`) Docket No. 15 C 00799
`) Chicago, Illinois
`) January 12, 2016
`) 11:41 a.m.
` )
`For the Plaintiff:
`For the Defendant:
`150 California Street
`San Francisco, CA 94111
`233 South Wacker Drive
`Suite 6600
`Chicago, IL 60606-6473
`1300 Eye Street NW
`Suite 900
`Washington, DC 20005
`For Defendant Samsung:
`ROPES and GRAY, by
`191 North Wacker Drive
`32nd Floor
`Chicago, IL 60606
`LG Electronics, Inc. et al.
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`APPEARANCES (Continued):
`For Defendant Motorola Mobility, LLC:
`2099 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
`Washington, DC 20006
`For Defendant LG Electronics:
`Ten South LaSalle Street
`Suite 3600
`Chicago, IL 60603
`607 14th Street NW
`Suite 800
`Washington, DC 20005
`For Defendant HTC:
`70 West Madison Street
`48th Floor
`Chicago, IL 60602
`Court Reporter:
`Official Court Reporter
`219 S. Dearborn Street, Room 1728
`Chicago, IL 60604
`(312) 818-6683
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`(In open court.)
`THE CLERK: 15 C 799, Rosetta-Wireless v. Apple.
`MR. NG: Good morning, your Honor. Michael Ng for
`plaintiff Rosetta-Wireless.
`THE COURT: Good morning.
`MS. HARTMAN: Good morning, your Honor. Stacie
`Hartman for defendant Apple. With me is lead counsel Brian
`Ferguson from Weil Gotshal for Apple.
`MR. FERGUSON: Good morning, your Honor.
`THE COURT: Good morning.
`MR. McCAULLEY: Good morning, your Honor. Richard
`McCaulley for the Samsung defendants.
`MR. RIZZOLO: Good morning, your Honor. Matt Rizzolo
`from Motorola Mobility.
`MS. MAZZONE: Lisa Mazzone for the LG defendants.
`MS. COLGATE: Jenny Colgate, C-O-L-G-A-T-E, also for
`the LG defendants.
`MR. GRAVELINE: Good morning, your Honor. Brad
`Graveline for HTC.
`THE COURT: Apple filed something, but is Apple here?
`MR. FERGUSON: Yes, your Honor. Brian Ferguson and
`Stacie Hartman for Apple.
`THE COURT: Well, I guess the first order of
`business -- and correct me if I'm wrong -- is the motion for
`pretrial consolidation. So where do the defendants stand on
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`MR. FERGUSON: Well, your Honor, speaking for Apple,
`of course, our case is moving forward. The other defendants,
`as it currently stands, the cases were dismissed and refiled.
`And so we have a schedule moving forward. We filed a
`scheduling order with your Honor. But I believe that the other
`defendants would object to having their schedule merged into
`the Apple schedule, and I think I'll allow the other defendants
`to speak up on that.
`MR. McCAULLEY: Richard McCaulley on behalf of the
`Samsung defendants.
`Your Honor, we certainly understand that there will be
`some form of consolidation in the case. At this point we
`haven't been reassigned to another judge, and so I think --
`THE COURT: I have to grant this motion first.
`MR. McCAULLEY: Well, certainly Samsung -- yes, I
`think it's accurate. At this point it would be impractical for
`us to operate, at least from our perspective, on the Apple
`schedule. But we're certainly happy to meet and confer and try
`and find a consolidated schedule that makes sense for all the
`MS. COLGATE: Your Honor, Jenny Colgate on behalf of
`LG defendants.
`Like Samsung, LGE USA is amenable to consolidation as
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`long as it would be a different schedule than that entered in
`the Apple case. But with regard to LGE, that party has not yet
`been served so they should be carved out from any
`MR. RIZZOLO: Your Honor, Matt Rizzolo for Motorola
`Like the Samsung defendants, we are not opposed to
`some sort of consolidation, but we would like to be able to
`meet and confer regarding the exact mechanics of that.
`THE COURT: All right. Well, we're trying to get --
`MR. GRAVELINE: One more defendant, your Honor. Brad
`Graveline on behalf of HTC, and our position is similar. One
`of the HTC defendants has not yet been served, and we have a
`motion to dismiss pending for improper venue as well.
`THE COURT: Okay, so --
`MR. NG: Your Honor, can I just give you plaintiff's
`perspective? We've had some discussions about scheduling and
`some of these other issues. Obviously everyone was served with
`the substance of the case last year, so folks know what's
`I think that there's general agreement that on most
`parts of the consolidation, we have some disagreement over how
`we handle depositions of our clients and the pretrial. I think
`those are things that we can continue to discuss and submit to
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`your Honor for resolution, if need be.
`We're still talking about a schedule. We have some
`flexibility on the schedule to sync everything up, I think.
`Some of the initial disclosures are obviously going to flow in
`at different times, but we think that by the time of Markman,
`we can get the schedule synced up. And we're certainly
`flexible to allow that to happen and not prejudice the parties.
`THE COURT: So I'll grant the motion for pretrial
`consolidation for discovery supervision and Markman or a claim
`construction hearing, although I will consult with other judges
`who I feel sure will not mind if I do this. But that should
`be -- that way, we'll get something going. You can get a
`scheduling order in place and so on.
`Now, let's talk about this service issue.
`MS. COLGATE: One thing, your Honor, just to clarify,
`LGE will be carved out from that consolidation?
`THE COURT: Well, all right, is your firm going to
`represent them if they ever get served?
`THE COURT: Well, then no, I don't -- I won't carve it
`out. You know if they ended up being dismissed or something,
`it's still -- that would be a motion that would go to the
`assigned judge in any event. So I think we're all -- it
`doesn't make sense to carve it out.
`Now, we have Apple's motion for judgment on the
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`pleadings. How does the plaintiff want to respond to that?
`MR. NG: Your Honor, we'll file an opposition.
`Obviously we would propose February 2nd as the due date for the
`opposition, and then February 12th for the reply. If they want
`a little bit more time than that, no problem with that on the
`THE COURT: Is that good with Apple?
`MR. FERGUSON: That would be fine with Apple, your
`THE COURT: All right. So then that will be taken
`under advisement. And then we have motions regarding service,
`motion for alternative service.
`MR. NG: Your Honor, we just got yesterday we have HTC
`and LG, the corporate parents for each of those. HTC
`Corporation yesterday filed an opposition.
`I think we're -- it seems like it's resolved because
`they said they will accept service on behalf of the corporate
`MR. GRAVELINE: That's correct, your Honor.
`MR. NG: I'm guessing that they're going to want to
`join the subsidiary's motion to dismiss for lack of venue, and
`we'd be fine with deeming that having been filed on both
`entities' behalf, if they want to do that. The issues are the
`same, I believe.
`MR. GRAVELINE: You know what, we'll consider that.
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`Then if we decide to join, we'll just file a motion to join.
`We're just a joinder.
`THE COURT: So the motion for alternative service with
`respect to HTC is resolved by agreement?
`MR. GRAVELINE: Correct.
`THE COURT: So now we have the other one, LGE.
`MR. NG: Yes, your Honor. And you know, our position
`is counsel's here. LG agreed to service the last time around.
`You know, they've actually filed an opposition on behalf of the
`corporate parent.
`There's a little bit of artifice here, I suppose, in
`that, you know, there's no question that the parent's already
`been in the case. And but for the fact that your Honor decided
`to resolve the consolidation issue with the dismissal rather
`than a severance, you know, substantively it would have been
`the same, but now we have to go through the rigmarole of
`serving them in Korea.
`THE COURT: All right. So the law is really on LGE's
`side as far as I can tell, but does it make any sense to delay
`this case to go through? So what do you have to say?
`MS. COLGATE: Your Honor, we think that the law is on
`our side, as you said. I mean, the federal rule is clear that
`in order for a motion for alternative service to be granted
`that Rosetta should have at least attempted to serve.
`There's no evidence that LGE is trying to evade
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`service. In fact, LGE offered to waive service. We offered to
`respond on January 29th. Rosetta was unwilling to agree to
`that. So we don't think that there's any grounds for granting
`the motion.
`THE COURT: Well, if you were to -- if I were to give
`you whatever time you needed, then would that make this dispute
`go away?
`MS. COLGATE: I mean, it's our position that the other
`side should have to --
`THE COURT: I know what your position is, but you,
`like me, are supposed to work toward the just, speedy and
`inexpensive resolution of this dispute. So what is the
`substance -- what is the prejudice that you're suffering?
`MS. COLGATE: Right. Your Honor, I understand. I
`think the prejudice here is that for the past year, Rosetta has
`been trying to evade the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.
`They're always trying to work around the rules and
`come up with different, you know, solutions. Let's misjoinder,
`sending LGE's counsel --
`THE COURT: I read your memorandum. I asked you how
`are you prejudiced?
`MS. COLGATE: Sure. So the prejudice is the time and
`the money that we have spent dealing with all of these
`procedural issues over the last year. And in addition, as
`pointed out in our memorandum, there are 35 new products that
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`have been added to the case, and there's time that has to be
`spent researching those products.
`THE COURT: Okay. So how much time do you need?
`MS. COLGATE: I would have to consult with the client.
`I mean, I think -- without consulting with the client, I guess
`I can't answer.
`MR. NG: Your Honor, if it makes it easier, we'd be
`willing to agree to give them some extra time to respond at
`this point, given where we stand right now. The additional
`products -- all these products are, for purposes of
`infringement, the same. LG just brought some new products to
`market so we had an amendment.
`THE COURT: So I will grant the motion for alternative
`service and give you up to 90 days to, what, plead to the
`complaint? Now, you should be doing this the right way. So I
`hope that the plaintiff will learn a lesson from this.
`Now, this case is really -- sounds like it could
`really be very complicated. The patent has dozens of claims.
`I don't know how many. And so is there any point in our having
`early some kind of conference to try to streamline and maybe
`even resolve this?
`MR. NG: Your Honor, we have -- we've served our
`infringement. We've reduced down the number of claims that are
`being asserted on Apple. Functionally, we'd be happy to share
`those. I don't know whether everybody has them or not.
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`On the rest of the defendants, everyone knows where we
`stand on infringement. I would assume that the -- the validity
`or invalidity positions of the defendants are going to be
`largely the same, if not identical so -- and we have those from
`Apple. So I think that we have a better sense, I think, of
`where we all stand.
`MR. NG: We're always willing to talk. Obviously it
`depends on, you know, whether everybody else is willing to do
`so as well, but I think we have a clear picture of where things
`stand. So there is a logic to it, if there's a willingness.
`MR. FERGUSON: Your Honor, Brian Ferguson for Apple.
`One issue that obviously can resolve the case, all of the cases
`is the motion we filed on the pleadings.
`It is Apple's position, I think all the defendants
`agree, that these claims are not eligible for patentability
`under Section 101 of the patent code and that motion will apply
`against all the claims. So early resolution of the 101 motion
`one way or the other will certainly help streamline the case.
`THE COURT: Okay. So let me give that motion some
`priority. And you have yet to work out a joint schedule on
`MR. NG: We've had some conversations but we can --
`we've exchanged some schedules, so we can do that. We just --
`I think there was disagreement about whether this was the right
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`forum to bring them up. If we have another few weeks, I'm sure
`we can submit something.
`THE COURT: So let's say 28 days scheduling
`conference. That will be a little ambitious for a ruling on
`your motion, but at least we'll get things rolling.
`THE CLERK: That would be February 9th, 11:00 o'clock.
`THE COURT: And consider the possibility of -- well,
`maybe we'll talk about this after I rule on the motion on
`patentability, and, you know, we may consider other options.
`MR. McCAULLEY: Your Honor, there's one more thing. I
`just want to confirm it would be very helpful for us to know if
`the same claims are being asserted against all the defendants.
`MR. NG: Yes.
`MR. McCAULLEY: Thank you. Thank you very much.
`MR. NG: One more piece of housekeeping, your Honor.
`We have an agreed or at least unopposed motion to amend our
`complaint against Apple. It adds in some products and adds
`willfulness. But it's been submitted on I don't know if it's
`an unopposed or agreed basis, but we would just ask your Honor
`to enter it.
`THE COURT: I think I granted that one or will.
`THE CLERK: 123.
`MR. NG: I think that's right.
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`MR. NG: Thank you, your Honor.
`MR. FERGUSON: Thank you, your Honor.
`(Concluded at 11:55 a.m.)
`* * * * * * * * * *
`C E R T I F I C A T E
`I certify that the foregoing is a correct transcript of the
`record of proceedings in the above-entitled matter.
`/s/ LISA H. BREITER__________________
`Official Court Reporter
`February 3, 2016
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