
`mfléfiw -_
`I ‘3’
`r no
`#1 magazine of computer app _. ":
` .‘u
` I
`Applo Games
`mum Landing Simulator
`‘ Cryptanalysls
`r- Sorting
`‘. Medieval Combat
`1 Atari
`‘ Controller
`'t; 99926 Us
`n; I n..- vai" "
`HEHOHS N 5208
`uuudaHs 33m
`Stu. 25039202 ass 91510:
`PMC Exhibit 2189
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 1
`PMC Exhibit 2189
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 1


`. . . .
`. . .
`Logo ldeae .
`. . .
`1 1 9 Problems and ideas
`. . .
`. . .
`. . .
`. . .
`1 23 A User‘s View Of Preetel . . . . .
`What it is and what it isn't
`. . .
`. . .
`. . .
`. . Lawler
`. . .
`. . .
`. . . .Somers
`. . .
`. . .
`. . .
`. . .
`Electronic Geoboard . .
`How to solve it—with the computer
`. . .
`. . . ..Plele
`Program Your Home Against Burglary .
`Don't make things easy for a thief
`. .Blook
`applications & software
`. . . .
`. . .
`. . .
`. . .
`Computers Against Crime .
`This classroom protected by attack computers
`. .Hess
`1 65 The Secret Code Machlne ................... . .Ri‘rchr'e
`Using the Playlair Cipher
`: «slime & pnoi‘iles
`':" Panasonic .In-zoo .
`" Worth the wait
`. . . . .
`. . .
`. . .
`. . .
`. . .
`Video Technology 92200 . . .
`Microsoft Basic for under $100
`. . .
`. . .
`. . . .Anl
`. . .
`. . . .
`. .Anr
`. . .
`. .613)!
`. . .
`. . .
`. . .
`. . .
`. .
`. .
`Tll994A . . .
`More than lust a pretty keyboard
`. . .
`. .
`. . .
`. . .
`. . .
`. . .
`. . .
`. . .
`- Telnet . . .
`Computer companionship tor the TI owner
`. .Cashman
`. . .
`. . .
`Modemso . .
`TRS~80 communications
`. . .
`. . .
`. . .
`. . . .Jacobs
`Z-Terrn. The Proteasional . .
`Advanced Apple communications
`. . .
`. . .
`. . .
`. . . .McCown
`. . .
`Micro-Courier .
`Spreading the words
`. .
`. . .
`. . .
`. . .
`. . . Archibald
`4 Cdea Training For veicaic .................. .
`VisiCeic made easy
`. Beavers
`. .
`. . .
`. . .
`. .Beavers
`. . .
`Beale Crvblodraphy .
`Using FIND to onoipher messages
`. . . .Peerie Wheeler
`. . . . . . .Block
`. .
`. . .
`. .. .
`1 The Trapdoor Algorithm. .
`Another method of safeguarding Information
`. . .
`The Apocalypse Equations .
`Will World War Ill be an accident?
`. . .
`. . .
`. . .
`. . .
`. .Baisam
`2m Where Are We Headed? . .
`Calculating the limits to growth
`. . .
`. . .
`. . .
`. . .
`. .Baldwin
`. . . ..Kaplon
`. . .
`. . .
`AComperieonOtSorll. Hevlelted .
`Bubble. Shell-Metzner. and Quicksort compared
`. .
`Medieval Combat .
`A strategy game for Atari
`. . .
`. . .
`. . .
`. . .
`. . .
`. . .
`. . .Pinho
`. . . . . ..
`. . . .. Goodman
`. . .
`. . .
`. . .
`. . .
`3 747 Landing Simulator .
`Flying a Jumbo Atari
`44 Notices ......................................... . .Fee
`250 New Products ................................. . .Zoiia
`. .
`Controller Corner.
`Making a multiple socket extension
`. . . .Hirey& Riley
`1 4 DelallnezTomorrcw .
`. . . .
`. . .
`Creative Computing [ISSN 0 Der-314G] is published montth by Ahl Computing.
`-1nc., a subsidiary of lift-Davis Publishing Company. David Ahl. President; Elizabeth
`B. Staples. Vice President; Seiwyn Taubman. Treasurer; Benrarn A. Abrams.
`isecrotary. RC. Box rec-M Morriatown. N..l. 01'960. Second Class postage paid at
`New York. NY 10001 and at additional mailing offices.
`Copyright ©1983 by Ahl Computing. Inc, All righls reserved.
`.LEdltorial offices localed at 39 East Hanover Ave” Morris Plains. NJ 07950. Phone
`lDomeetic Subscriptions: 12 issues $24.97: 24 ifiues 543.97: 36 issues 5573?.
`.POSTMASTER: send address chances to Creative Computing. P.O. Box 5214.
`Boulder. CO 30321. Gail BOO-5316112 toll-free (in New Jersey call 201-540-
`-'0445:. to order a subsoription.
`. Anderson
`. . .
`. . .
`. . .
`Outpost: Atari ,
`Atari marketing, apologies. utilities. and more
`. . .
`. . .
`. . .
`Commodore's Port .
`Screen manipulations with the Vic
`. . .
`. .Swank
`18M Images .
`Swan song
`. . .
`. . .
`. . .
`. . .
`. . .Fastie
`. . .
`. . .
`. . .
`. . .
`. . .
`. . .
`TBS-BO StrIn-ge .
`Color Computer, disks, and a screen editor
`. . .
`. . .Gray
`302 Book Reviews .
`. . .
`. . .
`. . .
`. . .
`. . .
`. .
`. . .
`PMC Exhibit 2189
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 2
`‘ 3 Apple Business Graphics.
`The Chewie Gobbles case
`. . .Normen
`. . .
`79 Four Databases For The Color Computer.
`6.0. File. Color Data Organizer. E-Z File. and Color File
`A Joystick For The Color Computer .
`Build an Atari-type joystick
`. . .
`. .Hodgson
`. . .
`. .
`. .
`. . .
`Computer Art . .
`The sine product program
`. Jacobson
`. . .
`. . .
`. ..' .
`. .
`. .
`. .
`ValForth . .
`A new language for Atari users
`. . .
`. . .
`. .McNamee
`. . .
`. .
`. .
`. .
`Prism .
`A real life treasure hunt
`. . .
`. . .
`. . .
`. .
`. ..Murphy
`. . .
`New Apple Games.
`Adventure and arcade action
`. . .
`. . .
`. . .
`. .Linzmayier
`6 InpuUOutput . . .
`. . . .
`. .
`. . .
`. . .
`. . .
`. . .fieaders
`. . .
`. . . ..Ahi
`PMC Exhibit 2189
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 2


` Prestel is viewdata. The British based
`electronic information utility now
`as Prestel was originally named
`a capital V). But
`-'ttierata quickly became a generic term
`used to refer to any interactive videotex
`service, and the premier viewdata service
`was renamed Prestel.
`Prestel is run by the British post of-
`fice, known as British Telecom. which
`also runs the telephone system in the
`UK. Over 900 organizations contribute
`information to the 230,000opage Preste]
`database. Subscribing to Prestel
`is like
`Eric Somers. Department of Communication, Univer-
`in of Wisconsin/Stevens Point, Stevens Point. WI
`Eric Somers
`taking 900 magazines and getting a high
`speed international mail service thrown
`in for good measure.
`I even sent an eiectronic greeting card
`to Prince Charles and Princess Diana
`congratulating them on the birth of their
`son. I received a reply. too. Through sev-
`eral newsletters published on Prestel
`keep track of new developments in the
`videotex industry. Since I am planning a
`trip to Australia, I used the Prestel ad-
`vertiser reply service to request
`brochures. The Australian Tourist
`Commission sent me a packet an inch
`thick. There is such a wide range of
`information on Prestel. you might find it
`hard to think of a topic about which
`some information provider has not put
`up pages. Looking for a ferret? You can
`find information about
`these unusual
`pets on Prestei.
`I have been a Preste] subscriber for
`over six months now, but I am still Stir--
`prised at
`the volume and variety of
`information available. That's the excite-
`ment. Nearly every time I sign on, 1 dis-
`cover a gem of information I did not
`expect. And some of the information
`would be hard to obtain elsewhere.
`Although many computer users in the
`US. are familiar with electronic
`Prestet welcome page.
`Fresnel main index page.
`Typical page of textual information.
`May 1983 m Creative Computing
`PMC Exhibit 2189
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 3
`A User’s View
`0f Prestel
`l‘1l KY.
`PMC Exhibit 2189
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 3


`Menu Driven Access Structure
`The model for Prestel information
`trieval is print. It is a library of regu ‘-
`updated periodical information. Inde .31
`are used to find specific information.
`keying numbers next
`to index ent
`you can quickly move through more =
`information you seek. Numerical r-.
`ing of menu choices allows Prestel to i.‘
`accessed with a simple numeric key'
`This speeds up menu selection and :’
`lows one to sit back in an easy chair ‘ :i'
`a keypad smaller than most TV rem_
`If menus seem like a slow way to =-
`trieve information, remember th
`Prestel is designed to be received at 1
`bits per second (bps) and that an a
`tremer efficient operating system
`sures a consistent reSponse time of 1
`than two seconds from the time a kc
`pressed until the page begins to .=_s
`The response is so instantaneous
`some people who have used my term' ._-_
`can hardly believe they are online u?
`computer in the U.K.
`Since all Prestel pages are num -
`once you have used an index to ":3;
`specific information, you can repea
`go back to selected pages with a di
`call to the individual page numbers.
`ability to jump from any part of i.
`Prestel database to any other part in
`than two seconds is an invaluable 1
`saver. Though competitors some :2'
`criticize Prestel for a lack of ke __
`search capability
`time-consu .1”.
`disk-intensive feature), using indc-.
`and numbered pages is far more nat
`and convenient for most people.
`The most general indexes On Pr'
`are alphabetic indexes by subject ma
`and by name of information
`To locate gold prices using the {if
`index, for example, you first call
`page that simply lists all of the letters .
`the alphabet. Then you key the num
`next to the letter G. The next screen it."
`Graph showing growth of total
`scn'ptl'on since beginning of re _
`Prestel service following two years of t"
`May 1933 0 Creative Com if
`PMC Exhibit 2189
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 4
`Prestel, continued...
`Picture utilizing Prestellr low resolution
`graphics capability.
`information utilities like The Source and
`Compuserve, Prestel differs markedly
`from these services in display format.
`indexing structure, and database
`Standardized Page Display
`All information on Prestel is designed
`to be read in pages. or screens, cOnsisting
`of 24 lines of 40 characters. Both upper-
`and lowercase alphanumeric characters
`are supported, as well as two special
`graphics sets of 64 characters each. All
`characters can be displayed in any one of
`seven colors against any one of seven
`background colors. and can also be dis-
`played in double height or
`To use Prestel, you must purchase a
`special terminal that supports the dis-
`play protocols, or buy hardware or soft-
`ware products
`to adapt
`a personal
`computer to Prestel. Currently, the Ap-
`ple II and TRS—SO Model III can be
`adapted for black and white display sim-
`ply by running special software.
`Combination software/hardware pack-
`ages exist for color adaptation of Apple
`S-lOO bus personal
`Use of a standard diSplay means that
`there are never awkward line wrap-
`‘around problems, and important
`information never scrolls oil“ the t0p of
`the screen. All information on Prestel is
`transmitted as one or more complete
`pages that are written on the screen from
`top to bottorn.
`Although color may not Seem im-
`portant for textual
`information, many
`Prestel information providers make ex-
`cellent use of contrasting colors
`emphasis or to lead the eye. And the
`combination of color, lowercase charac-
`ters, interesting page layouts, and graph-
`ics makes Prestel a true communications
`medium, not simply a database.
`"Superstat "page showing current level of
`utilization. As of June 30. I982 Prestel
`had 172743 subscriber terminals in use.
`Page also shows number of [PS and Sub-
`lPs, total number of pach in use, and a
`McDonald’s hamburger total of individual
`page accesses since beginning of service.
`As a former advertising agency cre-
`ative director. I may be especially sen-
`sitive to the visual design capabilities of
`Prestel, but when I give demonstrations
`of both The Source and Prestel to my
`university classes, the students
`Many Prestel
`information providers
`make excellent use of
`contrasting colors for
`overwhelmingly favor the visually more
`exciting Prestel display. To a generation
`brought up on mass media and video
`games, it is not enough that computers
`the method of
`presentation must be as design oriented
`as a new arcade fad, a slick publication,
`or a pair of bluejeans.
`Graph' showing number of new sub-
`scribers each month overpast year and a
`half. Growth has been slow. but steady,
`with an average 500 new subscriptions
`each month.
`PMC Exhibit 2189
`Apple v. PMC
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` PMC Exhibit 2189
`PMC Exhibit 2189
`Apple v. PMCApple v. PMC
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`PMC Exhibit 2189
`Apple v. PMC
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`perceived as a defect by some, but it d '.;
`keep the service from being clutte u
`with the kind of trivia that has chara‘
`terized some US. electronic bulle'
`boards. Prestel users can order products
`using special response pages with mul-I
`tiple choice SelectiOn of items to permi
`ordering with a numeric-only keypad.
`Users with full alphanumeric keybo u:
`can also send electronic mail
`to oth
`Prestel subscribers. Since Prestel is cur
`rently being accessed in 25 countries?
`this benefit should not be underrated.
`A Publisher’s Clearinghouse
`An information service is no bette'
`than the information it provides. The ul-
`timate benefit of Prestel is its range an
`quantity of information. This is the re
`sult ofa two-tiered information provider
`([1?) structure that makes it attractive
`for publishers both large and small to
`use Prestel. Major publishing organiza-
`tions—either electronic publishing en-
`trepreneurs or
`traditional publishers
`seeking new channels—can become full-
`fledged IPs by paying a yearly $10,000-
`membership fee and agreeing to rent at
`least 100 pages. But many of these larger
`providers broker their pages in smaller
`lots to Sub-1P5 who may only put up '
`dozen or so pages.
`As of this writing there are 169 major
`IPs and 801 Sub-IPs—a total of 970
`publishing organizations in all. Wh-
`you consider
`that each of the 970'
`databases consists of information do
`Advertising pages often uiiiize color and graphics. Ford Escort graphic shows me of
`separated graphics font in which each eiemen! within each graphic character is
`isoiated and surrounded by the background coior.
`:zlm ‘i-‘Jiltfl'il'rlxl
`.-. I
`May 1983 0 Creative Computi
`PMC Exhibit 2189
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 6
`Prestel, continued...
`Example ofPr-estei' response page. in this
`case used by Holiday Inn for taking reser»
`there is a multiple-
`ity. For example,
`choice quiz you can take to find out
`what kind of dog would be the best pet
`for you. At the end you are presented
`with a list of suitable breeds. The list
`may appear to have been computer pre-
`pared on the basis of a real time analysis
`of your answers. In fact. each question
`with its numbered answers is simply a
`menu that helps guide you to one of a se-
`ries of prepared "answer"sheets.
`Some timeshare utilities will become
`on Prestel
`providers gradually make use of newly
`developed gateway software that allows
`Presto! is not designed
`for word processing,
`managing home
`finances, or caicuiating
`mortgage payments.
`information stored in computers outside
`the Prestel network to be formatted, in
`real time, for Prestel display. This will
`permit bank-at-home services (now be-
`ing tested) and other utilities requiring
`processing beyond ordinary page
`Prestel supports no bulletin boards or
`user~entered classified ads. This may be
`plays subsets of character strings start-
`ing with G (e.g., Gab-Gain. Gar-Ger,
`etc.). Keying the number adjacent to Go
`produces a new menu page showing a se-
`ries of words starting with Go .
`. Key-
`ing the number
`for Gold accesses a
`menu listing all of
`the information
`providers presenting information about
`gold. Another keystroke takes you di-
`commodity quotation
`Although this process usually takes a
`little over a minute, the number of menu
`layers can be cut almost in half by using
`the more specialized Business Informa-
`tion Index to find gold prices. An even
`more direct Commodities
`Index can
`ShOrten the search time to under 30 sec-
`onds. And Prestel has 17 Specialist in-
`dexes covering such diverse categories as
`agriculture. auto industry, medicine,
`dustry, and viewdata industry. Since
`each electronic "publication" on Prestel
`has its own mini-index of current stories
`or data; once you have located these in—
`dividual publications you can go directly
`to those pages without having to use any
`of the general indexes.
`Up through January 1982. an exten-
`sive printed directory of the Prestel
`database was available on a quarterly ba-
`sis from the Financial Times (London).
`They recently discontinued this service.
`but there are indications from Logica,
`the US. sales representatives for Prestel.
`that another such publication may soon
`become available.
`The paged structure of Prestel points
`up its primary mission to be a mass
`information medium rather than a com-
`puter timesharing utility. Prestel is not
`designed for word processing, managing
`home finances, or calculating mortgage
`payments. Some of
`the information
`providers have skillfully indexed their
`material to simulate a timesharing util-
`PMC Exhibit 2189
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 6


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`512KB 8 895.00
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`L5! 11 MEMORY
`On board parity generator checker.
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`Battery back-up mode.
`256KB 5 595.00
`512KB $2650.00
`I S
`5100 MEMORY
`0 Addressable as a contiguous biock in 4K word increments.
`O Battery back-up capability.
`I Functions with tan-board refresh.
`Chrislin Industries, Inc.
`31352 Via Colinas 0 Westlake Village, CA 91362 0 213-991-2254
`TWX 910-494-1253 (CHHJSLIN WKVG)
`PMC Exhibit 2189
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 7
`PMC Exhibit 2189
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 7


`Prestel , continued...
`signed specifically for videotex display
`using color and graphics, the uniqueness
`of Prestel becomes apparent.
`U.S. computer
`information utilities
`(The Source, Compuserve, and Dow
`Jones) lack the range of publishers and
`topics. not
`to mention the display
`capabilities, of Prestel. Competing
`viewdata systems having even greater
`graphics capability—Canada‘s Telidon
`and France's Antiope,
`for example—
`have yet to put up any kind of substan-
`tial database, much less offer their ser-
`vices in the U.S. Lest
`the Prestel user
`fear the low-resolution character graph-
`ics of Prestel are too limiting for sophis-
`it should be noted that
`Presto! plans to offer a series of tiered
`graphics enhancements in the future,
`including full photographic image
`My enthusiasm for the
`Prestei service is
`tempered by one grim
`reality: the cost.
`Priced for Business
`My enthusiasm for the Prestel service
`is tempered by one grim reality: the cost.
`Prestel is being marketed as a business
`information service. It was not always
`so. When Prestel was field tested in the
`UK. (starting in 1977), it was intended
`to be an electronic newspaper for the
`masses. The 24 x 40 display was selected
`because it was the maximum resolution
`that could be displayed on a home TV
`receiver using a modulated RF output
`from the terminal. But when Prestel was
`offered to the British public, at a price
`much lower than that now charged in
`the U.S., most citizens still deemed it too
`expensive to replace (or augment) the
`family newspaper.
`find some
`Although one can still
`games and recreational
`information on
`Prestel, 87 percent of the present Prestel
`users are businesses. All U.S. marketing
`efforts, which began in January 1932.
`have positioned the service as a business
`utility carrying a business price tag.
`There are three types of charges on
`Prestel. The first
`is a $50 per month
`membership fee. This is not a minimum
`use charge, but a flat
`fee added to all
`time and page charges. Second, there is a
`charge for connect
`time: 30 cents a
`minute if you don‘t use Telenet
`must call a Boston area number) or 45
`cents a minute if you access Prestel
`through Telenet. This rate applies any
`Sources at Prestel Related Products
`Logica, Inc.
`666 Third Ave.
`New York,
`(212) 599-0823
`Sales agents for Prestel in the U.S. Distributors pr ‘_
`letel software products an
`Owl Computer App
`board for the Apple IL. terminal software of their
`designfortheTRS-BO Model III, and Sony te u.
`Makers of CCITT V23 standard modems FCC
`certified for use. on U.S. phone lines, and Prestel
`adapter boards for-the Apple 11.
`Makers of Prestel compatible display boards for i
`8-100 computers.
`Distributors of Bishopsg‘ate terminals in the U.S.
`Makers of stand-alone terminals for Presto].
`30'1R-oute1 North
`Rutherford. NJ 07070
`(201) 933—2111
`Metrotech Dynabyte
`Waterloo Rd;
`Uxbrid'ge, modiesex
`UBti-ZYW England
`Computer Systems
`P.O. Box 6099
`1550 West McNab Rd.
`Fort Ianderdale,
`FL 33310
`(305) 974-1380
`Radofin Electronics
`(USA) Ltd.
`887 Oak Grove Ave.
`Menlo Park, CA 94-025
`(415) 3269715
`RO. Box 31
`Ithaca, NY 14850
`(607) 273-8666
`Zenith Radio Corp.
`1000 leauk‘ce Ave.
`Glenview. IL 60025
`(312) 39-1-8181
`Makers of Radofin terminals (with built-in
`v.23 modem) and accessories.
`Makers of stand-alone Presth terminals and P «nil:
`adapters for the IBM Personal Computer.
`time of day or night, 300 or 1200 bps.
`Still a third charge is the frame charge.
`Some information providers charge you
`to read their pages. If you access these
`pages from a menu page, you will be told
`the charges before you call up a page.
`These charges can run from 1/,;p. to 50p.
`per page British currency (about one
`cent to one dollar, U.S.). The average
`charge is usually in the Sp. to 10p. (10-
`20 cent)
`range. The- vast majority of
`pages on Prestel are free, however, and
`in my own experience I find that frame
`charges are a negligible part of my other-
`wise substantial quarterly bill.
`Pratel Terminals
`Prestel can be accessed in the U.S. us-
`ing any one of three data modem stan-
`dards: Bell 212 (or equivalent), Bell 103,
`and CCITT v.23.
`The Bell 212 standard is the most
`common U.S. 1200 bps standard. but
`modems for it are expensive. Also,
`systems for adapting Prestel to la
`computers at 1200 bps require ham“.
`additions (beside the modem), and,
`therefore quite expensive.
`the Apple 11,
`sonal Computer, and most 8-100
`computers can be adapted to
`Prestel with a 212 modern. Stand-
`from Zenith, Bishops _
`Sony and Wolfrlata are also availa
`the U.S. for connection to modems i.
`this full duplex 1200 bps standard.
`212 users can reach Prestel directly
`Boston area coucentrator, or via T
`Bell 103 service, the widely used
`bps standard. is available for Pres ;-
`Telenet only. Software programs I
`make the Apple II (with DC.
`Micromodem) and Radio Shack
`Ilse ;_'
`Model III a Presth terminal
`standard. Though I find 300 bps a,
`dious data rate.
`the low cost of
`May 1983 in Creative Com I-i
`PMC Exhibit 2189
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 8
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`Apple v. PMC
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` PMC Exhibit 2189
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`’11 have these pages
`5‘ tthe rate we're going,
`step in the underground
`trilogy, and STARCROSS,“
`an exploration of a new
`dimension in science fiction,
`are ready for you.
`Look at them up there,
`the little worlds of Infocom. As
`Judging from the public’s reac-
`We hate to disappoint our
`our universe expands, compan-
`tion, it’s worth the wait. For
`{a blic. So we keep you waiting.
`ions will come to help fill that vast
`'. cause while the software facto— instance, Creative Computing
`expanse of white space. Till
`es are cranking out arcade game welcomed DEADLlNE ”' as
`then, they’ll continue to stand
`er arcade game, pulpy adven-
`“thoroughly engrossing and real-
`alone as the best of all possible
`'_ e after tn'te fantasy, we’re
`istic," while a Soflalk readers'
`i 'ting and rewriting, honing and
`poll recently voted ZORK” I and worlds.
`ecting. Before a single person ZORK II the most popular adven-
`t: are one of Infocom’s worlds,
`tures of 1981.
`must be crafted into a living,
`And now, for the moment, your
`_'veting, definitive experience.
`wait is over. ZORK [11, your final
`55 Wheeler Street. Cambridge. MA 02138
`lnfocom's worlds are available for Apple? Atari? IBM, TBS-80? Commodore. NEC, Osborne. CPM? and DEC."
`Apple is a registered lrademark of Apple Computer. Inc. Atari is a registered trademark oi Atari. Inc. TRS-Sfl is a registered trademark nl Tandy Corporation.
`CPr’M is a registered trademark of Digital Research. Inc. DEC is a trademark of Digital Equipment Corporation.
`PMC Exhibit 2189
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 11
`PMC Exhibit 2189
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 11


`WWW. :_ ream qr;-
`j- '_ er: a,
`' ‘5
`the basic Radofin (without options) is
`around $500 (the firm seems indefinite
`about exact single unit pricing). It is ru-
`mored that another
`low cost Prestel
`(terminal plus
`internal v.23
`modem) may soon be available in the
`U5. and carry a $200-$300 price tag.
`This competition may ultimately bring
`down the cost of the Radofin.
`It is rumored that
`another low cost
`Prestel adapter may
`soon be available in
`the U.S.
`popular. Although an impressive se
`Prestel is not yet the comprehensive «‘3'-
`communication system envisioned by ,3:
`turists. By future standards. I am suref i
`will appear crude, just as early teleph I
`service seems crude compared to today:
`multi-function phone systems.
`But l’restel is the most comprehensi
`videotex information service presentl
`available in the United States (or an -
`where else). Its display standards
`implemented at low cost and are pro.
`ably satisfactory for many busin
`applications. The recent announcem
`by IBM of their own videotex sys u__'-
`supporting a Prestel compatible disp :.3 -
`format may well mean that we will - i i,
`see many other Prestel—like services
`a m;
`ing on the scene. A de facto stand '-=_
`based on Prestel may emerge bei'
`AT&T manages to develop a servr
`based on its much publicized,
`expensive to implement, presentati [-
`level protocols. And since Prestel _j
`ready has the lead in quality of semi
`and range of information available f '
`any electronic publishing service. it j
`might be that with continued res
`and development supported by the B
`ish government, the enhanced info
`tion system of the future might also
`called Prestel.
`i .
`E gx i
`, _te!.con_tlnued...
`1 programs, $85 and $50 respectively, may
`make them attractive for some users.
`In Europe, Prestel communication
`the CCI'IT v.23 format,
`asymmetrical system in which the pages
`are transmitted to the user at I200 bps,
`but typed responsesfrom the user are re-
`ceived at only 75 bps (still a fast typing
`Speed). This standard is available for
`Hostel in the U.S. by direct dialing the
`US. data concentrator ports: Telenet
`does not currently support v.23
`_._Although I began using Prestel with
`the Appletei software for my Apple II. I
`IQuickly switched to a very low cost
`terminal from Radofin Electronics. This
`remarkable device includes a built-in
`v.23 modem and memory autodialing.
`'_It produces a modulated RF video out-
`put, so it can be connected to any color
`TV set.
`Here Today
`The color saturation and character
`Most industry analysts agree that nei-
`sharpness are superior to that produced
`ther Prestel, nor any other viewdata ser-
`by any other video RF system 1 have
`vice, is about to take the world by storm
`'- seen. All color photographs of Prestel
`in the immediate future. But many new
`screens accompanying this article were
`communications technologies have had
`made using the Radofin connected to a
`to endure a slow acceptance before
`Sony TV set.
`The Radofin terminal has a cassette
`realizing sudden growth. Cable tele-
`vision, FM radio, and color television
`port for permanent storage of pages. Up-
`come to mind. All took over a decade, in
`tions include a low cost printer and an
`some cases over two decades, to become
`alphanumeric keyboard. The list price of
`The Apple users group
`software library bonanza
`at truly affordable prices. For the first time
`enjoy your Apple to its fullest capacity
`using specially packed disks with over an
`outstanding programs such. Not available
`from any other source!
`‘l Applesolt
`0 3.3 DOS
`5 fiPPLEuJHaE inc.
`Finance .
`An extensive variety of Interesting.
`useful and entertaining programs
`indispensable to the serious comp uterist
`Data Base
`SEND proof of purchase (sales receipt) tor $20 in
`Scooter merchandise . .
`OR SEND the name of your computer dealer if he
`does not carry the Scooter“ High Grade Electronic
`Component line .
`WITH THIS COUPON and your name. address and
`T-shirt size lto: OHWELECTHONICS, no VERMONT
`ST.. PALATINE. II. 30067
`PMC Exhibit 2189
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 12
`Library disks 1. 2 8|. 3 are mixed categories and new
`disks 4 (Games). 5 (Utilities). 6 (Graphics) at 7 (Integer)
`at $59.95 each. Why pay more?
`Order direct from this ad and save up to $136.
`Buy disk library package 1. 2 8t 3 and get a
`special bonus disk FREE — overall) programs
`for $179.95 +' shipping. For best value, get
`all 8 disks for $349, posiage'prepaid, for' over
`- E of our best programs at 654: each!
`call now toll free:1-800-327-8664
`Florida: 1-805-987-8665
`'6400 Hayes St.
`Heiiywood, FL 33024
`May 1933 0 Creative Computing
`PMC Exhibit 2189
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 12


`Eleclm Con-rims Corn
`Hadron: Prbt’ecfion Devices
`Eléciron‘ac Prolodion Defines
`Eledmnlc' Spam' isle
`Eoem America. inc.
`is! National Sotlware
`FIpTr‘ECH Lean-ling Systems
`Floppy Disk
`Franklin War
`General Technology
`Genan Vidaolex
`Genie Camilla
`Happy Haida
`Harcourt. Brace Jovanwch'
`Harmony Video
`Hayden SolMare
`Haydsfi Soltware
`Hayes Microomnfla' Pmdmls
`Healh Cormaw'
`Huer Engraved Sonware
`I-Mac Systems
`I..J.G. muler
`marathons! Users Grow
`tor-sides CormUI'ar Corp.
`Jada (IntruderWJones qurox. ho.
`JFlT Sysleme
`Kendnglon kaowara
`Leaning Edge
`Looting Edge
`LNW Roeeardl
`LNW_ Research
`Lyban Compuler Systems
`Lyco Comner
`Magnolia M‘crosysterns
`Marco Polo Corrlparvy
`Marmot: We:
`Micro D
`Moro Lab
`Moro Lean-unaware
`Micro Monagamenl Systems. Inc.
`Micro Wchanl
`Moro Pm a. Ling
`Micro Sense
`Micro 315161118 Sofiware, inc.
`Walsh. inc.
`Micrmre [5an-
`Micro Works
`M'nd Movers' _
`NMG Moro Software
`Munroe 50MB
`Muse Sofiware
`NEBS Gormuter Forms
`NEG information Sysie'ns. inc

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