
`1 355-135.
`United States Patent
`[45] Mar. 5, I974
`Golding et a1.
`[mentors-i [NM 5- Gouil‘l- R09k““¢'»
`Romkl K- Garb“. Damascus:
`Mini.“ 9- Chm. Baltimore;
`wmfld 0- Mamas OX0“ Hi". 3” 0f
`Md.; Pullman P. Kaul. Wshington.
`D‘Cc, Melville L. Heiges. Jr...
`ROCR‘VHIB- Md-i am 1- Merfih'wr
`Dismm Height-5' Md“ Hem? R
`Mueller, Wheaton. Md.
`[73] ASSignee: Communications Satellite
`Corporation, Washington. DC.
`Am.- 18’ [972
`[21] APPL N05 245,129
`Golding, "A [5 to 25 MHz Digital Television System
`for the Transmission of Commercial Color Televi-
`siom" December l9. 1967. available from the us.
`Dept. of Commerce Clearing House for Federal Scien-
`tific and Technical
`Information as publication PB
`Primary Examiner—Robert L. Richardson
`Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Sughrue. Rothwell. Mion,
`Zinn & Macpeak
`A digital television transmission system for transmit-
`ting television signals at substantially reduced bit rate
`. and bandwidth. Frequency interleaving techniques re-
`duce the sampling rate.and digital differential PCM
`with edge recoding techniques reduce the number of
`bits per sample. Further. reduction in hit rate is ac-
`complished by eliminating approximately half the
`chrominance data and all
`the sync pulses from the
`transmitted signal. Periodic sync words are transmit-
`ted to allow reconstruction of the sync pulse format at
`the receiver. All transmitted bits are multiplexed in
`accordance with a particular format which provides
`proper alignment of the luminance and chrominance
`lines at the receiver.
`6 Claims, 16 Drawing Figures
`[52' Uos‘ Cl_________ H 1785.6. I735} R, “SIDKL 3‘
`“3595 TV
`____________ “HM7”2,H043 9302
`1.". CL _______
`[51 I
`{53] madm IIIIIIIIII HUSH} R‘Glg' DIG 3‘
`Inmla 22 DIG. 23:“. 115.4 R;
`ngu 5 Bw'
`I 55 ST 2 TV. 32558 B
`' "
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`References Cited
`Schreiber et
`Iznsn Gabbard et al.
`325133 B
`51‘ HEN
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`Apple v. PM
`PMC Exhibit 2027
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 1


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`PMC Exhibit 20
`PMC Exhibit 2027
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 2


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`Apple v. PM
`PMC Exhibit 2027
`Apple v. PMC
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`Apple v. PM
`PMC Exhibit 2027
`Apple v. PMC
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`Apple v. PM
`PMC Exhibit 2027
`Apple v. PMC
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`PMC Exhibit 2027
`Apple v. PMC
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`PIVIC Exhibit 20
`Apple v. PM
`PMC Exhibit 2027
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`Apple v. PM
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`PMC Exhibit 2027
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`PMC Exhibit 2027
`Apple v. PMC
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`Apple v. PM
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`PMC Exhibit 2027
`Apple v. PMC
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`Apple v. PM
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`PMC Exhibit 2027
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 14


`. 1
`In a conventional digital television transmission sys- '5
`tem the composite Color
`television signal would be
`sampled at a lOMHz rate and quantized to eight bits
`per sample resulting in a data rate of 80 M bits per sec-
`ond. If, a 4—phase PSK modem is used an r—f bandwidth
`of 40 MHz is required..This is the same bandwidth re- 10
`quired in an analog television transmission system using
`an FM modern.
`ln satellite cemmunications systems
`‘ major emphasis is placed on reducing the required r~f
`bandwidth needed for high quality transmission. One of
`the primary advantages of a digital transmission system
`is the ability to employ bandwidth compression tech-
`niques which cannot be used in an analog system.-
`The most relevant prior art knownis a generalized
`proposal for the study of a digital television transmis-
`sion system using bandwidth compression techniques.
`The proposal appears in a technical memorandum pre-
`pared by the assignee herein'under the direction of Dr.
`Golding; one of the inventors herein. The technical
`memorandum is entitled, "A 15 to 25 MHz Digital
`Television System For Transmission of Commercial
`Color Television," CL-3-67, Dec. 19. 1967. and is
`available from the Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific
`and Technical Information as publication PB [78993.
`The latter article represents a beginning of the research 30
`effort-culminating in the embodiment described in this
`application and contains a number 'of suggestions for
`bandwidth reduction techniques some of which were
`carried forth to a workable Embodiment by the re-
`search effort mentioned above.
`. 3 5
`. In accordance with the subject invention a digital
`television tranSmission system is disclosed in which the
`bit rate fora single televisiou channel is reduced to ap- .40
`proximately 30 Megabitsi’second. The liminance and
`both chrominance components are separated from one
`another and sampled at less than their respective Ny-
`quist rates. The samples are quantized and then con-
`verted into difference samples having further bit reduc- 45
`tion per sample. The audio is sampled at the horizontal
`line- rate and the digital representations of the video
`channels and audio are serially multiplexed into an out-
`put bit stream. Every other pair of lines ofchrominance
`is completely eliminated from the multiplexed serial bit 50
`stream but is reconstructed at
`the receiver from adja-
`cent chrominance lines which are included within the
`multiplexed bit stream. The vertical and horizontal
`sync pulses are also eliminated from the bit stream and
`are replaced by periodic sync words. However; sync
`words are not'transmi_tted for every syncpulse. The
`sync words which are transmitted are sufficient to allow
`reconstruction of the vertical: and horizontal Sync
`pulses at the receiver. The multiplexing and chromi-
`nanceir luminance alignment problems are solved by
`multiplexing and dem'ultiplexing techniques which use
`a plurality of submemories {on buffering the digital
`FIG. 1 is a general block diagram of the transmit-side
`of the digital television transmission system.
`FIG. 2 is a block diagram of the clock source shown
`in FIG. 1.
`FIG. 3 is a timing diagram illustrating the write and
`read times for the transmitter submemories.
`FIG. 4 is a block diagram illustrating the write and
`read operation of the Y submernories in the transmit-
`FIG. 5 is a block diagram illustrating-the write con-l
`trol logic for the Y submemories-in the transmitter.
`FIG. 6 is a block diagram illustrating the read control
`logicfor one of the Y submemories of the transmitter.
`FIG. 7 is a general block diagram of the receive side
`of the digital television transmission system.
`FIG. 8 is a block diagram of the receiver frame
`counter and decoder.
`FIG. 9 is a timing diagram illustrating the write and
`read times for the receiver submeniories.
`FIG. 10 is a block diagram illustrating the readi'write
`operation of the Y submemories in the receiver.
`FIG. 11 illustrates logic for deriving control signals
`for controlling certain operations in the receiver.
`FIG. 12 is a block diagram illustrating the readlwrite
`operation of the I submemories in the receiver.
`FIG. 13 is a block diagram of logic for generating
`control signals for the [submemory write sequence-
`FIG. 14 is a block diagram of logic for generating
`control signals for the l submemory read sequence.
`- FIG. 15 is a block diagram of a portion of the logic
`which connects the submemory outputs to the adder in
`the l channel of the receiver.
`FIG. 16 is a block diagram of the logic for controlling
`the selection of the adder output lines in the l channel
`of the receiver.
`A preferred embodiment of the-invention will be de—
`scribed in connection withthe transmission and recep;
`tion of a standard .NTSC color television signal. As is
`well known, the video portion of an NTSC color televi-
`sion signal includes a'luminance component, Y, and
`two chrominance components.
`1 and Q. The band-
`widths for the Y, land 0 components are, respectively,
`4.2 megahertz. 1.5 megahertz,- and‘ 0.5 megahertz.
`Also, as is well knowu. the luminance spectrumvis not
`continuous but contains energy concentrated around
`the harmonics of the horizontal line__rate, l5.73 kilo-
`hertz. The chrominance energy fills the gaps in the
`spectrum of the luminance signal. This is accomplished '
`by modulating the chrominance signal on a sub-carrier
`which is at an odd multiple of half the line frequency.
`The sub-carrier is 3.58 megahertz._
`' Referring now to FIG. I, the NTSC color T.V. signal
`and the audio are received at terminals 8 and 9 respec-
`tively. These signals are sent to-the transmission station
`of FIG._ I by a subscriber, e.g., T.V-. broadcast com-
`. pany. The signals are processed at the transmission sta-_
`tion and transmitted via a satellite to one or more re-
`ceiver stations. The audio signal is applied to sample
`circuit 40 which operates to provide pulse samples of
`the audio signal at a sample rate of i175 kilohertz.
`Each sample is thetlguantized in a quantizer means 42,
`which may be of any conventional type,to provide a 16'
`bit binary word per sample. As will be apparent to any _
`one of ordinary skill in the art, the rate at which the
`audio is sampled is greater than-the Nyquist rate and PMC Exhibit 20
`Apple v. PM
`Page 1
`PMC Exhibit 2027
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 15


`therefore is more than sufficient to provide the neces-
`sary quality for the reconstructed audio signal at the re—
`ceiver; However, it is convenient in the multiplexing
`apparatus to be described later to have the audio sam-
`pled at the horizontal line rate rather than at the lower
`audio Nyquist rate. The use of a higher sampling rate
`for the audio may seem contra to the intended purpose
`of reducing the overall bandwidth, but in general the
`audio occupies such a small portion of the bandwidth
`that doubling or tripling, etc., the sampling rate of the
`audio and increasing the number bits per sample is in-
`significant from an overall bandwidth saving viewpoint.
`A frequency interleaving technique is used on the
`video portion ofthe signal at terminal 8..Details of this
`technique are found in U.S. Pat. application number
`105.386 entitled, “Reduced Rate Sampling Process in
`Pulse Code modulation of Analog Signals,“ filed by
`Leonard S. Golding and Ronald K. Garlow on Jan. ll,
`19?] and assigned to the assignee herein. As pointed
`out in the latter mentioned patent application, certain
`types of analog signals e. g., NTSC color signals. can be
`converted into digital representations thereof by sam-
`pling the Y,'l and 0 components at less than their re-
`_spcctive 'Nyquist rates. A'n' NTSC signal lends itself to
`freq uencyinterleavcd sampling at less than the Nyquist
`rate because each component has a frequency spec-
`trum which is non-continuous and which includes con-
`centrations of energy at harmonics of the horizontal
`line frequency- Thus, by sampling the Y. [ and 0 com-
`ponents at respective odd multiples of one-half the
`horizontal line frequency, the sampling errorlenergy
`falls in the gaps between the energy concentration
`points of the desired signal and therefore can be fil-
`tered out without causing any significant degragation of
`the desired signal.
`Referring back to FIG. 1, the video signal is applie
`to a comb filter 12 which separates the luminance com-
`ponent ‘1’ from the modulated I and 0 components.
`The-luminance component Y is passed through a low-
`pass filter 14 to a sync stripper 18. The sync stripper 18
`provides the horizontal and vertical synch pulses at out-
`puts thereof and provides the luminance component Y
`absent the sync pulses at another output thereof. The
`modulated I and 0 components are applied to a chro-
`minance demodulator 16 wherein they are demodu-
`lated and provided at respective I and Q outputs from
`the chrominance demodulator. Since the modulation
`frequency is a multiple of the horizontal line frequency,
`the demodulation signal may be derived in a conven-
`tional manner from the horizontal sync pulses. The de-
`modulation frequency can be supplied from the sync
`stripper or from a clock means 20. The clock means 20
`which receives the horizontal sync pulses from sync
`stripper 18 generates a plurality ofoutput clocks which
`have frequencies that are multiples of and synchro-
`nized to the horizontal line frequency.
`The Y component from sync strip-per 18 is applied to
`sampler 22 and sampled at the rate of6.0 l 8 megahertz.
`The-latter rate is. an odd multiple of one-half the hori-
`zontal line frequency, and is less than the Nyquist rate
`for the luminance component. The I component from
`chrominance demodulator 16 is applied to sampler 24
`and sampled at the rate of [.770 megahertz The latter
`rate' is also equal to an-odd multiple of one-half the hor-
`izontal line frequency and is less than the Nyquist rate
`for the I component. The 0 component from the chro-
`minance demodulator is applied to sampler 26 and
`sampled at the rate of 0.669 megahertz. The latter rate
`is also equal to an odd multiple of oneahalf the horizon-
`tal line frequency and is less than the Nyquist rate for
`the 0 component. The samples from samplers 22, 24
`and 26 are applied respectively to conventional quan-
`tizers 28, 30 and 32. As will be well understood by any-
`one'ot‘ ordinary skill in the art, the quantizers 28, 30
`and 32 may be conventional analog to digital convert-
`ers. in the preferred embodiment, the Y samples are
`converted into 6 bits per sample, whereas the l and 0
`samples are converted into 4 bits per sample. A lower
`number of bits per sample for the l and Q signals is 'per-
`missable because those signals have a smaller ampli-
`tude range and fewer quantization levels are necessary
`to pmvide accurate reproduction of the I and Q signals
`at the receiver.
`At this point in the transmitter, the bit_rates of the
`components have already been reduced relative to that
`which would occur using conventional sampling, due to
`the frequency interleaving technique of sampling. 0b~
`viously, for a given number of bits per sample, a lower
`sample rate results in a bit rate reduction. An even fur-
`ther bit rate reduction-is provided by the use of digital
`differential DPCM apparatus with edge recoding.
`Briefly, a DPCM of the latter type receives successive
`digital samples and transmits a code representative of
`the difference betvveen the digital samples. Further-
`more, the entire range of difference levels is divided
`into a non-edge region and an edge region. The edge
`region represents those difference signals which will
`occur at the outline of figures in the T.V. picture. Nor-
`the amplitude. difference between successive
`samples is very small and falls in the non-edge'region,
`but when an edge is encountered. the amplitude differ-
`ence between successive samples will be very large. In
`the DPCM of the type mentioned above,
`the same
`group of codes is used for the edge region and the non—
`edge region and means are provided for distinguishing
`between an edge difference level and a non-edge differ»
`ence level. Additionally, bit rate reduction is further
`achieved in the DPCM of the type described by the use
`,of disjoint intervals. That is, the identical output code
`may represent more than a single difference level. but
`due to the disjoint nature of the two difference levels
`represented by the same code. only one can be correct .
`and the correct one is recognized at the receiver. For
`more detail on the DPCM using edge recording and dis-
`joint intervals reference should be made to US. Pat.-
`application number 214,271 entitled, “A Digital Dif-
`ferential Pulse Code Modern.“ 'by Kaul and Golding,
`filed Dec.
`30, 1971 and assigned to the assignee
`herein. As shown in FIG. 1, the Y DPCM receives the
`6. bit samples and provides 5 bit output words. The I
`and Q DPCM‘s receive 5 bit samples and provide 4 bit
`Following the bit rate reduction in the respective.
`DPCM devices, the Y,-I and Q signals are bufiered and,
`along with the audio and sync word. are multiplexed
`into a serial bit stream at the rate of 29 megabits per.
`second. During the buffering 'and multiplexing the
`overall bit rate is furtherrecluced by completely elimi~
`nating half of the I and 0 lines. Tests show that this can
`be accomplished without any subjective deterioration
`of the picture quality.
`The subjective quality of a television picture is best
`if the vertical and horizontal resolution is approxi-. PMC EXhibit 20
`Apple v. PM
`Page 1
`PMC Exhibit 2027
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 16


`' 6
`loop comprising phase comparative 50, voltage con-
`trolled oscillator 52. and divider 54, to provide a 29 .43
`megahertz clock. The latter clock signal controls the
`read out from the buffer memories, the sync word gen-
`erator. and the audio register, as will be described more
`fully hereafter.
`Referring back to FIG. '1, the buffering and multi-
`plexing apparatus comprises ‘1’ memory 60, 1 memory
`62, 0 memory 64, each having respective write control
`and read control circuits, serial to parallel shift regis-
`ters 78, 80 and 82, associated respectively with three
`memories, a sync word generator 86. an audio shift reg—
`ister 90, a frame counter 88, and an OR circuit 84. The
`outputs from the respective DPCM-‘s are written into
`the memories 60, 62 and 64 respectively, as received,
`under control of write control means 66, 70 and 74.
`The frame counter 88 which counts the 29 megahertz
`clock pulses (actually 29.43 megahertz) controls the
`time at which data is read from the memories 60, 62
`and 64, and the time at which the sync word is gener-
`' ated and the audio words are read out. All the data is
`applied to the OR circuit 84 resulting in_ the output se-
`rial bit stream. The timing signals from the frame
`counter are applied to read control circuits 68, 72 and-
`76 to control read out from the'rcspective memories. _
`mater the same. For any video signal the horizontal
`resolution is determined by the bandwidth. For exam-
`ple,,considering the ‘1’ component the band width is 4.2
`megahertz and the vertical and horizontal resolution is
`approximately the same. However, for the 1 and 0 com—
`ponents the reSpective bandwidths are 1.5 megahertz
`' and 0.5 megahertz. Consequently, the vertical resolt-
`uion is much greater than the horizontal resolution. We
`' cantherefore reduce the vertical resolution of the"
`chrominance signals without any real- loss in picture
`quality. It is noted that in the SECAM system used in
`French television, every other line ofl and Q is elimi— '
`nated in the normal video analog signal transmitted. in
`the present system, unlike the SECAM system, instead
`of eliminating every other I an 0 line. we eliminate
`every other pair of! and 0 lines. Thus. the first and sec-
`ond I and 0 lines are transmitted: the third and fourth .
`l and Cl lines are eliminated; the fifth and sixth are
`transmitted; the seventh and eighth l and .0 lines are
`transmitted. etc. The reason why we eliminate alternate-
`pairs is due to the particular frequency interleaving
`sampling technique mentioned above.
`The'elimihated line must be reconstructed at the re
`ceivcr. Thus; if we transmitted lines I and 3, line 2
`could be reconstructed from lines 1 and 3 by a point—
`by-point averaging technique. However. since the land
`0 components are sampled at an odd multiple of one»
`half of the line frequency, the samples in adjacant lines
`will be askew. Thus, if'one looks at l line number I, and
`1 line number 2, and particularly notes thelposition of 39
`the samples relative to the beginning of the respective
`lines, it can be seen that sample times in line 2 differs
`from-the sample times in line 1. if the first sample of
`line I; is averaged with the first sample of_line {,1 to re—
`construct—a first sample of line [2, the reconstructed
`sample will not be at the correct position of line 12
`relative to the start of line 1,. Thisproblem is solved by
`transmitting alternate pairs of-the l and. 0 lines. At the -
`receiver 1;, is recenstructed by averaging the samples
`from I. and l_-,. This is possible because lines I. 3, 5, 7
`etc.. will have their respective'samples aligned. Also, l4
`which is the second _1
`line eliminated-can be recon-
`structed from the samples of 12 and la. The actual re-
`construction willbe described in more detail in conncc~
`tion with a description of the receiver portion of the
`digital television system described herein. For the pres—
`ent, it is sufficient to understand that every other pair
`oft and 0 lines are eliminated from the transmittedbit
`stream. '
`Before describing the buffering and multiplexing up:
`paratus, reference is made to FIG. 2 which shows an ex-
`ample of the clock system 20 for'generating various _
`clock frequencies used in the transmitter apparatus. As
`shown there. the horizontal sync pulses which occur at
`the rate of 15.734 kilohertz are divided by 2 in divider
`44 resulting in. a 1.367 kilohertz clock signal. The latter
`pulses are multiplied by appropriate amounts in fre«
`quency multiplier 46 resulting in a pair of pulse streams
`at the respective clock rates of 30.09 megahertz and
`6.018 megahertz. The 6.018 megahertz clock controls
`the sampling of the Y component. The latter clock sig-
`nal is also divided by 9 in divider 58 to provide a 0.668
`. megahertz cloclg for sampling the 0 component. The
`30.09 megahertz clock is divided by 17 in divider 56 to
`provide a 1.77 megahertz clock for sampling the l com-
`ponent. The 30.09 megahertz clock is also divided by
`45 in a divider 48 and then: applied to a phase-locked
`it should be noted that the term "frame" as used
`herein refers to a transmitted frame of information and
`not to a television frame. as that term is conventionally
`used. As is well known, a conventional television signal
`has 525 lines per frame and each frame is divided into
`two fields of interlaced lines. in the preferred embodi—
`- ment described herein, a transmission frame has a du-
`ration equal to four horizontal lines of the video signal.
`During each transmission frame the following data, in
`digital form, is transmitted: one 16 bit: sync Word; four
`lines of Y data, four 16 bit audio words, two lines ofI
`data and two lines of 0 data.
`The frame counter 88 counts the 29 MHz clock
`pulses and is reset by every fourth H pulse from the '
`- sync stripper 18. As illustrated, the H pulses are applied
`to a divide-by four counter 61 whose output is applied
`via OR gate 63 to the reset input of frame counter 88.
`The resetting of the frame counter is also synchronized
`to the start of a television frame by applying every
`other V sync pulse (designated V (odd)) to the reset
`inputs of counters 61 and 88. After the initial resetting
`of counter 61 every V (odd) pulse will be in coinci-
`dence with an output pulse from counter 61. Conven-
`tional decoding means. which may be a part of the
`frame counter and which is not shown in detail. is pro-
`vided to decode desired count conditions of the frame
`counter to provide output pulses to trigger certain
`events at the desired times of each transmission frame.
`in the specific embodiment described herein, the Y '
`buffer _ memory 60 comprises 20 Y submemories Ia-
`bellcd Yul through Yam respectively. Each of the sub-
`rnemories Yes. Ym. Y“. and Y," has a capacity for stor-
`ing 62 five-bit Words. Each of the other Y submemories
`has a capacitry for storing 64 five-bit words. The stor-
`- age capacity is such that a full horizontal line of Y data
`'can be stored in submemories Yo, through Ygs. another
`full line can be stored in submemorie's Ym through Y".
`another full line can be stored in submemorics Y“
`through Y“, and still another full line can be stored in
`Y“, through Y2”. It will be noted that the double digit PMC Exhibit 20
`Apple v. PM
`Page 1
`PMC Exhibit 2027
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 17


`- 3.795.763
`As can be seen from the above table and in more detail
`Fin FIG. 3 all Y lines and every other pair of I lines are
`written into their respective memories as they are re-
`ceived from the DPCM devices. However, in the read
`out sequence the Y lines are delayed relative to the I
`and 0 lines. e.g.. Y. and Is are read out during approxi-
`mately the same period. This relative delay is necessary
`because every other pair of] and 0 lines are completely
`absent from the transmitted data. The relative delay al-
`lows the missing lines to be reconstructed at. the proper
`relative times in the receiver. The reconstruction and.
`the writel'read sequence will be described more fully in
`connection with the description of the receiver portion
`of the invention.
`Referring to the time scale in FIG. '3'. it can be seen
`that every transmission frame begins at time 5060 of
`the frame counter and the first block of data in each
`transmitted frame is a‘l6-bit sync word. Referring to
`FIG. I the sync word generator 86 is shown as receiving
`a time control input from the frame counter 88 and the
`29 MHz read out clock pulses. The time control input
`occurs at time 5060 of the frame counter. For proper
`TN. frame and field synchronization at the receiver it
`is also necessary to transmit a vertical sync word peri-
`odically. The technique used herein is to substitute a
`vertical sync word for the normal sync word once every
`two T.V. frames. The V {odd} sync pulse is appli

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