`27:5“ cs 502 731
`ED 1301921,1='
`TITLE hf”
`NOTE ~»r"
`,; Hughes, Geoffreyip7 a
`’"~H$eleteXt-—Preste1's Bip Brother-
`sep 79
`' g,..;
`:g12pa: Paper prESented at the Annual Meeting of the
`ruInternational?Imstitute'of COmmumications wonder:i
`England, September 9f13, 1979)t
`3201 Plus Postage; pc Not AVailable from EDES.
`Communications:'De1ivery Systems: Foreign Countries;
`:Information Services: *Information SOurces:
`Information Storage: InformatiOA Utilization: *Media
`yTechnoloqy: *TeleCcmmunication: *Telephone
`1Communication Systems: *Television
`Advertising: *Great Britain: *Teletext System
`, Prestel, Oracle; and Ceefax are telephone based video
`text systems currently in use in Great Britain. Rather than being
`considered as competitors,
`they should be Viewed as complementary
`omedia with Separate functions based on their differences- All use
`home televiSion sets to receive information in print, and all
`broadcast on spare TV lines in the vertical interval; or space
`'betueen the pictures. Prestel is an interactive system in which
`,viewers can send messages to a cOmputer and interact with the systemor
`After viewing a table of contents. viewers can request Specific pages
`from the computer. Prestel has the Capacity to carry hundreds of
`*pages dedicated to special information needs of Consumers, such as a
`Specific sector of industry; Oracle and Ceefax are teletext systems
`sponsored by ITV and BBC, respectively.
`in which the viewer can only
`interact with the receiver and,must wait for the page wanted to come
`around an the cycle.
`A hundred page cycle now takes about 22 seconds:
`improVement of access time is planned. Teletext is now a broadcast
`hservice with no charge that promides entertainment pages and
`'television related information such as serial updates, film reviews,
`and program listings. Future possibilities for the teletext systems
`yinclude supporting television kith advertising, subtitling;
`'regionalization of services, and increased telesoftuare programs.
`Reproductions supplied by EDPS are the best that can be made
`' ‘*
`from the orioinal accument-
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`Apple v. PMC
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` Emioozx
`unuonufmsfltuti or
`,nmo'n aomts’b’r wanna ovumons '
`EDUCA’YION vosnno'N on toucY
`IIC Annual conference 1979 Lbndbh 9 * 13’Septémber'
`Teletext - PreStel's Big'bether
`A Background Paper
`prepared by
`Geoffrey Hughes
`Chief Executive of ORACLE,
`IBA, 70 BromptoandV. London ,sw3 {
`, Geoffrey Hu hes
`Contribution to Plenary Session
`Monday, 10 Séptemberfll4:30 — 16:00,
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`31:59:531,}‘imemed1a 1mm
`whov receixéé
`M'embe£§"' 9'1:
`nQ,dofiht'have reed the excéiiefitfissfié of iesth y Vhi h dealé*l
`in some depth with viewdata,*er {ihteraetive Videoter' eyetems,
`but with only glancing.referehcee"te te1eteXt,
`In his editorial the editer justifies this unilateral
`approach en the grounds that the intgfactive syStem is ‘more;
`substantial' and so i have celied this ehort fieper 'Prestel'sI
`Big Brother! in erder to redreés the balafiee e hit,, Teletext has
`been providing e pubiic serVice for Very neariy five years now
`and I don't think its unfair to say that Preétei has yet to prOve
`'its substance in the marketpleee.
`I But first, a hit of history.
`'At tunetiohs like this wheret
`we both appear, BBC and ITV are inclihed te argue about who got
`Ithere first.
`i ehall eohteht myself with stating chauvihistically
`that2 while the BBC Were the first to ehheufice the deVelepment
`Of Ceefax,
`IBA were the first tehdemohstrate their ORACLE syStem,
`in the early spring of 1973;' Bthay of 1974 the two broadcaéters
`and the TV set manufacturers had got together to publish a
`unified specification for teletext and in September of that year
`the Home Office granted a two year licence for an experimental
`public service.
`continued/ . . .
`. ..
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`'1976Vto’ taker;
`Ithe,"aspegif’uaticin gayshrevi’gedflin
`hactbfihthbfdééfie futtherIdeteihpméhtstihhthéheditdriélhtépébiiity
`of thé $§§tém afié that is thé speé which the broad—
`castert and manufadtutetS~até flow fihthihgth
`The Egg Started pphlié ttéhi‘syrlr/l‘iysysighhf‘’CeefaxfiithinI
`days hfythé litefité being,gtahtédpih'1974,éfid ORACLE, which haa
`béén aévelopéd by engihéefé of the IBA, fiat then hahdéd_9ver to
`the ITV compahies, under thei;,j§1ht assotiatiOn,
`The federal nature of ITV deménded;a,shmewhét’diffefent[configur-I
`ation fbr ORACLE from that instélléd at the mdre monolithic BBC
`and so by July of 197S_ORACLE'was on the air with its oWn service.
`And there,,despite the odd induStrial hiccups,
`the two services
`'Both broadtaSters have now upgrédEd’their equip—
`have remained;
`ment and software to make their éyétems morg reliable and_moreh
`flexible,éfid ORACLE at least has takefi the decision that, since
`for a publit SerVice reliability iS'a prime considération,~we
`must instéll backUp computers afidWinsertibh hardware.’ This
`process shquld be domfiieted,by the néw year and We expect then
`that téthniaal breakdowns Will atthrst last no lOnger than it'
`takes to'thtow 3 Switch and bring the backup Computer intoyv
`I shall not také,up time describing the services that
`,ORACLE and Ceefax aré currently préViding; vThose bf You Who
`weren't familiar’With them befOre this conference Will have ample
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`,bppcrtunity to question the redeiVers outside this roOm over the
`,next day 6f tWQ{ But sinée this Sééfiiéfi is déstribed as ‘Thé'
`,V'E'Xp'efi’eirité‘ 5f [y’flPyryéyétel '
`be; :worjthfl-ilbpking i, at V'svomxe’
`wayé in which teletext félatéé té its bitthér saniteQ”'
`Thg first and moét,§byidus différefige is that a Viéwer
`,QUeStiQning a teleteXtrrecéiVef Can ofilyHifiteract with that
`tyég are talking t§~théfiSEtQthh fi yQu prééé'thé buttons on Your
`;Presté1 set; yOfi are intefacting directly with the;computart
`The broédtaster has thérefore to tfénsfiit a number of pages in
`a continfiéfié cycle ahd the §iéWét“ simply.instfu¢té hié decoder
`to wait until the page hé’wéfittttdmes tbfind,
`t6 decode and display
`it and to stare it fér as long as he needs to read it.’
`In fact
`each page takes a bit IESS'thanfia qUattér_of a set0pd to transmit
`and a hundred page_cyclepgi§eSIYbu'a fidrst—casetWAiting time,ofy
`tabout 22 secbnds,' We can ingféaéé the amoufit of information,
`avafllable td'thé'viewer, eithef by making him wait,10nger for each
`pager'or by using sub4pagés which are Changed by the brOadcastér's
`Computer after a firedetermified teading time.
`'Cfirfently both].
`'broadcastérS“havetarofind'thEEét f four hufidred pages ih their
`'You get thete a bit faétér on Ceefax, but you may have
`t to chahgé thannel to gét the information yOU want.‘
`So in terms of speed and nufiber 6f pages available, Prestel
`,obViQfisly has the edge on teleteXt;thut,the fact that teletext
`'contmue‘j/' ' ' " PMC Exhibit 2170
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`is a broadcast Ser§i§e means that theta:
`‘5 no way you Can be made
`to péy_for,reouestiog,e page.
`.Afidsthet muSt be arcthidefationt
`in trying to asSess the domestio fitility Of these systenq
`* Clearly Frestéi; fiitfi its énbrm9§§_fibtefitiéi data base, Will be
`the,mofeivaiuebigmservioéifbrsthe’speoialised[business user,i
`since it can carry hundreds, even thousands, ofi pagesided’icétedU
`to one small sectof of industry and; ih this cofitext,
`the cost of
`those pages to the viewer is ifiConsioerebie;
`’Teletextyis'hot primafilf,concerfied with the BuSiness V
`user at his plaoe of werk,
`though both Broadcasters'supfiiyi as,
`part of their Sefvices,.a number of pages for the businessman
`at home. Their main concern is to supply ififormétion that will be,
`of value to men; wOmefi'and children sittihgfldOWH in front othheir
`television sets., Actually,
`the idea of thése media as thic1eS.
`for pore infotmation is a bit misigadifig; since both Prestel and
`teletext have,found'thet entertaioifig pages Cf gamé$?,jokes and
`puzzles are liked by dofieStic VieWers and will Contifiue to be,a
`fairly significant part of their services; VI'oaharecommehd an
`invigorating game of nooghts and croSses on Prestel and there are
`Some quite apalling childfehiS'jQKes_on CRACLE.C The BBC heldy
`their more dedicated Viewers for four hoors a few weeks,ag0,
`I whilth o pisye s played a game of cheSS via ceefax and,tfie
`, But to retufn to those pedfile Sittifig1dowh in ffOnt of their
`' TV sets; for they are, I think,
`the key to an~impoztant function
`[1,031 a or.
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`afl_of teletéxt.arid!one[whéigéfiffififfiééigffiééafifiaevrestéilisaf
`lyhllunlikely,toléétiefy,ll3eéldee heifigeah,informetiehlmedlfifi in its
`rown right; teletext is paft afitheUteleVlSiefileeffiCelh It cgmes
`'lfrom the TV Set afid will be,fieed? lfi'léiéé pert, whethhe family h
`lis sitting dOWn to watch progtefimee. It; ablllty; theféfore, to
`"ptemote and supfioft-televisithpfegfammeSlWl 1 be an ififiéttéfii
`' pert of its use; Both ORACLE afid Ceefefi deyote a nhmber of pages
`to this Cause and, seeekihg for QRACLE at leaet; fiany more will
`be mede available, as piedhcers become aware Of the use they cah
`make of the service; 5Afiartflfrem°progfamme listings fqtjall'TV"
`services in all the regionsg~ORACLE'Carties a 'The Story SO Far'
`[featuregwhich ehebles you to cateh up with the preVious epiSOde'
`,of a,serial yen mey have missed.,
`lbefie are sfipport pages for,
`: series like Grenade's"CameraF;ywhlchlilstzbOOks,or exhibitiqns
`.whieh may interest the viewer; Thefehefe teyieWS bi every fllfi
`:shewn on iTV and there are pages promoting fortheomifig
`lattractions. When I wee vleited,
`seme time ago, by e sefiiOr
`exeeutive of West Germahy's ARD, he told me that fine Of the main
`,,reesbns the German broadcastefs were anxlefie to have a teletext'
`~xserviee Was that they did fiet Q n the r program e journal and
`needed a mediUm to promote theif,progtammes.
`. The futute Will See a eohsidereble/ektension 9f this television
`areleted information, of which I Wi11,mefition justgtwol Subtitling
`'teleVision,pr0grammes for the deaf is currehtly getting a great
`deal of attention frOm broadcasters, bdth bf whom are lOOking
` 0
`cOhtinued/,..... PM
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`/ eoergetioally into Ways Of providifig teletext sgbuitlés for
`fifoérammes eoofiomioelly,ahdfreoiolygz The §t$b1em 6f;sfiptit1;gg I
`I a live Proéféfimeyflsuoh as a neweeooiletifi,_mofe or léééfle
`simulténéégéii ie Being tackléd 5? W5? 7$£ Paiéntypé;“fifie short-yr.
`Lhand mechifie ofice fiééd in laijou t reooftinggx Dr. Newell at
`Southampton University, fihich is being sponsofed'by ITV to
`research this field, has alfeeoyHoonerremafkeble work in,
`producing subtitles from a Palafitype that Até pretty heer‘tor
`'perfect English. Similar“f¢$earoh’ieeeiso beifig dooe by the BBC,
`who are;basingooheir apofoaoh 0n work dofie at LeioesterlPolyteohhic.
`'Anofihef area where teletext suoPOttswteieviéiofi applies only
`y'to ORACLE, since {txrelates to'edVeftising;
`’Cleafiy ORACLE is a/&'
`yvalid advertisiog medifim and onoe there iéea large enofigfi,mefket,
`we shall hope to be elioWedflto'inolodgfadvertisefients in the
`They mey be full pages of joos, propefties or holidays
`for sale@ or they may be one or two line,slogans ethhe foot of
`a page of information.
`They oen also be osed to soppoft television
`commercials._ A TV commeroiel for e hew car model; for ifietance,
`could carry a direction to an ORACLE bage5 whefe the dealers
`in your region Can be’lieted; And thet in tufnrcoold direct you
`Ito a page Of”Preste1,'Where you cafi register Your fequeet for a
`, test dfivé.’
`"And ehat brings me heatly/baok to comparison of the two
`systeme and the ifiteraotive capability/of Prestel.‘ In that last
`example I was projecting forward to a time when the Viewer will
`continued/,. . .;
`. . .
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`'_scarcely be cofisciOus of whethe: his reCeiverfié,ih the téIEteXt
`er tee Viewdata mode and Wheie he may use teletethfieceu e the
`f iififmati’ofi:
`it , and" '7.'in,.to,,_;,1’teste1
`' when, he Vitalk'iry,b§¢kdt0» 'I'fo‘r”1theiaédfifitiser'v 9r
`, ifidee’d:
`develOpment eh teletext of TeleseftWare"will; in the'fuefife; giVe’
`VieWers a degree'of interestivity that will ehpfmpu91y_expand its
`Briefly;,te1eeoftware meafiSJSefidihg pages of ihfbffiation
`ethat is ififlfiect computer softwafe afid which éah be need tov
`programme 5 midrbproeessef in tee feceieer.
`rThe TV set now becomes
`a home ¢§mputergand;.by-Se1éeting appfgpriateitelesefityate
`programmes, ean be used f0: an aimest endless variety of purposes.
`It will be used to calfieulate tax opinsuranceflratesz to play
`games, or to Select pages or parte bffie fiége"frofi_liste of, for
`,instance,'second hand car ads; New applieatiohs are being
`suggested eIfiOst daily and its use in education ié one Of the
`more exciting onee.
`‘A government seensefed rasearch programme
`in this afea ie new in preparatieh by Bfigfitbfi Polyteehnic,
`supported bva V'a d BBC,
`eIts stiil too early for me, at'leaet; to predict.the
`’ultimate usefulness of'telesoftware, but I'm pretty sure it will
`become a corheretone in the teletext seructufe.
`our most press.
`ing need et present is to,fifodfice a common specifieatien On which
`bOthrbrpadeasters and Pxestelecan'build;
`It,mustxbe sensible
`g V
`or. n a u I
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`_tq haVe all telesofEWare syStéms Speakifig to a Common terminal in
`yakcotmmnTCOmputer'languagey 'ithi’s'fi’s one “area where, cooperation
` I
`I'vé mentionéd'thfée aréaé ifit? Which Qfié,teletext operatot'
` wi1l moVé in the near future;
`iteiésbffiwafe, advértiéing and”,
`sfibtitling, as part of its TV reiafed éervice.’ Two more will
`suffice f i this brief survey;’ They aré the regidnalisation of
`Ithe'servige and improvement Of fihé é9géss time ¥che time it takes
`for a fiage t6 be displayéd éfi your screen;
`‘Teletext is Cfirrgntly:
` broadcast in two bf the spare TV lifies in the Vertical interval -
`that is,
`the space betweeh the fictures;
`'Telétext decoders,
`hoWeVéf, are fionSfiffictetho make usé Qf fip to eight lipas and we
`' are now doing tests to’éfiéck thé feasibility of figihg more of
`these lines].
`The problem Sis witflsgsffie pfIthe’fdyidérsl625 It’llk'inyyey'sets,’
`Where the flyback time iéiéofiéWhat slower thah it is with modern
`receivers. we néed to be sufé that using éktra lines doesn't
`'cause,Picturélinterferenge bu the older éets; The indiéations
`‘are that we shaiiybé éble’té use at léaSt two; possibly fQur
`extra lifies immediately.
`AS thesé sibfief ééfis'bécome obsolete,’
`' the remainifig'lines will bééome available;':Sik lines'fof sending
`teléteXt wéuid méan that a 100 page cycle opuld be,aCCGS$ed'in
`around Séven se¢onds, or 300 pages ifi twentyftWO/seédnds.
`In ORACLE'S case we wbuié hope to dedicate,two of these
`lines t6 the regional ITV Companies, who would eaCh be able to
`' insert; ,a’yjhufiic’ired or more pagesybf purely iiocal
`; 1.4/1," '
`continued] . ".
`‘.’ ,5 -. I.
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`'3 will eentinue tQ/be'generateeeififLendéfi éfid transfiitteé en the,
`" remaining: .Lifié's 1y,’ ‘jfise rails ,the’yi are
`f ,e}i have elways VieWed teiétékt'gs a smali medium ofytextuelI
`ihfbfmatiofiee it“; not eXfieneifie he Operate and'costs almost
`nothing,tpxdi5t¥ififite, for the trenefiittere ere alfeady there.
`'We talk aEbet impreQements t6 ghe;30phietieefiion 6f the system,’
`like enheficedaétephics (a beeefiteehefi wbfiid eemeeffqmeteleeeft-
`ware); ButZWith regional seffiices we wiil be ffiifiliing the
`promise Of tELQteXt as a domeepie medium; pAdveftieements of sele
`, bargains'in yeUr 10ce1 Store, of flats neaf~wheie yen live, ofe,
`'news bf local COUHCiI bfisifiess; gtheee are the bread and bupyef
`of this medium afid I suspect that mefiy of them may,n9t be
`attractive t5 Infomation'rProviders“?thPrestel. I, ~
`' i may be givifig the impression'thafi : View telEtexteend'
`Preéeel as competitofs;
`‘If fifiafi is So, I muSt retraCt at once;
`,for the two systems are;
`in A11 important respects cOmplimentary.
`?restei needs teletext,
`to COpe with the large demahdsfer qne
`categery of infofmation whicheru d 'jam the switehboard'
`the Fréstel cempfiter;, Think efrf00tballlfe3u1ts on a Saturday
`levening;'or a sudden crisis in national newsg. But I submit that
`rteletext needs Prestel.t00., we Can give the aVerage vieWer access
`tp informetion that he heedé fairly frequehtly.
`'But, hdwever
`much we‘improve the size of our data, bases, or" the access time of
`n u '9 c u a
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`ythg'syéfiems,yfigjcénh0t 90P6,witfiififiélviEWQr Eho wafitS'spe¢ia1ist"
`infofmétidh,'ndf ¢éfi wé fuily handléafifiéflfiéedé ¢f the BuSifiééS '"
`commufiity, Tfié ViéWér will alwafs tprfi ébl£é1¢tegt_fof ififormatibn
`'r which is,éfiifielggext,apd whi¢h:is;£féé;HfHé wilicpfiffiLtd*Prestel
`fbr mQ e rafifiiéd materi l afid t¢gbr§wéé.£h:§fi h iOngS,iists of
`Iinformatign.g,ihat Seems t6 me fié bé;é fir¢§¢r use fof'fihe telly
`in the coffiér;y to efitérfiainfiafiHVfiovififofm;'thrOugh teievisibn,
`at ofie level afithhfiéughithesgfthVéompiiméfifiary média at fihé
`The question we héfifé ryeth to ansWér is
`iis a pifiduCt~thé public are pfeparéd"to bfiy.
`'After 5 slow Start,,
`it now looks 55 if the publifi"Wili adcépt7télefieXt;i'Whethér,it
`Will Similarly take Prestei to itS'heaft rémaihS’to,Bé<seefi-§
`'I wish them eVery_success;'
`, 20th,,Augusty1979e.,,1 <
`,. a“, ~'“=;~,
`" " :
`v v
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