`Carnegie Mellon University
`Disconnected operation is a mode of operation that enables a client to continue accessing critical
`data during temporary failures of a shared data repository. An important, though not exclusive,
`application of disconnected operation is in supporting portable computers. In this paper, we show
`that disconnected operation is feasible, efficient and usable by describing its design and imple(cid:173)
`mentation in the Coda File System. The central idea behind our work is that caching of data,
`now widely used for performance, can also be exploited to improve availability.
`Categories and Subject Descriptors: D.4.3 [Operating Systems]: File Systems
`Management:-distributed file systems; D.4.5 [Operating Systems]: Reliability-fault tolerance;
`D.4.8 [Operating Systems]: Performance-measurements
`General Terms: Design, Experimentation, Measurement, Performance, Reliability
`Additional Key Words and Phrases: Disconnected operation, hoarding, optimistic replication,
`reintegration, second-class replication, server emulation
`Every serious user of a distributed system has faced situations where critical
`work has been impeded by a remote failure. His frustration is particularly
`acute when his workstation is powerful enough to be used standalone, but
`has been configured to be dependent on remote resources. An important
`instance of such dependence is the use of data from a distributed file system.
`Placing data in a distributed file system simplifies collaboration between
`users, and allows them to delegate the administration of that data. The
`growing popularity of distributed file systems such as NFS [16] and AFS [19]
`This work was supported by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (Avionics Lab,
`Wright Research and Development Center, Aeronautical Systems Division (AFSC), U.S. Air
`Force, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio, 45433-6543 under Contract F33615-90-C-1465, ARPA Order
`7597), National Science Foundation (PYI Award and Grant ECD 8907068), ffiM Corporation
`(Faculty Development Award, Graduate Fellowship, and Research Initiation Grant), Digital
`Equipment Corporation (External Research Project Grant), and Bellcore (Information Network(cid:173)
`ing Research Grant).
`Authors' address: School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
`Permission to copy without fee all or part of this material is granted provided that the copies are
`not made or distributed for direct commercial advantage, the ACM copyright notice and the title
`of the publication and its date appear, and notice is given that copying is by permission of the
`Association for Computing Machinery. To copy otherwise, or to republish, requires a fee and/or
`specific permission.
`© 1992 ACM 0734-2071/92/0200-0003 $01.50
`ACM Transactions on Computer Systems, Vol. 10, No. 1, February 1992, Pages 3-25.
`LG Electronics, Inc. et al.
`IPR Petition for
`U.S. Patent No.7, 149,511
`J J. Kistler and M, Satyanarayanan
`a remote
`at a
`to the compelling
`to accept
`to enjoy
`we would
`of affairs?
`How can we improve
`data repository,
`but be able to continue
`the benefits
`of a shared
`of operation
`is inaccessible.
`We call
`a temporary
`as a client
`of a shared
`in a file system is indeed
`In this paper we show that
`our work
`is that
`now widely
`We have implemented
`to enhance
`in the Coda File System at Carnegie
`of disconnected
`We have successfully
`for periods
`to two days. For a disconnection
`the process
`of reconnecting
`a minute.
`A local
`us during
`of disconnection.
`a disk of about
`size should
`for disconnections
`a typical
`shared Unix
`the granu-
`a cache manager
`( Venus)
`of a large
`an environment
`is designed
`a much
`Unix 1 clients
`The design
`is optimized
`the access and sharing
`data access.
`Each Coda client
`has a local
`and can communicate
`the servers
`over a high
`At certain
`a client may be temporar-
`ily unable
`to communicate
`some or all of the servers.
`This may be due to
`a server
`or network
`or due to the
`of a portable
`from the network.
`as a single,
`view Coda
`tem. The Coda namespace
`is mapped
`to individual
`At each client,
`of subtrees
`and caches
`volume mappings.
`to achieve
`Coda uses two
`to have
`The first mechanism,
`at more than
`set of
`of a VSG that
`( VSG).
`The performance
`is a client’s
`( A VSG).
`cost of server
`is kept
`low by
`on disks
`the use of parallel
`access protocols.
`uses a cache coherence
`to guarantee
`an open file yields
`its latest
`based on callbacks
`of AT&T Bell Telephone
`is a trademark
`ACM Transactions on Computer Systems, Vol. 10, No 1, February 1992,
`Disconnected Operation m the Coda File System
`in parallel
`by servers
`is provided
`Icopy in the AVSG.
`when their
`cached copies are no longer
`each notification
`to as a ‘callback
`break’. Modifications
`in Coda are propagated
`all AVSG sites, and eventually
`to missing
`VSG sites.
`used by
`the AVSG
`empty. While
`system requests
`by relying
`on the contents
`cache misses
`or masked,
`as failures
`to application
`users. When
`and reverts
`to server
`a typical
`and disconnected
`in depth.
`Coda papers
`[18, 19] have described
`to disconnected
`in those
`areas where
`its presence
`has signifi-
`our design
`for disconnected
`a high
`we wanted
`our system.
`Second, we wished
`to preserve
`our design.
`At a more detailed
`of portable
`the advent
`the need to scale
`and servers,
`and the need to strike
`a balance
`We examine
`each of
`in the following
`of Coda
`for high
`by seamlessly
`a normal
`3.1 Scalability
`to grow in size. Our
`upon us the need to prepare
`for growth
`had impressed
`it as an afterthought
`[17]. We brought
`a priori,
`to bear upon Coda in two ways. First,
`we adopted
`certain mecha-
`a set of general
`to guide
`our design
`is callback-based
`An example
`of a mechanism
`we adopted
`such mechanism
`a cache miss
`can only
`of a much
`in turn,
`on an open,
`on a read, write,
`of disconnected
`of AFS-4
`[22], Echo
`[8] or MFS
`as that
`[1] would
`and made
`less transparent.
`A scalability
`the placing
`on our design
`has had considerable
`servers. Only
`on clients
`ACM Transactions on Computer Systems, Vol 10, No 1, February 1992
`J J. Kistler and M Satyanarayanan
`ACM TransactIons on Computer Systems, Vol. 10, No 1, February 1992
`Disconnected Operation in the Coda File System
`have we
`we have adopted
`is the avoidance
`we have rejected
`or agreement
`of nodes.
`such as that
`used in Locus
`on the current
`the network.
`we have
`on nodes achieving
`Portable Workstations
`are commonplace
`and compact
`in a shared
`is instructive
`to observe
`how a person with
`and downloads
`uses such a machine.
`he identifies
`them from the
`system into
`space for use while
`isolated. When
`he returns,
`he copies modified
`the shared
`Such a user
`is effectively
`caching, with write-back
`upon reconnection!
`of Coda we realized
`in the design
`Users would
`not have
`the use of portable
`nor would
`to man-
`space while
`use a different
`are a
`for disconnected
`The fact
`The use of portable
`also gave us another
`are able to operate
`for extended
`in isolation
`are quite
`good at predicting
`access needs.
`in turn,
`is reasonable
`to seek user
`in augmenting
`cache management
`for disconnected
`are no different
`caused by failures
`by unplugging
`from uoluntary
`Hence Coda provides
`a single mechanism
`to cope with
`all disconnections.
`there may be qualitative
`user expectations
`as well
`of user cooperation
`are likely
`to be different
`in the two cases.
`as the
`on the
`First- vs. Second-Class
`is server
`is feasible,
`If disconnected
`all? The
`to this
`in Coda.
`and servers
`made about
`and may
`off at will
`are like
`can be turned
`long periods
`have limited
`and their
`owners may
`and hardware
`be tampered
`are like
`be diligent
`up the
`are physically
`have much
`and they
`are carefully
`and administered
`by professional
`is therefore
`to distinguish
`on clients.
`of higher
`are more
`and accurate.
`in contrast,
`are inferior
`by periodic
`to a first-class
`can a second-class
`be useful.
`ACM Transactions on Computer Systems, Vol. 10, No. 1, February 1992.
`J. J. Kistler and M. Satyanarayanan
`the performance
`is to combine
`of a cache coherence
`The function
`of a
`of a second-class
`replica. When
`the quality
`the second-class
`may be degraded
`the first-class
`upon which
`is contingent
`The longer
`the duration
`of disconnection,
`the greater
`the poten-
`for degradation.
`the quality
`of data
`in the
`is important
`and duration
`of disconnected
`is properly
`a measure
`is expensive
`or not
`is thus
`a trade-off
`a volume
`to have
`a sole server
`on disconnected
`and cost. Coda
`an installation
`it so chooses.
`Replica Control
`vs. Pessimistic
`3.4 Optimistic
`a disconnected
`a network
`By definition,
`its first-class
`The choice
`two families
`and all
`is therefore
`of disconnected
`A pessimistic
`to the design
`by disallowing
`all partitioned
`or by restricting
`and writes
`to a single
`An optimistic
`provides much
`by permitting
`and writes
`and deals with
`of conflicts
`by detecting
`them after
`A pessimistic
`of a cached
`or exclusive
`to acquire
`and to retain
`or writing
`by a disconnected
`client would
`at all
`of shared
`but writes
`be forbidden
`to voluntary
`is relatively
`system may
`is involuntary,
`have to arbitrate
`among multiple
`the information
`to make
`a wise
`is not
`system cannot
`use the object, when
`they would
`or what
`the relative
`costs of denying
`them access
`case of brief
`in the
`is acceptable
`in the case of extended
`is unacceptable
`force the rest of
`of an object would
`client with
`A disconnected
`the system to defer all updates
`even prevent
`from making
`a copy of
`the object. Coercing
`the client
`to reconnect may not be feasible,
`since its whereabouts
`may not be
`ACM Transactions on Computer Systems, Vol. 10, No 1, February 1992
`Disconnected Operation in the Coda File System
`be at
`the mercy
`of a single
`an entire
`for an unbounded
`as done in the case of
`a time
`on exclusive
`or shared
`others. Once a lease expires,
`leases [7], avoids
`problem but
`loses the ability
`to access a cached
`even if no one
`else in the
`system is interested
`in it. This,
`in turn,
`the purpose
`is to provide
`already made while
`have to be discarded.
`An update made at one
`An optimistic
`has its own disadvantages.
`at another
`client may
`an update
`For optimistic
`to be viable,
`the system has to be
`needs to be machinery
`in the system for detecting
`for automating
`and for
`age and preserving
`for manual
`to repair
`is an annoyance
`to users,
`and reduces
`the system.
`we felt
`better matched
`our design
`goals. The dominant
`choice was the low degree
`of write-sharing
`of Unix.
`an optimistic
`to lead
`to relatively
`was also consistent
`our overall
`of data.
`for server
`In principle,
`we could have chosen a pessimistic
`for disconnected
`an optimistic
`that would
`have reduced
`a user would
`have faced
`of being
`to update
`data when
`to do so when
`to a subset
`the servers.
`the previous
`in favor
`of an optimistic
`also apply
`to server
`a uniform
`an optimistic
`At any time,
`he is able to read the latest
`system from the user’s
`and his updates
`are immediately
`in his
`His accessible
`is usually
`the entire
`else in that
`to the set of servers
`he can contact,
`and the set of clients
`he is operating
`his machine.
`his now-enlarged
`few conflicts.
`goal of providing
`on our
`In describing
`of disconnected
`since this
`is where much
`the complexity
`of a client,
`of Venus,
`and Sections
`4.3 to 4.5 discuss
`the server
`for disconnected
`we focus on the
`lies. Section
`4.1 describes
`the major
`in detail.
`A descrip-
`is contained
`ACM Transactions on Computer Systems, Vol. 10, No. 1, February 1992.
`J. J Kistler and M Satyanarayanan
`to Coda
`ofa Coda client.
`4.1 Client Structure
`it a user-level
`we made
`of Venus,
`the complexity
`approach may have yielded
`The latter
`the kernel.
`but would
`have been less portable
`and considerably
`2 illustrates
`the high-level
`of a Coda client.
`system calls
`the widely
`used Sun Vnode
`[10]. Since this
`a heavy
`to filter
`cache managers,
`we use a tiny
`The MiniCache
`no support
`access, disconnected
`or server
`are handled
`by Venus.
`to the
`by the Vnode
`is forwarded
`A system call on a Coda object
`and control
`by the MiniCache
`is serviced
`If possible,
`the call
`the MiniCache
`to the
`Coda servers.
`the call. This,
`in turn, may
`from Venus
`via the MiniCache
`to the application
`as a side
`effect. MiniCache
`changes may
`by Venus
`on events
`as callback
`from Coda
`from our
`the MiniCache
`for good performance
`4.2 Venus States
`in one of
`and the transitions
`3 depicts
`these states
`on server
`is normally
`in the
`on the alert
`for possible
`it enters
`of disconnection.
`the reintegration
`ACM Transactions on Computer Systems, Vol
`10, No 1, February 1992
`Disconnected Operation in the Coda File System
`is in the emulation
`states and transitions. When disconnected, Venus
`Fig. 3. Venus
`to reintegration
`upon successful
`to an AVSG member,
`and thence to
`hoarding, where it
`resumes connected operation.
`cache with
`all volumes may not be replicated
`be in different
`states with
`in the system.
`the same set of servers,
`to different
`on failure
`4.3 Hoarding
`in this
`of Venus
`a key responsibility
`state is so named
`The hoarding
`of disconnection.
`state is to hoard
`data in anticipation
`its only
`Venus must manage
`its cache in a manner
`of connected
`a user may have indicated
`a certain
`set of files
`is critical
`but may
`be using
`To provide
`good performance,
`Venus must
`cache the latter
`files. But
`to be prepared
`for disconnection,
`it must
`also cache
`the former
`set of
`the implementation
`of hoarding:
`are often
`and reconnection
`cost of a cache miss while
`is highly
`to quantify.
`be accounted
`clients must
`at other
`an object
`is in the cache at disconnection.
`less critical
`cache space is finite,
`the availability
`to be sacrificed
`in favor
`of more
`ACM Transactions on Computer Systems, Vol. 10, No. 1, February 1992.
`for, so that
`the latest
`objects may have
`J J. Kistler and M Satyanarayanan
`# Personal
`a /coda /usr/jjk
`a /coda /usr/jjk/papers
`a /coda /usr/jjk/pape
`# System files
`a /usr/bin
`a /usr/etc
`a /usr/include
`a /usr/lib
`a /usr/local/gnu
`a /usr/local/rcs
`a /usr/ucb
`# XII
`# (from Xll maintainer)
`a /usr/Xll/bin/X
`a /usr/Xll/bin/Xvga
`a /usr/Xll/bin/mwm
`a /usr/Xl
`l/ bin/startx
`a /usr/Xll
`a /usr/Xll/bin/xinlt
`a /usr/Xll/bin/xtenn
`a /usr/Xll/i
`a /usr/Xll/
`a /usr/Xll
`a /usr/Xl
`# Venus
`among Coda developers)
`# (shared
`a /coda /project
`/coda /src/venus
`a /coda/project/coda/include
`a /coda/project/coda/lib
`hy a Coda user, an
`hoard profiles
`These are typical
`Sample hoard profiles.
`Fig. 4.
`application maintainer,
`and a group of project developers. Each profile
`IS interpreted
`by the HDB front-end
`The ‘a’ at
`the beginning
`of a line
`an add-entry
`command. Other commands are delete an entry,
`clear all entries, and list entries. The modifiers
`some pathnames
`specify nondefault
`(the default
`is 10) and/or metaexpansion
`the entry. Note that
`the pathnames
`are actually
`we manage
`and periodically
`cache via a process
`as hoard
`a prioritized
`objects merit
`in the
`cache management
`as in
`form of a
`are pathnames
`in its priority-based
`to the user at
`the workstation.
`the HDB
`a user
`A simple
`as those
`in Figure
`are just
`is simple
`for an application
`Since hoard
`a common
`for his users.
`or for users
`on a project
`to maintain
`a common
`A user
`can customize
`his HDB by specifying
`of profiles
`or by executing
`To facilitate
`of hoard
`can record
`a pair
`of start
`a user.
`and the effort
`of hoard
`the verbosity
`To reduce
`of HDB entries.
`As shown
`them, Venus
`a pathname,
`ACM Transactions on Computer Systems, Vol 10, No, 1, February 1992
`to maintain
`in Figure
`Disconnected Operation in the Coda File System
`‘c’ or
`A ‘ +‘
`(or all descendants).
`as well
`as present
`the command
`to all
`A hoard
`entry may
`a hoard
`its hoard
`of a cached
`is a function
`The current
`is updated
`as a metric
`The latter
`of objects
`in response
`to new references,
`and serves
`to age the priority
`no longer
`in the working
`set. Objects
`are chosen
`cache space has to be reclaimed.
`of a cached
`also be cached.
`Venus must
`is not
`a cached
`is not
`in tradi-
`cache misses
`can be serviced,
`at a performance
`cost. Venus
`cache management
`by assigning
`to directories
`to occur bottom-up.
`a cache is in equilibrium,
`say that
`no uncached
`user expectations
`it meets
`a cached object. Equilibrium
`as a
`has a higher
`of normal
`For example,
`an object,
`is brought
`B. Further
`on demand,
`an object,
`B is
`in the HDB,
`A is not. Some time
`on A ceases,
`of B. The cache is no longer
`its priority
`decay below the hoard
`A has lower
`the uncached
`since the cached
`an operation
`by performing
`10 minutes
`in our
`A hoard
`as a hoard
`one may
`be explicitly
`a user
`The walk
`in two
`of HDB
`are reevaluated
`to reflect
`Coda clients.
`For example,
`new children
`been created
`tory whose pathname
`is specified
`the ‘ +‘ option
`in the HDB.
`of all entries
`in the cache
`and HDB
`are reevaluated,
`or evicted
`as needed
`to restore
`from callback
`a problem
`on demand
`is refetched
`in a critical
`in Coda,
`such a strategy
`a disconnection
`occur before
`the next
`it. Refetching
`a key characteristic
`of Unix
`once an object
`is modified,
`is likely
`to be modified
`many more
`by the same user within
`a short
`6]. An
`is a compromise
`the object
`on callback
`and symbolic
`ACM Transactions on Computer Systems, Vol. 10, No. 1, February 1992
`by other
`in a direc-
`and objects
`J. J. Klstler and M. Satyanarayanan
`hoard walk, whichever
`the next
`or during
`it on demand
`and refetches
`the object
`to occur before
`If a disconnection
`be unavailable.
`does not
`on callback
`but marks
`A stale
`is thus
`a disconnection
`the next
`hoard walk
`y of stale
`from its particular
`ence. The
`A callback
`on a directory
`has been added to or deleted
`from the directory.
`is often the case that
`are unchanged.
`in the
`of untimely
`to suffer
`a little,
`4.4 Emulation
`state, Venus
`In the emulation
`for access and
`now assumes
`For example,
`is also responsible
`for generating
`new objects,
`of permanent
`But although
`is functioning
`as a pseudo-server,
`by it have to be revalidated
`to integrity
`and protection
`by real
`from the Coda policy
`of trusting
`To minimize
`for a disconnected
`behooves Venus
`to be as faithful
`as possible
`in its emulation.
`Cache management
`is done with
`of deleted
`of other modified
`so that
`are not purged
`On a cache miss,
`of Venus
`is to return
`an error
`code. A user may
`to block
`his processes
`cache misses
`can be serviced.
`to replay
`It maintains
`log. Each log entry
`in a per-volume
`log of mutating
`a replay
`a copy of
`the corresponding
`system call
`as well
`as the
`of all objects
`by the call.
`the replay
`the length
`uses a number
`of optimizations
`to reduce
`in a log size that
`is typically
`a few percent
`of cache
`size. A
`log conserves
`space, a critical
`of disconnec-
`It also
`to write
`log length
`to reduce
`One important
`the close after
`an open of a
`on files. Since Coda uses whole-file
`new copy of
`the file. Rather
`for modification
`a completely
`write operations
`the open,
`close, and intervening
`logs a single
`store record
`the handling
`of a close,
`of Venus
`a previous
`for a file when
`a new one is appended
`to the log. This
`ACM TransactIons on Computer Systems, Vol. 10, No. 1, February 1992,
`store record
`from the fact
`Disconnected Operation in the Coda File System
`a copy of
`the file’s
`of a file
`but merely