`I, Crystal Daugherty, declare that the following statements are true and correct to the
`best of my knowledge, information and belief:
`I am a Author School Relations Customer Service employed by ProQuest LLC
`("ProQuest") in Ann Arbor. Michigan. I have worked for ProQuest since 1990 (26
`years). ProQuest is an information company that collects, organizes publishes and
`distributes for sale content from a wide range of sources, including dissertations and
`master’s theses. A "Record" (as defined in paragraph 3) of each dissertation and each
`master’s thesis submitted to ProQuest is published in ProQuest’s print publication
`Dissertations Abstracts International or Master’s Abstracts International, respectively,
`as well as our ProQuest® Digital Dissertations and Theses Database ("Abstract
`Database").1 I am fully familiar with ProQuest’s sales and publication practices as well
`as the Abstract Database.
`ProQuest receives dissertations and master’s theses from participating degree granting
`institutions. Shortly after these works are received, ProQuest makes them available for
`sale to the public, unless specifically restricted from sales by the dissertation author or
`the degree granting institution.
`I am fully familiar with ProQuest’s business practices in relation to its dissertations and
`master’s theses publishing program. ProQuest maintains a Record for each dissertation
`or master’s thesis. At the time of publication of the Dissertation in question (the full
`citation is provided in paragraph 6 below), ProQuest published in the Abstract Database
`I This Database has been maintained exclusively by ProQuest under various corporate
`names, including Bell & Howell Information and Learning Company, ProQuest
`Information and Learning Company, UMI Company and University Microfilms, Inc.
`and has been licensed to subscribers under various product names including
`"’Dissertation Abstracts Online" and "ProQuest~, Digital Dissertations." ProQuest LLC
`(and its predecessor entities) is and at all times has been a U.S. Company based in Ann
`Arbor, MI.
`LG Electronics, Inc. et al.
`IPR Petition for
`U.S. Patent No. 7,149,511
`Page 1 of 3
`a Record of each dissertation and each master’s thesis that ProQuest offers for sale with
`records added on a monthly basis. The Abstract Database is widely available
`throughout the United States. Currently approximately 1,500 institutions subscribe to
`the database. Each Record consists of an abstract, index record and citation. Once a
`Record is published on the Abstract Database, the Record is available to the students,
`faculty, staff and/or patrons of any institutions that subscribe to the Abstract Database.
`At the time of the Dissertation’s publication, the publication of the print publication
`Dissertations Abstracts International (DAI) occurred on a monthly basis, a
`dissertation may be available for sale before its Record is published in the print edition.
`Once ProQuest has received a work and made it available for sale, the work may be
`ordered in print, microform and for dissertations published after 1997 in PDF form,
`even if the Record has not yet been included in a print edition of DAI.
`Originally, Records were published only in the print publications Dissertations
`Abstracts International and Master’s Abstracts International. In 1985, the Records in
`these print publications were combined to create the Abstract Database which was
`made available online through third party vendors, including Dialog. In 1987, ProQuest
`began to offer the Abstract Database on CD ROM, and in 1997, ProQuest made
`available the contents of the Abstract Database in its ProQuest Digital Dissertations and
`Theses service ("PQDT"). which is accessible via the world wide web to authenticated
`subscribers. The PQDT service includes the Dissertation Abstracts International
`Records and the Master’s Theses International Records and is supplemented by the
`addition of certain select dissertations and master’s theses in PDF format. Whether a
`dissertation is represented in full PDF format varies based on a number of factors,
`including the format in which the dissertation or theses was originally submitted for
`publication (digital, paper or microfiche) or whether the dissertation or theses was part
`of a retrospective digitization effort.
`I have reviewed ProQuest’s records regarding the dissertation cited as:
`Dissertation No. :
`Degree Date:
`A new filesystemformobilecomputing
`University ofNotre Dame
`Page 2 of 3
`DAI Volume:
`DAI 57-10
`These records show that the Dissertation was received by ProQuest on December 2,
`1996 and first made available for sale on February 5, 1997. The full text of the
`dissertation was released in PDF format in PQDT on February I0, 2006, and made
`available for sale in microfilm, print and/or PDF formats. A Record of the Dissertation
`was published in the print edition of Dissertation Abstracts International (DAI) volume
`and publication date noted above. The print edition of DAI was distributed to
`subscribing Academic Research Libraries, including those located in the United States.
`The Record was made available online via third party vendors, including Dialog, as part
`of the Abstract Database which was made available via such vendors in the ordinary
`course of business on or about the same time as the print publication.
`The attached print copy of the Dissertation is a true and complete copy of the
`Dissertation as originally published and kept by ProQuest in the ordinary course of its
`I declare that the foregoing is true and correct to the best of my information, knowledge
`and belief after reasonable investigation.
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`Author School
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