Hedger, Raggett. Warhurton: Telesoftware—Valuc Added Teletext
`J. Hedger, M. Raggett, M. Sc. Dip. Ed..
`A. Warburton. BA (Oxon).
`This analogy can be taken further.
`The earliest radios were constructed
`The average person regards a radio
`receiver as a consumer device
`by their owners who then proudly
`demonstrated the results to their
`which he can buy at a relatively
`low cost from any multiple store,
`and which will supply him (at no
`extra cost) with entertainment,
`information and education.
`radio is usually equipped with
`only a small number of controls
`(e.g. on/off,
`tuning, bandchange,
`volume) and it is very rare to
`find someone who is unable to
`operate it satisfactorily.
`The radio receiver is a common—
`place item in the households of
`the western world, and the micro-
`computer, also, will become
`commonplace since it too offers
`information and
`But it also has the
`tremendous added dimension of
`(from the transitive
`verb 'interact'
`- to act upon
`each other),
`so that the value
`of this entertainment,
`and education is enhanced by the
`microcomputer and the user both
`providing reciprocal actions, one
`to the other.
`For the microcomputer to become
`as accepted in the average house-
`hold as the radio it must,
`the radio, be simple to set up
`and use, and must be available (by
`purchase or rental) from the high
`street store.
`friends and neighbours.
`sound, even a faint crackling one,
`was an improvement on what had
`been before - no sound at all.
`Even today there are people who
`design and construct their own
`radios, and, of course,
`there are
`the 'hams' who are concerned not
`so much with broadcast radio as
`with 'networks' of like-minded
`the present time the domestic
`microcomputer scene can be likened
`to those early days of radio.
`Microcomputers are bought or built
`by enthusiastic amateurs, and
`demonstrated by their proud owners
`(and only they seem to know the
`secret place on the case which has
`to be kicked to make the machine
`Like the radio 'hams'
`there is a band of microcomputer
`users who are much involved in
`the interconnection of their microe
`computers by networks, but these
`worthy individuals, and indeed
`all 'hobby' computerists are very
`much a minority and will stay so,
`since the average person has no wish
`to become involved in any such
`the average
`person is still very wary of 'com-
`puters' and anything that appears
`remotely like 'Big Brother' is
`likely to frighten him off!
`PMC Exhibit 2122
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`Apple v. PMC
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`IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Vol, CE-26, August 1980
`How then can microcomputers be
`introduced into households so
`that the ordinary citizen will
`accept then and use them to
`provide information, education
`and entertainment, while retain-
`ing simplicity of operation and
`low cost?
`The television receiver is an
`obvious device to examine for
`clues to the answer to this
`It is ubiquitous, and
`because of this has the low cost
`that only mass sales in the
`domestic market can provide.
`Also because of this ubiquitous-
`ness it is a very familiar
`(sometimes too familiar!) object
`around the house - nobody,
`the youngest
`to the oldest,
`afraid of the television set
`(at least in the obvious sense!)
`This is very important if it is
`to form the basis of a domestic
`microcomputer, since such a
`computer, being allied to the
`television, would already be a
`considerable way along the 'accep-
`tance curve' for the average citizen,
`who is, and rightly perhaps,
`reluctant to become involved with
`products which appear to him, on
`the surface at least,
`to be beyond
`his conceptual grasp.
`the various adjuncts to
`Of course,
`the television (such as video
`recorders and TV games) which are
`already available and used in
`considerable quantity are of great
`benefit here, since they point
`the way to the television receiver
`being the central module in the
`'home information centre' of the
`a rapidly growing
`number of households (in the United
`Kingdom at least) are equipped
`with Teletext TV receivers, which
`contain some of the modules required
`for a domestic microcomputer (fig. 1).
`The keypad, usually having 12 - 16
`buttons, can be used as an input
`device to the microcomputer, and
`will allow the input of numeric
`data, menu item selection and simple
`control functions.
`The teletext decoder and the colour
`television itself form essentially
`a computer-type display, with the
`ability, for example,
`to present
`up to about 950 textual characters
`at a time,
`in a variety of colours,
`or a mixture of characters and low-
`resolution colour graphics.
`teletext decoders in the UK will
`have considerably enhanced graphics
`in line with the policy
`of both the broadcasters and the
`set manufacturers to continually
`enhance the features of teletext
`while retaining complete upward
`compatability with the existing
`standards and receivers.)
`is still required to
`turn a teletext receiver into a
`simple, but nonetheless powerful,
`domestic microcomputer?
`of course, a microprocessor chip
`is required, and it may even already
`exist, hidden away as an unassuming
`component within the teletext
`Secondly, extra memory
`is required for this microprocessor,
`to hold its programs and data.
`Thirdly, a means of loading programs
`and data into the microcomputer,
`and last, but by no means least,
`the programs and data themselves.
`PMC Exhibit 2122
`PMC Exhibit 2122
`Apple v. PMC
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`Hedger, Raggctt, Warburton: Telesoftware—Value Added Teletext
`Sound Chamwl
`Colour Became!
` Teiemxt Seaway: ;
`Remote Control
`fusiwffbsm 5
`Cassette recorder
`Braiiie oeth demos:
`Let us now examine each of these
`items in turn.
`The microprocessor
`chip and the associated memory
`required for a useful microcomputer
`can be provided at a cost estimated
`to be comparable with the cost of
`adding the teletext facility to
`the basic television receiver.
`cost of this teletext add-on is
`proving to be reasonable (even in
`the harsh economic climate of
`England!) and will become even
`more so as production volumes
`There is no reason to
`suppose that the microprocessor
`and memory additions, which use
`a similar technology to the tele-
`text decoder, will not follow a
`similar route.
`Several schemes are potential
`contenders for the means of
`loading programs into this
`microcomputer, such as:-
`Read-only-memory (ROM)
`like those used
`for some programmable
`calculators and TV games.
`Audio cassetes, like those
`currently used to distribute
`programs for hobby computers.
`A dial-up network based on
`the public switched telephone
`system, where customers
`phone a program supply
`service (a private company
`or a public utility), which
`then transmits a copy of
`PMC Exhibit 2122
`Apple v. PMC
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`PMC Exhibit 2122
`Apple v. PMC
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`IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Vol, CE-26, August 1980
`the required program down the
`The broadcast by a television
`company of computer programs
`which can be carried on unused
`diagram are optional standardised
`interfaces and peripheral devices
`to show how a minimal microcomputer
`could be enhanced to provide more
`advanced facilities.
`portions of the normal tele-
`vision signal.
`ROM modules would be specific to a
`particular manufacturers micro-
`computer and, of course, a new
`module would have to be purchased
`for each program required.
`would be fine for the supplier,
`but not so nice for the customer.
`Audio cassettes have somewhat
`similar characteristics with the
`added complication of requiring
`a tape player to be connected
`into the microcomputer.
`A program
`dial-up service is in pilot operation
`in the UK, using pages in the Prestel
`Viewdata service, but the (relatively)
`high cost of the basic service plus
`the program supply service makes it
`more suitable for business rather
`than domestic use.
`complication with the dial-up ser—
`vice when applied to the domestic.
`market is the bottleneck situation
`which could occur at peak times,
`e.g. accessing programs (and the
`data) to analyse sports results on
`Saturday evenings.
`Broadcasting the computer programs
`allows the funcfion of the program
`loading device of the home micro-
`computer to be provided by existing
`parts of the television receiver :
`the tuner,
`IF strip and teletext
`The hardware of the home
`microcomputer then takes on the
`appearance as shown on the block
`diagram of fig. 2.
`The only
`essential additions which have
`been made to the teletext receiver
`1 are the microprocessor and
`of fig.
`its memory, although shown in the
`The broadcasting of the computer
`programs means, of course,
`there can be no bottleneck situation,
`and updated programs and data would
`be immediately available to all
`the microcomputers that required
`The final and most essential item
`required for the home microcomputer
`is a steady supply of programs to
`enable a wide variety of tasks to
`be performed.
`Using the premis
`that was mentioned earlier about
`the average citizen not wishing
`to become involved in the actual
`'computing' or programming of his
`microcomputer, merely wishing to
`treat it as yet another household
`there is no need for the
`standard home computer to even be
`capable of being programmed by
`its owner.
`Any one of the rela-
`tively small number of people who
`wish to get involved with the
`internal operations of the device
`will use a 'conventional' hobby
`computer, but by far the larger'
`market will be the supply of non-
`owner-programmable devices for the
`average citiZen.
`These (supplied)
`programs fall generally into four
`Self—assessment programs,
`such as mortgage and tax
`calculations, and welfare
`rights examinations.
`major characteristic of this
`group is that they are of a
`question—and-answer nature,
`with numeric and logical
`calculations to be performed
`PMC EXthIt 2122
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`Apple v. PMC
`Page 4


`Hedger, Raggett, Warburton: Telesoftware—Value Added Teletext
`by the program upon (numeric,
`logical and textual) provided
`by the user.
`Although uses
`such as mortgage and tax
`calculations would generally
`only require numeric (e.g.
`monetary values and time scales)
`and logical (e.g. options)
`data from the user, other uses,
`such as welfare rights, would
`require that textual data was
`also supplied by the user.
`Educational programs.
`is a vast subject, and some
`typical groupings are:-
`'Language and literacy
`(ii) Mathematics and numeracy.
`(iii) Scientific and technical
`areas, and
`such as histroy and
`general knowledge, and
`'Skills' such as first-
`aid, cookery, and
`appliance maintenance.
`The use of the domestic micro-
`computer for educational pur-
`poses will, we believe, become
`very widespread, and this topic
`is addressed in the latter part
`of this paper.
`These tend to fall
`TV games.
`into two categories:-
`Verbal and reasoning
`games, such as word games
`and chess, and
`'Dexterity' games, such
`as car racing and space
`The simpler reasoning games are
`ideally suited to a minimal
`microcomputer since a
`numericakeypad is often
`adequate and memory require-
`ments are modest.
`games, however, present a
`different set of requirements.
`The most obvious is the need
`joysticks, or
`for paddles,
`whatever other input mechanism
`suits a particular game. This
`type of game introduces the
`need for a timing mechanism
`in the microcomputer, either
`for merely controlling the
`rate at which the action
`proceeds on the screen, or for
`more overt reasons, such as
`giving a player a limited time
`to perform a particular action.
`Database manipulation. Here,
`fairly small databases, such
`as stock market information,
`are available and can be
`analysed in various ways by a
`program under the control of
`the user.
`Since these programs will be spec-
`ifically designed for use by members
`of the general public with probably
`no firsthand knowledge of computers
`whatsoever, it is vital that they
`are completely reliable.
`It is
`also essential that the program
`loading mechanism Should detect
`recording or transmission errors
`on the incoming programs so that
`the possibility of the microcomputer
`executing an incorrectly loaded
`program is very Small.
`important aspect of these
`The most
`programs, and the most difficult to
`is that they should be tho-
`roughly tested and be very 'robust'.
`The ultimate requirement must be
`that the microcomputer never
`produces meaningless, obscure
`PMC EXthIt 2122
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`Apple v. PMC
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`IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Vol. CE-26, August 1980
`receivers (of a new design pro-
`duced by Mullard Ltd.) into selected
`schools in the United Kingdom.
`installation of these receivers is
`scheduled for the fourth quarter
`of 1980, and the plans and objectives
`of the project are described later
`in this paper.
`The main components of a broadcast
`telesoftware service are shown
`in fig.
`or incorrect information for the
`user, regardless of what data the
`user supplies to the program, and
`the microcomputer must never 'bomb
`Having described the requirements
`for a microcomputer to be used by
`the average citizen, we will now
`examine the ORACLE Telesoftware
`system, which fulfills these
`requirments to a high degree.
`ORACLE has been operated by ITV
`in the United Kingdom as a broad-
`cast teletext service since 1975.
`Its value as a means of distributing
`computer programs was soon recognised,
`and the word 'Telesoftware' (soft-
`ware at a distance) was coined to
`cover the concept of broadcasting
`computer programs as part of a
`normal teletext service.
`By the
`end of 1977 a great deal of dis—
`cussion had taken place on the
`subject, but no equipment had been
`produced to test the idea and prove
`its viability.
`So ITV,
`with MulLard Ltd.
`(who had been,
`and still are closely involved in
`the developments of the teletext
`system) embarked upon a joint
`to design and construct
`a prototype telesoftware receiver
`which would capture and execute
`telesoftware programs broadcast as
`pages of information in the normal
`ORACLE system.
`The experience
`gained with the use of this exper-
`imental system has been put to good
`use in the design of the next
`experimental phase - the proposed
`installation of telesoftware
`PMC Exhibit 2122
`Apple v. PMC
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`Hedger, Raggett, Warburton: TelesoftwareAValue Added Teletext
`Program Production
`The Telesoftware Program production
`and Testing System (PPTS) will
`supply fully tested and highly
`reliable programs to the standard
`ORACLE teletext system, as pages
`of data immediately suitable for
`The PPTS must be able,
`without reference to the ORACLE
`to produce and
`system itself,
`test them, on both simulated and
`real telesoftware receivers, before
`sending the proven programs to the
`ORACLE database.
`The PPTS would
`essentially be a standard multi-
`access computing system with the
`addition of specific peripherals
`to allow sophisticated testing
`of the programs.
`There are severaconstraints placed
`on programming for telesoftware.
`Ideas for programs or existing
`programs written for conventional
`comuting situations have to run
`the gauntlet of:-
`Broadcast limitations.
`programs have to reside on
`standard teletext pages,
`and the timing cycles and
`sequences of broadcasting
`the pages influences the
`structure of the programs at
`the outset.
`The programs are targetted
`at naive users, and this will
`influence the design (and
`size) of the programs more
`than any other consideration.
`Each program will require
`that extensive explanatory
`text is given to the Viewer,
`who will not have written
`material relating to the
`program at all - it all
`has to come 'off-air'.
`No assumptions can be made
`as to what sort of viewer
`will be using the programs,
`so the text has to be copious,
`and will probably be'layered',
`so that Viewers with some
`preliminary knowledge or
`previous experience with the
`programs can 'short-circuit'
`sections of the explanation.
`Thus, even with 'simple'
`programs the amount of text
`required might well be quite
`(iii) The programs must possess a
`very high degree of credibility
`in the eyes of the Viewers.
`Each program must be 'break-
`proof' at all costs,
`so that
`whatever variety of data is
`given it by the viewer it
`will always perform in a
`sensible manner and never
`'bomb out' or give incorrect
`or meaningless information
`in return.
`These constraints imply that the
`production of programs for the
`broadcast telesoftware service
`cannot be a haphazard operation
`like that currently applying to
`hobby computers.
`On«the contrary,
`very high quality professional
`programming standards are required
`indicating the provision of
`sophisticated software tools, such
`as structured programming, high
`level languages, rigorous and
`powerful testing systems, and
`comprehensive program documentation.
`ORACLE and TV Transmission System
`It must be emphasised that the
`ORACLE teletext database computer
`and the TV transmission system are
`completely unaffected by the
`introduction of telesoftware, as
`are the conventional teletext
`PMC Exhibit 2122
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`IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Vol. 03—26, August 1980
`Each telesoftware
`program resides on one or more
`pages in the teletext database,
`and the system cannot distinguish
`these pages from any other pages
`in the database.
`The Telesoftware Receiver
`The telesoftware receiver has been
`described above, but it is useful
`to outline the functions which
`the microcomputer within it may be
`called upon to perform.
`the teletext decoder.
`The microcomputer will have
`within it a 'resident control
`program' which will be re-
`sponsible, amongst other
`things, for the capture of
`programs via the teletext
`(ii) The ac uisition of teletext
`pages Via the decoder may be
`due to either:
`The control program
`requiring telesoftware
`program pages, or
`The telesoftware program
`requiring access to
`conventional pages of
`teletext information
`for processing by the
`This is an
`important concept and
`is at the heart of the
`idea of using telesoft-
`ware programs for in-
`formation manipulation.
`(iii) The pages of software have
`to be verified as they are
`received to ensure that
`there are no transmission
`{erras present which could
`result in incorrect program
`(iv) The telesoftware program,
`when it has been received
`correctly, has then to be
`run under the aegis of the
`control program, and converse
`with a selection of devices
`taken from:
`the numeric
`the teletext decoder,
`various peripheral devices
`via standardised interfaces
`(such as joysticks, paddles,
`printers and tape recorders)
`and possibly the TV sound
`channel for sound effects
`or even speech output.
`The Programs
`The programs will be broadcast in
`a high level compacted language,
`especially designed for the
`purpose, and will, of course, be
`completely free of charge to any
`viewer who has a suitable receiver.
`The cost of the production,
`maintenance and broadcasting of
`these programs will have to be
`borne by advertising revenue.
`Some programs will be solely for
`the purpose of allowing the
`viewer to peruse a particular
`advertiser‘s teletext pages in
`Others may be advertising
`to promote a particular
`PMC Exhibit 2122
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`Hedger, Raggen. Warburton: Telesoftware-Value Added Teletext
`Programs whose function
`is not directly related to an
`advertiser may have advertising
`slogans embedded within them,
`either as a direct 'commercial
`break' at the beginning or during
`the running of the program, or
`more deeply embroiled within the
`program, e.g. a maze program could
`use an advertisers logo as the
`basis for the maze design.
`Having described how telesoftware
`camaabout and how an operational
`service would appear, let us
`now examine some examples of its
`use in the four main application
`areas: self-assessment, education,
`information manipulation and games,
`to give some flavour of what tele-
`software can achieve.
`However, while considering these
`applications of telesoftware, it
`should be firmly borne in mind
`that a dominant charactertistic
`of broadcast telesoftWare is that,
`once a receiver has been acquired,
`the viewer has a complete, no-cost
`access, with that single receiver,
`to a wide variety of applications
`and new applications can be added
`continuously by the broadcasting
`service with no additional cost
`whatsoever to the viewer.
`Some typical applications in this
`area have already been mentioned.
`One of these, a program to allow
`viewers to assess their welfare
`rights, would be of particular
`social value, since considerable
`amounts of benefits go unclaimed
`because potential claimants are
`unaware of the benefits due to
`This type of program would usually
`begin by getting a 'profile' of
`the viewer's situation by asking
`a set of quite personal questions.
`(Hera a particular advantage of
`the broadcast system can be
`Since there is no
`to a
`possibility of 'feedback'
`central computer of information
`supplied by the viewer,
`system is completely confidential
`and viewers can supply information
`truthfully in the full confidence
`of knowing it can go no further
`than the television receiver -
`pull the power cord out and the
`slate is wiped clean!)
`asked the viewer several questions
`about the situation to be invest-
`igated, supplemented with explana-
`tory text,
`the program would then
`supply details of benefits which
`could possibly be claimed and how
`to go about claiming them, as
`well as allowing the Viewer to
`try out various (possibly hypothe-
`tical) situations;
`a 'What would
`happen if ..?' dialogue.
`example, a pensioner may be in-
`terested to know his tax position
`if he were to take a part-time
`job to supplement his senior
`flcitizen's pension, and what
`relationship between his gross
`earnings and his net income might
`There are so many application
`areas in the category (for example:
`computer assisted learning
`or 'drill' programs, simulations,
`and educational games), but again
`PMC Exhibit 2122
`PMC Exhibit 2122
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`Page 9


`IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Vol. CE-26, August 1980
`let us use as a 'social benefit'
`Thus the search can be made as
`example a program to alleviate
`the adult literacy problem.
`so that
`selective as required,
`the sifted information contains
`as little unwanted text as possible.
`It has recently been estimated that
`there could be over 2 million
`adult illiterates in the United
`Kingdom (population about 55 million),
`and any method of reducing this
`figure would be of great value, not
`only to the individuals concerned
`but also to the country as a
`Adult illiterates are
`very reluctant to admit to their
`handicap, with the result that
`extra-mural courses for them are
`usually poorly attended.
`providing 'initial reading'
`telesoftware programs for them,
`which they can use with complete
`confidentiality in the privacy
`of their own homes,
`the problem
`of 'being treated like children'
`can be avoided, since most adult
`illiterates are willing to try
`to learn to read if only an
`acceptable teaching method is
`available and the shame of
`admitting to requiring such an
`aid can be avoided.
`Information Manipulation
`A simple example is to provide a
`program which will search pages
`of conventional teletext information
`for particular references to key-
`words or phrases supplied by the
`Viewer. E.g. searching the news
`pages for references to a par-
`ticular person or topic,
`viewer might ask the receiver:
`'Search all new pages for references
`to President Carter', or, more
`'Seach all news
`pages for references to President
`Carter in connection with Georgia'.
`Searches and manipulations of more
`numeric information can be made,
`too, such as:
`'Tell me all the
`share prices in a particular group
`which have gone up by more than
`10 pence since yesterday's closing
`figures'. Alternatively, by
`making the details of his shares
`portfolio known to the telesoftware
`program (possibly by loading it
`from a cassette recorder) the
`Viewer could then use the program
`to access the stock market pages
`of teletext and compute the rise
`(or fall!) in the value of the
`One particular novel use for an
`information manipulation program
`is associated with the subtitling
`of television by the teletext
`service for hard of hearing
`The teletext services
`in the UK (BBC's CEEFAX and ITV's
`ORACLE) adhere to a teletext
`standard which dictates that sub-
`titles can be broadcast as pages
`in the teletext service, received
`by a normal teletext receiver,
`and displayed at the foot of the
`television picture. Only viewers
`who select the subtitling facility
`on their receivers will have them
`displayed, other Viewers may not
`even be aware that the subtitles
`One of the trade-offs
`that has to be made is the amount
`and rate at which subtitles are
`Too much text will
`be difficult and tiring for the
`viewer (who has to watch the action
`as well as read the words!) while
`PMC Exhibit 2122
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`Hedger, Raggetl, Warburton: Telesoftware—Value Added Teletext
`too little text makes the viewer
`feel that he is 'being left out
`of things'.
`By having a telesoft-
`ware program running which will
`retain some previous subtitles,
`the viewer can have the opportunity
`to 'replay'
`these, maybe during
`a lull in the action, and so recover
`any dialogue that the did not
`previously assimilate.
`program could also be used to
`recapitulate the 'story so far'.
`TV games are well known to all
`of us, and it is sufficient to
`say that, given that the receiver
`has sufficient hardware in or
`connected to it (processor power,
`memory, graphics capability,
`peripherals such as joysticks,
`etc.) then any type of TV game
`can be broadcast and played without
`the viewer having to continually
`insert coins, or purchase new
`modules when the previous games
`lose their popularity.
`The Telesoftware in Education Project
`the Faculty
`In the autumn of 1978,
`of Education Studies of Brighton
`Polytechnic, Sussex, undertook a
`project to evaluate the field trials
`of the educational possibilities of
`teletext in secondary schools (pupils
`between 11 and 17 years), a project
`established by the Schools Broad-
`casting Council with the BBC's
`CEEFAX and ITV's ORACLE teletext
`When the educational possibilities of
`telesoftware became apparent and
`feasible, a subsequent project was
`commissioned to explore the use of
`telesoftware in various aspects
`of education in secondary schools.
`The objectives of the project
`can be divided into two classi-
`fications: a technical appraisal
`of this new medium, and an educational
`evaluation in an action-research
`The technical objectives are:6
`To examine the viability
`of transmitting educational
`software nationally via
`To carry out field trials of
`telesoftware receivers in
`(iii) To establish guidelines for
`setting standards for
`telesoftware, and
`To assess the educational
`marketplace for telesoftware.
`Although only secondary schools
`will be used in the project
`the likely impact on
`primary schools will be assessed
`in the latter stages of the project.
`To compare this new style
`of computing in schools with
`more 'oonventional' methods,
`such as hobby computers and
`terminals accessing time-
`sharing bureaus via PO lines.
`To check the viability of
`this new medium as a means
`of providing interactive
`follow—up material for
`television educational broad-
`casts, either directly linked
`or as a further resource.
`(iii) An investigation into the
`suitability of telesoftware
`as a means of disseminating
`and validation of educational
`software at a time when there
`is a growth of microcomputers
`in schools.
`PMC Exhibit 2122
`PMC Exhibit 2122
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 11


`IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Vol. CE-26, August 1980
`To investigate the use of
`telesoftware receivers as
`'black box teaching aids',
`especially in schools which
`have no computers and no
`experience of computing.
`Raising their sights to the more
`distant future the project co-
`ordinators are also planning to
`evaluate some other possibilities
`such as:-
`The subtitling of educational
`broadcasts for hearing
`defective children.
`The motiviational effect of
`telesoftware receivers in
`remedial education.
`The dissemination of fully‘
`validated educational programs
`from some central organisation
`in order satisfy the appetite
`of the rapidly growing educa-
`tional microcomputer scene.
`(iv) The development of home—based
`learning packages allied to
`formal education, for:
`Children unable to
`attend school.
`Pre-school children.
`(c) Mature students whose
`education may have been
`interrupted or ceased
`at an early age, and
`Compensatory education
`An area which may have a lot of
`possibilities is the potential that
`a telesoftware receiver with medium
`resolution graphics can offer to those
`undertaking creative adult education
`courses, such as the maintenance of
`cars or electrical/electronic
`The scope for using telesoftware as
`a means of enhancing the artistic
`creative process should not be
`forgotten, either.
`The idea of
`using a microcomputer to allow
`design students rapidily to
`sketch out their thoughts as patterns
`on colour, and then study, for
`the visual impact of
`combining various patterns,
`a far cry from today's staid
`image of the microcomputer as
`merely a mathematical aid.
`By merging three modern technologies:
`teletext, microprocessors and TV
`games, a composite technology
`called teltsoftware has resulted.
`Teletext itself aims at a three-
`cornered target, consisting of the
`provision of information, education
`and entertainment, and telesoftware
`is designed to enhance the normal
`teletext service by providing
`the ordinary citizen with the
`opportunity to have considerable
`computing power available at his
`He can use this
`computing power for a wide variety
`of purposes, without any knowledge
`or experience of computers being
`necessary on his part, since the
`entire system allows him to converse
`with his television receiver in V
`a way not previously possible, and
`it can enrich and enhance the in-
`formation already available via
`teletext by manipulating it exactly
`acCording to his wishes.
`PMC Exhibit 2122
`PMC Exhibit 2122
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 12


`Hedger, Raggett, Warbunon: Telcsoftware—Value Added Teletext
`John Hedger was born and educated in London,
`England. He joined London Weekend Television
`in an administrative capacity, but later
`spent some time working on programme production.
`He joined the ORACLE teletext project at its
`commencement and has since been closely involved
`with all aspects of the deve10pment of broadcast
`teletext. He now holds the post of System
`Co-Ordinator, and has special responsibility
`for subtitling for the deaf,
`telesoftware and
`related new technology.
`Michael Raggett, MSC, Dip. Ed. is project
`Director of the Telesoftware in Education
`project at Brighton Polytechnic, England.
`He was educated at several Universities and
`taught in schools before beginning work in
`higher education. He is now Faculty Coordinator
`for Research and Development in the Education
`Faculty of Brighton Polytechnic. He has been a
`consultant to the Open University, is on
`editorial boards of several journals and is a
`Director of an educational publishing compay.
`He previously carried out an evaluation of the
`use of teletext in education.
`Tony Warburton BA(Oxon) is 43 years old, married
`and has one da

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