`to te
`s ion
`ing t
`5. ?5
`!.ar I
`t t
`I :
`Reprinted from
`CoPYright o 1gB3 bY M' Maqusi
`! o r d a n ! n te r n ati o n a I E ! e ct r i c al an cl E I e ct r o n i c- E n gi n e e r i n g
`/vrvurr " --
`April 25-28' 1983' pp 104-107
`K. R. Rao
`Conierence Proc
`A state of the art revlehr of cading of color TV
`ii t-ni" raPidlv ernersins
`...iur, ProsPects ""u;;;;;;;'
`techniques' ideas and
`:eld are outlined' *;;;;"'
`e:|. ds for achievinn u.J""*tesslon.are
`by various researchers'
`:rulation studles, "..ii"a-"ui
`uv-li'" conrlictins requirements
`f hieh sublective quaritv an'l lov' b:: t:::: are re-
`."*"il -..i"cs that':i i:i:::'*:1 '["ffi:X'""":i ::'
`: develoPment stage al
`ieveloping international standards for digltal trans-
`-:ssion of cotor tt"ges-are discussed' zurther re-
`;earch topics anO potential growth for the c€des are
`)'rt1 ined.
`Digital proeessing of lnrages both for slolage 6nd
`:ransrisslon nas leconl ;^P;;;i;"l
`:e, 3?, 38-{5,so-53,64-;l:'riii t'"".b'ul-"-:l^urated bv
`logic circuitry' high
`.-}.e develoPments in utniitf-tiu
`t;: ";; ; i;;;i r" r:,*fui**:i,iiiil":":ii:oilu,n
`the three
`Xl';,llili"liLif.";;l Jn*'"'"ion b€::u:n
`brcadcasr erandards ,fiil ,_iio_"* :rqyl _is nuch sim_
`both satelllte and
`=ter. As such tt"n"tilllln'rtJ;;
`*inq--.i"' argit"r fornat f or lnage
`:errestrial , "'"
`for dlgltal
`!"t lflf"t"nt appll-
`!ransBissj.on "nu ".orlii""i-r*r"r
`cat j.cns are being rotiiititu- f t6'zll ' - some et'rndards
`lave alreadv lt"n "ut*lil--rr'"i"'1" 1-:"::I a prolifera-
`incrude broadast T1"
`re:rn deveroPed' ^oo'ii"i't""-aieas
`;! i ; :";;;;;;;. r ",t g,ii3*ij:'=*S:?';l3fl l',!iEl_
`:*:.:fi '':ii:: .;;;*yl::i:t"T:':if :
`In lost c€
`3E--a etc.
`sone cases
`r::-e receive! (and oi-'i-"n"ly"tr)''r'hile-in
`u""a' Thusf varled classes
`s"achine inletPretltiil-i"
`cf Fictures "t"
`r fl ""tion' -identif
`:r bus iness at"n'o"tilii'
`enhanc€$ent' Proble$s
`:ren, recognition' riite"ing ""a
`;t" not lnsulnountable'
`*:a hence ttre researli;;;;
`R€seerch and devetopilni-i" arr"cted roainlv at si4ri-
`r, ;;' ;";* l: :l :r;: :i;:*ilu"l$"I1":,'l:
`:::;1.;'il:":ll:iil;;''*'!-i"ei"a"ti""r' rhe object
`.t ::.', paper ls * ;:'Jl';";I-ltii"-or-the-art ln diei-
`i;: :l.r*i:-:;;:1":,*"*i::#J':n''
`r, ".! "'"
`. ",
`areas that need to b€
`Diqltal transDis6ion of lnages
`.."o=li'ilil"'iati' tll (and !r8o the
`lte Presented ln
`Tl:* ci.i nj.ons and cotlt€ntE
`lf any, is PurelY
`x::.r exi,austive and omisslon'
`of the author in this
`fre 1d.
`n€cessitates 1n-
`cost) conPAted to
`this PaPer tre
`unintentional .
`;";";;';; ":":;"::::i n-i:::i::'u"il:"'.il"i;5::i:t
`alqorithuns that resutc t".:::':::
`t"a"ctlon, hthile
`;il;"il;^; ;:y.::::,:;:l:: ::'.';iilil: rhe redun-
`keeping the ibage tlP:t'T:"::^-L-xl."arv
`classified as
`lli""v-i"u"".i:"'::Tili;""::""f .:'"?illl i;,., t, I r, re,
`psychovisual (Tt::P::;'#i
`iil.r" as the ht.u,"n vlsu-
`5s l . rhe f orT oer t".T;";;;dersr"ndi.g
`. rn contrsst '
`and the utlliza-
`ar Eysten ':q"i'::_::;l'i"'.;;i;1".d
`:f"t::'il"t1'illilii';-;la aiaptive r:'::::' rs'r4-r?r
`;:''i"-;.;;;.; i :t::'.:lii"*":* ;:":,xH::i"llu"'
`i[,:^i::il:i::Ei.:f :,H:il*"*t :::i ::.:Y';$l;: :
`several soPhisticated al9arr!.rux- i:.;-;" a reductlon in
`ln these areas uirr lead to a
`or the Processine hardware'
`In general Che data corrpression t::Td= are based
`i"r. .:.:: ::iljlitii::: :,lllilliilll, "i,=
`o^ "puiiti.
`:[:"JX''::ll:3''":']il;i-p;;;;"'" lnvo]v€s predic-
`tion of the Present ;:;-(;i"i;t"-erene11l ba6ed on Pre-
`whereas the
`vious p€l ot "o"'li"tllo"'ii-pt"ur""?-!:l:'
`li"'tr""s naPPlng^the data ln
`transfont technlque iiil
`tnto another do-
`the Epatial r"na or"j'ii;;;;i
`Fourier tr$sfofinrtion
`nain (uost corlson ""Lpit'i"-the
`n: ;;;;"; I::-*;:ffi:i:HI"':f lll *:::':il:"""-
`cldtns rs obvioue-
`:H.i:.T::';H:::' ""i;5^ii"-ivuiru
`ln tltt"-tr
`iu " -tptoolise
`ri'e'" ptl^"""t"I" inr'"t"ntty' 11""t" varlous
`r'd "o"t".
`tna'ihannel encoders'
`Bt.qes auch as n"t""i""tl-"oii""
`can be rixed or adaP-
`nuliiplexars etc' ;:;'";;;;;
`AdlPatlve features lnhetently in:::?"" the coo-
`t"n regurt ln b€tter
`plexltv and the *"itl-ltl'-lf'"y
`rendition of the t";l";;t;;i'rnt"g""'-
`h"s'L"n deveroP€d
`codins based on *ti;;";;;iliion
`123-29,31-361?,str'-"t'ition conpensated' coding (Pre-
`to vierd
`transform "t titiir-i"'"'f"l-:f*
`'reai"tl"n at the' srme Plcture qu!I'
`ldditlonal uit rate
`ltv or lnproved ot"riii-"i-the aarne-bit-rate' Another
`fr;xtbrlity orterea-li'rctlon Predliction ie lnterpola-
`here-rre tt b€ BUP-
`tlve codlng. rn" .oi""" "*rgg.rt"a
`!8 EPatlo-t.raporal
`olernented'r*' p'"plllll"lii'"u"i'
`;ti"L3-dlgltal {ADc)
`irrt"," 163r, rorr ;:fil;';,
`converters etc" ani'io"l p"ot"""ots 8u:h as DAc etc"
`not to Eention tn"'""oili-ni"i"a rot Y::1"u" aync sln-
`'rli"1r."l -irane
`' tine ' f ield etc' 1 t66l '
`Digital processing as described here is appllcable
`tmages' For the llttcr'
`to both Eonochrome "ni'"Jiot
`ln coaPosite
`lrowever' additionar ";t;;;;'";;-iroce"si"9
`or co.,ponent ro"" nl]ioi,- *:t::::H"5"LH:'"^
`or coGlPonenE rernrD PvtrY-ii"
`l"*n developed b.Bed on
`carrled out and har'lw'
`prper 16 bY no
`the incornplete
`those of the author
`This omission' 1f
`alone. Thls
`any, reflects
`Page 1


`JOnDAn nrfnxATtgltl! flteTlreAl lttacTtoxlc:XelNGIlilG COtttERrl{C:, lPell l5-tl,lrl3, AttAlt-JOiOAil'
`the dlscrete cosr'ne trlnsforb (DCf) it rnolher chal-
`lenslng *o"1 t6tl.
`HardHare, State-of-th€-Art
`To dltgltally tran6nit netuork quality color TV
`slgr,ais eeieral lodecst have been developed' These are:
`fransmlsston nrte {t'lBPs)
`both foros of color lnages. It lr horevst' noteYorthy
`to nentton lt thls polnt thlt th! T.IevlsJon translri6-
`sion loint ColdtitteG (c}tfr)'ot th€ CtI1F!,/CCIR has for-
`rnulated the standarits for broadcact rtudlo (ln plant)
`ploce6sln9 of color lDlgo8 [20,2I1 : qT"^s" Procsss-
`ing the" ln c'oq)onant f,or:rn nlth {r2:2 and 4:4:l
`le glven to the f,oraer shich I'o-
`opilon". niiority
`piles that the ga'nlrling frcgucncles are I3'5 t'trlz and
`'g,fS unt for thc ltpdnance Y and for th€
`tuo e'olor dlf-
`fcrence slgnals E-y anat R-Y. Detallg as to s'npling
`structure itcr can be forurd elsewhere [20,211' stan-
`dards for dtgital transnisslon of lnages for netrprk
`rre being developed'
`broadcasting anal t€l€conferenclng
`This howevei, has not hanpered the deveto;mnt of hrrd-
`ware {codacs} for €1ther of the lrPpllcltlon6' DeveLop-
`Bent of these codecs has been llnlted to l'SA, Canadar
`It 13 t'o8slblo thlt elnlJ'ar
`lnd JlP.n.
`Heetern E\Eop€
`developuent nay h in the offing in Russla and other
`noncofrualst countrl€r but no spoclfle lnfo$atlon 18
`Becauss of the tht.6 dlfforant color tehvlslon
`svstems ln the norld (HTSC, PA! and SEC}}I) converslon
`froro one rtaadard (525-llne gsrn, 60 Hz nnd 625-11ns
`gcan, 50 8z) to rnother PottE goEc problus' This can
`be rnlnlniuad if the cntlre systans becooes dtlgttal t'e'
`fron the front 3nd of thc cr'utra to the recelver' An-
`other relltcd but trangltory problclr la developlng the
`ctlndards for dlgltal tnnsnlsglon of fV Blgnlla for
`varloug appllcatiena. Hopcfu1ly these ltrndrrds cra b€
`aet fairly eoon, 80 thlt codecE rcettDg such 3trndrtds
`lnathor problea I! con-
`cln be dellgnea rnd bultt'
`cerncil rlth tlrs cmrglng h19h dten.tty fi/ tHglv, l22l'
`A6 l$96 acrisnB ara belng ug€d b publle areas. trt le
`aBsential to go lnto hlgh roaolutlon {1100-1500 llne
`scrn s&Parad to the arlatlng 625 llnc lcan) tV slglfuls'
`lecaure Lf tf,c lrrg€ blndrdidth (2?-30 l0lrl roqulr€d
`iltgltal transulsrlon of thla
`ttr" nm,l analog rltrut,
`eignal rcgulrui Progorll'onrtely lncrcaaed banth'ldth'
`soifrf stf cttett &ta c\o4)3.3rlon t.chnlques, perhapa rlth
`thc-bandvldth to
`taige aemrtrlr lrc rcqulrad to rcduc€
`ceoionlcal lewlr, not t'o mnt.lon th€ Problce o! croud-
`lng the sFctrlE.
`Decorlalatlon !n the taBFoill doElin hls to !'t
`thl6 rsguireg
`been llnlted tD raljac.nt llelds/framg'
`(2-3 lG./frra:) as a Elnlnun'
`8ingl6 flelVfrara 3torag€
`If the
`[tion pr.dlctlon alao regulrcr ruch . rtorlge'
`full bcnelttl of trantfora co6lng of a raquanca of
`lrama rrc to be ar9loltod, thcn lcveral frencg need to
`bs rttrod. Sucb a lErge blgh rpeod nercry, aay about
`to ,i[cr€aa€d @9t3, slte and porer' Evo-
`50 l,lB, l€rd8
`lutton of 256 fS Rlll clrl partly ellevlate tblr Probl€t$'
`Although a nunber of Dtlon co4)ensatlon t€chnlques
`have bsen dteveloped, to the luthor'l knovledge, only
`one codec uttllaing ptlon predlctlon has been bullt
`and ls ln the Procoas o! belng glrcad ln the larket
`l24l . Sotl€ of thc rtJoa prrdlctlon .|lgollthnt are
`L""a on largc nrubrlr o! ltoratlons (cooputatlons) [29] '
`to hplerent thesc
`toglc rp$dr rro nrac€astry
`algorllhns ln rcal tloe. Ariothe! regearch area ls the
`aulfgn and devel'op'oent of .prtio-t$nPoral fllters
`vhich can lead !o reduced fraoe rate f,or plcturephone
`thrt n.eds-further ltten-
`appllcatlon. lnothGr llP€ct
`tion fg tire sub-Nygullt ra.qllng [57] vlth aPPropriate
`to rcrcve the altarcd frequenclca' Extenrlon
`of the C-Iatrlr trantforD (Clll') bcyond lr-16 t.o',
`rs good !3
`a.32,64,!28 ctc., vhlch can perfora llr3t
`HO-DPCI.I {58
`NrlEC - 22H
`DCc{lvA-coil lnc.}
`oKI E1oc. Industry Co.
`cor'rsAt (c€Drr)
`Several c-odec6 (listed below) for teleconferencingr
`lrave been develoPed'
`Iransnission Rrte (!r9!qL
`NETEC - 6/3
`NgrEc - xl
`ws 1.5
`2/r. s
`GEC - ilclrichael (lttC)
`rTr (rRrDEc I.5)
`OKI EIec. Industry Co.
`Variable Bit Area
`cor'rsAT {DrCE}
`Nippon Hoso x)tokal
`tlro codecB for trtnsmltting lnages frorn rcrmtely pi-
`litea-veclfcle (RPv) have been developedl' sorne of
`thsae ar€r
`Datr lute
`3.6 - 921.6 IGPS 148,50-531
`Not rvallable
`B.rrls CorP
`ls underway for very low blt rate trnsmisaion
`trhle ls dlrected rt developtng tbe c'od€cs for
`iii."oni"t"nce and plcturephone aervices.vith bit ratcs
`KBPs- (basic voice channer) or rt leaat'
`tnultlPle of 64 KBPs' At these low bit
`iates, eiure funPalr$ents rnay have to be tolerrted'
`iere ls-to rchleve loe tlrnshisslon costs !t
`of the lnase fidelltv'. Hoyevar' the baslc
`ln the lrnaie neetta to be Praacrvsd'
`ln lntc-
`Thl1e lnhersntty there a!€
`ron€ Probl€!06
`aratinq the dlfferent T1' ltrndardg and also dlfferent
`itin"il"tron hicralchlc'' uuch progress haa
`ln deslgnlng and devaloping thc hrrdi{are
`ior tte digltal codecs' icleconferanclng appllcation
`to'be uuch rcre rapld ln vlcv of thr v'8t &tr-
`iiri tr,.t Ii€8 ahetd. once the Etrndlrdo tor the ntt-
`for color !'it arc foroulat€d' codacs for
`rlll b€ utitlzsd to r grortcr 'xtent
`than ai present. Neverthel€ss, codecE for broadcaat
`fl,r have already been designed and bullt' Predlctlvc'
`lransfors, antl hybrid coding haa becn adrFte'l for
`aihievlng the data c'o.preaeton' l{ore-reccntly Ftlon
`-under the scrut''ny of leveral
`conp.neailon hrs cone
`,""'"at"ft.t". With thls tool addltional blt tlte re-
`iuction can be achicved' Another locus of lcsearch la
`tt.o"ion conpenslt€d codtng.
`tsooe of thls dat! lr c.ollected froar the brochureg dtlstriluted !t the tecturical axhlbitB.
`Page 2

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