`Society of Petroleum Engineer'S
`SPE 18263
`Simultaneous Multiple Entry Hydraulic Fracture Treatments of
`Horizontally Drilled Wells
`by C.E. Austin and R.E. Rose, Halliburton Services, and F.J. Schuh, Drilling Technology Inc.
`SPE Members
`Copyright 1988, Society of Petroleum Engineers
`This paper was prepared for presentation at the 63rd Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition of the Society of Petroleum Engineers held in
`Houston, TX, October 2-5, 1988.
`This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of information contained in an abstract submitted by the
`author(s). Contents of the paper, as presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to correction by the
`author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Papers
`presented at SPE meetings are subject to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society of Petroleum Engineers. Permission to copy is
`restricted to an abstract of not more than 300 words. Illustrations may not be copied. The abstract should contain conspicuous acknowledgment of
`where and by whom the paper is presented. Write Publications Manager, SPE, P.O. Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836. Telex, 730989 SPEDAL.
`The number of horizontally dri 11 ed we 11 s has
`continued to increase in the past few years. Nearly
`all of
`these we 11 s have
`camp 1 eted
`"drainholes 11 with slotted or perforated liner and
`without a cement sheath. The majority of these have
`been successful in their designed intent.
`performed on a relatively small number of these
`To be effectively fracture stimulated, a
`horizontally drilled well must be cased and cemented
`the horizontal producing section of
`well. Casing and cementing the horizontal section
`allows fracture initiation points to be controlled
`in placing multiple fractures.
`potential effectiveness of any fracturing treatment
`The one
`factor which most directly
`affects horizontal wellbore fracturing is the least
`principal stress, which is at a right angle to the
`induced fracture. The direction of the hori zonta 1
`segment of the borehole dictates whether or not the
`induced fracture will be parallel or at an angle to
`the borehole.
`The use of properly applied controlled entry
`techniques at several
`initiation points
`will help allow equal placement of proppant or
`in one
`fracturing with
`acidizing can be used in the stimulation treatment.
`The potential economic benefit to be derived from a
`successful multi p 1 e entry
`be given
`development of fracturing techniques to help obtain
`maximum wellbore drainage.
`References and 1 I lustrat1ons at end of paper.
`in creating and placing
`to be used
`prop pant and/ or reactive fluids in each of the
`in a horizontally drilled
`simultaneous stimulation treatment procedure are
`presented and compared to a vertical well under
`similar conditions.
`Horizontally drilled wells have been around
`last 50 years.
`Some of
`the early
`attempts were experimenta 1 eff9.r"t conducted in
`the Soviet Union in the 1950's, ' where some 43
`horizontal wells were drilled at considerable
`effort with respect to equipment, measurement,
`The conclusion drawn
`effort appears
`to have been
`that horizontally
`drilled wells were
`technically feasible, but
`economically disappointing.
`In the 1950's, wells
`were dri 11 ed from
`the shore in the Long Beach
`California Field
`to penetrate a productive
`offshore horizon. Dri 11 i ng reached a 90 degree
`deviation angle and
`to penetrate
`the producing
`Because of
`the production obtai ned without
`setting offshore platforms these wells were both
`profitable and environmentally acceptable.
`the 1970's, Mobil, et al. drilled a highly
`into the Pine Island Chalk. The
`deviated well
`well was
`stimulated by hydraulic
`through multiple
`initiation points.
`Each of
`initiation points was
`As a
`result of
`developed for th~ experiment, Mobil was issued a
`the conclusion
`patent in 1974. Again
`based on Mobi 1 's experience appeared to be that
`deviated wells were
`of better directional
`drilling techniques resultinq from experience
`1 of 15
`Ex. 2098


`gained in the Gu 1 f of Mexico and in the North Sea
`the drilling of more highly deviated
`The· development of
`11measurement while
`(MWD) 11
`techniques gave more
`r the
`contra 1
`directional drilling engineer, giving continuous
`steering control of the bit. At approximately the
`same time downhole positive displacement mud motors
`were being perfected. When used with bent subs
`the capabilities of
`these motors further improved
`the drilling engineer.
`fact, at present,
`drilling technology for horizontal wells
`is more
`advanced than the completion techniques.
`At the SPE Forum on Horizontal Wells held in
`Durango, Colorado
`in 1987,
`the participants
`present could account for over 110 horizontal or
`highly deviated wells. Some estimates place the
`current number of hori zonta 1 wells between 300
`and 600 wells. Because a 1 arge number of the
`companies keep all information on a 11 tight hole
`basis 11 a closer determination is not possible.
`The types of production completions performed on
`horizontal wells are
`in paragraphs
`Open Hole Completion
`(Fig. 4)
`the highly
`The drilling classification of
`deviated or horizontal wells being drilled at
`present falls into four groups:
`Group 1. Long Bend Radius (Fig. 1)
`-0 to 5° per 100 ft measured depth
`-Horizontal section in excess of 1000 ft
`-Torque and weight easily applied to bottom
`of hole
`-Conventional drilling equipment can be used
`-Multiple borehole sizes
`-MWD and continuous wireline measurement can be
`used for steerage.
`If continuous wireline measurement
`used, then drill pipe cannot
`be rotated.
`Group 2. Medium Bend Radius (Fig. 2)
`-5 to 20° per 100 ft measured depth
`-Horizontal section in excess of 1000 ft
`-Torque and weight easily applied to bottom
`of hole
`-Conventional drilling equipment can be used
`-Multiple borehole sizes
`-MWD and continuous wireline measurement can be
`used for steerage.
`If continuous wireline measurement used,
`then drill pipe cannot be rotated.
`Group 3. Short Bend Radius (Fig. 3)
`-Bend completed in less than 40 ft TVD
`-Horizontal .section usually less than 600 ft
`-Limited size of borehole
`-No continuous steerage at present
`-Limited bottomhole motors at present
`-Most casing tools and stimulation tools
`cannot traverse bend
`Group 4. Ultra Short Bend Radius
`-Bend completed in less than 2 ft TVD
`-Horizontal section usually less than 200 ft
`-Multi-horizontal section at same level
`-Specialized comple~ion tools and techniques
`Note: This group will not be discussed in
`this paper.
`completion without hole collapse. Tubing can be
`to bottom
`to displace mud and debris by
`turbulent flow. A reactive fluid such as 15% HCl
`is sometimes spotted over
`the open hole
`section, then a matrix-type squeeze is applied in
`an attempt to correct near-wellbore damage. This
`type .of completion is used in long, medium, and
`short bend radius drilled wells. Dual straddle
`inflation packers have been used to assist in the
`control of matrix acidizing treatments.
`Slotted or Perforated Li~er or Casing Completion
`(Fig. 5)
`The liner or casing should be equipped with
`. internal wash pipe so that mud and debris can be
`removed from the annulus. A reactive fluid can
`be placed
`the annulus and a matrix
`treatment performed in attempting to remove near
`wellbore damage. This type of completion can be
`used on
`long, medium, and short bend
`drilled wells. Casing straddle packers have been
`used in an attempt to remove the mud and debris
`from the annulus with some degree of success.
`External Casing Packers with Tubing Operated
`Ported Subs (Fig. 6)
`External casing packers isolate sections of
`the horizontal part of the well. Tubing operated
`ported subs are sometimes placed on either siqe
`of the extern a 1 casing packers. This
`type of
`completion gives the operator a large measure of
`removing mud and debris, and
`matrix acidizing. This completion
`is usually
`limited to long and medium bend radius drilled
`In one particular well, straddle packers
`with a 400 ft spacing between the packers were
`used. The tool was set 12 times in the process
`of removing mud and debris, performing matrix
`acidizing, and
`testing of the various isolated
`sections in this well.
`Cemented Liner (Fig. 7A) or Casing (Fig. 7B)
`the most
`completion for stimulation by either hydraulic
`fracturing treatments with proppant or fracture
`acidizing. The cement and casing allow fracture
`initiation points
`to be placed
`in the casing,
`thus allowing control of the fracture treatments.
`is used
`type of completion
`and medium
`drilled wells.
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`SPE 18263
`is also being
`liner completion
`The cemented
`formations containing a gas cap.
`deviated borehole is drilled to the bottom of the
`then drilled upward at a
`producing zone and
`slight angle to the top of the zone. A liner is
`cemented and
`the well completed by perforating
`the well
`is producing an
`excess of gas a p 1 ug can be set in the upper part
`to contra 1 gas flow,
`of the 1 i ner with a choke
`lifting of
`thereby assisting
`the crude
`offsets, and (6) any other information available
`that may be beneficial to a successful completion.
`large enough
`lease area should be
`the desired
`the drilling of
`length of
`azimuth is deemed accurate, then the well can be
`area of
`lease. When
`geological conditions allow, it is preferred that
`the horizontal section be at right angles to the
`induced fracture azimuth.
`Pre-Packed Liners (Fig. 8)
`This type of completion has been used in the
`North Sea
`in a fie 1 d where the producing zone is
`poorly consolidated. This completion
`is used on
`long and medium bend radius drilled wells. A wash
`string is placed internal to the pre-packed liner to
`remove mud and debris from the annulus. The hole is
`all owed
`collapse onto
`the 1 i ner
`production is through the pre-packed gravel liner.
`Screen with External Gravel Packing
`At present there are no reports of hori zonta 1
`wells having been completed by gravel packing.
`Several service companies believe that the gravel
`packing completion can be easily performed; however,
`type of completion
`long and
`medium bend radius drilled .wells. Sand production
`has not been reported to be a problem in two cases
`in which gravel packing might have been anticipated:
`in Alaska with cemented perforated
`producing approximately 10,000 bbl/day and one
`Canada producing from a tar sand.
`This paper is intended to discuss primarily the
`fracture stimulation treatments of horizontal wells.
`Most of the completions to date of horizontal wells
`have been
`11 drain holes. 11
`horizontal wells are being drilled into producing
`that are known good producers
`in vertical
`Some believe that a producing zone
`requires fracture stimulation
`in a vertical well
`fracture stimulation
`hori zonta 1 well . A 1 so, some of the tighter zones
`that are harder
`to produce and are economically
`questionable at present may be economically feasible
`by using multiple
`fractures in the horizontal well, the same amount of
`total production will be recovered at an accelerated
`rate, thus the economical payout of the well will be
`obtained in a shorter time period.
`Producing Zone Data Acquisition
`For optimum results in fracture stimulation of
`a horizontal well,
`should be
`obtained to help in drilling the well and designing
`pre-drilling survey should be made.
`In this survey
`tops and
`information obtained should
`include (1)
`bottoms of the producing formation in other wells in
`fracture azimuth,
`cumulative and daily production of the wells in the
`field, (4) if drill stem testing has been performed,
`the results of these drill stem tests, ( 5) reports
`treatments performed on the vertical
`of stimulation
`the drilling
`be made
`prospectus for vertical hole data acquisition.
`This data can be obtained by drilling
`vertical hole through the planned producing zone
`or by making the first 45° of the bend radius and
`by using a tangent section (Fig. 9). Extending
`the tangent section through the producing zone
`important data
`be obtained,
`including the depths of the top and bottom of the
`Whi 1 e drilling,
`i ndi vi dua 1
`mi crofrac treatments should be performed on the
`zones above and below
`the producing zone
`addition to the target zone itself. An oriented
`core should be obtained from
`the zones above,
`be 1 ow, and within
`the producing zone.
`If the
`hole is vertical, then the fracture direction may
`be determined directly from an oriented core
`which was
`the microfrac
`treatment. This has been done in about 70% of
`micr~frac tests
`If the tangent section is used then
`the same data can be acquired. ~ring should be
`oriented and strain. relaxation
`also can be
`performed to obtain the induced fracture azimuth.
`A series of wireline open hole logs can then be
`obtained. One of the logs should be
`the rock
`stress presentation of the long space sonic log.
`information, when
`from microfrac
`should give
`least principal
`stress data
`information may be
`section. This
`input into a 3D computer model
`to predict the
`geometry of the induced fractures. The depth of
`the top and bottom of the producing zone and the
`vertical position of the horizontal section will
`be used by the directional drilling engineer to
`radius and
`to steer
`the bend
`borehole into the desired position.
`is performed
`If data acquisition
`vertical hole, this hole will be plugged back to
`the kick-off point.
`If the data was acquired in
`the tangent ho 1 e, then the p 1 ug back depth will
`be the kick-off of the second 45° segment of the
`bend (Fig. 9). A planned tangent section between
`the first and second 45° section of the bend
`a 11 ows for corrections in entering the correct
`vertical placement of the horizontal section.
`Horizontal Section Drilling and Cementing
`Most hori zonta 1 wells ·can be drilled and
`camp 1 eted with the same sizes of casing set at
`the same vertical depths as
`the conventional
`If an intermediate protection
`wells in the area.
`casing is require, the horizontal well can be
`completed with a
`If no
`casing is required, the horizontal hole can be
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`SPE 18263
`cased and cemented with a casing string run from
`the surface.
`The horizontal section can then be completed as
`The mud
`controlled and monitored to prevent excess solids
`accumulation and
`to assist
`removal of
`the horizontal
`section. After
`the desired TD,
`the casing or
`cementi ?g practices by Keller et a 1. 6 and Wilson
`et al.
`include a non-settling,
`free water
`If comp 1 eted with a 1 i ner, the 1 i ner top
`should be placed
`in the straight tangent section
`of the bend radius and
`tied into an
`casing. This practice should assist the entry of
`tools into-the liner with a minimum of trouble.
`Whi 1 e the hori zonta 1 section of the well
`being dri 11 ~d, cased and cemented, some decisions
`can be made. Using
`the data obtained from
`producing zone, the following should be determined
`or established:
`(1) maximum
`treating rates
`initiation points,{3) fracture design(4)
`perforation design, and (5) pre-frac considerations.
`Maximum Treating Rates
`The size of the long string or the intermediate
`casing and
`liner will determine the maximum rate
`that can be pumped down the casing without causing
`If the velocity of the fluid in the tubular
`is greater
`than 100
`erosional damage can occur at the joints and offsets
`of the tubu 1 a rs; when
`the fluid contains proppant
`is magnified.
`the damage
`Erosion a 1 damage
`minimized if velocity is limited to 80 ft/sec. The
`recommended rates for different size and
`weights of tubulars are shown in Table 1. The rate
`can be limited by the equipment used to perform the
`stimulation treatment with proppant. For example,
`factor when
`the blender becomes a controlling
`describing the maximum rate in terms of pounds of
`proppant per gallon. This rate is between 50 to 60
`bbl/min at 6 lb/gal of proppant. Thus, it can be
`if the
`required stimulation
`approximately 110 bbl/min, then two blenders will be
`In designing the tota 1 stimulation rates,
`the service company performing the treatment should
`be contacted to assist and advise the rate, proppant
`concentration, and equipment
`for designing
`Fracture Initiation Points
`initiation points
`number of
`arbitrarily selected or can be determined by a
`computer mode 1. -Figures 10 and 11 show the output
`from a single gPhase, finite difference fractured
`well simulator.
`No fluid is assumed to cross the
`lease boundary and fractures are uniformly spaced
`the hori zonta 1 well bore.
`a 1 ong
`capacity for each fracture is obtained from fracture
`simulators that are to be used in the stimulation
`design. Figures 10 and 11 indicate that for this
`specific example five to seven fractures will be the
`most effective number in draining the lease. This
`number of initiation points could be modified upward
`if the producing zone contains natural fractures.
`the absence of computer models or better
`initiation points are
`generally spaced 250
`to 300 ft apart.
`Fracture Design
`Parameters of the treatment depend on data
`acquired from
`(1) the production zone, (2) the
`zone directly above, and ( 3)
`the zone directly
`discussed in previous paragraphs. Also, the rock
`stress presentation from
`the 1 ong-spaced sonic
`log is calculated for each zone, then this and
`data acquired
`the zones
`are used
`calculate an average least minimum stress for the
`fracture design
`A fully
`simulator can
`then be used
`to determine
`fractl.lre geometry,
`(height, 1 ength, and width)
`for a given treatment, and a 3D simulator can be
`to create data similar to that shown
`Figs. 12-15. Figure 16 shows an ex amp 1 e cross
`section of
`the zones with
`their calculated
`minimum stresses; geometry of the fractures is
`controlled by
`If a water
`producing zone is near the hydrocarbon producing
`interval, then the fracture should be designed so
`that it will not extend into the water producing
`zone. After fracture geometry is determined by
`simulator, additional calculations are made
`for proppant transport and placement. Figure 17
`shows this output.
`Perforation Design
`the number of initiation points, the
`for each
`fracture have been determined,
`the number and
`diameter of perforations in each initiation point
`must be designed.
`To calculate the parameters
`the perforationssg .a.. process called
`Limited Entry Technique ,ru is used. The formula
`for this calculation is shown in Eq. 1 and the
`formula for the perforation coefficient is shown
`in Eq. 2.
`The perforation coefficient varies
`perforations have a sharp edge which causes the
`fluid flow profile to decr~ase in diameter as it
`flows through the perforation (Fig. 18). Within
`minutes after proppant has been pumped
`the perforation the sharp edge
`is 1 ost and a
`rounded edge appears (Fig. 19).
`Crump11 et a 1. showed that the perforation
`(C ) with
`and after proppant
`through the perforation the erosion rounds out
`the perforation and the perforation coefficient
`approaches 1.0.
`Crump also showed
`diameter of
`the perforation
`increases only
`slightly; the major change is the increase in the
`perforation coefficient. Table 2 shows a table
`of calculations using the Limited Entry Technique
`to determine the number of perforations. Based
`on a rate of 13 bbl/min and a perforating charge
`in 5. 5 in. , 23 1 b/ft casing, the
`of 32 grams
`nominal perforation diameter should be 0.54 in.
`the operator wanted
`the perforations
`in the pipe the design diameter is
`0.55 in.
`(The gun is slightly below the center
`of the casing.) Also, if the gun
`against the casing, the maximum diameter is 0.57
`in., and if the gun is the farthest possible
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`SPE 18263
`the casing the minimum diameter is
`distance from
`0.51 in. Table 2 was calculated using linear gel
`fluid with coefficients of 0.5 and of 0.95. Also
`different sand concentrations
`the proposed
`sand schedule. A minimum perforation friction of
`at least 250 psi
`is required.
`The use of four
`gun meets
`requirements. Note
`that before proppant erosion
`the perforation friction
`ranges between 797
`1,243 psi, and after erosion
`the range
`is from
`to 462 psi. These calculations are similar
`to the calculations used in a previous
`in which
`fractures were stimulated simultaneously.
`Ppf = 0.237 FD
`(N2 C 2 D 4)
`..• (1)
`Dp . • . • • • . . (2)
`Pre-frac Considerations
`Before the actual treatment is pumped, each set
`of perforations at each initiation point should be
`broken down and an injection rate established. To
`perform this operation, a straddle packer is used.
`The packer is so designed as to provide a minimal
`amount of friction pressure after the fluid leaves
`the tubing and before it enters the perforations.
`This operation
`is essential for
`the simultaneous
`multiple entry hydraulic fracture treatment. Also,
`the breakdown with a straddle packer creates and
`initiates an individual
`induced fracture. This operation should ensure that
`all initiation points take equal volumes of fluid
`and proppant. During
`the breakdown operation,
`pre-fracture measurements may be obtai ned and the
`designed stimulation
`treatments modified,
`if so
`warranted, from
`the information acquired from t~2
`following prE1_-f.rtwture techniques:
`(1) Shelley15
`(2) minifrac,
`or (3) a combination of these.
`A well with 2,000 ft of horizontal section
`fracture stimulated with proppant using
`this paper.
`indications (designed rate and
`treating pressure)
`were positive that all nine initiation points were
`fractured and propped simultaneously at a total rate
`of 108 bbl/min with a delayed crosslinked gel
`carrying a maximum proppant concentration of 6
`lb/gal. Each initiation point was treated at a rate
`of 12 bbl/min. A radioactive tracer was used in the
`proppant, and the log performed after the treatment
`that all
`initiation points contained
`radioactive proppant.
`Cost Effectiveness
`The cost of drilling a horizontal well with a
`2000 ft horizontal section has been reported as
`that of a vertical well.
`The cost may
`actually run several
`times hi_gher on a company• s
`first attempt at a horizontal completion.
`is gained,
`cost of
`horizontal wells
`shou 1 d drop. The hori zonta 1 wells drilled on the
`North Slope are reported to be costing 1.25 to 1.5
`times that of a conventional directional well. This
`cost has been achieved after more than a dozen wells
`were drilled. The first well had a cost factor
`of approximately seven.
`should be
`in drilling horizontal wells
`fracture stimulation. The early wells will be
`more expensive than 1 a ter we 11 s when experience
`It is expected that the
`will reduce the cost.
`cost for a fracture stimulated well can be less
`than twice that of a vertical well.
`If stimulation treatments are performed one
`at a time
`in horizontal well completions, the
`cost is the same as if each treatment was similar
`to a vertical well. One way to reduce cost is to
`simultaneous multiple entry fracture techniques.
`For example, one well has had nine fractures
`created and
`treated at one time. Other wells
`have been planned that will have three sets of
`treatments are performed
`total cost of
`stimulating will be less compared to performing
`multiple individual treatments.
`Fracture Acidizing vs Fracturing With Proppant
`This paper has rna i nly referred to fracture
`stimulation treatment with proppant. This type
`is performed more
`than fracture
`of fracturing
`acidizing since fracture acidizing can only be
`performed on carbonate producing zones, and not
`all carbonates are effectively stimulated by
`fracture acidizing. However, where
`acidizing can be used effectively because of the
`the results are
`higher fracture conductivity,
`usually better than obtai ned by fracturing with
`If a producing zone can be stimulated
`by fracture acidizing the same basic steps given
`this paper can be used
`to perform
`treatments by using
`the simultaneous multiple
`entry hydraulic
`technique using
`reactive fluid, i.e., acid.
`Simultaneous multiple
`fracture treatments are presented as a viable and
`economical method
`stimulation of horizontal and highly deviated
`Many methods of horizontal completion used
`are usually dictated by the reservoir.
`Comprehensive reservoir data is a necessity
`simultaneous multiple
`hydraulic fracture treatments.
`The following observations are supported by
`present horizontal well dri 11 i ng and comp 1 eti on
`1. The number of horizontal we 11 s dri 11 ed
`will increase as more successes are achieved and
`is made
`2. The number of completions with slotted
`1 i ners will
`affording more
`different forms of stimulation will increase.
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`Ex. 2098


`SPE 18263
`be drilled
`3. Horizontal wells will
`greater numbers with
`stimulate, either with acid or proppant.
`4. Simultaneous treatments will increase as an
`economical necessity.
`for completion of a
`comprise only one method
`horizontal well.
`type of
`experience with horizontal wells
`in a particular
`formation will dictate the most appropriate type
`of completion to be used.
`Perforation Coefficient
`Sharp Edge Diameter (in)
`Perforation Diameter (in)
`Fluid Density (lb/gal)
`Number of Perforations
`Ppf =Perforation Friction (psi)
`Injection Rate (bbl/min)
`to thank the management of
`The authors wish
`Drilling Technology Inc. and Halliburton Services
`acknowledge Bill Ray and Debbie Smart for
`assistance in the preparation of the paper.
`11 Site Selection
`1. Bosio, J., Reise, L. E.,
`Remains Key
`to Success
`in Horizontal Well
`Operation, 11 Oil & Gas, March 21, 1988, p. 71.
`11 Forage
`2. Grigorian,
`completion multiple, .. Moscow,
`11 Nedra, 11 1969, p.
`translation of
`the original
`Russian Text.
`IFP 27746, February 1980.
`3. Mobil Patent: Strubhar, M. K., Glenn, E. E.
`11 Method of Creating a Plurality of
`Features from a Deviated Well, 11 U.S. Patent No.
`3,835,928 (1974).
`4. Daneshy, A.A., Slusher, G.L., Chisholm, P.T.,
`and Magee, D. A.:
`In Situ Stress Measurements
`During Drilling,..
`JPT, August 1986, pp.
`11 Laboratory
`El Rabaa, A.W.M., Meadows, D.L.:
`and Field Application of the Strain Relaxation
`Method, 11 SPE Paper 15072, presented at the 1986
`California Regional Meeting, Oakland, CA. April
`6. Keller, S.R., Crook, R.J., Haunt, R.C.,
`Kulakofsy, D.S.:
`11 Problems Associated with
`Deviated-Well bore Cementing . 11 Paper SPE 11979
`presented at
`the 1983 SPE Annual Technical
`Conference and Exhibition, San Francisco, CA,
`October 5-8.
`11A Laboratory
`7. Wilson, M.A., Sabins, F. L.:
`of Cementing Horizontal
`Wells, 11 Paper SPE 16928 presented at the
`1987 SPE Annual Technical Conference and
`Exhibition, Dallas, TX, September 27-30.
`8. Soliman, M., Hunt, J., El Rabba, A. W.:
`Fracturing Hori zonta 1 Wells, 11 SPE 18542 to
`SPE Eastern Regional
`Meeting, Charleston, W. VA, Nov. 1-4, 1988.
`11 L imited Entry for Hydraulic Fracturing, 11
`Halliburton Services, Fracturing Technical
`Bulletin, 1988.
`11 Better
`10. Lagrone, K.W., Rasmussen.
`Completion by Controlled Fracture Placement,
`Limited Entry Technique... API Paper No.
`906-7-B, presented at the Spring Meeting of
`the Southwestern District Division
`Production, Odessa, TX, March 21-23, 1962.
`11 Effects of
`11. Crump, J.B., Conway, M.W.:
`Perforation Entry on Bottomhole Treating
`analysis, 11 SPE Paper 15474 presented at the
`1986 SPE Annual Conference and Exhibition,
`New Orleans, LA.
`11 Pump-in Test
`12. Shelley, R.F .. , McGowen, J.M.:
`Correlation Predicts Proppant Placement, ..
`Paper SPE 15151 presented at the 1986 Rocky
`Mountain Regional Meeting, Billings, MT, May
`11 New Method of Minifrac Analysis
`13. Lee, W.S.:
`Offers Greater Accuracy
`Applicability, .. Paper SPE 15041 presented at
`the 1986 Eastern Regional Meeting, Columbus,
`OH, November 12-14.
`J.M., Lee, W.S.,
`14. Tan, H.C., McGowen,
`Soliman, M.Y.:
`11 Field Application
`Minifrac Analysis
`Treatment Design, 11 Paper SPE 17463 presented
`the 1988 Regional Meeting held at
`Bakersfield, CA, March 22-25.
`11 Pressure Analysis with
`Halliburton Services, Fracturing Technical
`Bulletin, 1988.
`Table 1
`for Size and Weights
`Of Casing or Tubing
`Size W

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