`John Saldanha and David L. Cohn
`Distributed Computing Research Laboratory
`University of Notre Dame, Kotre Dame, IN 46556
`{jes,dlc }@cse.nd.edu
`Existing distributed file systems are based on either a cli(cid:173)
`ellf-server model or a peer-to-peer model. We believe that
`the dynamic conditions of mobile computing and new
`classes of devices such as PDAs \'v'il/ no longer permit
`rigid adherence to either of these models. In this paper, we
`argue that a hybrid of the two will have to be used. We
`then propose a file syswn design based on such a model
`which exploits the ability of highly portable devices like
`PDAs to be carried by their owners at all times. We exam(cid:173)
`ine the relationship between mobile computing personae
`and file systems and show how the persona concept can be
`used to support the file system needs of mobile users.
`Finally we discuss some issues raised by the implementa(cid:173)
`tion we are building.
`1. The Need for a Hybrid Model
`In the client-server model, used by distributed file
`systems such as AFS [3] and Coda [4], a select subset of
`the machines are given the special status of servers and act
`as the primary storage sites for files. At the remaining
`machines (the clients), flies are cached locally for reasons
`of performance and availability. However, these cached
`replicas may not be accessed from anywhere else in the
`system. They are therefore ·'second-class," compared to
`the replicas on the servers, which are "first-class." By con(cid:173)
`trast, in the peer-to-peer model, used by file systems such
`as Ficus [2], all machines have equal status and so all rep(cid:173)
`licas are first-class.
`A distributed file system that uses the client-server
`model provides several things users want:
`• Security - access to files is under the control of
`their owners.
`• Integrity - files are not lost due to crashes, disk
`failures, etc.
`• Location transparency - the user sees the srune
`nrune space at all locations.
`• Capacity - large disk capacity is available at a
`reasonable price.
`• Accessibility - files can be shared with other
`users in a controlled manner.
`The use of trusted and reliable servers is critical to provid(cid:173)
`ing each of the above attributes. However, exclusive reli(cid:173)
`ance on servers results in limited availability. A solution to
`this problem is to use the servers of a distributed file sys(cid:173)
`tem a~ tbe "permanent home" for files but permit the user
`to temporarily store and access these files elsewhere.
`Coda took an important step in this direction through
`it~ support for disconnected operation. However, the Coda
`solution only works if all the computers operated by a user
`are clients of the same distributed file system. There are
`many situations in which this does not hold. For exrunple,
`while at home, the user may work on a stationary worksta(cid:173)
`tion that has no network cmmectivity. Coda files cannot be
`accessed on this workstation even if it can communicate
`over a short-range link with a portable Coda client carried
`by the user. Another problem is that Coda does not allow
`sharing of files between clients which are connected to
`each other but that are disconnected from all servers.
`Coda maintains first-class replicas only at servers and
`allows second-class replicas only at clients. We propose to
`extend this model and allow second-class replicas even at
`machines which are not clients if they are occasionally
`able to communicate with a client. Coda does not allow
`direct sharing between second-class replication sites. We
`suggest that such sharing be allowed when no first-class
`replicas are accessible. Allowing such sharing introduces a
`coherency problem between the second-class replicas.
`TI1is is an interesting and significant problem which needs
`to be addressed. Figure l graphically depicts the replica(cid:173)
`tion model being proposed. The shaded element represents
`a replica that previously could not exist and the grey
`0-8186-6345-6/95 $04.00 © 1995 IEEE
`LG Electronics, Inc. et al.
`IPR Petition for
`U.S. Patent No. 7,149,511
`arrows depict sharing interactions that previously could
`not occur.
`2. A PDA-based File System Design
`Figure 1 Proposed replication model
`puters when they are accessible. Let us consider a hypo-
`thetical example. A user preparing for a business trip starts
`working on a document using an office desktop system.
`Through a new file sharing mechanism, a copy of the doc-
`ument is concurrently maintained in the cache on a PDA.
`Later, on the cab ride to the airport, the user would employ
`the PDA to edit the document. Once on the airplane how-
`ever, the user might find that the seatback in front has a
`computer that can be used to edit the document. What is
`needed to make all this work is a mechanism for transpar-
`ently sharing files between a PDA and a proximate com-
`While the PDA's small size is a limitation, it also
`brings with it the tremendous advantage that it can be car-
`ried by its owner at all times. This feature is something we
`must exploit in designing a file system for a mobile com-
`puting environment that includes these devices. Since the
`PDA is with its owner at all times, it can act as a carrier of
`currently active or frequently used files.
`One solution to the file system needs of a mobile user
`is a PDA-based file system. In such a file system, special
`status is accorded to the user's PDA because it is always
`available. The permanent home of the files would still be
`on servers, and the PDA would be a link between the dis-
`tributed file system and the file systems of other, indepen-
`dent computers.
`Whenever circumstances permit, the user works at a
`connected client of the distributed file system. At such
`times, the PDA, through a connection with this client or
`through a direct connection with a server, hoards impor-
`tant files (specified by a hoard file) and currently active
`files. This situation is shown in Figure 2a. When the user
`has to disconnect from the distributed file system, he or
`she then depends on the contents of the PDA's cache.
`Most mobile computers currently in use are portable
`workstations. That is, they are lighter and smallei~ than
`desktop workstations but are functionally very similar to
`them. We use the term PDA to refer to machines that sacri-
`fice some of this functionality for improved portability and
`exteinded battery life.
`Existing file system support for mobille computing,
`which has been designed for portable workstations, may
`not work well for PDAs. For example, a typical scenario
`in which Coda works effectively is as folliows: the user
`brings his or her portable workstation into thle office, plugs
`it into the network, works on it for a while, unplugs it
`when it is time to leave and then uses it in disconnected
`mode. Because the user was working on the: portable just
`before disconnection, the active files are automatically
`loaded into the cache.
`Unfortunately, this scenario is unlikely if the portable
`is a PDA. Because of the PDA's tiny user interface, the
`tasks for which it is well suited are limited. Therefore,
`whenever a user has access to a larger computer, he or she
`is likely to use that one instead of the PDA. Thus, a much
`more likely scenario is that while the user is in the office
`he or she will use a desktop system. Then, with standard
`Coda, when he or she leaves the office, thle active: files
`would not be in the PDA's cache; they would be in the
`desktop's cache.
`[n fact, because of its limited user interface, a PDA
`should probably be used in conjuizctiori with larger com-
`(a) Operating connected
`(b) Operating disconnected
`Figure 2 A PDA-based file system
`running applications and communication connections, are
`While disconnected, files can be directly accessed on the
`PDA. However, as shown in Figure 2b, the PDA can also
`act as a pseudo-server to an isolated workstation (one that
`Today, a user with access to multiple computers has a
`is not a client of the distributed file system). This worksta-
`computing persona on each one. He or she has to manually
`tion caches files that the user needs. When a file is modi-
`force these personae to resemble each other by copying
`fied at this workstation, or when a new file is created there,
`files, restarting applications, etc. Ideally, the user should
`a copy is sent to the PDA. When the user next connects to
`be able to move from one location to another and have the
`the distributed file system, the PDA propagates all changes
`persona follow.
`made while disconnected back to the real server(s).
`An active entity called apersoiza manager, resident at
`An argument against entrusting a PDA with the
`one or more locations in the system, could monitor the
`responsibility of carrying files critical to its owner is that a
`persona and facilitate its movement. When the user logs
`PDA is vulnerable to loss, theft or damage. However, we
`out at one location, the persona manager “freezes” the per-
`are relying on the PDA only while the user is disconnected
`sona, which then remains dormant until the user logs in
`from the distributed file system. Therefore, only files that
`again (at a possibly different location). At login, the per-
`have been created or modified since the last disconnection
`sona manager “unfreezes” the persona and re-establishes it
`are vulnerable to loss. This is a reasonable risk in
`at the user’s (new) location.
`exchange for increased availability. Also, copies (possibly
`stale) of lost files may exist on other workstations, provid-
`The relationship between the file system and the per-
`ing some additional protection.
`sona manager is two-way. On the one hand, the user’s view
`of the file system is part of the persona, and so it is the per-
`sona manager’s job to manage and move it when needed.
`On the other hand, the persona manager needs support
`from the file system to perform its functions. For example,
`in order to restart the user’s applications at a new location
`from the same point at which they were left off, the per-
`sona manager would store the state of these applications
`somewhere in the file system.
`In a persona-based file system, when the user moves
`from one location to another, any files created or modified
`at the old location move along with the user to the new
`location. If both locations are part of a connected system,
`3. Computing Personae and File Systems
`A user’s computing persona [l] is, roughly speaking,
`the computing environment that he or she sees. This
`includes a name space, which is generally a name space of
`files, but which could also be extended to include other
`objects such as printers. It also includes the user’s open
`files, available devices, user interface, communication
`connections, active applications and the applications’
`states. Some of these components, such as files and net-
`work connections, are passive, while others, including
`this can be handled automatically by a distributed file sys-
`tem. Otherwise, the persona manager will have to perform
`this transfer and is entrusted with the responsibility for all
`modified and newly created files. However, as soon as the
`user moves to a connected client of a distributed file sys-
`tem, these modifications are written to a server, and the
`persona manager is relieved of its burden,
`It should be noted that a persona-basled file system
`could also be PDA-based. There is no magical way of
`moving a user’s persona from one location to the other.
`There are only two ways for this transfer to occur. If there
`is a connection (wired, wireless or a combination of the
`two) between the old and new location, the transfer can
`use this connection. If not, the only alternative is for the
`user to physically carry the persona on solme device. A
`PDA is the most logical choice for such a dlevice because,
`as we assume, it will always be with the user.
`4. Implementation
`We are currently building a Coda-based implernenta-
`tion to evaluate the feasibility and usefulness of the ideas
`we have presented. We are modifying the Coda client to
`enable it to service requests from a system that is not a
`Coda client, and are developing a vnode-based virtual file
`system to make Coda files available on such non-clients.
`We do not foresee major changes to the Coda client to
`enable it to act as a pseudo-server since it is already built
`to emulate the server during periods of disconne:ction.
`However, the changes required to allow sharing of files
`between Coda clients should prove more tricky since this
`has the potential for introducing incoherency between rep-
`licas. We propose to address the coherency issue by asso-
`ciating a write-token with each file. While replicas can
`exist at multiple hosts. the write-token always moves with
`the computing persona of the file’s owner, thus preventing
`any write-write conflicts.
`5. Conclusion
`We have argued that the increasing mobility of users
`and devices makes it necessary for distributed file systems
`to use a mix of the client-server and peer-to-peer models.
`We have presented a design for a distributed file system
`that exploits the ability of highly portable devices like
`PDAs to be carried by their owners at all times. We have
`also shown how the concept of mobile computing perso-
`nae may be applied to addressing the file system needs of
`mobile users. We are building an implementation to test
`our ideas and have discussed some of the issues raised by
`this exercise.
`6. References
`[l] A. Banerji et al., “Mobile Computing Personae,” Fourth
`IEEE Workshop on Workstation Operating Systems, Oct.
`1993, Napa, CA, pp. 14-20.
`[2] 9. Eleidemann et al., ‘‘Primarily Disconnected Operation:
`Experiences with Ficus,” Second Workshop on Manage-
`ment of Replicated Data, Nov. 1992.
`[3] J. Howard et al., “Scale and Performance in a Distributed
`File System,” ACM Trans. on Computer Systems 6(1),
`Feb. 1988, pp. 51-81.
`[4] J. J. Kistler and M. Satyanarayanan, “Disconnected Opera-
`tion in the Coda File System,” ACM Trans. on Computer
`Systems 10(1), Feb. 1992, pp. 3-25.