`!, Kevin 0. Trahan, of the township of The Woodlands, in the State of Texas,
`I am over eighteen (18) years of age, am competent to give this affidavit,
`and do so voluntarily end bnsed upon my personal knowledge of the facts stated
`I am currently, and have been since 2004, president of Trahan Oilfield
`Consulting, LLC, whose principal office is in Conroe, TX. Trahm Oilfield
`Consulting, LLC provides design engineering services and technical expert services
`to oil and gas service companies. l have been retained by Packers Plus Energy
`Services in connection with the above referenced lawsuit. I am an expert in the field
`of oil and gas well dnlling and completion technology.
`l was employed by Baker Hughes from !992 to 1998 within tlte Baker Oil
`Tools division where 1 performed engineering tluties including design, development,
`testing, patenting, selling, and instollation of packers and associated equipment.
`I was employed by Weatl1erford lntemotional from 1998 to 2003 where
`for a period of time l was the Vice President of Marketing Support for the completion
`systems division. In this capacity I oversaw the process for determining the
`patentability of new Weatherford completion products and technologies, including
`packers nnd associated equipment.
`Packers have been used in tl1e oil and gas business for more than 75 years
`for isolating arumlnr space between the outside of an internal string of pipe and the
`inside of an external string of pipe or the inside of a well borehole. Packers with dual
`packing elements have been used for more thon 50 yeors.
`Tile Rockseal packer is a tool that is manufactured by Packers Plus Energy
`Services. It is a dual packing element packer on n single body nnd utilizes a centrally
`located hydraulic setting device. Tile concept ofthe Rockseal in and of itself, in my
`expert opinion, is not unique, novel, innovative, or patentable. A packer with dual
`packing elements on a single body with a centrally located hydraulic setting device is
`not unique, novel, or patentable, and it was not unique, novel. or patentable in 1999.
`Packers with these features have existed many years, dating back at least as far as
`I 979. Top Tool Company developed a dual element packer ~1nt utilized dual packing
`elements, a single body, and n centmlly located hydraulic setting device. Tile tool
`employed additional features that were specifically applicable to perforation washing.
`U.S. patent number 4,279,306 (see Exhibit A) depicts a tool with these features and
`was issued in 1981 (filed 1979). Baker Oil Tools has a packer that is very similar to
`the Top Tool Company packer. The Baker Oil Tools packer is known as the Model C
`Packing Element Circulating W asl1er. This packer is specifically described and
`sl1own in US patent number 4,498,536 (Exltibit B) which was applied for in 1983 and
`which issued in 1985. Baker's Model C packer is specifically mentioned by name in
`E.~hibit B on page 5. On page 3 (drawing pages sheet 2 of2), Figure 3 shows the
`Model C packer in !be run-in position and figure 4 shows the Model C packer in the
`set position, Exhibit C is a document that I created which shows the detailed
`functionality of the Model C packer versus the Rockseal packer in a simple fonnat.
`For the pnrposes of the exhibit tl1e packing elements are depicted as compression
`springs. Compression springs are shown heeause they are energizing members tlmt
`are more common to the general public. It is well known by those skilled in !be art of
`oilfield packers that packing elements, as well as slip and cone anchoring devices,
`require energizing in order to perform their intended pUipose. In a large number of
`cases the "energizing" is accomplished by relative stroking of components that retain
`the energizing element (spring, pacldng element, or slip and cone anchoring device)
`so that the retaining components get closer together, therefore compressing the
`spring, packing elemen~ or aneboring mechanism. Page l ofEx!Ubit C shows n
`figure that mimics Ute Baker Model C packer and lists its components with the
`packing elements shown as springs. Additionally, the features of the Model C that
`exist in the Rockseal packer are listed. Page 2 of Exhibit C shows the figure from
`page I, except that it is in the set or energized position with a detmled description of
`the tool functionality. Bnsed on these facts and information, it is obvious to me that a
`packer that utilizes dual packing elements on a single body with a centrally located
`hydraulic setting device was not unique, novel, innovative, or patentable in 1999.
`Halliburton was assigned a patent in 1986 (Jiled 1984) that has essentially
`the same functionality as the Top Tool packer and the Baker Model C packer. Patent
`number 4,569,396 is Exhibit D of this affidavit. This patent details a packer that has
`dual packing elements, a single body and a centrally located hydraulic setting device.
`The Rockseal packer has 2 additional feauues that are not utilized in the
`Top Tool packer or the Baker Model C packer. The Rockseal packer utilizes an
`"anti-preset., device ns well as a ratcheting lockini! mechanism for storing energy in
`the energizing elements once setting of the packer is complete. The reason the Top
`Tool packer and the Baker Model C packer do no! have these features is they were
`designed for n sligh!ly different application thnn the Rockseal packer. The Rockseal
`packer was designed to set one time and to maintain sealing performance after the
`hydraulic setting pressure is released. The Top Tool packer and the Baker Model C
`packer are designed to set and unset on multiple occasions during the same
`installation. There have been many other oil and gas weU tools designed and installed
`dmt utilize on anti-preset device and ratcbeting locking mechanism. One such tool is
`the Guiberson G-77 pucker. TI1e G-77 packer has o single mandrel \vith atleast 2
`energizing elements and • hydraulic setting device between 2 oftl1e energizing
`elements. Additionally, the G-77 has an anti-preset device ond a ratcheting locking
`mechanism that stores the setting force in the energizing elements once the hydraulic
`setting pressure is releosed from the packer. Exhibit Eisa document that I created
`which shows the detoiled functionality of the G-77 packer versus the Rockseal packer
`in a simple format. Page I ofExhibit E details U1e fearures and components of the 0-
`77 as well as a list of its features that match the fearures of the Rockseal packer. The
`G-77 has a single body, 2 energizing elements (I pa~ing element & I anchoring
`element), a centrally located hydraulic setting device, an anti-preset device, and a
`mtcheting locking mechanism. Exhibit F is U.S. patent number 5,103,901, which was
`issued to Dresser Industries and is no longer maintained. This patent shows a packer
`which is hydraulically set d1nt utilizes nn anti-preset device and a ratcheting lock
`Packing Elements of many different configurations have been used in
`cased hole as well as open bole. There are pocking elements that have been
`developed over the years that are potentially beller suited to open bole applications
`where the borehole may not be as consistent or as consolidated as a cased hole. It is n
`fai:t that packing elements which were initially designed for cased hole have been
`used in open bole. The success of conventional compression set pacld.ng elements
`when used in open hole bas been mixed. Reliability is largely dependent on the
`competence of the open bole formation in which a packer is set. If the borehole of the
`welJIJas discontinuities, fracrures, or cracks, thai nre adjacent to and run along the
`axis of the wellbore and the discontinuities are of greater length than a set packing
`element, then a pocking element will not seat satisfactorily. It is accepted in the
`industry Ibn! these types of discontinuities exillt in many wellbores and predicting the
`location of them in a cost effecti,•e manner prior to setting a packer is typically not
`possible. It is also understood that some nreas of the same wellbore may have areas
`where there is continuity, therefore allowing a pacl"er lo seal effectively. Therefore,
`the longer the packing element, the more opportunity there is !:hat some section of the
`packing element will be located over a portion of the wcllbore that has continuity.
`Another idea used in the indusl!y for increasing reliability of pncken; in open bole is
`redundancy rather than increased lengl:h. If more packing elements are employed
`there is n grenter opportunity for at least one of the packin'g elements to seal in a
`portion of the borehole that has continuity. II is not a new, unique, or innovative
`concept to use this approach for sealing in open hole. Redundant packers have been
`used on many occasions to increase reliability in open hole applications. Exhibit G
`shows a brochure of a D&L Oil Tools DH type packer that has 2 versions, one for
`cased hole and one for open hole. The one for cased hole utilizes a single
`conventional compression set packing element and the one used for open hole utilizes
`2 ofthe same conventional compression set packing elements. As stated above, the
`rationale for this design is that redundnncy increases reliability when working in open
`bole. E.'O(}libit His U.S. patent number 2,618,340 wbicl1 was applied forin I 947. The
`patent specifically details a dual element packer which may be used in either cased
`hole or open hole. Within the description oft11e patent in column 2, lines 17-21 it
`states, "In genera/the foregoing objects of this illl'elltlon ar·e allalned b)• and the
`invention i's embodied iu apparatus comprisfug a packer means for dividing tl1e well
`casing or borehole into two longitndinal/y separated zones" .. , It goes on to give us
`more infonnation about the writers intended definition of !:he word ''borehole" later in
`Column 2, lines 45-49 by stating "A well casing is slto1w1 at C wliich ma;• be assumetl
`to lun•e been installed in the usual fashion in a well korebole" ... Therefore, those
`skilled in the art would define the borehole as open hole for purposes of this patent.
`I 0.
`Anti-preset devices for use on packers and many other types of oilfield
`equipment have been around for longer than I have been in the industry. There are
`many types of anti-preset locking configurations. An anti-preset device is simply a
`locking mechanism that prevents a first part ftom moving relative to a second part
`prior to a third part being moved. The first part is typically on the outside oftl1e
`packer wl1ere it may come into contact with the constructed wellbore during
`installation. The seeond part would be the main body of the tool. If relative
`movement of the first part nnd the second part take place during installation and prior
`to reaching desired depth, then the tool could prematurely set and become
`inadvertently stuck in the wellbore. TI1e tl1ird port typically is protected from the
`constructed wel!bore and can only be influenced by internal mnnipulntion, whether
`mechanical or hydraulic in nature. l have personally designed tools that have utilized
`the following types of anti-preset locking mechanisms: a) locking dogs and a groove,
`b) locking collet and a groove, and c) locking balls and a groove. Some of the tools
`tl1at l have designed, or reviewed during my career, that utilize the locking dogs and
`groove preset device are Baker's CT hydraulic running tool for setting and cementing
`retainers, Weatberl'ord's SWP wiper plug system, Weatherford's Model R Hydraulic
`release liner running tool, nnd Weatherford's TSP liner top packer. Some of the tools
`that! have designed, or reviewed during my career, that utilize the locking colic! and
`groove preset device are Baker's JM liner tieback packer, Balcer's LFC liner wiper
`plug system, Weatherford PHS hydraulic set liner hanger, Allnmon Tool Company's
`sub-sea casing dual plug systems, Baker's wear bushing for M1M liner tieback seals.
`I have designed an Underreamer for Allaman Tool Company that utilizes n ball and
`groove locking mechanism in 3 different places. Owen Oil Tools had a mechanical
`gun release U>at utilizes a ball and groove (Exhibit n.
`Based on my extensive experience and ex-pertise in the field of packer
`design, operations, and intellectual property management it is my expert opinion the
`combination of the features in the Rackseal packer is not unique, new, or innovative
`at this time and was nat in 1999. There is a great deal of publicly available prior art
`detailing packers that utilize dual element packers 1vith a single body and centrally
`located hydraulic setting devices, as well as packers with anti-preset devices and
`rntcheting Jack rings.
`Fur1her affiant sayeth not
`SUBSCRIBED AND SW~ TO QEFORE ME on the __{!i_ day of 1lictJ.J.
`L'ID 11!;rc;l e
`In the State of Texas, to certify~ess
`2008, at the City of
`my hand and office seal.
`United States Patent (191
`1 of 8
`Jul. 21, 1981
`lnv~mtor. nobcrt D. Wellz, Houma, La.
`Assign~: Top 'fool Compn.oJ'1 Juc., Hcum:!, La.
`AppJ. No.: GS.,520
`Aug. 10, 1979
`Int. Ct.J ,,_.n, . ., ........ EliB 31/UO,; E21'U 33/124
`U.S. Cl. ·~·''"'""''"'~"''"''"''-" 16"6/311; 166/147;
`[5&] Fft:ld of Scorr:b .............. , IC6/127, 14"1, 151, 191,
`166/181, 312, 311
`Rcl'ercncl!$ Cited
`Ncwfm ... ~ ................. ~-·-·· 161ill47
`I:.:me !±I ol ........... _,, .... ~ .• : .. 166"!147
`Humnsou .• - ....... ,_,, ........... 1661167
`Fc\Vcl ....... ,. ... ~ ....... - ........... 166/Ht
`Oowlik .... ~··-·"··-·-··· .. ·-··· lli6/181
`Drow11 ............ -·~-M~ ....... 1661187
`DilletUill) _,,,_, ___ ~."M'"" Jlili/147
`Lucmb ........... --~ .. --...... M 1E6/147
`Primary E.TDmlm:r-Jomes A. Le:pplnk
`tlttamey. ,1ge1:14 or Firm-DiU B. 13crry/lil1
`A wdl Wll.Shtng tool wl1i!:!b may comprire o !ubulijj"'
`m1mdrel: first llnd second p01cker nssf!mblles c11rric.d on
`the m:mdrel at opposite ends tbercof; nn otlter tubular
`body surrounding the mendcel belweet~ the packer 4S-(cid:173)
`st:mblirs; an nnnular ch~tmbcr between !be mandrel and
`the sum.lunCU:og tubular body; !lnd tt vclye nsscmbly
`cn.rried wjthin the rumuiM eliOtttbcr. The tubular m;m•
`drcl is ndnpted foo conm:clins the tool in 11 :ptpe strins
`e/lh:.adiDC to the itlfface of the wtll nnd tile lower e:nd
`mny be Dd!ipted (or bloeidng flow of Ouids from the
`pipe slrlng through the: mnndrel flow ptiS$Dgc.. Pori& nrc
`provided in the wntls or the mondr<:l arid the tubulnr
`body pcrmittl.ng fluid communication belwtcn l11e mllll·
`dn:l flow pnssagaw1d the cxt=;ior of !.he tool. Thcvnlvc
`n.s~embly prcVcuh such -fluid -communication ·by block·
`i.ng oqe or mote ofthJ: ports, The packer a:ue:mbUc.s :u-e
`nctll!lted by D predetamincd pr~ure and the vnlvc
`c.sscn1bJy Is responsive to a higher predetermined pr!!!•
`sure to unblock lbe po~ permitting fluid cummuniC!l·
`don between the m:mdtel flow p~Wagc and the c;ucrior
`of the tool through the nnnu!::u- eht~-mbcr.
`19 Clllims, 2 Drnwlng Fiwu·~
`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 21, !981
`2 of 8
`,, zo
`o~ I-
`' -
`3 of 8
`problems associated with CUIJ t}rpc packet womililg
`tools. The tuol of the pn:senllovenLion Includes u tubu·
`lar tnOndlcllmvins a flow pnssngc therethrough und the
`upper end of which isadnpted for connecting the tool in
`n pipe sttins Cll'tencliug to the surthce oftllc well, dtc
`1. Field oflhe Invention
`The pmem invention penoins 10 lGob for \lSC i.'l
`lower end bcins provided with meD!l$ for bJockii1C; the
`complctins o!l ond/or gas wells Stu:cificully, it perlUins
`llow of fluid& from 1bc pipe string tbrouah the tn!Uldtcl
`to c wnslling tool end method r.ulloble for grculatine Dow p115sage. Fir.;t Plld second pncl:er assemblies nr;:
`fluid throu!lh well conduits and surrounding fotmntionS
`enrrltd on the mandr~:l nl the opposil.e ends thereof nnd
`for various tn:atme~ns tlmreor.
`ID nn outer tubular body surrounds the mMdrcl between
`2. Dcscdption of the Prier Art
`the pBCker assemblies. An annul~ clnunbt:r b; pravlded
`1n completing OJl oU or gtu: w.c.U nfter drilling u hole
`between lhe mr1ndrcl and lbcwrrounding tubular body.
`thercfor,\1 is ~ommon to lnslnll a produetion ~injllllld
`TJ1c annulnr chumbt:r i~ln fluid comamuicudon with tht
`mnndrcl now pnsscge through por[S 1n the .wnlls oftbc
`to p::rfot;~lc t!1c CllSing nt tbt praducinu formation,
`After ~ompleuon, d1e oll Md!ot IJil$ nows from the JS mandrcl nml the tubtllnr body is -provided wilh ports
`fonruu.1on drroup tlle pe(fatllllon$. into the:: production which peniiit fluid oornmunicntion b~ecn the nnn.ulnr
`Cl!Sing where It ts u.suaUy commum<:atW to !be surface
`cllnmbcr nnd tbe t;ttcrior of the tool.
`A valve ~bly is cnrticd within the nnnutnr chrun-
`of, tlu:: WL-11 throunh production lubi~g.
`Fre~uen!ly it ls ~ecessa.ry or desunblc .to t;cnt the
`bee Wockina the ports in Jhc Wbtda:r body u.nd prt::vcnt~
`form:111afl surroundmg tl1~ p~rTo~tcd cnsmg m some 20 lng fluid communk:o.fuJn bctwc~:n the annulnr chamber
`~Y!!l'-.IQ._t;~_nt:Jg __ Jp.e.JlP..w .. o.(.OuW:~ . tbe-refrom .. So~u:
`aud · thrftdol-c>xtCtiO'r:·Howa'ver; "Oil! "Vii1V'ii' O:UiirilbtY ... 1.$ ·
`mc61od$ CJf ¥e<~lmg_ formatrons mclude circu~nting
`responsive. to predolcrmined pr~rc co.mmuni~:aled 10
`wn.lez or ncid1Z,t:cl fluid lhrounh lhc formation .""fB the
`!he onnulnr cbnmbcr throug-)1 the mundn:t porl!:i to un-
`c.;,slnn perfo~t:ion.s IUld ha~k lip the cn.o:f.ag stnng. Uy
`S block the. tubulnr body JJOcts -~rmitting fluid comtnutli~
`:;ud1 c!rculeiJoc, IO?SC sands may .be woshCJ:! from ~ .:iilion between Uu: Jm1Jldr.e1 flow panane ontJ lhc tool
`formntu:m or consohd;ncd witb.vMJQWI m::r.ten~ls. V~lds
`~tcrior through the mandrel pori.:;, ttcc ent~ubu- ~ho.m-
`mny ~ cre111cd for more cffi:cuvc srovcl packing, tight
`'oer and lhc tubulur llody ports The p:u::k
`forn1nt•ons moy be mnde mort: susct!plible to flow, etc.
`' ___ ,
`In periorming .!iUCh clrculaling op~ntlions, vnrious
`:cspP~UlVC too prcrletetwltiCd pre-mEre eommu.
`w:uh!ng loob hove been developed which generally JO :~Jcnled lo the ~nul.ar ch:unber through the n1rutdrcl
`provide some method of packing orr un lln!a of the ?~ for nct~J~n tln:reof. In foclt the: ~:~ckc:r ~em.-
`~l1cs lire rcspons•vc tO a lower prcdetc:rmmcd pre,m~rc
`CilSing for t:irtulatjon. Such toots are usunlly lllta<:bcd to
`lhe lower end of n washing stclna, lowered i:lto tlle
`~an the volvc assemblY. Th~. tbc pnckc.r t~Srembhes
`ru;:.y fll1it be-!ie~ end then t1.1e v.atve ncsembly actup.tcd lo
`ctl.'ling to tile desired depth, pocked orr nnd clrcuJntlng
`commenccil. ta most or the 1ools or the prior nrt,. peck- 33 proYlde I he tlwd commtnuCillmn n::c:=nry .fbr <:lrcu!:~t-
`ius is ~compltshed by providlnn: pnckcrs en the wnsh-
`mg nul_d~ throl:lgh the tool for washing the ~'\ln'll\Uidmg
`iog tools ou opp~le sidts ar the pe.rfornt1ons through
`formation. .
`wh.lcb the fluid i,;; to Dow front the. tool, Clrculatlng
`The too!Js opernl~ by Jowcrlnn- on ::r.. p1pc string to
`lloid nows down t'he circul:lllng !Otting, lbrou@l the
`lhc necc.uary lc.vet m o perforated t:lllim~. Then the
`tool, between the packers oud out the co.sfnc perfor;a· 40 lower cod of t11c mandrel flow pns.\~ge 1s close-d or
`lion! Into the formation. Aow tbe.o canclnues bad{ iat(l
`blocked by suftnbte mC41ls nnd. pres&~rc.o.ppUcd to the
`lhe casing iltt'ougb pc.rCorAlions nbove l.hc packCrs so
`;.nnuhr Cllo.tnbcr through the pipe string. Upon rcach-
`thul the rctutnina Ouicl Oow1 upwom:Uy through t11c
`~fl II Elnt pti.'dclcrm.!ncd pressure level, Uae p11ckcr
`cuing nbovc !be tool
`csscmblics ~ nxllllly, compressec$ nnd rndinlly ex~
`The pllt:keu used ill wMhing too!s of the prior art nrc 4S pt~ndcd ~nhl they :;~tingly eng;.~.~ the: wl'llls of the
`surroundmg pcrfor,J,Jcd caslnc. A rur1hcr Jncrcnse in
`tJS.ually of the cup type. Prior art WMhing tools utilizing
`cup t:ype poekers :uc mod~: by the Bll..ker Dlvisioll or
`pr~rc ac1ua.tcs the valve nssembly to ope-a, mbuhu-
`BI!Jier Oil Toots. Inc. o:nd Cavins Corpornlion, Cup
`body potts !Uld fluitk in the pipe :string- begin to flow IO
`type p01~kcr.; lenve- some-thing to be- dc.-;lrcd. in depend~
`th~:~tcrlorofdm tool through the pcrforotions ,h9lo.ted
`n'billly, fniling to ndeqUotcly seal U!lder mcmy condi~ 50 by !he pncldng nssembllc.s and into 1bc surrounding wcll
`;laM. :Furthc:rrnorc, since Ute cup 1ypc tJndters engcge
`strtllll. The nufd reenters Ute .ensln.g_smng through per·
`rornlions above tlu: pucker nssembl1cs for return (o tbe-
`tbe cnsing wllik: tl1e tool is being ron lnla th~: well or
`pullcd·oUI of It, tlley urn frequently totn or duwnsed
`lurfin:c of the well. After circUJ11don, pr~ur-e l.a tltc
`mnclar cb:un'ller b rclieved, nllowing the volve a.sscm ..
`during ure.
`Upon comple!ion or circUlation, it mny be deslrnble 55 bly to close tind the pnd!:cr assemblies to disengage the
`to reverse circutote (or removing sand or other mated·
`c:~Sing wnlli, Revcnc circulo.tion m~y be performed 1.0
`nls from the. bottom ofihc ~11 bole. This is difficulllo
`ct®n sund or debris frotn the bottom of Un: !tole,
`crf(ctlvely nccompli.sb witl1 cup cype packer& since the
`Thus, the circuletlng or w~bing tool of Ute presl!tll
`!nvanJjoiJ is .$lmplc; In «~!Utructlon end op:.rotion. D11e
`p;;cl:crs rcmn.lo cnnaaed with tl1e c:~Sins und sinec.1omc
`of lhem mny be Oared iri 11 direction wblch would n~tu· eo to the hydtllulicaUy .set pnclu:rs, it l.s mote reliable tbM
`nlly oppose reverse Oow. Another _problem n:ssocintcd
`wAShing tools utilizing cup type ;pllt:k--cts. Furthermore.
`such cons-trucllon permits lhc tool to be lowered in tbe
`with cup tYPe pnckm is the possibility of swnbbing in
`the well or pulling sand ln10 tbe ~ing when t11e tool is
`w<:U without intcrfcn:n'ce betwc.cn the packing cltJ.Ucnts
`;etitovcd thc:rerrom.
`:md the cnslnn: string ro that llle pocking cle:ru:n\5 arc
`6S !101 do.ml'gcd on lowering into Uu: well. The tool is
`short und com.pe.ct, alloWing It to pus: through tigltl
`In lhe prcsenl invt!ntion ll eirc.ulnting or WllShlng tool
`M"eM or ~lightly out or line cii.Sing sc.cr:ioi1S, In addition,
`t:.nd mctbad ore provided which eliminate mLUiy or the
`3ft:er circulation end relcaR: of prcsiure1 UJe pilckino
`~ ...
`4 of 8
`Ench p:1ch-c.r llSscmbly ;~ls:o!m:ludi!S ruunnuJnr piston
`US'!ietnblii!! nre radi:~Uy ~ntrocll!d fot teven;e circuln~
`comprising o1uumulru- he11d portion 40, 5D and n tubulnr
`tion nnd remoVlll so lt1Ut there, Is no danger ofsw!!hbing
`sleeve part\on 41, 51 c~tcndlng theiefrom. The heat!
`in tlle well or pullinsannd into thecil..,ing while the toOl
`portion 5lidinaly und scalinsly .r:ngllgcs 1hc: C$lerior or
`· U bcin.g tcmoved.
`S ntQlldrd 1 ilnd1bt: interior of ttJbular t.odyS. TI1c sleeve
`M'UI)' othr:r o.dvnnl>~ees of the toc.l witl be undcn:ltiCJd
`portion 4l; 51 s'Udingly nnd suUngly cngG!Je$ tbe e:Uc·
`from rc:~ding the specifiCiltion wltk:b rollows in can·
`rior of the rcspl:(;livc pucker bodies lD, 30. Annular
`junctiott witb the ncr:ompBnying drnw!ngs.
`11tals 42. 43, 44 aml52. 53, 54 nssure·liealing ot tb~e
`polnlS or sliding nod se:Uing eagag.emcnt. It will noted
`FIG. l is 01 section3l.ele•lq.tion view of casing within 10 lh11.t i9 the unset posi1ioD sho\lm iii FlO. !, the ha.d e11ds
`a well bole showing the wzsblag tool of the. pr~:Sent
`of lln: plstcns Ce$1 Pgninst U!i:lp rings <5, 5S onaebed lo
`the tubuli!t body P nnd tllu th:evc ends 41, Sl b.enr
`invenliou in qu;~rter-scction :mel io 1hc unset or running
`a£nirut the packer relllincr rfngs: 161 36.
`in position; ond
`FIG. 2 is n sectional elevation view simi!nr to.FIG.l
`The sleeve portions 41, Sl and the lnncrdlllmcter of
`but showing the tool in its ~d (lOSidou ror circulation or I~ tbt hwl pardons 40 Wld so or llu: p:~ckcr pistons arc
`jcincd bY onouhn surrnces 4<i, 56 wbicb along with tbe
`Ouids through tile tool ~nd Ute cll!iing perforations into
`sleeve portion5 41, Sl1 mnndrd lnnd the ends cf p11ckcr
`the 511rraunding [Qnnutiou.
`bodies 20 1111d 30 form ;.ooricblc nnnulo.r chumUtrs 4?, 57.
`111C!lc vorioblc nnnulor chantbtr.o 47, 57 may be vented
`:W tc thecp;tedor ofUst. Lool through longitudinal ports 48,
`Referring firot to 'FlO. 1;-thetcrls shD'aYfl-Uil! 'WiiSlili1g
`· Shqd l'Qdh!J·Ports-49; 5!1;
`t-ool T or ~he prcsc:nt invenlion attached to. the lower
`It wlll niso be i~Oied lh:ltlha packer bodies 10 end 30
`ate shown aUnch~d Ia tho ~lllldtel 2 by thri!Jldcd con~
`end of 0 pi(te 5tring p in e pcrfore.ted cos ins c of 11 well
`nectlons lOa nnd 30.: ~owms ce.mo\'nl of the pDcker
`having 5Urroucdios s.lro.la S. The taol T includes Dlubu·
`1 c m drcl 1 J1:win• 0 ccntrcl flow P"""Se 2 the.re- 1S body from the mnnd~ll. Thls then would Also permit
`'ch Is
`an .
`rcmovlll of cll of the clements of the packer 1!55embly
`tnclud!ns Ute packer clements and the p~er pistons.
`lhrough ond the upper end of whi .
`:m e.uunining the uue.rtorofthe tubulnr body B,ll will
`r.:,t:llJt~ ~ch os t~~ds 3 for eonl)e.ctmg the todllo !be
`b~~cc:n lltul it is provided with c first cylindrical surface
`pipe stnng p wlueli ~tends IO tbc .surfnec of tl}.c wclt.
`The lower end of the mMdrcl muy .be threudedly ~· m liD and 011 adj:u:cnt second cylindrical ~urfncc Gl of
`nce.ted _nl 4 to t1 boll ;sub 5 or.tbc l1k1; U!-C p~~e. or.
`slightly s.mrallcr difuntll:r. The Wfren::ntial p!stan.ll of
`wlnch 1S to block now of fluids fro~ the P'P= $IC1nt
`ll:c 'vi!lvi:: nsmnbly is provided with e corresp~mding
`lhrou~h the mandrel flow p~suge when des!red. Ho:v-
`first cylino:.lricill cud portion 62-nnd o second cylindrlccl
`over, tn FIG. 1. thar~ I!O no blockosc 1111d nowb pr:nmt·
`opposite end portion 63 or muJlJer- ditmu::tcr. The end
`usd rhroucll tl1e mnlldtd Oow pBUJl.ge l so thnl If there· 35 ponlon Gl slidlr.gly :wd $ecillaniY eo{;ti(IC:$ cylindrical
`1s o.ny fluid in the en~i:'lg S !t m11y be d4pii!.Ced up-
`5 urr11cc 6U of tubulnt" mcmticr 8 ·ond Uro oppo!ltc end
`pot1ion ro:· slitlitlc;1y o~~nd sea.Ji:ngly engages n second
`wardly through tlfc p!pc smog P ns the. tool Tis tow-
`ered imo.thc "!ell. Other toolsO, way be Olt1.1.ched to the mnller diluneter cyli~drlcol swi'a= fil a-r the tubu\IU"
`mt!ftibar 9', Thm the el'fective JUlilUlUt' area ~!~>pOlled to
`b.oll $1.lb Jf dr:Slred.
`F'mto:td :ocCllnd packer assemblies t1 end 7 m:: gffi!:Q ..:o pr~surn in lhe annuliiJ' chati1bcr 9 il;: gre!II!!T et the fUst
`:~t oppOStlc ends of dtc m:mtlrcl. 'I"h(:Seuscmblies 6 and
`Clld portion 6Z'tba.n at tltlf &cCQnd cpp::l$ing end portion
`7 will be more fully described Jtcr~fir:r. An outer tubu·
`63. Allnulo.r roeul5 Ci4 :xntl6S essurc ~l!.llling n.t these poinls
`lnr trody 6: surrounds: tbe rnnndrel l betw~:en packer
`of contncl. Al leost one relief portion 66 b provided
`nssernblies 6 nnd 71e=lflnc Q.rt nnnular ~;luunber !1 there--
`U::rousl1 Uu: wuJls uHhe tu1Jul11.r Wt1abcr 8'bttwecn We
`fil'lit nnd second o.nnu!u s.Cllb 54 m1d 65 t1lfOU1Jh whlcb
`The nnnulnr chtuDbcr 9 is Ln fluid coromunlc;~tion
`fluids- these .sctlls. m:Jy be displcccd to tin: c:derlor of the
`with the mnadrcl l'low p:ll'>USt: 2 throug~ n( lce.st ~nc
`tucl. A smnll bleed pon67 mnybc provided in the wall'
`port 'UJ. The tubutnr body 8 is flroYidcd W1U1 n p!uraht}l
`of llm tuhutnr member 8 in direct cOmmun(c;~tlon with
`nnnulnr chrunbcr 9.
`of pons 11 wlllch u.cdcr ccrtnln condhlons pcnnit £111id
`eommun!endon b~twccn the onnttTDr cbomb~ 9 ll.l!d the $0 As previously mentioned, the valve assembly m~
`c;~;tc:rior of tbe t<>ol T.
`clud~ n billSing .spring '13 between tbe cllffcrentinl pis·
`Co.rtied wilhln the osmulo.r ch11mlx:r 9 is o val~c a.s-
`ten member nnd l15pric; rellliner l3a ot the fixed snnp
`~cmbly, includint a differenliol pi$lOII tncmber 12 and
`ri:~s SS. Tha. hio.sing sprinn 13 b~ tlm piston ll
`binsing sprin~ 131 which In tl1e running posil.ionofF!G,
`tcwnrd !he posllion of FlO. 1, blocking porflo: 11.
`1 blocks the parts ll preventing fluid commu11ictltion 55
`between the llnnllla.r Ch:unber 9 ond t11c: cxtcrlcr of the
`tool. 'Ole: v:Uv'c :JS£cmUly V.·ilt be mare fully described
`To 1.1.1Uizc the tool T for <:irculatm,s: apcrotions, it b
`aU Pelted to U1c pipe tmiugP und loWC'feO inlO the perro-
`E.o.ch cf the puckc: oss.wablics 6 :md 7 includc..s a
`nted cc.sing c lo tbe desired depth in the unset pcsillon
`tubulnr pl!.cker body 201 30, wldch is cnrded on tbc 60 Ulu5l.r.ltcd ln. FlO. 1. Then a resilient boD member B Is
`mandrel 1 having an l!ltlllllur tilloutdCT l-1, 31 aad nn
`dKJtlptd through the: pipe string P through tbc mnndrd
`:mnular lip 2J1 ~thereon. A pluomy or re:o:Uient
`pmugclfcrrengugen'umt wllh:;®&!ugswfuce5aoftbc
`bt.U sub S. (Sec FlG. 2) This blocks now ct the end of
`packer clements l3, J41 33.- 34, j;Urround tbt: pnc1tct
`th:. m11,ndrel flow Jl4SSIISC :t Thcn;pre!~Surc is iru:tcnsc:d
`badid 20, 50 udjncenl the onnu1o.r shoulders 22, 3:Z, :md
`mny b~ ~epurnted by ring spucen: JS, 35. Each p;:~ckcr 6S'dJ.tOug~ the pipc·stth'I-B P, fluid -enwins the nnrwfllr
`<~SScmblY mny also be provided wllb liii nnnutar rtUUw.:r
`ch;unl;ler 9 through mandr~l p:)ru: ttl. As prcsr;u-rc is
`ring lCi'1 J6 which may o:ba hilVC an onnulnr Jip %7, 37,
`Increas-ed to a first pn:dl!termined JcV~:l, tho pr~re
`t:ertcd oguinst lhe peeker piston bet~d pordcn5 40, SO,
`5 of 8
`foll:es the pistons tow.:~rd the packing clements 23, 24,
`Jng repented. 'Illls eliminates thl!i need to completdy
`remove the tool T from the well SllYiog U,c time neces.
`33, J4, a.:dltlly co~nprel5$ing them betwe~n dJc rcspeelivc
`nnnu!at should~ 21, U, unlil they ~e rodbtly elt• wy tor doing so with tOol! of the prior ott.
`Thu$, It ls seen from the foregoing d~plion lb:ll
`ptmded to SCO!ling1y cnnosc the incer woJ)s Q( the casing
`the wc.sbipg tool of the present inv~mtion ts extremely
`C. Any fluids ln tlte varlnbfe nnnulnr chambers 47and
`efficient, atSY to ~c Md vctSil.tilc. Furthermore, it h
`S7 nrc displ:lCcd lltrougll ports 48 4.9, 58, 59. The :~el
`position of the packers G wu:l7 nr~ .shown in FIG. 2.
`rclnlfvdy simple to wunuf~JCUU"O IUld maint.nln. While o
`A further increase in pre-ssure lo 11 i1lgber predeler.
`single embodiment of tbe lnVt:nl!oil: hns been described
`hcreU1, many vnrintion:s eAn be made wilboul depilrling
`mlned level forces the difflmm.t'r:~J pistonU of the valve
`AS'embly dowgwa.:d!y, a.:s vlcwcd in FIO.l, comprClS· 10 from the spirit ofthe invention. Thcrcfon::, ills inu:nded
`ing !he: bi:J.Sins 3prinnl3. This is due to tbc dilie.--entinl
`lhal lllc seep~: of the (nvenlion be limited onfy by the
`claims which follow.
`pressure orep of the pist()n 12 prcvicusl)' described
`1 ctuim:
`herein, Ali the piston 12 moves do\Vnwnrdly, MY Oui&
`betwc~ seals 64 nnd GS ore dispU:ced throug!1 tbc relief
`1. A well washing tool compri~ing:
`port 66 and the lubular member ports l1 are opened, as IS
`a t.ubulur mll.!ldrel having .o.
`lltrW pnsst~gc there-
`seen 1u FlO. 2. Fluid then llows from the pipe string P
`fbrough lUld the uppr:r end of whleh is open oM
`through the numdrcl flow p01.5sage 2, ports 10, mmulnr
`provided with mc:uu; far connecting snid roolln o.
`pipe s:tdns: extending to tbe sur