) b: not used or employed advan-
`tageously (wasted time attd ~ opportunities)
`c : not selectively bred
`for better quality or productivencss
`un-in-hib-it-cd \.9n-in-'hib-at-:ad\ adj (ca. 1909) : free from inhibition:
`also : boisterously informal r un-tn-hib-it—ed-ly adv — un-in-hib-it-ed-
`ness ii
`untini-tiatc \.an—:-'nish-(e—)at\ adj (1801)
`: not
`initiated : t'srxl'le-
`un-in-ter-est \(')an-'in-trast. -'tnt-:-rast., -:rst‘. -'in-,trest\ It (1952)
`lack ofinterest
`interested : not having the mind or
`un-in-ter-estoed adj (1661) i not
`feelings engaged usa 9 see Distts riitrs‘i ED
`uni-nu-cle-ate \.yii-ni- n(y)ii-klc-:t\ adj (1885) : having a single nucleus
`(:1 ~ yeast cell)
`‘union \'yiin-yan\ n [ME. fr, MF. fr. LL tuii'ott-. uitio oneness. union. in
`L llIluS one — more at ONE] (15c)
`1 a: an act or instance of uniting
`or joinin
`two or more things into one: as
`(l) :
`the formation of a
`single po itical unit from two or more separate and independent units
`(2) z a uniting in marriage; also: SE.\L‘AL lNTERCOL 851':
`(3) :
`the grow-
`ing together of severed parts
`b : a unified condition : COMBINATION.
`JL'NCHON (a gracious ~ of excellence and strength)
`2 : something
`that is made one : something formed by a combining or coalition of
`arts or members: as
`a : a confederation of independent individuals
`as nations or persons) for some common purpose b: a political unit
`cottstitutin an organic whole formed usu. from previously indepen-
`dent uttits its England and Scotland in 1707) which have surrendered
`their principal powers to the government of the whole or to a newly
`created government (as the US. in 1789)
`c cap: an organization on a
`college or university campus providing recreational. social. cultural.
`and sometimes dining facilities; also :
`the building housing such an
`organization d: the set of all elements belon ing to one or more ofa
`given collection of two or more sets — called a sojoirt. .rum 2:
`L\10N 3
`a : a device emblematic of the union of two or more
`sovereignties borne on a national flag typically in the it per inner cor-
`ner or constituting the whole design of the flag
`b :
`t e upper inner
`corner of a flag 4: any of various devices for connecting parts (as ofa
`machine); as
`: a coupling for pipes or pipes and fittings
`lunion udj(l'f707): of, relating to. dealing with. or constituting a union
`union card n (1874)
`1 : a card certifying personal membership in good
`standing in a labor union
`2 : something that resembles a union card
`in being necessary for employment or in providing evidence of
`in-group status
`union church It (1847) : a local church uniting members of d1\ erse dc-
`nominatiottal backgrounds in an interdenominational congregation
`union-ism \'yiin-yo-.niz-3m\ n (1845) :
`the principle or policy of form-
`ing or adhering to a union: as
`a ca
`: adherence to the policy ofa firm
`federal union between the states o the United States esp. during the
`Civil War period
`h :
`the principles. theory. advocacy. or system of
`trade unions
`union-ist \-n:st\ n (1799): an advocate or supporter of union or union-
`union'izn'tion \.yiin-ya-n:-'za-shan\ it (1896)
`l :
`the quality or state of
`being unionized 2: the action of unioni7in
`union-ize \'yiin-ya-,niz\ vb -ized; -i
`ing vi
`1890) :
`to organi7e into a
`labor union ~ vi':
`to form or join a labor union
`union-i>zed adj (1900) : characterized by the presence of labor unions <~
`union jack it, often cop UdiJ (1674); a jack consisting of the union ofa
`national ensign
`union shop :1 (ca. 1909) : an establishment in which the employer‘by
`agreement is free to hire nonmembers as well as members of the union
`but retains nonmembers on the payroll only on condition of then be-
`coming members of the union within a specified time
`union suit a (1901) : an undergarment with shirt and drawers in an:
`single parent; esp: PAR l'llFNOGENETIC
`uni-pa-ren-tal- y \-’1-é\ adv
`uni-pa-rcn-tal \.yi.i-ni-p:'t-'renl-'1l\ adj (ca. 1909) :Jtaving or involving a
`uni-po-lar \.yii-ttt_-'po-lar\ adj(1812): having. produced by. or acting by
`a single magnetic or electrical pole
`uni-po-lar-i-ty \-po-'1ar-at-e. -p9-\
`“flique \lv'l'l'inc'k\ 1111] [F. fr. L iiitit'ux. fr. uitus one — more at O's‘t‘] (1602)
`1 : being the only one : so” (his ~ concern was his own comfort)“
`can't walk away with it ~ copy. Suppose 1 lost it? Kingsley AmIS)
`'thc ~ factorization of a number into prime factors)
`a : betnl!
`without a like or equal : LNEQL‘ALED (could stare at the flames. €39“
`one new. violent. ~ - -Robcrt Coovcr) b: distinctively characteristic
`: PECL LIAR 1 (this is not a condition ~ to California
`iRonald Rw-
`3 : LNL’SL‘AL (a very ~ ball-point pen) (N: were fairly ~. 111‘
`sixty of us.
`in that there wasn‘t one
`and mixer in the bunch —J~D-
`syn see STRANGE— uniquc- y adv —- unique-ncss n
`usage Many commentators have objected to the comparison or mod!-
`fication (as by somewhat. almost. or very) of unique: the statement thnI
`a thing is either unique or it is not has often been repeated by 1115’"
`Objections are based chiefly on the assumption that unique has hu} 3
`single absolute sense, an assumption contradicted by inforrr‘iatiol'l
`readily available in a dictionary. Unique dates back to the 17th cen-
`tury but was little used until the end of the 18th when. according m
`the Oxford English Dictionary. it was rcac uired from French-
`Todd entered it as a foreign word in his edition (1818) of Johnson5
`Dictionary. characteri7ing it as “affected and useless." Around 11“
`middle of the 19th century it ceased to he considered foreign andF‘m‘e
`into considerable popular use. With popular use came a broadening 0d
`-11 .
`application beyond the original two meanings (here numbered 1 II"
`In modern use both comparison and modification are widefiw’fign
`and standard but are confined to the extended senses 2b and 3-
`l ters.
`anse 1 or sense 2a is intended, unique is used without qualifying "10
`luni-sex \'yLi-na-scks\ n (1966) :
`the state or condition of r10I bang
`distinguishable (as by hair or clothing) as to sex
`lunisex adj (1968)
`l :
`ttot distinguishable as male or female in ~ in“
`2: suitable or designed for both males and females {~ clothes)
`\.yii-na-'seksh-(a-)wal. -'sek-shal\ adj (ca. 1802)
`1 -h°rj
`relating to. or restricted to one sex:
`a 2 male or female but no1
`b : D1CL1NOUS<a ~ flower) 2: UNISEX -— unI-SEX'“
`ty \-.sek . a-‘wal-at-é\ N
`uni-son \‘yfi-na-san, -na-zon\ I1 [MF, fr. ML uiiisaiitis having 11“ 51" a
`fr. L un‘ + .roitiix sound — more at SOUND] (1575).
`identity in musical pitch; sport]: the interval of a
`erfect PW“: or
`the state of being so tuned or sounded c: the writing. 91”": z
`singing of parts in a musical passage at the same pitch or in 0513)] -
`: a harmonious agreement or union : CONCORD — unison (112, at
`1 :
`itt perfect agreement : so as to harmonize exactly
`PMC Exhibit 2212
`Apple v. PMC
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