\UI} lMI-I h NI "Hm-R I
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`I}. I‘m
`I The. AT
`- from IBM
`I (' ‘onncctivily:
`[BM ’[bkcn-Ring
`Report Card
`.- Re. movable.
`1 1:1 rd Disks:
`Bcrnou] li
`Third Annual
`Best and "first:
`Editors’ Personal Picks
`PMC Exhibit 2192
`PMC Exhibit 2192
`Apple v. PMC
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 1
`Page 1


`Boost f
`speed. .
`Wilt all III: nun:
`over pea-I'm.
`il‘simnk III-l delh I‘C‘scrgnnomic
`deficit-win In" bun overland—Inflow
`dun tumor Io
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`Conflul'“ from Ikmlulbn Sunni-run.
`human "lend. Flnnlly. III: mun... -—
`(Innis: Control is am
`WWW limitiner
`I m.II:quIIuII-su
`amhmmmw I
`cursor amile no any application.
`Conlml‘s Anti-
`.GWE Rcflu. I
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`Locum group said about Cruise Comm:
`TIM-'- .I' In”! If, .I' uunl'rrhl" I. I(("I'IIII I'd-"a.
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`(char: flagella I
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`mtheII}::IW dually mu.
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`NS Wt "JEN -
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`RK‘FJ‘IIONlS'l'. . .
`mnmroma EDITOR'
`arms-rammmu PUBLISHER .
`. .
`mrnswronr SPECIALIST 'f.
`. . ..
`nmomsr .
`saumnnnonuc'nonwmen 2..
`.. ..
` “NE.
`mm" Hamel
`. .IhldDam
`. Junk-uh,
`...Wahtl' I. Taloch'
`til-Innu- Plulp ll. Kama haiku Kmnnhfl. XWISQIIIII' Vin Mall Hill? Sm: “(I Prnldmfl Lam“ Uudm. Wlllum Hul-
`Illh. l. Rhlmlm Mmmjlnm C. Rm Tm Sch-3m I. 1m Secular; WA. Alarm
`M'Mqumv MIWU—bufll Whmrmnmmm :3!”th «durum-mumuum men-um .. h.» w um
`MRI-.HMII’I-Iflnmm maumillmyr-‘ummwm-nmnuml'...mdm€.u_mu.uumnw.5:-
`in “mm MHfl—WHuH-IY—Q m ImIIu-Muudhn mm: Mhutw-IK'JI-mw I'(| III-flu mu:- rum:
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`Pl} h:m.-fll mmlh‘dhl-M? uh Kmuwu-mm.uflm.m In noMlflu‘hI-Int'nwr- WIIW‘M’I
`mums-« Ilium-Inna” r m1£h.mqtu..munumruflmru
`Mud-liming!!!“ Mlfl-fl-mdlflrmfa.h' mmmwmwmdr—um WMMJTMI.
`Bruin-ryll'u Irlda Frau-up. MIN Nil—r Khuln- um « IkKlH-In rum-n Rum. n
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`dH‘Iltlflhllnflhnlhmui I FILI-
`IANUARY I3. [93?
`. IlliL‘I-Ofihflm
`BIII “mull. Lulu Sum. Paul Scull-mil
`S'Irun Mug:
`Gil Vanilla
`.. Cm; I. St“
`.. “mil-III] Rn“
`.. 1.1!“: [all
`. 11-mth lung. Dug-Pl Guthrnfluu Kinnnun
`. M 31.5w?“
`'. nonmalth
`Vmu nun. tank WEI“. Mn ion-x. Imuth X Mmkun. Paul \‘
`h! Sleplun: RkLI
`. Rnhm Bum. Pm) Gum. Chum-u Dung. Ian-pt: R Mm“. limafli‘
`WIIIM. Itmll’cl'ZA-m
`Illichxlt'ohn. Dmd R. Wm
`. Imhlhl
`'.. Rkluni Am. Fm“ Dcri'h'r,lr..lolm mnmenc DuI'II.GIfll|
`Hal. Sm: IlnlJm. hum Lung-Iv”. SW Inn-L Em Noun-I. mun
`Hum. WIM L Rmh.11m5qm.hi DIM Slmc. .Iarrd Taylw
`.31», anCtdeIIlcl
`.. Trice)! firm
`.. Mm! Nina;
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`2.1.1.: Inc-puma. IIIIIO'Hnm. m: It»:
`.. .ihnd Rum?
`. “Jimnm
`.. [mle
`. Jim: mm.mmnm
`DIEM Aw. NCII‘J'Il‘l. NV Imlé. l21.‘l SIB-Mm
`. .
`4 P
`PMC Exhibit 2192
`MC Exhibit 2192
`Apple v. PMC
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 2
`Page 2


`Spreadsheets: Giving Depth
`to Your Data
`Mun?" Bijmti) The
`sophisticath nature ot‘tmlay's
`ss environment demands
`more than a traditional two—
`limensinnai spreadsheet can
`provide .
`. .
`. .
`. . .
`. . . 243 '
`-l“.lectronic 11tesauri: Four
`Ways to Find the Perfect
`Rubin Riukinr' [1 your copy of
`Roget's Thrsrtrri'trs is getting
`more dug-cared t tattered .
`worm by the day. then it may
`he time for you to check out 6
`Hook into. investigate] its
`various (many. sundry}
`electmnic ineamations. _ _ __ l??-
`CAI} at Any Price
`(Item: Hurt! Does the dramatic
`price spread {Still In Still!"
`among the hair packages under
`rev iew—-zlntofl'ytt-h.
`k'nstfi'tf). LEN)“ ii'itv. and
`dfit‘ri('{iihrm—pmlilcl a
`comparable spread in
`The AT Clone from IBM
`arm}: L. Ros'cii! The IBM PC—
`XT Model 286 is a \
`hardworking but costly
`addition to' Big Blue's product
`line. Is there a‘ruaritet segment
`that will find the 286's assets
`equal to its price tag'.’
`Making Connections: The
`IBM Token-Ring Network
`(":1ka . Dr'rflm‘. Jig! The IBM
`Token-Ring Network shouldhe
`able to lay claim Io being the
`new industry standard. A
`critical shortcoming stands in
`its way .
`. .
`. .
`. .. 22'!
`Stretching the Standard:
`Seven New EGA Boards
`Charles Permit}! The more-
`atlventumus manulaclurcrs in
`thc ECA market—Viden-i’.
`Quadrant. 'I'seug Laboratories.
`Paradise Systems. and
`IDEAssuciates—are forging
`ahead with boards that both
`mimic and improve on the IBM
`original. with higher-
`resolutiun video modes and
`smile unique software
`............ .. HIS
`PMC Exhibit 2192
`PMC Exhibit 2192
`Apple v. PMC
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 3
`Page 3
`The Best of-I9861And Some
`nl'the Worst)
`An entire year‘s worth ol‘ PC
`pnxiucLs and developments
`gets summed up in this sharp-
`eyed. personal glance
`backward by the editors and
`writers of PC t'rl'ugnzim-
`1. IS
`Ahort. Retry. Ignore
`8i” Hnnxirtfl An industry Ihal
`slavisth reproduces hugsjn the
`name ol‘compatibility richly
`deserves its own set of mm
`messages. PC Montana
`provides some fitting rcjoindcrs
`to the year's Hubs and
`l'oihles ..................... ..
`IBM-s ‘i HMS I'll '-X'I'
`Model 2%. page IS.‘
`nun—m... —.
`l|~--—_ o——.
`fl—I_lu a n- --
`— I— l .- III—Inu— — . u
`—n|q— h—u—m-n-
`— b——w_—--n
`I- I- In. — Io-——-n u-o
`lu—a-I— -nn-nn—
`— I-u—u-I—nu— unnu-
`=—n “- In Inn-o- gun-n-n—u—uu—u-u-u
` I
` 1.1%" '
`Drawinga Bead on Bernoulli
`ii’i'mi L. Rust-hr Fast data
`access speeds. more hard dislt
`storage space. greater data
`security. and improved
`pcrfomtance are the hallmarks
`of [May 's cart ridge-based hard
`MSR: A New Approach to
`disk systems. Amcodync's
`Software Support
`PhD. Sysgen's Dural’ak. and
`IDEAssociates' Disls'il 3 Plus
`Hurbum KraanffiWilh Micro
`Support Resource's
`are challengingthe Bernoulli
` IBM '\
`AnswerLine. help with
`Box as the premier solution to
`[owl-ring protocol.
`combined storage and backup
`standard applications software
`needs ...................... .. ll?
`page 22‘?
`is a phone call away ..... ... 259


`' Hands-On Reviews: Tandy‘s
`'A Quick Look at
`I'OOOEX and 3000I-IL: Sony's
`CPD- I302 Multiscan
`Trimitront monitor:
`Ethan WitterrExplore the speed
`WordToch‘s Quicksilver;
`Multisofl's PC SnperKn-ik:
`MathSolt's MarltCitD; the
`Tops PC-to-Mac network:
`Lifetree's Wot-air d’: Figirrer: I
`Broderbund's For-Continent:
`R& R Relational Report Writer
`for dBASE: in Quick Lonks.
`Hotshot and Caim-Magic . . .33
`Files Fly with DIREX
`Steve Hokrtet‘tRe move the
`dmdgc ryol' file directory
`management: add pmteclion to
`selecrcd files . .. .
`and powerol Version 2.0 . 285 PROGRAMMING!
`.In many industries. 5 years is
`hardly long enough to-lock in
`even the barcst of standards.
`Everyone from users to vendors
`to the press argues over subjects
`ranging from keyboard layout
`to user interfaces to graphics
`pmtocols. But as we take an-
`other year-end look at the mi-
`crocomputer business. it's evi-
`PCL‘I‘“ B‘m'hm'r‘m'l'"
`dent that traditions. irnot standards. abound.
`In this third annual best-of-the-ycar issue. the editors and writ-
`crs of PC Mag zine get personal about the products and industry
`trends of 1986. We Spend most of the year objectively evaluating
`products. This is our traditional chance to add a healthy dose of
`subjectivity to the magazine. Turn to page lIS for a nobolds.
`ban-ed look at the best'and Worst of 1986.
`Another tradition at PC Magazine is ensuring that our bench-
`ntark tests are tthsolutcly current with the rapid pace ortcchnology.
`For years. users everywhere have relied on the tests to provide
`quantitative. comparative. and repeatable mcasqterncrth.§ In this
`issue. we are introducing Release 4.0 otour benchmark tesl series.
`3|] which contains some familiar benchmark tests and new Eilc Ac-
`cess. BIOS Disk Seek. and DOS Disk Access tests.
`The new BIOS Disk Seek test supersedes the popular Disk Ac-
`cess benchrttark test from Cole International. Both tests report hard
`disk random seek tithe. the most common hard disk perfrj'mancc
`measurement. But our new DOS Disk Access test avoids sire limi-
`tations and uses DOS calls to access disk sectors directly. I 't differs
`from the BIOS Disk Seek test in that it will work withany DOS
`disk. This lets us compare a wider variety of devices. front RAM-
`disks to write-once. read-mostly [WORM] laser disks. '
`It‘s dit' switch tcsls because users want to compare new
`results with the old. With this in mind we're now rctestingexisting
`indUstry-statndurd products. [xu'ticularly the IBM PC. XT. and AT.
`to provide a consistent set of base-level comparisons.
`We used the new benchmark tests to evaluate IBM's new PC‘
`XT Model 286 and removable hard disks for two articles in this is
`suc: “The AT Clone from lBM" on page ISS and “Drawing a
`CONNECTION ......... . lit]
`Bead on Bernoulli ' ‘ on mgr: 2 l7.
`And in the PC Magazine tradition of giving roadcrs the Fastest
`CARD .................... .. 337
`hands-on evaluations of hot new products. we review Sony's
`. .
`. .. 348
`. .. 366 CPD- l 302 Multiscatn monitor and Tandy's 3799 “INDEX computer.
`We encourage all readers to obtain _a copy of the PC Labs
`ADVERTISERS ........ .. 368
`Benchmark Test Series. Release 4.0. Ypu can download the tests
`COMING UP ............ . 369
`from the PL‘ Magazine Interactive Reader Service by calling [2 I2)
`Cover Photograph:
`696-0300 [300 or [.200 bps. no parity. It data hits.
`I slttpjhill or
`Racannc Giovanni
`contact PC Labs at out Park Avenue. New York. NY lillll'f).
`Jo citfoviorrAdd a notepad to
`reference cells. write BASIC
`programs with [-2-3. and make
`decorative borders
`Net! J . Rrrbenkr'npétCon vet't
`variables into strings and
`modify Turbo to beep at
`compilation errors
`Poul Snorer-sth utility to
`check available RAM and a
`program that write protects
`your hard disk ............ .. 3 I9
`Chariot PermldtSet colors in
`!~2-3. Release 2. and program
`in BASIC with PC
`Compatibles ................ . 335
`Lcrrcns To
`PC MAGAZINE .......... .. 15
`Gris Verrdt‘trotHclp in adding
`RAM beyond (>40K to a
`Compaq and in sharing word
`processing files between IBM
`PC and Wang systems ..... .. 2?
`Snobbery ................... ..fil
`Mainframes—Herc to
`Stay ......................... .157
`Inside Track ............... . .69
`The Soflwm Revolution.
`Part I ....................... . .75
`Desktop Publishing: Myths
`and Realities ............... . .85
`Whatever Happened to
`Ergonomics? .............. . .9 |
`The Poorer Desk ...... .. '.. ID?
`PMC Exhibit 2192
`PMC Exhibit 2192
`Apple v. PMC
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 4
`Page 4
`tic" MAGAZINE I tANt'ARv-t ,t. Inst


`Seven '
`NewEGA _
`New enhanced graphics
`adaptersforge ahead oftheir
`IBMprogenitor, ofering EGA
`and higher-than-EGA
`resolution video modes, plus
`multiple compatibility
`resolution of 640 dots horizontally by 350
`scan lines vertically. Three of the EGA
`compatibles reviewed here surpass that.
`with additional video modes as high as 640
`by 480—sometirnes (rather deceptively)
`called PGC resolution. The lBM Profes-
`sional Graphics Controller came on the
`scene at around the same time as the En-
`hanced Graphics Adapter. but it‘s a com-
`pletely different board:
`it has an analog
`output (requiring a monitor such as IBM's
`Professional Graphics Display) and is ca-
`pable of 256 differem colors from a palette
`of 4.096. By contrast. the EGA‘s TI'L
`(transistor-transistor logic) output can dis-
`play only [6 simultaneous colors from a
`palette of64.
`For certain applications. a 640— by 480
`pixel display yields an interesting divi-
`dend. Most small monitors have a dis»
`playable area of about 240 by [30
`millimeters. Divide the width by 640 dots
`and the height by 430 dots. and you‘ll find
`that the horizontal and vertical resolutions
`are identical. Creating a box that's 180 by
`100 pixels will thus be square. that's a nice
`convenience for programmers writing
`their own graphics routines. For anybody
`else. it's merely a coincidence.
`:1 the 5 months since our first sur-
`vey of enhanced graphics adapters
`(“Achieving the Standard: 12
`EGA Boards." PC Magazine.
`Volume 5 Number 14). the EGA
`has become commonplace almost
`to the point ofboredom. That's not a com-
`plaint. it's a compliment. The credit for the
`EGA proliferation belongs largely to
`Chips and Technologies (C'I'l). whose
`low«pr1'ced. four-piece EGA CHIPSet al~
`lows hardware manufacturers to assemble
`and sell EGA boards at a fraction of the
`cost of lBM's original. Virtually every KT
`and AT clone that passes through the PC
`Labs comes with its own EGA board based
`on the CHIPSet; some have EGA imple-
`mentations on their system boards.
`Meanwhile. more—adventurous. hard-
`ware manufacturers have been sowing the
`seeds of innovation, and we examine here
`the fruits oftheir labor. They are at the cut
`ting edge of EGA development. where
`boards not only mimic the lBM original
`but add higher-resolution video modes.
`achieve close compatibility with the IBM
`ColortGraphics Adapter and the Hercules
`Graphics Card. and include some unique
`software features. In 5 months. the EGA
`has bloomed into many different flowers.
`MORE DOTS Advances in video mean
`advances in resolution. IBM's Enhanced
`Graphics Adapter can achieve maximum
`increasing vertical resolution from 350 to
`480 doesn't come easy—and that‘s the
`monitor's fault. Regardless of the adapter
`you use. IBM's Enhanced Color Display
`will not show more than 350 scan lines per
`Most monitors are locked into specific
`vertical and horizontal frequencies. some-
`times called sync rates. that determine the
`maximum number of displayable scan
`lines. The vertical frequency is the rate at
`which the whole screen is refreshed (about
`60 Hz for most monitors). The horizontal
`frequency is the rate at which each scan
`line is displayed. So. dividing the horizon-
`tal frequency by the vertical frequency
`gives you the number ofscan lines (includ-
`ing some for retrace and for the top and
`bottom borders). The video adapter must
`provide horizontal and vertical sync sig-
`nals at these two frequencies. with very lit-
`tle deviation. The monitor thus limits the
`adapter to a certain number of scan lines
`and effectively constrains vertical resolu-
`tion. no matter what the video board theo-
`retically can do.
`Increasing horizontal resolution is not
`nearly as troublesome because it doesn't
`involve critical synchronization frequen-
`cies. You can easily increase the adapter's
`dot clock frequency without affecting the
`horizontal sync frequency. thereby in-
`creasing the horizontal resolution without
`running into any problems. 'th number of'
`horizontal dots per scan line equals the
`adapter‘s dot clock frequency divided by
`the horizontal frequency. The monitor‘s
`PMC Exhibit 2192
`PMC Exhibit 2192
`Apple v. PMC
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 5
`Page 5


`bandwidth rating theoretically limits the
`dot clock frequency. but the bandwidth is a
`conservative rating and can generally be
`As a matter of fact. built right
`IBM‘s EOA specification is the selection
`of an altemate crystal for the EGA's dot
`clock. From there.
`it‘s just a matter of
`loading different values into the CRT con-
`troller registers on the BOA board. {Do-it-
`yourselfers should consult the sidebar
`"Using the BOA Feature Connector for a
`I20-Column Display.“ PC Magazine,
`Volume 5 Number 15. page 298. to see
`how easy it really is.) An EGA manufac-
`turer using a similar technique can stretch
`out horizontal resolution by 50 percent.
`IBM‘s original Color Display operates at
`standard television sync rates: a vertical
`frequency of 60 Hz and a horizontal fre-
`quency of Iii-'5 KHz. The numberof scan
`lines is 262. but the IBM Colorlephics
`Adapter uses only 200 for the display area.
`The CGA dot clock is 14.32 MHz. IBM‘s
`Enhanced Color Display. with the same
`vertical frequency. can operate at two hori-
`zontal frequencies:
`l5.75 RH: for corn-
`patibility with the Color Display and 21.85
`KHz for 350 scan lines. In the 350-scan-
`line modes. the dot clock is 16.257 MHz.
`(The monitor senses which mode to switch
`to by the polarity ofthe horizontal sync fre-
`doyoudoifyou want morethan 350 scan
`lines per screen? Go out and buy the NBC
`JC-I4OIP3A MulliSync monitor (re-
`viewed in “The EGA Standard: Monitors
`That Measure Up." PC Mesozoic. Vol-
`ume 5 Number 6). The NEC MultiSync
`can adjtst automatically to a continuous
`range of horizontal frequencies from l5.‘l'5
`KHz (the CGA) to 30 KHz (more resolu-
`tion than the BOA). So. with its vertical
`frequency of 60 Hz. the MulliSync can
`display anything between 200 and 500
`scan lines. In fact. it's actually rated for
`560 lines maximum.
`file NEC MultiSync has proved to be
`quite popularas an EGA monitor. Perhaps
`buyers of the MultiSync believed they
`were making an investment in the fu-
`ture—and so they were. New. way: newer.
`smarter video boards on the m et. they
`can start cashing in.
`VEGA Deluxe and
`QuadEGA ProSync
`In ottr first look at EGA boards. we ranked
`Video~Ts VEGA board (also sold by
`Quadram Corp. as the QuadEGAH as a
`standard CTI implementation with a hard-
`ware problem and a messy CGA and Her-
`cules emulation scheme. But an improved
`model has since appeared. The upgraded
`VEGA Deluxe and QuadEGA ProSync
`(again the same board) boards include two
`new graphics modes. 640 by 480 and 752
`by 4I0. both requiring a NEC MultiSync
`or equivalent.
`The VEGA Deluxe has a mere 20
`chips—very economical. considering that
`this includes the four CTI chips. eight
`memory chips. and a ROM BIOS. Except
`for the socketed ROM. everything is sur-
`face-mounted. The board includes the nor»
`mal 16.257-Ml-lz crystal and a 24-Ml-lz
`crystal for the higher-resolution modes.
`Videofl chose to wire the 24«MH2 crystal
`as if it were an external clock source com-
`ing from the feature connector (that‘s not
`f"? ‘1
`VEGA Deluxe
`Video-T inc.
`550 Sycmuore Dr.
`Milpiltls. CA 95035
`(302)) ESE-GIN
`[ml 962-5?!” [in Calif.)
`Lid Pride: 5599
`Moira: The NBC MulliSync monitor for
`extra video modes.
`In Start: The included Windows drivers for
`Why 630 and 1'52 by 410 graphics modes
`make the VEGA Deluxe a good board for
`the “Wall Windber user. Windows.
`Version [.03. is also included.
`ems ummmm
`MEGA Prostate
`Quadrant Corp.
`One Quad Way
`Note-toss. GA m3
`{4031 923-6666
`Lid Prion $595
`Requires: The NEC MultiSync monitor for
`extra video modes.
`In Short: Identical to Video-Ts VHM
`Deluxe. the QuadEGA P'roSync includes
`the Windmvs drivers but only :16th
`card for Windmvr itself.
`the only way to do it). if you want to attach
`a real feature connector to the board. you‘ll
`have to disable the 24-MH2 crystal by
`switching a jumper.
`ment. the software support for this board‘s
`higher-resolution modes is limited to Mt-
`r'rosofi Windows. But if you don‘t have
`Window. don't won'y: Video-Ts package
`includes Windows [Version 1.03). and
`Quadrant gives you a card to get the pro-
`gram for $30. Video-'3’ is also working on
`Lotus drivers.
`if you‘re accustomed to using Windows
`on an EGA. it may look a little squashed in
`the 430-line mode. which uses the same
`fonts and the same pixel resolution for
`icons and cursors as does the BSD—line
`EGA. In theory. Video»? should have pro-
`vided new fonts designed specifically for
`the display resolution. You may prefer not
`having these new fonts anyway. because
`the regular EGA fonts bring more than 35
`percent more character lines into view.
`And. as a nice proof of Wirrdow.r' device-
`indcpendent graphics interface. properly
`designed Windows applications that need
`to draw perfect circles and work in abso-
`lute measurements (such as Micrografx‘s
`BRA W!) adjust to the new resolution with
`no problem.
`Someday. perhaps. a hardware manu—
`facturer will need to provide only a new
`Windows driver with each new piece of
`hardware. Today. however. Video-T‘s
`software support for its new video modes
`must be characterized as weak. Although
`the VEGA Deluxe BIOS includes a
`"hook" for these new video modes. you
`can‘t switch to them using the standard
`BIOS calls: that would have threatened to
`conflict with future IBM video modes.
`Video-'2.l will make available small assem-
`bly language routines designed to get at the
`new graphics modes. for software devel-
`opers and (as a Video-7 engineer told me}
`for “anybody who sounds like he knows
`what he'sdoing."
`Hike this board and I like the Windows
`drivers. but [don‘t like the misleading box
`they come in. People who have explored
`how Microsofi Windows uses the BOA
`have found that Windows uses only 8 of the
`16 colors available in high-resolution
`graphics modes. The program then mimics
`PMC Exhibit 2192
`PMC Exhibit 2192
`Apple v. PMC
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 6
`Page 6


`PMC Exhibit 2192
`PMC Exhibit 2192
`Apple v. PMC
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 7
`Page 7


`1'L150 :0 right] Tst'ng Labs det'er'oywd it: own £621. dir'psfirr both {he Em (for right) and the EI'HMSO.‘ the Paradise Atmfiu'r'l'dt iris yon .ru't'tt‘i'i in {1
`C64 cmuiafirm the! Slffi'il't's a reboot: lDEdssrx't’r-‘tcs' Overboard has ct comrmsilt' video omprrtjttck. it'llt't'i’ its All Aboard firri'mles 2‘ rrrcgirbt‘n's of
`butaihtft’flMir ‘msrgft' dignified J'J'lt'fll'fln'; the VEGA Debate and erdEGA FmSyrtr in: w 640 by 480 and 752 by «1' .r' 0 graplrit‘: armies.
`pounding the problem by also using it for
`the math coprocessor exception interrupt
`and then in a debugging package. Now it‘s
`a free-for-all: anybody who needs an inter-
`rupt picks the NMI. (The erttcnt of the
`problem will become clearer in my discus-
`sion of the Paradise AutoSwitch board .)
`more than 256.002] additional colors by
`dithering. or combining pixels ofthc 8 col-
`ors to look. at a distance like more. Win-
`ct'orrs uses only 8 colors because this best
`fits its encoding of separate red. green. and
`blue values. Using 1 bit for-each. as is done
`on the BOA. yields 8 colors. Two bits each
`for red. green. and blue requires 64 colors.
`COPYING THE BUGS Achieving total
`something beyond EGA capabilities.
`Some Window users have complained
`lBM compatibility in an EGA board gives
`a manufacturer the delicate task of dupliv
`that the programdoesn‘t take full advan-
`tage of the EGA's I6 colors. So the VEGA
`eating the IBM BIOS bugs without much
`Deluxe box. which pictures two Windotrzr
`tampering. If an EGA—compatible manu-
`facturer minimally deviates from lBM‘s
`displays and indicates that they show I6
`design. and a software manufacturer
`colors. might kindle some false hopes.
`slightly ntisintcrprets IBM's specifications
`Sorry. the drivers still use only eight.
`As with the earlier versions. the VEGA
`for usingthe EGA BIOS. the hardware and
`software could collide.
`Deluxe and andEGA ProSyrtr: imple-
`ment CGA and Hercules emulation
`That happened with Video-7‘s VEGA
`Deluxe and Microsoft‘s new Cochiew
`through a small resident program. When a
`debugger (included with its C 4.0 compil-
`program uses one ol‘thc CGA or Hercules
`er}. With lhc VEGA Deluxe installafl. the
`registers not supported by the BOA. the
`debugger pops up to the screen in garish
`board generates a nonmaskable interrupt
`magenta letters on a green background.
`[NMIJ that the resident program picks up
`Even worse: after a little use. the fore-
`and attempts to deal with. The NMI has led
`ground disappears. You can‘t read the
`a ten-ible life from the very beginning of
`menu. though you can still select things
`the PC. when IBM chose to use it for sig-
`from it. Fortunately. Microsoft has a
`naling memory parity errors. later com-
`patch. Video-'2‘I got a lesson on rule number
`I: don't try to fix IBM‘s bugs.
`Eva and Eva/480
`Tseng Laboratories. well known in video.
`is one of the few manufacturers willing to
`develop its own EGA chips rather than us-
`ing Chips and Technologies‘ EGA CHIP-
`Set. The Tseng Labs EI‘ZOOO-Series Chip
`rt rarrrrilrrrtt
`Tscng laboratories Inc.
`New10wn Industrial Cornmons
`205 Pleasant Run
`Nmown. PA IBSHO
`{215} 963-0502
`Usl Price: 54991550 more for Civil] cum-
`patibility moduch
`In Short: JAZ-J' and Sympirmy users can
`stretch their screens with the included 132‘
`column drivers. A BIOS inlerfncc to the
`additional video modes allows easy
`PMC Exhibit 2192
`PMC Exhibit 2192
`Apple v. PMC
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 8
`Page 8


`JUST $999
`31:57]: “'3:
`'._I'I__‘I‘I_I_I3_‘_l5 _tr"
`: _ H? Li: it.
`'-i_. [Phl4_ t'“
`Presenting PC-TOO. Only from CMO.
`When you think oi tailor-made‘ you think expensive. right? Think again.
`Now Computer Mail Order can otter you a 20ml) PC-XT compatible -- one we assemble in our Pennsylvania
`lab. To your specifications. With the attention to quality and perlormance you've come to expect from CMO. All
`for just $999.
`Every PC-Too we make is backed with a full 90rday warranty on labor and parts. A 30-day money back
`guarantee. And easy access to CMO teohnicai support after the sale -~ the kind that keeps you up. running and
`For $999. you get: A 20Mb. PC-XT compatib1e that runs thousands of programs. including Lotus 1-2-3 I A
`4‘77Mh chip speed
`An XT—chassis with 256K {expandable to 640K) I A 20 Mb hard drive I A 360K floppy
`drive I A fIOppy disk and hard drive controller
`A 150 watt power supply [not just 130} I Open architecture
`with 8 expansion slots (not just 7} I And an 84-key. XT-style keyboard.
`Need more power? More flexibility? Cat! us. Let‘s talk about your tailor-made PC-Too. Your options are
`'1 u [0
`PMC Exhibit 2192
`PMC Exhibit 2192
`Apple v. PMC
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 9
`Page 9


`Custom configuration and assembly.
`PEACE OF MIND. FREE. When you buy a computer system from CMO. we custom assemble it. The
`monitor card you ordered is installed. Order a hard drive and DOS? We install it for you. If it needs in-
`stallation. we install it.
` 'im'tertvm.' '
`lBM-XT 286
`Single Drive System
`0 256K RAM
`0 360K Floppy Drive
`' Disk Drive Controller
`1.2 MB Floppy System
`B Motherboard-512K
`1. MB Floppy Drive
`ATvStyle Keyboard
`Ftoppyr’Hard Drive Controller
`$1 14900
`$329900 No. cmzoot
`- No. IB255
`20 NIB System
`I 1524-8?! Intel 80285
`0 1.2 MB Floppy Dr'rve
`0 20 MB Fixed Disk
`0 540K HAM. Enhanced Keyboard
`W:P::'r':'g'y, _. _,
`_ Ill
`1.2 MB Floppy System
`° 256K RAM
`' 1.2 MB Floppy Drive.
`tBM-AT Keyboard
`0 ClocldCalendar with battery backup
`Enhanced 30 MB System
`- 512K HAM. B MHz Processor speed
`- 1.2 MB Floppy Drive
`- 30 MB Hard Drive
`I Enhanced Keyboard
`Portable II Model II
`- 256K HAM
`- Dual 360K Floppies
`o 2 HO Slots
`- 25.6 Pounds
`$449500 No. COPE
`In the USA. or In Canada
`Call toll-free: 1 800 233-8950
`Outslde Hts USA. and Canada call 711' 327-9515 Telex 5106017898
`all major credit
`cards accepted.
`PMC Exhibit 2192
`PMC Exhibit 2192
`Apple v. PMC
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 10
`Page 10


`$100 value, FREE through January.
`Then the assembled system is thoroughly tested and burned-in to make sure you get a system that‘s
`glitch-free. We normally charge for this service. But until January 31. 1987. it's yours. FFIEE. Call Com-
`puter Mail Order'toII-free. Let‘s talk computers. Let's talk price. And while you're at it. ask about our
`FREE. 90-day Americare warranty.
`Drive System
`158 Single
`I 360K Floppy Drive
`I ColorfMono Card
`I Keyboard
`Model-D System
`I 256K RAM
`I Dual 360K Floppies
`I Monochrome Monitor
`I 1200 Baud Modem
`No. ZE1581
`N0. LED
`6300 Dual Drive System
`I 256K HAM
`I Dual 360K Floppies
`I Monochrome Monitor
`I SeriaLlParallet Ports
`mm $139900
`2-171 Portable Pc
`I Dual 350K Floppias
`I Standard EEK-6443K
`I Weighs 15 lbs.
`I Back lighted LCD screen
`No. ZE171
`In the U.S.A. or In Canada
`CRP400 Portable
`I 512K RAM
`I 9" Video Screen
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`Fully IBM compatible
`512K HAM
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`640 x 200 Pixels
`No. CRF'4DO
`Call toll-free: 1 800 233-8950
`Outside the USA. and Canada call T17 327-9575 Telex 510601?898
`All major credit
`cards accepted.
`PMC Exhibit 2192
`PMC Exhibit 2192
`Apple v. PMC
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 11
`Page 11


`We ship 90% of our orders the
`Here's another number to crunch: We ship 100% of our orders on all in-stock items.
`And when you analyze the numbers, they tell you two things.
`Auto-Switch EGA Card
`0 256K Display Mammy
`0 son, CGA. Hercules opemnonal
`- Full Bowman Capability
`Modular Graphics Card
`0 Suppofls CW and Monochrome
`‘IE Color. 16 Shades
`- Flicker-free Sac"
`. $26900
`Graphics Card Plus
`- 720 x 348 Bi! Mapped Graphics
`0 RAM Foni'Soere incl-moo
`0 Parallel Perl
`No HE GCg‘
`Color Card
`0 IBM Color Graphics Adapch
`0 320 x 200 a Color Display
`0 Paraliel Peru'HaJI Ca:
`$ 1 69"”
`Six Pak Premium
`- Up to 2 MB of Memory
`- Parallelfienal Pans
`- DesOwewiSuperPak Sollware
`No AT34
`Rampage AT
`t UploZMBolMemw
`0 EMS Specifncalion

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