
`United States Patent 09)
`pens et al,
`[11] Patent Number:
`Jan, 1, 1991
`[45] Date of Patent:
`3417143 11/1984 Fed. Rep. of Germany.
`Inventors: William A, Frezza, Warminster;
`Richard D. Conover, Richboro, both
`of Pa.; David Kaufman, Torrance,
`Assignee: General Instrument Corporation,
`New York, N.Y.
`Appl. No.: 726,676
`Apr. 24, 1985
`ion .. HO4L 9/00
`Ant CID iss aecasiiaicisniniicn
`NSTC scceverscasvcietsctsmmeacisemncsurccars 380/50; 380/10;
`380/25; 358/84; 358/86; 455/2; 455/5; 455/6
`Field of Search ..
`. 371/34, 53; 358/84,
`358/86, 122; 364/200,900; 178/22.09; 380/9,
`10, 23, 24, 25, 59, 50; 455/2-6
`References Cited
`» 371/34
`3,605,091 Q/1971 Tong
`. 371/34
`3,805,234 4/1974 Masters .......
`were JTL/34
`1/1976 Dulaneyetal.
`-» 364/900
`4,051,326 9/1977 Badagrani et al...
`4,054,911 10/1977 Fletcheret al.
`.......ccccccsesee 358/86
`1/1978 Mergenthaler etal.
`6/1979 Barnes et al.........
`9/1982 Gregoire et al.
`..0....cece 371/34
`5/1984 Thomas ...............
`wee 364/200
`8/1985 McNamara et al............... 358/122
`9/1981 European Pat. Off.
`0106213 4/1984 European Pat. Off.
`IBM Technical Disclosure Bulletin, vol. 23, No. 1, Jun.
`1980, pp. 232-234, IBM Corp., New York, U.S.; R. F.
`Cantor: “Encrypted Message Check Bits as Intelligent
`ID Card Signature”.
`AFIPS Conference Proceedings—1979 National Com-
`puter Conference, New York, 4th-7th 1979, vol. 48, pp.
`821-829, AFIPS Press, New Jersey, U.S.: H. M. Wood,
`et al.: “Access Control Mechanisms for a Network
`Operating System.”
`IBM Technical Disclosure Bulletin, vol. 27, No. 4B,
`Sep. 1984, p. 2681, IBM Corp., New York, U.S.; R. E.
`Abernathyet al: “Access Protection Mechanism”.
`Primary Examiner—Stephen C. Buczinski
`Assistant Examiner—Bernarr Ear] Gregory
`Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Barry R.Lipsitz
`Apparatus and a method are disclosed to enable on-line
`modification and upgrading of terminal software in a
`communication network while maintaining theintegrity
`of communication between a service provider and a
`subscriber using the network. Software is downloaded
`on a booter channel on the communication network. A
`subscriber terminal, coupled to the network initiates a
`communication with the network to receive down-
`loaded booter data. The downloaded data is stored, and
`a checksum is computed from at least a portion of the
`downloaded data. The checksum is tested for validity,
`and control of the subscriber terminal is released to the
`downloaded software only if the checksum is valid.
`12 Claims, 3 Drawing Sheets
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`US. Patent
`Jan. 1, 1991
`Sheet 1 of 3
`FIG. f
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`US. Patent
`Jan. 1, 1991
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`US. Patent
`Jan.1, 1991
`_ Sheet 3 of 3
`FIG. 3
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`This invention relates to digital communicationutiliz-
`ing a communication network, for example a two-way
`cable television (CATV) network.
`Communication networks providing for bi-direc-
`tional communication are well-known. An example of
`such a network, embodied in a CATV communication
`system, is provided in commonly assigned co-pending
`U.S. patent application Ser. No. 06/373,765, filed Apr.
`30, 1982, now U.S.Pat. No. 4,533,948 entitled “CATV
`Communication System”, and incorporated herein by
`reference (hereinafter, “the co-pending application”).
`The pending application referred to discloses a com-
`munication network built around frequency agile
`modems accessing multiple medium speed (128 kbp/s)
`channel pairs which are frequency division multiplexed
`into the available RF spectrum. Each channelpair com-
`prises an upstream communication channel and a down-
`stream communication channel. Each channel can carry
`a plurality of different signals through well known
`channel sharing techniques, such as that known as
`“CSMA/CD”and described in the copending applica-
`tion. This approach, as contrasted with the high speed
`(10 Mbp/s) baseband approach which is inherently
`distance limited, is not only compatible with standard
`CATV systems but has the geographic reach to cover -
`even the largest CATV trunk runs (up to 30 miles).
`Various applications are envisioned for such commu-
`nication networks. Such applications include consumer
`or commercial services such as home banking, elec-
`tronic mail and newspapers, shop at home,andthelike.
`A provider of such services can couple its computers to
`the communication network so that the services can be
`accessed by a subscriber using an appropriate terminal
`(“subscriber terminal”) coupled to the network.In pro-
`viding such services,it is essential that security be pro-
`vided. For example, a home banking customer must be
`able to accomplish transactions without divulging his
`personal identification number or other password to an
`intruder who may be monitoring the communication
`A subscriber terminal may take several different
`forms, ranging from one with no intelligence to a
`“smart terminal” with the ability to complete various
`tasks locally. Smart terminals are desirable because they
`can relieve the communication networkandits associ-
`ated controllers from tasks which do notrelate strictly
`to the provision of communication services. The operat-
`ing system, communications protocol software, display
`package, and user interface software for the smart ter-
`minal can be provided on a disk or other storage me-
`dium used with the terminal, can be fixed in read only
`memory (ROM)installed in the terminal, or down-
`loaded into random access memory (RAM)each time
`the terminal is powered up. The latter approachis ad-
`vantageous in that system software can be modified, and
`each newrelease distributed via one of the channels of
`the communication network to each subscriber termi-
`nal. This approach enables a system operator to upgrade
`the software in literally hundreds of thousandsof termi-
`nals merely by providing new software to be down-
`loaded via the communication network. Thus, terminal
`products can evolve in place, rather than being made
`obsolete by changing market demands. An additional
`benefit of this approachis the ability to page individual
`software modules off of network channels on demand,
`reconfiguring subscriber terminals to optimally support
`a wide variety of diverse applications depending on
`what a given subscriber desires to do at a particular
`A potential problem may arise, however, with the
`downloading of software into subscriber terminals. In
`particular, a system intruder could download fraudulent
`software into a subscriber terminal, which data would
`be used to take control of the terminal without knowl-
`edge by the system operator or the subscriber. The
`intruder could then access a subscriber’s bank account,
`shop at home account, or conduct other transactions
`and thereby steal funds, goods, and services.
`It would be advantageous to provide a communica-
`tion network which enables software to be downloaded
`into subscriber terminals without opening the network
`to intrusion by an unscrupulousthird party. The present
`invention relates to apparatus and a method for provid-
`ing such a communication network.
`In accordance with the present invention, apparatus
`is provided for enabling on-line modification and up-
`grading of terminal software in a communication net-
`work, while maintaining the integrity of communica-
`tion between a service provider and a subscriber using
`the network. The apparatus includes booter means for
`downloading software via the communication network.
`A subscriber terminal, coupled to the communication
`network, includes meansfor initiating a communication
`with the network to receive data downloaded from the
`booter means, meansfor storing data downloaded from
`the booter means, and means for computing a checksum
`from at least a portion of data downloaded from the
`booter means. Means are also provided for testing the
`checksum for validity, and releasing control of the sub-
`scriber terminal
`to software downloaded from the
`booter means only if the checksum is valid.
`The subscriber terminal can further include a secret
`encryption key. Network control center means is pro-
`vided for maintaining a record of the secret encryption
`key, whereby encrypted communication between the
`subscriber terminal and the network control center
`means can take place with the encryption based upon
`the secret encryption key. The checksum computed by
`the subscriber terminal can be encrypted using the se-
`cret encryption key and communicated over the com-
`munication network to the network control center
`means. Means associated with the network control cen-
`ter decrypts the encrypted checksum to enableverifica-
`tion thereof.
`Alternately, the network control center means can
`store a valid checksum corresponding to data down-
`loaded from the booter means. This checksum can be
`encrypted with the secret encryption key, and commu-
`nicated to the subscriber terminal via the communica-
`tion network. The subscriber terminal would then de-
`crypt the encrypted checksum and determine whether
`it matches the checksum computed by the subscriber
`A methodis provided in accordance with the present
`invention for preventing unauthorized parties from
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`infiltrating and controlling a communication networkin
`which a booter image is downloaded to subscriber ter-
`minals. A portion of data is embedded in a booter image
`for use in computing a checksum. The booter imageis
`downloaded into a subscriber terminal, and a checksum
`computed. The proper checksum which should result
`from the booter imageis also computed. The checksum
`computed by the subscriber terminal is compared to the
`proper checksum and controlof the subscriber terminal
`is released to the downloaded booter image onlyif the
`checksums match. The checksum computation data can
`be changed ona periodic basis to frustrate efforts by an
`intruder to outsmart the system.
`FIG. 1 is a block diagram of a communication net-
`work embodying the present invention;
`FIG. 2 is a more detailed block diagram of a commu-
`nication network in accordance with the present inven-
`tion illustrating the threat posed by a system intruder;
`FIG.3 is a flow chart illustrating the checksum verifi-
`cation routine used in the apparatus and method of the
`present invention.
`FIG.1 is a block diagram of a communication net-
`work 8 (which, for purposes ofillustration, is a cable
`television network) embodying the present invention. A
`video headend 12 is coupled to the network to transmit
`television signals. The network shownis a single hub
`tree-and-branch cable system which achieves two-way
`connectivity through an intelligent headend packet
`repeater called a data channel access monitor (DCAM)
`10. The DCAM maps upto fifty 300 KHz wide, 128
`kbps upstream data channels into an equivalent number
`of downstreamdata channels, thereby transforming two
`unidirectional physical data paths into a single bi-direc-
`tional logical data path. These channels are then used as
`a global bus byall devices on the network, which can
`tune their modems to any given channel pair. Packets
`transmitted upstream by any terminal coupled to the
`network are received by DCAM 10, demodulated to
`clean up accumulated noise, checked for valid authori-
`zation headers via a table look up, and retransmitted on
`the associated downstream channel (assuming a prop-
`erly encrypted authorization code is present). The re-
`transmitted packet is received by all devices currently
`tuned to that channel, but is only accepted and decoded
`by the particular device to which it is addressed. Thus,
`full point-to-point communication can be achieved be-
`tween any two locations on the cable system.
`Multiple data sessions can share a single data channel
`using a standard contention scheme such as CSMA/CD
`(carrier sense multiple access with collision detection),
`which efficiently distributes
`the available channel
`throughput withoutsacrificing instantaneous transmis-
`sion speed or response times.
`A network control center (NCC)22 is responsible for
`taking the raw communication capability of the net-
`work and organizing and managing it. For example,
`NCC22 handles thebilling of subscribers who use the
`network. Further, NCC 22establishes sessions between
`host computers operated by service providers and sub-
`scriber terminals by assigning data channels to be used
`for each session. An authorization checkis also pro-
`vided by NCC 22 to ensure that the users requesting
`service are, in fact, valid subscribers with paid-up ac-
`counts. Another function of NCC 22 is to distribute
`traffic among the available channels, and to keeptraffic
`statistics. NCC 22 can be located anywhere on network
`8, and does not have to be trunked into the headend.
`A host computer 20, typically operated by a service
`provider, gains access to network 8 via Xgates 16, 18
`which provide a standard X.25 interface to the host
`computer’s front end while transparently transforming
`all data traffic into the internal protocols used on the
`network Xgates can also be used to couple the network
`into long haul packet networks. An Xgate 30 is shown
`in FIG. 1 for this purpose. Such capability provides
`access to national data services such as those offered
`under the trademarks The Source and CompuServe. The
`network can be further expanded through links, such as
`link 32, for interconnection with other network hubs.
`An additional network componentprovidedin accor-
`dance with the present invention is booter 14 whichis a
`one-way transmitter. This unit cyclically transmits up to
`fifty 300 KHz wide 128 kbps data streams composed of
`either downloaded software or actual
`“frames” for display on subscriber terminals. The one-
`way booter channel, like the two-way channels, is ac-
`cessed by the terminal under software control via
`proper tuning ofan integral modemin the terminal. One
`or more booter channels are reserved fordistribution of
`the basic terminal operating software. The remaining
`channels on the network are available to authorized
`service providers who can upload information orsoft-
`ware products over the cable system for continuous,
`load independentdistribution.
`Theprovision of booter 14 provides a unique capabil-
`ity in the design of terminal products; namely,all termi-
`nals coupled to the network can be entirely software,
`rather than firmware based. The terminal operating
`system, communications protocol software, display
`package, and user interface software are all downloaded
`from booter 14 into RAM in the terminal each time the
`terminal is powered up. This differs significantly from
`prior art systems wherein such software was perma-
`nently burned into ROM. In the present system, each
`new release of system software is distributed from
`booter 14 via an appropriate booter channel, makingit
`possible for a system operator to upgrade the software
`in subscriber terminals remotely.
`An example of a subscriber terminal is the personal
`computer 26 coupled to network 8 through a subscriber
`access unit (SAU) 24. The SAU is an intelligent, fre-
`quencyagile 128 kbps modem.It allows the connection
`of a customer owned terminal or personal computer via
`a standard RS-232 or backplane connection, depending
`on the configuration. Additional subscriber terminals,
`or other components such as host computers can be
`coupled to network 8 through any of the various nodes
`28 illustrated.
`The provision of a booter for downloading software
`into subscriber terminals has the drawbackthat a system
`intruder could download fraudulent software over the
`network, which data would be used to take control of a
`subscriber terminal without knowledge by the system
`operator or the subscriber. With such control, the in-
`truder could access various subscriber accounts to con-
`duct transactions not authorized by the subscriber. The
`invention prevents an intruder (‘attacker’)
`from taking control of subscriber terminals.
`FIG. 2 shows how an attacker mighttry to take con-
`trol of a subscriber’s accounts. A communication net-
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`work 38 includes an upstream channel 42 and down-
`stream channel 44. A packet repeater 40 is provided to
`repeat data from upstream channel 42 on downstream
`channel 44. Legitimate booter 46 is coupled via a one-
`way path 58 to downstream channel 44 and transmits a
`legitimate booter image to be received by subscriber
`terminals. A subscriber terminal 52 is shown coupled to
`network 38 via path 70 (coupled to upstream channel
`42) and path 72 (coupled to downstream channel 44). A
`network control center (NCC) 48 is coupled to up-
`stream channel 42 via path 62, and downstream channel
`44 via path 64. Similarly, service node 50 is coupled to
`upstream channel 42 via path 66, and downstream chan-
`nel 44 via path 68.
`In normal operation, network 38 operates as de-
`scribed above in connection with network 8 of FIG.1.
`However, an attacker might attempt to infiltrate the
`system by coupling an attacker booter 56 to the down-
`stream path 72 of subscriber terminal 52 via path 60.
`Without some means ofsecurity, fraudulent software
`could be downloaded from attacker booter 56 into sub-
`scriber terminal 52, enabling the attacker to take control
`of the terminal. Software downloaded by an attacker
`could be used to determine passwords and other rele-
`vant data for accounts belonging to the subscriber.
`Then, using an accomplice terminal 54 (coupled to
`upstream channel 42 via path 74 and downstream chan-
`nel 44 via path 76) the attacker could access the sub-
`scriber’s accounts to steal funds, goods, and services.
`In orderto preventsuch intrusion by an attacker, the
`present invention provides an apparatus and method for
`securing booter channel communication. The security
`arrangement is best described by referring to the flow
`chart of FIG.3.
`When a subscriber terminal is powered up as shown
`at box 80, a ROM based program tunes the terminal’s
`modem to the booter channel for the network,as illus-
`trated at box 82.
`At this point, booter data will be downloaded into the
`subscriber terminal’s RAM as indicated at box 84. At
`box 86, a checksum is computed from the downloaded
`data, or at least a portion of the downloaded data. The
`checksum can be computed using a cyclic redundancy
`code algorithm (CRC) well-known in the art. For ex-
`ample, a CRC-16 or CRC-24 algorithm can be used to
`compute the checksum. The computation of checksums
`in accordance with such algorithms is explained in de-
`in Tanenbaum, Andrew S., Computer Networks,
`Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1981, pages 128-132. Other check-
`sum computing algorithms could alternately be used.
`After the checksum has been computed, an encrypted
`communicationis established with the network control
`center, as shown at box 88. Encryption can be based
`upon a secret encryption key (“‘secret node key”)
`unique to the subscriber terminal which computed the
`checksum. The use of secret node keys and encrypted
`communication based thereon is disclosed in the co-
`pending application referred to above.
`Briefly, in such an arrangement the network control
`center maintains a record of the secret encryption key
`of the subscriber terminal and uses the key for encrypt-
`ing communications to the subscriber terminal and de-
`crypting communications from the subscriber terminal.
`Similarly, the subscriber terminal uses the secret en-
`cryption key to encrypt communications to the NCC
`and decrypt communications from the NCC.
`At box 90, the checksum is tested for validity. The
`validity test can be made at the subscriber terminal, at
`the network control center, or at a separate test facility
`-coupled to the communication network. If the sub-
`scriber terminal is to perform the checksum test, the
`correct checksum for the downloaded booter image
`will be transmitted to the subscriber terminal in en-
`crypted form from the NCC. The subscriber terminal
`will then decrypt the received checksum and compareit
`to the checksum computed by the subscriber terminal.
`Alternately, the subscriber terminal could encrypt the
`checksum it computed and compareit to the encrypted
`checksum received from the NCC.
`If the NCCor a separate checksum test facility is to
`determine the validity of the checksum computed by
`the subscriber terminal,
`the subscriber terminal will
`encrypt the checksum it computed andtransmitit to the
`NCCorother test facility. Again, the checksum com-
`puted by the subscriber terminal can be tested for valid-
`ity in its encrypted form or can be decrypted prior to
`validity testing.
`If, at box 92, the checksum is foundto be valid, con-
`trol passes to box 94 and control ofthe subscriber termi-
`is released to the downloaded booter data. The
`ROM based program then ends at box 96. If, on the
`other hand, the checksum is determinedto be invalid at
`box 92, control passes to box 98 and the false checksum
`is reported to the NCC. At box 100, the subscriber
`terminal awaits action from the NCC,and goes into an
`idle condition at box 102.
`When the NCCis informed that an invalid checksum
`has been computed by a subscriber terminal, a message
`is providedto the network operator so that appropriate .
`investigation can commence. The existance of an in-
`valid checksum can indicate that an attacker booter 56
`(FIG.2) was coupled to the subscriber terminal 52 in an
`attempt to access a subscriber’s accounts.
`In order to further frustrate an attacker’s efforts to
`intrude, the portion of the booter image from which the
`checksum is computed can be changed on a periodic
`basis (e.g. daily). The use of a complicated checksum
`algorithm (such as CRC) makes it extremely difficult,if
`not impossible, to reverse engineer the booter image to
`enable an attacker to modify a fraudulent booter image
`such that the fraudulent image will cause the subscriber
`terminal to compute a valid checksum. The combina-
`tion of the complicated checksum algorithm and peri-
`odic modification of the data needed to compute the
`checksum renders any attempt by an attacker to thwart
`the security arrangementvirtually impossible. The peri-
`odic change madeto thelegitimate booter image can be
`very minor. For example, changing a single byte in the
`booter image will result in the computation of an en-
`tirely different checksum by the subscriber terminal.
`Whatis claimed is:
`1. Apparatus for enabling on-line modification and
`upgrading of terminal software in a communication
`network while maintaining the integrity of communica-
`tion between a service provider and a subscriber using
`the network comprising:
`booter means for downloading software via said com-
`munications network;
`a subscriber terminal, coupled to said communication
`network, including:
`a secret encryption key,
`means for initiating a communication with said
`network to receive data downloaded from said
`booter means,
`means for storing data downloaded from said
`booter means, and
`—_ 0
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`means independent of said downloaded data for
`computing a checksum fromat least a portion of
`data downloaded from said booter means;
`means for testing said checksum for validity;
`means for preventing said subscriber terminal from
`executing software downloaded from said booter
`means unless the checksum is valid; and
`network control center means for maintaining a re-
`cord of said secret encryption key, whereby en-
`crypted communication between the subscriber
`terminal and network control center means can
`take place with the encryption based upon the
`secret encryption key.
`2. The apparatus of claim 1 further comprising:
`means for encrypting the checksum computed bysaid
`subscriber terminal using said secret encryption
`means for communicating the encrypted checksum
`over said communication network to the network
`control center means; and’
`means associated with said network control center
`means for decrypting the encrypted checksum to
`enable said checksum verifying means to verify the
`checksum for validity.
`3. The apparatus of claim 1 further comprising
`Means associated with said network control center
`means for storing a valid checksum corresponding
`to data downloaded from said booter means;
`means associated with said network control center
`means for encrypting the stored checksum with
`said secret encryption key;
`means for communicating the encrypted checksum to
`the communication network; and
`means associated with said subscriber terminal for
`receiving and decrypting the encrypted checksum
`for input to said verifying means, wherein said
`verifying means compares the decrypted checksum
`to the checksum computed by said subscriberter-
`minal to verify proper correspondence thereof.
`4. Apparatus for protecting a communication net-
`work having an upstream communication channel and a
`downstream communication channel from illegitimate
`access by an unauthorized party comprising:
`booter means coupled to said downstream channel
`for downloading software via said communication
`a subscriber terminal coupled to receive data from
`said downstream channel and transmit data on said
`upstream channel, said subscriber terminal includ-
`a secret encryption key,
`means for receiving and storing data downloaded
`from said booter means,
`means for computing a checksum from atleast a
`portion of data downloaded from said booter
`means, and
`means for establishing an encrypted communica-
`tion with said network wherein the encryptionis
`based on sad secret encryption key;
`network control center means coupled to said com-
`munication network and including a record of the
`secret encryption key for enabling encrypted com-
`munication with said subscriber terminal;
`means for verifying the checksum computed by said
`subscriber terminal via an encrypted communica-
`tion established between the subscriber terminal
`and network control center means; and
`means for releasing control of said subscriber termi-
`nal to data downloaded from said booter means
`only if the checksum is found to be valid.
`5. The apparatus of claim 4 wherein the checksum
`computed by said subscriber terminal is encrypted and
`transmitted to said network control center means for
`decryption and verification.
`6. The apparatus of claim 4 wherein said network
`control center means further comprises:
`a record of the correct checksum for data down-
`loaded from said booter means;
`means for encrypting the correct checksum using said
`secret encryption key; and
`means for communicating the encrypted checksum to
`said subscriber terminal for comparison with the
`checksum computed by the subscriber terminal.
`7. A communication network comprising:
`at least one communication channel;
`means for downloading data to a subscriber terminal
`coupled to said communication channel;
`means for storing downloaded data in said subscriber
`means for computing a checksum from atleast a por-
`tion of downloaded data stored in said subscriber
`means for testing the checksum for validity;
`means for releasing control of said subscriber termi-
`nal to the downloaded data onlyif said checksum is
`valid; and
`network control center means coupled to said net-
`work for communicating with said subscriber ter-
`minal in an encrypted basis, so that checksum data
`can be passed between the network control center
`means and the subscriber terminal for validity test-
`ing without infiltration by an unauthorized party.
`8. The communication network of claim 7 comprising
`a plurality of communication channels and means for
`tuning said subscriber terminal
`to a predetermined
`channel when the subscriber terminal is powered up to
`enable the subscriber terminal to receive data down-
`loaded on the predetermined channel.
`9. A terminal, for use in communicating on a commu-
`nication network, comprising:
`means for tuning to a booter channelon said network;
`means for receiving and storing a booter image
`downloaded on the booter channel;
`means for computing a checksum fromatleast a por-
`tion of data contained in said booter image;
`means for establishing an encrypted communication
`with another device coupled to said network to
`determine whether the computed checksum is
`valid; and
`meansfor executing software contained in said booter
`image to access a desired service available on said
`network only if the checksum proves to be valid.
`10. The subscriber terminal of claim 9 further com-
`prising read only memory means forstoring instructions
`used to access said booter image and compute and vali-
`date said.checksum.
`11. A method for preventing unauthorized parties
`from illegitimate access to a communication network in
`which a booter image is downloaded to subscriberter-
`minals coupled to the network, comprising thestepsof:
`embeddingin a booter imagea portion of data for use
`in computing a checksum;
`image data
`computing a checksum from booter
`downloaded into a subscriber terminal;
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`computing the proper checksum which should result
`from the booter imageif the booter imageis prop-
`erly received by the subscriber terminal;
`comparing the checksum computed from the booter
`image downloaded into the subscriber terminal
`with the checksum computed from the known
`booter image using a encrypted communication on
`said network; and
`releasing control of said subscriber terminal to the
`downloaded booter image only if the checksum
`computed by the subscriber terminal matches the
`proper checksum for the booter image.
`12. The method of claim 11 comprising the further
`step of:
`changing the checksum computation data embedded
`in said booter image on a periodic basis
`PMC Exhibit 2127
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 9
`PMC Exhibit 2127
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 9

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