
`PMC Exhibit 2191
`Apple v. PMC
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`PMC Exhibit 2191
`Apple v. PMC
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` The ATARI!- Resource
`by Gigi Bisson and Charles Jackson
`Step-by-step to your first download
`Atari users’ Top 10 communications toois
`Choose the product that’s best for you
`BAUUG SPEAKS OUT! by Gigi Bisson
`ModemISoftware Picks & Pans
`ULTRAFONT by Steven Lee
`Ultimate type~in character editor
`FLOPPY FILER by Robert Blaney
`Handy disk directory printouts
`FILE MASTER by Jason Worley
`No more disk disorganization
`BUMBLBEE by Eddie Carstens
`WARNING: This game is much harder than it Iooksl
`PMC Exhibit 2191
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 2
`PMC Exhibit 2191
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 2


`Modem/soflwdre picks é poms
`Antic Assistant Editor
`show their
`{or the Anti:
`It might seem like a crazy idea: Give
`Atari users a chance to tell the indus-
`try what they really think about tele—
`communications products. Crazier
`still, put those comments into print.
`The Antic editorial staff paid a visit
`to the local Bay Area Atari Users
`GrOup (BAAUG), one of the nation’s
`largest, and let them tell us what’s
`wrong and right with their modems.
`About 100 Atari owners, some with
`wives, kids and even modems in tow,
`showed up for the meeting in an
`elementary school cafeteria in the
`heart of Northern California’s Silicon
`We braced ourselves for some bru-
`tally honest comments. But the Atari
`users at BAAUG are quite happy, even
`ecstatic about their telecommunica-
`tions equipment. They seem to fall
`into two extremes: either they own
`first-rate 1200 baud systems and sub
`scribe to several online sevices, or
`they log onto local bulletin boards
`with public domain software and dis-
`continued modems purchased at
`computer swap meets.
`They are willing to pay premium
`prices for premium software and
`hardware, but if they didn’t get power
`for the price, the verbal slings and ar-
`rows flew through that cafeteria like
`peas in a food fight. On the other
`hand, almost any problem could be
`tolerated if a modem or communica-
`tions software was
`(See the Modem and Sofiware
`Source List elsewhere in this issuefor
`emotional! details about the most
`widely used products mentioned in
`ibis article—ANTIC ED)
`These Atari owners say many free
`public domain telecommunications
`programs are better than the ones sold
`by commercial software companies.
`Owners of direct-connect modems
`(modems designed specifically for the
`Atari computer and not requiring a
`separate interface) usually prefer pub-
`lic domain programs over the soft-
`ware supplied with their modems.
`We almost got tired of listening to
`members extolling the virtues of 1030
`:1 public domain program
`written by Keith ledbctter, a system
`operator (sysop) on CompuServe‘s
`SIG *Atari They went on and on:
`“1030 Express is the best piece of soft:
`ware I‘ve ever found." "I wish the pro-
`grammer would write one for the
`5203T." “The auto-dialer is simple to
`use, it saves three macros and there's
`no need to manually enter a pass
`word." 1030 Express works only with
`the Atari 1050 and XMSOI direct-
`connect modems. Ledbetter's newer
`version, 850 Express, is compatible
`with the Hayes and other non—direct
`connect modems that utilize the Atari
`850 interface.
`AMODEM is the most frequently
`used program, but 1030 Express is
`clearly the best-loved. Users of the six
`different versions of AMODEM like
`the macros, ease of use and the way
`it supports ASCII and XMODEM pror
`toeols. But they complain about poor
`documentation and problems upload-
`ing with AMODEM‘s small buffer
`space. XMODEM users say the public
`domain program is hard to use. Sur-
`ANTIC, The Atari Resource
`PMC Exhibit 2191
`Apple v. PMC
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`PMC Exhibit 2191
`Apple v. PMC
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`prisingly, none used the public do
`main program TSCOPE.
`from Batteries In—
`cluded‘s Homel’ak, is the most popu—
`lar commercial 8—bit program. "It‘s a
`good, dependable program. I like the
`macros,“ one user says. But another
`chimes in, "My macros didn‘t work
`at all.” "Hometerm is easy to use, clear.
`menu driven and forgiving of mis-
`takes." says Sue Tcmpey.
`For the ST, the leaders are less clear.
`One user says ST Talk is the only come
`mercial program that works. MOst
`agree Mark of the Unicorn’s PC/Intcr-
`comm “works great, but at 3124 it
`should." ST Term by Matthew Singer
`of Commnet Systems software was
`the second most popular.
`the ongoing
`A big
`popularity of the discontinued Atari
`1030 modem (price varies). BAAUG
`had few harsh words for this limited.
`but inexpensive peripheral.
`Second most popular for both 8—bit
`and ST users is the industry-standard
`Hayes Smartmodem ($599 for 300/
`1200 baud].
`About half of the group at BAAUG
`own 1200 baud modemsfiand most
`blamed on modems at the meeting of—
`ten seem to be software compatibil-
`ity problems. But a good software
`package can transform a mediocre
`modem into an onlinc powerhouse.
`For example. an unmodified Atari
`1050 can‘t auto-answer, and when
`used with its builtiin terminal pro-
`gram it can't upload and download
`files either. However with the AMO—
`I)EM 12 or 1030 Express program, it
`produces reliable file transfers.
`ATARI 1030
`The Atari [030, purchased for any-
`where bctwcen 540 and 5150, was by
`far the most popular modem at the
`BAAUG meeting. “The 10 50 is relia-
`ble, but it's only 500 baud and it can't
`run our BBS," says Kathy Standifird.
`0n the other hand, a volunteer sysop
`(system t'ipenttor) at the Atari BBS says
`90% of Atari Corp’s own bulletin
`board is
`run with an Atari
`modem and 1050 Express. The Atari
`BBS also offers
`[050 Express for
`downloading. “'l'hat‘s great. How do
`1 download it without a terminal pro-
`gram?" someone asked. This is the
`Catch-22 of free downloadable termi~
`[1211 software. You can, however, ob-
`tain a copy from your local users
`Polling modem
`users at BAAUG
`meeting .
`group or purchase it for 510 from thc
`Antic Catalog.
`of the remaining 300 baud owners
`wish they had them or plan [0
`purchase them. “I used to own a
`Hayes 300 Smartmodem, but after
`discovering the Hayes 1200 baud
`modem, I'd never go back again. ever.
`I spend major portions of my life in
`front of my computer That's too
`much time to waste with 500 baud."
`says one owner, echoing the senti—
`ments of many.
`It is sometimes difficult to distin~
`August I936
`reliable. and I bought it for only 524."
`The only problem was software. “It’s
`hard to find," she says.
`This prompted a user group discus—
`sion on modular telephone plugs vs.
`connectors. Acoustic
`modems are good to use if your tele-
`phone still has an old-fashioned four-
`prong wall jack—you simply rest the
`telephone handset in a pair of rubber
`cups atop the modem. The more ad—
`vanced "smart" modems plug directly
`into your phone outlet and require a
`modular plug. One member offers
`this hint: "I just unscrew the phone
`mouthpiece, hook on the two
`modem plugs with alligator clips and
`it Wt'Jrks great." “I don’t know about
`you ," another BAAUG member jokes,
`“But I did something like that as a kid
`and almost got arrested Another
`member suggests a device called a
`Blackjack that allows you to connect
`a modcm’s modular phone cord to a
`non—modular phone jack.
`The users with Atari‘s new XM501
`modems say it‘s a good value for the
`price (54995). They like the ease of
`use, the fact that it‘s a direct-connect
`modem and has an auto-dial feature
`on the software it comes with. The
`only gripe is that the XM'jOI must be
`the last peripheral in a “daisy chain."
`But overall. as Ron Frey says, "It's
`small, it's cheap and it works."
`The best features of Supra (Iorpfs MPP
`[000-13 direct-connect 500 baud
`modem are its low price. auto—dial and
`redial capabilities. However. users
`complain that it lacks a speaker, so
`you can't tell if you've got a busy sig-
`nal, a ring, or a voice on the line. Ron
`Rautenberg likes the MPP because it's
`"small and neat
`looking." Some
`owners say the built~in SmartTerm
`software was the MPP‘s WOrst featm'c.
`PMC Exhibit 2191
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 4
`A real price buster, the old 500 band
`Atari 836 was purchased within the
`Raymond Santiago found SmartTerm
`rock bottom nuth of $10 to $19. “It's
`easy to use, but says the software
`It does the job adequately
`buffer is too small and has some prob-
`when paired with AMODIEM 7. '1. But
`lems with file transfer errors when us-
`it‘s an acoustic modem so it won‘t
`auto-dial and it’s awkward to use,"
`ing the MPP with his Pcrcom disk
`owners say.
`drive. In any case, the price is right—
`in the $60 to $139 range.
`Why use an acoustic modem?
`guish the modem‘s performance from
`continued on next page
`buretta Colbourn responded:
`that of the software. In fact, problems
`PMC Exhibit 2191
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 4


`"It runs MODEM 50, but won't run
`with 850 Express or BBCS (Bulletin
`Board Construction Set). It's cheap,
`though.” says Wendell Cotton who
`picked up his Anchor Signalman for
`$25 at a flea market. Others paid up to
`599 for this 300/1200 baud modern.
`You get what you pay for. Hayes
`Smartmodems, purchased at prices
`ranging from 5199 to $300 for a 500
`band model and 3300 to 5595 for
`1200 baud, were the second most
`popular brand. Indeed, the only com-
`plaint :tbOut Hayes modems was the
`“Compatible with everything," says
`John Schreier ,who uses it with Mark
`of the Unicorn's PCllntercomm soft-
`ware on his 5 205T. Another plus was
`the standard RS-2 32 interface, allow-
`ing people to use the same Hayes
`modern with both their Atari 800 and
`SZUST computers.
`"The Hayes is reliable and has auto-
`dial and auto-answer capability with
`all good software,” says Richard An-
`derson, who uses his ISOXE for elec—
`tronic banking anti software uploads
`and downloads. “It’s easy to use, has
`a built—in speaker.
`trim styling and
`good Customer support from Hayes,”
`says Mike Morrow, who uses it with
`HomeTerin on his 800XL and Chat on
`his SZOST. As for the 2400 baud
`Hayes, one user says he hasn’t had any
`problems with a Hayes 2400 baud
`model he paid $400 for at a computer
`swap meet, saving 5295 on the retail
`lize all the automatic features of a
`conununications software product
`designed for
`the Hayes. Semi-
`compatibility means you can connect
`successfully only after dialing each
`phone number manually, and may
`not be able to utilize some of the soft—
`ware's other features. Most Hayes-
`compatible modems are compatible
`with both the ST and 8—bit Ataris
`when supplied with the appropriate
`interface and software.
`Living up to its Volkswagen-type
`the Hayes-compatible Volks—
`modem 12 from Anchor Automation
`got raves for its reliability and simplic—
`ity. “I like it,
`it’s real cheap,“ says
`Corey Cole who paid $150 and uses
`it with the Flash terminal program on
`his ST. Norman Maxwell, who paid
`$79 for his Volksmodem, uses it to
`control his robot with a 52OST and
`the ST Talk program. This non—direct
`connect modem is also compatible
`with the 8-bit Ataris.
`Three members use the Racal~Vadic
`1200 modem with the SZOST or the
`Atari 800. The price ranged from
`$249 to a whopping $900 for a
`variable-speed Racal-Vadic [545 pur-
`chased eight years ago. No complaints
`here, Users say the RacaI-Wtdic is
`“smart,” fast and supported by a good
`The 1200 baud, thes semi-com-
`patible U.S. Roboticsil’assword
`modem is the modem of choice for
`BAAUG president Frank Nagle who
`uses it with his S2OST and PC/[nter-
`Comm software. The 5500 modern
`lacks a volume control. Pluses are
`auto-dial and pulseitone dial options.
`AMODEM 4.9 software supports all
`of its features.
`"Not all Hay'estontpatibles are Hayes
`compatible. he had many problems,"
`says Greg Humphrey, a marketing
`manager for Haba Corp. attending the
`BMUG meeting that night.
`A Hayes-compatible modem is sup-
`posed to be able to use communica-
`tions software packages designed for
`‘I like the line—quality lights so you
`a Hayes and utilize the same com-
`don't waste time downloading junk,”
`says Glen Elliott, who uses his Biz-
`It’s also supposed to be
`“smart"—able to dial automatically
`comp Intellimodem with Home‘l‘erm
`and store phone numbers. Full com-
`software. The 1200 baud Hayes-
`patibility means the modern can uti-
`compatible modem manufactured by
`ANTIC, The Atari Resource
`Business Computer Corp. of Sunny-
`vale, CA retails for 5400. “But it’s not
`truly Hayes~compatible." complains
`Mark Blomenkamp, who uses it with
`AMODEM software.
`Four have Prometheus Promodems.
`purchased for anywhere between
`$299 and $380. The best features are
`auto-dial and auto-redial abilities,
`phone directories, adjustable baud
`rate and a clock display. However. one
`user says the clock must be reset ev—
`ery time it's powered up. Another,
`Steve Heacock, says the Prometheus
`has different status numbers than the
`Hayes, although it's the same com-
`mand set. Other drawbacks reported:
`it won‘t work with Bulletin Board
`Construction Set and gets very hot af-
`ter being on for only 1520 minutes.
`E+E Dataeom’s Avatcx modem is
`95 % Hayes compatible. "Which 5%
`art: you missing?" someone won-
`dered out loud. The 300/1200 baud
`model retails for $199.95, but ll has
`recently become available for users
`group multi-unit purchases at under
`$100. The Avatex is advertised as be-
`ing fully compatible with Homtffenn,
`but is apparently only partially com-
`patible with Diskljnk and 'I'SCOPE
`software. Scott Tretyl, who purchased
`his Avatex for $100, likes the auto-dial
`capability when he uses it with AMOV
`DEM 7.2, but
`laments it
`lacks a
`In all. users at the meeting says that
`the ultimate modem and software
`combination would be a Hayes-
`compatible autouanswer,
`modem compatible with a variety of
`terminal software and computer sys—
`tems. And all this for a price under
`$200. The communications software
`should use macros, store It) phone
`numbers, support graphics and above
`all, be invisible to the user. Says
`BAAUG memberjon Rogers, "1 want
`to communicate, not manipulate
`Manufacturers, are you listening?
`PMC Exhibit 2191
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 5
`PMC Exhibit 2191
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 5

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