
`PMC Exhibit 2174
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 1
`v. ...r.. or .-_.- An ulna.
`.nr‘. I'vw'li.
`a...“ .....~—-..
`Vol. V!
`' State Cites Catastrophic Illness Costs ‘
`pay large hospital bills
`which are needed tar more elsewhere.“
`cent or all hospital revenue
`AUGUSTA (AP) 7 Backers hi I bill to
`Human Servica Commissioner Mi-
`[felit said in a prepami statement dcltvr
`Tame losses would or shared among
`abolish Maine‘s Catastrophic flirts: Pro
`cred it) the committee.
`chael Petit said the program. set up pi
`commercial insurance companies. Blue
`gram asured a legatative panel Monday
`help pénple_whose hospital bills are not
`'Sen Mary Naiarian. D-Portland. Senr
`CrlerBluc Shield. Medicaid. and pmsi»
`the plan would not jeopardize medical
`covered by insurance 'and who do not
`ate chairman oi the committee and sponr
`bly'Medlcare. according to the proper
`treatment lor seriously ill people without
`quality lor- wellare. reitnbuises Maine
`sor oi lhe bill. noted that more than in
`lion oi patients they serve Currently nei-
`other moot-cos orthe ability at hospitals
`hospilals lor only to percent ol their bad
`percent of the current parthlpants have
`ther the slate nor Iedcral governments
`ey recover the rcstby ‘v'cost-
`pays those costs and the Blue Cross—Blue
`no imllrance oi their own. so the pro
`But opponnis oi the Brennan adminis-
`shitting the debts to insurance Comp-37
`grant is helping relatively law oi the poo
`it share is limited by its chntracts
`dis and other patients. he said.
`tra_tion bill said cluionicrs oi commer-
`ple it was intended to help.
`nu hospitals. proponents S_a|i‘l
`,dil-l nuance Willa would have to_
`While the number at people sei’ved by
`by eliminating the program.. which
`But opponents ol the hill. and even a co
`mom tools-tailbone:
`the program at a given time is relatively
`covers already incurred hospital costs at
`sponsor. objected to going wiu'uiul
`small 7 till this month.7 the cost Has
`more than 37.000. ‘iu'e'tc passing lute
`Itimhaflh mlhlne V
`program between the end at this month
`snared. he said. and is expected in be
`amt) on reallytothose “bottom the abil-
`and October when the commission be
`about double the $1.5 million budgelod
`ity to pay.“ .\ts‘. Najarian said
`ginssetting revenue timits ior each hos.
`‘ And others warned the Appropriations
`through the end oi
`this fiscal-year in
`fragments argue that cosLs currently
`Committee that eliminating the program
`June Each month that the program conr
`borne by the program would be included
`"l‘m not going tobr leli out III the mid.
`could cause steep inauss in hospital
`iinues costs stale laxpayeis 5300.000. he
`in.lhe amount the heallhlinance com
`- die oi the river with only uni? oar." said
`charges during the same period; add to
`mission allows each hospital to recover
`co—sponsor Rep Edward F KEIleher D»
`» "The time has come to terminate Hus
`prasure on local property taxes: and '
`through its rates [or charity cases and
`program belore it consumes resourca
`[omrsome'peaple to sell their homes to
`Conlulued (in Page a Column:
`bad debts, which account lor about 5 per-
` .
`Bass Plans
`Girl Scout Cookie Distribution Suspended
`Layoffs in
`_ Pins Found in L-A Area Boxes a
`From Sun stall
`Authorities said it appeared the coo
`lianizer and consultant Connie ruihs
`and AP Reporls
`ltiBS had been tampered viilh belan
`said Monday night
`Berlin. NH.
`AUGUSTA — Statewide distribution
`Uiey reached the state.
` Noting thal the Mexico incident IS ll‘lt'
`first case oi rontaminated [Mkll’s re
`or Girl Scout cookies was suspended in
`Larry Boy of Emil Street. bewiston
`Maintain Monday lollowing the disco
`-loldepolicehlonday ailernonn that his
`ported m the tie-turner council Mrs
`. ery ol’sewirig pins illsomc ho: _ in t
`manna undone-tanned"
`son had iound a pin in a chocolate mint
`Ttitlis stud council olllclals “uuld prob
`wiston. Mexico and a number ol olher
`Girl Scout cookie.
`ably releasi- an olhrial statement Tues
`lit-GM. Boss's abounaldng capacities
`communities Meanwhile. a tau-iston
`A Lettislon woman. meanwhile. re-
`kt northern mint Bahia motioned
`fluidly with the Imminent that
`hospital has nits-ml to tiring bones oi
`portedly discovered pins in at least one
`1h. m_ Uyears m Girl Scouting this
`box at cookies. and she had to retrieve
`IS the
`is: time anything like this has
`the manage oi charge.
`The who canals the president or
`happened. ' said Mrs mm:
`an entire case oi the cookies which she
`the company that makes the cookies
`action' la
`had distributed through her neighbor-
`A spokesman at Central Mame Medl
`highway connecting southeastern Mal-
`Ilchoaeiis commnnltlu with Boston.
`said reports oi needles and paper clips
`cal (color in t/ewtslon said the hospital
`along Boston's Southeast Expressway
`Also. Mexico Girl Scout Ronda Bil.
`in boas are likely to "cripple" the an
`ay cookies Ill its iiist~lloor radl
`Expected iii-[or amps tailed In occur.
`during rush hour tralilc Monday. the
`b poutme-
`(AP Photo)
`nual charity sale.
`tings escaped injury when she bit into a
`olog_ department lir slildtile Lewlslon
`first day of reconstruction on the busy
`The Kennehec Girl Scout Council fol-
`the wit
`said Eugene
`and Auburn pollt‘t‘ doptrtmenis or Air
`cookie containing a sewing pin Monday
`lowed the lead or Maine‘s other counciL
`droscnggin Shcrill s Department
`evening at her horn;I according to her
`Easier. than pennant! manager in
`'—shnuid heapproactlad “rib. and ii the
`y to I
`ammdmgmthai‘aulnunues mm: ‘ilray haw
`cookies alter a repor that an Oaklan
`the company hadn‘t
`litter-inland an
`been tampered with. people should
`the box had been tampered With. added
`’Dérfia candidate—s Vie
`uncth t.
`girl found a sewing needle in one
`bring the boxes oi cookies to (‘MMC
`Mrs. Billings.
`Li Michael McFadden oi the “etch
`Ronda had sold 76 boxes at cookis
`The Abnalti Council suspended distrir
`Ben. I It
`iy-wud shielding oi
`billion oi the cookies Sunday alter a
`Count Sherili's Deparlmcnl said most
`and Mrs Billings contacted most at hot
`Chuehiotijhvhod Corp.
`woman bit into a cookie with a pi
`in it
`swim workers in Berlin Raster
`customers Monday.
`0! the
`kIES in Maine had apparently
`for Conn.
`Delegates 7
`No injuris have been reported. but the
`“I feel very bad about the containi.
`been made in lnuisnlle. Ky . and
`hated cookies and the ellecl on the abil
`Waldo County Sherill's Department
`could be laid on in the neat
`shipprd by rail in the stale
`B The Alsoelalbd Pull
`can policies with those of President Rea-
`ity oi the Girl Scouts to raisc funds for
`said lt.l'ound {our other boxes with pills
`“mutant-with nine peoplelsaving
`Gary Ilart and Walter “undue dil
`Scouting aclivilits." Mexico troop or-
`lered Monday over the its. gate in Cen-
`"ii the Mondale policy or the Reagan
`"I don't smart
`in bamoreflm
`policies are followed. not only Will this
`been llismaed' urinatfiuia'y.
`Ilia! Era-lull“
`. 1..
`tral Motrin m Handrail Iidcnad his
`both inked to nisday's Democratic
`[use ending toward an explision in that
`' moi-cum
`presidential primary in Connecticut.
`region. I am absolutely convinced in this
`work. The Norlll
`decade we will see Ihe loss. the rather
`0n the eve of the Connecticut primary.
`Jupian Mannheme I.
`Hart accttsed Mondale ol advocating a
`large loss. oi American lIVS in that re-
`Central Ameri
`ll policy ttiat would lead
`claim or the Mutant plant was an.
`to us. blo irath with 11.1 percent.
`The Colorado senator once again
`in Connecticut, mils pill Hart
`in a
`brought up what he said was Mondale's
`strong position to win the stalc and thus
`belated call iora withdrawal irom South-
`east Asia in the Wits. saying Moodale's
`make a clean sweep ol the New quand.
`view or (rental America is “part at a
`Kindl- Inid. coupled with "auml
`pattern stretching back to Vietnam. a
`In Connecticut. polls put
`willingnss Io wait ior commas to tom
`" loos
`and then moving out in iront at it “
`Hart in a strong position to
`in thesian ordinary.
`But the lorrner vice president. ques-
`win the state and thus
`tloned by college students in Manhattan.
`diamur‘”‘ “new “i;
`mindefiraap Unsaid.
`make a clean sweep oi the
`said the United States should let the peo-
`liitiitnkca oomponantl amelioration:-
`ple at Central America make their own
`New England.
`ten-ad id pinata In hominid. Wilton.
`and Sanger for mimembiy.
`“Forces of all the big powers should
`Meanwhile. a new. national New York
`get out oi there," Mondale said.
`l‘m not
`be unwary. Ills-let inflated.
`TimuL‘BS News poll said Mondale has
`going to pick sides "
`'fibrnwtii pinhbtytiea Moi
`rehoiulded [mm the sharp plunge |lI
`Hart wants American troops wrih-
`Ionic multitude during the mater
`Democratic support hesttlleredalter las-
`drawn Iron: the battle-worn region
`aionilia. We are Mutation-deter-
`Later Monda Mondale said Hart is
`ing in Hart in New Hampshire and outer
`min- the total nearber at
`early contests
`getting "lrantic
`by trying to link him
`who could mum to work. but we'll
`Their away at l.217 adults around the
`with the Reagan administration because
`have elicit-rides Illfl'fllollimdl
`Uniled Slam. excluding Alaska and Ha»
`cies and Reagan's are two pro-
`till nltnt‘hon." “easier Mid.
`will. of whom 362 said they were regis-
`y dillerent things." And Mondale
`The Bass nttiriiu said that not mail:
`tered to vote and as said they were Dem-
`elaborated on his Central American post.
`ocratic primary voters. reported that 12
`percent supported Mondale to 15 percent
`"i do not want a combat role down
`lor Hart and 5 percent tor Jackson.
`there at all lor American troops." be
`The organisations also re-intcrviewcd
`said, adding later:
`31'! Democrats who were included iii a
`"i would dramatically draw down the
`number nl lorces in Honduras.
`survey in late February and found that
`almost hall at them had switched Illicit
`"I would strictly limit aid to El Sale-
`choice lot the party‘s presidential nomi»
`nation in the past month The result. the
`“What i wouldn't do is pull every one
`Times said. was I rebound {or Mondale
`but also indicated a close contast.
`John F. Kennedy
`Campaigning in New York on Monday.
`Hart lumped Mondale's fintral Ameri-
`Good Morning
`Issues involved in takeover devet.
`Sunny; 45-50
`opmenta provided most at the excite-
`ment as the stool markeldrilted in a
`Weather Details on Page a
`small loss Monday. The Dow Jones
`average at at) lnduslrials. up about 2
`points at midday.clnseddnwni last
`[.151 S.
`New England:
`Four men were sentenced to
`Stock Raporl on Page 12
`prison terms ranging from 6 to 12
`years Monday lor ihegang rape oi a
`woman on a barmm pool table. The
`judge said the tour “brutaliled a de
`AvV tucking is not the mysterious
`lenselm young woman and sought
`ailment it may mad. according to
`Dr. Donohue it‘s a term used to de-
`to degrade and datroy her human,
`utdividual dignity."
`scribe what a doctor may notice
`story on Page t
`when looking into Lite back oi the eye
`through his ophthalmoscope.
`Donahue column on Page 5
`On the Inside
`m :I‘ W 1!
`than“ all I“: min-
`timore Oriolea going in do tor an en-
`Iiniar leew-
`core'! "Ti! imm'ullte-
`said Altohelll. who
`managed the Orioles to the world
`d 7*!“
`I: min." t”
`or my.
`championahip in his lint year as
`Earl Weaver‘l niceswr. But that
` ling-n tools on at the White House
`James Cagney gets I kiss irom First
`Monday. Cagney was a recipient oi the
`lady Nancy Reagan while Prelldcnl
`Medal nl
`reedoni. HP Photo)
`Amazon EX. 1007
`IPR Petition - USP 8,046,791
`Duarte Leads El Salvador Voting
`election loulups lowered the turnout inn-n
`SANSALVADOR. El Salvador trtPt —
`cent at the vote with 3,327 of the country's
`the balloting (or a (onslltutt‘nl assembly
`Christian Democrat
`Jose Napoleon
`edit precincts reporting in the eight
`men race
`in [832 They said between! lmlllirlntlntl
`Ditarte look a commanding lead in El
`l 3 million volcis cast their ballots Sunr
`Salvador's presidential election as the
`They showed d'Aubuissuil oi the Re
`day compared to about i 3 lTlllllnrl in 1582
`vote count rsumed Monday but it ap—
`publican Nationalist Alliance gellingza 7
`The election council had estimated there
`peared he would lace a mm! with right-
`percent and Francisco Jose Guerrero oi
`vn'ng candidate Roberto d'Aubuisson
`were 2 5 million Salvadorans eligible to
`the National Conciliation Party receiving
`There were scattered clashes beta een
`vote in the eloclmn boycotted by the loft
`16,1 percent
`It no candidate receives a majority,
`lhe two lront-ninncis will meet in a runs
`' g: bulrno direct
`“Seventy ive pcrcenl ol
`the people
`all election in about a month
`voted against d‘Aubuisson. against
`Its an polling places were reported.
`In the biggest battle. 30 soldiers were
`The Christian Democrals' ligurcs were
`death squads_ against the violence of iht‘
`extreme nghl and the extreme tell and
`similar to estimates given by US oh-
`killed nearrr'l‘cjulepequerfils milsrnorth»
`last oi San Salvador.
`the guerrillas " Duarlr [Dltl a
`serveis who said lhey were based on
`news conlerence
`unoilicial inlnrmalinn train the Central
`LLEBL Carin Allreiil l'tiwas. the arm}
`Election Council
`D'Aubuisson has denied accusations hr
`in Cabanas previm.
`is connected with tho dcath squads
`The vote count. suspended late Sunday
`alter a dispute at the election computer
`blamed [or so many at tho kllllnflS in El
`were flier-t prisoner Hr
`center. resumed Monday.
`ginfi‘dflml of the soldiers hail been
`Salvador 5 i‘: ycais oi civil war
`lie in
`it was not known when oilicial ilgures
`laid the m at at: [nutrition um
`rats crushing the guerrillas militarily
`tenant and nomad Wilma its rrporilng
`would be released. but llnal results were
`while Duario idiots negotiating I‘lll‘l
`the rebels carried away the Mir: or
`abort fioltbctr altitudes.
`not expected to be known until later in
`the week
`No oilicial returns were released. but
`Julio Adnllii
`llt'y Prcndex ihc t’hrls
`U S oilicials said guerrilla sabotage:
`those tabulated by the Chnslian Demo
`Continued on Page a Column 3
`including attacks on pon er lacilutcs, and
`crata showed Duane winning an pore
`Whit-taker Chambers
`WASHINGTth tAPl 7 Tho posthur
`llWlis award to Whittaker Chambels was
`the locus of controversy but Jnmcs Cage
`ney his eyes brimming with lens. took
`the emotional spotlight Monday as he re
`ceived thc'liiedal of Freedom 7 the na
`lion's highest civilian honor 7 lrom
`President Reagan
`The scent:
`in the While House East
`Room was reminiscent at “Yankee Boo
`die Dandy." the lot: movie which vii-m
`Cagney an Academy Award for best
`actor But this time, Cagncy's tears were
`Chambers' son. John. accepted the
`coveted medal [or his lather. a [firmer
`communist whose
`testimony against
`‘Alger lllss was the springboard [or the
`of an obscure congressman
`named Richard Nixon Chambers dll‘d in
`I961 at the age oi so
`"At a critical moment in our nation's
`hlsiory. Whittaker Chambers stood alonc
`against the
`ooding terrors at our ago.'
`said the citation read by Reagan "(‘un
`summate intellectual, writer oi moving
`Posthumous Recipient
`mijt‘sllt‘ prost‘, and n-uiu-ss Ill ihr irth
`ht‘ became lht- locus oi a lilontrntum L‘iln
`Ill :\nlt‘|'lt'nn history that 53m
`bolued uur reulury's lplk struggle be
`tween li’l‘t'dlll“ itnd totalitarianism "
`While John Chambers and 12 other non
`orces sloppm lurward lo l’t‘Cflw-
`modal lrum Reagan lru: ailing Cagney
`79 Sat unsmlllng in his Wheelchair
`i As a giant In the world nt entertain
`ment, James ('agney has leit his mark
`not only on the film industry but an lhl‘
`hearts ill illl his lollou' Americans. " Rea
`gall read
`-0ur oi his most remembered perlnr
`mances_ as George .\I
`t‘ohnn in '\'ankrc
`lion-die Dandy was a whirlwind singing
`and dam-mg him that inspired a nation zit
`war when it sorely needed a hit
`spirit "
`('agncy was congratulated by the pres
`Idt‘nl and kissed by First lady Nant‘)
`Reagan A smile creased hls lace llc
`patted the president 5 hand Then lhe old
`Continued on P'age a Coliunn 5
` Stock Market:
`Everyone n Sundu
`'Frrm‘h ('Ih-r‘
`All Frnncll Italian
`and Americana.
`[Marplqu ma Illu-
`llJ Tutti-l.
`Id res-m
`mr. nnar owl» unump .w my. an...“ .uimu ..
`Wawmwnllc {wimmmsum unwind.»
`ban in an" e tor
`m... axial and l...i.msl wimp. usle
`"um." "dump.
`nu. u m. mat
`rm u sound In mud-u. and Muir.
`.9... M mu Maln- u n... a maid -.d. similar-ran in! km...
`Over at
`.a ma lmru.
`(lama and
`m, M_
`99M wood
`inn-lost“ its...“ .uh (h tad—pd imp-s. utd niaiulol
`w. .u m. woupl at a... m. mun".
`PMC Exhibit 2174
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 1


` -.--.{martin-I-tfl-mlm-LzrhfiI"..2..-...-M....-IH.H.“F...-.v.._.....-“
`PMC Exhibit 2174
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 2

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