`Patent Owner.
`Inter Partes Review No. IPR2016-01520
`U.S. Patent No. 8,559,635 B1


`U.S. Patent No. 8,559,635 B1
`INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................... 1
`BACKGROUND ...................................................................................................... 2
`ARGUMENT ............................................................................................................ 4
`Remand to the Board is necessary due to intervening Federal
`Circuit precedent rejecting the Board’s construction of
`materially identical terms in a related patent. ...................................... 4
`Remand to the Board is necessary given a conflict between the
`Board’s decision and a district court’s construction of
`materially identical claim terms in the ’091 patent. ........................... 10
`PMC’s request must be considered by a principal officer ................. 15
`CONCLUSION ....................................................................................................... 15


`U.S. Patent No. 8,559,635 B1
` Page(s)
`Arthrex, Inc. v. Smith & Nephew, Inc.,
`941 F.3d 1320 (Fed. Cir. 2019) ............................................................................ 3
`Iancu v. Luoma,
`141 S. Ct. 2845 (2021) .......................................................................................... 4
`Personalized Media Commc’ns, LLC v. Apple Inc.,
`952 F.3d 1336 (Fed. Cir. 2020) ...................................................................passim
`Personalized Media Commc’ns, LLC v. Apple Inc.,
`No. 15-cv-1366, 2021 WL 2697846 (E.D. Tex. Mar. 14, 2021) .......... 2, 3, 11, 13
`PowerOasis, Inc. v. T-Mobile USA, Inc.,
`522 F.3d 1299 (Fed. Cir. 2008) .......................................................................... 15
`Proppant Express Invs., LLC v. Oren Techs., LLC,
`IPR2018-00733, Paper 95 (Nov. 18, 2021) ............................................ 2, 5, 9, 10
`United States v. Arthrex,
`141 S. Ct. 1970 (2021) ...................................................................................... 1, 4
`United States v. Eaton,
`169 U.S. 331 (1898) ............................................................................................ 15
`5 U.S.C. § 3345(a)(3) ............................................................................................... 15
`35 U.S.C. § 3(b)(2)(A) ............................................................................................. 15


`U.S. Patent No. 8,559,635 B1
`Patent Owner Personalized Media Communications, LLC (“PMC”)
`respectfully requests the Director’s review of the Board’s final written decision in
`this matter, which has been remanded from the Federal Circuit in light of United
`States v. Arthrex, 141 S. Ct. 1970 (2021). Vacatur of the Board’s decision is
`warranted based on intervening precedent, including precedent from the Federal
`Circuit, that is irreconcilable with the Board’s invalidity determination.
`First, and most importantly, intervening precedent from the Federal Circuit
`rejected the same Board panel’s construction of materially identical terms in a
`related patent. In Personalized Media Communications, LLC v. Apple Inc., 952 F.3d
`1336 (Fed. Cir. 2020) (“PMC ’091”), the Board had construed the term “encrypted”
`in U.S. Patent Number 8,191,091 (the ’091 patent) to encompass non-digital
`information. Id. at 1339. The Federal Circuit reversed because the Board had
`erroneously failed to consider the applicant’s “repeated and consistent remarks
`during prosecution,” which established that “encryption and decryption require a
`digital process in the context of the ’091 patent.” Id. at 1345. In this proceeding,
`the same Board panel adopted the same broad construction of “encrypted” in a
`related patent with the same specification. As in the decision the Federal Circuit
`reversed in PMC ’091, the Board refused to consider statements the applicant made
`during prosecution—statements that are materially identical to the ones at issue in


`U.S. Patent No. 8,559,635 B1
`PMC ’091 and that make it equally clear that encryption requires a digital process.
`In Proppant Express Invs., LLC v. Oren Techs., LLC, IPR2018-00733, Paper 95, at
`3 (Nov. 18, 2021), Director review resulted in a remand to the Board where the
`Board’s decision was “substantially similar” to one that the Federal Circuit had
`reversed. Vacatur and remand is equally warranted here.
`Second, the Board’s analysis of the priority date of claims 18, 20, 32, and 33
`rests on a construction of the phrase “unaccompanied by any non-digital information
`transmission” that is irreconcilable with the district court’s construction of a
`materially identical term in the ’091 patent. Personalized Media Commc’ns, LLC v.
`Apple Inc., No. 15-cv-1366, 2021 WL 2697846, at *3 (E.D. Tex. Mar. 14, 2021).
`Because the district court got the claim construction issue right, and because the
`issue is dispositive as to those claims, vacatur and remand is warranted.
`The Board’s final written decision in this proceeding invalidated claims 3, 18,
`20, 32, and 33 of PMC’s U.S. Patent No. 8,559,635 (the ’635 patent).1 Paper 38, at
`66. A key issue was whether claim terms relating to “encryption” and “decryption”
`were limited to all-digital processes. The Board held that the claim terms were not
`1 The Board initially denied institution on claims 3, 18, 20, 32, and 33 in IPR2016-
`00754, but instituted review of those claims in this proceeding after Apple filed this
`second petition. PMC is also seeking Director review in IPR2016-00754.


`U.S. Patent No. 8,559,635 B1
`so limited, but could also encompass analog information. Id. at 20-27. The Board’s
`decision rested on its conclusion that the prosecution history was “unclear.” Id. at
`27. Based on that claim construction, the Board held that claims 3, 18, 20, 32, and
`33 of the ’635 patent are unpatentable on anticipation or obviousness grounds.
`After the Board’s denial of rehearing, the Federal Circuit decided Arthrex,
`Inc. v. Smith & Nephew, Inc., 941 F.3d 1320 (Fed. Cir. 2019), which held that the
`Board’s structure violated the Constitution’s Appointments Clause and that Arthrex
`was entitled to a new hearing before a new Board panel. Id. at 1335, 1338-40.
`PMC appealed the final written decision to the Federal Circuit. While PMC’s
`appeal was pending, the Federal Circuit decided PMC ’091. That case arose from
`another of Apple’s IPR petitions, which was directed to PMC’s ’091 patent. That
`patent is related to, and shares the same specification as, the ’635 patent at issue
`here. The Board’s final written decision invalidated the reviewed claims of the ’091
`patent. On appeal, the Federal Circuit held that the Board misconstrued the claim
`term “an encrypted digital
`including encrypted
`information” because PMC’s prosecution statements made clear that “encryption
`and decryption require a digital process in the context of the ’091 patent.” PMC
`’091, 952 F.3d at 1344-46. The Court reversed the Board’s decision as to all claims
`containing that term, because all the asserted grounds of unpatentability relied on
`prior art that used mixed digital and analog signals. Id. at 1346.


`U.S. Patent No. 8,559,635 B1
`PMC moved the Federal Circuit to vacate and remand in light of both Arthrex
`and PMC ’091. The Federal Circuit vacated the Board’s decision, ordered a new
`hearing, and added that, “[o]n remand, the Board may also consider this court’s
`decision in [PMC ’091].” Fed Cir. No. 20-1198, ECF No. 32 (May 21, 2020).
`The Supreme Court then granted certiorari in Arthrex and vacated the Federal
`Circuit’s decision. Though it agreed that the Board’s structure violated the
`Constitution, it adopted a different remedy, holding that the statute must be read to
`permit the Director to review final Board decisions. Arthrex, 141 S. Ct. at 1987
`(plurality opinion); see id. at 1997 (Breyer, J., concurring in the judgment in relevant
`part). The Supreme Court then granted the government’s consolidated petition for
`certiorari in this case and many others, vacated the Federal Circuit’s prior ruling, and
`remanded to the Federal Circuit. Iancu v. Luoma, 141 S. Ct. 2845, 2847 (mem.)
`(2021). The Federal Circuit then remanded this case to allow PMC “to request
`Director rehearing of the final written decision[], including arguments concerning
`[PMC ’091].” Fed Cir. No. 20-1198, ECF No. 39 (Nov. 8, 2021).
`Remand to the Board is necessary due to intervening Federal Circuit
`precedent rejecting the Board’s construction of materially identical
`terms in a related patent.
`The patent at issue in PMC ’091 was closely related to the patent at issue in
`this proceeding—it involved the same inventors and the same specification, and was


`U.S. Patent No. 8,559,635 B1
`in the same patent family. The claim terms at issue in PMC ’091—“encrypt” and
`“decrypt”—are the same ones at issue in this proceeding. See Paper 38, at 20-27.
`The same Board panel construed those terms in a materially identical way in PMC
`’091 and this proceeding, concluding that those terms could cover both digital and
`analog information. Id. at 27; PMC ’091, 952 F.3d at 1339. The panel’s reasoning
`was also identical in PMC ’091 and this proceeding: Most importantly, the panel
`refused to meaningfully consider the applicant’s statements during prosecution
`because they did not “rise to the level of disclaimer.” PMC ’091, 952 F.3d at 1345;
`see Paper 38, at 27. The Federal Circuit rejected the Board’s decision in PMC ’091,
`concluding that “encrypt” and “decrypt” are limited to digital information based on
`the “decisive” nature of statements during the prosecution of the ’091 patent—
`statements that are materially identical to statements in the ’635 prosecution history.
`PMC ’091, 952 F.3d at 1345-46; see also Ex. 2012, at 1018, 1090, 1156, 1158-59,
`1231, 1294, 1330. The Federal Circuit’s decision in PMC ’091 thus requires vacatur
`of the “substantially similar” Board decision here, and a remand for reconsideration
`in light of PMC ’091. Proppant, IPR2018-00733, Paper 95, at 3.
`In PMC ’091, the Board construed the phrase “an encrypted digital
`information transmission including encrypted information” in a related PMC patent.
`952 F.3d at 1340. In concluding that “encryption” could apply to both digital and
`analog information, the Board relied heavily on the fact that encryption could be


`U.S. Patent No. 8,559,635 B1
`applied to “programming,” which can consist of either analog or digital information
`(or both). Id. at 1341-42. The Board then refused to meaningfully consider the
`applicants’ statements, during prosecution, that encryption was limited to digital
`information. Id. at 1345. According to the Board, these statements were too
`“murky” to rise to the level of disclaimer. Id.
`The Federal Circuit reversed. It first rejected the Board’s reliance on the
`application of encryption to “programming.” Id. at 1341. The fact that
`“‘programming’ can encompass” both digital and analog transmissions, the Court
`explained, “does not mean
`that ‘decrypting’ or ‘encrypted
`encompasses” analog transmissions. Id. at 1341-42. A reference to encrypted
`programming can refer to the type of programming that is, in fact, transmitted
`The Federal Circuit then rejected the Board’s dismissal of the applicant’s
`statements during prosecution. Id. at 1345. The court held that “[a]n applicant’s
`repeated and consistent remarks during prosecution can define a claim term,” even
`if they “were inadequate to give rise to a disclaimer.” Id. at 1346. The applicant in
`the ’091 prosecution had “repeatedly and consistently voiced its position that
`encryption and decryption require a digital process in the context of the ’091 patent.”
`Id. at 1345. These statements, the court held, “are decisive” in establishing that
`“encryption” and “decryption” require digital, not analog, information in that patent.


`U.S. Patent No. 8,559,635 B1
`Id. at 1346. The court therefore reversed the Board’s claim construction and related
`invalidity rulings.
`In this case, the Board construed the same terms in the ’635 patent against the
`background of a materially identical intrinsic record. And the Board’s decision
`rested on exactly the same flawed reasoning that the Federal Circuit rejected in PMC
`’091. First, the Board relied heavily on the fact that encryption is applied to
`“programming,” which can include (but is not limited to) “analog” signals. Paper
`38, at 21-22. The Federal Circuit rejected this exact reasoning: Just because
`programming can be analog does not mean that the programming being “encrypted”
`or “decrypted” is analog (as opposed to digital). PMC ’091, 952 F.3d at 1341-42.
`Second, the Board refused to consider the applicant’s prosecution statements. Just
`as the Board had dismissed the statements in PMC ’091 as too “murky” to support
`disclaimer, 952 F.3d at 1345, the Board here dismissed the statements as too
`“unclear” to support disclaimer, Paper 38, at 27. This is precisely the “legal analysis
`and conclusion” the Federal Circuit rejected in PMC ’091. 952 F.3d at 1345-46.
`In fact, the applicant’s statements during prosecution in this case are
`materially identical to—and equally “decisive” as—the statements at issue in PMC
`’091. 952 F.3d at 1346. In both cases, the statements concerned the applicants’
`efforts to avoid or traverse rejections based on prior art that involved hybrid digital
`and analog information (as opposed to pure digital information). And in both cases,


`U.S. Patent No. 8,559,635 B1
`the applicants, citing an earlier Board reexamination decision involving a different
`PMC patent (the “’536 reexamination”), explained that the reference to encryption
`and decryption avoided the prior art by limiting the claims to purely digital
`information. See Paper 38, at 17-18 (discussing PMC’s statements and its reliance
`on the ’536 reexamination).
`Specifically, the applicant in the ’635 prosecution at issue here repeatedly
`emphasized that each of the relevant claims “involves the use of digital signals either
`through reference to ‘digital’ signals or through reference to ‘encryption’ and
`‘decryption,’” terms the Board had made clear in the ’536 reexamination “are not
`broad enough to read on [analog] scrambling and unscrambling.” Ex. 2012, at 1018
`(emphasis added); compare PMC ’091, 952 F.3d at 1344 (relying on nearly identical
`statements). After the examiner rejected these claims based on prior art concerning
`scrambled analog information, the applicant again made clear that, because
`“encryption requires a digital signal,” “each of the claims involves the use of digital
`signals either through reference to ‘digital’ signals or through reference to
`‘decryption’ and ‘encryption.’” Ex. 2012, at 1090; compare PMC ’091, 952 F.3d at
`1344 (relying on nearly identical statements). When the examiner remained
`unconvinced, the applicant again distinguished the prior art, which involved analog
`scrambling, because it did not involve “encryption as encryption is a digital process.”
`Ex. 2012, at 1156. And applicants proposed amendments intended to “clarify that


`U.S. Patent No. 8,559,635 B1
`the information transmission received is an encrypted digital information
`transmission”—in contrast to the prior art, which does not “teach the encryption of
`an entire digital signal transmission.” Id. at 1158-59; compare PMC ’091, 952 F.3d
`at 1344-1345 (relying on a nearly identical amendment and accompanying
`statements). The applicant continued to make similar statements—never backing
`down—until the claims were ultimately issued. E.g., Ex. 2012, at 1231
`(distinguishing prior art that allowed for hybrid analog-digital information because
`“encryption and decryption require a digital signal”), 1294 (same), 1330 (same).
`Thus, just as the applicant in PMC ’091 “repeatedly and consistently voiced its
`position that encryption and decryption require a digital process in the context of the
`’091 patent,” 952 F.3d at 1345, the applicant here “repeatedly and consistently”
`made clear that encryption and decryption require a digital process in the context of
`the ’635 patent at issue in this proceeding.
`There is, in sum, no way to reconcile the Board’s decision in this case with
`the Federal Circuit’s decision in PMC ’091. As in Proppant, IPR2018-00733, Paper
`95, at 3, the proper course is to vacate the Board’s decision and remand for the Board
`to reconsider its invalidity determinations in light of a claim construction that
`comports with PMC ’091.


`U.S. Patent No. 8,559,635 B1
`II. Remand to the Board is necessary given a conflict between the Board’s
`decision and a district court’s construction of materially identical claim
`terms in the ’091 patent.
`Another key issue before the Board was the priority date for the relevant
`claims: PMC argued that the relevant priority date was November 3, 1981 (the filing
`date of the earliest-filed predecessor, U.S. Patent Number 4,694,490 (the ’490
`patent)); Apple argued that the ’490 application did not provide written description
`support for the challenged claims, and that the priority date was thus September 11,
`1987 (the filing date of a continuation-in-part application). Paper 38, at 8-9. That
`dispute was crucial because Apple’s prior art post-dated 1981. Id. at 8.
`For purposes of most of the relevant claims (specifically claims 18, 20, 32,
`and 33), that priority-date dispute turned on whether the ’490 application described
`the italicized limitation from claim 18: “receiving at least one encrypted digital
`information transmission, wherein the at least one encrypted digital information
`transmission is unaccompanied by any non-digital information transmission.” Paper
`38, at 13-19. And that written description dispute turned largely on what that
`italicized language means. PMC argued that it only limited the format of the
`encrypted information itself, such that the claim would read on a digital transmission
`that included analog signals like modulation, sync pulses, or analog framing signals.
`The Board, however, construed the limitation to mean that “any non-digital
`information is prohibited from th[e] transmission,” even if it is not a part of the


`U.S. Patent No. 8,559,635 B1
`“encrypted digital information transmission” at issue. Paper 38, at 13-14. The Board
`did not find written description support for its narrower reading of the claim in the
`’490 patent.
`After the Board’s final written decision, however, a district court adopted
`PMC’s construction of a materially identical limitation in the ’091 patent. In
`considering whether that limitation meant that “analog synchronization signals
`transmitted along with digital content caused the transmission to fall outside the
`scope of the claim,” the court agreed with PMC that the “unaccompanied by any
`non-digital information transmission” limitation did not preclude the presence of
`“analog synchronization signals.” Personalized Media Commc’ns, 2021 WL
`2697846, at *3-4. Only the “information that has been encrypted” must be “all-
`digital”; “non-information overhead” can be analog. Id. at *1, *4.
`Further consideration of this issue by the Board is warranted both because the
`district court’s decision was correct and the issue is almost certainly outcome-
`determinative as to nearly all of the relevant claims. On the merits, the limitation’s
`text does not require that the “at least one encrypted digital information
`transmission” be unaccompanied by any non-digital transmission, but only by any
`“non-digital information transmission.” The limitation thus limits the format only
`of the encrypted information itself, not any “non-information overhead” that may be
`transmitted along with the “information.” Id. at *1. This straightforward reading of


`U.S. Patent No. 8,559,635 B1
`the claim text is supported by the prosecution history. The limitation was added
`during prosecution to overcome a rejection based on prior art that discloses a
`standard television transmission comprising scrambled analog video and digital
`audio. Ex. 2012, at 1330-31. The amendment overcame that objection by clarifying
`the encrypted information itself must be entirely digital, but it does not prohibit non-
`information analog signaling.
`Under the district court’s construction, the ’490 patent provides written
`description support for the limitation at issue, and the 1981 priority date is thus
`warranted. The “French Chef” example using Figure 6D is a good example. Figure
`6D shows a cable transmission going through a cable converter box 222 and output
`directly to decrypter 224, then directly to printer 221. Ex. 1004, Fig. 6D. The cable
`converter box 222 has no other output; therefore, cable converter box 222 cannot
`provide any “non-digital information.” The specification uses “The French Chef”
`example to show how this works: The system allows a user to request that a recipe
`transmitted, “in encoded digital form,” to the converter box, be decrypted by the
`decrypter and then printed by the printer. Ex. 1004, 20:16-59. The relevant
`“information”—i.e., the recipe—is entirely digital, and that digital information is not
`accompanied by any “non-digital information transmission.”
`The Board’s conclusion that this figure and example did not provide adequate
`support depended entirely on its faulty construction of the “unaccompanied by any


`U.S. Patent No. 8,559,635 B1
`non-digital information transmission” limitation. The Board concluded that, while
`the recipe is all digital, nothing prevented the channel in which the recipe is
`transmitted from also encompassing non-digital material. Paper 38, at 17-18. But
`it is clear from Figure 6D that the information ultimately transmitted to the printer
`must be digital: Its only path is through a “decrypter,” and decrypters (at least in the
`context of this patent) only operate on digital information, for the reasons explained
`above. So, to the extent the Board was right that analog information could be
`transmitted along with the digital information, that analog information must be the
`type of analog “non-information overhead” that the Board thought was precluded by
`the claims, but the district court correctly held was not. Personalized Media
`Commc’ns, 2021 WL 2697846, at *1, *4.
`The Board’s
`construction of
`“unaccompanied by any non-digital information transmission” limitation also
`infected its treatment of multi-channel transmission disclosures. In multiple places,
`the ’490 patent discloses digital-only information channels as part of a multi-channel
`system. For example, Figure 2A teaches Path C is for processing a received
`transmission containing only digital information, whereas Path A and Path B are for
`transmissions with digital information embedded in a television video signal and a
`television audio signal, respectively. Ex. 1004, 6:42-7:5, Fig. 2. Similarly, Figure
`6C and the accompanying “Wall Street Week” example involve a “DIGITAL DATA


`U.S. Patent No. 8,559,635 B1
`CH.,” that undisputedly conveys only digital data, like stock information. Ex. 1004,
`18:44-68, Fig. 6C.
`The Board concluded that these disclosures were insufficient because other
`channels in the multi-channel systems were not purely digital. Paper 38, at 17. But
`that conclusion, again, rests on the Board’s faulty understanding that the presence of
`any analog information—whatever role it plays—brings a transmission outside the
`scope of the claim language. As discussed, the purpose of the claim limitation, as
`shown by its text and history, was to exclude a transmission that integrated digital
`and analog information—for instance, as in the prior art, scrambled analog video
`and digital audio. So, here, the relevant “information” for purposes of the claim is
`the digital channel itself—Path C in Figure 2A and the “DIGITAL DATA CH.” in
`Figure 6C. Ex. 1004, Fig. 2A, Fig. 6C. That information is “unaccompanied by any
`non-digital information transmission” because the information in the digital channel
`is all digital. Separate analog information transmitted in other channels does not
`accompany the information in the digital channel in the same way that analog signals
`that are not part of the relevant encrypted information do not accompany the


`U.S. Patent No. 8,559,635 B1
`Given the district court’s rejection of the Board’s prior construction, these
`issues, too, should be remanded to the panel for reconsideration.2
`III. PMC’s request must be considered by a principal officer
`The final decision in this IPR must be made by a “principal officer”—a
`Senate-confirmed Director. The official currently “performing the functions and
`duties” of Director, Mr. Hirshfeld, can begin the Director review process and order
`reconsideration by a Board panel. But a denial of relief by Mr. Hirshfeld would not
`be a final decision by a principal officer. See United States v. Eaton, 169 U.S. 331,
`343 (1898). Mr. Hirshfeld was not named by the President or confirmed by the
`Senate either to his permanent job, see 35 U.S.C. § 3(b)(2)(A), or to his temporary
`leadership role. Nor is Mr. Hirshfeld the “Acting Director” under 5 U.S.C.
`§ 3345(a)(3).
`For the foregoing reasons, the Board’s final written decision should be
`vacated and remanded to the panel for reconsideration.
`2 The Board also erred by rejecting PMC’s argument that claim 3 is entitled to a 1981
`(as opposed to 1987) priority date—a decision that rested on the Board’s conclusion
`that “programming” had a broader meaning in 1987 than in 1981. Paper 38, at 9-13.
`The Board’s decision rests on a misreading of the 1981 specification as well as a
`misinterpretation of the Federal Circuit’s decision in PowerOasis, Inc. v. T-Mobile
`USA, Inc., 522 F.3d 1299 (Fed. Cir. 2008). PMC thus reserves its right to challenge
`the Board’s priority-date ruling as to claim 3 in any remand.


`December 8, 2021
`U.S. Patent No. 8,559,635 B1
`Respectfully submitted.
`/Douglas J. Kline/
`Douglas J. Kline (Reg. No. 35,574)
`100 Northern Avenue
`Boston, MA 02210-1980
`Tel.: (617) 570-1000
`Fax: (617) 523-1231
`Counsel for Patent Owner


`U.S. Patent No. 8,559,635 B1
`I hereby certify that Patent Owner’s Request for Director Review complies
`with the page-count limitation of Arthrex Q&As No. A8, because it does not exceed
`fifteen pages, excluding the cover page, signature block, and the parts of the
`document exempted by 37 C.F.R. § 42.24(a)(1).
`December 8, 2021
`Respectfully submitted.
`/Douglas J. Kline/
`Douglas J. Kline (Reg. No. 35,574)


`U.S. Patent No. 8,559,635 B1
`The undersigned hereby certifies that the foregoing document was served
`electronically via e-mail on this December 8, 2021, as follows:
`Marcus Sernel
`Joel Merkin
`Eugene Goryunov
`Gregory Arovas
`Alan Rabinowitz
`Counsel for Petitioner
`/Douglas J. Kline/
`Douglas J. Kline (Reg. No. 35,574)

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