`Patent Owner
`Case IPR2016-01514
`Patent 7,543,634
`PURSUANT TO 37 C.F.R. § 42.64(b)(2)
`Weatherford International LLC et al.
`Ex. 1047
`Page 1 of 20


`Case IPR2016-01514
`Patent No. 7,543,634
`Under 37 C.F.R. § 42.64(b)(2), Petitioners Weatherford International LLC, et
`al. (hereinafter “Petitioner”), reply to the evidentiary objections submitted by
`Exclusive Licensee Rapid Completions (hereinafter “Patent Owner”). Petitioner
`also serves supplementary evidence as Exhibits 1032 and 1033, also pursuant to 37
`C.F.R. § 42.64(b)(2).
`Exhibit 1007 – Declaration of Vikram Rao
`Patent Owner objects to Petitioner’s Ex. 1007 because Patent Owner has not
`yet had the opportunity to depose the declarant. Petitioner respectfully directs Patent
`Owner to 37 C.F.R. § 42.53(d) for the procedure by which deposition testimony may
`be taken.
`Exhibit 1008 – Transcript of Daniel Themig
`Patent Owner objects to Ex. 1008 as being inadmissible hearsay under Fed.
`R. Evid. 801 and 802. Ex. 1008 is not hearsay pursuant to Fed. R. Evid. 801(d).
`Specifically, Ex. 1008 contains a transcript of a deposition of Daniel Themig in the
`litigation styled Halliburton Energy Services, Inc. et al. v. Packers Plus Energy
`Services, Inc., et al., No. CV-44,964 in the 238th Judicial District Court of Midland
`County, Texas (“the ‘964 action”) in which Mr. Themig provides testimony as a
`representative for real party in interest Packers Plus Energy Services Inc. See, e.g.,
`Ex. 1032; see also Ex. 1008 at 2 (internal page 444). The testimony contained in
`Weatherford International LLC et al.
`Ex. 1047
`Page 2 of 20


`Case IPR2016-01514
`Patent No. 7,543,634
`Ex. 1008 is being used against Packers Plus Energy Services Inc. in the current
`proceeding. See, e.g., IPR2016-01514, Petition for Inter Partes Review, Paper 1
`(hereinafter “Petition”) at 17-18. Furthermore, the testimony was made by the party
`in an individual or representative capacity; is testimony that the party manifested
`that it adopted or believed to be true; was made by a person authorized to make a
`statement on the subject; and/or was made by the party’s agent or employee on a
`matter within the scope of the relationship while it existed.
`For example, as illustrated on pages 1-3 of Ex. 1032, real party in interest
`Packers Plus Energy Services Inc. was served with a Notice of Deposition in the
`‘964 action. As noted on page 1 of Ex. 1032 and page 2 (internal page 444) of Ex.
`1008, Mr. Themig served as the designated representative for real party in interest
`Packers Plus Energy Services Inc. in the deposition taken in response to the Notice
`of Deposition of Ex. 1032 and as memorialized in the deposition transcript of Ex.
`1008. Furthermore, Mr. Themig was designated by real party in interest Packers
`Plus Energy Services Inc. to address the subject matter for which Petitioner relies on
`Ex. 1008. See, e.g., Ex. 1032 at 5-6; see also, e.g., Ex. 1008 at 2 (internal page 444);
`see also, e.g., Petition at 17-18. Therefore, Ex. 1008 is not hearsay pursuant to Fed.
`R. Evid. 801(d). Ex. 1008 also falls within one or more of the hearsay exceptions of
`Fed. R. Evid. 803 and 807.
`Weatherford International LLC et al.
`Ex. 1047
`Page 3 of 20


`Case IPR2016-01514
`Patent No. 7,543,634
`Additionally, Patent Owner has not specifically identified any of the
`statements in Ex. 1008 that constitute hearsay, as is required under 37 C.F.R. §
`42.64(b)(1). Liberty Mutual Insurance Co. v. Progressive Casualty Insurance Co.,
`CBM2012-00010, Paper 59, at 36 (rejecting hearsay objections in motion to exclude
`where movant failed to specifically identify the textual portions of the exhibits that
`allegedly were offered for the truth of the matter asserted and instead moved to
`exclude the entire exhibits).
`Patent Owner also objects to Ex. 1008 as being inadmissible under Fed. R.
`Evid. 901 as not being properly authenticated. Patent Owner is directed to Petitioner
`Ex. 1027, the Declaration of Carrie Anderson, which provides evidence sufficient to
`support a finding that Ex. 1008 is what Petitioner claims it is. Patent Owner also
`submits herewith Ex. 1033, a Second Declaration of Carrie Anderson, which also
`provides evidence sufficient to support a finding that Ex. 1008 is what Petitioner
`claims it is.
`Finally, Patent Owner objects to Ex. 1008 as being inadmissible under Fed.
`R. Evid. 402 as being irrelevant or as being confusing or a waste of time under Fed.
`R. Evid. 403 because it is allegedly inadmissible under Fed. R. Evid. 801, 802 and
`901. First, as noted above, the submission of Ex. 1008 is admissible under Fed. R.
`Weatherford International LLC et al.
`Ex. 1047
`Page 4 of 20


`Case IPR2016-01514
`Patent No. 7,543,634
`Evid. 801, 803, 807 and/or and 901. Second, Petitioner notes that Ex. 1008 is clearly
`relevant to the issues in the present proceeding. See, e.g., Petition at 17-18.
`Exhibit 1011 – Affidavit of Kevin Trahan
`Patent Owner objects to Ex. 1011 as being inadmissible hearsay under Fed.
`R. Evid. 801 and 802. Ex. 1011 is not hearsay pursuant to Fed. R. Evid. 801(d). For
`example, Kevin Trahan served as an expert in the ‘964 action for real party in interest
`Packers Plus Energy Services Inc., and the affidavit was made pursuant to Mr.
`Trahan’s role as an expert for Packers Plus Energy Services Inc. in the ‘964 action.
`See, e.g., Ex. 1011 at 1. The testimony contained in Ex. 1011 is being used against
`Packers Plus Energy Services Inc. in the present proceeding. See, e.g., Petition at
`19. Furthermore, the testimony contained in Ex. 1011 was made by the party in an
`individual or representative capacity; is testimony that the party manifested that it
`adopted or believed to be true; was made by a person authorized to make a statement
`on the subject; and/or was made by the party’s agent or employee on a matter within
`the scope of the relationship while it existed. Therefore, Ex. 1011 is not hearsay
`pursuant to Fed. R. Evid. 801(d)(2). See, e.g., CBM2015-00130, Final Written
`Decision, paper 33 at 40 (Real party in interest expert report in a prior proceeding
`found to be non-hearsay evidence pursuant to Fed. R. Evid. 801(d)(2)). Ex. 1011
`also falls within one or more of the hearsay exceptions of Fed. R. Evid. 803 and 807.
`Weatherford International LLC et al.
`Ex. 1047
`Page 5 of 20


`Case IPR2016-01514
`Patent No. 7,543,634
`Finally, Patent Owner has not specifically identified any of the statements in Ex.
`1011 that constitute hearsay, as is required under 37 C.F.R. § 42.64(b)(1). Liberty
`Mutual Insurance Co. v. Progressive Casualty Insurance Co., CBM2012-00010,
`Paper 59, at 36 (rejecting hearsay objections in motion to exclude where movant
`failed to specifically identify the textual portions of the exhibits that allegedly were
`offered for the truth of the matter asserted and instead moved to exclude the entire
`Patent Owner objects to Ex. 1011 as being inadmissible under Fed. R. Evid.
`901 as not being properly authenticated. Patent Owner is directed to Petitioner Ex.
`1027, the Declaration of Carrie Anderson, which provides evidence sufficient to
`support a finding that Ex. 1011 is what Petitioner claims it is. Patent Owner also
`submits herewith Ex. 1033, a Second Declaration of Carrie Anderson, which
`provides evidence sufficient to support a finding that Ex. 1011 is what Petitioner
`claims it is.
`Finally, Patent Owner objects to Ex. 1011 as being inadmissible under Fed.
`R. Evid. 402 as being irrelevant or as being confusing or a waste of time under Fed.
`R. Evid. 403 because it is allegedly inadmissible under Fed. R. Evid. 801, 802 and
`901. First, as noted above, Ex. 1011 is admissible pursuant to Fed. R. Evid. 801,
`Weatherford International LLC et al.
`Ex. 1047
`Page 6 of 20


`Case IPR2016-01514
`Patent No. 7,543,634
`802, 803, 807 and/or 901. Second, Petitioner notes that Ex. 1011 is clearly relevant
`to the issues in the present proceeding. See, e.g., Petition at 19.
`Exhibit 1012 – Expert Report of Kevin Trahan
`Patent Owner objects to Ex. 1012 as being inadmissible hearsay under Fed.
`R. Evid. 801 and 802. Ex. 1012 is not hearsay pursuant to Fed. R. Evid. 801(d). For
`example, Mr. Trahan served as an expert in the ‘964 action for real party in interest
`Packers Plus Energy Services Inc., and the report contained in Ex. 1012 was
`provided pursuant to Mr. Trahan’s role as an expert for Packers Plus Energy Services
`Inc. in the ‘964 action. See, e.g., Ex. 1012 at 4. The statements contained in Ex.
`1012 are being used against Packers Plus Energy Services Inc. in the present
`proceeding. See, e.g., Petition at 19, 28. Furthermore, the report contained in Ex.
`1012 was made by the party in an individual or representative capacity; is testimony
`that the party manifested that it adopted or believed to be true; was made by a person
`authorized to make a statement on the subject; and/or was made by the party’s agent
`or employee on a matter within the scope of the relationship while it existed.
`Accordingly, Ex. 1012 is not hearsay pursuant to Fed. R. Evid. 801(d)(2). See, e.g.,
`CBM2015-00130, Final Written Decision, paper 33 at 40 (Real party in interest
`expert report in a prior proceeding found to be non-hearsay evidence pursuant to
`Fed. R. Evid. 801(d)(2)). Ex. 1012 also falls within one or more of the hearsay
`Weatherford International LLC et al.
`Ex. 1047
`Page 7 of 20


`Case IPR2016-01514
`Patent No. 7,543,634
`exceptions of Fed. R. Evid. 803 and 807. Finally, Patent Owner has not specifically
`identified any of the statements in Ex. 1012 that constitute hearsay, as is required
`under 37 C.F.R. § 42.64(b)(1). Liberty Mutual Insurance Co. v. Progressive
`Casualty Insurance Co., CBM2012-00010, Paper 59, at 36 (rejecting hearsay
`objections in motion to exclude where movant failed to specifically identify the
`textual portions of the exhibits that allegedly were offered for the truth of the matter
`asserted and instead moved to exclude the entire exhibits).
`Patent Owner objects to Ex. 1012 as being inadmissible under Fed. R. Evid.
`901 as not being properly authenticated. Patent Owner is directed to Petitioner Ex.
`1027, the Declaration of Carrie Anderson, which provides evidence sufficient to
`support a finding that Ex. 1012 is what Petitioner claims it is. Patent Owner also
`submits herewith Ex. 1033, a Second Declaration of Carrie Anderson, which
`provides evidence sufficient to support a finding that Ex. 1012 is what Petitioner
`claims it is.
`Finally, Patent Owner objects to Ex. 1012 as being inadmissible under Fed.
`R. Evid. 402 as being irrelevant or as being confusing or a waste of time under Fed.
`R. Evid. 403 because it is allegedly inadmissible under Fed. R. Evid. 801, 802 and
`901. First, as noted above, Ex. 1012 is admissible pursuant to Fed. R. Evid. 801,
`Weatherford International LLC et al.
`Ex. 1047
`Page 8 of 20


`Case IPR2016-01514
`Patent No. 7,543,634
`802, 803, 807 and/or 901. Second, Petitioner notes that Ex. 1012 is clearly relevant
`to the issues in the present proceeding. See, e.g., Petition at 19, 28.
`Exhibit 1013 – First Supplemental Report of Kevin Trahan
`Patent Owner objects to Ex. 1013 as being inadmissible hearsay under Fed.
`R. Evid. 801 and 802. Ex. 1013 is not hearsay pursuant to Fed. R. Evid. 801(d). For
`example, Mr. Trahan served as an expert in the ‘964 action for real party in interest
`Packers Plus Energy Services Inc., and the report contained in Ex. 1013 was made
`pursuant to Mr. Trahan’s role as an expert for Packers Plus Energy Services Inc.
`See, e.g., Ex. 1013 at 3. The statements contained in Ex. 1013 are being used against
`Packers Plus Energy Services Inc. in the present proceeding. See, e.g., Petition at
`20. Furthermore, the report contained in Ex. 1013 was made by the party in an
`individual or representative capacity; is testimony that the party manifested that it
`adopted or believed to be true; was made by a person authorized to make a statement
`on the subject; and/or was made by the party’s agent or employee on a matter within
`the scope of the relationship while it existed. Accordingly, Ex. 1013 is not hearsay
`pursuant to Fed. R. Evid. 801(d)(2). See, e.g., CBM2015-00130, Final Written
`Decision, paper 33 at 40 (Real party in interest expert report in a prior proceeding
`found to be non-hearsay evidence pursuant to Fed. R. Evid. 801(d)(2)). Ex. 1013
`also falls within one or more of the hearsay exceptions of Fed. R. Evid. 803 and 807.
`Weatherford International LLC et al.
`Ex. 1047
`Page 9 of 20


`Case IPR2016-01514
`Patent No. 7,543,634
`Finally, Patent Owner has not specifically identified any of the statements in Ex.
`1013 that constitute hearsay, as is required under 37 C.F.R. § 42.64(b)(1). Liberty
`Mutual Insurance Co. v. Progressive Casualty Insurance Co., CBM2012-00010,
`Paper 59, at 36 (rejecting hearsay objections in motion to exclude where movant
`failed to specifically identify the textual portions of the exhibits that allegedly were
`offered for the truth of the matter asserted and instead moved to exclude the entire
`Patent Owner objects to Ex. 1013 as being inadmissible under Fed. R. Evid.
`901 as not being properly authenticated. Patent Owner is directed to Petitioner Ex.
`1027, the Declaration of Carrie Anderson, which provides evidence sufficient to
`support a finding that Ex. 1013 is what Petitioner claims it is. Patent Owner also
`submits herewith Ex. 1033, a Second Declaration of Carrie Anderson, which
`provides evidence sufficient to support a finding that Ex. 1013 is what Petitioner
`claims it is.
`Finally, Patent Owner objects to Ex. 1013 as being inadmissible under Fed.
`R. Evid. 402 as being irrelevant or as being confusing or a waste of time under Fed.
`R. Evid. 403 because it is allegedly inadmissible under Fed. R. Evid. 801, 802 and
`901. First, as noted above, Ex. 1013 is admissible pursuant to Fed. R. Evid. 801,
`Weatherford International LLC et al.
`Ex. 1047
`Page 10 of 20


`Case IPR2016-01514
`Patent No. 7,543,634
`802, 803, 807 and/or 901. Second, Petitioner notes that Ex. 1013 is clearly relevant
`to the issues in the present proceeding. See, e.g., Petition at 20.
`Exhibit 1014 – Supplemental Engineering Report Prepared by Ronald
`Britton, P.E.
`Patent Owner objects to Ex. 1014 as being inadmissible hearsay under Fed.
`R. Evid. 801 and 802. Ex. 1014 is not hearsay pursuant to Fed. R. Evid. 801(d). For
`example, Ronald Britton served as an expert in the ‘964 action for real party in
`interest Packers Plus Energy Services Inc., and the report in Ex. 1014 was made
`pursuant to Mr. Britton’s role as an expert for Packers Plus Energy Services, Inc.
`See, e.g., Ex. 1014 at 1-3. The report contained in Ex. 1014 is being used against
`Packers Plus Energy Services Inc. in the present proceeding. See, e.g., Petition at
`20. Furthermore, the report contained in Ex. 1014 was made by the party in an
`individual or representative capacity; is testimony that the party manifested that it
`adopted or believed to be true; was made by a person authorized to make a statement
`on the subject; and/or was made by the party’s agent or employee on a matter within
`the scope of the relationship while it existed. Accordingly, Ex. 1014 is not hearsay
`pursuant to Fed. R. Evid. 801(d)(2). See, e.g., CBM2015-00130, Final Written
`Decision, paper 33 at 40 (Real party in interest expert report in a prior proceeding
`found to be non-hearsay evidence pursuant to Fed. R. Evid. 801(d)(2)). Ex. 1014
`Weatherford International LLC et al.
`Ex. 1047
`Page 11 of 20


`Case IPR2016-01514
`Patent No. 7,543,634
`also falls within one or more of the hearsay exceptions of Fed. R. Evid. 803 and 807.
`Finally, Patent Owner has not specifically identified any of the statements in Ex.
`1014 that constitute hearsay, as is required under 37 C.F.R. § 42.64(b)(1). Liberty
`Mutual Insurance Co. v. Progressive Casualty Insurance Co., CBM2012-00010,
`Paper 59, at 36 (rejecting hearsay objections in motion to exclude where movant
`failed to specifically identify the textual portions of the exhibits that allegedly were
`offered for the truth of the matter asserted and instead moved to exclude the entire
`Patent Owner objects to Ex. 1014 as being inadmissible under Fed. R. Evid.
`901 as not being properly authenticated. Patent Owner is directed to Petitioner Ex.
`1027, the Declaration of Carrie Anderson, which provides evidence sufficient to
`support a finding that Ex. 1014 is what Petitioner claims it is. Patent Owner also
`submits herewith Ex. 1033, a Second Declaration of Carrie Anderson, which
`provides evidence sufficient to support a finding that Ex. 1014 is what Petitioner
`claims it is.
`Finally, Patent Owner objects to Ex. 1014 as being inadmissible under Fed.
`R. Evid. 402 as being irrelevant or as being confusing or a waste of time under Fed.
`R. Evid. 403 because it is allegedly inadmissible under Fed. R. Evid. 801, 802 and
`901. First, as noted above, Ex. 1014 is admissible pursuant to Fed. R. Evid. 801,
`Weatherford International LLC et al.
`Ex. 1047
`Page 12 of 20


`Case IPR2016-01514
`Patent No. 7,543,634
`802, 803, 807 and/or 901. Second, Petitioner notes that Ex. 1014 is clearly relevant
`to the issues in the present proceeding. See, e.g., Petition at 20.
`In light of the above, Petitioner respectfully asserts that each of the above-
`referenced documents are admissible evidence pursuant to the Federal Rules of
`Evidence, and any objection thereto should be withdrawn.
`If Patent Owner
`maintains its objections for items authored by third parties, Petitioner plans to
`request that the Board allow Petitioner to seek discovery from those third parties.
`These responses and supplemental evidence have been timely served within 10
`business days of the service of Patent Owner’s Objections.
`Dated: March 22, 2017
`Respectfully submitted,
`/Jason Shapiro/
`Jason Shapiro, Counsel for Petitioners
`Weatherford International LLC et al.
`Ex. 1047
`Page 13 of 20


`Case IPR2016-01514
`Patent No. 7,543,634
`I certify that
`March 22, 2017 via electronic mail, as previously consented to by Patent Owner,
`upon the following counsel of record:
`Dated: March 22, 2017
`9801 Washingtonian Blvd., Suite 750
`Gaithersburg, MD 20878
`Respectfully submitted:
`/Mark J. DeBoy/
`Mark J. DeBoy, Reg. No. 66,983
`Telephone: 301.424.3640
`Customer No. 27896
`Weatherford International LLC et al.
`Ex. 1047
`Page 14 of 20


`Weatherford International LLC et al.
`Exhibit 1032
`Weatherford International LLC et al. v. Packers Plus Energy Services, Inc.
`Page 1
`Weatherford International LLC et al.
`Ex. 1047
`Page 15 of 20


`Weatherford International LLC et al.
`Exhibit 1032
`Weatherford International LLC et al. v. Packers Plus Energy Services, Inc.
`Page 2
`Weatherford International LLC et al.
`Ex. 1047
`Page 16 of 20


`Weatherford International LLC et al.
`Exhibit 1032
`Weatherford International LLC et al. v. Packers Plus Energy Services, Inc.
`Page 3
`Weatherford International LLC et al.
`Ex. 1047
`Page 17 of 20


`Weatherford International LLC et al.
`Exhibit 1032
`Weatherford International LLC et al. v. Packers Plus Energy Services, Inc.
`Page 4
`Weatherford International LLC et al.
`Ex. 1047
`Page 18 of 20


`Weatherford International LLC et al.
`Exhibit 1032
`Weatherford International LLC et al. v. Packers Plus Energy Services, Inc.
`Page 5
`Weatherford International LLC et al.
`Ex. 1047
`Page 19 of 20


`Weatherford International LLC et al.
`Exhibit 1032
`Weatherford International LLC et al. v. Packers Plus Energy Services, Inc.
`Page 6
`Weatherford International LLC et al.
`Ex. 1047
`Page 20 of 20

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