`(22) Filed 9 Feb, 1972
`18 July 1972
`(21) Application Nos, 6136/72
`(23) Complete Specification filed 9 May 1973
`(44) Complete Specification published 16 Oct, 1974
`(51) International Classification HO4N 7/08
`(52) Index at acceptance
`H4F D2B D30K
`H4L 26E3X 26E5B 26G2A
`We, Britis Broapcastinc Corr-
`ORATION, a British body corporate of Broad-
`casting House, London, WIA 1AA, do
`hereby declare the invention, for which we
`pray that a patent may be granted to us,
`and the method by which it is to be per-
`formed, to be particularly described in and
`by the following statement:—
`This invention relates to television systems
`and receivers and concerns systems which
`enable alphanumeric information, such as
`captions and pages of information to be
`transmitted simultaneously with a video
`signal while allowing the picture represented
`by the videol signal to be displayed with or
`without the alphanumeric information.
`It is well known to superimpose captions
`such as sub-titles on a picture by including
`the information relating thereto in the video
`signal itself. The caption is then unavoid-
`ably displayed with the picture. There are
`howeversituations in whichit is desirable to
`have caption information available for dis-
`play only if so desired.
`For example,
`this possibility would en-
`able deaf viewers (of which there are many)
`to have added to their pictures sub-titles
`which would not appear on the screens of
`non-deaf viewers. Furthermore information
`totally unrelated to the pitcures could be
`transmitted with the video signal for recep-
`tion only by selected viewers who could
`display such information with or without the
`picture or store the information for later
`display. Such information could be stock
`exchange reports for example. Another pos-
`sibility is to superimpose information relating
`to the source, the routing and destination of
`a video signal for display only on monitor
`screens viewed by producers, programme
`controllers and such personnel, orfor effect-
`ing automatic executive action relating to the
`signal routing and monitoring. This would
`tly facilitatethe work of such persons in
`controlling the switching of cameras, etc.,
`especially in complex outside broadcast situ-
`Various proposals have been made for
`adding information to a television signal. In
`some, extra video waveforms are placed on
`lines in the television vertical
`has also been proposed to use these lines to
`carry digital codes. The object of the pre-
`invention is to provide an improved
`system which combines the advantages of
`digital codes with the ability to effect
`display operating with a conventional tele-
`vision raster. The use of digital codes leads
`to greatflexibility; all of the possibilities en-
`visaged above are readily catered for and
`below will
`demonstrate how the system can handle
`either the simple addition of single line sub-
`titles to pictures or the transmission of indi-
`vidually selectable complete pages of infor-
`According to the present invention in one
`aspect, there is provided a television system
`comprising a source of a video signal, means
`operative synchronously with the video sig-
`nal to superimpose or otherwise add thereto,
`interfering with the picture signal
`included therein, a digitally coded data
`representing alphanumeric informa-
`tion, and a receiver adapted to receive the
`video signal and display a corresponding
`picture, the receiver including a first circuit
`adapted to. extract the digitally coded data
`from the received
`video signal,
`storing the
`signal, and a decoding circuit operative syn-
`chronously with the line time base of the
`receiver to convert the stored digitally coded
`data signal
`into a corresponding repetitive
`vision signal representing the alphanumeric
`According to the invention in another
`aspect, there is provided a television receiver
`PMC Exhibit 2104
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 1
`PMC Exhibit 2104
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 1
`for use in a television system wherein a
`digitally coded data signal
`alphanumeric information is superimposed
`on or otherwise added to a video signal in
`synchronous relation thereto, without inter-
`fering with the picture signal included there-
`in, the receiver being adapted to receive the
`video signal and display a corresponding
`picture, and including a first circuit adapted
`to extract
`the digitally coded signal from
`the received video signal, means for storing
`the digitally coded signal, and a decoding
`circuit operative synchronously with the line
`time base of the receiver to convert
`stored digitally coded data signal
`into a
`corresponding repetitive vision signal repre-
`senting the alphanumeric information.
`It will be understood that the receiver may
`be a broadcast receiver, a closed circuit re-
`ceiver, or other form of visual readout means
`separate from the television display. The
`receiver need not have its scanning time
`bases locked to the incoming signal;
`may be controlled by a local source, The
`decoding circuit
`is in any event synchro-
`nised with the line time base at the receiver.
`The alphanumeric vision signal and the
`main vision signal carried by the video signal
`may be combined in various known ways to
`produce different
`types of display of
`alphanumeric information, ¢.g. simple.super-
`impositions, white symbols in a black strip
`or box, black symbols in a white strip or
`box, black edged white symbols or .white
`edged black symbols. Markers may be in-
`cluded in the transmitted signal to create a
`strip or box in the receiver, For simplicity,
`however, the vision signal preferably switches
`between black level, representing the ground
`for the symbols, and a whiter than white
`level representing the symbols. themselves.
`The signal can then simplybe added to the
`main vision signal
`to produce very bright
`symbols which will contrast adequately with
`the picture. A coded control signal can be
`made to switch a colour synthesiser at the
`receiver for controlling the hue of the dis-
`played symbols.
`The storing means for the transmitted
`alphanumeric information may be provided
`at the receiving terminal on a large scale,
`for example 25,000 characters equivalent to
`say 32 printed pages, by magnetic or other
`means, to provide data on a wide range of
`subjects each of which can be independently
`selected by individual viewers provided with
`suitable equipment additional to or built into
`the domestic television receiver. By this
`means the general utility of the television
`service may be expanded and specialised
`interests catered for.
`The digitally coded data signal which pro-
`vides for updating the multiple page store
`may be organised in various different ways,
`of which examples are given below.
`If the information transmission rate is
`made sufficiently high, access to several
`pages of information may be provided very
`economically using only a store for the one
`page under scrutiny at the receiver, a small
`delay before reading a newly selected page
`while this is being read into the store then
`being accepted; the higher the information
`tate the smaller the delay will be.
`The alphanumeric vision signal as derived
`from the digital code may be displayed
`alone, a switch on the receiver being pro-
`vided for cutting out the main vision signal
`carried by the video.signal. Alternatively,
`the two vision signals may be combined in
`various known ways to produce different
`types of display of the alphanumeric infor-
`mation, e.g. simple superimpositions, white
`symbols in a black strip or box, black sym-
`bols in a white strip or box, black edged
`white symbols or white edged black symbols.
`Markers may be included in the transmitted
`signal to assist the creation of this box or
`strip within the receiver. A coded control
`signal can be made to switch a colour
`synthesiser at
`the receiver for varying the
`hue of the displayed symbols.
`The video signal, including the data sig-
`nal, can be recored to enable later use of
`the ope or at least the data signal portion.
`data signal alone can be recorded by a
`low bandwidth device, such as a magnetic
`tape recorder, for later utilisation. Thus,
`“the recorded data signal can be fed, when
`required, into the storing means of the re-
`ceiver. The receiver can alternatively include
`storage for storing the vision signal, in the
`form of bits representing dot matrix charac-
`ters, enabling the data to be utilised at a later
`The coded data signal may be added to
`the transmitted signal in various ways without
`interfering with the picture signal
`therein. For example, the data signal may
`be modulated upon the sub-carrier in the
`sound channel or upon a separate sub-carrier
`in the neighbourhood of
`the sound carrier
`frequency. Thus,
`if sound is carried (in
`ULK. standards) on a 6 MHz sub-carrier, the
`data signal can be carried on a 6.3 MHz sub-
`If the data rate is kept low,
`required bandwidth is small enough for there
`to-bé no problem with interference. The
`data signal may be superimposed on the
`intervals of a plurality of lines
`of the video signal.
`Alternatively, and preferably; the coded
`data signal can be added as pulses to one
`or more lines of the video signal which carry
`no ordinary picture information, Le.,
`lines provided during the vertical
`to allow the field time base to stabilize before
`the first picture line of the newfield. For
`some applications this information could be
`carried by a number of lines, if necessary,
`PMC Exhibit 2104
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 2
`PMC Exhibit 2104
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 2
`A third and preferred organisation is simi-
`occupying the entire picture period. Further-
`lar to the first but the page-interlacing is by
`more, this signal could be recorded at video
`for later utilization.
`row rather than by character. Fields 1 to
`32 contain row 1 of pages to 32 respectively,
`An embodiment of the invention utilizing
`fields 33 to 64 contain row 2 of pages 1 to 32
`this mode of transmitting the data signal
`respectively, and so on.
`will now be described, by way of example,
`with reference to the accompanying draw-
`Given any such fixed data organisation,
`ings, in which: —
`the data can be de-multiplexed purely by
`Figure 1 is a block diagram of the trans-
`timing operations synchronized relative to
`mitting terminal,
`the framing character. However, it may be
`Figures 2 and 3 show block diagrams of
`preferred to add to the character codes ad-
`corresponding receiving terminals,
`dress codes which identify, to take the ex-
`Figure 4 is a block diagram of a second
`ample of the third organisation,
`and row being transmitted in any given field
`transmitting terminal, and,
`Figure 5 is a block diagram of a receiving
`If such address codes are employed de-
`terminal for use therewith.
`multiplexing no longer relies upon timing
`The illustrated embodimentis intended to
`operations and the framing character is not
`provide 32 pages of data with 768 charac-
`essential. Furthermore, flexibility of data
`ters per page, arranged in 24 32-character
`organisation becomes permissible and the
`rows, pages being selectable at will by the
`system can be adaptive, unused pages or
`viewer whose
`unused lines in a page being omitted from
`equipped. The data can be fed into the
`the data format, thereby shortening the time
`system from a number of asynchronous
`taken for a complete data cycle, Thus,fields
`sources 51 (Fig. 1) which may be geographic-
`pertaining to absent digitally coded data sig-
`ally separate. The data is then ordered and
`nals and/or to absent rows of characters can
`stored, by computer techniques which are
`be omitted from the data cycle.
`well known, under the control of an execu-
`Fig. 2 illustrates a teceiving terminal
`tive program in a data ordering and storage
`the binary data is first separated by
`unit 52.
`a circuit 53 which times the data pulses out
`Unit 52 receives timing signals which per-
`of the said two lines, for example in the
`mit it to put out synchronous data to be
`manner described in relation to Fig. 5, These
`added to the video signal during the tele-
`pulses are used to update a multiple page
`vision vertical interval (field blanking inter-
`store 54. This store holds approximately
`val) as NRZ pulses on two of the unused
`200,000 bits on a magnetic disc, representing
`lines which precede the picture information,
`the total of the data available to the viewer
`in a mannersimilar to that described below
`at any time,
`the actual number of bits re-
`with reference to Fig. 4. The said two lines
`quired being 23768 x8. The page selector
`can be lines 13 and 14 of even fields and
`55 under manual control applies data from
`lines 326 and 327 of odd fields in a 625 line
`the required page to a read only memory
`dot matrix character generator 56.
`Assuming that the alphanumeric charac-
`character generator uses timing signals to
`ters are represented by an 8-bit data code,
`address the R.O,M. and produces an output
`there may be capacity for 32 characters in
`signal of alphanumeric information based on
`the said two lines of a single field. Various
`a 7X5 dot matrix in vision signal form to
`data organisations may be considered by way
`provide the input
`to the display, again as
`of example,
`the bits of a character being
`described in more detail below,
`sequential in both cases. The first organis-
`other matrix formats could be used).
`alion will be called page-interlaced, each
`The disc store 54 can have 32 concentric
`page having 768 characters in 24 rows. of
`tracks, one per page andasingle read-write
`32 characters, and has the first character of ©
`transducers. Only the page being displayed
`pages 1 to 32 in the first field, the second
`can therefore be updated.
`If the first page-
`character of pages | to 32 in the second field,
`interlaced organisation is employed, the page
`and so on. Each page thus has an invariant
`selector 55 performs two functions; it moves
`position in the time cycle of a field and a
`the transducerto the selected track and shifts
`complete data cycle requires 768 fields, i.e.
`a timing gate (8-bits wide) at the input to the
`15.4 sec. at 50 fields per second. Field 1
`store into coincidence with the time position
`of the cycle (or the preceding field 0) has a
`in the frame which corresponds to that page.
`special framing character inserted therein,
`Tn order to enter the characters into the cor-
`whose purpose is explained below.
`rect positions on the track, the system waits
`The second organisation is page-sequen-
`the framing character appears. The
`tial; the 768 characters of the first page are
`next character passing through the timing
`transmitted in the first 24 fields, again pre-
`gate is then written into the first character
`ceded by a framing character, the
`position of the selected track, and so on, one
`of the next page are transmitted in the next
`character per field, The rotation of the disc
`24 fields, and so on,
`—_ 00
`PMC Exhibit 2104
`Apple v. PMC
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`PMC Exhibit 2104
`Apple v. PMC
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`80 -
`95 -
`follows. The first part of the first line in-
`is kept synchronous with the appearances of
`cludes a fairly long address code specifying
`the framing character.
`the page and row being transmitted plus
`Tf the page-sequential organisation is em-
`several bits which serve to establish the tim-
`ployed the disc is again synchronized to the
`framing character, so that each revolution
`ing of the data extraction in the receiver, to
`provide for parity checks and possibly to
`corresponds exactly to a group of 24 fields
`representing one page. The page selector
`provide other
`redundant, error checking
`facilities. The remainder of the first line and -
`again selects the correct track by positioning
`the whole of the second line are used for the
`the transducer in alignment therewith and
`sets a field counter to 24(N—1) where N is
`32 8-bit codes representing the characters of
`a TOW.
`the selected page number. When the fram-
`ing character appears, the counter is counted
`The embodiment illustrated in Figs. 4 and
`5 utilises the aforesaid first organisation and
`down by I for each field and, when it reaches
`the characters appearing in the next 24
`is intended to display a line of 32 characters,
`frames are writlen into the store.
`e.g. for sub-titling pictures only for deaf
`viewers whose receivers are appropriately
`Tf the third organisation is employed the
`equipped. The data can be fed intothe
`page selector moves the transducer to the
`system using a paper tap reader (as in the
`selected track and sets a mod-32 field
`counter to one Jess than the page number
`illustrated embodiment), magnetic tape, or a
`N, The counter is counted down cyclically
`manual keyboard with buffer store and edit-
`by 1 for each field and, each time it reaches
`ing facilities, Each Jine of characters is
`punched in a standard ISO-7 code on 8-hole
`Q, the row of 32 characters in the corres-
`ponding field is written into the store.
`paper tape, preceded by STX (start of text)
`Fig. 3 illustrates an embodiment of the
`and followed by ETX (end of text). The
`receiving terminal in which page selection is
`eighth, parity bit is ignored in this descrip-
`-accomplished before storage; in this embodi-
`tion and in fact it
`is assumed that only 6
`ment a single page store 59 of 6,144 bits
`bits are employed,
`this being all
`necessary for upper case symbols only. How-
`only is required and this is most economic-
`ally achived in integrated circuit technology.- .
`ever, 7 bit working can clearly be employed
`The page selector 58 simply selects the
`to give full upper and lower case capability.
`.timing gate position for
`reading into the
`The tape is read by a tape reader 10 (Fig.
`store if the page-interlaced organisation is
`4), one character per field, during the 13th
`used or sets the field counter as just des-
`line of each even field,
`(the 326th line of
`each odd field) this line preceding the vision-
`cribed if either of the other organisations is
`carrying lines of the video signal. To this
`Details of the timing and logic circuits
`end a line sync pulse counter-decoder 11
`have not been given since they employ con-
`counts syne pulses provided on an input 12
`techniques of data processing
`and produces on an output pulse marking
`equipment, e.g. as in the second embodi-
`the 13th line, being of approximately
`ment. Obviously there are almost limitless
`period duration. The counter-decoder 11
`possibilities for detailed design. Other data
`opens an AND gate 13 during the 13th
`organisations may be used and, in order to
`line and allows the sync pulse also applied
`to the AND gate 13 but delayed very slightly
`keep the number of bits added to any one
`line to an acceptable value it may be desir-
`by a delay circuit 14, to pass to an AND
`gate 15. This gate is opened when it
`able in the embodiments described to expand
`desired to change the line of characters by
`the time scale by a factor of two and use
`four lines for 32 characters and carry only
`setting a bistable flip-flop 16. This is effec-
`ted by a pulse on.an input 17 which may be
`16 characters per field.
`Instead of using
`serial stores as described, addressed random
`provided-from a push button or by a cte-
`access stores may be employed,
`in which.
`“ing signal from a video recorder, for ex-
`case each character or row of characters has
`ample. The flip-flop is reset when a detector
`18 detects the BTX character.
`added thereto address code bits defining the
`In this way, each time the flip-flop 16 is
`page and/or the position within the page
`thereof, depending on the data organisation
`set, the next block of up to 32 characters,
`preceded by STX and followed by ETX,is
`pee out of the tape reader in bit-parallel
`In this case the page selector sets up
`the required page code and the timingsig-
`‘ormat, one character per field.
`The characters enter a register 19 which
`nals set up a sequence of character or row
`is a 6-bit shift register with parallel entry.
`address codes. The incoming address codes
`The characters are immediately shifted out
`are compared with the set-up codes and, as
`of register in bit-serial format, and through
`matches occur,
`associated character
`codes are entered into storage.
`an AND gate 20 opened by the counter-
`decoder 11; to an output line 21. The pulses
`In the preferred arrangement, utilizing the
`are fed to the video circuits of the trans-
`aforesaid third organisation,
`the said two
`lines in the vertical
`intervals are used as
`mitter (not shown) to be superimposed on 130
`115 -
`120 --
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`PMC Exhibit 2104
`Apple v. PMC
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`Simultaneously, the recirculation gates 39 are
`the vision signal portion of the 13th line. To
`closed via an inverter 47, By this means, the
`ensure that the six bits appear at accurately
`defined portions in the line, a bit clock
`32 characters in the registers 38 are replaced
`by the incoming characters at the rate of
`source 22 running at a higher frequency than
`one per field.
`line frequency feeds a bit counter 23. Selec-
`Each character appearing at the output of
`ted states of the counter are decoded by a
`decoder 24 so as to generate, in each line,
`the registers 38 is converted into a video
`waveform over say 8 adjacent line scans near
`six accurately positioned bit marker pulses.
`the bottom of the picture, assuming that the
`These are used as the shift pulses which
`displayed characters occupy a matrix of pic-
`shift the bits serially out of the register 19.
`To ensure accurate maintenance of the
`ture elements 7 lines high and 5 elements
`wide in a character space of 8 lines high and
`bit marker pulse positions,
`the counter 23
`6 elements wide. This conversion is per-
`is reset at the beginning of each line by the
`formed by apparatus which is knownin itself
`sync pulse passed by the gate 13.
`At the receiving end (Fig. 5), the charac-
`and is therefore only briefly described.
`The six bits from the register 38 are pre-
`ters are extracted from the viedo signal on
`a line 30 by applying six bit marker
`pulses to
`sented to one set of inputs of a ROM (read
`only memory) 48 which has other inputs
`a six bit shift register 31 with parallel output.
`from the line counter 35. The ROM is essen-
`These marker pulses are generated byabit
`tially a complex decoder which converts each
`clock 32, counter 33 and decoder 34, cor-
`responding to ilems 22, 23 and 24 in Figure
`character into six bits in each of eight adja-
`4. To ensure that
`the marker
`pulses are
`cent lines, The “1” bits represent the ele-
`only presented to the register 31
`during line
`ments of the 7X5 matrix which make the
`13 a line counter 35 and line decoder 36
`character in question. Each set of five bits
`is buffered in a 5-bit shift register 49 with
`open an AND gate 37 during the 13th line
`parallel entry and serial readout. The bits
`are pulsed out by a clock 49A to provide a
`The characters have to be transferred, one
`per field,
`into the correct poistions in six
`two-level video signal on line 50. This sig-
`32-bit shift registers 38 (of which only iwo
`nal is available to be recorded, to be dis-
`played by itself or to be added to the
`are shown) which constitute recirculatin
`incoming video signal for display of
`stores holding 32 characters in bit-parallel,
`characters on the picture.
`character serial format.
`‘The registers are
`recirculated synchronously with the line
`lines are
`The aforesaid eight adjacent
`actually four from each of two interlaced
`period, via normally open AND gates 39,
`fields. This complication is readily taken
`by pulses from a divider 40 which divides
`care of by programming the ROM 48 to
`down the bit clock to provide 32 pulses
`decode on the correct line numbers, Charac-
`each line period.
`ter height can be conveniently increased in
`When characters are being received they
`multiples of eight lines,
`are timed into the correct positions in the
`With the arrangement described the dis-
`registers 38 during the 14th line by pulses
`played characters can be seen to change one
`provided by a comparator 41. These pusles
`by one (during 32 consecutive fields) when
`pass through an AND gate42 which is en-
`a fresh line of characters is transmitted from
`abled only during the 14th line by the
`the punched tape.
`If this is considered ob-
`decoder 36 and only when a bistable flip-
`jectionable it may be arranged to blank the
`flop 43 is set. The flip-flop is set when a
`circuit 44 detects STX and reset when this
`signal on line 50 while the flip-flop 43 is
`circuit detects ETX. The detection of STX
`also causes~a-field counter 45 to be reset.
`The bit formats employed can be changed
`in various ways. For example, although
`This counter now counts 1, 2, 3, etc.
`described format may be preserved in the
`successive fields and providesone input to
`registers 38,
`the arrangements of Figure 4
`the comparator 41. The other input is pro-
`and that part of Figure 5 preceding these
`vided by the bit counter 33 and the com-
`registers may be altered in such a way that,
`parator 41 produces an output pulse each
`time that the bit counter counts up
`to the
`in each of six consecutive fields, the 32 bits
`for one register 38 are transmitted in series.
`number in the field counter 45.
`@ com-
`Tt will then be essential to blank the output
`parator output pulses therefore appear at
`on line 50 during such transmission.
`progressively later positions in the line in
`successive fields; these positions being timed
`to coincide with the times at which the suc-
`cessive characters respectively are re-entered
`in the registers 38.
`The pulses from the comparator 41 passed
`by the gate 42 enable AND gates 46 con-
`nected between the parallel outputs of the
`register 31 and the inputs to the registers 38.
`1. A television system comprising a source
`of a video signal, means operative synchron-
`ously with the video signal to superimpose
`or otherwise add thereto, without interfering
`with the picture signal included therein, a
`digitally coded data signal
`— 15
`PMC Exhibit 2104
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`Page 5
`PMC Exhibit 2104
`Apple v. PMC
`Page 5
`13, A system according to any of claims
`alphanumeric information, and a. receiver
`8 to 12, wherein the digitally coded data
`adapted to receive the video signal and dis-
`a corresponding picture,
`the receiver
`signals follow sequentially within a repetitive
`includingafirst circuit adapted to extract the
`data cycle comprising a plurality of fields.
`digitally coded data signal from the received
`14. A system according to any of claims
`video signal, means for storing the digitally
`8 to 12, wherein the digitally coded data
`coded signal, and a decoding circuit oper-
`signals are interlaced with each other within
`ative synchronously with the line time
`a repetitive data cycle comprising a plurality
`of fields.
`of the receiver to convert the stored digitally
`coded data signal into a corresponding re-
`15. A system according to claim 14, 75
`wherein each ficld contains one character
`petitive vision signal representing the alpha-
`numeric information.
`fromy each digitally coded data signal.
`2. A system according to claim 1,
`16. A system according to claim 14,
`wherein each digitally coded data signal
`wherein the receiver time bases are synchro-
`consists of a plurality of rows of characters,
`nised to the video signal.
`each field contains one row of characters
`3. A system according to claim 2,
`and the digitally coded data signals have
`wherein the receiver time bases are synchro-
`nised to a local source.
`their rows of characters interlaced.
`4, A system according to claims 1, 2 or
`17. A system according to claim 16, in-
`sofar as dependent on claim 12, wherein 85
`3, whercin the digitally coded data signal is
`modulated on a sub-carrier.
`each field contains, in addition to a row of
`claim 4,
`5. A system according to
`characters, an address code identifying the
`digitally coded data signal and the row there-
`wherein the sub-carrier is the sound chan-
`nel of the video signal.
`of to which the charatcers pertain.
`6. A system according to clalms 1, 2 or
`18.- A system according to claim 17, 90
`3, wherein the digitally coded data signal is
`Wherein the said means operative synchron-
`superimposed on the horizontal intervals of
`ously with the data signal are adapted to
`a plurality of lines of the video signal.
`omit from the data cycle fields pertaining to
`7, A system according to claims 1, 2 or
`absent digitally coded data signals and/or
`3, wherein the digitally coded data signal is
`lo absent rows of characters.
`superimposed on one or more lines in the
`19.. A system according to any of claims
`vertical interval of the video signal.
`1 to 18; wherein thefirst circuit, the storing
`8. Asystem according to any preceding
`means andthe decoding circuit form an
`claim, wherein a plurality of different digit-
`attachment to the receiver.
`ally coded data signals are multiplexed with
`20. A system according to any of claims 100
`the video signal and the receiver includes
`1 to 18, wherein thefirst circuit, the storing
`meansfor selecting one of the digitally coded
`means and the decoding circuit are built into
`the receiver.
`Orestanly to be converted into the vision
`21-—A system according ot any of claims
`system. according to
`claim 8,
`1 to 20, wherein the receiver includes means 105
`wherein the storing meanshas sections for all
`for combining the said vision signal with the
`of the digitally coded data signals and the
`picture sigual to display thé alphanumeric
`selecting means are operative to couple any
`information superimposed on the picture.
`22. A systemaccording to any of claims
`selected section of the store to the decoding
`1 to 20, wherein the receiver includes means 110
`10. A system according to claim 8,
`for selectively preventing the receiver re- _
`wherein the storing means is capable of stor-
`sponding to the picture signal and_ causing
`ing only one digitally coded data signal and
`the receiver to respond to the. vision signal
`the selecting means are operative to select
`to display the alphanumeric information
`any one of
`the extracted digitally coded
`alone, ..-=- ~~
`data signals for entry into the storing means.
`23. A system according to any preceding
`11. A system according to claim
`claim, comprising further storing means for
`wherein each digitally coded data signal
`storing the digitally coded si
`and means
`occupies predetermined time locations within
`for reading the contents of
`the further stor-
`a recurrent data cycle and wherein the select-
`ing means into the first-mentioned storing 120.
`ing means are synchronized to the data
`cycle to select a digitally coded data signal
`24, A system according to any of claims
`in accordance with the
`1 to 22, comprising further storing meansfor
`storing the vision signal
`in the form of a
`assigned thereto,
`to claim 10,
`12. A system according
`binary signal.
`data signal has
`wherein each digitally coded
`25. A system accordingto any preceding
`associaled therewith and
`claim, wherein the vision signal
`is a two-
`level signal switching between black level
`wherein the selecting means selects a digitally
`and a whiter than white level.
`coded data sigual by recognition of its ad-
`26. A television receiver for use in a 130
`dress codes.
`PMC Exhibit 2104
`Apple v. PMC
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`PMC Exhibit 2104
`Apple v. PMC
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`television system wherein a digitally coded
`33. A television receiver according to
`any of claims 26 to 31, wherein the first
`data signal representing alphanumeric infor-
`mation is cealps on or otherwise
`circuit, the storing means and the decoding
`circuit are built
`into the receiver.
`added to a video signal in synchronousrela-
`tion thereto, without
`interfering with the
`34. A television receiver according to
`any of claims 26 to 31, including mcans for
`icture signal included therein, the receiver
`ing adapted to receive the video signal
`combining the said vision signal with the
`and corresponding_picture,display a Picture