`Page 1
` )
` Petitioners, ) IPR2016-01509
` ) Patent 7,861,774
`VS. ) and other patents
` )
`INC., )
` Patent Owner. )
` -----------------------------------
` JULY 26, 2017
` -----------------------------------
`as a witness at the instance of the PETITIONERS, and duly
`sworn, was taken in the above-styled and numbered cause on
`July 26, 2017, from 9:06 a.m. to 3:58 p.m., before Amanda
`Blomstrom, CLR/CRR/RMR and CSR in and for the State of Texas,
`reported by machine shorthand, at the law offices of Caldwell,
`Cassady, Curry, 2101 Cedar Springs Road, Suite 1000, Dallas,
`Texas 75201, pursuant to the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure and
`the provisions stated on the record or attached hereto.
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` A P P E A R A N C E S
` 1111 Bagby Street
` Suite 2100
` Austin, Texas 77002
` 512.343.3622
` -and-
` 9801 Washingtonian Boulevard
` Suite 750
` Gaithersburg, Maryland 20878
` 301.424.3640
` 2101 Cedar Springs Road
` Suite 1000
` Dallas, Texas 75201
` 214.888.4848
` MARK J. DeBOY - Edell, Shapiro & Finnan, LLC
`2 3
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`Page 3
`Appearances.......................................... 2
` Examination by Mr. Wilson....................... 5
`Signature and Changes................................ 177
`Reporter's Certificate............................... 179
`1040 SPE Paper 18249 63
`1041 Errata Sheet 2/28/17 176
`1001 US Patent No. 7,134,505 10
`1001 US Patent No. 7,543,634 10
`1001 US Patent No. 7,861,774 10
`1004 7th One-Day Conference on Horizontal 110
` Well Technology (viewed via iPad)
`1034 McGowen 2-28-17 Deposition Transcript 12
`1036 Drilling, Completion, Stimulation, and 112
` Testing of Hardy HW#1 Well, Putnam County
` West Virginia, Final Report
`2010 Ghiselin, Sleeves vs Shots - The Debate 157
` Ranges
`2014 Encyclopedia of Hydrocarbons, Chapter 3.1 145
`8 9
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`Page 4
`2026 SPE 19090, Production & Stimulation 47
` Analysis, Yost II et al.
`2036 1st Expert Report of Harold McGowen III 9
` Baker Hughes v. Packers Plus
`2051 Harold McGowen III Expert Report 11
`2075 SPE 17759, Hydraulic Fracturing of a 64
` Horizontal Well, Yost, et al.
`2076 SPE 18255, Insights Into Hydraulic 61
` Fracturing, Layne, et al.
`2077 SPE 21264, Air Drilling & Multiple 63
` Hydraulic Fracturing
`2078 SPE 29443, A Case History of Completing 123
` & Fracture Stimulating
`2079 SPE 19282, A Unique Method for 127
` Perforating, Fracturing & Completing
` Horizontal Wells
`2081 Harold McGowen Declaration (SEALED) 9
`2098 SPE 18263, Simultaneous Multiple Entry 129
` Hydraulic Fracture Treatments of Horizontally
` Drilled Wells
`2099 SPE 25058, Practical Considerations of 142
` Horizontal Well Fracturing in the "Danish Chalk"
`2100 SPE 37354, A Case Study for Drilling & 137
` Completing
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`having been first duly sworn, testified as follows:
` Q. Good morning, Mr. McGowen.
` A. Good morning.
` Q. I'm Doug Wilson, counsel for Halli- -- or I was going
`to say "Halliburton" -- counsel for Weatherford.
` You've been deposed before, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And how many times?
` A. I've kind of lost count.
` Q. A lot?
` A. Maybe at least a half dozen times, I think.
` Q. Okay. So was your previous deposition in an IPR for
`Rapid Completions, was that your last deposition before today?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. When was the deposition most recent before
`that one?
` A. There was a case involving an oil and gas company
`that was -- had a well that went down that they -- there was a
`debate as to whether they still held the lease or not, and that
`was in Tyler.
` Q. Okay. Were you an expert witness in that case?
` A. I was.
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` Q. About how many years ago?
` A. That was this -- that was this year.
` Q. 2017?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Prior to that deposition, when was the next most
`recent one?
` A. Taxing my memory here. Let's see. I'm not totally
` Q. Like, several years before?
` A. Let me think. Let's see, I had depositions starting
`in 2013 related to some cases when I was at Navidad Resources.
`And then there was, after -- was it 2014? -- there was a case
`involving hydraulic fracturing where I was an expert witness.
`I was -- was deposed on that. And I don't recall anything
`between the two, so, I'd have to go back and check my records
`to be sure.
` Q. Okay. So you're familiar with the rules for
`depositions. If you need a break, you just ask for one. We'll
`try not to talk over each other so the court reporter can
`capture everything.
` If you don't understand the question, please ask
`for clarification. If you answer my question, I'll assume you
`understood it. Okay?
` A. Okay.
` Q. Is there any reason, as you sit here today -- medical
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`or otherwise -- why you cannot testify fully, truthfully, and
` A. No.
` Q. Okay. The case that you testified on in 2014, you
`said, related to hydraulic fracturing?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And you were an expert witness in that case?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And what was the -- was it a patent case?
` A. No.
` Q. Okay. What was the nature of your testimony in that
` A. There was a oil and gas service company that had
`rented a tubing string to an operator, and the -- there was a
`failure related to the tubing string, and then the -- the
`defendant was the -- I was working for the defendant, which was
`the pipe company, and they were sued by the operator.
` And they had an expert that created a reserves
`projection for the hydraulic fracture treatment that would have
`happened if the tubing string had not failed. And then I
`opined about -- basically rebutted that opinion regarding the
`reserves that would have been brought from that frac if it had
`been done at the volume that they wanted to do.
` Q. Okay. So we are here today to discuss three IPRs.and
`you're familiar with the IPRs?
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` A. I am. I don't have all the numbers --
` Q. Okay. So just --
` A. -- memorized but --
` Q. -- just for the record, it's IPR2016-01509, which
`relates to the '774 patent.
` And you're familiar with the '774 patent?
` A. Yes.
` Q. We're here to discuss IRP2016-01514, which relates to
`the '634 patent.
` You're familiar with the '634 patent?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. And IPR2016-01517, which relates to the
`'505 patent, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And it's your understanding that those are the three
`IPRs that you're here to testify about today?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. Now, if I refer to these as the "Weatherford
`IPRs," you'll know what I mean?
` A. I'm really more familiar with the patent numbers --
` Q. Okay.
` A. -- so that --
` Q. Fine.
` A. -- might be helpful.
` Q. Okay. All right. Fair enough.
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` Now, you have in front of you -- let me see
`your -- what you have in front of you there.
` A. Go ahead.
` Q. You have -- so you have --
` (Brief interruption.)
` MR. WILSON: Did somebody join?
` MR. DeBOY: Mark DeBoy from Edell, Shapiro &
` MR. WILSON: All right.
` MR. DeBOY: Is that Doug?
` MR. WILSON: Yeah.
` MR. DeBOY: Sorry. I hope I didn't interrupt
` MR. WILSON: No, no, no. We're -- we're good.
` Q. Okay. So one of the exhibits you have in front of
`you is Exhibit 2081 from IPR2016-01509, right?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. And that copy was provided by your counsel,
` A. Yes.
` Q. Now --
` MR. NEMUNAITIS: If you have copies, we can use
`yours. I didn't mean to -- I just --
` MR. WILSON: Yeah, the --
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` MR. NEMUNAITIS: -- thought they were handy.
` MR. WILSON: So this is marked as Exhibit 2036,
`his first Declaration.
` MR. NEMUNAITIS: I -- yeah, that was the one
`from the Baker IPR, which we should -- shouldn't have printed
`out that version. I just wanted one in color because there are
`some color pictures in here.
` MR. WILSON: Okay, yeah, so he can keep that as
`a reference, but -- but I'm going to go ahead and give him this
`one --
` MR. WILSON: -- which is Exhibit 2051, which is
`a copy of your first Declaration, I think.
` And I -- I don't care which one of these you
`use, but here's a copy of Exhibit 2081, which is a copy of your
`second Declaration.
` THE WITNESS: Looks like that's the same
` MR. WILSON: All right. And the patents
` Q. So, and just for the record, you have a copy of
`Exhibit 1001, which is the '774 patent; Exhibit 1001 in a
`separate IPR, which is the '505 patent; Exhibit 1001 in the
`third IPR, which is the '634 patent.
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` So you have a copy of all three patents in front
`of you, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. All right. And if you want to refer to the color
`copies, feel free. Sorry, those -- the copies I provided are
`not, or are black and white.
` A. I understand.
` Q. All right. So the two Declarations you have in front
`of you, Exhibits 2051 and 2081, are the sum total of the expert
`testimony you've offered in these three IPRs, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. All right. And these two Declarations represent all
`of your expert opinions with respect to these three Weatherford
`IPRs, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. All right. And you haven't relied on anything in
`forming your expert opinions expressed in those two
`Declarations other than what's disclosed in those Declarations,
` A. Could you maybe restate that? I'm not sure I
` Q. So what I'm trying to get at is, your Declarations,
`Exhibits 2051 and 2081, disclose all of the bases for the
`opinions that you've offered in those Declarations, correct?
` A. I -- I believe so, but as we -- as you ask me
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`questions, I'm going to answer the questions based on what I
`know. So, you know, I have other information in my head that I
`may provide you. So to that extent, there may be some other
`opinions that I have or some things that aren't fully reflected
`in the report.
` Q. All right. Now, I'm going to hand you -- so this
`was -- well, this has been newly marked as Exhibit 1034. Okay?
` Now, Exhibit 1034 is a copy of your deposition
`transcript from February 28th, 2017.
` Do you see that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. Have you seen this document before?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And this document reflects your testimony in
`IPR2016-00596, correct?
` A. Yes. This is 0596, yes.
` Q. All right. And you gave testimony in that proceeding
`on February 28th, 2017?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And your testimony was given in this same Dallas
` A. Yes.
` Q. And your testimony was under oath in that proceeding?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And you testified truthfully on February 28th, 2017,
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`in your deposition, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Have you -- you've reviewed this deposition
` A. Well, this particular copy might have some
`typographical errors in it, but I haven't reviewed this entire
`document you just handed me, but I did review the original
`version and tried to provide some corrections on some typos and
`items like that.
` Q. Okay. So with the exception of some typos and the
`corrections you've provided, this document, Exhibit 1034,
`accurately reflects your testimony given on February 28th,
` A. If it -- if it is indeed that document. I haven't
`read the whole thing, so ...
` Q. And you testified on February 28th, 2017, on behalf
`of Rapid Completions, correct?
` A. Correct.
` Q. All right. You can set -- well, one -- one last
` So the -- this testimony reflected your -- or
`was relating -- let me strike that.
` This testimony reflected in Exhibit 1034 was
`relating to the '505, '634, and '774 patents, correct?
` A. Yes.
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` Q. Okay. You can set that aside.
` Have you ever run a Packers Plus StackFRAC
` A. No.
` Q. Have you ever -- ever run any open-hole multistage
`ball-drop system?
` A. No.
` Q. Why not?
` A. Just didn't seem like that it was the right
`application for what we were doing.
` Q. Have you ever done any fracturing work in shales?
` A. No.
` Q. Have you ever done any horizontal fracturing work?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Did you, as part of your horizontal fracturing work
`that you did, did you ever evaluate or consider the use of an
`open-hole multistage ball-drop system?
` A. Yes.
` Q. But you decided it wasn't the right system for your
` A. Yes.
` Q. And when you decided that it wasn't the right system
`for your application, what were the factors that led you to
`conclude that it wasn't the right system for your application?
` A. Mainly the various risk factors with running a
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` Q. Which specific risk factors?
` A. Well, there's -- there's cumulative risk in
`completion design. So you've got a number of risk factors that
`stack up, and there's actually a multiplication of risk, if you
`will, to determine the overall risk of the system. So there's
`a risk that you can't get the tools to bottom; there's a risk
`that the packers won't set; there's a risk that you may only
`get the string halfway to bottom; there's a risk that -- that
`you'll have one or more of the sleeves that won't operate
`properly; there's a risk that the packers will leak and
`you'll -- you won't have isolation on the stages; there's a
`risk, on the front end of that, there's a risk that your
`initial pump-out plug that allows you to circulate the -- the
`remaining balls down won't operate as -- as designed; there's
`the, of course, the fact that you can't get it back out of the
`hole once you run it, more than likely, it's -- it's a one-way
`trip; there's a risk that you, I guess I'd say there's a risk
`factor that you may not have the stages exactly where you want
`them so you don't have the flexibility that you have in -- in
`plug and perf, for example, where you can -- you can change
`your mind about the spacing between stages as you progress in
`the job.
` And I think there may be some other factors, but
`I haven't -- that's what comes to my mind right now.
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` Q. Now, when was the last time you considered using a
`ball -- an open-hole multistage ball-drop system on a
`horizontal fracturing operation?
` A. 2012, 2013. We looked at it on -- we looked at it on
`our vertical completions as well as our horizontal completions.
` Q. So even as recently as 2012 to 2013, you thought the
`risks of open-hole multistage ball-drop fracturing didn't
`justify its use?
` A. Well, it's just a relative indicator. I mean,
`there's -- at that time, we had a lot more information about
`those systems. It was -- we were kind of on the fence at that
`time as to whether -- which way we should go.
` Q. And what did you use instead of open-hole multistage
` A. We did plug and perf.
` Q. So how many times would you say over your career
`you've had to consider or you've had the opportunity to
`consider using an open-hole multistage ball-drop system and
`elected not to use it?
` A. Well, we drilled about 50 wells at Navidad Resources.
`So we thought about it, like I said, even on the vertical
`completions, so maybe half that many wells.
` Q. So maybe 25 times?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And what time period did that cover, those 25
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` A. Well, we -- we started the drilling program in 2008,
`2009 and through 2013.
` Q. Now, when you looked at open-hole multistage
`ball-drop systems back in the beginning, 2008, 2009, do you
`remember whose systems were available at that time?
` A. I don't recall. I'm sure we looked at the Packers
`Plus system because it was the most widely known.
` Q. All right. Let's take a look at your expert
`Declaration, which is Exhibit 2051.
` Now take a look at Page 3 of 49 there. And do
`you see Section 2 entitled "Compensation"?
` A. I guess -- oh.
` Q. Are you looking at 2051?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Page 3? 3 of 49.
` A. Well, it's actually 94.
` Q. Oh, okay.
` MR. NEMUNAITIS: The little -- go past the Table
`of Contents.
` Q. Oh, so Page 7 of 94. How about that?
` A. My number or your number? There's two different page
` Q. I think those are both your numbers actually, but
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`let's use 7 of 94.
` A. Okay.
` Q. Well, I say "yours." They may not be yours
`personally, but your side's.
` A. Somebody put the number there.
` Q. Yeah. So we'll use the "of 94" pages.
` So Page 7 of 94, do you see "Compensation"
` A. Yes.
` Q. It says you're paid there an hourly rate of $350 per
` A. Yes.
` Q. Is that your normally hourly rate -- strike that.
` Is that your normal hourly rate for
` A. I've gone up on my rates since then, so I'm at 450 an
`hour now.
` Q. So your normal hourly rate for consulting is 450 an
` A. Well, I'm primarily doing expert witness work, and
`then I also do management consulting, and my management
`consulting was a long-term contract, so I do that at 275 an
`hour on a -- on a long-term basis.
` Q. So are you still, as part of this work you're doing
`for Rapid Completions, billing them at 350 an hour, or are you
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`now billing them at 450 an hour?
` A. No, 350.
` Q. Okay. All right.
` Now, if you look down at Lines 18 to 19 on that
`same page --
` A. Yes.
` Q. -- it says "I've been engaged by counsel for the
`owner of U.S. Patent No. 7,861,774," the '774 patent, "to
`provide engineering, consulting, and expert witness services as
` Do you see that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. So are you doing any consulting work, engineering
`consulting, other than the expert witness work that is
`reflected in these Declarations?
` A. I have done, in the past three years, or since 2013,
`I guess that would be four years, I have --
` Q. Not --
` A. -- done engineering consulting.
` Q. Have you done engineering consulting work for Packers
`Plus or Rapid Completions?
` A. No.
` Q. So have you received, other than the time you spent
`working on the expert Declarations here, 2051 and 2081, or as a
`consulting expert in these IPRs, have you received any
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`compensation from Rapid Completions or Packers Plus for
` A. No.
` Q. All right. Do you know how much you've been paid
`cumulative up to this point for your work on these IPRs?
`The --
` A. I actually don't have that figure in my head right
` Q. Do you have an estimate?
` A. I hesitate to estimate. I would just be speculating
`without data.
` Q. Is it less than a hundred thousand dollars?
` A. Probably not.
` Q. Okay. So you haven't received or been promised any
`other compensation from Packers Plus or Rapid Completions other
`than your hourly billings for your work as an expert witness on
`these IPRs?
` A. Of course not.
` Q. And you don't have any other financial interest in
`Packers Plus or Rapid Completions?
` A. No.
` Q. Now, let's switch to Exhibit 2081. And so I'll use
`the lower numbers to make it easier on you.
` A. Okay.
` Q. So Page 6 of 42.
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` Now, you see you offer an opinion at Lines 9
`through 11 about obviousness of the '774 patent.
` Do you see that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Now, you sign -- you have a Footnote 1 there.
` You see that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And Footnote 1 at the bottom of Page 6 of 42 reads
`"To the extent petitioners assert that the same art directed to
`the '774 patent also renders obvious the open-hole claims of
`the '505 and '634 patents because they would motivate a POSITA
`to perform open-hole multistage fracturing, my opinions
`expressed herein apply to those claims as well."
` A. Yes.
` Q. That's what it says, correct?
` A. Correct.
` Q. Now, you understand that the open-hole claims that
`you're referring to in the '634 and '505 patents are not
`limited to fracturing?
` A. Correct.
` Q. Okay. But you're limiting your opinion on -- that
`those claims would not have been obvious to invalidity theories
`based on fracturing, correct?
` A. Can you ask that again? I'm sorry.
` Q. Yeah, I'm trying to flesh out -- the way I read this,
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`correct me if I'm wrong, you're not offering an unequivocal
`opinion that the open-hole claims of the '634 and '505 patents
`would not have been obvious in 2001? That opinion is not in
`your Declaration, correct?
` A. I'm sorry, I'm not quite following. Maybe you can
`try it --
` Q. So --
` A. -- again.
` Q. -- yeah. Let me -- let me try it a different way.
` The way I read Footnote 1 is, you're saying, to
`the extent that the petitioners are asserting that the
`open-hole claims of the '505 and '634 patents would have been
`obvious because fracturing would have been obvious, then you
` A. I'm not sure if I can give you a good answer to that
`without looking at the particular patents and looking at
`particular instances.
` Q. So you can't answer that question?
` A. Well, it's -- I'm still a little confused by the
` Q. Let me ask a different question.
` You're not offering the opinion that the
`challenge claims of the '505 and '634 patents would not have
`been obvious if the obviousness theory is based on the
`assertion that it would have been obvious to matrix acidize in
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`Exhibit 1038
`Weatherford International LLC et al. v. Packers Plus Energy Services, Inc.
`Page 22 of 220


`HAROLD E. MCGOWEN III - 7/26/2017
`Page 23
`open-hole, correct?
` A. There's a lot of --
` MR. NEMUNAITIS: Objection; form.
` THE WITNESS: -- double negatives in there.
` Q. Okay. So -- well, let me just ask you this: Perhaps
`you can elaborate on what you meant by Footnote 1 here.
` A. I think I'm really referring to the prior art and
`whether the prior art impacts the '505 and '634 patent
`obviousness, so, and it -- and it speaks to motivation, and
`that is a central theme of my report is, would a person of
`ordinary skill in the art be motivated to combine the various
`references and to create the '774 patent. So I'm -- I didn't
`word that very well, but that's kind of the gist of what I was
`trying to say.
` Q. But, for example, there are other forms of
`stimulation other than fracturing, correct?
` A. Correct.
` Q. For example, there's matrix acidizing, correct?
` A. Correct.
` Q. So it's -- I -- what I understand you to be saying
`here in Footnote 1, and correct me if I'm wrong, is, to the
`extent the invalidity theory for the '505 and '634 open-hole
`claims is based on the assertion that it would have been
`obvious to fracture in an open hole, then you disagree that
`DTI Court Re

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